Assignment 4
Assignment 4
Assignment 4
Jan, 2018
PTE-Assignment: 3
Exercise on chapter-7
1. A factory produces batches of bars (each batch contains 1000 bars). For each batch 100
samples are taken to evaluate the diameter of the bars according to the customer’s
requirement given below. Three batches are tested. The test results are indicated in table
Table 1: The critical dimension requiring inspection (diameter of the bar) is 200.02 mm.
a) Calculate the acceptable quality level (AQL) for each batch of samples.
b) Identify the unacceptable batches.
c) Suggest the next correction steps to be taken for the unacceptable batches.
To determine the AQL of each batch first let determine each batch’s defects based on the
given information:
First Batch
Diameter Second Batch Third Batch
Number of
(mm) Number of Bars Number of Bars
19.96 1 0 1
19.97 3 2 1
19.98 14 10 15
19.99 18 22 16
20.00 20 30 31
20.01 22 25 20
20.02 12 10 12
20.03 10 1 4
Total Number of defects 1+3+10=14 0+2+1=3 1+1+4=6
a) Calculate the acceptable quality level (AQL) for each batch of samples.
= 𝑥100 = 14%
= 𝑥100 = 3%
= 100 𝑥100 = 6% ,
So from the result determined in solution (a) for the three batches the acceptance quality
level is given by for all batch 1, 2 & 3, is equal to 14%, 3% and 6% respectively.
Since the acceptance figure is given by AQL<5%, the first and third batch is failed and only
the second batch will satisfy acceptance figure. So the second batch is acceptable.
c) Suggest the next correction steps to be taken for the unacceptable batches.
The next correction steps for unacceptable batches; inspect the second sample of the first
and third batches of bars to confirm the findings of the first sample of first and third
batches of bars. If the second batches taken also contains more than 5% defective
components then: Carry out 100% inspection of the first and third batches of bars to
remove all rejects and rectify them if possible which is highly costly. Sell the product, the
first and third bars to a customer who will accept the higher AQL, possibly at a lower price
or by discount.
on newly acquired water pumps. 16 of the pumps are selected for purposes of registration.
As shown in table 2, at a certain point in time 10 pumps failed (pumps 2, 4, 5,7,8,9, 11,12,13
and 15), while the rest had been withdrawn from the registration scheme for emergency use
Pump No. Pump Test Time (hr.) Pump No. Pump Test Time (hr.)
6 14,600 14 20,000
a. Fill the incomplete table given below (table3), i.e. calculate rank order, median rank and
b. Determine the Shape Factor and Characteristic Life for the given data.
d. Determine the expected time when 20% of the population (pumps) will have failed.
e. What percentage of the population (pumps) may have failed at the guaranteed time?
a. Fill the incomplete table given below (table3), i.e. calculate rank order, median
Median rank= 𝑛+0.4 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖 𝑖𝑠 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝑛 𝑖𝑠 10 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑
𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘(%) = 𝑥100. The calculated value of item is tabulated as below in table 3.
Failure Time Rank Order Median Rank (%) 95% Rank (%)
10100 1 6.730769231 6.394230769
12200 2 16.34615385 15.52884615
13500 3 25.96153846 24.66346154
15700 4 35.57692308 33.79807692
16000 5 45.19230769 42.93269231
16800 6 54.80769231 52.06730769
18000 7 64.42307692 61.20192308
18500 8 74.03846154 70.33653846
19000 9 83.65384615 79.47115385
21000 10 93.26923077 88.60576923
b. Determine the Shape Factor and Characteristic Life for the given data.
To determine the shape factor and characteristics life we have to work the following
analysis on Excel
−( )𝛽
𝐹(𝑡) = 1 − 𝑒 𝜂
𝑡 𝛽
1 ( )
LET 𝐷 = 1−𝐹(𝑡) = 𝑒 𝜂 , 𝐸 = ln(ln(𝐷)) = 𝛽 ln(𝑡) − 𝛽 ln(η)
𝑖𝑓 ln(𝑡) = 𝑥, 𝐸 = 𝑦, 𝑎 = −𝛽 ln(η), 𝑏 = 𝛽
failure time rank order median 95% rank (%) E=ln(ln(D)) X=ln(t)
Using the data analysis tool bar on excel perform the analysis and excel will give the
following output,
Regression Statistics
9 9.2 9.4 9.6 9.8 10
Multiple R 0.987849181 -2 Y
df SS MS F nce F
Regres 18.7272 18.72722 323.208 9.3984E-
sion 1 2963 963 1308 08
Residu 0.46353 0.057941
al 8 3627 703
Total 9 6325
Coefficien Standard Lower Upper Lower Upper
ts Error t Stat P-value 95% 95% 95.0% 95.0%
- - - - - -
Interce 62.92034 3.45893 18.19066 8.57181 70.8966 54.9440 70.8966 54.9440
pt 022 5548 57 E-08 599 2054 599 2054
Variabl 6.433187 0.35783 17.97799 9.3984E- 5.60801 7.25836 5.60801 7.25836
e1 886 6878 018 08 4565 1208 4565 1208
𝜂 = 𝑒 −𝑎/𝛽 = 𝑒 −(−6.433187886) = 17686.99473
𝜂 = 17687
Using the above shape parameters and characteristic lives, the reliability or failure can be
calculated by using the previous equations. We can also use weibull function in Microsoft
Beha 17687
Etha 6.433187886
Cycles Failures Probability Reliability
2000 8.13517E-07 0.999999186
4000 7.02874E-05 0.999929713
6000 0.000953851 0.999046149
8000 0.006054809 0.993945191
10000 0.025194827 0.974805173
12000 0.079146538 0.920853462
14000 0.199301465 0.800698535
16000 0.408291072 0.591708928
18000 0.673544078 0.326455922
20000 0.889725994 0.110274006
22000 0.982930833 0.017069167
24000 0.999194669 0.000805331
26000 0.99999336 6.63989E-06
28000 0.999999995 4.56552E-09
30000 1 9.99815E-14
Plotting this on excel tool
Weibull Distribution
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
d. Determine the expected time when 20% of the population (pumps) will have failed.
𝑡 𝛽
−( )
𝑅(𝑡) = 𝑒 𝜂
1 1 1 6.433187886
𝑡 = η(ln( ))𝛽 = 17687(ln ( ) = 19045
𝑅(𝑡) 0.2
e. What percentage of the population (pumps) may have failed at the guaranteed
𝑡 𝛽
−( )
𝑅(𝑡) = 𝑒 𝜂
20000 6.433187886
−( )
𝑅(20000) = 𝑒 17687 = 11.026%
The End!