Debre Tabor University Faculty of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering Project On: - Design and Fabrication of Hand Operated Maize Sheller
Debre Tabor University Faculty of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering Project On: - Design and Fabrication of Hand Operated Maize Sheller
Debre Tabor University Faculty of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering Project On: - Design and Fabrication of Hand Operated Maize Sheller
Prepared by:
Name ID NO
We hereby declare that the project paper titled ―design and fabrication of maize Sheller
machine‖ submitted by us is based on actual and original work carried out by us. Any reference
to work done by any other person or institution or any material obtained from other sources have
been duly cited and referenced. We further certify that the project paper has not been published
or submitted for publication anywhere else nor it will be send for publication in the future.
Mr Yusuf A.
…………………………… ………………………..
Signature Signature
We would like to acknowledge our advisor MR. YUSUF ALI for his continuous
encouragement, valuable advice, guidance, support and helping during in most of design
activities. To do this final project from initial up to last. For his grateful assistance and advice
that brings the project to success. For more, we would like to thank our mechanical department
for to giving the permission to do our project work with laboratory or workshop and other
necessary thing. Finally, we would like to thank a person who helps us during our project works
and also our friends to support us by encouragement and giving some necessary information.
As we know the maize shelling mechanism in Ethiopia mostly in rural area have done in
traditional ways by using, human thumb, animal’s wooden bloke etc. But this mechanism is
much tedious, time consuming and also less efficient productions due to this reason we initiate to
develop manual operated maize Sheller machine. This machine is used to solve the above
problems and its uniqueness is no need of electric power, so can easily use in rural area. It works
by combination of parts mesh each other, apply human hand force on handle and transmits some
rotational motion to the shaft by using pulley and belt, and then this rotation motion translate to
the second shaft (vertical) in some ratio of bevel gears. Threshers fixed with rotational shaft then
during this mechanism can simply thresh maize grain from cob. This machine is capable of
reducing the total capital cost, increase productivity, to be easily portable and reduce time
consuming. The main objective of this project is to help our rural people concerning to the maize
grain shelled by using our mechanical knowledge with the appropriate use of materials that used
for less manufacturing cost relative with their advantageous. Have High production capacity up
to 250kg ⁄hr. Low vibration and easy to move finally, this machine can be easily distributed for
rural areas of the country.
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT............................................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................. iii
LIST OF FIGURE...................................................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF SYMBOL ..................................................................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Problem Statement ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Objectives............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2.1 General Objective ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.2.2 Specific Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Scope of the project ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Significance of this project .................................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Limitation of the project ..................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2 LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Physical and Mechanical Properties of Maize .................................................................................... 6
2.2 Maize shelling techniques ................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Hand shelling ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Maize-shelling with Rotary Equipment. ...................................................................................... 7
2.2.3 Mechanized shelling or shelling with motorized equipment ....................................................... 8
2.3 Past literature and researches ............................................................................................................ 9
2.4 Summarize literature review ............................................................................................................ 12
2.5 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENTS AND MODELING .................................................................................... 13
2.5.1 Concept Developments .............................................................................................................. 13
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 20
3 METHODOLOGIES AND MATERIAL SELECTION ......................................................................... 20
3.1 Methodology..................................................................................................................................... 20
3.2 Material selection ............................................................................................................................. 21
3.2.1 Material selection for shaft, Sheller, and hopper ....................................................................... 23
3.2.2 Bevel gear Material selection ..................................................................................................... 23
3.2.3 Material for Plummer block or bearing...................................................................................... 24
Figure 1-1 Shelling with hand....................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2-1 Antique maize Sheller’s .............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2-2 motorized maize Sheller .............................................................................................................. 9
Figure 2-3 Hand held maize Sheller ............................................................................................................. 9
Figure 2-4 Manually inserted and rotated against the shelling unit which is threaded bolt assembly. ....... 10
Figure 4-1 handle free body diagrams ........................................................................................................ 29
Figure 4-2 pulley free body diagram........................................................................................................... 31
Figure 4-3 Terminology of bevel gears....................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4-4 thresher ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 4-5 Hooper ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 4-6 maize cob with grain ................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 4-7 Frame or supporter .................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 4-8 pulley free body diagram........................................................................................................... 44
Figure 4-9 Bevel-gear tooth forces. ............................................................................................................ 46
Figure 4-10 Contact geometry factor ZI ...................................................................................................... 51
Figure 4-11 Bending Strength Geometry Factor (YJ) ................................................................................. 55
Figure 4-12 Free body diagram................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 4-13 Free body diagram................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 4-14 Bending moment diagram for x axis ....................................................................................... 63
Figure 4-15 Bending moment diagram for z axis ....................................................................................... 64
Figure 4-16 free body diagram.................................................................................................................... 68
Figure 4-17 force free body diagram .......................................................................................................... 69
Figure 4-18 bending moment diagram ........................................................................................................ 71
Figure 4-19 bending moment diagram for ................................................................................................. 74
Figure 4-20 key free body diagram ............................................................................................................. 77
Figure 4-21 geometry for bearing ............................................................................................................... 84
Symbol Name Unit
V Volume m3
M Mass kg
g Gravity m/s2
W Weight N
N Speed rpm
D Diameter m
ρ Density kg/m3
Z Number of Teeth -
R Radius m
B Width m
ha Addendum m
hd Dedendum m
h Height m
l Length m
σ Stress N/m2
F Force N
A Area m2
FS Factor of Safety -
P Power W
T Torque Nm
Μ Coefficient of Friction -
θ Angle rad
Wt Tangential Force N
Wr Radial Force N
Wa Axial Force N
KV Dynamic Factor -
u Poisson’s Ratio -
Kθ Temperature Factor -
M Momentum Nm
Maize is the most important cereal grain in the world, after wheat and rice, Maize said to
have originated in tropical zones of America is the third most important cereal crop in the world,
next to wheat and rice. World maize production is estimated 856 million tons in 2011/2012
Ashwin and Shaik, (2014). Maize contains starch (60%-88.0%), protein (8.8%-12%), fat (3%-
5%) and minerals (1%-5%), providing nutrients for humans and animals and serving as a basic
raw material for the production of starch, oil and protein, alcoholic beverages, food sweeteners
and, more recently, fuel. In Ethiopia, maize grows from moisture stress to high rainfall areas and
from lowlands to the highlands. It is one of the most important cereal crops grown in the country
and is the main staple food in rural areas. It accounts over 14% and 18% in terms of land area
coverage and productivity respectively with higher annual growth rate. Ethiopia is the largest
maize producer in Eastern and Southern Africa. Over 8 small holder farmers are engaged in
maize production and this accounts 28% the total cereal production. The total maize production
in 2010/2011 was estimated 4.98 million tons (Demeke et al.2). The overall productivity of
maize is affected by many factors including lack of post-harvest technologies, such as shelling.
Maize kernels should be removed from cob to be used as seeds, prepare value addition, improve
handling and storage as well as maintain its quality.
Maize shelling involves detaching of the maize grain from its cobs. Maize shelling is
among the major activities involved in the processing of maize like harvesting, drying, de-
husking, storing, and milling. All these processes are costly and for the rural farmers to
maximize profits on their produce, appropriate technology suiting their needs must be used.
Maize shelling is a necessary process subsequent to harvesting because the maize kernels when
harvested are firmly attached to the hard cob. Shelling which refers removal of kernel from cob
is an important post-harvest operation in maize production. Shelling can be carried out in the
field or on the farm. Maize shelling is difficult at moisture content above 25%, with this moisture
content, grain stripping efficiency is very poor with high operational energy and causing
mechanical damage to the seed. A more efficient shelling is achieved when the grain has been
suitably dry to 13 to 14% moisture content (Danilo et al.3).
Maize shelling in Ethiopia is mainly carried out using traditional methods, the most
commonly employed methods include manual rubbing maize cobs against one another, using
human finger, biting the cob with wooden plank, treading with animal. Likewise, the grain can
be detached from the cob with the use of pestle and mortal. All these traditional maize shelling
methods are highly tedious, inefficient; do not support large-scale shelling of maize requiring a
lot of labor and time with low productivity as a worker can only shell a few kilograms per hour.4
Kernel damages in the form of bruiser, crack or breakage are inevitable during these shelling
methods. Such kernel damage facilitates the infestation of field pests during storage. Attempts
were in the past to develop and introduce engine driven and tractor driven high capacity
Sheller’s. The technology though perfect is not within the reach of marginal farmers. Existing
motorized Sheller are too expensive to be purchased by resource poor smallholder farmers. The
cost of hiring to get the service is even high for most farmers. Bahir Dar Agricultural
Mechanization and Food Science Research Center has adapted cylindrical hand operated and
motorized maize Sheller’s and preliminary demonstration reveals that farmers have shown
interest to use them. Thus, there is a need to introduce this implement that reduces post-harvest
loss, increase labor efficiency in time and avoid the drudgery and harms to the hand of men and
women farmers. Thus, there was a need to demonstrate both of the machines and collect
feedback from farmers that are useful for future promotion and modification activities. This was
supported by the national strategy that states further strengthening the introduction of suitable
post-harvest tools.
Maize production in Ethiopia is a great importance with the increase in population and
use of maize grain, the market demand for maize grain also increased. However, maize shelling
in developing and under-developed nations has been and remains a serious problem to its
processing as it is tedious and often require considerable labor hours.
In industrialized countries, maize is largely used as livestock feeds and as raw material for
industrial products, while in low income countries; it is mainly used for human consumption.
Maize is an important source of carbohydrate, protein, iron, vitamin B and minerals. In Africa,
maize is consumed as a starchy base in wide variety of porridges and pastes. Green maize (fresh
on the cob) is eaten parched, baked, roasted or boiled which play an important role in filling the
huge gap after dry season.
Shelling of the dried cobs by majority of farmers (about 96%) in the study area is carried
out by repeated beating of the cobs with a club while held inside Sacks, open barrels or spreading
it over plastered ground floor in the house or outdoor. This method cause damage to the kernels
or ox and are time consuming involving drudgery. Other traditional maize shelling technique is
rubbing the maize cobs against one another by hand or by direct removal of kernels pressing it
between thumb and hand palm.
Removing the grain from the cob has been a time consuming and tedious process for the
rural maize farmer.
Traditional shelling methods do not support large-scale shelling of maize.
Existing motorized Sheller’s cause great damage to the maize seeds besides breaking the
cob to pieces and are costly to hire or purchase
There is need therefore to develop a maize threshing technique to meet the shelling needs
of such farmers.
1.2 Objectives
1.2.1 General Objective
The general objective of this project is to design and fabrication of hand operated maize
Sheller machine.
This chapter includes summary of the past literature and researches which are relevant to
the present study. The literature associated with various aspects of the present study is divided
under the following sub heads as
The simplest type of maize Sheller is a circular handheld device made of cast iron or cast
aluminum, with new models retailing for under Ksh.1500. To use this type of Sheller, the
operator holds and rotates the Sheller in one hand while pushing the cob of corn through the
teeth of the machine. This type of Sheller is best suited for occasional use by maize growers
requiring the seed or kernel samples for moisture and disease testing. This simple Sheller’s can
also be used by home gardeners who want to shell a few dried maize cobs for use as chicken
feed. Since using a handheld Sheller is slow and labor intensive, this model is not suitable for
processing multiple cobs of corn at once. [13]
The most common type of mechanical maize Sheller in the market today is a rotary
Sheller which can shell up to six cobs of corn per minute translating to approximately 50kg/hr. A
new such Sheller made of cast-iron can be purchased for less than Ksh. 8500 at farm and garden
supply stores. However, Antique maize Sheller’s (grinder pitter tool - "never fail" Plymouth root
heath corn Sheller’s) are often available in the market and are the preferred type of rotary maize
Sheller’s each at a sale price of Ksh. 10700.
Most mechanical corn Sheller’s that are produced and sold today are constructed of cast
iron with a hand crank. These machines are usually designed to be either mounted on a
workbench or suspended between two supports over a bucket where the kernels are collected.
This on its own presents a setback for their use as most farmers do not have much time and
energy to mount and unmounts the equipment every time they need to shell their produce.
Furthermore, the output capacity of this Sheller is relatively low for the rural farmers
harvesting more than 20 sacks of maize and this would require them to spend quite some time in
extends of hours or days to complete the entire threshing process.[22]
Evaluation and demonstration of maize Sheller’s for small-scale farmers, in this research
hand held maize Sheller is a light, simply constructed, and inexpensive maize Sheller made from
steel tubes with shelling teeth fixed internally. With this Sheller, maize cob held on one hand is
rotated against a stationary shelling device held on the other hand, or vice versa. In the process,
the teeth of the Sheller entangle and remove the grain from the cob. It eliminates the usual pain
experienced when shelling by hand. Shelling maize is becoming a laborious task for hybrid
maize producers mainly when seasonal labor shortage is at peak. In order to reduce drudgery in
small scale shelling, a comparative test was conducted between traditional and simple hand held
maize. [6]
But the disadvantage of this mechanism is it has low shelling efficiency because when
the small size maize is feed in to the cylinder then it passes directly without shelling.
Modification and testing of Jimma adjustable hand maize Sheller research in Jimma
Ethiopia The shelling unit shells out the kernels from the maize cob when the cob is manually
inserted and rotated against the shelling unit which is threaded bolt assembly. [9]
But this is low efficiency for maize shelling, shelling capacity is low or unit shelling and
also it is dangerous or tedious to work.
Figure 2-4 Manually inserted and rotated against the shelling unit which is threaded bolt
assembly. [9]
The de husking and shelling are important post-harvest activities in maize crop,
predominantly done by women. These activities involve a lot of drudgery as these are done
manually. The maize shelling with the tool makes women's lives difficult and yields very low
level of output. Moreover, de husking as a separate activity precedes shelling that brings
additional burden on farmers. The farmers or field owners find it difficult to afford the machines.
The machine is operated by 1 person and requires feeding of cobs one by one. But its limitation
is low shelling efficiency because the maize is shelled one by one. In order to make it affordable
and more convenient to shell the maize, and as a part of our academic project, we have
developed a ―hand operated maize Sheller‖ using ergonomic and mechanical considerations for
and shelling. It consists of hopper with internal thread from where the maize is inserted. The
handle is connected to the pulley. When the pulley is rotated, the gear rotates and shells the
maize by Sheller. [12]
There are many maize shelling techniques in India which are used in our life. The main
problems with these machines are that they are not affordable to farmers who are having acreage
farms and which they do not require these big shelling machines. Many farmers in Ethiopia are
not affordable to use these machines because of their cost. So these farmers resort hand operated
tools which gives low output, more damages of kernel threshed from cob, which is monotonous
work. Since inventions of maize shelling by machines reduced the hectic work for farmers. But
these machines never provided the cost saving, accident precautions. These machines are
automatic operated, fuel operated. So as man machine system can be established these machine
provides simple mechanical design. This literature report is review on human powered machine,
the survey proved to system which shows cost effective and functional viable. [13]
The hand operated maize dehusker-sheller was ergonomically evaluated with ten farm
women to assess the physiological workload and its performance in standing and sitting postures.
Two workers are required during its operation, i.e., one for hand cranking and another for
feeding the cob. One by one cob (without removing its outer layer/sheath) was fed in hopper at
an interval of about 4 s. The limitation of this project is it needs two persons or workers but in
our project we reduce man power it needs one worker. [14]
Operating speed of rotary maize Sheller was optimized for its operation at higher
operating speeds in pedaling mode, by conducting a simulation study for three sizes of maize
cobs at seven operating speeds. The shelling capacity and shelling efficiency of maize Sheller for
all categories of maize cobs increased curvilinear with increased in operating speed up to about
70 r.p.m. The shelling capacity at a particular operating speed decreased with increased in the
maximum diameter of cobs. Operating torque of rotary maize Sheller for a given size of maize
cobs decreased with increased in operating speed. On the other hand, the torque decreased with
decreased in maximum diameter of maize cobs at a given operating speed. It was concluded that
the operating speed of maize Sheller should be 70 to 80 r.p.m. for higher shelling capacity,
shelling efficiency and lower operating torque. [15]
To developed such a machine and suggest the farmers to adopt suitable values of crop
and machine operational parameters for the optimum threshing. The studies were carried out in
three different phases. In the first phase, physical properties of maize kernel and maize cob that
have bearing on de husking and shelling performance of maize thresher were determined. These
include length, breadth, thickness, bulk density, spherity and terminal velocity for maize kernel;
and cob size and grain-to-non grain ratio for maize cob. In addition, an effort was also made to
determine the force required to detach husk and a single kernel from maize cobs using a
pendulum device which was specially developed for this purpose. This design is preferred,
because of its rapid operation, high human-energy expenditure, high breakage factor for the
kernels. [16]
The second, the group focused on coming up with possible designs that were
manufacturable, maintainable, and most importantly, effectively did the task they were made to
do. Between 4 and 5 ideas were produced by each person in the group for possible designs, while
ensuring that each produced their own ―uniqueness‖
Once sketches were produced for each idea, they were compiled into an excel sheet,
where the ideas would be graded on the design parameters chosen. Each design parameter
received a weighting that we believed would help most effectively pick a design that would
actually work, work well, be safe, easily be manufacturable, and is maintainable.
The design matrix helped us narrow down the better concept, where the matrix had
shown the most efficacious design. After some collaboration between the groups, we had come
to the conclusion that this final design was easy to operate, extremely maintainable, and
effectively accomplish the task of shelling corn.
The proposed table grater device would consist of a piece of sheet metal with grating
surfaces punched into it, then rolled into a cylinder shape with the cutting edges lining the inside
of the cylinder. This would be firmly mounted into a hole in a table in a vertical orientation with
the cutting edges pointing up. Using a piece of wood or stone, an ear of maize would be pressed
down through the grating device, shearing off the kernels into a bin below. This device could be
made from materials found in Ethiopia somewhat easily and would be inexpensive as long as a
table could be spared to cut a hole in. It is likely to work but has the potential to jam under
loading of larger ears of maize. Safety would be high as long as hands are not put into the
cylinder. The device could be maintained fairly easily, although if the cutting edges were
sufficiently dulled the grating device would need to be replaced. The whole device is essentially
as large and heavy as the table used. Since it is a fixture in a table, probability of theft is low. A
disadvantage of this design is the human power necessary to sufficiently push the ear of maize
through the grating device.
The proposed roller edge Sheller device consists of a piece of sheet metal with a
rectangular hole that is slightly smaller than an ear of maize cut into the middle, with one of the
long edges sharpened into a cutting edge. A rolling mechanism would also be constructed and
attached to a pulley handle or some other powering device. The roller would press the ear of
maize into the sheet metal with cutting edge, and then rotate it along the cutting edge to cut off
the kernels with the help of spring loaded to control the gap between the roller and cover. This is
a relatively simple and inexpensive design and easy to maintain but creating a roller that works
properly could be a problem. The lifespan of the device is also of concern, as the cutting edge
would quickly dull and that portion of the project would need to be replaced. Range of motion
would be a smooth rotation of the powering device.
The corn tower is a device designed to facilitate the shelling of maize. Husked ears of
corn are placed into a vertical or inclined tube. The corn is then gravity fed through a cast hand
held Sheller which is being rotated by an external power source. As the kernels fall off they fall
through a wire mesh and are collected in a dish below Once the ears have been shelled they are
now small enough to fall through the device and slide down an exit ramp away from the device.
The corn tower can be powered by an external handle with appropriate pulley system to aid in
human power required.
Concept D The combination of corn sharpener, handheld or hopper with internal teeth for the
Manufactur 4 No complex manufacturing techniques should, constructed from
ability available materials, or easy to obtain.
Product 4 The initial costs this device has to be low.
Quality 4 The device has a high quality design to allow for extended use of the
Reliability 4 The target is to minimize the need for repairs and make any necessary
repairs possible to complete by virtually anyone in less time.
Maintenan 4 As with repairs, the device should require minimal maintenance.
Mechanical 4 The main component of this design will undergo large amounts of
loading repeated mechanical loadings.
Energy 3 Since the device will be human powered and possibly by malnourished
consumptio women, it must consume minimal energy.
Operating 3 Any operating and maintenance instructions should be minimal,
instructions universal, and well documented in a permanent fashion.
Size 3 The device should be small enough to fit
Personnel 3 The device must be able to be operated by two people or less.
Operating 3 The device should require minimal operating costs.
Transportat 3 The device must be able to be transported short distances on foot by 2
ion people
Weight 2 The device should be light enough.
2. Decision matrixes
After much collaborative analysis of the decision matrices above our team decided to
select concept D the combination of corn sharpener, handheld or hopper with internal teeth and
Corn tower design for the Sheller, and the handle to pulley for the power system and also we use
bevel gear to transmit perpendicular rotation. The Sheller is selected according to their high
ranking in their respective decision matrices.
During the design of this machine the geometrical analysis is very important with regard
to mathematical modeling and designs are considered as the force analysis and momentum
principle. After design and manufacturing then finally it will be tested by using the researcher to
be taken different duties. Finally, the determination on whether their problem will be solved and
the efficiency of the maize Sheller will be determined using appropriate techniques.
In the process of designing and manufacturing hand operated maize Sheller machine, the
following methodologies are important procedures and will be followed in this project.
1 Data collection
Primary data the data collection from rural farmer Sheller needs associated with
agricultural operation.
Secondary data then assessing the previous different literature reviews about
maize Sheller machines and mechanisms. By reading different reference books,
from website, from internet access and from different handbook.
Mechanical properties have first position in selection criteria as they will define mass, strength
and performance of the product. After mechanical properties manufacturing properties of material
are test as they will define the proper manufacturing process and the cost of the manufacturing
process of product and thus will affect the final cost of the product. Environmental properties are
third in selection criteria as they will define the environmental effect of material from which the
produce will be manufacturing. It is very important to select a material that effect the environmental
lest during its life span and death period. Economic aspects material will define the cost of raw
material and will have great impact of the final cost of the product. Material cost should be kept as
low as possible in order to keep the final product low and make the product cost effective.
Availability issue is also very important is material selection the selected material should be easily
available in local market. This will reduce the transportation cost and will save a lot of time required
for material transportation.
A. Mild Steel
The amount of carbon typically found in mild steel is 0.05% to 0.25% by weight, whereas
higher carbon steels are typically described as having carbon content from 0.30% to 2.0%. If any
more carbon than that is added, the steel would be classified as cast iron. Less carbon means that
mild steel is typically more ductile, machinable, and wieldable than high carbon and other steels,
generally resulting in less tensile strength than high carbon and alloy steels. Almost all the
required criteria for/ hopper, frame, thresher, shaft, and handle/ are included in this material.
Therefor we select mild steel for all the above parts.
B. Cast Iron
1. Has high carbon content 7. It has Good casting properties
2. It is available in large quantities 8. It has excellent anti-vibration
3. It has good Sensibility 9. It has excellent resistance to wear
4. It has very low notch sensitivity 10. It has Low stress concentration
5. It bears Low cost 11 It is Durability
6. It has Resistance to deformation
Almost all the required criteria for/ bevel gear, bearing, pulley/ are included in this material.
Therefor we select cast iron for all the above parts.
C. Rubber
materials are available in various durometers (hardness’s), tensile strength, and ... Highly
flexible, durable, and versatile, butyl is available in an array of grades and ...
Chloroprene rubber (CR) is a synthetic rubber that is also known by the trade name ... This
model does not provide accurate predictions of the material response, CR can be vulcanized in
the presence of zinc oxide alone; however, long-term flexibility and good mechanical properties;
and CR answers to all such needs. A tensile strength is high and assures reliability and
durability over the lifespan of the end product. Because urethanes are tough, they can be used in
thinner gauges when compared to vinyl /v-belt/.
3. Material Evaluation
All short list materials are evaluated on the base of selection criteria establish for a
particular product. Marks or points are given to each material based on its performance in each
and every field of selection criteria. Material are arranged on descending sequence based on their
overall marks. In most of cases first material is selected for the production of product but in some
case first two material or one which easy available is used for production.
1. The selection criteria for shaft, thresher and hopper:- Strength, Resilience to
corrosion, Machinability, Ductility, Cost of the material, and Availability of the material
2. The most common materials used for shaft. Sheller and hopper:- Mild steel, carbon
steel, alloy steel, aluminum, etc.
Table 3-1 Evaluation material selecting for shaft, Sheller and hopper
Based on the evaluation shown above cast iron is the best material for this project as it
has highest yield strength, high wear resistance, and lowest cost. Cast iron is the material select
for fabrication of bevel gears.
Based on the evaluation shown above cast iron is the best material for this project as it
has medium strength, high wear resistance, low thermal conductivity, lowest cost and it is
available in Ethiopia. Then cast iron is the material select for manufacturing of this bearing.
Based on the evaluation shown above rubber is the best material for this project as it has
high tensile strength, high wear resistance, flexible, lowest cost and it is available in Ethiopia.
Then rubber is the material select for manufacturing of this v belt.
Table 3-6 shows the parts of the machine as well as the material selected for each part.
4.1 Part Description
1. Frame (tower) – is made up of mild steel which used to support all part of the machine.
2. Main (vertical) shaft – is a shaft coupled with pinion bevel gear and which used to rotate
the Sheller by transmitting the rotational motion from gear to Sheller.
3. Sheller or thresher – is a part which used to thresh maize grain from cob.
4. Hopper – a part which used to hold and shell the maize.
5. Shaft 3 (pulley supporter) – is used to support the larger pulley.
6. Larger pulley - a part which used to transmit rotational speed.
7. Handle – a part used to feed human hand force to the machine in a rotational mechanism.
8. Pulley shaft-a part that transmits motion by holding large gear and smaller pulley.
9. Pulley one –a small pulley that used to multiply a rotational motion to the larger gear.
10. V-belt-it transmits a motion from larger pulley to smaller pulley.
11. Key- used to proper assemble in shaft and gear.
12. Larger bevel gear-that fixed with pulley shaft and give motions to the smaller gear in
perpendicular way.
13. Pinon gear-transmit motions in to vertical shaft that given from larger gear.
Overall height of the machine to facilitate ease of operation by a rural farmer of average
Overall width and breadth of the machine for purposes of storage space in the rural
farmers’ granaries. and weight of the equipment for portability.
Geometry of maize cob and grain.
Stress and force analysis of parts.
The design of this maize Sheller is based on consideration of design specifications whose
choice is based a number of factors that include the availability of construction materials needed
for a further fabrication of the work presented in this paper, cost of such materials, desired size
of the machine for Ergonomics of using it, machinability factor which includes, installation,
simplication, and durability as well as the prolonged life of using the machine. These design
specifications include the following;
To find the volume we use the formula of cylinder, then approximate volume of handle is-
Type Power ranges Minimum pitch diameter of Top width Thickness Weight per meter
of belt in kw pulley (D) mm (b) mm (t) mm length in N
A 0.7 – 3.5 75 13 8 1.06
B 2 – 15 125 17 11 1.89
C 7.5 – 75 200 22 14 3.43
D 20 – 150 355 32 19 5.96
E 30 – 350 500 38 23 -
We take some parameters from standard the diameter of the smallest pulley (driving) is
100mm, face width for both pulley is 50mm and the velocity ratio vr=3
The ratio between the velocities of the driving and the driven pulley is given as; (from sheigly
mechanical design).
…………………..……………………………………………………………… (1)
To find the diameter of driven pulley by using velocity ratio vr=3 and diameter of driving pulley
To find the volume for the largest pulley we use the formula of cylinder
Where, r is the radius of largest pulley is 150mm, h is the face width =50mm of belt
There are many types of belt used now days, yet the following are important from the
subject point of view.
Flat belt: - is mostly used in factories and workshops, where a moderate amount of power is to be
transmitted from one pulley to another when the two pulleys are not more than 8 meters a part.
Circular belt or rope: -the circular belt is mostly used in the factories and workshops, where a
great amount of power is transmitted, from one pulley to another, when the two pulleys are more
than 8 meters apart.
V-belt: - this belt is mostly used in factories and workshops, where a great amount of power is to
be transmitted, from one pulley to another when the two pulleys are very near to each other.
Advantage of V-belt
The V-belt drive gives compactness due to the small distance between centers of pulley
Since the V-belt are made endless and there is no joint trouble, therefore the drive is
It provides longer life,3 to 5 years
It can be easily installed and removed
The operation of the belt and pulley is quiet
The belt has the ability to cushion the shock when machines are stored
The V-belt may be operated in either direction with tight side of the belt at the top or
bottom. The center line may be horizontal, vertical or inclined.
The terminology of bevel gears is illustrated below in Fig. The pitch of bevel gears is
measured at the large end of the tooth, and both the circular pitch and the pitch diameter are
calculated in the same manner as for spur gears. It should be noted that the clearance is uniform.
The pitch angles are defined by the pitch cones meeting at the apex, as shown in the figure. They
are related to the tooth numbers as follows:
The gear ratio can be determined from the number of teeth, the pitch diameters
……………………………………………………………………….. (2)
If the mating gear has more teeth than the pinion, that is the gear ratio i =2 is more than one, then
the smallest number of teeth ZP on the pinion without interference is given by from [17].
√ ………………………………………………… (3)
Where k = 1 for full-depth teeth, 0.8 for stub teeth and β= pressure angle. For a 20◦ reference
pressure angle, with k = 1, and we take as i =2,
ZP=14.2, we can say that 15 teeth. But in our project we use the number of teeth of the pinion is
20 teeth, and module m=3mm
Then to find the pitch diameter of the pinion gear DP=m Z2=3*20=60mm, we can calculate all
the terms of this bevel gear,
, then 63.44◦,
, then
Cone distance
Addendum but
⁄ ⁄
Dedendum, –
Tip diameter
Hub diameter of the bevel gear is determined from standard table, for largest gear 3in=76mm and
for pinion 1.75in=44mm.
The length through bore is also determined from table, then for largest gear 1.68in=42mm and
To find the volume of bevel gear we use the approximate formula of cylinder.
Mass of gear
To find the volume of thresher we use the formula of cylinder and for teeth we use the
formula of triangular prism.
………………………………………………………………………………….. (4)
…………………………………………………………………………... (5)
, ……………………………………………………………………….….. (6)
For the top side by considering the maximum diameter of cob with grain, the outer
diameter of the hopper is 580mm, at the base of the teeth 574mm and at the top of the teeth is
For the bottom side by considering the minimum diameter (25mm) of shelled maize or
cob the outer diameter of hopper is 320mm, thickness is 3mm, and at the top of teeth 250mm.
To find the volume of hopper we use the formula of the shape frustum of cone,
, ……………………………………………………………… (7)
M = 24.163kg
To find the storage capacity of hopper by finding the average volume of cob with grain
The average length of this maize 15.42cm and the average diameter 4cm
Determination of weight resisting on the shaft and weight of grain resisting on the shaft are
determined as follows:
Where r1 is the largest radius of hopper = 252mm, r2 is the smallest radius of hopper = 127mm
and r3 is the radius of thresher = 100mm. then
To find the mass of cob with grain the density of cob = 721kg/m3 and density of grain = 760
kg/m³ and the average radius of grain is 7.5mm
, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (8)
where F is the force on the hopper that is the weight of the cob with grain which is and area
of the hopper is calculated as by using frustum of con formula,
√ √
The maximum tensile stress of mild steel is 800 – 840 mpa , but the calculated tensile stress
170.4 pa is less than that of the maximum stress. Therefor the hopper design is over safe.
The total weights carried by the main frame are: The two design factors considered in
determining the material required for the frame are weight and strength
Assumption, the frame is considered as column with one end free and the other end fixed then
critical load is given by
⁄( ⁄ )
from previous analysis the weight applied on the supporter frame is the sum of whole weight of
the Sheller. , this weight is distributed among 4 supporting structures, so
The support is mild steel with a square cross section length of frame from Euler’s formula of
crippling load the polar moment of inertia is given by. (refer Khurmi, 2006)
……………………………………………………………………………………. (9)
But for square cross section , substituting the above value a = 40mm
since ,
The required power is generated by a man rotates handle, the average rotational speed developed
by a human being is (N1=50 rpm) and also the average power generated by a human being is
(P=1hp= 745.7W).
But the required power to rotate handle is the rating was determined by calculation results.
Power transmitted by shaft, angular speed and torque was determined (Khurmi)
……………………………………………………………………………….. (10)
Then T1=Fr
………………………………………………………………………………… (11)
Where F is the required force to rotate hand crank, m is the sum mass of pulley, gear, shaft and
Sheller and r is the height of handle.
Then T2=34.19Nm
θ is calculated by
P1 /P2 = e0-3*3.47=2.832
P1 =2.832×P2………………………………………………………………………………….. (13)
√ …………………………………………….... (14)
to use the tangential or transmitted load that would occur if all the forces were concentrated
at the midpoint of the tooth. While the actual resultant occurs somewhere between the midpoint
and the large end of the tooth, there is only a small error in making this assumption. For the
transmitted load, this gives [1]
………………………………………………………………………………………. (15)
Where T is the torque and rav is the pitch radius at the midpoint of the tooth for the gear under
consideration. The forces acting at the center of the tooth are shown in Fig. The resultant force
W has three components: a tangential force Wt, a radial force Wr, and an axial force Wa. From
the trigonometry of the figure,
Wr = Wt tan β cos γ
Wa = Wt tan β sin γ
The speed of the pinion gear is , where N1 is the speed of largest gear which is the same
as the speed of the smallest pulley N1=150rpm, then .
And also the torque of the smallest pulley is the same as the torque of the largest gear
The resultant force W has three components: a tangential force Wt, a radial force Wr, and an
axial force Wa. From the trigonometry of the figure,
An axial force
Wa is
Radial force Wr is , where β is the reference pressure angle β=20◦ and the
reference cone angle =26.56◦
An axial force Wa is
……………………………………………………… (16)
KV = Dynamic factor
√ ……………………………………………………………………………. (17)
ν2, ν1 are Poisson’s ratio for materials of gear and pinion, respectively. Then, the Poisson’s ratio
for materials of gear and pinion mild steel is 0.28.
Then ZE is
Table 4-2 To calculate KA over load factor is from this table, source ANSI/AGMA 2003 B97
( ) …………………………………………………………………………. (18)
Where , and (vet) is the pitch-line velocity
at outside pitch diameter, expressed in (m/s):
Then assume that Qv = 7, then
( )
The maximum recommended pitch-line velocity is associated with the abscissa of the terminal
points of the curve in Fig. 15–5 (17):
⌊ ⌋
where vet max is in m/s.
⌊ ⌋
Where {
The teeth of most bevel gears are crowned in the lengthwise direction during manufacture
{ , Then
{ ,
Then, Zx=0.00492*22+0.4375=0.5457mm
Contact geometry factor I (ZI) for conflux straight-bevel gears with a 20◦ normal pressure
From the above figure by using the number of teeth of pinion and gear we got the approximate
value ZI = 0.078
( ) …………………………………………………… (20)
√( ) ⁄
= temperature factor
Table 4-3Table Allowable Contact Stress Number for Iron Gears, sac ( ) Source:
ANSI/AGMA 2003-B97.
Most of the time for steel gear pairs of approximately equal hardness ZW = 1.
{ Then
From sheigly mechanical design Table 15–3 displays the reliability factors. Note that CR = √KR
and ZZ = √YZ Logarithmic interpolation equations are.
Then ZZ = √1 =1
, …………………………………………………………………………… (21)
Based on strength
= bending stress
From sheigly this Figure shows the geometry factor YJ for straight-bevel gears with a 20◦
pressure angle and 90◦ shaft angle.
Kx = Yβ = 1
………………………………………………………………………………... (23)
Then nL=106,
Based on strength
Therefore, we can conclude that the threat to each gear and to the mesh by comparing the
bending factor of safety (SF) and the square of wear factor of safety (SH)2. and
…………………………………………………………………………. (24)
The production capacity (feed rate) is generally expressed by (Journal of American Science
…………………………………………………………………………….. (25)
To find the reaction forces at the bearing, we consider the Sheller weight as an axial load,
the weight of the Sheller is 129.5N, and the other forces are produced from gear acting on this
shaft such as axial force is WA= 92.74N, the total axial force is Fa 192.5N + 92.74N = 285.29N
We assume that the length of the shaft 1065mm, then to calculate the reaction force at B,
by taking the moment at A is equal to zero.
but WR = 185.51N
To get the reaction force at A. by taking the summation of force in X axis is zero.
Then to calculate the reaction force at B, by taking the moment at A is equal to zero.
To get the reaction force at A. by taking the summation of force in X axis is zero.
To draw the bending moment diagram we can calculate the moments for each the main
point, then from distance x = 0 up to 0.035m there is no moment means M = 0, because of there
is no acting load on the shaft.
Figure 4-14 Shear force and bending moment diagram for x axis
Z axis
Figure 4-15 shear force and bending moment diagram for z axis
Therefore, the maximum bending moment is calculated by taking the maximum moment from
each axis,
z axis and
√( ) ……………………………………………………………………… (26)
When the shaft is subjected to an axial load (F) in addition to torsion and bending loads
as in shafts for driving bevel gears, then the stress due to axial load must be added to the bending
stress (σb).and then we can find out the diameter of shaft by considering the combination of the
torsional, the maximum bending moment and axial force. for a hollow shaft subjected to
fluctuating torsional and bending load, along with an axial load, the equations for equivalent
twisting moment (Te) and equivalent bending moment (Me) may be written as
√( ) ……………………. (27)
( )
[ √( ) ]
…………………………………………...………………………. (28)
σb = bending stress
d = diameter of shaft
But this shaft carries axial tensile load, then α = 1, and also it is solid shaft then k = 0 and d0=d.
√( )
[ √( ) ]
Nature of load Km Kt
1. Stationary shafts
(a) Gradually applied load 1.0 1.0
(b) Suddenly applied load 1.5 to 2.0 1.5 to 2.0
2. Rotating shafts
(a) Gradually applied or steady load 1.5 1.0
(b) Suddenly applied load with minor shocks only 1.5 to 2.0 1.5 to 2.0
(c) Suddenly applied load with heavy shocks 2.0 to 3.0 1.5 to 3.0
Km = Combined shock and fatigue factor for bending, and
Then from the above table by considering the shaft is gradually applied or steady load, Km = 1.5
and Kt = 1.0
Permissible shear Stress (Ʈ), by taking the yield strength of mild steel is 200N/mm 2 from
standard material properties table and also factor of safety is 2.
( )
√( )
( ) ( )
By using math equation calculator, we got the value of therefore the diameter
of the shaft is 30mm.
This shaft is coupled to one end is the smallest pulley rotating at 150 rpm and the other end is the
largest bevel gear.
PZ and PY are the pulley tensions applied on shaft resolved from P1 and P2 because P1 is applied
by angle 55.45º and P2 is by 36.41º
To find PZ and PY, resolve P1 and P2 by angle 55.45º and 36.41º respectively.
Y axis
Z axis
x axis the force applied on shaft at x axis is only axial force of largest gear W a is axial load =
∑ Then Wa - FBX=0
Y axis the force applied on shaft at y axis is radial force of largest gear W r =92.74N and
Z axis the force applied on shaft at Z axis is tangential force of largest gear WT =569.83N and
The bending moment diagram is constructed from left to right, at various planes considering the
forces that are acting on the plane and those on the left side of the plane. Counterclockwise- and
clockwise moments are assigned positive and negative signs respectively.
1. Bending Moment:
Moment at A
Moment at B
Moment at C
Moment at D
Moment at A
Moment at B
Moment at C
Moment at D
Z axis
From the bending moment diagrams, the maximum bending moment is observed at the center of
A and C. The resultant bending moment at the center plane A and C is
The first shaft is coupled to one end is the smallest pulley rotating at 150 rpm, the power is
calculated from the above 537.1W
When the shaft is subjected to an axial load (F) in addition to torsion and bending loads
as in shafts for driving bevel gears, then the stress due to axial load must be added to the bending
stress (σb).and then we can find out the diameter of shaft by considering the combination of the
torsional, the maximum bending moment and axial force. for a hollow shaft subjected to
fluctuating torsional and bending load, along with an axial load, the equations for equivalent
twisting moment (Te) and equivalent bending moment (Me) may be written as
√( )
( )
[ √( ) ]
σb = bending stress
d = diameter of shaft
But this shaft carries axial tensile load, then α = 1, and also it is solid shaft then k = 0 and d0=d.
√( )
[ √( ) ]
Then, from the above table the recommended values for Km and Kt.
Then from the above table by considering the shaft is gradually applied or steady load, Km = 1.5
and Kt = 1.0
Permissible shear Stress (Ʈ), by taking the yield strength of mild steel is 177N/mm2 from
standard material properties table and also factor of safety is 2.
( )
√( )
( ) ( )
By using math equation calculator, we got the value of therefore the diameter
of the shaft is 30mm.
In our design we select square sunk key because of easy to manufacture, short length
which can fit with our design and it have less cost than other key.
…………………………………………………………………………….. ( 29)
In order to determine the length of the key to transmit full power of shaft, the shearing
strength or torque transmitted of the key is equal to the torsional shear strength or torque
transmitted of the shaft.
, the key material is same as that of the shaft, then τ = τ1. And
w =7.5, d = 30mm
To find length
Taking the larger of the two values, we have the length of key is 42mm.
( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ ) …………………………………………………………... (31)
( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ )
The torque developed by the strength of shaft with key way is less than that of the torque of key
such that ,
bearings, since they can take either radial or thrust loads or any combination of the two, and in
addition, they have the high load-carrying capacity of straight roller bearings. The tapered roller
bearing is designed so that all elements in the roller surface and the raceways intersect at a
common point on the bearing axis.
Tapered roller bearings are capable of carrying both radial and axial loads; but largely
used for applications where axial load component predominates. They are often used in pairs to
take the thrust load in both directions. Since the inner and outer race contact angles are different,
there is a force component, which drives the tapered rollers against the guide flange resulting in
heating due to friction. Therefore, these bearings are not suitable for high speeds. Tapered roller
bearings are ideally suited to withstand repeated shock loads. Multiple-row tapered roller
bearings have high radial-load carrying capacity.
Where: L10 = life of bearing for 90% survival at one million revolutions;
The radial loads FrA and FrB are the vector additions of FyA and FzA, and FyB and FzB,
√( ) √
√( ) √
Note: FrAB is the radial load on the two-row assembly. The single-row basic dynamic radial load
rating, C90, is to be applied in calculating life by the above equations.
……………………………………………………………… (32)
To determine the , ;
For double direction bearings the radial load factor is 1.9 and axial load factor is 0.55, noting that m = +1
for direct mounting and Fae to the right is positive,
We use the upper set of equations in Table 11–6 to find the thrust loads:
……………………………………………………………………… (33)
From sheigly Fig. 11–16 for 150 rev/min at 55◦C, fT = 0.4., fv = 1.01. For use in Eq. (11–16), a3l
= fT fv = 0.4(1.01) = 1.32. The catalog basic load rating corresponding to the load–life–reliability
goals is RD as √ for each bearing. For bearing A, the catalog entry C10 should
equal or exceed, the shaft speed is 150 rev/min, the desired life is 50 000 h
[ ] ………………………………………………………... (34)
[ ]
From figure 11–15 Catalog entry of single-row straight-bore Timken roller bearings, by using the
calculated C10 Tentatively select the bearing identical to bearing A, which will work: KB = 1.95
and C10 = 12 100 N.
[ ]
From figure 11–15 Catalog entry of single-row straight-bore Timken roller bearings, by using the
calculated C10 Tentatively select the bearing identical to bearing A, which will work: KB = 2.3
and C10 = 18400 N.
Trial 2: Use KA = KB =1.95 from tentative bearing selection. The sense of the previous inequality
is still the same, so the same equations apply:
For bearing A, from Eq. (11–17) the corrected catalog entry C10 should equal or exceed
For bearing A, from Eq. (11–17) the corrected catalog entry C10 should equal or exceed
[ ]
Although this catalog entry exceeds slightly the tentative selection for bearing A, we will keep it
since the reliability of bearing B exceeds 0.975. In the next section we will quantitatively show
that the combined reliability of bearing A and B will exceed the reliability goal of 0.95
For bearing B,
[ ]
Finally, we Select cone and cup 2687 and 2631, respectively, for both bearing A and B. Note
the effective load center is located at a = −9.4 mm, that is, 5.8 mm into the cup from the back.
Thus the shoulder-to-shoulder dimension should be 150 − 2(9.4) = 131.2 mm.
We select the proper bearing which is fit with the shaft bore diameter, then the shaft
diameter at bearing is 25mm.
1. Process operation: -transform work materials from one state of completion to a more advance
operation that change the geometry properties or appearance of the starting material.
Grease Oil
Temperature is less than 200 °F Temperature is high
The speed is low Speeds are high
Simple bearing enclosure are desired Bearing type is not suitable for Grease
Depend on its comparison, we select grease
As we know in our country almost 80% and above of the people are living in traditional
farming way. And this people particularly produced much amount of maize production. This
people consumes more time by processes of shelling a maize grain from cob. To be solve this
and like problem and to develop living style of rural farmers by one level we try to design and
manufacture this manual operated maize Sheller machine. After finish the manufacturing
process we can test its performance of machine and see its low cost, no need of electric power,
so it prefers in rural farmers and it will be distributed in less price to customers.
6.2 Recommendation
In our project work particularly we focused on rural area due to this study the machine
applicable manually without electric power source, but if anyone who wants to increase the
efficiency of machine can use electric power simply by adjusting electric motor with belt
mechanism. And also we would like to suggest for other designers to deal in detail by taking
more time, since this maize Sheller machine is very problem solver in our rural country to shell
maize from cob easily and effectively.
In comparison with conventional finger palm shelling method, the Sheller has a better
output capacity, reasonable shelling efficiency and kernel damage. It is therefore recommended
to demonstrate and pre-scale it up to solve the problem rural and small scale farmers are facing
for maize shelling at small scale levels.
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Part drawing
Part 1 - Sheller
Part 10 - Hopper
Part 11 – Handle
Part 12 – Key
Part 15 –V belt
Assembly drawing