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AE-CS-WF-200 Rev.a

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Rev Date Revision Originator Disc, Disc. Interdisc. PPD Final

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A 23.05.18 AFC
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Allseas Engineering BV
Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components



AO 09.02.18 Draft document NVe

401 02.03.18 DC revíew NVe

A02 19.03.18 IDC Review NVe

A03 18.05.18 Update after IDC Review NVe



A 23.0s.18 Approved for construction NVe



L.5, 6.4,6.5, 6.13 Design Depaftment Head Engineering \æ
2, 3.6,6.8, 6.10, App.

4.7, 7.3,7.4
L.7,7.L,7.2, App. A
C Materials


Senior Materials Engineer

Unít Head NDT

Depaftment Head Quality Control

1.6 QSHE Manager QHSE G Jffi
3,4,5,6, App. B Welding Senior Welding Engineer
1) Or an appointed delegate

@ Coovrioht Allseas Enoineerinq

This document is the propety of Allseas and may contain confidential and proprietary ¡nformat¡on. It may not be used for any purpose
other than that for which it is supplied. This document may not be wholly or paftly disclosed, copied, duplicated or in any way made
use of without prior written approval of Allseas.

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Allseas Engineering BV
Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

1.6.1 Subcontractors 8
1.7.1 Quality Plan 8
1.7.2 Equipment & Calibration 8
1.9.1 Normative references 9
2.2.1 Lloyds certification or classification 9
3.5.1 Consumable type and approval 11
3.5.2 Hydrogen content 11
3.5.3 Consumable storage, handling, etc. 11
3.5.4 Mechanical strength 11
3.5.5 Marking 11
3.5.6 Certification 11
3.5.7 Consumable test 11
3.5.8 SAW – flux recycling 12
3.5.9 SMAW 12
3.6.2 After cutting 12
4.4.1 Manufacturer 14
4.4.2 Material 14
4.4.3 Mechanisation 14
4.4.4 Welding consumables 14
4.4.5 Joint types 14
4.4.6 Thickness range 14
4.4.7 Welding position 15

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Allseas Engineering BV
Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

4.4.8 Temper bead 15

4.4.9 PWHT 15
4.8.1 Charpy V-notch impact testing 15
4.8.2 All weld tensile test 16
4.8.3 Transverse tensile testing 16
4.8.4 Macro-examination & hardness testing 16
4.8.5 CTOD testing 17
4.8.6 Re-testing 17
5.1.1 General 17
5.1.2 Fillet welders 17
5.1.3 Tack welders 17
5.1.4 Identification 17
6.6.1 Surface preparations and fusion faces 18
6.6.2 Primers 18
6.6.3 Arc strikes 18
6.6.4 Reinforcements of already present welds 18
6.6.5 Slag and spatter 18
6.6.6 Finishing 18
6.7.1 General 18
6.7.2 Minimum preheat 18
6.7.3 Location of measurement 18
6.8.1 General 19
6.8.2 TMCP rolled materials 19
6.8.3 PWHT facilities 19
6.10.1 General 20
6.10.2 Material in TMCP rolled or Quenched and Tempered condition 20
6.11.1 General 20
6.11.2 Excavation for weld repairs 20
6.11.3 Repair welding philosophy 21
6.11.4 Repair welding in accordance with original welding procedure 21
6.11.5 Repair welding in accordance with alternative procedure 21
6.11.6 Repair welding after PWHT 21
6.11.7 Repairing of cracks 21
7.1.1 Responsibility 22
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Allseas Engineering BV
Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

7.1.2 Quality Control 22

7.1.3 Pre-Inspection Meeting 22
7.1.4 Inspection Accessibility 22
7.1.5 Records 22
7.1.6 Extent of Inspection 22
7.1.7 Production tests 22
7.1.8 NDE personnel 23
7.3.1 Extent of Non-Destructive Examination 23
7.3.2 Repairs 23
7.3.3 Reporting 23
7.4.1 Radiographic Testing (RT) 24
7.4.2 Manual Ultrasonic Testing (MUT) 24
7.4.3 Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) 24

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Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components


This specification covers the minimum requirements for the welding, fabrication, installation and inspection of
primary structural components.
This may include, but is not limited to temporary installation aids, winches, yoke footings, brackets sea
fastening, spreader bars, protection frames on permanent items, for the Allseas group of Companies,
hereinafter referred to as Company.

This specification shall be used by Company, and by Contractor and its Subcontractor(s) who supply services
to Company. Contractor including its employees, agents, and subcontractor(s) of any tier are hereinafter
referred to as Contractor.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all fabrication personnel adhere to the relevant sections
of this specification that are applicable to their scope of work.

Where reference is made to other codes than this specification, the revision shall apply which was current at
the date of contract award.

This specification shall be read in conjunction with the requirements of:

 AWS D1.1

For materials, fabrication and inspection used for the construction, conversion, modification or repair of
ships, other marine structures and associated machinery which are classed, are intended for classification or
require certification by Lloyds Register (LR), the specification below shall prevail over
the AWS D.1.1;
 Lloyd’s Register Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials

If LR rules are applicable, all documents which are required to be approved by a LR surveyor shall be issued
for approval to both Company and LR surveyor.

When based on another design standard, third party and/or certifying authority is considered applicable
these shall apply, where the most stringent requirement shall prevail.

In case of conflicts the following order of precedence shall be applied:

 AE-CS-WF-200
 Lloyd’s Register Rules (if applicable) or other designated design standard
 AWS D1.1

For any conflict of requirement not solved by the above stated order, precedence shall require resolution by
Company in writing. For deviations to this specification reference is made to section 1.3

This specification replaces Allseas’ specification 3511/WL/SP 004 Rev. B.

Agreement / Approval
Unless otherwise indicated, this means agreed in writing between Contractor and Company.

Indicates a mandatory requirement.

Indicates that among several possibilities, one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or
excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required.

Deviations from this specification and pertaining documents are not allowed unless instructed by Company or
an approved Concession Request (CR). It remains the responsibility of the Contractor to raise a CR in writing
to Company.
In case of contradicting requirements or omissions are identified by Contractor, Contractor shall obtain written
clarification from Company via a Technical Query (TQ) before proceeding with the work involved.
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Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

As a general rule, the requirements of relevant laws and governmental regulations and the regulations of the
appointed Authorities (e.g. Lloyds Register), shall be adhered to and cannot be waived by Company.
Note: Should Contractor consider their normal working practice preferable over a requirement as stated in this
specification, Contractor is encouraged to submit a CR about this requirement for Company’s consideration. A
CR shall be based on extensive technical justification for Company’s consideration.

CR’s from Subcontractors shall be endorsed by the main Contractor before issue to Company’s nominated
(site) representative.

ALX Arc Logger X
AWS American Welding Society
Ceq Carbon Equivalent (IIW)
CJP Complete Joint Penetration
CR Concession Request
CTOD Crack Tip Opening Displacement
CVN Charpy V-notch impact testing
DNV Det Norske Veritas
ECA Engineering Critical Assessment
FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding
GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding
HAZ Heat Affected Zone
HFI High Frequency Induction
IACS International Association of Classification Societies
IWE International Welding Engineer (in accordance with EN-ISO 14731)
IWT International Welding Technologist (in accordance with EN-ISO 14731)
IQI Image Quality Indicator
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
LR Lloyds Register
MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection
MRB Manufacturing Record Book
MUT Manual Ultrasonic Testing
N Normalised
NDE Non Destructive Examination
Pcm Carbon Equivalent - Critical metal parameter (Ito and Bessyo)
PIM Pre-Inspection Meeting
PJP Partial Joint Penetration
PO Purchase Order
PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment
PQR Procedure Qualification Record
QC Quality Control
QHSE Quality Assurance, Health, Safety and Environment
QT Quenched & Tempered
SAW Submerged Arc Welding
SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Welding
SMYS Specified Minimum Yield Strength
SMTS Specified Minimum Tensile Strength
RT Radiographic Testing
t thickness
tbd to be determined
TMCP Thermo Mechanically Controlled Process
TQ Technical Query
(p)WPS (preliminary) Welding Procedure Specification
UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength
VT Visual Testing
WPQ Welding Procedure Qualification
WT Wall Thickness
(note; abbreviations may not be used in this document but in any other document or by way of communication)

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Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

Information to be provided by Company

The following information shall be specifically indicated on drawings and/or addressed in the Purchase Order
or Contract by Company:
 Minimum Design Temperature
 Tolerance requirements
 Lloyds classification or certification applicable (LR Rules) or other designated design standard
 Z grade material

Quality Assurance, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE)

The Contractor shall have a certified Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001, relevant to
the scope of work

The Company nominated (site) representative shall have the right to undertake any audit as deemed necessary
to assess the effectiveness of the Contractor's quality system.
The Contractor shall also establish and maintain a Health, Safety Management and Environmental care system,
which meets both the governmental laws and statutory regulations.

1.6.1 Subcontractors
The Contractor must select competent Subcontractors and suppliers. It is the responsibility of the Contractor
to ensure that all subcontractor’s disciplines involved are familiarised with and shall adhere to the requirements
in this specification.

Quality Control
1.7.1 Quality Plan
Prior to commencement of the work the Contractor shall prepare for Company’ approval a Quality Plan,
including Inspection and Test Plan (ITP). Throughout this Quality Plan the Contractor will ensure that the
quality of the product is maintained during the execution of the work. The ITP details a systematic approach
on work activities, personnel responsibilities and all parties’ intervention points.

The Company nominated (site) representative shall have the right to undertake inspection or testing of raw
materials, purchased components, (partially) fabricated items or services, during any stage of manufacture at
which the quality of the finished goods may be affected.

1.7.2 Equipment & Calibration

Contractor shall ensure that all equipment used is suitable for safe working. All equipment, inspection,
monitoring and measuring instruments used during qualification and production shall be provable calibrated.
The equipment shall be labelled, registered and have a valid calibration report or calibration certificate during
the time of manufacturing and inspection. The calibration shall be done to a traceable standard suitable for
that specific type of equipment. Calibrations shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of ISO
17025 or equivalent. Other types of calibrations shall at all times be subject to approval by Company.

The Contractor, shall prepare all documentation that is required to ensure that the requirements of the work
are fully understood and communicated to the personnel performing the actual work.
In addition, the Contractor shall prepare all documentation required to show that the fabrication meets the
specified requirements.

The original documentation will be subject to approval by Company and shall finally be issued to Company in
the form of an as-built manufacturing record book (MRB) package (one hard-copy and one electronic copy).
In addition, Contractor shall safeguard a copy of all documentation, reference is made to purchase order terms
and conditions.

The contents of the Manufacturing Record Book shall as minimum fulfil the requirements as stated in Appendix
A. The chapters of the MRB shall be clearly separated, for example by cover pages. Chapters that are not
applicable for the scope of work shall be marked as such upon submittal of the draft MRB index.

Although it is required that Company approve documents prior to commencement of work, Contractor remains
responsible for the contents of these documents and the implementation thereof during fabrication (including
documents of Subcontractors and suppliers).

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Allseas Engineering BV
Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

The latest revision of the following references applies, unless stated otherwise in below section and/or the
Purchase Order/contract.

1.9.1 Normative references

Code Title Paragraph
ASME V Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code – Non-Destructive Examination 7.4
ASME VIII Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code – Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels 7.4
AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel 1.1
ASTM A370 Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products
BS 7448 Fracture Mechanics Toughness Test 4.8.5
BSI-PD 5500 Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels 6.8
Welding – Recommendations for welding of metallic materials – Part 1: General
EN 1011-1 3.10
guidance for arc welding
Welding – Recommendations for welding of metallic materials – Part 2: Arc welding of /
EN 1011-2
ferritic steels 6.7.1
EN 10025 Hot Rolled products of structural steels App C
EN 10225 Weldable structural steels for fixed offshore structures App C
Welding and allied processes – Determination of hydrogen content in ferritic steel arc
ISO 3690 3.5.2
weld metal
Welding brazing, soldering and braze welding of metals – Nomenclature of processes
ISO 4063 0
and reference numbers for symbolic representation on drawing
ISO 9001 Quality management systems – Requirements 1.6
ISO 9606-1 Qualification test of welders - fusion welding. Part 1: Steels 5.1 / 5.1.3
ISO 9712 Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of personnel 7.1.8
EN 10204 Metallic products – Types of inspection documents 2.4 / 3.5.6
ISO 14175 Welding consumables – Shielding gases for arc welding and cutting 3.5.6
Welding personnel — Qualification testing of welding operators and weld setters for
ISO 14732 5.1
mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials
ISO 17025 Standard application document for accreditation of testing and calibration facilities 1.7.2
ISO 17637 Non-destructive testing of weld – Visual testing of fusion welded joints 7.2
Non-destructive testing. Image quality of radiographs. Image quality indicators (wire
ISO 19232-1 7.4.1
type). Determination of image quality value
Lloyds Rules Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials 1.1


All material shall comply with the requirements as laid down in table C-1 of Appendix C.

Material Grade
Material grades to be used shall be as indicated on the Company’ approved drawings. No changes to indicated
materials and material grades shall be made without the agreement of Company.
Mechanical properties shall satisfy the requirements as outlined in table C-1 of Appendix C.

2.2.1 Lloyds certification or classification

In case the structure or parts of the structure need to be Lloyds certified or holds a Lloyds classification, the
material shall comply with the Lloyd’s Register Rules for Manufacturing and Certification of Material, latest
edition, where the specific grade shall be chosen based on Table C-1 of Appendix C.

Furthermore all materials will need to be manufactured by works that have been approved by Lloyd’s Register
for the type of product and grade of material to be supplied. Sometimes thickness is the driving factor (plates)
and sometimes weight (forgings & castings). The most recent list of approved works can be found via the
Lloyd’s Register’s internet sites.

Material Origin
Unless otherwise approved by Company, from all material with an origin not given below, test pieces shall
be extracted and tensile tested by Contractor. Furthermore one set of Charpy V-Notch impact test (CVN)
samples shall be extracted from the actual delivered, or to be delivered, material.

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Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

One test per testing lot as per the applicable standard or specification shall apply.
Origins not subject to mandatory incoming material testing prior to use are: Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UAE,
United Kingdom, USA.

Regardless of the origin the actual manufacturer shall have a proven quality system complying to ISO 9001
or equivalent.

Unless otherwise indicated on the drawing, the Tender documents or Purchase order all materials used for
construction shall be ordered with an inspection certificate according to EN 10204 Type 3.1 or higher.
The certificate shall as a minimum detail the production method, delivery condition, chemical analyses, tensile
strength, yield strength, percentage of elongation and Charpy V-notch impact test values (including test

A 3.1 type certificate is required for materials used in a welding procedure qualification.

“Z” grade material

Where “Z” grade material is specified on the drawing or purchase order, specific Z-grade mill certified materials
shall be applied. It is not allowed to “upgrade” non Z-grade materials by means of additional testing.


Contractor shall assign a responsible employee for the coordination of welding activities. It is recommended
to arrange the responsibilities and tasks of personnel for welding coordination as per EN-ISO 14731.
Cutting and welding is only allowed in accordance with procedures approved by Company and strictly in
accordance with the approved ITP.

Weld map, weld matrix, heat input and repair philosophy

Contractor shall submit the following documents before commencement of procedure qualification and/or
works fabrication:
 Weld map for all components indicating per drawing: (format to be agreed between all parties)
o Each weld
o Material of each component
o WPS to be used per weld.
Note: In case of repetitive works (for example hand rails) typical weld maps may be issued instead of weld
maps per drawing.

 Weld matrix detailing:

o Extent of procedure welding to be carried out
o Extent of non-destructive examination (NDE)
o Extent of mechanical testing
o Application area of the procedure(s)
o Testing schedule.
 Heat Input calculation philosophy (ref. section 3.10)
 Repair philosophy (ref. section 6.11).

Pre-qualified welding procedure

A documented pre-qualified welding procedure specification (WPS) and its supporting procedure qualification
record (PQR), satisfying all requirements of this specification, (ref. section 4.4) may be submitted for Company’
consideration and approval.

It is not allowed to use of pre-qualified procedures as described in AWS D1.1 Clause 3.

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Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

Welding processes
Unless otherwise approved by Company, acceptable welding processes are stated in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Welding processes

Process no 1)
Welding process Root pass Filler passes Cap passes Fillet welds
111 SMAW Yes Yes Yes Yes
121 SAW Yes Yes Yes Yes
135 GMAW (wave controlled) Yes No No No
136 FCAW Yes Yes Yes Yes
138 GMAW (metal cored) Yes Yes Yes Yes
141 GTAW Yes Yes Yes Yes
Note 1) In accordance with ISO 4063

Welding consumables
3.5.1 Consumable type and approval
All welding consumables shall be subject to Company’ approval. Lloyds approved consumables are mandatory
when Lloyds classification or certification is applicable. The list of approved consumables is published by LR.
Otherwise only AWS and/or EN designated welding consumables are acceptable.

3.5.2 Hydrogen content

Low hydrogen consumables shall be used, and shall give a diffusible hydrogen content of maximum 5ml/100g
weld metal (H5), as determined in accordance with EN ISO 3690. The consumable certificate shall state the
guaranteed maximum value for diffusible hydrogen content (e.g. the classification) in the deposited weld

3.5.3 Consumable storage, handling, etc.

The consumable manufacturer written recommendations related to handling and storage conditions, drying,
maximum duration of exposure to the shop floor environment, heat treatment, etc. shall be adhered to.

3.5.4 Mechanical strength

Welding consumables shall be selected to produce a weld with minimum yield strength and ultimate tensile
strength at least meeting the properties as defined for the lowest strength base material of the joint.

3.5.5 Marking
Each type of welding consumable shall be uniquely and easily identifiable prior to and during use.
Unidentifiable consumables shall not be used.

3.5.6 Certification
Welding consumables shall have as minimum a type 3.1 inspection certificate in accordance with EN 10204.
Shielding gas shall have certification in accordance with ISO 14175.

3.5.7 Consumable test

In case a consumable test is required as per section 4.4.4, the consumable shall be welded in accordance to
a qualified WPS and supporting PQR approved by Company. The test scope shall include the following
mechanical tests:

a) WT < 50mm
 1 All weld metal tensile test, only in case of non-LR approved welding consumables
 1 Macro Section, including HV10 Hardness test for weld metal only
 1 set of Charpy V-notch test weld metal.

b) WT ≥ 50mm
 1 All weld metal tensile test, only in case of non-LR approved welding consumables
 1 Macro Section, including HV10 Hardness test for weld metal only
 1 set of Charpy V-notch test weld metal
 1 set of Charpy V-notch test weld metal root.

Note: A consumable test shall be performed per consumable for a representative PQR, at the lowest required
CVN test temperature for all relevant PQRs, not for each individual PQR.
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Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

3.5.8 SAW – flux recycling

For Submerged Arc Welding (SAW), flux recycling is only allowed after formal approval by Company based on
a suitable control procedure. This procedure shall focus on hydrogen pick up prevention.

3.5.9 SMAW
For Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), vacuum packed electrodes are highly recommended.
All vacuum packed consumable packages shall be clearly marked with the date and time of opening.
The package shall be discarded after the maximum opening duration, as specified by the consumable

The use of re-baked electrodes for production purposes will require formal approval by Company, for which
an adequate control procedure will need to be issued for review and approval.

Thermal cutting
Prior to cutting, all materials, including free issued materials, shall be inspected for damages, correct
dimensions, flatness, markings, stamps and certification status.
The precautions, protection and location requirements as indicated in section 6.3 shall be taken into account.
The requirements as specified in section 6.4 shall be taken into account. Preheating thermal cutting

Preheating for cutting shall be done for materials with a Ceq ≥ 0.45 and/or wall thickness >50mm in
accordance with the manufacturer recommendations, measured at 75mm from the cutting location.
In the absence of manufacturers recommendations, the same preheat temperature as qualified for the
welding procedures shall be used.
If there is no welding procedure qualified, EN 1011-2 can be used to determine the preheat temperature.
For calculation purposes, a hydrogen content of 5.0 ml/100g and heat input 2.0 kJ/mm can be used. Note
that these values do not represent the actual values during flame cutting but are merely used to adjust the
outcome of the calculated preheat temperature to a realistic level.

3.6.2 After cutting

Slag, dross and burrs shall be removed.
Thermally cut surfaces subjected to welding shall be ground to bright metal. Notches and craters are not

Tack welding
A separate qualified tack welding procedure is required. Alternatively, a qualified welding procedure may be
used as a basis for the tack weld procedure. It is recommended to increase the preheat by 50°C of the qualified
welding procedure. This alternative approach is only allowed after formal approval by Company.

If the production work requires welding over tack welds, a welding test shall be performed to qualify this
scenario. As part of this qualification, the tack welds shall be incorporated in the inspection length of the test
weld and their position recorded. A macro shall be taken from this position, and subjected to HV10 hardness

Interruption of welding
Welding should be performed as a continuous process and shall not be interrupted before the joint has
sufficient strength to avoid plastic yielding and cracking during handling. If welding is interrupted due to
production restraints, at least 3 passes, or half the thickness (whichever is less), shall be completed before
welding is interrupted. Before recommencing welding, the joint shall be reheated to at least the minimum
preheat temperature.

If welding on materials with Ceq ≥ 0.45 is interrupted, and minimum preheat temperature is not maintained
during the interruption, the weld shall be wrapped in dry insulating material and cool down in a slow uniform

Double sided welding

Where possible, double sided welding is preferred.
Back welding shall be applied with at least two passes, unless qualified and approved otherwise.

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Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

Heat Input
For all welding processes, the final heat input should be within the range of 0.8 – 4.0 kJ/mm. If contractor
intents to qualify a final heat input range outside this range, this shall be subjected to separate approval by

The heat input shall be calculated with the following formula, i.e. in accordance with EN-1011-1:

𝑘(𝑈 ∗ 𝐼 ∗ 60)
𝐻𝐼 =
(𝑇𝑠 𝑥 1000)
HI = Heat Input [kJ/mm]
U = Voltage [V]
I = Amperage [A]
Ts = Travel speed [mm/minute]
k = thermal efficiency factor = 1 allowed for all welding processes.

In case k Factor is used, the thermal efficiency factor for the welding process are as followed:

 SAW k = 1.0
 SMAW k = 0.8
 FCAW k = 0.8
 GMAW (metal cored) k = 0.8
 GTAW k = 0.6

It shall clearly be indicated on the WPS if the k-factor is included.

When possible, parameters shall be measured close to the actual welding arc. The actual location of measuring
shall be recorded during the PQR welding trials. During production, the parameter verification tests shall be
performed at the same location used during PQR welding.

Contractor shall clarify heat input calculation for both procedure qualification and fabrication as part of the
issued weld matrix (ref. section 3.2) and issue to Company for approval.

Arc strikes
All arc strikes shall be removed by grinding and inspected by MPI to confirm complete removal of the arc
strike. If the material removal exceeds 0.5mm in depth, subjected area shall be checked by MUT for verification
on the minimum wall thickness. MUT shall be performed in accordance with a by Company approved


In case of a new welding procedure qualification (WPQ), the preliminary Welding Procedure Specification
(pWPS) shall be issued for review and shall be qualified according to the non-destructive and destructive
testing requirements of this specification.
With reference to section 3.2 of this specification, Contractor shall submit a matrix detailing the extent of
procedure welding to be carried out, the extent of mechanical testing and NDE, application area of the
procedure(s) and testing schedule.

Specific procedures for repair welding (ref. section 6.11), buttering (ref. section 6.12) and tack welding (ref.
section 3.7) shall be included in this matrix and shall be representative for the actual production weld.

All welding procedures shall be qualified in accordance with this specification, AWS and/or LR Rules.

Logging of parameters
During procedure qualification welding, all parameters shall be checked and continuously recorded utilizing
“ALX” or similar arc monitoring and logging equipment, calibration of measurement equipment as per 1.7.2.
The welding records shall be subject to approval as part of welding procedure approval.

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Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

Range of approval
In addition to the requirements of the AWS and/or LR Rules, the following changes to the conditions qualified
shall lead to a new welding procedure qualification:

4.4.1 Manufacturer
A qualified WPS as per this specification obtained by a manufacturer is valid for welding in workshops or sites
under the same operational, technical and quality control management of that manufacturer.

4.4.2 Material
 A change from QT to TMCP and vice versa
 A change from N or as-rolled to QT or TMCP
 In case of C ≤ 0.12% : an increase in Pcm (Ito and Bessyo) of more than +0.02
 In case of C > 0.12% : an increase in Ceq (IIW) of more than +0.03
 The inclusion of a weld primer.
Note: Both maximum Pcm and maximum Ceq shall be stated on the WPS. The validity of the WPS for a
production weld shall be judged based on either Pcm or Ceq, depending the C% of the to be welded materials

4.4.3 Mechanisation
A lower grade of mechanisation qualifies for a higher grade of mechanisation, but not vice versa. The grade
of mechanisation is defined as per AWS D.1.1 2010, with manual welding being the lowest grade, followed
by mechanized, semi-automatic and automatic, which is the highest grade of mechanisation.

4.4.4 Welding consumables

A change in consumable classification shall require a consumable test, in accordance with section 3.5.7.

4.4.5 Joint types

 Qualification of any Complete Joint Penetration (CJP) weld only qualifies for the specific groove detail
conform the requirement of AWS D1.1 Clause 3.12, 3.13, 9.9, 9.10 and 9.11. Qualifications are restricted
to the tolerances specified for that specific joint detail, with the exception of Table 4-1.
 A CJP weld does not qualify for a fillet weld
 CJP weld qualifies for Partial Joint Penetration (PJP) weld, but not vice versa.

The range of approval depending on the type of joint for CJP welds is given in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Range of approval for different types of CJP joints

Type of PQR weld Range of approval
CJP weld One side With backing A A, C, D
Without backing B A, B, C, D
Two sided With gouging C C
Without gouging D C, D

4.4.6 Thickness range

The approved material thickness range for multi-run CJP welding procedure shall be in accordance with Table
4-2. The requirements of section 4.4.9, 4.8.1 and 6.8 shall be taken into consideration when determining the
qualified thickness range.

Table 4-2 Welding procedure thickness approval range – CJP Welds

Thickness of test piece Range of qualification
t (mm) Multi-run 1,2)
t≤3 t to 2t
3 < t ≤ 12 0.5t (3 min.) to 2t 3)
12 < t ≤ 100 0.5t to 2t 4, 5)
t > 100 50 to 1.5t
1) For vertical down welding, the thickness (t), is the upper limit of the range of application
2) For multi-process qualification, the recorded thickness contribution for each process shall be used as a basis for the range of
qualification for the individual welding process.
3) When impact toughness requirements apply, upper limit of qualification is 12mm unless CVN testing has been performed
4) Upper limit of qualification is 50mm unless CVN root testing has been performed
5) Upper limit of qualification is 150mm
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4.4.7 Welding position

A 3G vertical up test does not qualify for all positions nor for vertical down.

4.4.8 Temper bead

If a temper bead technique is applied during welding procedure qualification, Contractor shall ensure that
temper bead technique is applied at all times during production.

4.4.9 PWHT
Omission or addition of PWHT

Branch welds
CJP groove welds in a T-, K- or Y connection with dihedral angle of less than 30° shall be in accordance with
AWS D1.1 section and figure 9.24 in combination with an approved WPS in the weld positions 2G
and 5G or 6GR. In addition to this, welding of a mock-up piece shall be performed to demonstrate / establish
actual expected production parameters.

Fillet welds
A separate qualification is required for fillet welds.

Each fillet welding procedure qualification test shall include:

 3 macro sections
 1 HV10 hardness survey (ref. section 4.8.4)
 2 Fracture tests (both tests to positive root penetration).

Non-destructive examination of WPQ test samples

The WPQ test samples shall be subject to 100% non-destructive testing prior to destructive testing. Test
samples made in steels with SMYS up to 400MPa and with a carbon equivalent CE iiW ≤ 0.41, NDE can be
performed as soon as test assembly has cooled down to ambient. For other steels the minimum holding time
is 48hr.
For CJP welds, this testing shall include Visual Inspection and Magnetic Particle Inspection complemented by
Radiography and/or Ultrasonic Inspection.
Fillet welds and PJP welds shall be subject to Visual Inspection and Magnetic Particle Inspection.
PJP welds with a penetration depth > 12mm shall be subject to Visual Inspection, Magnetic Particle Inspection
and Ultrasonic Inspection.

Destructive testing
Destructive testing shall only be performed by a Company approved test laboratory.

Destructive testing shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1 latest edition and/or LR. In addition, the following
testing shall as a minimum be part of the test scope to meet Company’s requirements.

4.8.1 Charpy V-notch impact testing Requirements
Charpy V-Notch impact (CVN) testing is required for thickness of 6mm and above in accordance with Table
4-3. The CVN test temperatures and values for weldments shall meet the requirements as stipulated in table
C-1 of Appendix C of this specification. Where not defined, the requirements as per applicable material
specification or standards shall apply.

As the Charpy V-notch test locations requirements of AWS D1.1 and LR Rules are not fully aligned, Table 4-3
provides an overview of the test locations that are a minimum required for Company.

Table 4-3 Charpy V-notch test locations

Test location WT < 50mm WT ≥ 50mm
Centre of weld 1 set of 3 1 set of 3
Fusion Line +1mm1) 1 set of 3 1 set of 3
Fusion Line +5mm 1 set of 3 1 set of 3
Centre of Weld Root - 1 set of 3
Fusion Line Root - 1 set of 3
Note 1) LR = Fusion line +2mm

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AE-CS-WF-200 REV. A Subsidiary specimens

The Charpy V-notch impact test values shall be based on 10 x 10 mm specimen. If a standard full-size
specimen cannot be prepared, the largest feasible standard sub size specimen shall be prepared. Reduction
of the allowable energy value shall be derived from AWS D1.1 referring to ASTM A370 Table 9. Test position

For PQR welds performed in 5Gu position, the test samples shall be taken from 3 o’clock position. For PQR
welds performed in 5Gd position the test samples shall be taken from 6 o’clock position.
For other welding positions, test samples for Charpy V-notch impact testing shall be taken according applicable
code. Impact testing of bevels with a square side

If weld configuration includes a straight side (e.g. ½ V groove or K prep), impact testing shall as a minimum
be done on the straight side of the configuration. Multiple base materials

In a weld connection with dissimilar supply condition (i.e. material grade or supply condition ref. 4.4.2), both
sides of the weld shall be tested. Multiple consumables

Where more than one welding process or type of consumable has been used to make a weld, test specimens
are also to be removed from these respective parts of the weld and a testing proposal shall be issued for
approval to Company.
This does not apply to the welding process or consumables used solely to make the root or first weld pass.

4.8.2 All weld tensile test

If LR is applicable each WPQ shall include an All Weld Tensile test as per LR Rules for the Manufacture,
Testing and Certification of Materials 2014, chapter 12, section 2.7.3.

4.8.3 Transverse tensile testing

The transverse weld tensile testing specimen shall be sampled in accordance with AWS D1.1 and result in a
fracture located in the lowest strength base material.
If the fracture is located in the HAZ or weld metal the Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) shall at least be
above Specified Minimum Tensile Strength (SMTS).

In case materials with a different SMTS are joined, the requirements for the material with the lowest SMTS
shall apply.

4.8.4 Macro-examination & hardness testing

3 macro examination specimens shall be removed from the weld test sample.

For circumferential welds the test positions shall be at 12, 3 & 6 o’clock position, of which one shall include
the intersection between the longitudinal and the girth weld (with the exception of HFI and seamless pipe).
Each of these 3 macro specimens shall be subjected to HV10 hardness testing.

For CJP and fillet plate welds, one of the 3 macro specimens shall be subjected to HV10 hardness surveys,
taken at a (artificial) start/stop location of the weld test assembly. In addition, the macro specimen for fillet
welds shall be free from lack of penetration and the total area of any cavities or inclusions shall not exceed
5% of the fillet weld cross-sectional area.

Specimens shall be free from cracks and lack of fusion. Any other defects shall be within the limits specified
in section 7.2.

The maximum allowed hardness value is 350 HV10.

In the heat affected zone, the distance between two adjacent indentations shall be approximately 0.5mm. For
all other locations, the recommended distance between two adjacent indentations is maximum 1.0mm. Care
shall be taken that the distance between two adjacent indentations shall be at least three times the mean
diagonal of the actual largest indentation. Reference is made to Appendix B for guidance on testing locations.

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4.8.5 CTOD testing

CTOD testing will only be required for the following reason:
 (Sub-)Contractor intends to perform an ECA to request approval to omit PWHT (ref. section 6.8)

If required, CTOD testing is to be performed in accordance with BS7448 at minimum design temperature.
Scope and test locations are to be based on the input needed for the ‘no-PWHT’ ECA or as instructed by

4.8.6 Re-testing
Re-testing is allowed in accordance with the requirements in AWS D1.1 and or LR.
Re-testing is only allowed once per type of test and once per welding procedure.


Welder and Welding operator Qualification

5.1.1 General
Unless otherwise approved or specified by Company, all (tack) welders and welding operators, shall be
qualified to either AWS D1.1 or ISO 9606-1 (welders) / ISO 14732 (welding operators).
All welders and welding operators shall be approved by Company and a relevant Authority (IACS approved,
e.g. LR or DNV).

Track records shall be available to prove that (tack) welders and welding operators are skilled, experienced
and qualified for using the applicable welding process.

Renewal of certification shall be verified and approved by a relevant Authority (IACS approved).

The direction of welding for vertical welding (uphill or downhill) is an essential variable for validity of the

5.1.2 Fillet welders

Fillet welders shall be qualified separate, i.e. a CJP welder qualification does not cover for a fillet welder
qualification. Two Fracture tests shall be required to support the confirmation that the welder has used the
welding process with acceptable performance in the preceding 6 months.

5.1.3 Tack welders

If a tack welder does not hold a qualification in accordance with AWS D1.1 or ISO 9606-1 (CJP or fillet), a
separate tack welding qualification shall be performed on representative material in accordance with the tack
welding procedure (ref section 3.7). For the qualification test, a tack weld shall be made over a minimum
length of 50mm. From this qualification weld one macro shall be taken on which hardness testing (HV10) shall
be performed as per appendix B.

5.1.4 Identification
Qualified welders shall be easily physical identifiable during fabrication for the range of their qualifications.


The following documents (if relevant) shall be approved by Company prior to the start of the fabrication:
 Weld plan / matrix (ref. sections 3.2 and 4.1)
 Welding procedures
 Welder and welder operator qualifications (ref. section 5)
 Post-weld treatment procedures (e.g. Soaking, PWHT)
 NDE procedures and operators qualifications
 Repair welding philosophy (ref. section 6.11.3)
 Dimensional Control Procedures
 Inspection and Test Plans
 Fabrication Plans
 Project specific instructions and procedures
 Manufacturing Record Book index (see Appendix A)

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Welding Procedure Specification

A WPS in final condition (e.g. inclusive PWHT) shall be established for any weld detail. The WPS shall be
supported by a PQR including the weld record, applicable (NDT & DT) test results, material and consumable
certificates. Both the WPS and PQR shall be submitted to Company and LR surveyor (if applicable) for approval
prior to any production welding.

Fabrication location
Fabrication shall take place in a suitable assembly location. Cooling down after flame cutting, gouging or
welding shall take place in a controlled manner to avoid unwanted material changes or distortions.

Rolling direction
Where indicated on drawings, the item shall be cut in the rolling direction of the material. For pad eyes, the
rolling direction shall always be in the predominant direction of the applied tensile forces.

Profiling of tubular sections

Profiling of tubular sections shall be in accordance with Figure 9.16 of AWS D1.1 (“Offshore cut”).

Surface preparation/cleaning/finishing
6.6.1 Surface preparations and fusion faces
Prior to any welding, fusion faces shall be ground to bright metal. Fusion faces and surrounding areas over a
minimum distance of 50mm shall be clean, free from slag, scale, moisture, oil, paint or any other detrimental

6.6.2 Primers
Where primers are applied over areas that will subsequently be welded, they are to be of a quality with no
significant deleterious effect on the finished weld.

6.6.3 Arc strikes

Arc strikes are not permitted and shall be removed by grinding in accordance with section 3.11.

6.6.4 Reinforcements of already present welds

In order to be able to perform sound welding and NDE, any reinforcement (root/cap) of welds that will be
crossed will have to be ground flush over such an area that welding and NDE can be performed properly and
without interruptions. The same applies for existing longitudinal welds seams of items to be joined.

6.6.5 Slag and spatter

All slag and spatter shall be removed to facilitate NDE and coating activities.

6.6.6 Finishing
Unless otherwise indicated on the drawing all sharp edges shall be broken. Burrs are not allowed.

Preheat and interpass

6.7.1 General
The specified minimum preheat and maximum interpass temperature, as recorded during qualification welding
and reflected on the applicable WPS, shall be adhered to during all stages of welding.

Additionally, for steels with a Ceq ≥ 0.45:

 A compatible minimum preheat shall be calculated for production welding and stated on the WPS, to
determine the correct preheat temperature Contractor shall use the PQR in combination with
EN 1011-2.
 Local preheating shall be avoided, i.e. preheating and interpass control shall be performed by electric
heating elements, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Company.

6.7.2 Minimum preheat

The minimum preheat temperature (= minimum interpass) shall be at least equal to minimum recorded
preheat temperature.
6.7.3 Location of measurement
Preheat temperature shall be measured at both sides of the plate at least 75 mm from the edge of the groove.
Where practically feasible, the preheat temperature shall be measured on the face opposite to that being

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heated. If not feasible, the preheat temperature shall be confirmed on the heated face after an equalization
period after removal of the heat source. The time allowed for the temperature equalization shall be 2 minutes
per 25mm parent metal thickness of thickest member.

Interpass temperatures shall be measured on the same location as during welding procedure qualifications;
this shall be either on the deposited weld metal or the immediately adjacent parent metal near the bevels and
captured as such in the inspection protocols.

Stress relieving by Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)

6.8.1 General
Unless otherwise agreed by Company in writing, the following conditions require stress relieving by PWHT:

a) When it is indicated on the drawings

b) Where the weld thickness exceeds 65 mm except for steel castings where the ruling thickness is
30 mm and above.

The Contractor shall prepare a PWHT procedure in using BSI-PD 5500 section 4.4.5 as a guideline for detailing:
 Temperature of furnace
 Heating and cooling rates/temperature gradients
 Holding times
 Holding temperature
 Heating methods and facilities
 Minimum amount of thermocouples
 Location of thermocouples
 Insulation
 Control devices and recording equipment.

Each condition of supply of material requires a customised heat treatment. This procedure shall be submitted
to Company for approval.
For QT steel, the PWHT temperature shall not exceed the lowest actual tempering temperature of the products
minus 25°C.

All welds, including repair welds requiring PWHT shall be completed prior to that heat treatment being
performed, unless otherwise noted on the drawing.

In case unacceptable indications are found by final NDE, repair welding procedures shall take the heat treated
material condition into account, i.e. need to be specifically qualified for the PWHT condition (ref. section

6.8.2 TMCP rolled materials

In case PWHT on TMCP material is required careful consideration shall be given to the PWHT requirements.
PWHT shall be in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations. If these recommendations are not
available, Contractor shall demonstrate that the material properties are still acceptable to this specification
after applying the proposed PWHT. A PWHT procedure, mechanical test scope and test results shall be
submitted to Company for approval.

6.8.3 PWHT facilities

All equipment used shall be accompanied with evidence of valid calibration. Calibration certificates other proof
of calibration shall be provided with the heat-treatment records.
Heat treatment shall be carried out in a suitable constructed furnace that has adequate means of temperature
control. Apart from the temperature sensors fitted to control the oven, sufficient thermocouples shall be
connected to the product. Temperatures shall be recorded throughout the heat treatment by a data recorder
or chart recorder.

In the situation that it is not feasible to carry out the PWHT in a closed furnace, separate approval for an
alternative setup shall be obtained from Company.

Welding of tacks and temporary attachments

Welding of tacks and temporary attachments for fabrication purposes shall be kept to a minimum and where

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used, it has to be performed by qualified welders (ref. section 5.1.3) and in accordance with Company’
approved qualified procedures (ref. section 3.7). For preheat and cooling conditions special attention is

The minimum length for tack welds shall be 50mm.

Where possible, “Bullets” shall be used of mild steel (e.g. S355J2) or material equivalent to the base material.

Tack and temporary welds require to be removed with special care to ensure that the base material is not
unnecessarily damaged during and after removal. Removal by force (e.g. hammering) is not allowed.

Surface breaking defects such as scars are to be prevented, and if they occur they shall be removed in a
controlled manner. Subject area shall be ground smooth, whilst the original wall thickness of the subject
material shall be respected. After removal, the subject areas shall be MPI examined for surface defects. If the
material removal exceeds 0.5mm in depth, subjected area shall be checked by MUT for verification on the
minimum wall thickness. MUT shall be performed in accordance with a by Company approved procedure.

Tack welds shall not be incorporated into final CJP welds, unless specifically qualified (ref. section 3.7).

6.10.1 General
Straightening is only allowed after approval of a detailed procedure and drawing by Company.
Only line straightening will be considered for approval by Company.
Contractor shall recognize the condition of supply of the to be straightened base material(s) and reflect this
in the specific procedures issued for approval.
After straightening, the mechanical properties shall meet the same requirements specified for the original
condition of the material.

6.10.2 Material in TMCP rolled or Quenched and Tempered condition

Additionally for straightening of material in TMCP rolled or Quenched and Tempered condition specific
qualification tests are required. Contractor is obliged to acquire approval on the methodology for qualification
of straightening of these materials by Company.

Repair welding
6.11.1 General
The number of repairs at the same location on a specific weld shall be limited to two unless otherwise approved
by Company.

Repair welding shall always be carried with a minimum of two passes, using a Company approved repair

If gouging is required, preheating shall be applied to the preheat temperature as required for the original
welding procedure, unless agreed otherwise.

In all cases at least 25mm of sound metal beyond each defect, as determined by visual inspection and/or
NDE, shall be removed.

All repairs shall be subject to 100% visual inspection and NDE as per section 7.3 upon completion.

6.11.2 Excavation for weld repairs

The excavation method can be based on (air) arc gouging and/or grinding. In case of a full penetration repair
the remaining last 3mm of the root excavation shall be performed by grinding only.

The minimum excavation distance between separate weld repairs shall be 100mm. In the situation that the
distance between various excavations is less than 100mm, the excavation shall be made continuously.

After excavation of defect areas (ref. section 6.11.7 in case of cracks), visual inspection and MPI shall be
applied for confirmation of removal of the defect(s). Prior to any repair welding, the condition of the weld
preparation / excavation shall be absolutely free of any rust or debris grinded to bright metal finish.

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6.11.3 Repair welding philosophy

Contractor shall issue a repair philosophy prior to start of fabrication. In this philosophy document it shall be
clarified whether rejected welds will be repaired or cut out and re-welded. In case of repair welding, it shall
be indicated if repair procedures are qualified upfront (ref. sections 6.11.4 - 6.11.7) or if procedures are
qualified upon discovery of defects. If qualified upon discovery, it shall be demonstrated to Company’
satisfaction that this approach will not have an adverse effect on the agreed delivery schedule.

6.11.4 Repair welding in accordance with original welding procedure

It is allowed to perform repair welding in accordance with the original welding procedure. This does however
require a specific repair WPS, based on the original welding procedure and needs to be approved by Company.

6.11.5 Repair welding in accordance with alternative procedure

In case repair welding cannot be performed in accordance with the original WPS, i.e. with a different welding
process or in a different welding position. A separate repair welding qualification shall be performed, for which
one of the two following strategies can be proposed:

 Full qualification of repair welding procedure, in accordance with section 4, for which the repair welding
qualification is performed on a joint welded as per the original procedure

 Repair welding in accordance with a previously approved procedure complimented with the following test
scope on a repair weld performed on a joint welded as per the original procedure:
o 1x Macro with HV10 hardness testing
o 1x CVN Fusion Line +2mm repair weld to original weld metal
o 1x CVN Fusion Line +2mm root repair weld to original weld metal (for qualification of repair thickness
> 50 mm).

6.11.6 Repair welding after PWHT

Repair welding after PWHT shall require a fully qualified procedure in accordance with section 4, taken the
PWHT condition of the base material and original weld material into account, see also section 6.8.

6.11.7 Repairing of cracks

For defects identified as cracks, the cause of cracking shall be determined and presented to Company for
evaluation. Work on equivalent weldments shall be put on hold until an acceptable root cause analysis is
provided. Prior to commence work a CR on counter measures has to be approved by Company.

Remedial action shall be proposed to Company and will be subject to approval. Depending on the magnitude
of the defects a detailed repair plan shall be provided to Company.

Removal of linear indications is only to be done by gouging and/or burring tool (rotary file) and not by grinding
as this might cause propagation of the defect.

Repair of cracks shall not be carried out prior to formal approval from Company.

In case buttering is performed in accordance with a qualified and approved procedure, no separate
qualification is required.

In case a separate procedure is to be used, the buttering procedure shall be fully qualified in combination with
a CJP welding procedure (i.e. simulate the actual intended production weldment) in accordance with section

In this case, additional Charpy V-notch testing shall be required in the buttering layer and at the heat affected
zones related to the buttering layer. Company’s instruction shall be acquired via a TQ in order to establish the
applicable CVN testing locations to cover this situation.

Dimensional control
In order to ensure tolerances will be met during and after construction, proper intermediate and final
dimensional control shall be performed on a regularly basis (frequency to the satisfaction of Company) by

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using suitable and calibrated equipment and measuring method. In case dimensional tolerances are not clear
to Contractor resolution in writing via a TQ shall be obtained.

Personnel responsible for dimensional inspection shall have a minimum of 12 months of documented
experience in the relevant industry sector with regards to dimensional inspection and shall be fully conversant
with the equipment used. The manufacturer shall ensure sufficient training and instruction of the personnel,
in order to provide a stable and repeatable inspection practice.


7.1.1 Responsibility
Contractor shall carry out all inspection, testing, recording and documenting as required by this specification
and the applicable codes and standards. Items with deviations and/or defects shall be reworked, repaired or
replaced. The rework, repair or replacement and re-inspection shall be at no cost to Company.

7.1.2 Quality Control

Contractor shall implement a system for quality control utilising competent, qualified (ref. section 7.1.8 for
minimum qualifications) and experienced personnel with defined responsibilities covering all aspects of quality
control. Quality Control personnel shall have sufficient dedicated time to the Project. Proposed Quality Control
personnel shall be subject to approval by Company. A written quality control procedure (Quality Plan), detailing
verifying documents and responsible personnel, shall be submitted to Company for approval prior to start of
the fabrication. Besides the quality control procedure, an ITP shall be issued as a separate document and
cannot be used to support deviations of this specification. Quality Control personnel shall be fully conversant
with the contents of this specification and the specific relevant technical requirements of the Contract or
Purchase Order. Measuring equipment used for inspections shall be calibrated in accordance with the
applicable NDE standard and have a valid calibration date and certificate during the time of inspection.

7.1.3 Pre-Inspection Meeting

For major and/or critical components, a Pre-Inspection Meeting (PIM) will be arranged and conducted by a
nominated Company (site) representative. The Contractor’s ITP will be the basic document used during the
PIM. The ITP shall be reviewed and approved prior to the PIM and the start of fabrication.

7.1.4 Inspection Accessibility

The Company’ nominated (site) representative(s) shall have the right to undertake inspection or testing of the
goods or services, during any stage of manufacture at which the quality of the finished goods may be affected
and to undertake inspection or testing of raw materials or purchased components.
Company shall have free access to all fabrication areas including subcontractor and supplier premises at all
times during the fabrication and testing.

7.1.5 Records
The required quality inspection records shall be promptly generated after each inspection. Manufacturing
records shall be compiled on a continuous basis, issued for approval and signed by the Company’ and
Contractor’s inspector(s). Tables and other cross-references shall be made such that information can be easily
retrieved. All reporting shall be in the English language.
Reference is made to Section 1.8 and Appendix A. Traceability
Where plates, pipes, fittings or other components with unique identification numbers are used in
construction, these unique numbers shall be used in documentation when referring to these components.

7.1.6 Extent of Inspection

Material integrity, cutting, welding, machining, coating and such other processes applicable to the
manufacturing of the goods shall be subject to inspections captioned in the approved ITP and in accordance
with this specification.

7.1.7 Production tests

Company reserves the right to request production tests by selecting parts from the fabricated sections and
subject those parts to mechanical testing or other investigation for verification purposes in case of serious
quality and/or specification compliance concerns. The Contractor shall provide full co-operation as and when
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required by Company. Cost related to verification and reinstatement shall be borne by Company but only when
results are in accordance with agreed specifications.

7.1.8 NDE personnel

Personnel for full weld inspection shall be certified in accordance with CSWIP 3.1 (minimum level 2) or CWI
according to AWS QC1 or equivalent certification as per Company requirement.

Personnel performing NDE and/or Visual Testing of finished welded joints shall as a minimum be qualified in
accordance with ISO 9712 level 2 for the applicable NDE methods. As well they shall have passed a visual
acuity test such as required by ISO 9712 or a Jaeger J-w test at 300 mm, within the previous 12 months.

Visual Examination
For Visual Examination, the applicable acceptance criteria is specified in AWS D1.1 for Cyclically Loaded Non-
Tubular Table 6.1 and Tubular Connections see Table 9.16.

As defined in Table 7-1 below, each weld shall undergo 100% visual testing. Visual testing of welds shall be
performed in accordance with a visual inspection procedure approved by Company. ISO 17637 can be used
as a guideline.

Final visual testing shall always be performed in the final (heat treated) condition of the product.

Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)

All NDE shall be carried out to procedures approved by Company. When PWHT is required, final NDE (for
acceptance purposes) shall be performed when all heat treatments have been completed and final surface
conditions achieved.

When the selected NDE method cannot lead to conclusive examination results, an alternative method shall be
applied in addition.

Time delay before the NDE is performed shall be a minimum of 24 hours after cooling down to ambient
temperature. For TMCP material no delay is required.

7.3.1 Extent of Non-Destructive Examination

The extend of NDE given in Table 7-1 applies for the design categories as specified by Company.

Table 7-1 Extent of NDE

Category Connection Extent of NDE (% welda)
CJP welds 100 50 10 b
All T-Joints 100 50 - 50
Partial/Fillet 100 50 - 10c
% testing is defined as testing of % of the length of each weld, including the start, mid-section, stop and if applicable
crossings, unless the length is less than 1 meter, in which case 20% of all similar welds shall be tested. When unacceptable
indications are found, additional areas of the same weld length shall be examined unless the indication is judged isolated
without any doubt.
MUT to be replaced by RT for welds having a nominal thickness of the parent material below 8 mm
Applies only for partial penetration welds with a penetration depth greater than 12mm.

7.3.2 Repairs
When non-acceptable discontinuities are repaired, the repaired area shall be 100% examined in accordance
with the requirements as stated for the original NDE methods as defined in the ITP.

7.3.3 Reporting
Full detailed reporting of conditions and results will be required to ensure traceability (Reporting by exemption
will not be permitted). Reports shall be made available within 12 hours after examination.

NDE reports stating compliance or otherwise with the criteria established in the inspection procedure are to
be issued.

Reports are to include at least the following information where appropriate:

 Date of inspection
 Names, qualifications and signatures of operator and supervisor
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 Component identification
 Location and extent of testing
 Heat treatment status
 Weld type, procedure and configuration
 Surface condition
 Surface temperature
 Inspection procedure reference
 Equipment used
 Results showing size, position and nature of any defects repaired
 Statement of final acceptability to established criteria.

NDE Methods
Alternative NDE methods may be accepted by Company, prior to use an alternative NDE method approval
shall be obtained via a CR.

7.4.1 Radiographic Testing (RT)

RT shall be in accordance with ASME V A-2 as modified below. The acceptance criteria for radiographic tested
welds shall be as stated in ASME VIII UW-51.

RT shall be carried out using X-ray. However, Gamma-ray may be used instead of X-ray, subject to Company
approval. Where Gamma-ray is used, the use of Co-60 is not allowed.

Only image quality indicators (IQI’s) of the wire type may be used in accordance with ISO 19232-1 or ASTM
and shall be placed on source side where possible. The required sensitivity is 1.8% or better on source side.
Where source side IQI’s cannot be applied, film side may be used, the required sensitivity for film side IQI’s
shall be 1.6% or better.

Single image technique shall be applied, unless otherwise approved by Company.

7.4.2 Manual Ultrasonic Testing (MUT)

MUT shall be in accordance with ASME V A-5.
The acceptance criteria for ultrasonic tested welds shall be as stated in ASME VIII App 12.

7.4.3 Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)

The testing shall be in accordance with ASME V A-7 and the acceptance criteria shall be as stated in
“Wet” MPI shall be the final inspection method and shall only be used when the surface temperature is above
5°C and below 55°C. The “dry powder” method is not acceptable for final inspection of a finished surface.

For excavated repair areas where surface temperatures exceed 55°C, dry powder may be applied.
The use of prods is not permitted at all.

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Allseas Engineering BV
Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components


No. Document description Notes

1 Release notes
2 Technical query reports (TQR)
3 Concession requests (CR)
4 Non-conformance reports (NCR)
5 General arrangement drawings
6 As built drawings
7 Material certificates, summary list materials and declaration of marking materials
8 Consumable certificates and data sheets gases
9 Method statement(s)
10 Inspection and test plan(s) (ITP)
11 List of welding inspection personnel qualifications
12 Weld plan including traceability records / history sheets
13 Procedure qualification records (PQR)
14 Welding procedure specifications (WPS)
15 List of welders qualifications
16 Non-destructive examination (NDE) procedures
17 List of NDE personnel qualifications
18a MPI reports
18b MUT reports
18c RT reports
18d PT reports
18e VT reports
19 Mechanical test reports
20 Bolt tensioning procedure
21 Bolt tensioning reports
22 Dimensional control procedure
23 Dimensional control reports
24 Pressure test procedure
25 Pressure test reports
26 Final acceptance test (FAT) procedure
27 Final acceptance test (FAT) reports
28a Calibration reports welding equipment
28b Calibration reports measuring instruments
28c Calibration reports NDE equipment
28d Calibration reports heat treatment equipment
28e Calibration reports pressure test equipment
29 Coating procedure
30 Coating ITP
31 List coating inspection personnel qualifications
32 Coating reports
33 Load test procedure
34 Load test reports
35 Weighing record, proof shackle tests/ photos
36 Lifting equipment test certificates
37 Identification nameplate / photos
38 Reference to subcontractors manufacturing record books

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Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components


Unless otherwise approved by Company, the hardness survey shall be as indicated below. For each traverse
of indentations there shall be a minimum of 3 individual indentations in each zone of the weldment, i.e. weld
metal, GCHAZ (both sides), HAZ (both sides), parent metal (both sides) and buttering weld metal if applicable.

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Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

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Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

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Allseas Engineering BV
Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components


Table C-1 CVN test temperature and energy level requirements for Primary structures
Minimum design T≥-10 °C with no Lloyds certification or other design
Lloyd’s (LR) certification or classification required.
requirements, certifying companies (e.g DnV, ABS, BV) certification or
Minimum design T≥-10 °C
classification requirement
CVN requirement (T and energy)
Grade of steel with a Thickness range CVN requirement (T and energy) before
before and after welding i.e.
specified minimum and after welding i.e. applicable for BM,
applicable for BM, weld, FL and
yield strength (SMYS) [mm] weld, FL and HAZ
CVN Energy
CVN Energy
CVN Test CVN Test requirement in Applicable LR
[MPa] requirement in Examples of acceptable grades
temperature temperature longitudinal grade (or better)
longitudinal direction
minimum minimum
[°C] average/single value (Note 4) [°C] average/single
[J] value [J]
6 ≤ t ≤ 25 -20 27/19 EN10025-2: S235J2 or -20 27/19 Grade D
235 25< t ≤ 50 -20 27/19 EN10025-3 or 4:S275N/M -20 27/19 Grade D
50 < t ≤ 70 -40 31/22 -40 34/24 Grade E
EN10025-3 or 4:S275NL/ML
70 < t ≤ 100 -40 31/22 -40 41/29 Grade E
6≤t ≤ 25 -20 31/22 EN10025-3 or -4 -20 34/24 DH36
355 25< t ≤ 50 -20 31/22 Grade S355M or N -20 34/24 DH36
50 < t ≤ 70 -40 31/22 EN10025-3 or -4 -40 41/29 EH36
70 < t ≤ 100 -40 31/22 Grade S355ML or NL a) -40 50/35 EH36
6≤t ≤ 25 -20 31/22 EN10025-3 or -4 -20 42/30 DH42
420 25< t ≤ 50 -20 31/22 Grade S420M or N -20 42/30 DH42

50 < t ≤ 150 -40 31/22 EN10025-3 or -4

-40 42/30 EH42
Grade S420ML or NL a)
6 ≤ t ≤ 25 -20 30/21 EN10025-3,-4 or -6 -20 46/33 DH46
25< t ≤ 50 -20 30/21 Grade S460M, S460N or S460Q -20 46/33 DH46
EN10025-3, -4 or -6
50 < t ≤ 150 -40 30/21 Grade S460ML, S460NL or -40 46/33 EH46
S460QL/QL1 a)
Note a): Steel delivered according to EN 10025-3 (Normalized), EN10025-4 (TMCP) or EN10025-6 (Quenched and tempered) can also be certified with a CVN tested at -50 C with a requirement of 27J average. This
grade and steel shall be considered acceptable to be used where a requirement of 31J average @ -40C is required as per the above table.

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Allseas Engineering BV
Corporate Specification for Welding & Fabrication of primary structural components

(General note 1) In the actual construction, material exceeding the qualified quality may be used. Ruling is the toughness requirement after welding. For example: If the
welding procedure qualification is based on welding material with a guaranteed and certified CVN @ -20 °C it is allowed to use material with a guaranteed CVN testing
temperate of -40 °C or lower. This providing all other essential variables are met.

(General note 2) For all plate material in QT condition as well as for all material grades, in any delivery condition, with a SMYS of 355 MPa or higher and a guaranteed
CVN testing temperature of -40 °C it shall be checked and proven that the actual plate delivered will be the plate or plates as tested from which the results are given on
the applicable certificate.

(Guidance note 3) To accommodate a reduction in impact toughness after welding, it is recommended to purchase material with a certified CVN energy value of at least
50% higher than required after welding. Certificates , type EN10204-3.1 or EN10204-3.2 as required, shall be checked for the proper CVN testing temperature and
achieved CVN energy values. For this base material the guaranteed CVN test temperature and energy requirements, either guaranteed by the standard or specification,
shall as a minimum comply and in a longitudinal direction with the values to be achieved after welding and the specified material grade.

(Guidance note 4) The materials as given as example are, where possible, based on the European Standard EN 10025-3, EN10025-4 or EN10025-6 respectively applicable
for normalized, material manufactured according a thermo mechanically controlled process or quenched and tempered material. The EN 10025-3 and EN10025-4 are
materials specified for use in more heavily loaded parts than as specified in the more generic standard EN 10025-2 (non-alloyed structural steel) .
Where available also material in accordance with EN10225 ( Weldable structural steel for fixed offshore structures) or any other recognised national or international
standard may be used if the per table C-1 required CVN test temperature and minimum specified impact energy is guaranteed and certified by the selected grade.
The appropriate LR , or similar DNV/ABS/GL grades, grades may be used as an alternative as well even if not required.

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