Generator Sizing Guide 2013
Generator Sizing Guide 2013
Generator Sizing Guide 2013
Sizing Guide
Important Notices
This booklet is designed to familiarize estimators and installers with proper sizing guidelines for residential and commercial
generators. The information is not comprehensive, nor does it replace or supercede any material contained in any of
the written documents shipped with the equipment. This booklet should only be used in conjunction with the Owner’s
Manual, Installation Manual and other technical documents shipped with each product. Always read all accompanying
documentation carefully before attempting to install any generator, transfer switch or related equipment.
Within this booklet, you will find electrical load information, plus an outline of generator surge capability, fuel pipe sizing,
liquid propane tank sizing, and UPS / generator compatibility. The worksheet pages can be removed from the book and
photocopied to create additional Onsite Estimating Sheets for use with individual jobs.
Proper sizing of the generator is crucial to the success of any installation and requires a good working knowledge of
electricity and its characteristics, as well as the varying requirements of the electrical equipment comprising the load. When
analyzing the electrical load, consult the manufacturer’s nameplate on each major appliance or piece of equipment to
determine its starting and running requirements in terms of watts, amps and voltage. When choosing the generator output
for commercial or industrial applications, select a rating that is approximately 20 to 25% higher than the peak load (for
example, if the load is about 40 kilowatts, select a 50 kilowatts genset). A higher rated generator will operate comfortably at
approximately 80% of its full capacity and will provide a margin of flexibility if the load increases in the future.
For safety reasons, it is recommended that the backup power system be installed, serviced and repaired by a Generator
Authorized Service Dealer or a competent, qualified electrician or installation technician who is familiar with applicable
codes, standards and regulations.
It is essential to comply with all regulations established by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and
strict adherence to all local, state and national codes is mandatory. Before selecting a generator, check for municipal
ordinances that may dictate requirements regarding placement of the unit (setback from building and/or lot line), electrical
wiring, gas piping, fuel storage (for liquid propane or diesel tanks), sound and exhaust emissions.
Table of Contents
Table 1 – Motor Load Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Table 2 – Non-Motor Load Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Table 3 – Surge Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Table 4 – Natural Gas Installation and Fuel Pipe Sizing Natural Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Table 5 – LP Vapor Installation and Fuel Pipe Sizing LP Vapor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Table 6 – LP Vapor (LPV) Tank Sizing and Table 7 – Generator Fuel Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
UPS – Generator Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Typical Generator/Transfer Switch Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11–12
NEC 700, 701, 702 Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Electrical Formulas, Weights and Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Selected Circuit Load Calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–16, 19–20, 23–24, 27–28
System Capacity – Load Calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17–18, 21–22, 25–26, 29–30
Table 1 Motor Load Reference
Running Load*
Amps at Amps at
Description kW 120V 1ø 240V 1ø
Electric heat per 1000 ft 2
12 n/a 50
Heat pump elements per 1000 ft 2
7 n/a 29
Dryer 5.5 n/a 23
Hot tub 10 n/a 50
Range oven/Stove top per burner 8 n/a 30
Electric hot water 4.5 n/a 19
General lighting and receptacles
per 1000 ft2 3 24.9 n/a
Blow dryer 1.25 10.4 n/a
Dishwasher 1.5 12.5 n/a
Microwave 1 8.3 n/a
Toasters 1 8.3 n/a
Home Entertainment Center 1 8.3 n/a
Computer 1 8.3 n/a
Kitchen 1.5 12.5 n/a
Laundry 1.5 12.5 n/a
Please refer to equipment data plate and/or billing history for commercial details.
Table 3 Surge Capability
Note: All nominal ratings based upon LP fuel. Refer to specification sheet for
NG ratings and deration adjustments for ambient temperature and altitude.
Size Meter for Generator Load
Plus ALL Appliances
BTU and Check Distance with
Pressure Decal Gas Provider
Size gas pipe with Generator Sizing Guide or to local codes. For Underground Installations Verify
Piping System for Code Compliance
1 inch mercury = 13.61 inches water column
1 inch Water Column = 0.036 psi
3.5–7 inches water column = 0.126 psi to 0.252 psi
– Pipe sizing is based on 0.5" H2O pressure drop.
– S izing includes a nominal number of elbows and tees.
– Please verify adequate service and meter sizing.
– Tables based on black pipe.
LP VAPOR INSTALLATION Size Tank Large Enough to Provide
Required BTU's for Generator and ALL
Connected Appliance Loads.
Be Sure to Correct for MIWR (See Table 6)
Primary Regulator
BTU and Check Distance Per LP Provider
Pressure Decal with LP Provider
– Pipe sizing is based on 0.5" H2O pressure drop.
– Sizing includes a nominal number
of elbows and tees.
– Please verify adequate service and meter sizing.
– Tables based on black pipe.
Tabl e 6 LP VApor (lpV) tank sizing Vapor Withdrawal
Tank Capacity Tank Capacity Minimum Temp Tank Capacity (btu/hr.) Length Diameter Overall Ht.
Total (Gal.) Useable (Gal.) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches)
120 72 40 246,240 57 24 33
20 164,160
0 82,080
150 90 40 293,760 68 24 33
20 195,840
0 97,920
250 150 40 507,600 94 30 39
20 338,400
0 169,200
325 195 40 642,600 119 30 39
20 428,400
0 214,200
500 300 40 792,540 119 37 46
20 528,360
0 264,180
Built-In Oven or Broiler Unit, Domestic 14,000–16,000 30 30 493,000 492,000 320,000 320,000
36 35 500,000 503,000 280,000 282,000
Built-ln Top Unit, Domestic 40,000–85,000
45 45 725,000 730,000 378,000 380,000
48 48 755,000 756,000 393,000 392,000
60 60 818,000 862,000 458,000 483,000
70 67 1,028,000 1,020,000 503,000 500,000
80 80 1,163,000 1,154,000 603,000 600,000
100 94 1,268,000 1,260,000 718,000 713,000
130 122 1,798,000 1,786,000 933,000 927,000
Note: Tank BTU capacity and generator run times based upon maintaining a 150 142 2,075,000 2,061,000 1,078,000 1,070,000
minimum tank fuel level of 20%. Tanks are typically filled to 80% full. Operating Cost Per Hour
Note: Typical fuel consumption based on a generator 100% loaded.
NG Therms/HR x Cost of NG Therm
UPS - Generator Compatibility
Passive (also referenced as applications with multiple UPS’s can larger than 5000 VA use double
standby or off-line) and be problematic. conversion technology. This approach
Line-Interactive Passive UPS technology typically is also the preferred technology for
These technologies are most common has normal tolerances of 10-25% on generator applications.
for personal workstations and point voltage and 3 Hertz on frequency.
of sale applications. They are typically Minuteman UPS input tolerance is Equipment Notes:
single phase equipment with size closer to 10-36%. If the input source Double-conversion UPS’s that are
ranges of 350 VA - 2000 VA for goes outside of these tolerances, the single phase or unfiltered three phase
passive and 500 VA to 5000 VA for UPS will switch onto the UPS battery models tend to create a significant
line-interactive. source. Some line-interactive units level of electrical/ harmonic noise.
may have frequency tolerances factory This is illustrated by harmonic current
Passive UPS’s are the simplest type. set to 0.5 Hertz. These units will need distortions that are greater than 35%.
Under normal conditions AC power to have their frequency tolerance Minuteman UPS products could
passes straight through to the UPS increased to a minimum of 2 Hertz. have current distortion of 8%. When
load. When the input power supply Minuteman UPS products are close to three phase models are supplied with
goes outside of specifications, the 5 Hertz and not 0.5 Hertz. harmonic filters (current distortion less
UPS transfers the load from input than 10%), this concern is no longer
power to the internal DC to AC power Generator Sizing Recommendation: an issue.
inverter. Passive UPS’s do not correct Limit the total UPS loading to 15% - 20%
for voltage or frequency deviations of the generator capacity. Generator Sizing Recommendation:
under “normal” operation. Single phase models: limit the total
Double-Conversion UPS loading to 25% of the generator
Line-interactive is similar to the This technology is most common capacity. Single phase Minuteman
passive technology except it has for critical load applications. Double- UPS models: limit the total UPS
circuitry that attempts to correct for conversion UPS’s constantly rectify loading to 50% of the generator
standard voltage deviations. Frequency AC to DC and then invert the DC back capacity. Three phase models without
deviations under “normal” power into AC. This configuration results in filters (current distortion > 30%):
operation are not corrected. an output that corrects for voltage and limit the UPS loading to 35% of the
frequency deviations. generator capacity. Three phase
Equipment Notes: models with filters (current distortion <
These devices tend to be electrically / There are single and three phase 10%): limit the UPS loading to 80% of
harmonically very noisy. A single small models covering small through large the generator capacity.
UPS is not a significant concern, but applications. Most UPS applications
UPS Information
2 x kVA rating for a filtered system
3 – 5 x kVA rating for an unfiltered system
It is recommended you refer to the Honeywell UPS Generator Compatibility sheet
(Pg 10) and contact the manufacturer of the UPS system to assist in your installation.
Typical Generator/Transfer Switch Combinations
Current Model - Current Switch
Sync Smart model #
Typical Generator/Transfer Switch Combinations
Current Model - Current Switch
Sync Smart model #
60 kW Liquid-Cooled Generator
RTSV100A3 100 amp Normal Sync Smart Switch
RTSG200A3 100 amp Service Rated Sync Smart Switch
RTSV200A3 200 amp Normal Sync Smart Switch
HT06024ANAX RTSG400A3 200 amp Service Rated Sync Smart Switch
RTSV400A3 400 amp Normal Sync Smart Switch
RTSG400A3 400 amp Service Rated Sync Smart Switch
RTSE100A3CSAH 100 amp CSA Service Rated Switch
RTSE200A3CSAH 200 amp CSA Service Rated Switch
NEC (700, 701, 702) Comparison
Article 700 - Emergency Article 701 - Standby Article 702 - Optional Standby
Legally required critical support
Scope Legally required life safety Protect property & facilities
(fire fighting, health hazards, etc)
Equipment Approval For Emergency / (UL2200) For Intended Use / (UL2200) For Intended Use / (UL2200) / Not in 2008
Witness Testing (on-sight) At install & periodically At install None
Periodic Testing Yes Yes None
Equipment Approval For Emergency / (UL1008) For Standby / (UL1008) For Intended Use / (UL1008)
Means to Permit Bypass Yes No No
Elect. Operated - Mech. Held Yes No No
Other loads No Yes with load shedding N/A
Max. Fault Current Capable Yes Yes Yes
Derangement Yes / Standard common alarm Yes / Standard common alarm Yes / Standard common alarm
(Audible &
Carrying Load Yes / Displayed at ATS Yes / Displayed at ATS Yes / Displayed at ATS
At neutral to ground bonding Yes (if remote) Yes (if remote) Yes (if remote)
Wiring kept independent Yes No No
Fire protection (ref 700-9d) Yes (1000 persons or 75' building) No No
Maximum power outage 10 sec 60 sec N/A
Retransfer delay 15 min setting 15 min setting No
Automatic starting Yes Yes No
On-site fuel requirements 2 hours (see NFPA 110) 2 hours None
Battery charger Yes Yes No
Ground Fault Indication Only No No
NEC Comparison Table to be used as a general guideline in determining the proper generator for specific applications. Refer to architectural documents for final selection.
Electrical Formulas
ExI E x I x 1.73 x PF
KILOWATTS (kW) Volts, Current, Power Factor
1000 1000
ExI E x I x 1.73
KVA Volts, Current
1000 1000
kW x 1000 kW x 1000
AMPERES kW, Volts, Power Factor
E E x 1.73 x PF
WATTS Volts, Amps, Power Factor Volts x Amps E x I x 1.73 x PF
2 x 60 x Frequency 2 x 60 x frequency
RPM x Poles RPM x Poles
FREQUENCY RPM, No. of Rotor Poles
2 x 60 2 x 60
2 x 60 x Frequency 2 x 60 x Frequency
RPM Frequency, No. of Rotor Poles
Rotor Poles Rotor Poles
HP x 0.746 HP x 0.746
kW (required for Motor) Motor Horsepower, Efficiency
Efficiency Efficiency
RESISTANCE Volts, Amperes
VOLTS Ohms, Amperes IxR IxR
AMPERES Ohms, Volts
Selected Circuit Load Calculator
Contractor__________________________________ Email_____________________________ Applications
The HT Series does not meet the necessary
Phone_____________________________________ Fax_______________________________ requirements for the following applications:
Job Name____________________________________________________________________ NEC 695 Fire Pumps
NEC 700 Emergency Systems
Date___________________________ Location______________________________________ NFPA 20 Fire Pumps
VOLTAGE 120/240 1ø 120/208 3ø 120/240 3ø 277/480 3ø NFPA 99 Healthcare
NFPA 110 Emergency Systems
TYPE Natural Gas LP Vapor (LPV)
Reference Codes
ELEC. SERVICE 100 Amp 150 Amp 200 Amp 300 Amp 400 Amp Related Codes and Standards:
NEC 225 Branch Circuits and Feeders
600 Amp Other________ NEC 240 Overcurrent Protection
Before installation contact local jurisdiction to confirm all requirements are met. Jurisdictions may vary. NEC 250 Grounding
Contacting local authorities prior to installation is recommended. NEC 445 Generators
NEC 700 Emergency Systems
Loads: Look for heavy building loads such as refrigeration, air conditioning, pumps or UPS systems. NEC 701 Legally Required Standby
Use the following for sizing and determining generator kW. NEC 702 Optional Standby
NFPA 37 Installation & Use of
Stationary Engines
TABLE 8 Motor Load Table (refer to Table 1) NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
NFPA 58 LP Gas Code
Device HP RA LRA kW Running (= HP) Starting
To Calculate kW
120 V 1ø Amps x 120/1000 = kW
240 V 1ø Amps x 240/1000 = kW
208 V 3ø (Amps x 208 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
240 V 3ø (Amps x 240 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
480 V 3ø (Amps x 480 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
Starting kW for HP < 7.5 starting kW = HP x 3 PF is application power factor (worst case 1.0)
Typical application power factor is 0.95.
Starting kW for HP > 7.5 starting kW = HP x 2
Starting kW for loading with no listed HP, calculate HP based on running amps in the chart on the right
UPS Information
TABLE 9 Motor Load Table (refer to Table 1) 2 x kVA rating for a filtered system
Device Amps kW 3 – 5 x kVA rating for an unfiltered system
It is recommended you refer to the Honeywell UPS Generator Compatibility sheet
(Pg 10) and contact the manufacturer of the UPS system to assist in your installation.
Recommended Generator Size ________ Refer to Generator Sizing Instructions on other side of this sheet.
1. Suggested concrete pad minimum thickness of 4" with 6" overhang on all sides. Composite pad included with air-cooled products.
2. Consult manual for installation recommendations.
3. Consult local authority having jurisdiction for local requirements.
© Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. The Honeywell Trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. 15
Generator Sizing Instructions: Peak amps = _____________ Peak kW= _____________
There is not a single correct sizing solution. Following are several methods that, when mixed Determining Existing Loads/Billing History Method 220.87 NEC 20
with good judgement, should result in an appropriately sized generator. Remember to consider 11
load growth, seasonality, and effects of starting motors. Many customers have a utility rate structure that has a peak demand charge. Using a year's
As municipalities and states adopt the new 2011 NEC Electrical Code, there may be new sizing worth of electric bills, size the generator 25% larger than the largest peak demand.
requirements, spelled out in the code book, which the installation technician must follow. Always Verify motor and UPS load compatibility. Peak Demand = _______
check with the local inspection department to confirm which code cycle will affect your install.
Load Summation Method
Never add amps when sizing a generator. Convert amps to kW and add kW to determine
1) E nter running kW for all motor loads (except the largest) expected to run during peak load
the required generator size. Power factors for various motor loads vary widely. Adding
levels into table 6. Refer to table 1 for typical motor load sizes and electrical require-
amps without properly accounting for the power factor and/or mixing voltages will result in ments.
improperly sizing the generator.
2) E nter kW for all non-motor loads expected to run during peak load levels into table 7. Refer to
When motors start, they create a current surge that step loads the generator and creates a table 2 for typical residential loads and rules of thumb.
voltage dip. After selecting a generator, reference the generator's surge capability using table 3.
3) A dd the running motor load kW, non-motor load kW, and the starting kW of the largest
Verify that voltage dip is adequate for the application. Most commercial applications should be
motor load.
limited to about 15% voltage dip and residential applications should be limited to a 30% voltage
dip. Motor load running total (minus largest motor): _______________ kW (ref. table 8)
Non-motor load total: _______________ kW (ref. table 9)
Some applications utilize an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to back up critical loads. Please
Starting load from largest cycling motor: _______________ kW (ref. table 8)
read sizing guide for this load type. Total electrical loads: = ______________ kW
Measurement Method Select generator: Commercial (add 20 to 25% to total kW)
Use a clamp-on amp meter or power analyzer to measure facility load levels. Clamp each leg Residential (add 10 to 20% to total kW)
separately and take the measurement during peak usage levels. 4) Confirm that voltage dip is within acceptable limits by comparing motor LRA to generator surge
240V 1ø Applications: To determine peak usage in kW, add the highest amp readings from the capability (see table #3).
two legs, multiply by 120 and divide by 1,000. 5) Confirm UPS compatibility (see page 6).
(L1 + L2)120 / 1000
System Capacity – Load Calculation
Size the generator 10 to 20% larger than the peak measured load.
If the local municipality or state you are in has adopted the 2011 NEC Code, you may be
3ø Applications: Add the peak amp readings from all three legs and divide by 3 to determine required to use this step. Article 702 of the 2011 NEC includes a new requirement for sizing
peak amps. Multiply peak Amps by volts, multiply the result by 1.732 (square root of 3), then (702.4). If no other method for sizing is acceptable, sizing of the generator shall be made in
divide by 1000 to convert amps to kW. accordance with Article 220 of the NEC. The system capacity estimating sheet will guide you
Peak Amps = (L1 + L2 + L3) / 3 through this process.
kW = [(Peak amps x Volts) x 1.732] / 1000*
*Assumes power factor of 1.0
PMM Load Control Module 702.4 (B) (2) (a) NEC
Size the generator 20 to 25% larger than the peak measured load.
The PMM Load Control Module is a 50 amp contact housed in a NEMA 3R enclosure
Project Layout for indoor and outdoor installation applications. Through the use
of the PMM Modules in conjunction with any of the 100–400
amp Sync Smart Switches, household or business loads can be
intelligently managed enabling the use of a smaller, more efficient
generator system. Up to four PMM Modules can be used with a
single switch.
Ball Park Estimates (Do not use for final sizing)
Estimate based on 60% service size: (commercial)
240 Volts, 1 Ø: __________ Amps x .15 = __________ kW
208 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .22 = __________ kW
240 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .25 = __________ kW
480 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .50 = __________ kW
Estimate based on 40% service size: (residential)
240 Volts, 1 Ø: __________ Amps x .10 = __________ kW
208 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .15 = __________ kW
240 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .17 = __________ kW
480 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .34 = __________ kW
Estimate based on square footage
Fast food, convenience stores, kW = 50 kW + 10 watts/sq. ft.
restaurants, grocery stores
Other commercial applications kW = 30 kW + 5 watts/sq. ft.
Square footage = __________ Estimated kW = __________
System Capacity – Load Calculator
220.80 Optional Feeder and Service Load Calculations (RESIDENTIAL) NFC REFERENCE
Include the largest of the following six selections (kVA load) in calculation
Air Conditioning and Cooling 220.82 (C) (1)
• 100% of nameplate rating
Heat Pumps Without Supplemental Electric Heating 220.82 (C) (2)
• 100% of nameplate rating
Heat Pumps With Supplemental Electric Heating 220.82 (C) (3)
• 100% of nameplate rating of the heat pump compressor*
• 65% of nameplate rating of supplemental electric heating equipment
-If compressor & supplemental heat cannot run at the same time
do not include the compressor
Electric Space Heating
• Less than 4 separately controlled units@ 65% of nameplate rating 220.82 (C) (4)
• 4 or more separately controlled units @ 40% of nameplate rating 220.82 (C) (5)
• 40% of nameplate rating if 4 or more separately controlled units
Electric Thermal Storage (or system where the load is expected to be 220.82 (C) (6)
continuous at nameplate rating
• 100% of nameplate rating
• Systems of this type cannot be calculated under any other section of 220.82 (C).
General Lighting Load 3VAxft2
• Small Appliance & Laundry Circuits + 1500 VA per circuit
• General Appliances & Motors (1 00% rated load) + Total general appliances
• Sum of all General Loads = Total General Load (VA)
- First 10 kVA@ 100% = 10,000 VA
- Remainder of General Loads @ 40% (Total VA -10,000) x .40
= Calculated General Load (VA)
© Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. The Honeywell Trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. 17
Worksheet — NEC 2011, 220 Part IV
Contractor Email
Phone Fax
Job Name
Date Location
Voltage (Circle) 240V -1Ø
Elec. Service 100 Amp 200 Amp 400 Amp Other
Loads (kW)
GENERAL LOADS Qty Rating (Load) Factor Loads (VA) (VA ÷
General Lighting and General Use Receptacles 3 VA/ft² 100%
Branch Circuits (1500 VA/ft²)
Small Appliance Circuits (20 Amp) 1500 100%
Laundry Circuits 1500 100%
Fixed Appliances Full Current Rating
Well 100%
Sump Pump 100%
Freezer 100%
Microwave (Not counter-top model) 100%
Disposal 100%
Dishwasher 100%
Range (See Table 220.55 for multiple cooking appliances) 100%
Wall-Mounted Oven 100%
Counter-Mounted Cooking Surface 100%
Water Heater 100%
Clothes Dryer 100%
Garage Door Opener 100%
Septic Grinder 100%
Other (list) 100%
Total General Loads VA kW
A-C / Cooling Equipment 100%
Heat Pump
• Compressor (if not included as A-C) 100%
• Supplemental Electric Heat 65%
Electric Space Heating
• Less than 4 separately controlled units 65%
• 4 or more separately controlled units 40%
System With Continuous Nameplate Load 100%
Largest Heat / A-C Load (VA) VA kW
• 1st 10 kW of General Loads 100% kW 100% kW
• Remaining General Loads 40% kW 40% kW
TOTAL CALCULATED LOAD (Net General Loads + Heat/A-C Load) kW
Selected Circuit Load Calculator
Contractor__________________________________ Email_____________________________ Applications
The HT Series does not meet the necessary
Phone_____________________________________ Fax_______________________________ requirements for the following applications:
Job Name____________________________________________________________________ NEC 695 Fire Pumps
NEC 700 Emergency Systems
Date___________________________ Location______________________________________ NFPA 20 Fire Pumps
VOLTAGE 120/240 1ø 120/208 3ø 120/240 3ø 277/480 3ø NFPA 99 Healthcare
NFPA 110 Emergency Systems
TYPE Natural Gas LP Vapor (LPV)
Reference Codes
ELEC. SERVICE 100 Amp 150 Amp 200 Amp 300 Amp 400 Amp Related Codes and Standards:
NEC 225 Branch Circuits and Feeders
600 Amp Other________ NEC 240 Overcurrent Protection
Before installation contact local jurisdiction to confirm all requirements are met. Jurisdictions may vary. NEC 250 Grounding
Contacting local authorities prior to installation is recommended. NEC 445 Generators
NEC 700 Emergency Systems
Loads: Look for heavy building loads such as refrigeration, air conditioning, pumps or UPS systems. NEC 701 Legally Required Standby
Use the following for sizing and determining generator kW. NEC 702 Optional Standby
NFPA 37 Installation & Use of
Stationary Engines
TABLE 8 Motor Load Table (refer to Table 1) NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
NFPA 58 LP Gas Code
Device HP RA LRA kW Running (= HP) Starting
To Calculate kW
120 V 1ø Amps x 120/1000 = kW
240 V 1ø Amps x 240/1000 = kW
208 V 3ø (Amps x 208 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
240 V 3ø (Amps x 240 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
480 V 3ø (Amps x 480 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
Starting kW for HP < 7.5 starting kW = HP x 3 PF is application power factor (worst case 1.0)
Typical application power factor is 0.95.
Starting kW for HP > 7.5 starting kW = HP x 2
Starting kW for loading with no listed HP, calculate HP based on running amps in the chart on the right
UPS Information
TABLE 9 Motor Load Table (refer to Table 1) 2 x kVA rating for a filtered system
Device Amps kW 3 – 5 x kVA rating for an unfiltered system
It is recommended you refer to the Honeywell UPS Generator Compatibility sheet
(Pg 10) and contact the manufacturer of the UPS system to assist in your installation.
Recommended Generator Size ________ Refer to Generator Sizing Instructions on other side of this sheet.
1. Suggested concrete pad minimum thickness of 4" with 6" overhang on all sides. Composite pad included with air-cooled products.
2. Consult manual for installation recommendations.
3. Consult local authority having jurisdiction for local requirements.
© Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. The Honeywell Trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. 19
Generator Sizing Instructions: Peak amps = _____________ Peak kW= _____________
There is not a single correct sizing solution. Following are several methods that, when mixed Determining Existing Loads/Billing History Method 220.87 NEC 20
with good judgement, should result in an appropriately sized generator. Remember to consider 11
load growth, seasonality, and effects of starting motors. Many customers have a utility rate structure that has a peak demand charge. Using a year's
As municipalities and states adopt the new 2011 NEC Electrical Code, there may be new sizing worth of electric bills, size the generator 25% larger than the largest peak demand.
requirements, spelled out in the code book, which the installation technician must follow. Always Verify motor and UPS load compatibility. Peak Demand = _______
check with the local inspection department to confirm which code cycle will affect your install.
Load Summation Method
Never add amps when sizing a generator. Convert amps to kW and add kW to determine
1) E nter running kW for all motor loads (except the largest) expected to run during peak load
the required generator size. Power factors for various motor loads vary widely. Adding
levels into table 6. Refer to table 1 for typical motor load sizes and electrical require-
amps without properly accounting for the power factor and/or mixing voltages will result in ments.
improperly sizing the generator.
2) E nter kW for all non-motor loads expected to run during peak load levels into table 7. Refer to
When motors start, they create a current surge that step loads the generator and creates a table 2 for typical residential loads and rules of thumb.
voltage dip. After selecting a generator, reference the generator's surge capability using table 3.
3) A dd the running motor load kW, non-motor load kW, and the starting kW of the largest
Verify that voltage dip is adequate for the application. Most commercial applications should be
motor load.
limited to about 15% voltage dip and residential applications should be limited to a 30% voltage
dip. Motor load running total (minus largest motor): _______________ kW (ref. table 8)
Non-motor load total: _______________ kW (ref. table 9)
Some applications utilize an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to back up critical loads. Please
Starting load from largest cycling motor: _______________ kW (ref. table 8)
read sizing guide for this load type. Total electrical loads: = ______________ kW
Measurement Method Select generator: Commercial (add 20 to 25% to total kW)
Use a clamp-on amp meter or power analyzer to measure facility load levels. Clamp each leg Residential (add 10 to 20% to total kW)
separately and take the measurement during peak usage levels. 4) Confirm that voltage dip is within acceptable limits by comparing motor LRA to generator surge
240V 1ø Applications: To determine peak usage in kW, add the highest amp readings from the capability (see table #3).
two legs, multiply by 120 and divide by 1,000. 5) Confirm UPS compatibility (see page 6).
(L1 + L2)120 / 1000
System Capacity – Load Calculation
Size the generator 10 to 20% larger than the peak measured load.
If the local municipality or state you are in has adopted the 2011 NEC Code, you may be
3ø Applications: Add the peak amp readings from all three legs and divide by 3 to determine required to use this step. Article 702 of the 2011 NEC includes a new requirement for sizing
peak amps. Multiply peak Amps by volts, multiply the result by 1.732 (square root of 3), then (702.4). If no other method for sizing is acceptable, sizing of the generator shall be made in
divide by 1000 to convert amps to kW. accordance with Article 220 of the NEC. The system capacity estimating sheet will guide you
Peak Amps = (L1 + L2 + L3) / 3 through this process.
kW = [(Peak amps x Volts) x 1.732] / 1000*
*Assumes power factor of 1.0
PMM Load Control Module 702.4 (B) (2) (a) NEC
Size the generator 20 to 25% larger than the peak measured load.
The PMM Load Control Module is a 50 amp contact housed in a NEMA 3R enclosure
Project Layout for indoor and outdoor installation applications. Through the use
of the PMM Modules in conjunction with any of the 100–400
amp Sync Smart Switches, household or business loads can be
intelligently managed enabling the use of a smaller, more efficient
generator system. Up to four PMM Modules can be used with a
single switch.
Ball Park Estimates (Do not use for final sizing)
Estimate based on 60% service size: (commercial)
240 Volts, 1 Ø: __________ Amps x .15 = __________ kW
208 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .22 = __________ kW
240 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .25 = __________ kW
480 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .50 = __________ kW
Estimate based on 40% service size: (residential)
240 Volts, 1 Ø: __________ Amps x .10 = __________ kW
208 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .15 = __________ kW
240 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .17 = __________ kW
480 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .34 = __________ kW
Estimate based on square footage
Fast food, convenience stores, kW = 50 kW + 10 watts/sq. ft.
restaurants, grocery stores
Other commercial applications kW = 30 kW + 5 watts/sq. ft.
Square footage = __________ Estimated kW = __________
System Capacity – Load Calculator
220.80 Optional Feeder and Service Load Calculations (RESIDENTIAL) NFC REFERENCE
Include the largest of the following six selections (kVA load) in calculation
Air Conditioning and Cooling 220.82 (C) (1)
• 100% of nameplate rating
Heat Pumps Without Supplemental Electric Heating 220.82 (C) (2)
• 100% of nameplate rating
Heat Pumps With Supplemental Electric Heating 220.82 (C) (3)
• 100% of nameplate rating of the heat pump compressor*
• 65% of nameplate rating of supplemental electric heating equipment
-If compressor & supplemental heat cannot run at the same time
do not include the compressor
Electric Space Heating
• Less than 4 separately controlled units@ 65% of nameplate rating 220.82 (C) (4)
• 4 or more separately controlled units @ 40% of nameplate rating 220.82 (C) (5)
• 40% of nameplate rating if 4 or more separately controlled units
Electric Thermal Storage (or system where the load is expected to be 220.82 (C) (6)
continuous at nameplate rating
• 100% of nameplate rating
• Systems of this type cannot be calculated under any other section of 220.82 (C).
General Lighting Load 3VAxft2
• Small Appliance & Laundry Circuits + 1500 VA per circuit
• General Appliances & Motors (1 00% rated load) + Total general appliances
• Sum of all General Loads = Total General Load (VA)
- First 10 kVA@ 100% = 10,000 VA
- Remainder of General Loads @ 40% (Total VA -10,000) x .40
= Calculated General Load (VA)
© Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. The Honeywell Trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. 21
Worksheet — NEC 2011, 220 Part IV
Contractor Email
Phone Fax
Job Name
Date Location
Voltage (Circle) 240V -1Ø
Elec. Service 100 Amp 200 Amp 400 Amp Other
Loads (kW)
GENERAL LOADS Qty Rating (Load) Factor Loads (VA) (VA ÷
General Lighting and General Use Receptacles 3 VA/ft² 100%
Branch Circuits (1500 VA/ft²)
Small Appliance Circuits (20 Amp) 1500 100%
Laundry Circuits 1500 100%
Fixed Appliances Full Current Rating
Well 100%
Sump Pump 100%
Freezer 100%
Microwave (Not counter-top model) 100%
Disposal 100%
Dishwasher 100%
Range (See Table 220.55 for multiple cooking appliances) 100%
Wall-Mounted Oven 100%
Counter-Mounted Cooking Surface 100%
Water Heater 100%
Clothes Dryer 100%
Garage Door Opener 100%
Septic Grinder 100%
Other (list) 100%
Total General Loads VA kW
A-C / Cooling Equipment 100%
Heat Pump
• Compressor (if not included as A-C) 100%
• Supplemental Electric Heat 65%
Electric Space Heating
• Less than 4 separately controlled units 65%
• 4 or more separately controlled units 40%
System With Continuous Nameplate Load 100%
Largest Heat / A-C Load (VA) VA kW
• 1st 10 kW of General Loads 100% kW 100% kW
• Remaining General Loads 40% kW 40% kW
TOTAL CALCULATED LOAD (Net General Loads + Heat/A-C Load) kW
Selected Circuit Load Calculator
Contractor__________________________________ Email_____________________________ Applications
The HT Series does not meet the necessary
Phone_____________________________________ Fax_______________________________ requirements for the following applications:
Job Name____________________________________________________________________ NEC 695 Fire Pumps
NEC 700 Emergency Systems
Date___________________________ Location______________________________________ NFPA 20 Fire Pumps
VOLTAGE 120/240 1ø 120/208 3ø 120/240 3ø 277/480 3ø NFPA 99 Healthcare
NFPA 110 Emergency Systems
TYPE Natural Gas LP Vapor (LPV)
Reference Codes
ELEC. SERVICE 100 Amp 150 Amp 200 Amp 300 Amp 400 Amp Related Codes and Standards:
NEC 225 Branch Circuits and Feeders
600 Amp Other________ NEC 240 Overcurrent Protection
Before installation contact local jurisdiction to confirm all requirements are met. Jurisdictions may vary. NEC 250 Grounding
Contacting local authorities prior to installation is recommended. NEC 445 Generators
NEC 700 Emergency Systems
Loads: Look for heavy building loads such as refrigeration, air conditioning, pumps or UPS systems. NEC 701 Legally Required Standby
Use the following for sizing and determining generator kW. NEC 702 Optional Standby
NFPA 37 Installation & Use of
Stationary Engines
TABLE 8 Motor Load Table (refer to Table 1) NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
NFPA 58 LP Gas Code
Device HP RA LRA kW Running (= HP) Starting
To Calculate kW
120 V 1ø Amps x 120/1000 = kW
240 V 1ø Amps x 240/1000 = kW
208 V 3ø (Amps x 208 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
240 V 3ø (Amps x 240 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
480 V 3ø (Amps x 480 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
Starting kW for HP < 7.5 starting kW = HP x 3 PF is application power factor (worst case 1.0)
Typical application power factor is 0.95.
Starting kW for HP > 7.5 starting kW = HP x 2
Starting kW for loading with no listed HP, calculate HP based on running amps in the chart on the right
UPS Information
TABLE 9 Motor Load Table (refer to Table 1) 2 x kVA rating for a filtered system
Device Amps kW 3 – 5 x kVA rating for an unfiltered system
It is recommended you refer to the Honeywell UPS Generator Compatibility sheet
(Pg 10) and contact the manufacturer of the UPS system to assist in your installation.
Recommended Generator Size ________ Refer to Generator Sizing Instructions on other side of this sheet.
1. Suggested concrete pad minimum thickness of 4" with 6" overhang on all sides. Composite pad included with air-cooled products.
2. Consult manual for installation recommendations.
3. Consult local authority having jurisdiction for local requirements.
© Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. The Honeywell Trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. 23
Generator Sizing Instructions: Peak amps = _____________ Peak kW= _____________
There is not a single correct sizing solution. Following are several methods that, when mixed Determining Existing Loads/Billing History Method 220.87 NEC 20
with good judgement, should result in an appropriately sized generator. Remember to consider 11
load growth, seasonality, and effects of starting motors. Many customers have a utility rate structure that has a peak demand charge. Using a year's
As municipalities and states adopt the new 2011 NEC Electrical Code, there may be new sizing worth of electric bills, size the generator 25% larger than the largest peak demand.
requirements, spelled out in the code book, which the installation technician must follow. Always Verify motor and UPS load compatibility. Peak Demand = _______
check with the local inspection department to confirm which code cycle will affect your install.
Load Summation Method
Never add amps when sizing a generator. Convert amps to kW and add kW to determine
1) E nter running kW for all motor loads (except the largest) expected to run during peak load
the required generator size. Power factors for various motor loads vary widely. Adding
levels into table 6. Refer to table 1 for typical motor load sizes and electrical require-
amps without properly accounting for the power factor and/or mixing voltages will result in ments.
improperly sizing the generator.
2) E nter kW for all non-motor loads expected to run during peak load levels into table 7. Refer to
When motors start, they create a current surge that step loads the generator and creates a table 2 for typical residential loads and rules of thumb.
voltage dip. After selecting a generator, reference the generator's surge capability using table 3.
3) A dd the running motor load kW, non-motor load kW, and the starting kW of the largest
Verify that voltage dip is adequate for the application. Most commercial applications should be
motor load.
limited to about 15% voltage dip and residential applications should be limited to a 30% voltage
dip. Motor load running total (minus largest motor): _______________ kW (ref. table 8)
Non-motor load total: _______________ kW (ref. table 9)
Some applications utilize an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to back up critical loads. Please
Starting load from largest cycling motor: _______________ kW (ref. table 8)
read sizing guide for this load type. Total electrical loads: = ______________ kW
Measurement Method Select generator: Commercial (add 20 to 25% to total kW)
Use a clamp-on amp meter or power analyzer to measure facility load levels. Clamp each leg Residential (add 10 to 20% to total kW)
separately and take the measurement during peak usage levels. 4) Confirm that voltage dip is within acceptable limits by comparing motor LRA to generator surge
240V 1ø Applications: To determine peak usage in kW, add the highest amp readings from the capability (see table #3).
two legs, multiply by 120 and divide by 1,000. 5) Confirm UPS compatibility (see page 6).
(L1 + L2)120 / 1000
System Capacity – Load Calculation
Size the generator 10 to 20% larger than the peak measured load.
If the local municipality or state you are in has adopted the 2011 NEC Code, you may be
3ø Applications: Add the peak amp readings from all three legs and divide by 3 to determine required to use this step. Article 702 of the 2011 NEC includes a new requirement for sizing
peak amps. Multiply peak Amps by volts, multiply the result by 1.732 (square root of 3), then (702.4). If no other method for sizing is acceptable, sizing of the generator shall be made in
divide by 1000 to convert amps to kW. accordance with Article 220 of the NEC. The system capacity estimating sheet will guide you
Peak Amps = (L1 + L2 + L3) / 3 through this process.
kW = [(Peak amps x Volts) x 1.732] / 1000*
*Assumes power factor of 1.0
PMM Load Control Module 702.4 (B) (2) (a) NEC
Size the generator 20 to 25% larger than the peak measured load.
The PMM Load Control Module is a 50 amp contact housed in a NEMA 3R enclosure
Project Layout for indoor and outdoor installation applications. Through the use
of the PMM Modules in conjunction with any of the 100–400
amp Sync Smart Switches, household or business loads can be
intelligently managed enabling the use of a smaller, more efficient
generator system. Up to four PMM Modules can be used with a
single switch.
Ball Park Estimates (Do not use for final sizing)
Estimate based on 60% service size: (commercial)
240 Volts, 1 Ø: __________ Amps x .15 = __________ kW
208 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .22 = __________ kW
240 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .25 = __________ kW
480 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .50 = __________ kW
Estimate based on 40% service size: (residential)
240 Volts, 1 Ø: __________ Amps x .10 = __________ kW
208 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .15 = __________ kW
240 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .17 = __________ kW
480 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .34 = __________ kW
Estimate based on square footage
Fast food, convenience stores, kW = 50 kW + 10 watts/sq. ft.
restaurants, grocery stores
Other commercial applications kW = 30 kW + 5 watts/sq. ft.
Square footage = __________ Estimated kW = __________
System Capacity – Load Calculator
220.80 Optional Feeder and Service Load Calculations (RESIDENTIAL) NFC REFERENCE
Include the largest of the following six selections (kVA load) in calculation
Air Conditioning and Cooling 220.82 (C) (1)
• 100% of nameplate rating
Heat Pumps Without Supplemental Electric Heating 220.82 (C) (2)
• 100% of nameplate rating
Heat Pumps With Supplemental Electric Heating 220.82 (C) (3)
• 100% of nameplate rating of the heat pump compressor*
• 65% of nameplate rating of supplemental electric heating equipment
-If compressor & supplemental heat cannot run at the same time
do not include the compressor
Electric Space Heating
• Less than 4 separately controlled units@ 65% of nameplate rating 220.82 (C) (4)
• 4 or more separately controlled units @ 40% of nameplate rating 220.82 (C) (5)
• 40% of nameplate rating if 4 or more separately controlled units
Electric Thermal Storage (or system where the load is expected to be 220.82 (C) (6)
continuous at nameplate rating
• 100% of nameplate rating
• Systems of this type cannot be calculated under any other section of 220.82 (C).
General Lighting Load 3VAxft2
• Small Appliance & Laundry Circuits + 1500 VA per circuit
• General Appliances & Motors (1 00% rated load) + Total general appliances
• Sum of all General Loads = Total General Load (VA)
- First 10 kVA@ 100% = 10,000 VA
- Remainder of General Loads @ 40% (Total VA -10,000) x .40
= Calculated General Load (VA)
© Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. The Honeywell Trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. 25
Worksheet — NEC 2011, 220 Part IV
Contractor Email
Phone Fax
Job Name
Date Location
Voltage (Circle) 240V -1Ø
Elec. Service 100 Amp 200 Amp 400 Amp Other
Loads (kW)
GENERAL LOADS Qty Rating (Load) Factor Loads (VA) (VA ÷
General Lighting and General Use Receptacles 3 VA/ft² 100%
Branch Circuits (1500 VA/ft²)
Small Appliance Circuits (20 Amp) 1500 100%
Laundry Circuits 1500 100%
Fixed Appliances Full Current Rating
Well 100%
Sump Pump 100%
Freezer 100%
Microwave (Not counter-top model) 100%
Disposal 100%
Dishwasher 100%
Range (See Table 220.55 for multiple cooking appliances) 100%
Wall-Mounted Oven 100%
Counter-Mounted Cooking Surface 100%
Water Heater 100%
Clothes Dryer 100%
Garage Door Opener 100%
Septic Grinder 100%
Other (list) 100%
Total General Loads VA kW
A-C / Cooling Equipment 100%
Heat Pump
• Compressor (if not included as A-C) 100%
• Supplemental Electric Heat 65%
Electric Space Heating
• Less than 4 separately controlled units 65%
• 4 or more separately controlled units 40%
System With Continuous Nameplate Load 100%
Largest Heat / A-C Load (VA) VA kW
• 1st 10 kW of General Loads 100% kW 100% kW
• Remaining General Loads 40% kW 40% kW
TOTAL CALCULATED LOAD (Net General Loads + Heat/A-C Load) kW
Selected Circuit Load Calculator
Contractor__________________________________ Email_____________________________ Applications
The HT Series does not meet the necessary
Phone_____________________________________ Fax_______________________________ requirements for the following applications:
Job Name____________________________________________________________________ NEC 695 Fire Pumps
NEC 700 Emergency Systems
Date___________________________ Location______________________________________ NFPA 20 Fire Pumps
VOLTAGE 120/240 1ø 120/208 3ø 120/240 3ø 277/480 3ø NFPA 99 Healthcare
NFPA 110 Emergency Systems
TYPE Natural Gas LP Vapor (LPV)
Reference Codes
ELEC. SERVICE 100 Amp 150 Amp 200 Amp 300 Amp 400 Amp Related Codes and Standards:
NEC 225 Branch Circuits and Feeders
600 Amp Other________ NEC 240 Overcurrent Protection
Before installation contact local jurisdiction to confirm all requirements are met. Jurisdictions may vary. NEC 250 Grounding
Contacting local authorities prior to installation is recommended. NEC 445 Generators
NEC 700 Emergency Systems
Loads: Look for heavy building loads such as refrigeration, air conditioning, pumps or UPS systems. NEC 701 Legally Required Standby
Use the following for sizing and determining generator kW. NEC 702 Optional Standby
NFPA 37 Installation & Use of
Stationary Engines
TABLE 8 Motor Load Table (refer to Table 1) NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
NFPA 58 LP Gas Code
Device HP RA LRA kW Running (= HP) Starting
To Calculate kW
120 V 1ø Amps x 120/1000 = kW
240 V 1ø Amps x 240/1000 = kW
208 V 3ø (Amps x 208 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
240 V 3ø (Amps x 240 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
480 V 3ø (Amps x 480 x 1.732 x PF) /1000
= kW
Starting kW for HP < 7.5 starting kW = HP x 3 PF is application power factor (worst case 1.0)
Typical application power factor is 0.95.
Starting kW for HP > 7.5 starting kW = HP x 2
Starting kW for loading with no listed HP, calculate HP based on running amps in the chart on the right
UPS Information
TABLE 9 Motor Load Table (refer to Table 1) 2 x kVA rating for a filtered system
Device Amps kW 3 – 5 x kVA rating for an unfiltered system
It is recommended you refer to the Honeywell UPS Generator Compatibility sheet
(Pg 10) and contact the manufacturer of the UPS system to assist in your installation.
Recommended Generator Size ________ Refer to Generator Sizing Instructions on other side of this sheet.
1. Suggested concrete pad minimum thickness of 4" with 6" overhang on all sides. Composite pad included with air-cooled products.
2. Consult manual for installation recommendations.
3. Consult local authority having jurisdiction for local requirements.
© Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. The Honeywell Trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. 27
Generator Sizing Instructions: Peak amps = _____________ Peak kW= _____________
There is not a single correct sizing solution. Following are several methods that, when mixed Determining Existing Loads/Billing History Method 220.87 NEC 20
with good judgement, should result in an appropriately sized generator. Remember to consider 11
load growth, seasonality, and effects of starting motors. Many customers have a utility rate structure that has a peak demand charge. Using a year's
As municipalities and states adopt the new 2011 NEC Electrical Code, there may be new sizing worth of electric bills, size the generator 25% larger than the largest peak demand.
requirements, spelled out in the code book, which the installation technician must follow. Always Verify motor and UPS load compatibility. Peak Demand = _______
check with the local inspection department to confirm which code cycle will affect your install.
Load Summation Method
Never add amps when sizing a generator. Convert amps to kW and add kW to determine
1) E nter running kW for all motor loads (except the largest) expected to run during peak load
the required generator size. Power factors for various motor loads vary widely. Adding
levels into table 6. Refer to table 1 for typical motor load sizes and electrical require-
amps without properly accounting for the power factor and/or mixing voltages will result in ments.
improperly sizing the generator.
2) E nter kW for all non-motor loads expected to run during peak load levels into table 7. Refer to
When motors start, they create a current surge that step loads the generator and creates a table 2 for typical residential loads and rules of thumb.
voltage dip. After selecting a generator, reference the generator's surge capability using table 3.
3) A dd the running motor load kW, non-motor load kW, and the starting kW of the largest
Verify that voltage dip is adequate for the application. Most commercial applications should be
motor load.
limited to about 15% voltage dip and residential applications should be limited to a 30% voltage
dip. Motor load running total (minus largest motor): _______________ kW (ref. table 8)
Non-motor load total: _______________ kW (ref. table 9)
Some applications utilize an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to back up critical loads. Please
Starting load from largest cycling motor: _______________ kW (ref. table 8)
read sizing guide for this load type. Total electrical loads: = ______________ kW
Measurement Method Select generator: Commercial (add 20 to 25% to total kW)
Use a clamp-on amp meter or power analyzer to measure facility load levels. Clamp each leg Residential (add 10 to 20% to total kW)
separately and take the measurement during peak usage levels. 4) Confirm that voltage dip is within acceptable limits by comparing motor LRA to generator surge
240V 1ø Applications: To determine peak usage in kW, add the highest amp readings from the capability (see table #3).
two legs, multiply by 120 and divide by 1,000. 5) Confirm UPS compatibility (see page 6).
(L1 + L2)120 / 1000
System Capacity – Load Calculation
Size the generator 10 to 20% larger than the peak measured load.
If the local municipality or state you are in has adopted the 2011 NEC Code, you may be
3ø Applications: Add the peak amp readings from all three legs and divide by 3 to determine required to use this step. Article 702 of the 2011 NEC includes a new requirement for sizing
peak amps. Multiply peak Amps by volts, multiply the result by 1.732 (square root of 3), then (702.4). If no other method for sizing is acceptable, sizing of the generator shall be made in
divide by 1000 to convert amps to kW. accordance with Article 220 of the NEC. The system capacity estimating sheet will guide you
Peak Amps = (L1 + L2 + L3) / 3 through this process.
kW = [(Peak amps x Volts) x 1.732] / 1000*
*Assumes power factor of 1.0
PMM Load Control Module 702.4 (B) (2) (a) NEC
Size the generator 20 to 25% larger than the peak measured load.
The PMM Load Control Module is a 50 amp contact housed in a NEMA 3R enclosure
Project Layout for indoor and outdoor installation applications. Through the use
of the PMM Modules in conjunction with any of the 100–400
amp Sync Smart Switches, household or business loads can be
intelligently managed enabling the use of a smaller, more efficient
generator system. Up to four PMM Modules can be used with a
single switch.
Ball Park Estimates (Do not use for final sizing)
Estimate based on 60% service size: (commercial)
240 Volts, 1 Ø: __________ Amps x .15 = __________ kW
208 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .22 = __________ kW
240 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .25 = __________ kW
480 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .50 = __________ kW
Estimate based on 40% service size: (residential)
240 Volts, 1 Ø: __________ Amps x .10 = __________ kW
208 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .15 = __________ kW
240 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .17 = __________ kW
480 Volts, 3 Ø: __________ Amps x .34 = __________ kW
Estimate based on square footage
Fast food, convenience stores, kW = 50 kW + 10 watts/sq. ft.
restaurants, grocery stores
Other commercial applications kW = 30 kW + 5 watts/sq. ft.
Square footage = __________ Estimated kW = __________
System Capacity – Load Calculator
220.80 Optional Feeder and Service Load Calculations (RESIDENTIAL) NFC REFERENCE
Include the largest of the following six selections (kVA load) in calculation
Air Conditioning and Cooling 220.82 (C) (1)
• 100% of nameplate rating
Heat Pumps Without Supplemental Electric Heating 220.82 (C) (2)
• 100% of nameplate rating
Heat Pumps With Supplemental Electric Heating 220.82 (C) (3)
• 100% of nameplate rating of the heat pump compressor*
• 65% of nameplate rating of supplemental electric heating equipment
-If compressor & supplemental heat cannot run at the same time
do not include the compressor
Electric Space Heating
• Less than 4 separately controlled units@ 65% of nameplate rating 220.82 (C) (4)
• 4 or more separately controlled units @ 40% of nameplate rating 220.82 (C) (5)
• 40% of nameplate rating if 4 or more separately controlled units
Electric Thermal Storage (or system where the load is expected to be 220.82 (C) (6)
continuous at nameplate rating
• 100% of nameplate rating
• Systems of this type cannot be calculated under any other section of 220.82 (C).
General Lighting Load 3VAxft2
• Small Appliance & Laundry Circuits + 1500 VA per circuit
• General Appliances & Motors (1 00% rated load) + Total general appliances
• Sum of all General Loads = Total General Load (VA)
- First 10 kVA@ 100% = 10,000 VA
- Remainder of General Loads @ 40% (Total VA -10,000) x .40
= Calculated General Load (VA)
© Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. The Honeywell Trademark is used under license from Honeywell International Inc. 29
Worksheet — NEC 2011, 220 Part IV
Contractor Email
Phone Fax
Job Name
Date Location
Voltage (Circle) 240V -1Ø
Elec. Service 100 Amp 200 Amp 400 Amp Other
Loads (kW)
GENERAL LOADS Qty Rating (Load) Factor Loads (VA) (VA ÷
General Lighting and General Use Receptacles 3 VA/ft² 100%
Branch Circuits (1500 VA/ft²)
Small Appliance Circuits (20 Amp) 1500 100%
Laundry Circuits 1500 100%
Fixed Appliances Full Current Rating
Well 100%
Sump Pump 100%
Freezer 100%
Microwave (Not counter-top model) 100%
Disposal 100%
Dishwasher 100%
Range (See Table 220.55 for multiple cooking appliances) 100%
Wall-Mounted Oven 100%
Counter-Mounted Cooking Surface 100%
Water Heater 100%
Clothes Dryer 100%
Garage Door Opener 100%
Septic Grinder 100%
Other (list) 100%
Total General Loads VA kW
A-C / Cooling Equipment 100%
Heat Pump
• Compressor (if not included as A-C) 100%
• Supplemental Electric Heat 65%
Electric Space Heating
• Less than 4 separately controlled units 65%
• 4 or more separately controlled units 40%
System With Continuous Nameplate Load 100%
Largest Heat / A-C Load (VA) VA kW
• 1st 10 kW of General Loads 100% kW 100% kW
• Remaining General Loads 40% kW 40% kW
TOTAL CALCULATED LOAD (Net General Loads + Heat/A-C Load) kW
Generac Power Systems, Inc. 0194900HWL Revised July 2013
© Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
S45 W29290 Hwy. 59 Specifications subject to change without notice.
Waukesha, WI 53187 The Honeywell Trademark is used under
1-855-GEN-INFO (436-4636) license from Honeywell International Inc.