This thesis is our original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other university.
All sources of materials used for the research have been duty acknowledged.
S. No Name Signature Date
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The thesis entitled “design and modification of hydraulic mini brick machine” submitted by
Dawit Tekele, Chala Shebera, Naol Alemu, Belachew Abdeta, Gelane Bedasa are approved and
accepted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in
Mechanical Engineering at Wollega University.
Advisor Name Signature Date
1. ________ ________
2. ________ ________
3. ________ ________
4. ________ ________
Page | II
Primarily, we would like to thank almighty God for his blessing, protections, support in our entire
life and helping us in all aspects from the start to the end. Secondly, extended our sincere gratitude
to our Instructor and main advisor Mr. Jebesa A. (MSc), for his best guidance, encouragements,
unlimited advice, thought us scientific research method which helps us to prepare this research and
we also forwarded our thanks to our Instructor and co-advisor Mr. Shimelis M. (MSc.) for his
constructive and timely comments at all my work and professional guidance to prepare this thesis
work. Thirdly, our gratitude Department of Mechanical Engineering and particularly for staff
members for their considerable support in providing us required information, data and other
relevant reference materials. fourthly, we would like to express our thanks and sincere gratitude to
the Wollega University for granting us this opportunity to study for a Bachelor of Science degree.
The last but not the least we would like to thank our families, our friends for helping us ideally
and for their material support.
Page | III
The hydraulic mini brick machine design is a machine that will improve the existing way of brick
production. Hydraulic mini brick machine is to make blocks under high pressure by the hydraulic
power. Hydraulic brick making machines depends on hydraulic system for power transmission
from the source of power production to the compressing piston. Design and modification of
hydraulic mini brick making machine with new features and simplified operation. Previous ways
of production have some problem like, Speed of production is low, Human power wasted versus
quantity of product is not proportion. Those problems can be overcome by designing of hydraulic
mini brick machine and Increase production number. Reduction of human power waste by using
actuator that convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy. Force produced by actuators used
to moves external loads. The machine has two parts: fluid power components and mechanical
components. The production rate can be enhanced to 960 bricks per day (8 working hours). It
produces the bricks based on the raw material fed to the machine. The raw materials provided to
the machine are natural clay minerals produces a clay brick. There are so many methods for
molding of bricks, but we will use only hydraulic compression method.
Page | IV
μ ..........................................................................................Viscosity
F ......................................................................................... Force
V.......................................................................................... Speed
P .........................................................................................Power
W ........................................................................................ Weight
A ......................................................................................... Area
h........................................................................................... Height
w ......................................................................................... Width
l .......................................................................................... Length
g ..........................................................................................Gravity
d .......................................................................................... Diameter
Vp ......................................................................................Pump displacement
ƞ .........................................................................................Efficiency
t ........................................................................................... Thickness
Page | V
Table of Contents pages
DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................................ I
APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................................................................... II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................................. III
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ IV
Acronomy ...................................................................................................................................................... V
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Back ground .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Statement of Problem ................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objective ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 General Objective ................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 Specific objectives ................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Significance of study ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Scope of study ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Expected result ............................................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 7
3 MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 7
3.1 components .................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Conceptual design ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Selecting fluids for hydraulic pumps ............................................................................................. 9
3.3.1 Light Mineral oil .................................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Design Calculations ..................................................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 Design Parameter................................................................................................................ 11
3.5 Hydraulic component.................................................................................................................. 13
3.5.1 Hydraulic Cylinders design .................................................................................................. 13
3.5.2 Pump Design design ............................................................................................................ 16
3.5.3 Determination of Pump Displacement ............................................................................... 17
3.5.4 Shaft Torque........................................................................................................................ 18
Page | VI
3.5.5 Determination of Drive Power ............................................................................................ 18
3.5.6 Losses and Efficiency ........................................................................................................... 19
3.5.7 Control Valves ..................................................................................................................... 20
3.5.8 Design of Reservoir ............................................................................................................. 21
3.6 Mechanical component .............................................................................................................. 24
3.6.1 Design of Die and Punch ..................................................................................................... 24
3.6.2 Moulding chamber design .................................................................................................. 27
3.6.3 Mould Dimensions .............................................................................................................. 27
3.6.4 Feeder design ...................................................................................................................... 29
3.6.5 Design of Hopper ................................................................................................................ 30
3.6.6 U - Channel (Main Frame) ................................................................................................... 32
3.6.7 Design of bricks ................................................................................................................... 33
3.6.8 Design of Bolt ...................................................................................................................... 35
3.6.9 Design of nut ....................................................................................................................... 38
3.7 Working principle of hydraulic mini brick machine .................................................................... 39
3.8 Various Testing of the Brick ........................................................................................................ 40
3.8.1 Determination of the Mechanical and Physical Properties of the Bricks ........................... 41
3.9 Limitation of the project ............................................................................................................. 42
3.10 Overall efficiency of machine...................................................................................................... 42
Chapter four ................................................................................................................................................ 43
4 Result and discussion .......................................................................................................................... 43
4.1 Result .......................................................................................................................................... 43
Shaft Torque........................................................................................................................................ 43
4.2 Discussion.................................................................................................................................... 44
Chapter 5..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Conclusion and recommendation ............................................................................................................... 45
5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 45
4.2 Recommendation........................................................................................................................ 46
Reference .................................................................................................................................................... 47
Appendixes.................................................................................................................................................. 48
Page | VII
Lists of Figures Pages
Page | VIII
Lists of Tables Pages
Page | IX
The basic needs of man are food, shelter and clothing. These needs are pertinent to man’s survival.
Also, shelter is one of the requirements for addressing our physiological needs (along with the
need for food, water, air, sleep). Representing human physiological needs as the base of a triangle
to show that meeting these needs are the most important in our lives. Thus, the drive to acquire
affordable, cleaner, more eco-friendly housing has been the basic human response to provide for
one of his pertinent needs. Brick making is an age-old process which developed out of the need
for man to provide shelter for his own.
A brick is a composite material used in construction which inbuilt consists of several other
ingredients. Hydraulic mini brick machine is a machine that makes blocks under high pressure by
hydraulic power. In this type of machine, there is transmission of high-pressure hydraulic fluid
throughout the machine to hydraulic cylinders which makes production faster than other brick
making machines. Hydraulic mini brick machine is to make blocks under high pressure. There has
been an increase in demand for brick making machines due to expansion in the construction
industry. The expansion is largely due to increase in demand for housing and improved economy.
The brick making machine are needed to ensure that there is constant supply of high quality and
cheap bricks to be used in the ever-expanding construction industry. This increase in demand for
bricks can no longer be satisfied by the traditional brick making processes. Although the demand
for brick making machines has mainly been pushed by high demand for bricks, quality bricks and
cheaper bricks; there are also other factors that have pushed the demand for brick making machine
upward. These factors include: reduced labor cost, ability to make bricks of varying designs and
reduced physical labor demand.
classification of
based on based on
based on quality based on usage composition manufacturing
Composition of bricks
Mainly consists of clay and sand (Alumina and Silica), in such properties so as to render plastic
state when mixed with water.
i. Alumina: chief constituents of every clay readily absorb water, imparts plasticity to the
clay. Good brick contains 20 to 30% of Alumina. Excess Alumina makes bricks shrinkage.
ii. Silica: prevent brick from shrinkage, cracking, warping and undue hardness. Exists in free
or combined state. Free sand mechanically mixed with clay and in combined from exists
in chemical composition with Alumina as silicate of alumina. Good brick contains 50 to
60% of silica. Excess silica destroys the cohesion and makes the brick brittle and useless.
iii. Lime: presence of small quantity of lime in good earth is desirable and prevents from
shrinkage, enables the sand to fuse (or melt) during burning, bins particles together. Excess
lime causes the brick to melt and lose its shape.
iv. Oxide of iron: small quantities used to fuse sand and binds particles of brick together
giving hardness and strength. It imparts red color to brick and excess make it dark color.
v. Magnesia: small quantity in brick earth gives rise to yellow tint to bricks and decreases
shrinkage. Excess results in decay of bricks.
1.3 Objective
1.3.1 General Objective
❖ Design and modification of hydraulic mini brick making machine with new features and
simplified operation.
1.3.2 Specific objectives
❖ Mathematical modelling of machine system and components.
❖ Increase production number by modifying.
❖ 2D drawing and 3D drawing by using Catia software.
❖ To evaluate the performance and efficiency of the machine.
❖ To model the complete mini brick machine system.
1.4 Significance of study
The first important of the machine is decrease the down time of the production and keep the safety
of the workers. The other is understands how to design the machine and help to change the past
syllabus of theoretical knowledge through project design process and parallelly Solving the social
A brick can be defined as a rectangular block of clay backed by the sun or in a kiln (an enclosed
chamber in which heat is produced to fire, burn or dry materials), which is used as a building
material or a paving material. Adobe bricks are a natural building material made from sand, clay,
water, and some kind of fibrous material (sticks, straw, dung), which is shaped into bricks using
frames and dried in the sun. Adobe structures are extremely durable and account for the oldest
existing buildings on the planet. In dry climates, compared to wooden buildings adobe buildings
offer significant advantages due to their greater thermal mass [1].
One of the most widely used was an open clamp, in which bricks were placed on a fire beneath a
layer of dirt and the fire died down over the course of several weeks. Such methods gradually
became obsolete after 1865, when the Hoffmann kiln was invented in Germany (Way back
Machine, 2008). Hydraulic machines are machines and tools which use fluid power to do work. In
this type of machine, high pressure hydraulic fluid is transmitted throughout the machine to various
hydraulic motors and hydraulic cylinders. The fluid is controlled directly or automatically by
control valves and distributed through hoses and tubes. The popularity of hydraulic machinery is
due to the very large amount of power that can be transferred through small tubes and flexible
hoses, and the high-power density and wide array of actuators that can make use of this power [4].
Hydraulic brick making machines depends on hydraulic system for power transmission from the
source of power production to the compressing piston. The power source is used to drive a pump
which creates pressures in the hydraulic fluid. Since pressure in fluid is equal at all points, the
pressure at the piston end in contact with the hydraulic fluid will experience the same pressure as
generated by the pump. Depending on the area of the piston with the fluid a force will be generated
for compressing the soil into brick. In our project, a high-quality machine in which optimize from
the current machine design is going to propose according to the feedback and the need from the
rectangular brick maker, so hydraulic load of pressing of the brick in simple rectangular brick
making machine about 1.5-2.5 ton. [5].
Hydraulic brick making machines depends on hydraulic system for power transmission from the
source of power production to the compressing piston. The power source is used to drive a pump
which creates pressures in the hydraulic fluid. Since pressure in fluid is equal at all points, the
pressure at the piston end in contact with the hydraulic fluid will experience the same pressure as
generated by the pump. Depending on the area of the piston with the fluid a force will be generated
for compressing the soil into brick. In our project, a high-quality machine in which optimize from
the current machine design is going to propose according to the feedback and the need from the
rectangular brick maker, so hydraulic load of pressing of the brick in simple rectangular brick
making machine about 1.5-2.5 ton. [6].
The high pressures also considerably reduce the size of the soil sample and this reduction must be
factored in so that the right amount of sample is used for a given brick size and shape. For various
brick shapes, the shape of mould of the machine is usually changed by changing its parts.
Mechanical brick making machines depends on levers for force multiplication. The distance from
the fulcrum to the effort arm is usually several times longer than from fulcrum to the load point.
The great difference between effort arm and load arm multiplies the force to levels high enough to
achieve a pressure of 20MPa that is required to compress soil during the brick making process. [3]
A Hoffmann kiln consists of a main fire passage surrounded on each side by several small rooms.
Each room contains a pallet of bricks. In the main fire passage, there is a fire wagon that holds a
fire that burns continuously. Then the gases pass into the adjacent room that is scheduled to be
fired next. There the gases preheat the brick. As the gases pass through the kiln circuit, they
gradually cool as they transfer heat to the brick. This is essentially a counter-current heat
exchanger, which makes for a very efficient use of heat and fuel. This efficiency is a principal
advantage of the Hoffmann kiln, and is one of the reasons for its original development and
continued use throughout history [2].
Although the process of brick making is simple, depending on the systems employed, many
techniques involved in the brickmaking process are subject to error, possibly reducing the quality
of the bricks produced [8].
This chapter consists of material and methods for completing the product (brick making machine).
For this project, the brick making machine was designed as a hydraulic type. This implies that the
compression of brick is done by the action of a hydraulic cylinder with an operator manning the
controls. The applied methods, primary and secondary sources which are well-structured; provide
a step-by-step approach to complete the task of this project. The primary source is direct
observation and secondary sources are mechanical and civil construction books, and different
journals. Background and literature review, problem statement, objectives are clearly defined and
finally to bring conceptual design.
3.1 components
Table 3:1 components
No. Part Name Material Properties
1. Motor Induction motor Flexible to use and matches the load and almost
2. Hydraulic cylinder 304 Stainless steel ability to resist corrosion, it doesn’t wear easily.
Durable in acidic environment and easily available.
3. Ball bearing Selected To reduce rotational friction and support radial and axial
4. Shaft Mild steel It has high strength, machinability.
5. Hopper Steel High strength
8. control valve Selected Allow mineral oil flow into different path from sources.
11. Steel beam Alloy steel Strength and
13. Wood - Available material
14. Filter Selected
15. Oil tank Steel tank High strength, Inexpensive and available
16. Mold cavity Grade steel S7 and P20 Internal shape molding.
17. Bolt Steel Machinability and Strength
18. Pump Selected (external gear Easy maintenance, less costly
1. Identifying and decide the size and shape of the brick produced.
2. Preparing the mold cavity that fit the size and shape brick defined.
3. Preparing upper and lower die that is used to shape the brick.
4. Preparing the hydraulic circuit that can perform the task needed.
5. Preparing the overall frame used to hold and support the machine part.
6. Assembly all parts of the machine together to make the size and shape of brick
The HF viscosity is influenced by ambient and operating temperature and system design. High
temperatures result in lower viscosity and vice versa. Choosing a hydraulic fluid with the right
viscosity is primordial for the overall efficiency of the hydraulic system. The fluid viscosity
determines both the mechanical efficiency and the volumetric efficiency and sets the limits of the
optimum operating range of a hydraulic system.
Function property
Medium for power transfer and • Non compressible (high bulk modulus)
control • Fast air release
• Low foaming tendency
• Low volatility
Medium for heat transfer • Good thermal capacity and conductivity
Sealing medium • Adequate viscosity and viscosity index
• Shear stability
Lubricant • Viscosity for firm maintenance
• Low temperature fluidity
• Thermal and oxidative stability
• Hydrolytic stability/ water tolerance
• Cleanliness and filterability
• Demulsibility
• Antiwear characteristics
• Corrosion control
Governing equation
F = 0.7 × t × L × UTS
F = Punch force
F = 0.7 × t × L × UTS
𝐅 = 𝟏𝟔. 𝟒𝟖 𝐊𝐍
Bore diameter
Pump pressure
Flow rate
Pump selection
Figure 3:2 General steps in machine design
We divide the detail design in to two parts
When calculating the pull force of a cylinder, the area covered by the piston must be subtracted
from the total area of the piston, the pressure does not act on area covered by the piston rod.
𝐹𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑙 = pressure [Area Piston-Area piston rod]
There is different design of cylinder like single acting cylinder, double acting cylinder, positional
or duplex cylinder, spring return cylinder, double rod end cylinder, Tendency cylinder, from above
type of cylinder we select /use double acting cylinder for hydraulic mini brick machine for the
purpose of pressing the mixture in the cavity to make a rectangular brick.
𝑃𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 =
𝐹 16.48 𝐾𝑁 = 16.48
𝐴= = × 10− 3 𝑚2
𝑃 20𝑀𝑝𝑎 20
𝜋𝑑 2
4𝐴 4 × 820
𝑑2 = =
𝜋 𝜋
4 × 820
𝑑=√ = 32 𝑚𝑚
𝒅 = 𝟑𝟐 𝒎𝒎
➢ Ease of maintenance
➢ Steady flow
➢ Less expensive to buy and repair.
A 1800 14 − 21 3.028
B 3600 14 − 21 6.057
C 1200 14 − 21 2.650
A gear pump develops flow by carrying fluid between the teeth of two meshed gears. One gear is
driven by the drive shaft and turns the other, which is free. The pumping chambers formed between
the gear teeth are enclosed by the pump housing and the side plates. A low-pressure region is
created at the inlet as the gear teeth separate. As a result, fluid flows in and is carried around by
the gears. As the teeth mesh again at the outlet, high pressure is created and the fluid is forced out.
(Q m x 1,000)
Vp =
(np x ƞvol.p )
𝐕𝐩 = 𝟏. 𝟗 𝐜𝐦𝟑 ⁄𝐫𝐞𝐯
Pout = Power [kW];
P = Pressure [bar];
Vp = pump displacement [cm³/rev];
np = pump shaft speed [rpm].
𝑷𝒐𝒖𝒕 = 𝟖𝟔𝟎 𝑾
ploss = 240 W
output 860
Efficiency = ƞ = × 100% = × 100% = 80 %
input 1100
𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 = 𝟖𝟎 %
Valves are also characterized by the number of ports on the valve for connecting input and output
lines and by the number of operating pistons that the valve can assume. For example, a (3-way, 2
position), (2-way, 2 position), (4-way, 2 position), (four-way, spring – centered, 3-position
manually actuated valve), (four way, and solenoid actuated, 3-postion) and etc.
For the designed hydraulic mini brick machine, we use four-way, spring –centered, 3-postion
manually actuated valve because of simply to operate by every person.
Sizing: Recommended reservoir fluid volume is 3 to 5 times the pump(s) output flow per minute
with a 10% air cushion, expressed by the following formula:
V = 3 x Q x 1.1
V = reservoir volume [liters];
Q = flow rate of pump [liters/ minute].
V = 3 x Q x 1.1=3×3.028×1.1 liters
V = 10 liters
By choosing:
➢ Length of tank to be 20 cm;
➢ Width of tank to be 20 cm; and
➢ Volume of 10 liters (10,000 cm3);
The corresponding height can be calculated from:
𝑉 10,000 𝑐𝑚3
𝐻 = = = 25 𝑐𝑚
(𝐿 𝑥 𝑊) 20𝑐𝑚 × 20𝑐𝑚
𝑯 = 𝟐𝟓 𝒄𝒎
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡 𝑖𝑠
L = 20 cm = 200 mm
W = 20 cm = 200 mm
H = 25 cm = 250 mm
Mechanical Power: The mechanical output of the motor (P) measured in Watts.
Speed: The number of revolutions per minute of the motor. Usually denoted “N” and measures
in rpm (revs per minute). In some formulae speed is measured in revs per second and denoted “
n”. In academic works a different unit called radians per second is often used and denoted “7”
The reason this unit Is used is because it simplifies some of the formulae.
Conversion Factors:
𝑛 = 𝑁/60
7 = 𝑁/60
Torque: The force with which a motor turns is called Torque measured in Newton metres (Nm).
A motor with high Torque accelerates quickly and can drive a heavy load.
The relationship between Power, Speed and Torque The higher the speed the more power, the
higher the torque the more power. In fact, the power depends on Torque multiplied by Speed.
Important Formula
𝑃 =
P = power of motor
T = torque of shaft
N = speed
2 × 𝜋 × 4536 × 𝑁
1100 =
N = 417rpm
Design of Die
To calculate the area of upper die, let take one of the die out of six die. Therefore,
The punch plate is subjected to carry the force applied by the weight of mixture to be compacted.
The load of the brick on the lower punch plate = (10 × 9.81) N = 98.1N
The load of mold cavity on the lower punch plate = 8kg × 9.81 m⁄s2 = 78.5N
𝐹𝑡 = load due to hydraulic cylinder + load due to brick weight + load due to the weight of mold
F𝑡 = 16.48KN − 0.0981KN − 0.0785KN
𝐅𝒕 = 𝟏𝟔. 𝟑 𝐊𝐍
This part is also made from steel with ultimate stress 220MPa and the safety factor is = 3.
The formula used to calculate the thickness of the plate is from the following;
σall = L l5
t 2 ( l + 0.623 L5 )
t2 = mm2
73.33(2.43 + 0.623(0.0117)
t2 = mm2
73.33(2.43 + 0.0073)
t2 = mm2
t2 = mm2
√t 2 = √47
𝐭 = 𝟔. 𝟖 𝐦𝐦
To determine the mould deflections, the following design parameters were considered;
δ𝑚𝑎𝑥 =
From the results of the calculation above, the allowable mould thickness = 18mm
V= l×w×h
V = 1,829,880mm3
𝑽𝑻 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟕𝟑 𝒎 𝟑
❖ Availability of material
❖ Its tensile strength, toughness and hardness
❖ Its machinability
Based on the above criteria we select mild steel for mixture feeder.
To calculate the total area of side view, from trapezoidal formula,
As = (a + b2 ) h
2 2
Where, a 1 = 300mm
a 2 = 500mm
b1 = 92mm
b2 = 234 mm
h = 400mm
As = (500mm + 234mm)400mm = 146800mm2
There is two side and front of the hopper, so the total area become;
AT = 2(As + Af)
AT = 2(146800mm2 + 78400mm2 )
AT = 450400mm2
The sectional view of the main frame and the dimensions of the U-section
The sum of all load applied on the beam is 16.3𝑘𝑁/𝑚 and this uniformly distributed on the beam.
From the free body diagrams of the entire beam, we determine the magnitude of the reaction at the
∑ FA = 0
∑ FB = 0
The material for this pin is grey cast iron type which is available with the following mechanical
Yield strength = 310 N/mm2
Tensile strength= 139 N/mm2
Compressive strength = 604 N/mm
Shear strength = 192 N/mm2
Thickness of pin head, t2 = 0.5d
We know that ultimate tensile strength of cast iron is 139N/mm and ultimate yield strength is
310N/mm (from mechanical property of cast iron)
Let we take factor of safety =2
We know that the allowable tensile stress
Since the pin is in double shear, therefore cross-sectional area of the pin under shearing Shear
strength of the pin
P 16300 N⁄mm
τ= π = = 36 N⁄mm
2 × ⁄4 × d2 2 × π⁄4 × 152
P t1 t 16300 10 100
M= ( + )= ( + ) = 230,916 Nmm
2 3 4 2 3 4
Section modulus
π π
Z = 32 (d3 ) = 32 (153 ) = 331mm3
M 70,833
σt = = = 214 N⁄mm2
Z 331
Finally, checking the maximum shear stress induced in the pin we have,
From table 8.1 the pitch for our selected diameter is 2mm and the bolt designation is M15x2
P 5
n=π =π = 9mm
(d2 − dn 2 )Pb (152 − 132 ) × 17.5
4 4
𝐧 = 𝟗𝐦𝐦
P 5
n=π =π = 9mm
(d2 − dn 2 )Pb (152 − 132 ) × 17.5
4 4
n = 9mm
Also, the height of the nut will be considered the product of pitch and number of threads
H = p × n = 2 × 7 = 14mm
P P 2
τall = , where t = = = 1mm
πndc t 2 2
16300 16300
τmax = = = 57 N⁄mm2
π × 7 × 13 × 1 286
Which is much less than 155N/mm2 (τall ), thus the design is safe!
Clay,sa Mold
Hopper Feeder Brick
nd and cavity
Hardness Test
A scratch is made on the brick surface with a hard thing. If it doesn’t leave any mark, then it is of
good quality.
Size, Shape and Color Test
A group of bricks is stacked together along the length width and height to verify the size and shape.
If all the bricks appear the same in shape and size, then they can be used for construction. Also, if
they possess a bright & uniform color, they are of good quality.
Soundness Test
A good quality brick gives a clear metallic ringing sound when it is struck with other brick of the
same kind.
Structure Test: If a broken brick has any flaws, cracks, or holes on the broken face, then the brick
is not of good quality.
V = 1.146 × 10−3 m3
Bulk density = Kg/m3
Bulk density = Kg/m3
1.146 × 10−3
Max load
Compressive strength = N/mm 2
Area of compression
Compressive strength = N/mm 2
90 × 222
Compressive strength = 1.25 × 10−3 N/mm 2
Average bricks produced per hr = = 120bricks per minute.
Chapter four
4 Result and discussion
4.1 Result
After identifying the problems of the current design, literature review is uses to get the basic idea
of the existing solution concepts. The proposed concepts are then generated according to the
problem and establishment of customer needs and specification.
❖ So, the challenge is to design rectangular brick making machine that fulfilling the target
product specification. The knowledge in mechanical and hydraulic systems is crucially
needed for generating the design concept. During the coverage of the design so many
results are obtained. Improvement of production rate by using mineral oil for fluid power
❖ Reduction of human power waste by using actuator that convert hydraulic energy into
mechanical energy. Force produced by actuators used to moves external loads.
❖ Strength of product is sufficient by increase pressure for properly compression of bricks
in mold cavity.
Table 4:1 results
4536 Nm
Shaft Torque
Pump efficiency 80 %
4.2 Discussion
This type of project involves a major modification effort to enhance the current design to become
automated and high production rate. The new optimized machine must have an excellent working
principle compared to current machine used. This phase begins with the site visit, and observing
the product in use. From customer, the statements are interpreted in terms of customer needs. These
interpret data are organize into a hierarchical list where consist of a set of primary and secondary
needs. The target specifications for rectangular brick making machine are established after back
ground and literature review have been analyzed. A good way to generate considers what precise,
measurable characteristic of the product will reflect the degree to which the product satisfies the
need. The units of measurement are most commonly conventional engineering units. After
identifying a set of customer needs and establishing target product specifications, the machine
modification concept is being generated.
The generated concept for modification which are rectangular brick making machine that have
cantilever structure holding compaction cylinder, feeding the mold cavity, method of removing
the brick from the mold cavity and method of creating hole in the brick where needed. The current
machine design used has been chosen to become reference concept, against which all other
concepts are rated.
Final product specification then being refine according to the chosen concept before developing
the detail design of the rectangular brick making machine with bridge supporting compaction
cylinder system.
Chapter 5
5.1 Conclusion
A mini hydraulic brick machine was designed and modified. in order to maximize their production
efficiency every enterprise modified machine plant with new feature system. Therefore,
implementing this project can achieve high profit for the enterprise by avoiding several problems
on the current machine. The machine can produce 960 of bricks per day, day, but this also depends
on the performance of the operators involved in the production of bricks. The design product that
helps a user to maximize the production of the rectangular bricks in the minimum cost. Reduction
of human power waste by using actuator that convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy.
Force produced by actuators used to moves external loads. Strength of product is sufficient by
increase pressure for properly compression of bricks in mold cavity. The production efficiency of
the machine is high not only by reducing the wastage of bricks due to lack of sufficient strength
but also by minimizing the human power consumption those done in the enterprise producing
bricks. A major objective of the modified design of in rectangular brick making machine was to
be able to ensure that the brick productivity increase compare to the current machine design. The
machine is designed with its manually feeding features and having the hydraulically system in
order to make mold compacted by pressurized mineral oil. The cost of producing the machine was
48,645 ETB only. This is very cheap compared to the similar machine.
4.2 Recommendation
❖ The machine was designed in such a simple way that it requires little training for the
operators of the machine.
❖ The entrepreneurs will be more beneficial if they use this system way for brick production.
❖ One can increase the rate of production by increasing number of mold cavity.
❖ The current ways of house building of the country people is more depend on trees plant
and this brings deforestation leading to global warming or un favorable living conditions
is created for human live. So, we recommend those people to use bricks produced by this
machine for their house construction because this machine gives for the brick, high
strength, high durability, make the brick us it stands with variable climatic conditions and
❖ In order to be able to produce hollow the mould has to be modified to a movable mould
that will accommodate pallet.
❖ The machine could be automated especially the feeding and evacuation components
(mechanism). This will improve its performance and the safety of the operator.
❖ This machine can be modified such that it can have bigger mould and a means of feeding
and compaction of the mix in lifts, preferably automatically. This should be made simple
and not expensive.
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