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Enchalew Aderaw 2

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Date, 18/06/2013E.C

I declare that this report has been done in central Gondar zone water, irrigation &energy
Development. In order to have practical knowledge and skill. So, my declaration describes,
about what I have done during my staying of an internship program in (CGZWIERDD).

I have done during my staying of an internship program (CGZWIERDD).

This report has been written by me and has not received any previous academic credit at this or
any other institution.

This internship report has been submitted for proficient examination as a university advisor

Name of the student: ALEHGNE.TSEHAY


Date of submission………………………….

Advisor’s name: MR.ASHENAFIE

Advisor’s signature: …………………………………………….

First of all I would like to thank my GOD for the successful completion of my internship
program. Next to this I would like to express my deepest thank to Gondar university institute of
technology department of hydraulics and water resource engineering lectures and workers. I
would like to express my deepest gratitude and sincere appreciation to Mr. Ashenafie (Msc.)
for his guidance, follow-up, and advice throughout the project period. I would like to extend
my thanks to those who helped us with different ideas and motivation which inspire us for the
successful completion of this project. Last but not the least; I would like to thank my beloved
family, for giving birth to us at the first place and supporting us spiritually throughout my life.

Table of Contents


LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS..................................................................................................................v


CHAPTRE ONE.....................................................................................................................................1

1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................1

1.2 Background of hoisting company...................................................................................................2

1.3 Brief history of the company......................................................................................................2

1.4 The main products and service of the hosting company.................................................................2

1.5 The main Customers of the company.............................................................................................3

1.6 Overview of the company...............................................................................................................4

1.7 Different divisions of the company....................................................................................................7

1.8 Customers of the company.............................................................................................................7

CHAPTER TWO....................................................................................................................................8

2. Overall internship experience...........................................................................................................8

2.1 The work flow of the department looks like;..................................................................................8

2.2 The work task or work piece we have been executing....................................................................8

2.3 The procedures and methods we have used while performing our tasks.........................................9

2.3.1 Taking the theory part..............................................................................................................9

2. 4 Challenges.....................................................................................................................................9

2.5 In order to overcome the challenges I have been using..................................................................9

CHAPTER THREE.............................................................................................................................10

3. OVER ALL INTERNSHIP BENEFITS.........................................................................................10

3.1 Upgrading of the theoretical knowledge...................................................................................10

3.2 Improving practical skill...............................................................................................................10

3.3 Improving industrial problem solving capability..........................................................................11

3.4 Improving team playing skills......................................................................................................11

3.5 In terms Of Improving My Leadership Skills...............................................................................11

3.6 Understanding about work ethics issues.......................................................................................12

CHAPTERE FOURE...........................................................................................................................14

4. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................14

4.1 Background..................................................................................................................................14

4.1.1 Description of the Project Area.................................................................................................14

4.1.2 Location.....................................................................................................................................14

4.2 Problem statement and justification..................................................................................................17

4.3 Objectives of the project................................................................................................................18

4.3.1 General objective.......................................................................................................................18

4.3.2 Specific Objectives....................................................................................................................18

4.4 Literature review............................................................................................................................19

4.4.1 What mean river diversion head works?...................................................................................19

4.4.2 Site Selection.............................................................................................................................19

4.4.3 Availability of Construction materials.......................................................................................20

4.4. Objective of a diversion head works:...........................................................................................20

4.4.1 Weir body..................................................................................................................................21

4.4.2 Weir Type Selection......................................................................................................................21

4.4.3 Shape of the weir.......................................................................................................................21

4.5 METDOLOGY...............................................................................................................................22

SECTION I: HYDROLOGY...............................................................................................................23

4.6 Hydrology....................................................................................................................................23

4.6.1 Hydro-metrological data availability.........................................................................................23

4.6.2 Climate......................................................................................................................................23

4. 6.3 Daily Heaviest Rainfall Data....................................................................................................24

4.6.4 Base flow data...........................................................................................................................24

4.6.5 Watershed characteristics..........................................................................................................24

4.7 Design flood analysis...................................................................................................................25

4.7.1 Design Rainfall computation.....................................................................................................25

4.7.2 Outlier Test................................................................................................................................25 Checking for variance.............................................................................................................27 D-Index test............................................................................................................................28

4.7.3 Peak Discharge Determination......................................................................................................29 General.......................................................................................................................................29 Peak flood analysis by the United States Soil Conservation S................................................29 Time of concentration (Tc).....................................................................................................29

4.7.4 Direct Run off Analysis.............................................................................................................30

4.7.5 Flood mark Method...................................................................................................................33

4.7.6 Tail Water Depth Computation..................................................................................................34 Average river bed slope..........................................................................................................35 Manning’s Roughness coefficient...........................................................................................35 Discharge of the river.............................................................................................................35 Selected design flood..............................................................................................................37

SECTION II: DIVERSION HEADE WORK DESIGNE..................................................................37

4.7 HEADWORK STRUCTURES DESIGN.....................................................................................37

4.7.1 Headwork site selection.........................................................................................................37

4.7.2 River Geomorphology...........................................................................................................37

4.7.3 Sources of construction materials..........................................................................................39

4.8 Headwork type selection..............................................................................................................40

4.9 Hydraulic design of headwork structure.......................................................................................40

4.9.1 Weir Height Determination...................................................................................................40

4.9.2 Base flow of the River...........................................................................................................41

4.9.3 a. Crest length........................................................................................................................41

4.9.4 b. Discharge over the weir section.................................................................................................41

4.9.5 U/S and D/S HFL Calculation & Determination....................................................................41

4.9.6 Hydraulic Jump Calculation..................................................................................................43

4.9.7 Impervious floor....................................................................................................................45

4.9.8 Cut off Depth Calculation......................................................................................................45

4.10 Stability Analysis of weir...........................................................................................................45

4.11 under Sluice, and Canal outlet....................................................................................................48

4.11.1 under sluice..............................................................................................................................48

4.11.2 Canal outlet level.........................................................................................................................49

CHAPTER FIVEE...............................................................................................................................50

4.12 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..........................................................................51

4.12.1 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................51

4.12. 2 Recommendation....................................................................................................................53



FIGURE 1 KIKIRAYANA RIVER.....................................................................................................15

FIGURE.2 LOCATION OF THE MAP OF PROJECT AREA..................................................................16

FIGURE 3 COMPLEX HYDROGRAPH..............................................................................................33

FIGURE 4 RIVER CROSS SECTION AT THE PROPOSED WEIR SITE..................................................34

FIGURE 5. STAGE DISCHARGE RATING CURVE............................................................................36

FIGURE 6 HYDRAULIC JUMP PROFILE AT PROPOSED SITE............................................................44

FIGURE 7 WEIR X-SECTION..........................................................................................................48


TABLE 1 OUTLIER TEST ANALYSIS..............................................................................................26

TABLE 2 TEST FOR GOODNESS TO FIT USING D-INDEX................................................................28

TABLE 3 DESIGN RAINFALL ARRANGEMENT...............................................................................30

TABLE 4 DIRECT RUN OFF ANALYSIS..........................................................................................31

TABLE 5 HYDROGRAPH COORDINATES........................................................................................32

TABLE 6 RIVER PROFILE..............................................................................................................35

TABLE 7 AVERAGE RIVER BED SLOPE.........................................................................................36

TABLE 8 WEIR STABILITY ANALYSIS...........................................................................................46

ANRSBoWR………………………Amhara National Regional State

NGO………………………………Non governmental organization

CGWRDD………………………Central Gondar small scall water resource and development


l/s………………………………..liter per second

kms……………………………….kilometer per second


UTM…………………………….Universal Transverse Mercatore

TC……………………………….Time Concentration

SCS……………………………..Soil Conservation Service

CN……………………………….Curve number

U/S……………………………….Up stream

D/S……………………………….Down stream

IDD……………………………….Irrigation development department

This report is an outcome of the exercise conducted during my internship period in Gondar
small scale Irrigation Company. This was an opportunity for me to put in practice the
theoretical knowledge I had gathered during my four years of study at University of Gondar.

During the completion of this internship report different necessary methods and procedures
from these; interview of concerned bodies of the company, company documents revisions,
company manuals and operation sheet formats reference etc. Using these sources I have
compile this final internship report through detail explanation.The first part of report, described
the background of my hosting company including the history and objective of the company, its
main product and service and the overall organization flow of the company as well as general
description of the project.

The second part of my report, is explains the overall internship experience I have gained during
my practical period. I started by telling how I get into the company, in which section of the
company I have been working in and the work piece I have been executing. I also explained
clearly what the general workflow in our section look like. Challenges I have faced during my
internship period. I explain briefly the challenges and the taken measurements to overcome
these challenges. my report, explains about the overall benefits I gained from my internship in
terms of improving my practical skills, interpersonal communication skills, team playing skills,
leadership skills, upgrading my theoretical knowledge and work ethics. Finally, the report
finalized with deals about conclusion and recommendation of the project.

The overall objective of kirkirayana small scale irrigation project is to design and implement
sustainable irrigation design and study of kirkirayana irrigation project under modern irrigation
scheme will enable the farmers to use the available water and land resources efficiently and get
themselves food secured by increasing productivity. Designers have identified the weir site
location by choosing at different sites depending on geographical morphological and
geological condition of the river. Kirkirayana small scale irrigation project will enable the
farmers of the project area to positive economic change and improve their life standard by
producing different crops using advanced irrigation.



Irrigation is one of the improved technologies that increase production by efficient utilization
of water resource irrespective of rainfall availability; it is to meet this objective that this small
scale irrigation project is identified. The main economic base for the area is agriculture, in
which both crop production and animal rearing is practical.

Most of Ethiopian’s cultivated land is under rain feed agriculture due to spatial and temporal in
Rainfall distribution and lack of water storage, there is not enough water for most farmers to
produce more than one times per year and hence there are frequent crop failures. As a result of
dry spells and droughts, in this part of the region is phenomenon.

For such problems irrigation is vital solution for agricultural leading economy to ensure
sustainable food security. That is why Irrigation becomes a common practice in our farmers
with different scales. Traditionally farmers try to divert different water sources by constructing
a barrier across the river with local material and traditional ditches to convey to their farm land
so as to support the rain feed agriculture and they are trying to cultivate more than one time per
year. Since they are using their local knowledge, they cannot keep the contour line of the land
and canal bed slope which is not proportional. Most of the main canal rout is earthen, so
percolation and seepage problems affect the capacity of the command area to be irrigated.

The other problem is that the construction is being carried out every year with local materials;
that the farmers should maintain the structure every year.

Therefore to increase command area and irrigation efficiency as well as to address a number of
beneficiaries, to improve traditional irrigation practices by incorporating canal infrastructures;
we can overcome percolation and seepage water losses. Constructing permanent structure has a
significant effect in alleviating every year maintenance cost and labor expenses. Hence
constructing different canal crossing structures for easy irrigation water application to the
irrigable land are modern irrigation practice, and also the beneficiaries have to cover the
operation and maintenance.

1.2 Background of hoisting company

1.3 Brief history of the company

The Amhara National Regional State Irrigation Small Scale water resources development bureau
(ANRSBoWR) is one of the governmental developmental organizations established to improve the
living standards of peoples of the region with respect to food self-sufficiency, water shade
management, and water supply and sanitation projects by use of water and land resources.

Central Gondar Water Resource and Development Department is one of the departments which
occur in Amhara national regional state water resource and development bureau. From 1994-
1999E.C it was under Agricultural and Rural Development Department as water desk. Then, from
1999 E.C still now it becomes central Gondar Water Resource and Development Department
branch office still. This branch office has established with the following core process.

 Planning, monitoring and evaluation unit/process

 Water resource management core process
 Water supply and sanitation core process
 Irrigation and drainage study and design core process
 Energy Resource& Technology Promotion process

Currently supervised by city council of Bahiar Dar, the Amhara national regional state government
and the federal government is understood not to hold any direct ownership. The office water
service is organized as an autonomous public organization under the administration of the town.
The office has responsibility for the production, transmission, distribution and sale of potable and
sufficient water to the town.

1.4 The main products and service of the hosting company

This is the department that stands tries to avoid poverty and hunger, to address water coverage
and water quality of the zone 100%, to insure food security, to create job opportunities for non-
employers and to bring sustainable development by performing the following activities.

From irrigation and drainage study and design core process points of view:

 It performs study and design works of small scale irrigation scheme to cultivate
command area twice and more per year

 Irrigation construction
From water supply and sanitation core process of
 Identifies and selects potential water source areas in north Gondar zone.
 Study and design work of the water distribution system.
 Water quality and risk assessment work.
 Operation and maintenance work of non –functional water institute
 It collects data of different water institute, metrological data, measure seasonal and
perennial discharge of surface water source /river/
 supply drinking water in quality &quantity
 operating and maintenance
 To make water supply service potable, permanent, reliable by increasing the capacity
of the correlated demand progressive demand
 Water supply constriction

From mine and energy core process point of view

 It identifies and delineates potential areas of different type of mines.

 It prevents over use of different mines and it also creates job opportunities for non -
 It also performs promotion supply and distribution works of different technologies
Associated with energies like solar energy and biogas technology.

Generally the department is a part of water resource and development bureau executes law and
rules of the federal/ministry of water supply, energy and water resource development bureaus.
It also gives long-term and short-term trainings for expects in all division of the department by
collaborating with water resource and development bureau.

1.5 The main Customers of the company

 Local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and governmental organization

 Different woredas and kebeles which occurs in central Gondar zone as a whole

 Contractors

 Local artesian

 Woreda town water supply and sewerage services

 Amhara national state water resource development bureau.

 City municipal

 Governmental organizations and institutes

 Non-governmental organizations and institutes

 Private sectors and Individual

1.6 Overview of the company

The objective of the project to maximize the crop production and to ensure food security
through the people and also used to product forage for animals that lives around the project
area. This is the department that stands tries to avoid poverty and hunger, to address water
coverage and water quality of the insure food security, to create job opportunities for non-
employers and to bring sustainable development by performing the following activities.

 From irrigation and drainage study and design core process points of view; it performs
study and design works of small scale irrigation schemes to cultivate command areas
twice and more per year.
 From mine and energy core process point of view

 It identifies and delineates potential areas of different type of mines.

 It prevents over use of different mines and it also creates job opportunities for non-

 It also performs promotion supply and distribution works of different technologies

associated with energies like solar energy and biogas technology.
 To cultivate climate change.
Generally the department is a part of water resource and development bureau executes law and
rules of the federal/ministry of water, irrigation, and energy and water resource development
bureaus. It also gives long-term and short-term trainings for expects in all division of the
department by collaborating with water resource and development. The organization has
different parts with different work flow paths.

1.7 Different divisions of the company
 Zone water resource development department
 Planning, monitoring and evaluation unit/process
 Water resource management core process
 Water supply and sanitation core process
 Irrigation and drainage study and design core process
 Mine core process
 Energy core process

1.8 Customers of the company

 Zone population
 Local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and governmental organization
 Contractors
 Local artesian
 Woreda town water supply and sewerage services
 Different woredas and kebeles which occurs in Central Gondar Zone as a whole

2. Overall internship experience

Based on the new curriculum, I was doing internship for one full semester at Central Gondar
Small Scale Irrigation, Water Resource and Development Department (CGWRDD). I have
gained a lot of understanding and experiences on practical application of water construction in
a well-organized and effective manner. While I was staying there, I have got several
opportunities to visit project frequently to observe the progress and to see the related activities.
Within a fourth month stay in this organization, I have spent ample time with site engineers,
office engineers and quantity surveyors with sufficient orientation and practical involvement
on the site and office work. In this report, I have included insights that I have gained during the
internship time both site and office work knowledge.

2.1 The work flow of the department looks like;

Data collection from field by different discipline

 Agronomical data collection

 Geological data collection
 Surveying data collection.

2.2 The work task or work piece we have been executing

As I narrate above we have been working as irrigation trainee in the company, and were
executing our work piece with two different tasks.

A. Office work
B. Taking the theory part

A. Office work

• Connecting pipe using WATER CAD soft ware

• How to organize and change the raw data for design
• In the office work executed in different way
• Revising the design data.

2.3 The procedures and methods we have used while performing our tasks

2.3.1 Taking the theory part

We have taken the theory part two times per a week (2×) and this session continues for the rest
months. We need to be on time at 2:00 am and finished at 7:00 am. Then I read the
construction document and I saw the project area. After this he gave me an exercise. Finally, he
corrects me that I made errors during the exercise.

 Metrological data collection from metrology station.

 Surveying data collection from geologist.
 Agronomic data collection from agronomist.

2. 4 Challenges

 Due to Shortage of cars and disallowance of the head, I was not lucky to visit the
project site.
 Shortage of computers and internet access in the enterprise. .
 In the site there is uncomfortable weather condition.
 Lack of office and office materials.
 Lack of construction safety wears.

2.5 In order to overcome the challenges I have been using

 I was using different materials like softcopy and hard copy

 Trying to make the machineries to be maintained as fast as possible.
 By asking my supervisors
 I tried to use my own materials
 Work efficiently to any task given by my supervisor.


3.1 Upgrading of the theoretical knowledge

Internship program played a major role to the students to be strong enough in upgrading their

theoretical knowledge through practice. It enables them in showing brightly the application of
each theoretical knowledge in the real world.

I bear witness for this in the Gondar Town water supply projects have been beneficiary in
upgrading the theoretical knowledge having some vision in water supply, ground water,
construction materials etc.I also have enhanced the theoretical knowledge having from
supplementary courses like writing skill, entrepreneurship for engineers and the likes.

3.2 Improving practical skill

As engineering is knowledge of science which can be applied on something valuable and

problem solving; improving practical skill is mandatory for those who engaged themselves in
this career beyond their theoretical knowledge. Therefore; in this four month’s internship
period I have gained the following practical skills.

 A brief knowledge how to construct irrigation structure.

 How to select the desired site.

 The ability to analyze and interpret engineering data.

 The importance of critical thinking.

 How to design water irrigation project and gathering relevant data.

 The ability to work within a team work properly and peacefully.

 Effective assessment and management of risks, resources and time.

 Written and oral communication skills.

 Maximizing of the commitment with persons and increasing the positive feedback.

 Judging on something difficult in practical works which requires engineering


3.3 Improving industrial problem solving capability

Interns, who are participated in the internship program, have a chance to observe/take part in
analyzing, organizing and interpreting a complex data in their hosting company/industry. By
doing so, they will improve their capability in managing or solving industrial problems.

This internship motivates me not to be employee because it enables me to know more about

my career, the real challenges, and ways of business establishment in my profession.

3.4 Improving team playing skills

Engineering work requires a team work in order to be done effectively with its own time.
While I was in internship program, I have worked with different persons having different
knowledge, skills and attitudes. Therefore, in this way I have attempted to improve my team
playing skills. My team works helping to develop skills and supporting how to interaction with
peoples. I have improved my team playing skill in my internship time.

 Generally I have improved my team work playing skill I was working, going, sharing
and high commitment with other team work.

 Team playing skill makes me to build my confidence to accomplish my works.

 I was able to gained knowledge sharing idea with other persons.

3.5 In terms Of Improving My Leadership Skills

In my internship I have learned and improved my leadership skill from workers, site Engineers,
especially from my supervisor. He can coordinate, organize and manage things patiently. So I
have learned many things from him, he helped me to enhance my leader ship skill in the
following tasks which are expected from a good leader;

 Being role model to workers

 Motivate and encourage others

 Controlling and organizing things

 Knowing management system

 Laying out action plan

 Being responsible

 Ability to work in the company with partners

3.6 Understanding about work ethics issues

Ethics can be defined as a rational justification of the right way to live; correct values as well
as correct ways of treating others. It can be viewed in to two ways, Personal Ethics and
professional ethics. Personal ethics include honesty, fairness, Compliant to the law, refusing to

take unfair advantage and so forth. Whereas the professional ethics include: accountability,
integrity, impartiality, transparency and openness, due diligence, avoiding potential or apparent
conflict of interests and the likes. These ethics are very important medium for the peaceful
coexistence of the society and the safety working environment in the project site.

I improved both my personal and professional ethics by working with a smooth relationship
with staff members, with friends and with my supervisor. I learned good interaction with the
employers. The most important benefits that gain are;

 Build motivation and good work habit

 To develop my confidence to do works.

 To develop my personal behaviors.

 Punctuality and critically time management

 Develop friendship with work partners

The internship program equipped us with different kinds of work ethics. The organizations that
we had working have its own rules and regulation that the employer has to follow such as:-

 Reliability
 Punctuality
 Honesty and
 Cooperation
Reliability: - The worker should b e qualified for the part He/ She is supposed to be
performing. He/she must have appropriate skill and knowledge for the task assigned.
Punctuality: - means keeping the companies work beginning and ending time and to complete
a given task within the given period.
Honesty: - Regarding this value each worker regardless of its status should abstain from bad
behaviors such as cheating, bias, corruption etc.
Cooperation: - Each worker should interact and cooperate with each other while working.
That is because it is through such system problems could be easily solved.
3.7 Entrepreneurship skills

First it is very important to define the word entrepreneurship. It is defined as the process of
creating new things and the entrepreneur is a person who creates or invents something new.

But the entrepreneur might not be necessarily creator or inventor. In general the entrepreneur
can be creator or inventor, imitator etc.

During the internship, I have tried to imitate some entrepreneurial characteristics from those
who are professional in the project work.

 Hard working habit

 Decision making capability

 Self confidence

 Innovative approach to risk and so forth

And also He or she is the person who perceives the market opportunity and then has the
motivation, drive and ability to mobilize resources to meet it. I have got a wide range of
entrepreneur skills such as.

 Ability to work both as part of team and independently.

 The ability to manage time and people (both myself and others) successfully.

 Able to plan, coordinate and organized effectively.

 How to manage the finance and financial literacy.



4.1 Background

4.1.1 Description of the Project Area

4.1.2 Location

Kirkirayana irrigation project is located mainly at chinqana kebele woymba gote, Tach
Armachiho Wereda of North Gondar Zone in the Amhara Regional state. The proposed
irrigation project is to be undertaken on Kirkirayana River and the headwork structures are

specifically located at an altitude of 1102masl and geographical coordinates of 1435393 N
(UTM) & 307816 E (UTM).

The project site can be accessed from the Watersead town, Sanja after driving 8km on all
weathered gravel road. Sanja town is found at about 60km from the Zonal Capital City,
Gondar. There is no traditional irrigation practice that is conducted in the area. However
farmers are much initiated to use the river for the irrigation purpose.

River diversion by constructing weir across the river To improve living standard of the project
area farmers by increasing yield production.

Figure 1 kikirayana river

Figure.2 location of the map of project area

4.2 Problem statement and justification

o Excavation depth without recommended
o Retaining wall construction is simply constructing without zero elevation to the ground.
o Under sluice gate is no provided
o Canal off take site is providing without its operating head.
o Downstream retaining wall length is less than with its apron length.
o Transportation system from the farmer area to the site.

Solution for the problem

o By using a profile for the canal and the weir foundation is redesigned its dimension then
after excavated
o Retaining wall is constructed to the embankment until it comes zero elevation.
o During design the under sluice is not provide but when come to construction the
supervisor engineer is provide the under sluice gate because without it the weir body is
not functional.
o During construction the canal operating head should be add because of the driving the
water to the off taking canal.
o The downstream retaining wall should be increasing its length to the minimum of the
apron length to protect the scour.
o The woreda committee and kebele committee meet and solve the transport system and
then the construction material is transported.

4.3 Objectives of the project

4.3.1 General objective

The study uses meteorological stations from Gondar station due to various hydrological
reasons, therefore meteorologically the study covers wider areas but hydro-logically the study
is limited to data that are entirely in the Kirkirayana watershed and adjacent watersheds in
terms of social inclusions. For water balance study cases where a downstream release is
essential, the study shall cover the study of downstream flow regime and recharges which is
out of the watershed.

The study uses meteorological stations from Gondar station due to various hydrological
reasons, therefore meteorologically the study covers wider areas but hydro-logically the study
is limited to data that are entirely in the Kirkirayana watershed and adjacent watersheds in
terms of social inclusions. For water balance study cases where a downstream release is
essential, the study shall cover the study of downstream flow regime and recharges which is
out of the watershed.

4.3.2 Specific Objectives

 To identify, estimate and allocate, according to the water balance study, proportional
irrigation water for the given diversion to make sustainable the rain-fed crop production
and make extra production in the dry season irrigation for 40ha of land (ToR) through
irrigation by constructing diversion structures across the Kirkirayana River and diverting
the river flow.
 To appropriately estimate the design flood across the given cross section of the diversion
and/or the surrounding area by using various acceptable hydrological methods and
models, so that after construction of the structure any unmanaged/overtopping, over
flooding, back flooding and scouring ,etc/ will be minimized and the structure will be
safe throughout the life time.

 To estimate reasonably design storm and design flood using required return period to
properly size the recommended hydraulic structures for the purpose.
 To make detail design of the proposed weir with an engineering cost estimate.

Other benefits that can be expected from the project are:

 Efficiency of water use improvement;

 Improved local nutrition/food security gains;

 Improved management of scarce natural resources (land and water);
 Rationale for the intensification and modernization of small-holder agriculture and rural

 The engineering study and design enables the realization of the project by the provision
of engineering structures that will allow the appropriate abstraction of the river water
for delivery in to the identified irrigation fields of the study area. Hence, this
engineering design is specifically targeted to:
 Hydro logic requirements of the project and engineering structures;
 The formulation of sound and stable structure, with necessary provisions that allow
safe, easy and low-maintenance operation in the service life of the project;
 Prepare working Analyze drawing.

4.4 Literature review

4.4.1 What mean river diversion head works?

A diversion head works is a structure constructed across a river for the purpose of raising water
level in the river so that it can be diverted into the off taking canals. Diversion head works are
generally constructed on the perennial rivers which have adequate flow throughout the year
and, therefore, there is no necessity of creating a storage reservoir. Diversion head works
differs from a storage work. Storage work is constructed on the river for the purpose of
creating a large storage reservoir. Diversion head works there is very little storage on the
upstream side.

4.4.2 Site Selection

After the finding of different alternatives for diversion structures at different sections of the
river no another option is existed at upstream or downstream of the traditional axis, based on
different criteria the diversion site is selected on the site of traditional weir site. This is done to
get stable river cross section, to minimize idle canal, low weir crest length & to get sufficient
head for the command area with economical structures without affecting the existing water
balance. Looking the availability of natural construction materials and considering the river
features and the height of the weir, a weir that can be easy for construction with economical
section is considered. Based on these factors a cyclopean weir type is selected for irrigation
project and the risk of river bolder crushing the edges of the weir can be minimized by
allowing boulders to flow smoothly in a 19m reinforced concrete cupping of the cyclopean
weir were provided. The River has got straight and hard rock bed at the downstream of the
headwork site. The weir needs of providing u/s and d/s apron or energy dissipater.

4.4.3 Availability of Construction materials

The availability of construction materials that are required to build the proposed diversion and
canal structure were assessed in quality, quantity and distance from the project site during field
work. Based on this, masonry stones are available in sufficient quality and quantity with in
10km radius but from Gang river (River available b/n Bassano kebele and Chilga woreda)
around 8Km away from the site.

4.4. Objective of a diversion head works:

 To rise the water level at the head of canal.

 To form storage by constructing dykes on both the banks of the river so that water is available
throughout the year.
 To control the entry of silt into the canal and to control the deposition of the silt at the head of
the canal.
 To control the fluctuation of water level in the river during different seasons.


In a head work the diversion weir is the main structure, it is very essential to know various
parts of it before carrying out the actual design of the weir. The common components are:

Weir body

Under sluice

Canal Head Regulators

Retaining wall

 River training works, such as marginal bunds, guide banks

4.4.1 Weir body

One of the main purposes of weir is to raise the level and divert the direction of the water in
dry season. It is constructed across the river. By considering the availability of construction
materials and there is no as such risky boulder in the river if masonry is provided abroad
crested masonry weir is selected. The following structure is constructed to protect the weir
from failure due to surface water flow.
 Cutoff:-the u/s cutoffs provided to protect the main structure against failure
 Upstream apron; It is provided to protect the main structure against scour.

4.4.2 Weir Type Selection

The type of weir for my case is chosen to be broad crested weir. The reason for these is the
 Because of weak bearing capacity of the soil.
 Foundation at the site appears to be suitable for such type of weir.
 Cross-section of the river at some interval upstream and Downstream of the weir.

4.4.3 Shape of the weir

The shape of the weir is selected based on the existing conditions of the site, design
considerations, ease and practicability during the construction time. Hence, a broad crested
weir with inclined downstream face is preferably selected for smooth transition of silt load
without damaging the intake structure that could be expected.

Sharp crested, broad crested and ogee are some of the weir crests shape. They differ in

hydraulic efficiency, economy and convenience in construction. Based on materials used for
small scale weir is a Cyclopean concrete.


1. Project name: kikrayna Diversion Irrigation Project

2. Name of the stream: kikrayna River
3. Location of the weir site
 North:1435398
 East:307812
 Average Altitude: 1102m.a.s.l
 Zone: North Gondar
 Wereda: Tach Armachiho
4. Hydrology
 Design rainfall: 95.22 mm
 Catchment area: 20.77 Km2
 Longest flow path length: 9.72Km
 Design flood: 107.26m3/s
 Design base flow:70 l/s
 Command area:40ha

5. Weir

 Type: - Broad Crested weir
 Weir Height: -2m
 Crest length: - 22m

The study procedure,

 Specific Site identification:

o Field study assessment and measurement

o Review of the reconnaissance survey conducted

o 50,000 scale top map and GIS information

o topography survey at a scale of 1:1000

o Local farmers interview and discussion

o Use of Other secondary data ( Meteorology and that of the woreda)

 Flow estimation

o Physical observation on flood mark indications and local information about high
flood and critical flow condition of the river

o Base flow estimated during the reconnaissance field visit by floating method.

o Base flow estimated during the study field visit by floating method.

o Base flow estimated using aged farmers information

 Topographic survey:

o Surveying the headwork site and the Command area with sufficient radius,
using Total Station.

4.6 Hydrology

4.6.1 Hydro-metrological data availability

4.6.2 Climate

Hydrologists and designers are faced with lack of good or recorded hydrometric data on the
target stream/river and on local weather and climate conditions. Stream gauging stations are
virtually non-existent in remote rural areas of Ethiopia; meteorological stations are almost rare.
Likewise, at the Project area location and in the catchment area of this project, there is no
meteorological station of any level. Moreover, there are no recorded flow data for the river.
Therefore, data for the hydro-meteorological analysis is taken from the nearby station and
similar areas. Therefore it is technically advisable to use the Gondar rainfall station for the

As per the data of the station, March – April are identified as high temperature periods whereas
December–January are low temperature periods. The mean annual rainfall amount is 1101mm
(1961 - 1995 data) and most of it occurred from June to August.

4. 6.3 Daily Heaviest Rainfall Data

In order to compute the design flood for design of the diversion structure, the daily maximum
rainfall is collected from Gondar Meteorological stations with a record of 35 years. Because
this station is the nearest one as compared to other NMSA stations.

4.6.4 Base flow data

Flow measurement conducted on 18/09/2005, using floating method at the proposed weir site
is 70l/s. there is no upstream and downstream users. As to the downstream case since the river

joins Sanja river after few kms, there is no lack of water for environmental maintenance

4.6.5 Watershed characteristics

The Watershed has marked topographic variation. All types of slopes are present. The
dominant slope class is 3-8% which covers 64.58% of the total area followed by 0-3% which is
18.16%. Sloping and moderately steep slopping accounts 16.40 and 0.86 percent respectively.
There is very steep slope.

Certain physical properties of watersheds significantly affect the characteristics of the runoff
and sediment yield and are of great interest in hydrologic analyses. The rate and volume of
runoff, and sediment yield from the watershed have much to do with shape, size, slope and
other parameters of the landscape. These suggest that there should be some important relations
between basin form and hydrologic performance. If the basin and hydrologic characteristics are
to be related, the basin form must also be represented by quantitative descriptors. These
parameters are measured from maps as follows.

 Catchment Area = 20.77 km2

 Stream Length = 9.7 Km

 CN(II) = 82

At the selected reference point, the area of Kirkirayana catchment is 20.7 km 2 and consists of a
network of tributaries.

Kirkirayana River at the headwork site is characterized by well-defined channel system and
enough flows. It looks that the gradient of the river is medium and hence there exists no more

4.7 Design flood analysis

For the design and analysis of structures to be constructed on the river, estimation of flood
magnitude is an important task. This can be done using different techniques depending on the
data available at or nearby the selected irrigation project site. For this particular case, there are
no river flow data and hence the flood estimation is done using the rainfall data and applying
SCS Curve Method. However this is not the best and only method to be used. The result can be

checked using other river hydraulic or geometry hydrodynamic reactions or checked using
flood mark method.

4.7.1 Design Rainfall computation

Based on the data of 24hr peak rainfall given in Table 2.1 the design rainfall, RF is computed
by using different distributions.

4.7.2 Outlier Test

Higher Limit,Y H =Ymean+ Kn∗Sy , Kn = 2.753 for 35 Years of data.

Lower Limit, Y H =Ymean−Kn∗Sy , .

Table 1 outlier test analysis

Descending Logarithmic

S.No. Year Max. RF Order Rank Value/Yo/ (Yo-Ym)2 (Yo-Ym)3

1 1961 59 99 1 1.9956 7 0.0249062

2 1962 50 82 2 1.9138 0 0.0092894

3 1963 55 69.5 3 1.8420 4 0.0026501

4 1964 59.2 65.4 4 1.8156 1 0.0014041

5 1965 48.2 65.4 4 1.8156 1 0.0014041

6 1966 42.1 65 6 1.8129 5 0.0013062

7 1967 82 63.5 7 1.8028 0.009835 0.0009754


8 1968 45 63 8 1.7993 3 0.0008776

9 1969 51.9 59.3 9 1.7731 0 0.0003351

10 1970 57.1 59.2 10 1.7723 7 0.0003246

11 1971 36 59 11 1.7709 9 0.0003042

12 1972 59.3 57.1 12 1.7566 9 0.0001492

13 1973 53.1 55 13 1.7404 5 0.0000497

14 1974 69.5 54.3 14 1.7348 4 0.0000304

15 1975 65 54.3 14 1.7348 4 0.0000304

16 1976 65.4 53.1 16 1.7251 0 0.0000099

17 1977 63.5 51.9 17 1.7152 8 0.0000015

18 1978 50.3 51.3 18 1.7101 5 0.0000003

19 1979 44 50.3 19 1.7016 1 0.0000000

20 1980 54.3 50 20 1.6990 4 -0.0000001

21 1981 30 48.2 21 1.6830 4 -0.0000087

22 1982 34.3 47.9 22 1.6803 2 -0.0000126

23 1983 65.4 45 23 1.6532 9 -0.0001279

24 1984 43.9 45 23 1.6532 9 -0.0001279

25 1985 99 44 25 1.6435 7 -0.0002176

26 1986 37 43.9 26 1.6425 5 -0.0002285

27 1987 41.3 42.1 27 1.6243 3 -0.0004990

28 1988 51.3 41.3 28 1.6160 5 -0.0006734

29 1989 47.9 40.1 29 1.6031 3 -0.0010137

30 1990 63 37 30 1.5682 6 -0.0024822

31 1991 31.1 36.8 31 1.5658 6 -0.0026139

32 1992 36.8 36 32 1.5563 5 -0.0031958

33 1993 54.3 34.3 33 1.5353 8 -0.0047676

34 1994 40.1 31.1 34 1.4928 0.044453 -0.0093725


35 1995 45 30 35 1.4771 5 -0.0116166

SUM 1830.30   59.6260 0 0.0070902

MEAN 52.29   1.7036 9 0.0002026

STANDARD DEVATION 14.31   0.1145    

SKEWNESS COEFICIENT 1.056   0.1472    

Higher Limit, YH = 2.0046

Lower Limit, YL = 1.4026

Upper limit of rainfall = 101.9540 =101.0655mm

Lower Limit of rainfall = 101.3871 = 25.2695mm

Therefore the rainfall values are all within the limits and hence we can use. Checking for variance

After checking the outliers, the data should be checked for variability. For variability the
formula used is

δ ∩−1
α= ( √ N∗Mean )
∗100 %

Where, δn-1 = Standard deviation = 14.31

N = Number of recorded data = 35

Mean = 52.29

α = Standard error

α= ( √ 48∗48.26 )∗100 %=4.62<10 % Acceptable
Therefore, the data shows relatively good consistency to use as design input. D-Index test

After checking the consistency of the data for higher and lower outlier, the 35 years data is
obtained as representative for the analysis using D-index. The D-Index test is believed to be the
better goodness to fitness in many literatures. Hence in this study it was used to determine the
best statistical distribution to estimate the peak rainfall. The D-index for the comparison of the
fit of various distributions is summarized as follows.
D −Index =( )∗∑ |( Xi− Xi' )|
X m i=1

Where Xi and Xi’ are the i th highest observed and computed values for the distribution

Table 2 test for goodness to fit using d-index

Log Pearson Log Pearson Gumbel

Normal Type III Normal Type III EVI Gumbel

Rank XI XI -'XI' XI -'XI' XI -'XI' XI -'XI' XI -'XI' XI -'XI'

1 99 19.306 12.285 12.319 16.569 9.841 12.452

2 82 6.904 1.981 2.001 4.239 0.691 6.936

3 69.5 2.586 6.466 6.453 5.268 7.166 21.270

4 65.4 4.362 7.607 7.598 7.094 7.936 26.986

5 65.4 2.424 5.250 5.245 5.227 5.323 28.504

6 65 1.136 3.678 3.675 4.021 3.563 30.388

Sum 36.718 37.267 37.291 42.418 34.521 126.535

Sum/Mean 0.702 0.713 0.713 0.811 0.660 2.420

Point Rainfall 81.69 88.68 86.87 82.81 89.39 95.22

Design Point Rainfall =   89.387        

All the candidate distributions give almost identical correlation coefficients. However, the
standard errors are significantly lower for the Gumbel’s EVI Method which is 0.66 that makes.
However, since the data of Gondar is taken for the site which is far by 60km, taking this design
storm may underestimate the flood, for this reason Gumbel’s distribution is selected to be safe.
Therefore, the design point rainfall for 50 years return period is 95.22 m

4.7.3 Peak Discharge Determination General
The river is not gauged river. The design flood is calculated by using SCS unit hydrograph
method. Thus, it is preferred to base the flood analysis on rainfall data. In the hydrologic
analysis for drainage structures, it must be recognized that there are many variable factors that
affect floods. Some of the factors that need be recognized and considered on an individual site
by site basis are; rainfall amount and storm distribution; catchment area, shape and orientation;
ground cover; type of soil; slopes of terrain and stream(S); antecedent moisture condition;
Storage potential (over bank, ponds, wetlands, reservoirs, channel, etc.). After simulated design
flood is obtained based on the actual river and watershed data, the result is compared with the
flood mark method that is checked during field assessment. Peak flood analysis by the United States Soil Conservation S

Design flood is calculated by using SCS method. This method is widely adopted and more
reliable simulation method for flood estimation. The approach considers, watershed
parameters, like Area, Curve number, and Time of concentration. Time of concentration (Tc)

Time of concentration has been calculated by taking the stream profile of the longest
streamline and dividing it in to different elevation ranges. Kirpich formula is adopted for

The formula is,

0.385 0.385 0.385
L1 3 L2 3 Ln 3
Tc=∑ 0.948
H1 {( ) ( ) +
+…+ ( ) }


 Tc = 1.12 Since Tc> 3hr., duration of excess rainfall difference, D =.0.50

 Time to peak,

T D = 0.92 hr
p=¿ +0.6∗T c ¿

 Base time,

T b=2.67∗T p = 2.46hr

 Recession time,

T r=1.67∗T p=1.54hr. Curve number (CN)

Curve number (CN) is achieved based on SCS method by watershed characterization in terms
of land cover, treatment, hydrologic condition and soil group. From the watershed analysis
curve number at condition II = 82 since peak rainfall is found at an antecedent moisture
condition III state, this value has to be changed to antecedent moisture condition III.

Conversion factor = 1.1133

CN Condition (III) = (Factor from Table x CN condition II) = 82*1.1133 = 91.287 Areal Rainfall

As the area of the catchment gets larger, coincidence of all hydrological incidences becomes
less and less. This can be optimized by changing the calculated point rainfall to aerial rainfall.
The conversion factor is taken from standard table and curves that relate directly with the size
of watershed area and type of the gauging station (IDD manual).

Table 3 design rainfall arrangement

Area to Areal Incrementa

Rainfall Point Rainfall l

Ratio % (mm)
Profile Rainfall
Design Descending
Rainfall (mm) order Rank
(hr)   % Mm          

0 95.22 30.0 28.6 68.0 19.4 19.43 19.43 1

0.5   45.0 42.8 78.0 33.4 14.00 14.00 2

1   51.0 48.6 80.0 38.9 5.43 7.22 3

1.5   59.0 56.2 82.0 46.1 7.22 5.43 4

2   63.0 60.0 83.5 50.1 4.02 4.95 5

2.5   68.0 64.8 85.0 55.0 4.95 4.02 6

4.7.4 Direct Run off Analysis

Input data:

 Design Point Rainfall =95.22mm

 Curve number at antecedent moisture condition III =91.287

 Catchment Area, A =20.77Km2

 Tc= 1.12hr, D = 0.5hr., Tp =0.92hr; Tb =2.46hr; Tr = 1.2hr.

 Direct run-off,

( I −0.2∗S)2
( I + 0.8∗S)

Where, I = Rearranged cumulative run-off depth (mm

 S = Maximum run off potential difference,

S= ( 25400
CN )

 Peak run-off for incremental;

0.21∗( A∗Q)
Q p=

Where, A=Catchment area (Km2)

Tp=Time to peak (hr) Q = Incremental run-off (mm)

Table 4 Direct run off analysis

Time of
Durati Cumulati Incremental Peak Runoff Begin Time to Time to
on (hr) ve Runoff Runoff (mm) Incremental (hr) Peak (hr) End (hr)

6 4.02 4.02 0.00 0.00 0.92 2.46

4 5.43 9.45 0.73 0.50 1.42 2.96

3 7.22 16.67 3.87 1.00 1.92 3.46

1 19.43 36.09 17.59 1.50 2.42 3.96

2 14.00 50.09 29.46 2.00 2.92 4.46

5 4.95 55.04 33.84 2.50 3.42 4.96

Table 5 hydrograph coordinates

Time H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 SUM

0.00 0.00            

0.50 0.00 0.00         0.00

0.60 0.00 0.37         0.37

0.92 0.00 1.57 0.00       1.57

1.30 0.00 2.99 4.79       7.78

1.42 0.00 3.44 6.73 0.00     10.18

1.70 0.00 2.82 11.18 13.96     27.97

1.92 0.00 2.32 14.72 29.42 0.00   46.47

2.20 0.00 1.70 12.06 48.87 12.07   74.70

2.42 0.00 1.21 9.94 64.33 25.44 0.00 100.91

2.70 0.00 0.58 7.27 52.68 42.26 4.46 107.26

2.92   0.09 5.15 33.36 55.63 9.40 103.63

3.10   0.00 3.45 22.30 49.17 13.39 88.31

3.42     0.37 2.40 37.55 20.56 60.88

3.96     0.00 0.00 18.08 13.36 31.44

4.46         0.00 6.68 6.68

4.96           0.00 0.00

From the analysis, the 50 years return period design run off is 107.26m 3/s. This implies that
for this watershed the peak flood rate per km2 area of the watershed is about 5.164 m3/s/km2

. The 6hr synthetic hydrograph is shown using the following graphical representation



0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 3 complex hydrograph

4.7.5 Flood mark Method

During field assessment and topographic survey, the normal and maximum flood mark points
has been selected by interviewing the local aged farmers and marked in cross section of
selected river geometry. The river is a more channelized one having defined bed and banks
dominantly covered by fresh basalt settings. It is also steeply in slope proving that flood is
concentrated in the outlet in 1.12 hrs time (calculated. There is no overflowing problem.

The cross section of the river looks the following starting from the right side bank of the river
(BM-2, left side)







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 4 river cross section at the proposed weir site

4.7.6 Tail Water Depth Computation

Tail water depth of the river is equal to the flood depth and amount at the proposed weir site
before construction of the weir. It is used to crosscheck peak flood estimated by the SCS unit
hydrograph method with flood mark method and to see the flood feature after the hydraulic
jump. During field visit, the flood mark of the river at the proposed diversion site was marked
based on dwellers information and physical indicative marks. The river cross-section was

35 Average river bed slope

Table 6 river profile

Northing Easting Partial Distance  Cum.Distance n  

307775.49 1435370.42 0.00 0.00 1102.60  upstream

307782.92 1435378.14 10.72 10.72 1102.26  

307792.07 1435379.91 9.32 20.03 1102.08  

307802.85 1435389.54 14.45 34.48 1102.13

307811.87 1435398.50 12.72 47.20 1102.25 center

307822.24 1435412.92 17.77 64.97 1102.05  

307831.53 1435425.16 15.36 80.33 1102.00  

307857.45 1435438.21 29.02 109.35 1101.47 m

slope 0.010 Manning’s Roughness coefficient

The Manning’s roughness coefficient is taken from standard table based on the river nature.
The river at the headwork site has got relatively U-shape feature and straight nature. The river
banks have bushes and wooden logs but on the river bed there are out cropped weathered
rocks. Hence, Manning’s roughness coefficient (n = 0.030) is adopted. Discharge of the river

Input data:

 Manning's roughness coefficient, n = 0.030

 Average river bed slope, S = 0.010

V = ×R2 /3 ×√ S
n ,

Where, R = Hydraulic radius = (Area/Perimeter)

Q=V ∗A

Table 7 average river bed slope

wet perim wet area Hydraulic Velocity Discharg

Elevation Depth (PW) (a) Radius ® (V) e (Q) Remarks

1102.25 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000  

1102.53 0.280 4.476 0.871 0.195 1.138 0.992

1102.81 0.560 6.358 2.336 0.367 1.739 4.063

1103.09 0.840 11.815 4.832 0.409 1.868 9.025

1103.37 1.120 16.399 8.784 0.536 2.236 19.638

1103.65 1.400 20.015 13.812 0.690 2.647 36.563

1103.93 1.680 23.630 19.836 0.839 3.017 59.836

1104.21 1.960 27.705 26.901 0.971 3.324 89.419

1104.327 2.301 32.480 37.682 1.144 3.702 107.259 computed

114 mark

1104.77 2.520 35.526 44.558 1.254 3.943 175.672








0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00

Figure 5. Stage discharge rating curve

From the above stage discharge table the computed design peak discharge is 107.26m 3/s (at a
depth of 2.3 m from the river bed). Selected design flood

Based on the stage analysis result of the flood mark elevation, the amount of flood computed,
107.26m3/s fall at elevation of 1104.327 (at a depth of 2.3 m from the river bed). But the
amount of flood computed at the flood mark elevation was found to be 114 m3/s which is
higher than the computed flood amount using SCS method above.

However we adopted the scs value of flood i.e. 107.26m3/s because the flood mark flood is a
little exaggerated.

Therefore, the downstream high flood level before construction can be calculated as

⇒ D/S HFL = 1102.25+2.3= 1104.55 masl.


4.7.1 Headwork site selection

The headwork site is situated at 307816E, 1435393 N and river bed elevation of 1102.25 m
above sea level. At this site the river course is well defined, matured with fixed width and
forms nearly a U-shaped cross section. The headwork site is characterized by welded and hard
basaltic rock. Along some places the river bed is covered with jointed bedrock (basalt). Since
the bedrock has small joints and small fractures water can’t percolate through the foundation.
The river is flowing through a defined channel and straight reach and its scouring effect on the
river course is less as its bed is covered by hard bedrock.

4.7.2 River Geomorphology

It is a common fact that the river development tends to accommodate itself to the local
geology that develops along the structurally weak zones like faults, joints, folds, etc. The
drainage system of the study area is strongly influenced by geological structures and
formations, the nature of the vegetation cover and climate. The nature of geological
formations and structures has also strong influence on the development of the channel.

The present morphology of the Kirkirayana River channel is a function of a number of

processes and environmental conditions, including the composition of the bed and the banks.
The river flows in meandering pattern. Particularly at the diversion site, the river has gentle
slope. But as we move some meters downstream of the diversion site the river take steep
slope. The river has narrower section in upstream direction whereas to downstream side the
river section becomes somewhat wider. River Bed condition

The stream bed at the headwork site shows moderate slope whereas at the lower side of the
weir site it is steep slope. At those areas having steep slope no sediment or deposit has been
accumulated., At those beds from which having gentle slope the river bed is covered by recent
coarse alluvial sediment having same textural characteristic to the older coarse sediment
observed at the lower horizon of the left bank.

At the lower section of the river most part of the stream bed is made from the alluvial deposit
(cobble, gravel and sand size) but near right end areas there is exposed welded basalt rock and
it extends in upstream side. From local geological setting, the thickness of the alluvial sediment
can reach 1m, below to which the underlying bedrock could be found. The proposed structure;
hence, should lie on the bed rock, which is exposed at the surface at right and left section. The
bedrock is fresh and un-weathered at the surface when we go deeper. River Bank condition

Right Bank

This abutment forms nearly small ridge. It is characterized by moderately to highly weathered,
jointed and fractured rock. It is covered by weathered rock with silt clay soil for few centimeter
thicknesses on the top part of this bank. This rock is not extending in the downstream direction
instead it is replaced by red silt clay soil at the river bank but in the upstream side it extends for
some meters. At the proposed weir site the height of this bank is about 1.5m with steeply slope.
This rock is good for anchoring the proposed weir structure and the recommended retaining
wall along this side with it.

Left Bank

The left bank of the River geological formation is characterized by consolidated sandstone and
unconsolidated or weathered hard rock. The soil type along this bank is characterized with
reddish color and having fine to intermediate grain size. From visual examination of the pit,
there is thin fine silty clay soil having low plasticity.

4.7.3 Sources of construction materials

During site investigation, natural construction materials required for the construction of the
various proposed engineering structures at the headwork and within the farmland have been
assessed, and possible quarry sites and borrow areas have been identified within the vicinity of
the study area as close to the project site as possible. In addition to identifying the quality,
quantity and accessibility conditions of the construction materials, ownerships of each
proposed production sites have also been studied and described in this report, on separate sub-
sections below. The materials needed for the construction of the structures include rock for
masonry stones, aggregates (both coarse and fine), and water.

40 Rock for Masonry and Crushed Coarse Aggregate

Source or quarry site for rock that can be used for masonry works has been assessed at the
immediate vicinity of the project area. It is found within 200m-500m distance to the right from
the proposed diversion site. It is also found at the far left side of the command area. The source
area is characterized by a hill or a mountain right and left side of the headwork area.

The rock type found at this quarry site is basalt, which has dark gray color, fine grained
texture, and high strength. The rock unit shows closely spaced joints that disintegrated and
dislodged fragments of the rock are observed in large quantity. In addition to this intact and
jointed (by widely spaced joints) outcrops of the rock unit and subsurface extensions are found.
At the site large extent exposure of the rock is available.. Fine Aggregates

Aggregates are highly required for headwork concrete structures and the main canal masonry
structures and other structures that can be constructed in the project. The aggregates required
for use in concrete works are coarse and fine aggregates that can be found from natural
deposits or artificially by crushing of suitable rock. The project stream itself and other nearby
ones have been assessed for natural sand deposits with the help of the local dwellers. The
streams do not possess natural sand along their beds at and nearby the site because since the
stream around the command area is steep the sand cannot be deposited at the project area. The
streams are found at higher elevation part of the region that deposition of suspended sediments
of sand to clay sizes is not possible due to their nature, rather coarser sediments or rock
exposures characterize their bed. Water

Water for construction purposes can be found from the project stream, Kirkirayana River,
itself. The stream is perennial throughout the year that there is some amount of flow along its
course. During this field time the stream base flow was more than 70 l/second.

4.8 Headwork type selection

Looking the availability of natural construction materials and considering the river features and
expected flood amount and other selection criteria (technical simplicity of construction), broad

crest type of weir is chosen.

4.9 Hydraulic design of headwork structure

4.9.1 Weir Height Determination

The following major factors have been seen in determining the weir crest level:

 Maximum command area elevation =1103.93

 Main canal Length at max command elevation =218m

 Main canal slope=0.001

 Head regulator Losses =0.1

 Lowest Point of river center=1102.25

Therefore, Weir crest level =1103.93+0.001*218+0.1=1104.25 m

Weir height (h) = 1104.25-1102.25= 2.00m

4.9.2 Base flow of the River

As it is clearly stated in the water balance section of this report, Kirkirayna River the base flow
which measured during may was 70l/s.

4.9.3 a. Crest length

 Lacey’s regime width, L=4.75∗ √Q ,=4.75∗ √107.26 = 49.19 m.

 Actual river section width of the over flow section of the river is = 22m take22m

4.9.4 b. Discharge over the weir section

 Design discharge, Q = 107.26 m3/sd b

4.9.4 Top and bottom width Top Bottom width

According to the Bligh’s formula, top and bottom width of the weir body is determined as

Input Data:

P: Height of weir (m) = 2

Q=CLHe 3 /2
2/3 2/3
Q 107 . 26
CL[ ] [ =
1 .7∗22 ] =2. 02 m

He: specific energy head (over flow depth + approaching velocity head (m))

σ : Specific weight of weir body (2.35 for cyclopean concrete)

He 2 .02
T= = =1 .71 m
Top width, √ σ −1 √2 .35−1
He+P 2 .28+2. 0
B= = =3 . 43 m
Bottom width, √σ −1 √ 2. 35−1
However this computed value of the dimensions shall be fixed after stability analysis of the structure.

After stability analysis safe we fixed Top width=1.0m, Bottom width=2.6m

4.9.5 U/S and D/S HFL Calculation & Determination

From the stage –discharge curve prepared in hydrology Section the high flood level after
construction (i.e. D/s HFL) corresponding to the design flood is1103.93m a.s.l.

D/s HFL = 1103.93 m amsl ------------------------------------ (a)

U/s HFL = U/s bed level + weir height + Hd ----------------- (b)

Hd is the depth of water over the weir crest. This is calculated by assuming broad crested weir
Q=C∗L∗H e 2

Q 32
H e= ( C∗L )
= 2.02m, L is the gross crest length i.e. 13m

The velocity head, ha is computed from the approach velocity as shown below

ha =

Where g: acceleration due to gravity = 9.81m/sec2

Va is Approach velocity determined by

V a=

L is Weir crest length + under sluice length = 21+1 = 22m,

hd is flow depth over the weir and also,

hd =H e−h a

2 2
Q 107 . 26

ha =H e −hd =
( ) =(
L∗h d ( 22 )∗h d )
(2 g) ( 2∗9 .81 )

By trial and error method, hd is found to be 1.39m

 ha = He-hd = 2.02m-1.39m = 0.63m

 Velocity head, ha = 0.63m

 u/s TEL=weir crest level+He=1104.25+2.02=1106.27

 U/s HFL =U/s TEL –velocity head =1106.27-0.63m = 1105.64m a.s.l


 U/s HFL =weir crest elev+hd =1104.25+1.39m = 1105.64m a.s.l

 Afflux

⇒ Afflux = U/s HFL- D/s HFL = 1105.64m a.s.l – 1103.93m a.s.l = 1.71m.

From the flood level analysis, it is seen that the flood overtops the banks of the river upstream
of the structure. This condition is not allowed to take place as it inundates the canal head at the
right side and has negative impact on the structures. On the left side the flood may scour the
bank and may change its route in that direction. So, it is necessary to construct a structure to
confine it.

4.9.6 Hydraulic Jump Calculation

As discussed in the geology report, the river bed is basaltic bedrock and hence no stilling basin
for energy dissipation is required. Both left and right side banks are relatively sound. Retaining
walls at upstream right and left sides are mainly needed to confine the peak flood within the
bank. Hence no bank protection work is needed downstream of the weir site.

The length of wing walls is determined based on the length of Jump, and it is calculated as
shown below.

• Weir crest length = 22.0m

• Weir height = H = 2.00m

• Pre-jump depth = y1

• Post -jump depth =y2

Neglecting losses between point U/s and D/s and considering similar datum

z + H e = y1 + h a

But, He = 2.02m

Figure 6 hydraulic jump profile at proposed site

Q 107.26 m 3/s
q= = =4.88 m 2¿ s
l 22 m

q2 4.882
h a= =
2∗g∗y 2 2∗g∗y 12

2∗g∗y 12

After iterations Y1 = 0.78m


V1 6.29
F r 1= = =1.61
√ g y 1 √9.81∗0.78

y 2=
( √1+8∗F r2−1 ) y 2= 0.78
( √ 1+ 8∗1.612−1) =1.42 m

Hydraulic jump length (L) for Fr=1.61 from the graph L=5*y2=5*1.42=7.1m.

Here one shall note that as the river bed is hard rock no stilling basin is required. So, only 2.4m
downstream apron is adopted for protecting the weir body from cavity scouring.

4.9.7 Impervious floor D/s impervious floor (Ld)

The river bed is covered with a hard rock substratum and therefore there is no need of
downstream impervious apron. however to protect the weir body from downstream cavity
undermining problem, nominal length of 1m d/s apron is required. U/s impervious floor (Ld)

No u/s impervious apron is needed

4.9.8 Cut off Depth Calculation U/s cut off

No apron is required. D/s cut off

For some undermining problem which can be created after construction, give cut of depth of

4.10 Stability Analysis of weir

Stability analysis is carried out to see the already determined weir/intake section is safe against
overturning, sliding, tension. The stability analysis is carried out considering the effect of the
following forces.

• Water pressure

• Weight of the over flow weir section

• Sediment load

The extreme load combination is the case where the head is at crest level of the weir and there
is no flow over the weir (static case)

Table 8 weir stability analysis

Descriptio Lever
n Width Depth Load Arm Moment

      l Horizontal   Positive Negative

W1 1 2 46   2.10 96.6  

W2 1.6 2 73.6   1.07 78.50667  

Pwt   2   19.62 0.67   13.08

Pst   2   38 0.67   25.33333

Sum     119.6 57.62   175.1067 38.41333

∑V = 119.6KN ∑M (+) = 175.12KN.m

∑H =-57.62KN ∑M (-) = 38.41KN.m

i) Factor of safety against overturning (Fo)

∑ ( M +) =175 .12 =4 .56
∑ ( M−) 38 . 41 >1.5 Safe!

ii) Factor of safety against sliding (FS)

U∑ FV 0 .75∗119. 6
Fs= Fs= =1 .56 >1. 5 , safe .
∑ FH µ=0.75, 57 . 62

iii) Check for tension (i.e. whether the resultant lies within the middle third)

The location of the resultant force from the toe is given by

∑ M (+)−∑ M (−) =175 .12−35. 41 =1 .17 m
∑V 119. 6

The eccentricity (e) = B/2‒X, B = 2.6m

Hence, e = /1.3‒1.17/ = 0.13m

=0 .43
The eccentricity (e) should be less than B/6 = 6 , Hence the obtained e = 0.13m <

⇒The resultant lays within the middle third no tension

Conclusion: From stability analysis, the designed weir section is safe

Figure 7 weir x-section

4.11 under Sluice, and Canal outlet

4.11.1 under sluice

The under sluice is mainly provided here to remove silt deposition as a result of barrier
structure/weir. Hence the sill level of the under sluice is fixed to facilitate this deposited silt to

increase the efficiency of water abstracting to the main canal through the head regulator from
the pocket. The sill level of this sluice is fixed to be 1.4m above from the minimum bed level.
Hence the sill level of the under sluice is

1102.25+1.4=1103.65m.a s.l.

Even if the position of the under sluice is on concave side that is on scouring side, there might
be boulders that may come into the pocket of the under sluice due to the barrier structure.
Hence in addition to the supply of water to the intake and the removal of silt, this acts to
remove the boulder that comes to wards it. Considering this, the opening size of the gate is

The capacity of under sluice is determined considering the following points.

 The capacity should be at least five times the canal discharge to ensure proper scouring.

 Capacity of passing about 10% to 20% of the maximum flood discharge at high floods.

 During construction, it should be able to pass the prevailing (at least base flow)
discharge of the river.

From stated above 6 times of the base flow can be taken to fix the under sluice capacity not to
exaggerate the capacity i.e. 6*70=420 l/s. The dimensions of under sluice are determined by
using broad crest formula for maximum flood condition i.e.

• Outlet size

From the weir discharge formula the outlet size is determined as follows

Q = CLHe3/2

Where; C = Coefficient of discharge = 1.7

L = Length of water way (m)

He = head above sill level (neglecting the velocity head) = 0.50m

Q 0 . 42
L= 3/ 2
= =0. 70 m
CHe 1. 7 x 0 . 503/2

4.11.2 Canal outlet level

The head regulator is provided on the right side of the river in reference to the flow direction.

The sill level of this head regulator is fixed from different angle of observations. The main
conveyance system is more than 1.5km. Hence this level is fixed based on the optimum route
alignment and the maximum irrigated command level including minor and major losses
criteria. Based on this condition, the sill level is fixed to be 1103.65m.

• Outlet capacity

The minimum command area is determined by the minimum flow of the river. But the canal
capacity should be determined for maximum command area and the corresponding discharge.
In this case the outlet capacity is fixed considering maximum duty and command area.

Outlet capacity for dry season irrigation = Duty x command area x correction factor (when

Where, maximum duty for 16 hr irrigation = 1.82 L/s/ha

Command area = 40ha

Outlet capacity = 1.82 L/s/ha x 40ha = 72.8 l/sec

But the project area is drought affected and there is crop failure due short of rain in October.
but at that time the flow is too high and according to the aged people information it is
estimated about 4 times the lean flow (70 l/s) = 280 l/s . Therefore the canal capacity is
designed using this flow which can be used for 1st period irrigation also (October-January). The
project has enough command area for 1st season irrigation (80ha). But the top map is surveyed
for only 40ha.

• Outlet size

From the weir discharge formula the outlet size is determined as follows

Q = CLHe3/2

Where; C = Coefficient of discharge = 1.7

L = Length of water way (m)

He = head above sill level (neglecting the velocity head) = 0.5m

Q 0 . 28
L= 3/ 2
= =0. 45 m
CHe 1. 7 x 0 . 53/2
Say 0.5m

⇒Adopt water way length = 0.5m, to make easy for maintenance and cleaning.

Hence, provide an outlet size of 0.5m x 0.5m (length x height) .The gate of the off take canal is
to be vertical sheet metal of 0.5m x 0.50m for the closure of the opening space. Provide some
extra dimensions for groove insertion. Gross area of sheet metals for the off take canal gate
will be 0.6m x 0.60m (allowing 5cm insertion for grooves and above the weir crest level). The
grooves are to be provided on the walls using angle iron frames at the two sides of the gat


Trash racks of diameter 14mm with c/c spacing of 10cm has to be provided u/s of the gate to
prevent entry of debris to the canal.


4.12.1 Conclusion

The internship semester makes the new curriculum so good to give real practical skills and
make the students familiar to the outside world. Even though there was a gap between the
things which we know in the class with the outside world environment, I got practical work
experiences and benefits at the Central Gondar Small-scale Irrigation Project. Some of the
benefits the internship offered to me include;

 Enables me developing professional contacts, for my future job opportunity

 It helps me in developing greater understanding of my strength and weakness

 The company’s work flow

 Upgrade my theoretical knowledge at school

 Preparation of report

 Knowing the local construction terms

 Knowing working standards

 Leadership skills

 Work ethics

 Team playing skills

During the internship I also develop and enhance employability skills and great sense of
responsibility and personal direction. It assists me in moving toward my career goals by
combining what I had learned, practical and supervised work experience, and it thus explained
the necessity of every student to undergo this process.

 During the project infrastructure of this project area is designed to irrigate about 40 ha of
land by taking its supply from the Kirkirayana diversion weir irrigation project. The
maximum duty of the command area for 16 hours per day irrigation with overall project
efficiency of 50% is 1.82l/s/ha. The method of irrigation of the project area is furrow
surface irrigation in which the main and secondary canals are working continuously.
 As the water source is the main constraint, the main canal system is designed to be
rectangular masonry lined.
 The reason why both the main and secondary canals are to be lined is to avoid erosion
problem, since the terrain is sloppy in nature. In addition to this it reduces maintenance
cost and increases conveyance efficiency to make effect the limited water source.
 The layout is designed as far as possible to avoid cross-structures within the system.
 The design of the canal dimensions of the irrigation canal is done by applying the
manning’s uniform flow equation. The variable of the hydraulic parameters are calculated
using iteration or flow master program.

 The project is socially accepted, environmentally safe and economically feasible

4.12. 2 Recommendation

The problems to be recommended in Central Gondar Small Scale Irrigation Project are the
 Since there is a shortage of transport services in the company the material and
equipment office should work hard to solve this problem.
 There should be enough stationary materials and access computers for the internship
 There should be good health center for the workers with good facilities and qualified
professional person.
 There should be a psychologist in the company who can communicate or advise People

 For better performance and long service year of the project regular inspection and
maintenance is highly required.

 Farmers training, how to operate and maintain the project structures as a whole and
available and water resources has a paramount important.

 The irrigation hours per day and per week should be flexible based on base flow
amount of each week or month.

 There should physical and biological soil and water conservation practice for the
command area to mitigate erosion.

1. Water treatment handout
2. Water supply handout

3. Design Guide line on Irrigation Structures PartI-B, Ministry of water Resources,

(July,2002),Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

4. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures, Santosh KumarGarg, Khanna Publisher, 23rd
edition 2009, Delhi

5.Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures, V-II,SC Gupta,7 th edition,2007NEM


6. Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation Development Department (IDD) manual,

7. Hydraulic structural design guideline for small scale irrigation projects in Amhara Region.

8. Reinforced Concrete Analysis and design, S.S.Ray


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