Eit-M: Design and Modeling of Crop Cutting Machine For Farmers
Eit-M: Design and Modeling of Crop Cutting Machine For Farmers
Eit-M: Design and Modeling of Crop Cutting Machine For Farmers
Adviser: Zebenay teamrat (Msc)
Signature: _____________
Date 21/09/2010 E.C (29/05/2018 G.C)
Adonay meresa Signature: ____________
Ashenafi hadgu Signature:_____________
Date 21/09/2010 E.C (29/05/2018 G.C)
Full of grateful to God first. Secondly, we would like to thank our advisor Ins. Zebenay Teamrat
(MSc.) for his invaluable support and direction from the start until the end of this design project.
Not to forget our fellow friends who also helped us in a medium of giving suggestion, solution
and soon. With the strong efforts, strong inspirations and hardworking, finally, this design
project is successfully completed. Once again, thanks our supervisor and friends.
This title presents the concept for design and analysis of wheat crop-cutter machine. The wheat
crop-cutting machine is important stage in agriculture field. Currently in Ethiopia former used
conventional method for the wheat crop-cutting, i.e. the conventional method for wheat crop
cutting is as manually cutting using labour due to this problem are faced by farmers who
work on small fields while harvesting wheat crop as it takes a lot of time, labour and
effort to cut the wheat crop manually. Although harvesting machines are already available in
the market but these are quite large and costly. Since farmers with small lands have no such
large usage and also harvesting is done only once or twice in a year, it becomes difficult
for small farmers to afford such kind of a machine. So, it becomes essential to make a
portable and cost efficient wheat crop cutting machine. To achieve this aim, a lot of
literature review has been seen and a lot of ground research has been done in this project
where in various farmers of a village near aynalem were met and their problems were
understood. Based on all the findings, a design for a wheat crop-cutting machine has been
developed which is expected to help small scale farmer’s big time. The machine consists
of two stroke engine, shaft, V belt, pulley, conveyer and blade. It has cutting blades, which cut
the crop in a scissoring type of motion. It runs on two stroke engine of 0.75kw, this power from
two stroke engine, is provided through pulley and gearbox arrangement to the cutter. Collecting
mechanism consists of conveyor belt and reel mechanism, which is, powered by two-stroke
engine. This project also includes cost estimation of the wheat crop-cutting machine. This
harvester might be the solution to the problems faced by a small-scale farmer regarding cost and
labour implementation.
Keyword: Manual method, shaft, V belt, conveyer, Crop cutting, two-stroke engine, collecting
Table of Contents
Declaration ....................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figure ................................................................................................................................. vi
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... viii
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................. ix
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Problem Statement ............................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Objective of the Project ........................................................................................................ 2
1.2.1. General Objective .......................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2. Specific Objective ......................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Significance of Study ........................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Scope of the Study ............................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 4
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Types of Traditional Harvesting Tools ................................................................................ 4
2.1.1. Sickle or "Reaping Hook" ............................................................................................. 4
2.1.2. Scythe ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.3. Cradle ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.1.4. McCormick Reaper ....................................................................................................... 5
2.1.5. Riding Type Self- Propelled Reaper ........................................................................... 10
2.1.6. Self- Propelled Vertical Conveyor Reaper .................................................................. 10
2.1.7. Self-Propelled Reaper Binder ...................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER THERE ...................................................................................................................... 12
METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER FOUR......................................................................................................................... 14
DESIGN CONCEPTS AND SELECTION .................................................................................. 14
4.1. Concept Development Process ........................................................................................... 14
4.2. Conceptual Design ............................................................................................................. 15
4.2.1. Model A ....................................................................................................................... 15
4.2.2. Model B: ...................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.3. Model C: ...................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.4. Model D: ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.3. Design Matrix..................................................................................................................... 21
4.4. Concept Selection............................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 24
DESIGN ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................... 24
5.1. Selection of Two Stroke Engine and Determining of Capacity of Cutter.......................... 25
5.2. Design of V- Belt and V-Grooved Pulley .......................................................................... 28
5.3. Design of Bevel Gear ......................................................................................................... 32
5.4. Design of Shaft ................................................................................................................... 37
5.5. Design of Key .................................................................................................................... 41
5.6. Design and Selection of Contact Ball Bearing ................................................................... 43
5.7. Design of Reel .................................................................................................................... 45
5.8. Selection of Wheat Crop Cutting Blade ............................................................................. 47
5.9. Capacity and Dimension of the Belt Conveyor.................................................................. 48
5.10. Design of Vertical Frame (Columns and Beam) .............................................................. 49
5.11. Design of Scotch Yoke..................................................................................................... 57
5.12. Design of Welding ........................................................................................................... 59
5.13. Wheel Selection ............................................................................................................... 61
CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................................. 63
COST ESTIMATION ................................................................................................................... 63
6.1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 63
CHAPTER SEVEN ...................................................................................................................... 70
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................................................................ 70
7.1. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 70
7.2. Recommendation................................................................................................................ 71
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 72
APPENDIXES .............................................................................................................................. 73
List of Figure
Figure1.1. Ethiopian farmers when they cutting-harvesting of crops ............................................. 2
Figure2.1. Reaping Hook ................................................................................................................ 4
Figure2.2. The Scythe ..................................................................................................................... 4
Figure2.3. The Cradle ..................................................................................................................... 5
Figure2.4. The World's First Reaper ............................................................................................... 5
Figure2.5. McCormick’s Patent Reaping Machine......................................................................... 6
Figure2.6. McCormick's Patent Reaping and Mowing Machine .................................................... 6
Figure2.7. McCormick Combination Reaper and Mower .............................................................. 7
Figure2.8. The Marsh Type Harvester ............................................................................................ 7
Figure2.9. McCormick Harvester and Binder................................................................................. 8
Figure2.10. McCormick Harvester and Binder............................................................................... 8
Figure2.11. McCormick Harvester and Binder............................................................................... 9
Figure2.12. McCormick-Deering Tractor Binder ........................................................................... 9
Figure2.13. McCormick-Deering Harvester-Thresher ................................................................... 9
Figure2.14. The Windrow-Harvester ............................................................................................ 10
Figure2.15. Riding type self- propelled reaper ............................................................................. 10
Figure2.16. Self- propelled vertical conveyor reaper ................................................................... 11
Figure2.17. Self-propelled reaper binder ...................................................................................... 11
Figure4.1. Manually operated crop-cutting machine with engine as power source to the machine
....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure4.2. Manually operated crop-cutting machine powered with electric motor ...................... 16
Figure4.3. Manually operated crop-cutting machine with solar system as power source to the
machine ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure4.4. Manually operated crop-cutting machine that has two stroke engine (small engine) as
power source to the machine......................................................................................................... 19
Figure5.1. Wheat crop passing through feeder conveyer ............................................................. 26
Figure5.2. V-belt and V-grooved pulley cross-section ................................................................. 28
Figure5.3. Belt .............................................................................................................................. 29
Figure5.4. Forces on a moving belt .............................................................................................. 30
Figure5.5. Cross-section of V-grooved pulley.............................................................................. 32
Figure5.6. Shaft ............................................................................................................................. 37
Figure5.7. Key .............................................................................................................................. 41
Figure5.8. Bearing ........................................................................................................................ 43
Figure5.9. Angular displacement of two successive tine bars ...................................................... 46
Figure5.10. Cutting blade ............................................................................................................. 47
Figure5.11. Conveyor ................................................................................................................... 48
Figure5.12. Small pulley ............................................................................................................... 52
Figure5.13. Column ...................................................................................................................... 54
Figure5.14. Welded joint of frame ................................................................................................ 59
List of Tables
Table4.1. Preparing relative importance of needs ........................................................................ 14
Table4.2. Material selection for Model A ..................................................................................... 16
Table4.3. Material selection for Model B ..................................................................................... 17
Table4.4. Material selection for Model C ..................................................................................... 18
Table4.5. Material selection for Model D ..................................................................................... 20
Table4.6. Concept screening ......................................................................................................... 22
Table4.7. Concept scoring matrix ................................................................................................. 23
Table5.1. Shear strength of wheat straw with the blade (Mpa)............................................. 25
Table5.2. Two stroke engine selection ......................................................................................... 27
Table5.3. Properties of V belt (IS 2494:1974) .............................................................................. 29
Table5.4. Dimensions of standard V-grooved pulleys according to IS: 2494–1974. ................... 32
Table5.5. Standard proportions in module (m) for the four gear systems. ................................... 33
Table5.6. Recommended values for Km and Kt. ........................................................................... 40
Table5.7. Proportions of standard parallel tapered and gib head keys. ........................................ 42
Table5.8. Equivalent Radial Load Factors for Ball Bearings ....................................................... 44
Table5.9. Dimensions and Load Ratings for Single-Row 02-Series Deep-Groove and Angular-
Contact Ball Bearings ................................................................................................................... 45
Table5.10. Specification of cutter blade ....................................................................................... 47
Table5.11. Relation between actual length (L) and effective length Le ....................................... 55
Table5.12. Stress concentration factor for welded joints.............................................................. 60
Table5.13. Stress for weld joints................................................................................................... 61
Table5.14.Wheel selection ............................................................................................................ 62
Table6.1. Result and discussion .................................................................................................... 69
F.s = Safety factor E = Modulus of elasticity
M = bending moment V=Volume
Equivalent twisting moment
= Fatigue factor for bending Basic or dynamic load rating
Torque Allowable tensile stress
= Fatigue factor for torsion Groove angle
A = Cross-sectional area Static tooth load
Allowable shear stress Pressure angle on gear
Strength in shear Coefficient of friction
Equivalent bending moment critical load
Power Speed (velocity) ratio,
Radial load Critical stress
Total volume flow rate s = Slip
Allowable crushing stress Bending stress
N = Speed D = Diameter
= Tangential load acting at the tooth Section modulus
Rpm = Revolutions per minute Angle of lap or contact
= Allowable static stress Face width
Angular speed Length
= Brinell hardness Centrifugal tension
Density Thickness
= Surface endurance limit
flexural endurance limit
Maximum tension Angle of lap or contact
D = Diameter Face width
Section modulus Length
Design and Modeling of Crop Cutting Machine for Farmers
Agriculture is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy and therefore this particular sector
determines the growth of all the other sectors and, consequently, the national economy. On
average, crop production makes up 60% of the sector’s outputs whereas livestock accounts for
27% and other areas contribute 13% of the total agricultural value added. Small-scale farmers,
who practice rain-fed mixed farming by employing traditional technology, adopting a low input
and low output production system, dominate the sector. The land tilled by the Ethiopian small-
scale farmer accounts for 95% of the total area under agricultural use and these farmers are
responsible more than 90% of the total agricultural output. The small-scale farmers produce
94% of the food crops and 98% of the coffee, the latter being the leading export item for the
country[ ].
In order to increase the productivity of agriculture in Ethiopia a wide range of technology for
production of crops including soil cultivation, and cutting of crops, and the activities of proper
processing and marketing are used. Mechanization involves the use of an intermediate device
between the power source and the work. Current mechanization agriculture includes the use of
tractors, trucks, combine harvesters, airplanes (crop dusters), helicopters, and other vehicles.
Mechanized agriculture is the process of using agricultural machinery to mechanize the work of
agriculture, greatly increasing farm worker productivity. In modern times, powered machinery
has replaced many jobs formerly carried out by manual labor or by working animals such as
oxen, horses and mules.
Crop cutting machine is a mechanical device, which is used to cutting the dry cut stalks of grain
break steam or covering of trunk tree. This can be applicable for cutting of the crop such as
wheat, tef and others.
Crop cutting machine are used for harvesting of crops mostly at ground level. Crop cutting
machines are classified based on conveying of crops. It avoids fuel consumption, labor
requirement. As the population of Ethiopia increases day by day, there is increment of food,
vegetables so need of farm mechanization also increases, machineries provides more operations
in less time, but the machineries are very costly for the common man, it is not affordable for
them ,so manually operated machineries, equipment’s are also the most important factor.
2.1. Types of Traditional Harvesting Tools
2.1.1. Sickle or "Reaping Hook"
A sickle is a curved, hand-held agricultural tool typically used for harvesting grain crops before
the advent of modern harvesting machinery. The inside of the curve is sharp, so that the user can
swing the blade against the base of the crop, catching it in the curve and slicing it at the same
2.1.3. Cradle
The cradle was the most efficient means of cutting grain before McCormick's invention of the
reaper. The cradle consisted of a broad scythe with a light frame of four wood fingers attached
to it. The advantage of the cradle was that by a turn to the left the operator could throw the
grain into a swath, ready to be raked and bound into sheaves. This improvement was
introduced in America about 1776, according to Professor Brewer of Yale, and was the
common instrument of grain harvesting as late as 1840. For cradling grain, two acres was
considered a day's work [2].
seats for driver and raker, a cutting knife fabricated in sections rather than one piece, and an
all-metal main wheel. This machine also cut a wider swath than the first reaper and was pulled
by two horses.
removable so that the machine could be used as a straight hay mower. This illustration shows
the machine for use as a reaper.
winds and hails) and to better harvest woody grain (because the weeds dry out with the crops
before threshing).
conveyed to one side of the machine by the conveyor belt fitted with lugs and is windrowed in
the field. The crop is bundled manually and transported to threshing yard[ ].
To conduct the design of the wheat cutter machine the processes follows the product design
development (PDD) process.
Collecting data is done on existing parts of Tigray and Ethiopia areas; this information was
gathered from Mekelle university agriculture department and Supervision Enterprise and Tigray
agriculture Resource. The final design is the output of data inputs, conceptual design, and
analytic design. Data collection was through informal interviews, different design books and
from the internet. The final drawing is to be prepared using CATIAV5 software.
Farther more, the necessary thing is examine the cost estimation of the wheat crop cutter
machine by taking some information standard markets to know the cost of crop cutter component
and depending on the manufacturing process, assembly process, labor cost etc…After taking and
collecting some necessarily information for thesis project, process and analysis of that’s
information has done. Data collection was done through the two basic ways.
Primary Data: -
Direct observation,
Formal & informal interview with different professionals and from written data.
Secondary Data: -
Different research works and wheat crop cutter manufacturers
From internet.
Generally, after collecting the data by primary and secondary source, the process follows through
PDD sequence and procedure from identifying customer need, design analysis and cost
estimation. The methodology process follows PDD procedure as:
Establish target
Design analysis
Cost estimation
4.1. Concept Development Process
4.1.1. Identifying Opportunity
The opportunity is the problem, which is lack of wheat crop-cutter machine, so the Ethiopian
farmers tend to harvest the wheat crop with a nickel by consuming a lot of time, capital and
4.1.2. Identifying Company Need
In ethiopia tigray region most of the farmers use traditional tools to cut the wheat crop in order to
harvest, so most of the Ethiopian farmers need a machine that can minimize the total cost, time
and labor, which have an overall profit.
4.1.3. Organizing Raw Data
The needs that obtained by direct observation and interview. The needs are organized as follows:
Less number of components Durability
Design simplicity Complexity
Cost Weight
Strength Operability
Availability Reliability
Manufacturability Maintainability
Preparing relative importance of needs
Durability 8
Availability 5
Manufacturability 7
4.2. Conceptual Design
Concept generation is when a product development team comes up with the ideas, is the most
critical step in the engineering design process, without it there is no design. It is the process of
creating, developing, communicating ideas, which are abstract, concrete or visual. The process
includes the process of constructing through the idea innovating the concept, developing the
process and bringing a concept to reality.
Different alternatives of crop cutting machine design
Hence, the following are some of the competitive mechanisms anticipated to meet the quality
and feature needed.
4.2.1. Model A: Design of manually operated crop cutting machine with engine as power source
to the machine and that uses chain sprocket and motorcycle chain with collecting plates welded
on it as collecting mechanism.
Figure4.1. Manually operated crop-cutting machine with engine as power source to the machine
Working Mechanism
This machine consists of two mechanisms one is a four bar mechanism for reciprocation
of cutter blade over stationary cutter blade and this mechanism is used to convert rotary
motion into linear motion. Second is collecting mechanism which consist chain sprocket
and motorcycle chain. This machine is powered by petrol engine. By using V-Belt power is
transmitted to bevel gear box. Bevel gear box is used to change direction of drive by
in the gear system. One end of this output shaft is connected to four bar mechanism
which converts rotary motion of shaft into reciprocating motion of cutter blade.
Reciprocating cutter blade slides over fixed blade and creates scissoring action responsible
for cutting the crop.
Table4.2. Material selection for Model A
Number Components Material
1 Frame Mild Steel
2 V-Belt rubber fabric
3 Pulley cast iron
4 Shaft Mild steel
5 Key mild steel
6 Bevel gear AISI 1050 heat treated (hot rolled) steel
7 Blade /Cutter Stainless Steel
10 Bolts Carbon steel with grade 40C8
11 Nut Bronze
12 Handles Mild Steel
13 Chain High carbon steel
4.2.2. Model B:
Design of manually operated crop cutting machine with electric motor as power source to the
machine and that uses flat belt with collecting plates bolted on it as collecting mechanism.
Working Mechanism
This machine is powered by electric motor. With the help of V-belt, drive power is transmitted to
gearbox. To reduce the speed of electric motor (to have suitable speed of the cutter), a spur
gearbox used. One end of this output shaft is connected to slider crank mechanism which
converts rotary motion of shaft into reciprocating motion of cutter blade. Reciprocating cutter
blade slides over fixed blade and creates scissoring action responsible for cutting the crops.
Collecting mechanism consist of flat belt with collecting plates bolted on it.
4.2.3. Model C: Design of manually operated crop cutting machine with solar as power source to
the machine and that uses conveyor belt and reel mechanism as collecting mechanism.
Figure4.3. Manually operated crop-cutting machine with solar system as power source to the
Working Mechanism
This machine is powered by solar energy connected to the battery and motor of the crop-cutter
machine. By using V-Belt and pulley, power is transmitted to shaft, and then as the shaft rotates
it will rotate the bevel gear and the two small pulleys. Bevel gear box is used to change direction
of drive by in the gear system and the two small pulleys are used for collecting mechanism.
The output shaft is connected to slider crank mechanism that converts rotary motion of shaft into
reciprocating motion of cutter blade. Reciprocating cutter blade slides over fixed blade and
creates Scissoring action responsible for cutting the crop. Collecting mechanism consist of
conveyor belt and reel mechanism which is powered by solar panels that is as the reel
Mechanism rotates it pushes the crop to the conveyor belt and goes to the collecting box.
Figure4.4. Manually operated crop-cutting machine that has two stroke engine (small engine) as
power source to the machine
Working Mechanism
This machine is powered by two stroke engine (small engine). By using V-Belt and pulley,
power is transmitted to shaft, and then as the shaft rotates it will rotate the bevel gear and the two
small pulleys. Bevel gear box is used to change direction of drive by in the gear system and
the two small pulleys are used for collecting mechanism. The output shaft is connected to slider
crank mechanism that converts rotary motion of shaft into reciprocating motion of cutter blade.
Reciprocating cutter blade slides over fixed blade and creates Scissoring action responsible for
cutting the crop. Collecting mechanism consist of conveyor belt and reel mechanism which is
powered by two stroke engine (small engine) i.e. as the reel Mechanism rotates it pushes the crop
to the conveyor belt and goes to the collecting box. .
Concept Screening
Table4.6. Concept screening
Number Selection criteria A B C D
1 Physical requirement
Less number of components + + - -
Complexity + + - 0
Weight - - - -
Operability - - + +
2 Mechanical requirement
Reliability - - + +
Durability 0 0 0 +
Effectiveness - - - +
Design simplicity 0 0 - -
3 Material requirement
Material cost 0 0 - -
Strength - - 0 +
Availability + + + +
Manufacturability 0 0 0 +
Maintainability - 0 - +
Number of plus 3 3 3 8
Number of minus 6 5 7 4
Number of same 4 5 3 1
Net -3 -2 -4 4
Rank No Yes No Yes
Concept B Concept D
Selection criteria Weight (%) Rating Weighted Rating Weighted
score score
Less number of components 10 3 0.3 3 0.3
Complexity 10 3 0.3 3 0.3
Weight 5 2 0.1 3 0.15
Operability 10 3 0.3 4 0.4
Reliability 10 4 0.4 5 0.5
Durability 5 4 0.2 5 0.25
Effectiveness 10 3 0.3 5 0.5
Design simplicity 5 3 0.15 4 0.2
Material cost 10 2 0.2 3 0.3
Strength 5 4 0.2 4 0.2
Availability 10 3 0.3 3 0.3
Manufacturability 5 2 0.1 4 0.2
Maintainability 5 2 0.1 4 0.2
Total score 2.95 3.8
Rank 2 1
Continue No Develop
Factors affecting performance of harvesting machines:
1. Crop Factors
Crop variety
Ambient temperature
Maturity of crop
Crop moisture
Crop condition
Crop density
2. Machine factors
Shape and size of crop divider
Reel position and speed
Cutting blade shape and speed
Conveyor speed
Machine vibrations
Machine settings
3. Operational Factors
Height of cut
Operation speed
N.B. Benefits for harvesting wheat within 20-14% moisture content[ ]
High test weight
Good seed germination
Undamaged kernels if machine properly adjusted
Cutter bar loss is less
Rack and shoe loss are minimum
Input Parameters
Pushing or driving force of human 150-200N
8 working hours per day
Average height of wheat crop is 700mm.
( ) ( )
Feeder Conveyor
The crop mass delivered by platform conveyor is transferred to collecting box by feeder
conveyor. Generally, power is consumed for conveying the wheat crop is
Note: The service factor for this type of machine is from 1 to 1.4.
Now from table of standards let’s use power = 0.75kw
Engine Displac Rated speed Fuel Model No Spindle Feature Weight Fuel
power ement (Speed tank size . mixture
0.75kw 24.5cc 915 0.4L EM2500U M8 x Waist 15kg 50 : 1
1.25LH Cushio
Capacity of the Machine
Volume flow rate per cutter
⁄ ⁄
Density of wheat
Coefficient of friction between belt and pulley (A textbook of machine design by R.S.
Khurmi and J.K. Gupta page 681)
Dimensions of V-belt and pulleys
Number of belt
Figure5.3. Belt
Determine the speed (velocity) ratio,
The minimum pulley diameter for the given engine power is given in the following standard
Note: sometimes, the frictional grip between the pulley and belt becomes insufficient.
This may cause some forward motion of the driver without carrying the belt with it. This is
called slip of the belt and is generally expressed as a percentage. The result of the belt slipping is
to reduce the velocity ratio of the system.
Note: the smaller value of for the pulley will governs the design,
√ ( ) ( )
√ ( ) ( )
Centrifugal tension of belt,
( )
Number of V-belts, z
Had we been used a single belt, the tensions on the tight and slack would have been doubled. i.e.
( )
smaller one is called pinion and the larger one is called gear immaterial of which is driving the
The following are the advantages of the gear drive as compared to other drives, i.e. belt, rope and
chain drives:
1. It transmits exact velocity ratio.
2. It may be used to transmit large power.
3. It may be used for small center distances of shafts.
4. It has high efficiency.
5. It has reliable service.
6. It has compact layout.
Standard Proportions of Gear Systems
Table5.5. Standard proportions in module (m) for the four gear systems.
Number of teeth of the pinion=18(A textbook of machine design by R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta
page 1034, table28.2)
The face width = ⁄ of slant height of pitch cone.
Factor of safety
Material Selection
AISI 1050 heat treated (hot rolled) steel having
Ultimate tensile strength
Modulus of elasticity E =207Gpa
Brinell hardness ( ) =514
Velocity ratio will be
Since the shafts are at the right angle, therefore pitch angle for the pinion,
( ) ( )
Since the allowable static stress for both the pinion and gear is the same and is less than
therefore the pinion is weaker. Thus the design should be based upon the pinion.
The torque on the pinion is,
( ) ( )
The length of the pitch cone element or slant height of the pitch cone is,
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
Working depth=2m=6mm
Minimum depth=2.25m=6.75mm
Tooth thickness=1.5708m=4.71mm
Minimum clearance=0.25m=0.75mm
Fillet radius at root=0.4m=1.2mm
Slant height of the pitch cone (L) =
Outer diameter for the pinion is,
⁄ ⁄
For A textbook of machine design by R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta page 1041, we have K=0.111
and from table 28.7 we have the tooth error action (e)=0.025
Deformation or dynamic factor,
( )
The flexural endurance limit for steel is 126MPa (For A textbook of machine design by R.S.
Khurmi and J.K. Gupta, table28.8)
The endurance strength of the tooth is,
From above we see that , therefore the design is satisfactory, from the
standpoint of dynamic load.
5.4. Design of Shaft
A shaft is a rotating member, usually of circular cross section, used to transmit power or motion.
It provides the axis of rotation, or oscillation, of elements such as gears, pulleys, flywheels,
cranks, sprockets, and the like and controls the geometry of their motion. However, a shaft can
have a noncircular cross section and need not be rotating. An axle, a nonrotating member that
carries no torque, is used to support rotating members.
Figure5.6. Shaft
Material Selection
Mild steel is general-purpose steel bars for machining, suitable for lightly stressed components
including studs, bolts, gears, handles and shafts.
It is less costly.
Mechanical Properties
Ultimate tensile strength
Yield strength
Modulus of elasticity E =210Gpa
B.M at D,
B.M at F,
The bending moment in the horizontal loading is,
B.M at A,
B.M at C,
B.M at F,
The resultant B.M is,
√( ) ( )
The resultant B.M for A,
The resultant B.M for C,
The resultant B.M for D,
The resultant B.M for F,
The maximum bending moment is at D.
Nature of load
1. Stationary shafts
(a) Gradually applied load 1.0 1.0
(b) Suddenly applied load 1.5 to 2.0 1.5 to 2.0
2. Rotating shafts
(a) Gradually applied or steady load 1.5 1.0
(b) suddenly applied load with minor 1.5 to 2.0 1.5 to 2.0
shocks only
√( ) ( )
( )
( )
( √( )
Figure5.7. Key
Material Selection
The same material as the shaft
Given Parameters and Assumptions
Torque provided by shaft =
Factor of safety =2.5 (assume)
Diameter of shaft d=40mm
Dimensions of the key.
From table of standards we find that for a shaft of 40 mm diameter,
Taking the larger of the two values, we have since the face with of the pulley is
The key has taper 1 in 100 on the top side only.
5.6. Design and Selection of Contact Ball Bearing
A bearing is a machine element that supports another moving machine element (known as
journal). It permits are relative motion between the contact surfaces of the members, while
carrying the load.
Rating Life:
Rating life is defined as the life of a group of apparently identical ball or roller bearings, in
number of revolutions or hours, rotating at a given speed, so that 90% of the bearings will
complete or exceed before any indication of failure occur.
Figure5.8. Bearing
Given Parameters and Assumptions
Shaft speed,
The shaft diameter is 40mm
The bearing is subjected to radial load,
√( ) √( )
Most manufacturers specifies dynamic load rating C which is load that results in cycle (one
million cycles).
Equivalent radial load
⁄( ) ⁄( )
⁄ E
( )
L: life in millions of revolution or life in hours
a: constant which is 3 for ball bearings and 10/3 for roller bearings
( ) ( )
Now, the table 9.9 below for single row deep groove ball bearing shows that for a 40mm inner
diameter, the value of . Therefore, this bearing may be selected safely for the given
requirement without increasing the shaft size.
Table5.9. Dimensions and Load Ratings for Single-Row 02-Series Deep-Groove and Angular-
Contact Ball Bearings
⁄ ⁄ ⁄
Distance whose magnitude is equal to header advance per radian of reel rotation,
⁄ ⁄
( )
( )
( )
( )
Figure5.11. Conveyor
We know that
L=arc of driver + length of slack side + arc of follower + length of tight side
X = 1.2 meter the actual distance from center to center distance of the drum of the conveyor.
However, the diameter of drums available in our second hand store is 0.2m i.e. radius=0.1m
Therefore, the dimension of the conveyor is assumed to be W=0.7m and total length of 3.028m.
Capacity of belt conveyor of the wheat crop-cutter machine can be calculated as:
Capacity = load cross sectional area (m2) * belt speed (m/s) * material density (kg/m3)
( ) ⁄ ⁄
Therefore, the material of the belt is oak tanned leather belt on the stainless steel drum.
5.10. Design of Vertical Frame (Columns and Beam)
A column is a structural member that carries an axial compressive load of the machines and that
tends to fail by elastic instability, or buckling, rather than by crushing the material.
The tendency for a column to buckle is dependent on the shape and the dimensions of its cross
section, along with its length and the manner of attachment to adjacent members or supports.
There are four types of end conditions
1. Both the ends hinged or pin jointed
2. Both the ends fixed
3. One end is fixed and the other hinged
4. One end is fixed and the other free
Therefore, in our case as we visualize the columns from the assembly drawing it is
Fixed at both ends
Beam is horizontal structure that is used to support the components of the machine and the crops.
Material Selection
Mild steel
Mechanical Properties
Ultimate tensile strength
Yield strength
Modulus of elasticity E =210Gpa
Factor of safety=2
The total weight to be supported is the summation the dead and live loads.
Calculations of dead weight of machine supported by column and beam
1. Weight of Bevel Gear
Material: AISI 1050 heat-treated (hot rolled)
Pressure angle on gear =20°
Number of teeth of the gear
Face width
Number of gears
Weight of the gears
2. Weight of Shaft
Material, mild steel
Diameter shaft
Length of shaft
Number of gears
Volume of the shaft
Mass of shaft
3. Weight of Key
Material: mild steel
Length of key
Width of key
Thickness of key
Number of key
Volume of the key
Mass of key
Weight of key
4. Weight of Cutter
Material, high Steel-carbon
Length of cutter
Number of cutter, n=12
Length of cutter (for single), l=100mm
Thickness of cutter,
Width of cutter
Volume of the cutter
Mass of cutter
Face width
Diameter of shaft
Number of pulleys
( ) ( )
Mass of pulley
Face width
Diameter shaft
Number of pulleys
Key way dimensions
( ) ( )
Mass of pulley
Weight of pulley
Volume of the plate
Mass of plate
Weight of plates
[ ( ) ( )]
[ ( ) ( )]
Mass of frame
Weight of frame
Total weight
Design of Column
L t
Figure5.13. Column
Hollow rectangular cross sections
Compute the slenderness ratio. The radius of the gyration must be computed the axis that gives
the least value. This is the y –axis for which
√ √
The transition slenderness ratio
( )
( ) ( )( )
Critical stress
Design of Beam
Then summation of force in vertical plane will be
Material Selection
Mild steel
Mechanical Properties
Ultimate tensile strength
Yield strength
Modulus of elasticity E =210Gpa
The displacement of the slider x is
( )
( )
The velocity of the follower is
And the acceleration is
( )
Its mass is given by
Length of eccentricity
Electrode material is made of bare electrode
( ) =0.8 due to decrease in strength of the material
during welding and the type of electrode we use somewhat is multiplied by a factor
Fillet type of weld is used
When the parts are subjected to fatigue loading, the stress concentration factor as given in the
following table should be taken into account.
( )
√( ) ( )
√( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ )
Total weight
Table5.14.Wheel selection
10 MPH
21x11.00-8 599044 21 10.8 8.50 1390 22
21x11.00-10 599050 20.9 10.4 8.50 1390 22
24x12.00-12 560352 24 12 9.50 1710 20
The wheel with size code 21x11.00-8 is selected.
Evaluating a set of feasible alternatives requires that costs should be analysed so that we can
estimate the cost of a product.
Cost estimation of a machine includes
a) Material cost
b) Direct labor cost
c) Overhead cost and others(machine cost and transportation cost)
Note: Manufacturing overhead costs include indirect materials and indirect labor costs like
materials used to support the production process and wages paid not directly involved in
production work.
Now we can calculate the cost the machine components as follows
1) Two Stroke Engine
Quantity = 1
Unit price = 18850birr
2) V-belt
Material; rubber
Quantity = 6
Unit price = 146.922 birr
Cost = 6×146.922 = 881.53 birr
3) Small Pulleys
Material; cast iron
Quantity = 3
Unit mass =
Unit price = 23.67 birr /kg
Material cost
Manufacturing process; Casting & machining
Direct labor cost/hour = 13 birr
Total hours required = 6 hours
Total cost = Material cost + Total labor cost + total overhead cost = 55.387+234+720 = 1009.4
4) Large Pulleys
Material; cast iron
Quantity = 3
Unit mass =
Unit price = 23.67 birr /kg
Material cost
Manufacturing process; Casting & machining
Direct labor cost/hour = 13 birr
Total hours required = 6 hours
Overhead cost/hour = 40 birr
Total labor cost
Total cost = Material cost + Total labor cost + Overhead cost = 2034.43+234+720 = 1632.14 birr
5) Shaft
Material; Mild steel
Quantity = 3
Unit mass =
Unit price = 23.68 birr /kg
Material cost
Manufacturing process; Turning, &milling for key ways
Total cost = Material cost + Total labor cost + Overhead cost = +252.2+126 = 1429.14
6) Key
Material; Mild steel
Quantity = 7
Unit mass =
Unit price = 39.1 birr /kg
Material cost
Manufacturing process; Cutting and milling operations
Direct labor cost/hour = 10 birr
Overhead cost/hour = 5 birr
Total hours required = 3.5 hours
Total labor cost
Total cost = Material cost + Total labor cost + Overhead cost = 38.32+245+122.5 = 372.97 birr
7) Bevel Gear
Material; AISI 1050 heat-treated (hot rolled)
Quantity = 1
Unit mass = 0.886kg
Unit price = 120 birr /kg
Material cost
Manufacturing process; casting and finishing process
Direct labor cost/hour = 24 birr
Overhead cost/hour = 12 birr
Total hours required = 4 hours
Total labor cost
Total cost = Material cost + Total labor cost + Overhead cost = 106.4+96+48 = 250.4 birr
8) Cutter Blade
Material; steel-carbon
Quantity = 12
Unit mass =
Unit price = 38 birr /kg
Material cost
Manufacturing process; Cutting and drilling operations
Direct labor cost/hour = 26 birr
Overhead cost/hour = 12.5 birr
Total hours required = 4 hours
Total labor cost
Total cost = Material cost + Total labor cost + Overhead cost = 127.68+1248+600 = 1975.68 birr
9) Bearing
Quantity = 6
Unit price = 560birr
Total cost =
Total cost = Material cost + Total labor cost + Overhead cost =335+2.5+0.75 = 338.25 birr
11) Collecting Belt (Conveyer)
Quantity = 1
Unit price = 2000birr
12) Wheel
Quantity = 4
Unit price = 2150birr
Cost = 4×2150 = 8600birr
13) Scotch Yoke
Material; mild steel
Unit mass = 4.94kg
Unit price = 23.68 birr /kg
Material cost
Manufacturing process; Cutting and welding operations
Direct labor cost/hour = 10 birr
Overhead cost/hour = 3 birr
Total hours required = 0.25 hours
Total cost = Material cost + Total labor cost + Overhead cost =116.97+2.5+0.75 = 120.23 birr
14) Frame
Material; mild steel
Quantity = 1
Unit mass = 21kg
Unit price = 23.68 birr /kg
Material cost
Manufacturing process; cutting to size, bending and welding
Direct labor cost/hour = 10 birr
Overhead cost/hour = 5 birr
Total hours required = 1hour
Total labor cost
Total cost = Material cost + Total labor cost + Overhead cost =497.28+10+5 = 512.28birr
Total cost of the machine is
observing the cause of failure to the different parts of the belt conveyor like shaft, column and
other parts
Table6.1. Result and discussion
Capacity of the wheat cutter machine 0.047kg/sec
Power supply 750W
Capacity of the conveyor 0.28g/sec
Speed of the conveyor 0.1m/sec
The cutting width 1200mm
Forward velocity of the machine 2km/hr
Cutting height 10mm
7.1. Conclusions
The focus of this project was to design a wheat crop-cutting machine under certain constraints
such as compact size, easy to operate, low cost etc. A model has been created within
prescribed boundaries to meet the demands of the farmer and to make harvesting more
flexible operation. Based on the models and analyses presented in the previous sections,
various conclusions can be drawn. A model with design capability 0.047 kg/sec, use 750 watt
(0.75kw) power and capacity of the conveyor is 0.28g/sec has been developed. Also a model,
which is easy to operate and manipulate, has been developed which can be used for efficient
harvesting of wheat crops. Small-scale farmers for increasing their profits by decreasing labor
and machinery cost can use the model so constructed. The model can be carried out with
affordable capacity of most of Ethiopians. And also a better quality product can be
produced. That in turn will save a huge amount of foreign currency which was paid to import
these huge machineries and able to provide the low farmers to use the machine in affordable
cost. This model will offer a better and inexpensive method to reduce man power and
efforts involved in harvesting wheat crops.
7.2. Recommendation
The design capability of the wheat crop-cutter machine 0.047 kg/sec and the speed of the
machine must not exceed above measure therefore, I strongly recommend that the wheat cutter
machine must not loaded above the capacity and the wheat cutter machine is manually driven
therefore a man with a capacity of 150 up to 200N can move the machine in a straight level but if
the degree of elevation the machine move increased due to the weight of the machine the man
may not able to actuate it so it mostly recommended that the elevation should be straight.
I also recommend that Different parts of the wheat cutter machine like the connection between
nut and screw, between holder (bearing) and shaft, gears and other parts must be properly
lubricated and handled carefully.
1. Medic (1999). Survey of the Ethiopian Economy: Review of Post Reform
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2. McCormick, c. (n.d.). mechanical reaping machine 1831.
3. Charles B. withington, “improvement grain-binders” U.S. patent
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4. Quick,graeme R.:wesley F. buchele(1978).the grain harvesters,st. joseph:american
society of agricultural engineers.ISBN 0-916150-13-5.
5. Harvesting machinery by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Department of Farm Machinery &
Power, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
6. A text book of machine design 14th edition, R.S Khurmi and JK Gupta, Eurasia
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7. Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design (9th edition, Budynas, Nisbett).
8. Ephrem Zeleke (October, 2012). Design and Modification of Appropriate Reel
Mechanism to Harvest Tef Crop.
Table5.1.Shear strength of wheat straw with the blade (Mpa)
Moisture content % Shearing strength of straw
15 3.25
25 3.57
35 3.69
45 3.86
⁄( ) ⁄( )
⁄ E
Table 5.9.Dimensions and Load Ratings for Single-Row 02-Series Deep-Groove and Angular-
Contact Ball Bearings
Shoulder Load ratings, Kn
diameter, mm Deep Angular contact
Bore, OD, Width, Fillet
Mm Mm Mm radius,
30 62 16 1.0 35 55 19.5 10.0 20.3 11.0
35 72 17 1.0 41 65 25.5 13.7 27.0 15.0
40 80 18 1.0 46 72 30.7 16.6 31.9 18.6
45 85 19 1.0 52 77 33.2 18.6 35.8 21.2
Table5.10. Specification of cutter blade
Crop cutting unit
1 Type of cutter bar Reciprocating knife
2 Length of cutter bar 100 mm
3 Knife section Standard
4 Type Trapezoidal
5 Blade Serrated
6 Angle between cutting edge and axis of knife section 30º
7 Rake angle 22º