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Final Corrected Report, Endalkachew

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Institute of technology
School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

Akaki Basic Metal Industry

(October 24/2012-February 04/02/2013)

Prepared by: - Endalkachew Abate
ID: -439/2001

Submission date Feb, 2013

Student declaration

I had been the internship program in Akaki basic metals industry for the consecutive four
months from Oct. 2012 to Jan 1013 with a good participation. I declared that the prepared
final internship report is given below.
Approval of the mentor
According to mentor called Mr. Assegid contribute a lot of things in my training program by
advising and telling the working position of my work and my advisor Mr. Gessesew
approved me and communicates with my mentor.
Approval of the advisor

Student name
Endalkachew Abate

Date ___month,Jun___year 2013

Signature __________________

Advisor name
Mr. Gessessew Likeleh
Date ___month___year 2013

Signature _________________

Before each one I would like in the direction of thanks to God who provide me a great ideas
and strength. After that I would like to thanks my parents they facilitate me morally and any
necessary things.
Then I want to say thanks to my university and my hosting company those BDU is the creator
of this internship program and ABMI which takes the student for this program.
Then I want to say thanks to all ABMI any of those are agree to answer my question.
Specially, Ato Tsegaye ,Ato Asegid and Ato Asaminew , 2nd L/t Yamlak ,2nd L/t Ahimed,
2nd L/t Kifle , Ato Goitom and All design room workers. Next I would like to thanks my
adviser who informs the correct approach of my work.
Executive summary
The main goal of the internship program is to develop the student’s practical skill. With this
internship program, I am able to learn the techniques relevant to my profession as well as
practical work.
This report includes the brief history of the Akaki basic metals industry and its main product
as well as its main customers and the main goal of the company. The report also includes the
organizational structure and its work flow.
In this report include the machine part and the operation of these machines especially it has a
brief discussion of the foundry shop machines and pattern making shop.
The main objectives of the report are:
 The back ground of the industry.
 Cover the basis of foundry technology and the machining

Title Page

TABLE 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF SILICA SAND.................................................................................................................20

TABLE 2 NEW SAND.....................................................................................................................................................23
TABLE 3 RECLAIMED SAND...........................................................................................................................................23
TABLE 4 ACID REFRACTORY..........................................................................................................................................38
TABLE 5 NEUTRAL REFRACTORINESS MATERIAL...........................................................................................................38
TABLE 6 COMPOSITION OF PIG IRON...........................................................................................................................39
TABLE 7 COMPOSITION OF ALLOY................................................................................................................................40
List of Figur

Title Pag

FIGURE 1 OVER ALL ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE.........................................................................................................11

FIGURE 2 MARKETING AND SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE................................................................................11
FIGURE 3 MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE..............................................................................................12
FIGURE 4 ADMINISTRATION AND HRD DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE.............................................................................13
FIGURE 5 FINANCE DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE.............................................................................................................13
FIGURE 6 OUTSIDE AND INSIDE STRUCTURE OF FOUNDRY...........................................................................................14
FIGURE 7:- SINGLE PIECE PATTERN..............................................................................................................................26
FIGURE 8 SPLIT PATTERN (COPE AND DRUG)...............................................................................................................26
FIGURE 9 MATCH PIECE PATTERN.................................................................................................................................27
FIGURE 10 HAND MOULD MACH FLASK MOULD AND SINGLE FLASK.........................................................................34
FIGURE 11 SAND SYSTEM IN FOUNDRY........................................................................................................................36
FIGURE 12 POURING OF MOLTEN METAL....................................................................................................................39
FIGURE 13 EXAMPLE OF THREAD ROLLER MACHINE PRODUCT...................................................................................44
FIGURE 14 SLOTTING MACHINE...................................................................................................................................45
FIGURE 15 HORIZONTAL LATHE MACHINE...................................................................................................................45
FIGURE 16 COPY MACHINE..........................................................................................................................................46
FIGURE 17:- INERTIAL VIBRATIONS VIBRATING SHAKE OUT MACHINE........................................................................50
FIGURE 18:- PANG BORN MACHINE...........................................................................................................................50
FIGURE 19 ASSEMBLY DRAWING OF PANG BORN CONVEYER.....................................................................................55
Table of Contents

Title Page no.

CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................................8
Back ground.................................................................................................................................8
1.1 Brief History of Akaki Basic Metals Industry (ABMI).........................................................8
1.2 The aim of the industry......................................................................................................9
1.3 Main Customers.................................................................................................................9
1.4 Main Products....................................................................................................................9
1.5 Over all organization structure and work flow................................................................11

CHAPTER 2.....................................................................................................................................17
2.1 Over all internship experience.............................................................................................17
2.2 Working flow of Akaki Basic Metal Industry........................................................................18
2.3 Foundry shop.......................................................................................................................19
2.3.1 Sand preparation..........................................................................................................19
2.3.2 Mold paint....................................................................................................................24
2.3.3 Pattern and pattern making..........................................................................................25
2.3.4 Core shop......................................................................................................................32
2.3.5 Mechanized molding....................................................................................................33
2.3.6 Hand molding................................................................................................................33
2.3.7 Sand mold features.......................................................................................................34
2.3.8. Melting.........................................................................................................................37
2.3.9 pouring..........................................................................................................................40
2.3.11 Shot blast (pang born) machine.................................................................................41
2.4 Mechanical work shop.........................................................................................................42
2.4.1 Electro plating section..................................................................................................43
2.4.2 Process of electro plating (galvanization).....................................................................43

2.4.3 Hand tool and cutlery section.......................................................................................44
2.4.3 Milling section...............................................................................................................44
2.4.4 Lathe section.................................................................................................................45
2.4.5 Gear hobbling section...................................................................................................45
2.4.6 Heavy duty section.......................................................................................................45
2.4.7 Surface grinding section...............................................................................................47

CHAPTER THREE............................................................................................................................48
3.1 Over all benefits of internship.............................................................................................48
3.2 Improving our practical skills...............................................................................................48
3.3 Upgrading our theoretical knowledge.................................................................................48
3.4 Improving team playing skill................................................................................................49
3.5 Leader ship skill....................................................................................................................49
3.6 Working ethics.....................................................................................................................49

CHAPTER FOUR..............................................................................................................................50
4.1 Conclusion, problem and recommendation........................................................................50
4.1.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................50
4.1.2 Problems.......................................................................................................................50
4.1.3 Recommendation.........................................................................................................50

CHAPTER FIVE................................................................................................................................51
5.1 Project on: - pang born machine conveyer.........................................................................51
5.1.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................51
5.1.2 Objective of the study...................................................................................................52
5.1.3. Statement of the problem...........................................................................................52
5.1.4. Definition of the problem............................................................................................52
5.1.5. Questions raised before designing the machine.........................................................52
5.1.6. Possible answers of the questions...............................................................................53
5.2 Design Procedure.................................................................................................................53
Known information................................................................................................................54

5.2.1 Shaft design...................................................................................................................54
5.2.2 Gear design...................................................................................................................54
5.2.3.Design of Coupling........................................................................................................55
5.2.4 Design of sproket..........................................................................................................55
5.2.5 Design of conveyer bed................................................................................................55
5.2.6 Design of chain drive....................................................................................................55
5.2.7 Bearing sellection..........................................................................................................55
5.2.8 Key sellection................................................................................................................55
5.2.9 Design of frame.............................................................................................................56
Over view picture.......................................................................................................................56
5.3 Challanges in my project......................................................................................................56
5.4 Solution of these problems..................................................................................................57


Back ground

1.1 Brief History of Akaki Basic Metals Industry (ABMI)

ABMI is a state own business organization. It mainly engaged in manufacturing and sale of
spare parts, hand tools, cutlery and so on. It is the largest engineering company in the country;
which has got for different production workshops with multipurpose machineries. It can be said
that the company is achieve industry as it has the capacity to produce different industrial spare
parts and machinery.
The company is situated in the south of Addis Ababa about 25k.m from Addis Ababa to
Nazareth main road and about 3k.m of east of village of Akaki. The plant total area is 210,000
square meter. The covered area is 30,500 m 2. Employment level of ABMI is about 900(when
operating at full capacity).It was initially established as a public enter pries in February 21, 1989
in the name of Akaki Spare parts and Hand Tools share company (ASPSC).
Most of the factories which were nationalized after the up surge of popular revolution were
obsolete and in a poor physical state due to lack of spare parts and effective maintenance system.
This situation has resulted in substantial loss of production due to unavoidable machinery down
time. As a result, a great demand for spare parts which had to be imported with a huge some of
foreign currency.
In addition to these, various problems were faced in connection with the imported parts, such as
availability, delivery time and others. To with stand this and other problems preliminary studies
were conducted in 1977 by government of Germany Democratic Republic. A detailed feasibility
study was conducted between 1980 and 1982 by Swedish government and another agreement
was conducted in 1983 between national metal works corporation and Italian engineering firm
for the establishment of spare parts.
The eructation of building construction and machineries took three and half years and the plant
started operation in February 21, 1989.
In October, 1999; the company has been re-established as a share company in according with the
proclamation No. 146/98 with a capital of birr 142298000 (One Hundred Forty Two Million
Two Hundred Ninety Eight Thousand) subscribed by the government and change the name of

Akaki Spare parts and Hand Tools Factory in to Akaki Basic Metal Industry (ABMI) by using
E.F.D.R state and minister of council No. 183/2002.
Nowadays, the company is under period of transition from ASPSC to Akaki Basic Metals
Industry (ABMI), under the owner of ministry of Ethiopian military.

1.2 The aim of the industry

The aims of ABMI are:

 To improve the existing shortages of spare parts of the Ethiopian industries by producing
them countryside (locally).
 To save foreign exchange for imported parts and by generating the same products and
then exporting to neighboring countries.
 To provide industrial development of the countries by producing necessary machineries.
 To improve problems of maintenance by producing spare parts.

1.3 Main Customers

The main customers of ABMI are:-

 Ethiopian Electric Power  Adei Ababa
Corporation (E.E.P.CO)  Massimo Cement Factory ,
 Ethiopian Telecommunication  Wonji Show S.F
Corporation (E.T.C)  Kolfe House Hold
 Mugher Cement Factory  Metahara Sugar Factory
 Addis Ababa Cement Factory  Akaki Textile
Fincha Sugar Factory  Dire Dawa Textile
 Wonji Sugar Factory  Dire Dawa Cement Factory
 Ethiopian Fiber  Walya transport
 Elfora Agro Industry  Ethiopia Iron and Steel
 Kombolcha Textile Factory  Midroc Construction
 Asmara Textile  Nardelli Paolo, etc

1.4 Main Products

The main products or services of Akaki Basic Metal Industry are:-

 Sheet and Plate Parts  Bearing Housing
 Shafts  Missile Shell Metec Research and
 Gear Box Housing; for E.E.P.CO Development; for Defense
 Inter Mediate Carrier Sprocket;  Forged Parts
Fincha  Hand Tools and Cutlery.
 Dust Collector; for Mugher Cement  Keys
 Balance Weight; for Dejen Aviation  Roller; for Sugar Factories (Fincha,
 Gears (Spur, Bevel, Helical and Wonji, Metahara)
Worm)  Steel Balls
 Billet for cane knife; for sugar  Sprocket for chain link drive; for
Factories Beshoftu Automotive
 Fire Grete; for East Africa

1.5 Over all organization structure and work flow

Figure 1 over all organization structure

Figure 2 marketing and supplies department structure

Figure 3 Manufacturing department structure

Figure 4 Administration and HRD department structure

Figure 5 Finance department structure

1.5.1. Foundry shop

Area of the shop is 5476m 2. The foundry has ferrous and non-ferrous department with an annual
capacity of 4450 tons in two shifts. The capacity of the furnaces in the two departments is as
follows:- Ferrous department

Three furnaces for grey iron/steel --------3.3 tons each.

Furnace for steel ----------250k.g

1.5. 1.2. Non- ferrous departments

Furnace for Aluminum: - -----------500 kg.

Furnace for Bronze /Brass: - --------- 500 kg.
Furnace for Aluminum alloys -------500k.g.

Figure 6 outside and inside structure of foundry

1.5.2. Machine shop

Floor area of the machine shop is 11664 m2 Cutting section

 Power hack saws

 Cut bars up to max diameter of 350 mm.
 Hydraulic shear for plate’s up to 16*2500 mm.
 Rolling machine for plate’s up to 20*2500 mm.

15 Turning Section

 Center lathe’s having max center height of 800 mm.

 Max distance between centers 6000 mm.
 Vertical lathe to machines up to 1400 mm.
 Turret lathe’s to accommodate bars up to 67 mm.

Drilling Section

 Horizontal boring and drilling machines are up to 60mm.

 Pillar drilling machine is up to 40mm.
 Radial drilling machines max drilling capacity up to 50mm. Gear cutting Section

 Spur gears, helical gears, sprockets, worm gears are up to diameter of 1250mm and
module 14mm.
 Straight bevel gears are up to 610mm and module 8.5mm. Milling Section

 Vertical Milling is up to a dimension of 800*280*420mm.

 Universal Milling has up to 1000*340*500mm.
 Plano Miller machines up to 1000*6000*900mm. Grinding Section

 Internal grinding is from 60mm - 100mm.

 External grinding is up to 200*1000mm.
 Surface grinding is up to 2000*500mm.
 Center less grinding is 10mm - 150mm.

1.5.3. Forging

The floor area of the forging shop is: - 288m2

Equipped with ; 2 electric motor driven power hammers of 27k.g, one for open and die forging
up to 450k.g and 40k.g respectively and the other one for forging steel balls for cement factories.

1.5.4. Laboratories and Quality Control

 Metallurgical and mechanical testing

 Laboratories equipped with spectrometer and other lab equipments.


2.1 Over all internship experience

I select this company by the help of my friend, who work in the factory. He told me some
manufacturing process of the company. For that time I have the industry linkage paper. But when
I went to the company the human resource manager (HRM) manager said this pare is not
necessary he cannot take the, because the industry linkage told to the HRM told they send the
student by attaching with letter. Then I take this then came to the university for Holistic Exam.
For this time the industry linkage went 10 students to Akaki Basic Metals Industry. Then I
register this company then I get the internship training in the Akaki Basic Metal Industry by the
help of University-Industry-Linkage (UIL) coordinator. This company is very large and different
working section. In the first day we are separated in to five groups by industry HRM Ato
 Foundry shop
 Machine shop
 Design room
 PPC Engineering
So, my working section is foundry shop and connected with supervisor of company. Whose
name is Asegid and his manager 2nd Letenant Ahimed. They help to visit the whole part of the
industry for the first two weeks. Foundry shop has two main classifications depending on the
types of material casting
a. Ferries section
b. Non ferries section
Foundry shop has also different parts.
 Sand libratory
 Pattern making shop
 Core making shop
 Hand molding section
 Mechanized molding section
 Cast finishing section

 Shot blast (Pang born).
We work in Akaki Basic Metal Industry some section such as foundry shop (pattern making,
Hand molding, Mechanized molding, Core shop, Ferrous and cast finishing), Non-ferrous and
some visited about machine shop, forging shop, heat treatment and maintenance division.

2.2 Working flow of Akaki Basic Metal Industry

The working flows of Akaki Basic Metal Industry are the following
 First come the customer in to the company with free hand sketch or sample of the material
when the products are new
 Then, they are connecting with sales. The sales are seen the sample then connect with PPC
(Production Process Control) section.
 The PPC (Production process control) are looks the storage to identify, what the raw material
and other equipments are available. After checking the storage and all raw materials are
available to produce the product.
 Next the sales are estimating the cost of product.
 Transferred in to PPC. Then plan the work, in what method can be done? In which section can
be done?
 The PPC are transfer in to design room, the designer are design the product.
 After design the product the methods are making the runner, getting system, sprue base, riser.
Then transfer in to the pattern room.
 Next, make the pattern (split or simple) by using wood material.
 When the product is large; transfer into hand molding section and make the mould.
 When the product is small, transfer in to mechanized molding section and make the mold.
 Next, pouring the molten metal in to mould either ferrous or non-ferrous according to need of
 Solidify, and transfer in to cast finishing.
 Next, transfer in to machine shop and machined the product.
 Finally customer are be receptive the product.

2.3 Foundry shop

This division has the responsibility of coordinating and controlling the activities of the foundry
methods and pattern making section, sand preparation, mould and core making section, the cast
finishing unit for both ferrous and non ferries foundry section.
Most of the spare parts produced the major customers of the company are the out puts of foundry
shop. Since, casting is very much important in production.

2.3.1 Sand preparation Sand

Akaki Basic Metal Industry is uses silica (sio 2) sand for the application of molding and core
system. This sand came from Merahabite north shewa in Ethiopia. Silica sand (sio2) is:-
 Can be used repeatedly for making molds.
 Are in expensive.
 The sands maintain their shape and other characteristics even at very high temperatures
while they are in contact with molten metal’s.
 After ramming; the mold remains sufficiently porous or permeable to give vent to the
Generally, these silica sands are the most widely used sands. Akaki Basic Metal Industry is used
resin and catalyst for the binders and dryer of mold respectively. Resin is acted as bonding
material and catalyst is used to fast the reaction of resin and sand.
Chemical name of catalyst and resin are:-
 For catalyst ………………….. Sulfuric acid
 For resin …………………….. Furfural alcohol Sand laboratory

Sand laboratory when selection and testing of proper foundry sand is done for quality and
casting. The following tests are conducted in the sand lab.

i. Clay content test

Clay is a very fine particle with the size less than 0.005mm diameter, naturally found in
the form of mixture with sand grains. The elimination of clay particles from molding sand is very
crucial due to the following basic reasons.
 Presence of clay is the cause for poor permeability.
 It causes poor surface finish and increases re-work costs.

Testing procedures

 Weight 50g of washed sand

 Add to the beaker
 Measure 10ml of 5% sodium pyrophosphate and add to the mixture
 Put the mixture under the agitator machine and agitate for 5min.
 Add the mixture to the washing apparatus using the funnel
 Open the controlling top so that the clay particles could easily float on the top and removed
away through exhaust tube
 When the mixture becomes pure remove the mixture from apparatus to the beaker.
 Filter the mixture using 20 micro filter paper
 Dry the sand and at the temperature of 110oc for 2 hrs.
 Weight the sand using the digital weighing scale.
 Calculate the weight deference of sand before and after washing.
 Put the value sand in terms of %.
For example – weight of sand before experiment =50g
- The value achieved after experiment = 49.7g
Clay content = (original weight – new weight) / (Original weight) x 100
= (50-49.7)/ 50
= 0.60%
The value obtained is acceptable, the amount of clay in new washed sand should always be <1%.

Characteristics of silica sand

Table 1 Characteristics of silica sand

White-light brown
Specific gravity
Fusion point
AFA/S fineness
Chemical reaction
ii. Moisture content determination: -

This is to completely determine the amount of moisture found in the sand. After drying the sand,
the amount of moisture will be 0.1 min.

iii. Permeability test: -

This is to determine the ability of each sand grain to pass the gasses of molten metal ferrous
during pouring operation. If the permeability of the sand is low, casting defects such as porosity,
cavities and others might appear on the surface of the cast.

Component reference

 Air drum  Water container

 Switch valve  Double orifice
 Rubber stopper  Precision pressure gauge

iv. Loss of ignition test (LOI)

This is to determine the weight lost during process due to burning of organic matter and very fine
particles that are found in the sand. If the weight of the burnt particles excess from this value the
mould will lose its strength and molten metal will automatically penetrate the mould.


 Weight 50g sand and put in a muffle furnace.

 Burn the sample to 100˚c for, 1 ½ - 2hrs.
 Cool the sample sand and weight
Calculate the weight deference and change to percent age.
For example - Weight of sand before test = 50g.
- Weight of sand after test = 48.82g.
LOI = (original weight – new weight)/ Original weight x 100
= (50 - 48.82)/ 50
LOI of old sand = 2% max
Regenerated sand = 0.064%
New sand = 0.23%
N.B. LOI ≥ 2.36 (not acceptable)

v. Grain fines number (GFN) test

GFN test is mainly used to know the fineness or coarseness of sand at the same time, to know
whether the sand grain falls within the international standard.
N.B The international standard for GFN of foundry sand is 40 – 60.
If the number is less than 40, this said to be course sand. Hence, this is not preferable because of
the coarse grain cannot be easily compacted during mould making. It causes poor surface finish
on the cast. If the GFN is greater than 60 again the sand is not recommended because the sand
and grain is fine.
Thus, the sand consumes too much binder for compaction and:-
 Causes poor permeability which in turn, is the main causes for porosity and other casting
 Low sintering temperature
 Re work cost will be high
GFN test is usually called sieve analysis. Sieve analysis is accomplished by using
sieves of different diameter holes. Normally, the size of the sieve hole diameter ranges from
1.68mm (coarse) to 0.05 (pan and it is very fine).

Procedures to accomplish sieve analysis

 Weight 100g of dry sand (it can be new or old sand).

 Add to the sieve machine.
 Sieve the sand for 15min.
 Remove each sieve carefully and weight the amount you obtained on each sieve separately
and turn by turn according to their sequences. (use digital weighting scale and special brush)

 Record each values carefully on the format provided for this purpose which contains sieve
number and diameter
 Mark the distribution graph on the format following each value
 Select the three maximum distribution graph and calculate the mean value of the three
 Compare the value against the standard.

Component reference

1. Traverse glide
2. Clamp
3. Lid
4. Guide bar
5. Different size sieves
6. Vibration intensity regulator
7. Timer

Table 2 New Sand

No Type of Test Standard

1, Clay content before wash 16-200%
2, Clay content after wash 1% Max
3, Moisture content after wash 0.5%
4, Grain fineness No (GFN) 40-60
5, Loss on ignition (LOI) 1%
Table 3 Reclaimed Sand
No Type of Test Standard
1 Grain fineness No 40 – 60
2 Loss ignition 2% The sand system in foundry

The sand system in Akaki Basic metal Industry is comprises of new sand, mechanically
reclaimed sand (Reclaimed sand) and thermally reclaimed sand and (Regenerated sand). New sand

Sand brought from Merahabite for Akaki Basic Metal Industry and currently washed manually
and deposited on concrete silos (7) on the ground floor via a hopper vibrator (1) bucket elevator
(5) and belt conveyor (6). The sand from the concrete silos on the ground floor (7) is excavated
using a shove hoper and feed to the drier (10) via a hopper (2), the dried sand is finally
transported to the two steel silos (12) of 50m3 capacity by pneumatic propulsion. The new sand
stored in silos (12) can either be transported to the hand molding (HM), mechanizes molding
(MM), core shop (CS) or to the regenerated sand silos via the cover of the hot rec. Reclaimed and (mechanical reclamation)

After pouring molten metal in to the mould, the mould is allowed to cool for a reasonable time
following which it is transported in to the “4 in 1” system where the operations of separating be
casting and the mould, shot blasting, sand reclamation and separation of shots and for re-
circulation is carried out. The reclaimed sand is then propelled. Transferred into the hand
molding (24), mechanized molding (23) or reclaimed sand silos (14). As shown in fig-6.

Non-ferrous and system

This is made possible only by transporting sand by a shovel hopper and dumping it to the
shakeout grid of the non ferrous foundry following which it is automatically transported to the
molding line hopper (17m3)

Capacity of silos

Big silos = 75 ton (50m3)

Medium silos= 45 ton
Small silos = 15 ton
Hopper of non-ferrous = 25 ton (17m3)
Hopper of hand molding = 30m3
Hopper of mechanized molding = 2 5m3
Hopper of core-shop = 17m3

2.3.2 Mold paint

Before some years Akaki basic metal industry is used the mold paint known as Isomer. Isomer is
come from Italy, German and other countries. In this condition when the isomer is finished the
product is late by mold paint. So, before one year research creates the mold paint by Asamenew
Debela and his friends. Preparation of mold paint


 Water
 Sodium silicate
 Green sand
 Refractory (Tyker):- A refractory material is one that retains its strength at high
 Tyker: - High refractory material, white color and comes from furnaces.


 1st come the refractory material (Tyker) from furnaces.

 Crushed the Tyker by using crusher machine.
 Blown the Tyker by using different size of sieve (0.18mm, 0.14mm, 0.105mm) sieves.
 Mixed the water, sodium silicate, green sand and Tyker by using mixer machine
 Finally, paint the mold cavity.
N.B. Green sand is come from Negale Borena.

2.3.3 Pattern and pattern making Definition

The pattern is a model made of suitable material and is used for making the cavity in molding
sand. Patterns are used to prepare a mould cavity by sand molding. Patterns are made of different
materials like wood, plastic, or metal depending on the type of casting and size of casting, but in
our company made from wood. because of its cheapness, case of availability, lightness, case of
obtaining smooth surface and preserving surface by applying coating of shellac, ability to be
worked on easily. And also the design of the wood should be as simple as possible to make the
Pattern making is one of the most important things in doing casting. The design
should be as simple as possible to make the pattern. We were careful to make
pattern so that the edge of the pattern will not broken down. Pattern making is the
main operation for casting. Types of pattern

Patterns are of various types, each satisfying certain casting requirements.

1. Single piece or one piece pattern
2. Split or double piece or (cope and drug pattern)
3. Mach piece pattern or Match plate pattern

i. Single Piece Pattern

The one piece or single pattern is the most inexpensive of all types of patterns. This type of
pattern is used only in cases where the job is very simple and does not create any withdrawal

problems. It is also used for application in very small-scale production or in prototype
development. This type of pattern is expected to be entirely in the drag and one of the surface is
is expected to be flat which is used as the parting plane. A gating system is made in the mold by
cutting sand with the help of sand tools. If no such flat surface exists, the molding becomes
complicated. A typical one-piece pattern is shown figure below.

Figure 7:- Single piece pattern

ii. Split or cope and drug pattern: -

This is used when the castings are of intricate design or are required in bulk. It is split along the
parting surface, the position of which is determined by the shape of the casting. One half of the
pattern is molded in drug and the other half in cope. Gates are also hand cut with split patterns.

Figure 8 split pattern (cope and drug)

iii. Match piece pattern (Mach plate pattern):-

In this type the actual pattern is made in two halves and is then mounted on the two faces of a
universal match plate, which acts as the parting line between the two pattern pieces. Match plate

is also fitted with gating system making as ease for molder, and reducing the mounding time.
When casting is very small many patterns can be mounted on the same match plate reducing the
number of moulds to be prepared. Match plate is usually made of metal like aluminum. When the
match plate is withdraw the cope and drag boxes can be joined to form the complete mould

Figure 9 match piece pattern Pattern design consideration

The factors must be taken in to consideration while designing a pattern

 A pattern should be accurate as regards its dimensions and posses very good surface finish
 A proper material for making the pattern should be selected
 A pattern should carry all those allowance.
 In case of split patterns, the parting surface should be such that the maximum portion of the
pattern remains in the drug, offset parting is beneficial.
 All sharp edge and corner should be round
 Change in section thickness (if necessary) should be smooth, gradual, and uniform
 Jointed cores should preferably be avoided in order to obtain uniform holes.
 Core prints provided with the pattern should be of optimum size and suitable location.
A pattern is always larger in size as compared to the final casting, because it carries certain
allowances due to metallurgical and mechanical reasons.
The various pattern allowances are listed below
1. Shrinkage allowance or contraction allowances
2. Machining or finish allowance

3. Draft or taper allowance
4. Distortion or camber allowance
5. Shake or rapping allowance

1. Shrinkage allowance or contraction allowances:-

 Different materials shrink at different rates because shrinkage is the property of the cast
metal or alloy.
 It is the ability of molten metal to be contract during solidification at solid state.
 It measured length with mm/m linear (shrinkage).
 Shrinkage allowance is important only during designing of patterns.

The metal shrinkage depends upon

 The cast metal or alloy

 Pouring temperature or the metal or alloy
 Casting dimensions (size)
 Casting design aspects
 Molding conditions (i.e. mould material & molding method employed)

2. Machining allowance:-

 It is the extra amount of metal which is providing on the surface to be machined.

 It is included in the pattern design.

a. Machining allowance is needed to:-

 To get the precise dimension and good surface finish.

 To remove rough surface or imperfections.

b. Machine finish allowance depends on:-

 Type of metal used in casting (ferrous or non-ferrous).

 On the method of casting (sand, die casting).
 The Size and shape casting.
 1.5mm allowance is considered for non-ferrous and 3mm for ferrous.

3. Draft or taper allowance

 It is required to avoid damage at the sharp edge of the mold during pattern removal.
 Patterns are tapered at some angel along its vertical surface.
 Drafts are designed in degree or mm/m.

4. Amount of draft angle depend on:-

 On the shape and size of casting (depth of casting).

 For most casting draft of 10-20mm is used 10-50.

5. parting line

It must be straight line to make the casting is economical and accurate Color code: -

A color code is a system for displaying information by using different color.

 ‘as cast’ surfaces which are to be left un machined –red or orange

 Surfaces which are to be machined-yellow
 Core prints for un machined opening and end prints-black
 Core prints for machined opening-yellow stripes on black
 Seats for loose pieces and loose core prints-green Pattern storage

Pattern should be stored in a controlled room

 It should free from humidity
 It should be stored in proper way
 It should not exposed to sun light
 It must be stored in their identification number
In this shop I worked different patterns with the shop employee. The stapes of making one
pattern is as follows.

31 Wood shop Advantages of woods.

 Woods are very easily available

 Due to its softness, it is easy for machining, sanding
 Light in weight and hence is possible to use for bigger sizes of casting
 Can be easily cut, give curved Disadvantages

 Are easily affected by environmental factor (humidity)

 Due to the strength they can easily be broken
 Proper storage is required Wood shop tools

To make a pattern we worked in workshop. Some o the tools in the workshop are as follows.
 Smooth planer  Making gauge
 Tri-square  Steel scale
 Chisel  Tenor saw
 Wooden mallet  Working place or
 Divider  table
Pattern must be making with a good design. Since, the result is difficult to casting. It has been
said that a poor casting may be produced from a good pattern, but a good casting will not be
made from a poor pattern. Most patterns are made of wood Wood shop Machines

In the pattern shop many machines are there:-

 Wood Lathe machine (small & large)  Milling machine
 Band saw (small& large)  Combination
 Jointer (small & large)  Sating and grinding machine
 Grinder (two)  Butt welding
 Drilling machine  Vertical sander
 Thickneser  Boring machine

 Disc sander for two faces  Crane, capacity (250 kg) Work piece on wood shop

 Hammer  Height gauge

 Pencil  Chisel
 Ruler (meter)  Cutter(H.S.S)
 Grinde  Compass
 Hand drill  Bar compass
 Hare punter pinca  Varner caliper (small and large)
 Pinca  Clamp or morsa
 Geksow Making processes Process of making pattern

 First take the wanza from its store.

 Adjustment and first face the angle, by using jointer machine.
 Second face and uniform the thickness of the material drawing by using thickneser
 If the pattern is round cut the wood by its diameter by using band saw machine.
 And also if they wanted pattern is round turn or face the pattern by using lathe machine.
 Then smooth the pattern by using disc sander.
 When the pattern between space, we can fill the space of pattern by using stucco.
So, the stucco is prepared from hardener and stucco. Hardener is red color, used for dry and
stucco is white color and used for bind. The hardener is 1/10 of the stucco.
 After we use stucco gap from five up to seven minutes, then we are use sand paper.
 If the pattern is hexagonal type makes it by using milling machine.
 If the pattern is the split then make the dowel (3 or 4 parts of the pattern faces). So, the
dowel is used for perfectly aligned the two (cope and drag) that means not misalign.
 If the materials have a hole makes one core. B y using core box and core print we can
make the core.

 Then add the sand mold in to core box. After some minute remove the core from the
core box.
 Make gating system that is conduit network through which liquid metal enters a mold
and flows to fill the mold cavity that is:-
 Runner
 Top riser
 Sprue base
 Finally; paint the pattern yellow with their color code.

2.3.4 Core shop

A core is a device used in casting and molding processes to produce internal cavities. Core making process

 1st coming the core box from pattern shop in to the core shop.
 Add the new sand (catalyst + resin + new sand) from mixer machine in to core box.
 Then rammed the sand.
 After some minutes (15-20) remove the core from the core box.
Work piece in core shop, mechanized molding and hand mold

 Different size sprue
 Vent
 Manipulator
 Crane of 500kg capacity, 10 tone,
and 20 tone

2.3.5 Mechanized molding molding process

 First the small patterns come from pattern room.

 Prepare the plate or flask used supports the mold for pattern.
 Connect the pattern and the car by bolt and nut (4-6) places.
 Transfer the car with pattern plate by using roller conveyor by using controlled cars button
 Add the sand (sand + resin + catalyst) from mixer machine.
 Put the sprue in the sprue base in pattern plate.
 Rammed the mold by using vibrater, and make the vent.
 Transfer the car in to rollover machine, by using car roller (left, right, forward and back
ward) switch.
 After some minutes (3-5) disjoin the mold from rollover machine by using put the button
 Then, when the product finished, the pattern go to in the store. But the product not finished
the pattern is recycles a gain.
 Next the mold go to in the mold finished, then make the air and mold paint in the cavity.
 Prepare for melting metal. So assemble the cope and drag by using manipulator.
 Finally, make two bares and bind or tie the cope and drag, then make the new sand between
the cope and drag.

2.3.6 Hand molding Hand molding process

 1st come the large patterns from pattern shop. But not making the gating system like; sprue
base, runner, riser etc
 For example Roller for sugar factories diameter 1100mm and length 2150mm.
 Make eleven flasks, seven flasks are make the mold by using 1100mm pattern, for each flask.
The flask size is 1500x1500x321mm
 One flask is roller print. And another one is at the bottom setting of the all flakes.

 Another two flasks are at the top of roller that is preparing the pouring basin, riser and sprue.
 The gating system is step type. This means the malt is gain in bottom direction.
 Bind the eight (8) flasks by using bolt and nut. For each flash (12-15) bolts.
 Make the core 530mm and small core 40mm.This small core used for remove the air, hot
crake and full the sand in to the core box, and ram.
 After some minutes (15-20) remove the core box.
 Get in nine flasks by using crane (20 ton) into hole. The hole size is; 3000mm*3000mm.
 Then, add the new sand in between flasks, outside and inside of flasks.
 Add the core into the mold cavity
 Coat the calla (vinabel glue) in to the upper of pattern and bind the two flasks that is pouring
basin in to the nine flasks. And tie by bolt and nut.
 Finally, add the melting in to the mold.
 Solidify (3-5) days.
 Then disjoin the flask and collages the mold and remove the product (rover)
 Transfer into cast finishing
 Lastly going to in machine shop. Then machined and make drill for bolts.
N.B height of pattern is 7x321mm= 2247mm
Total height is 10x321+ (150) = 3360mm.

Figure 10 Hand mould mach flask mould and single flask

2.3.7 Sand mold features

 Flask…………….. Supports the mold.

 Pouring basin …… in which molten metal is poured in to sprue.

 Sprue …………… through which molten metal flows down ward.
 Runner system …..Channels that carry molten metal from the sprue.
 Risers ………..….. Supply additional molten metal, to the casting during shrinkage.
 Vents …………… used to carry off gases that are produced and exhaust air from the mold
cavity as metal flows on to the mold.
 Cope …………. Upper or top most section of a flask, mold or pattern.
 Drag ………….. Lower or bottom section of a flask, mold or pattern.
 Parting line ……. A line on a pattern or casting corresponding to the separation between the
parts of a mold.

Figure 11 Sand system in foundry

1. Sand washed 10.Drier 19. Hopper (3) 28.Molds

2. Sand Transportation 11.Sender 20.Hopper (4) 29. Pusher
3. Hopper (1) 12. New Sand 21.Mixer
4. Vibrator 13.Regenerated Sand 22. Core Station
5. Elevator 14. Reclaimed Sand 23.Mechanized Station
6. Distribution Belt 15. Sender (2) 24.Hand Molding Station
7. Concrete Soils 16.Hot-rec 25. Silo
8. Jop dog (Power Shovel) 17.Screw Conveys 26. Sender (3)
9. Hopper (2) 18.Screen 27. Shot Blast

2.3.8. Melting

Melting is a process of changing of phase of a material from solid state to liquid state. Melting furnaces

In Akaki Basic Metal Industry molten metal furnace are different materials are there cast iron
and its alloy, steel and it’s allay, copper allay and aluminum. Ferrous foundry

 Cast iron
o Nodular cast iron
o Gray cast iron and
o White cast iron
 Steel
 There are four furnaces in this section.
The three (3) furnaces melting capacity are: - 3300 kg for each furnace and another one (1)
furnace melting capacity is 250k.g
 Total melting capacity is:- 10150 k.g
 Induction furnace Non-ferrous foundry

 There are three (3) furnaces in this section

 Furnace for aluminum and aluminum alloy are two (2), the melting capacity are 500 k.g
for each furnace
 Furnace for copper alloy (Bronze and Brass) is one (1), the melting capacity is 500 k.g
 The total melting capacity is 1500 k.g
The power used in of Akaki Basic Metal Industry for melting furnace from E.E.P.Co, 15000v.
But the power is convert from AC (Alternative current) to DC (Direct Current). Then heat
develops by using refractory. Refractory are classified in to three. There are:-
a. Acid refractoriness
b. Basic refractoriness
c. Neutral refractoriness

a. Acid refractoriness: - E.g. Cast

Table 4 Acid refractory

Type Temperature
Silica 1700oc
Aluminum silica 1780oc
Alumina (Al2O3) 2050oc
In this case we can melt the cast that is (gray cast iron, Nodular cast iron, white cast iron). But
cannot use for the steel.

b. Basic refractoriness: - e.g. steel

 Magnesia ………………… 2800oc

 Dolomite
In this case we can melt the steel. But cannot use for the cast.

c. Neutral refractoriness

Table 5 Neutral refractoriness material

Type Temperature
Chromate 2180oc
Graphite 5000oc
In this case we can melt both (cost and steel). Process of furnace charged

Assume, the melting is Nodular cast iron or ductile cost iron. So our refractory materials are acid
First put the Amentayte sheet 1.5mm thickness in to furnace. It is used to safety for coil. Mixed
the refractory and boric acid, the ratio is for 100 Kg of refractory (4) used 2 (two) k.g of Boric
acid. The total refractory is 1400 kg or 56 per and used 28 kg of Boric acid. Then add the mix of
refractory and Boric acid in to the furnace up to 500 kg of refractory and ram by using vibrator.
Then put the former that is circular sheet metal 5mm thickness in to the furnace, and add the mix
of refractory and Boric acid up to corner of furnace and ram by using vibrated. Make the thin
ceramic fiber in around of furnace.
Finally add the charge used pig iron and open the power let us we are started three (3) o’clock.
Then from (3-4) = 100oc, (4-10) 200oc, (10-11) = 300oc, and for one o’clock add 100oc. Finally

from (4-5) = 900oc. Then starting the melted and add silicone (75), carbon, silicone (45), and
measured by thermocouple. After20 o’clock, pouring the melted from furnace in to ladle. Then
heat the Mg (magnesium) and add in to ladle, mg is very high evaporated. Then after add
the Mg make chip, Asbestos and packed the ladle. Next, pouring the molten metal in to the

Akaki Basic Metal Industry is used pig iron having different composition for varying application.

Table 6 Composition of pig iron

Type Composition (%)
Carbon Silicon Manganese Phosphorous Sulfur
Pig iron for gray iron 3.5 min 2-2.5 0.85 0.1 Max 0.04 max
Pig iron for ductile iron 3.5 1.0 Max 0.4 max 0.1 Max 0.04 max
(nodular iron)
Pig iron for white iron 4.3 0.008 0.008 0.027 0.006
Akaki Basic Metal Industry used alloying elements commonly used chemical composition is
shown in bellow table 2-7.

Table 7 Composition of alloy

Alloying elements Chemical Composition (%)
Ferro-silicon 45 Si= (40-47), P=0.05% max, C=0.2%
Ferro-silicon 75 Si= (72-80)%, Al=1%, P=0.02% max, c=0.15%
Ferro-magnesium Mg= (5-6)%, Si=(43-48)%,ca(0.1-1.3)%, Al= 0.12%
Ferro-silicon-magnesium Mg= (5-10)%, Si= (43-48)%, ca= (1-1.7)%
Ferro-chromium 70 Cr= (65-70%, c= (0.25-0.5, s=0.03%
Ferro-mollbedium Mo= (55-75)%, Si=1% max, s=0.05% max
Carburizer (milled graphite electrode) C=99.9%, H=0.15%
Copper CU= 99.9% pure
Ferro-silicon manganese SCO2O Mn= (75-85)%, p=0.05%, Si=0.03%
Non-ferrous section

Non-ferrous metal: - All other metals and their alloys are referred to as non-ferrous metals.
For example: - copper, zinc, Aluminum, Tin, Nickel, Bronze, Brass etc
In this section different machine are there; piston die machine, center fugal machine, mixer,
holding furnace machine, etc. and three furnaces. The two Ammonium furnaces are resistance
furnace. But the other one is (copper alloys either Bronze or Brass) is induction furnace. In this

section stored aluminum materials, Aluminum chips, Aluminum scrap, Bronze (chips, material,
return casting), Brass (scrap, chip, material).

2.3.9 pouring

In a foundry, molten metal is poured into molds. Pouring can be accomplished with gravity, or it
may be assisted with a vacuum or pressurized gas. Many modern foundries use robots or
automatic pouring machines for pouring molten metal. Traditionally, molds were poured by hand
using ladle.

Figure 12 pouring of molten metal

2.3.11 Shot blast (pang born) machine

Shot blast (pang born) machine type “ES” mineral rot-oblast machine complete with sand
reclamation and reconditioning system with the following components and specifications. Scope of work

 Accommodate no-bake molds up to 1200 mm x 1000 mm x 800 mm

 Maximum weight of mold is 2 tons.
 Production of eight molds per hour

42 Blast knock-out and cleaning cabinet

It is 3110mm wide x 2790mm long x 3500 mm high, fabricated of thick low carbon steel plate,
rigidly mounted on structural framing. Process

First open the air valve, then switch on the main button, and (Rotary valve and exhauster) then
Elevate (1) control conditioner, (screw cover and magnets separator), Rot-oblast sand reclaiming,
hook rotation pre selection, and (Elevated (2), separator screw conveyer was vibrating screen).
Setting the mold, in the molding handler by using roller car and transfer the mold from mold
handler in to self powered carrier by hydraulic system. Moved the car by base bar, when the care
touch lime switch sense the door, then open, and get in the care then closed the door. Then blast
the mold by Abrasive. After (5-8) minute open the exit door and out the car with product.
Then get in the abrasive, residual ferrous and mold remains in the hopper (vibrating conveyor).
This vibrating conveyor 3300mmlength800mm width, 2000mm long with 4mm diameter
opening. Then transfer in to Elevator No.1 (11700mm height). And get in from Elevator No.1 in
to hopper by using belt-bucket. Separate the large size by using sieve and the abrasive (shot)
storage bin from sand and residual ferrous. Get in sand and residual ferrous and small size of
abrasive in to primary sand storage bin by using sand spiral conveyer and separate the dust. Then
remove residual ferrous particle in the sand by using magnetic separator, unit is composed of
315mm diameter x 965mm long drum with permanent magnet. Then the sand gets in to Elevator
No.2 (6990mm height). The sand has transfer from Elevator No.2 in to silos, by belt bucket.
Then the sand gets in to regenerated sand storage bin by using gravity. W hen the storage full
closed the electro valve.
Finally we can transfer the sand in to three directions.
1. Hand molding section
2. Mechanized section
3. External (Hot-race)
By using pneumatic conveyor, When sand transfer in one direction, then closed the two lines by
using closed the diaphragm.

2.3.11. Finishing

The final step in the process usually involves grinding, sanding, or machining the component in
order to achieve the desired dimensional accuracies, physical shape and surface finish.

Removing the remaining gate material, called a gate stub, is usually done using a grinder or
sending. These processes are used because their material removal rates are slow enough to
control the amount of material. These steps are done prior to any final machining.

After grinding, any surfaces that require tight dimensional control are machined. More and more
the process of finishing a casting is being achieved using robotic machines which eliminate the
need for a human to physically grind or break parting lines, gating material or feeders.

It also eliminates the problem of human error so as to increase repeatability in the quality of
grinding. With a change of tooling these machines can finish a wide variety of materials
including iron, bronze and aluminum.

2.4 Mechanical work shop

Mechanical work shop is one of the manufacturing departments in Akaki Basic Metal Industry.
This division is fabricating different spare parts and machine tools. It has different sections.
These are:-
 Heavy duty
 Fabrication
 Electro plating
 Hand tool and cutlery
 Lathe section
 Milling section
 Grind surface area

2.4.1 Electro plating section

Electro plating section known as surface treatment plate it has four different sections.
1. Nickel 3.Chrom
2. Galvanize 4. Phosphors

In this section nickel and chrome are not used. Because of the cost is high. But the cost
of galvanize and Phosphors are not high, it is low cost.

2.4.2 Process of electro plating (galvanization)

First, the material is come by using crane. Then, plate in to storage of hydrochloric acid.
Hydrochloric acid is small cost, high clear, from other materials. After (2-5) minutes get in to
water storage, the material setting in to base bare, and again dipping or soaking in to water
storage. Then, dip into Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), with electric system that is heat the
chemical (3-5) minutes. Then moving in to water storage by crane and dipping the material by
base bare and wash. Then again dipping into another storage water and wash then moving in to
storage of neutralization by crane and dipping the material, in this stapes not use electric that
means the chemical is cool. Then moving in to storage of water and washing the material. Next,
dip the materials in to storage of Zinc (Zn) plate with electric system. (10-15) minutes in this
steep there are two chemicals. Ammonium chloride and zinc chloride. Ammonium chloride is
closed by bag. It is made from clothe. Zinc chloride is 99.9% is pure zinc.
Then moving in to storage of water and wash the material and dipping the material in to chrome
plate storage without electric system. Finally wash the material three (3) storages of water.
N.B. Hydro choleric acid is used for removed the rust.
 Sodium hydro oxide is used for remove the oil and grease.
 Chromic acid is use for hard and smooth material.
 Length of storage 1.80m 70-80c.m width and 120cm of height
 On other large galvanize electro plate storage in 300cm length, 100cm width and 100cm
of height.
N.B- Charges are flow from negative to positive due to this the positive part of electric is
connected to the material to be surface treated and negative part is connected to the Zink
solution. This shows the process is from Zink to metal.

2.4.3 Hand tool and cutlery section

In this section different machine using; like thread forming machine (six), piercing, etc

45 roller machine

Thread rover machine is used to make thread by using different dies. This machine has a roller
which is different shaper and different size of pitches (minimum pitches 1.75 mm and 2m,
2.5mm, 5mm, 6mm, and maximum are 7mm). Shape of roller die is (sharp, ring, and ring and
some radius). Product by thread roller machine:- N-80 pin (Ø 16), N-95 pin (Ø 19), 15kv pin (Ø
20), 33kv pin (Ø 25), N-80 hook (Ø 16) N95 hook (Ø 19) 15kv hook (Ø 20), 33kv hook (Ø 25),
big collar, small collar, deadened hook, suspension hook, etc. it is using C-10 material

Figure 13 Example of thread roller machine product

2.4.3 Milling section

Milling machine is used to make gear hexagonal and hexagonal nut, square nut etc

2.4.4 Lathe section

Lath machine is used to produce different machine element such as shaft, fly wheel, flange, bolt
etc by using H.S.S and carbide cutters. This machine is make turning, facing boring, threading
(internal and external).

2.4.5 Gear hobbling section

In this section used different machine are there such as: - Gear shaper machine, hobbling
machine (vertical and horizontal), bevel gear machine, slotting machine. Bevel gear machine

It is used to make only bevel gear not use for other gears. Hobbling machine

This machine is used to make spare, helical, worm chain sprocket. Slotting machine

Slotting machine is used to make a key way, grove.

Figure 14 Slotting machine

2.4.6 Heavy duty section

Heavy duty section is huge and used to produced large elements such as mill roller, shaft, etc. it
operated by using touch display. In this section different machine are there such as:- Plano miller
machine, vertical lath machine, horizontal lath machine, radial drill press, boring machine etc. Plano milling machine

It is the same as to milling machine. It is used to make facing, boring, drilling etc Horizontal lathe machine

It is the same as to lathe machine. But in this machine to make large or huge elements such as: -
large shaft, hammer. Show in fig-15.

Figure 15 Horizontal lathe machine Vertical lathe machine

It is same as to horizontal lathe machine, but in this machine the work piece is lower and the
cutter is in the above (upper) to the work piece. It is used to make hug elements. Copy machine

Copy machine is used to make knife, spoon, etc to copy one to one scales.

Figure 16 Copy machine

2.4.7 Surface grinding section

In this section used to make different types of elements such as cutting tools. Plates, gears,
flanges, etc
In this section different ma chine are there. Such as:-
 Surface grinding machine: - it is used to face cutting tool.
 Cylindrical grinding machine: - it is used to make rotary surface.
 Center less grinding machines: - it is operated by magnetic motor. It is used to make chins.


3.1 Over all benefits of internship

This internship training is very important for Ethiopia because of used to generate skill full
generation to crate the new technology on the future. This internship is used to solve the
problems and to make the project. To know how to change theoretical parts in to practically
increased the theoretical knowledge that means to see the new things. From this internship
improve the following things.

3.2 Improving our practical skills

This internship training used to improving our practical skills, how to improved their knowledge
in which situation, how to solve the problems and how to communicate the workers. But in our
university is not enough machineries and laboratory, so before this internship we don’t know
how to change the theory of the learning process in to practical process. But in this internship
training l am gained the operation of some machines, for example in pattern room (Jointer
machine, Thickneser machine, Band saw, Lath machine, milling, Disc sander and so on) and the
process of element to be produced (the process of pattern making, example: - Mean carrier head
shaft, Gear box housing, Hand molding process, example: - Roller, Mechanized molding
process, core making process, and the process of pouring molten metal for example:-Nodular
cast iron). Generally, understand the work flow and self confidence by improving practical skill.

3.3 Upgrading our theoretical knowledge

This internship training is used to upgrading our theoretical knowledge. Most of the time
universities are not enough laboratory and machineries; this means the learning process are not
detail and not change in to practical skill. But in this internship solve this problem and increased
the theoretical knowledge with practices; for example: - how to make the pattern, how to malt
the molten metal (nodular cast iron, steel), how to make the roller in hand molding and process
of the elements to be produced. Generally, I get full information, increased the theoretical
knowledge, and how to change the theoretical skill in to practical.

3.4 Improving team playing skill

This internship training is used to improving team playing skills. Work with our friends, with
worker of company, with the students of Bahir Dare University to shear idea and to make the
thing. For example: - I have worked with Teshome in pattern shop about split pattern (Main
carrier head shaft). In this case my role is supporter. Another example: - I have worked with
Abebe he is the Manager of Mechanical maintenance about motor of Pang Born (Shout Blast)
machine. So, in this my role is supporter. Generally, we are working together and to shear idea.

3.5 Leader ship skill

This internship is used to improving leadership skill. Know I have some knowledge about
leadership; how to lead a team how to control the worker or employer, for example: - in my
section foundry shop our leader is 2nd t/t Ahimed. He is the good to leader in the company. I have
learn from him how to lead the worker, how to communicate between leaders and employee and
how to manage the company.

3.6 Working ethics

This internship training is used to understanding the working ethics. In Akaki Basic Metal
Industry we are worked together. Based on this training I gained accountabilities of the working
of the product. Every employer or worker of the company works on tasks. When the worker is
mistake fail or rejects the product, decrease the demand of customer, decrease the profit of the
company, and decrease the development of country. Generally, this internship used to
understanding the working ethics.


4.1 Conclusion, problem and recommendation

4.1.1 Conclusion

The internship training is a good programme to grow the student skill practically. The
programme is also usefulfor students to understand the relationship between work and theory.
And it used to know the answer how to transfer the theoretical knowledge into practical.Akaki
Basic Metal Industry is a big complex, comprising of foundry shop, forging shop, machine shop,
heat treatment shop, and quality control shops. The plant has been designed to produce different
items varying in shape, size, material, design, and production technology and so on, according to
their engineering application. The factory is planned to serve primary the textile, sugar, metal
work, cement and other construction material industries. Amongst the product of the plant the
main ones are gears, shafts, sprockets, rollers, keys, steel balls, bearing housing sheet and plate
parts, various castings and so on.

4.1.2 Problems

Akaki Basic Metal Industry is huge Company. As huge company many problems are there. Some
of the problems are as follows:-
1. In foundry shop there is a high amount of old sand is keep on the hand mould area.
2. The employee match unwanted load is get on the pang born machine to insert the old
sand in to this machine.
3. There is lack of reference book especially apparent student for apparent. Because the
book is taken by the industry student employee.
4. Lack of the arrangement of casting row materials.
5. Shortage of safety clothes.

4.1.3 Recommendation

Based on the above problems I recommended the following

 For the first and second problem I get a good project to the factory manager and my
mentor. And also I present it t the company manager. The project sample is as follows.


Figure 17:- Inertial vibrations vibrating shake out machine

Figure 18:- Pang born Machine

But the conveying system is traditional. I change this conveying system mechanicalyTo solve
this problem, we have taken the solution by doing design analyses of Tumbling machine.

5.1.2 Objective of CHAPTER FIVE

5.1 Project on: - pang born machine conveyer

5.1.1 Introduction

In Akaki Basic Metal Industry there are many problems. For example defficiency osf old sand
conveying element. The old conveying element is not used for now. For this process Ato Aseged,
who is my Mentors told me find and do some conveying system of the old sand. Then I accept
his idea and try to do something about this. Within my work I contact to 2 nd t/t Yamlak, who is a
Mechanical Engineer. I were told him the application of my idea, then he also acsept my idea.
There are two shack out machins are thre in Akaki Basic Metal Industry. One shake the
old sand with its high vibration and the other is pang born machinethe study

 To decrease unwanted effort of the employee.

 To solve one problem in ABMI.
 Remove the dust that comes from the old sand.
 To improve the getting system of the old sand into pang born.
 To do continues work when needed.
 To clean the position of the old sand.

5.1.3. Statement of the problem

There are some problems to the getting system of the pang born machine. Some of these are as
 The employee use mach efforts to get some old sand to the Pang Born.
 Up to now the old sand keeps on the space that used to make hand mold.

5.1.4. Definition of the problem

Conveyer is the one used to solve the above problem with the following ideas.
 The conveyer can transport the old sand with in a fixed time.
 When the Pang Born machine works continuously the space of the hand mould is cleaned.
 The machine decreases the effort of the employee.
 The conveyer want additional employee who keep the old sand to the reservoir.

5.1.5. Questions raised before designing the machine

 What machine is used to convey the old sand to the pang born?
 How much load is at a time?
 How the machine convey?
 How to make a moveable machine when the pang born open and closed?
 Which space is covered by the machine?
 How much speed is enough to convey the old sand in order to understand the dryness of the
 What mechanism is used to reduce the motor speed?

 In what ratio the speed will decrease?
 How can support the sand from getting to the left and right side when the belt rotating?

5.1.6. Possible answers of the questions

 I selected the belt conveyer to transporting the old sand to pang born machine, since it is
good to transport something from one place to another.
 The maximum load keep on the conveyer is 1500N within a time.
 The machine transport sand by keeping the sand on the conveyer belt manually.
 Then it transferred the old sand to the next small conveyer. The second conveyer or the inner
conveyer gets to the pang born when the pang born door is open, then the conveyer out from
the pang born to close the door.
 To do this movable conveyer the inner conveyer has rollers wheel it used to transport.
 The machine used to cover maximum 7m (7000mm) by 1m (1000mm)
 The speed of the drive shaft is 30 rpm the belt speed is 2.3
 There are many methods to reduce the speed of the motor. By using belt, chain, gear or
others but choose gear. There are different types of gears like spur gear, helical gear, bevel
gear , worm gear,….;out of these I choose worm gear, because worm gear is a mach speed
reducer than the other.
 Worm gear can be reduce the speed with the ratio of 1:25 with this ratio we can get the
wanted speed.
 When the machine start to operate the sand will move on the belt, but the sand should move
to the right and left side of the conveyer. To collect these sands to the middle the conveyer
must have angular leap.

5.2 Design Procedure

When I have done the design analyses of the conveyer I use some procedure.
 Shaft design  Coupling design
 Shaft Nuts design  Design of Drum
 Gear design  Design of chain drive
 Selection of Bolt  Design of Vertical support
 Design of Housing cover  Bearing selection

 Design of Horizontal bar  Cost of material
 Selection of Key

Known information

First I measure the space that provided by the conveyer

Length= L=8500mm
Width of the inner conveyer = w1=750mm
Width of the outer conveyer=w2=950mm
Given: - Power=15kw
Input speed=N1=750 rpm
Wanted Gear ratio of the conveyer =i1=1: 25
To reduce from 750 to 30 rpm
And the inner conveyer mover gear ratio= i2= 1: 8
To reduce from 750 rpm to 90rpm
Assumption load of the sand on the conveyer is 1500Kg

5.2.1 Shaft design

Frst make the geometrical analysis of the shaft.

The I find the Maximum banding moment and Torsion of the two end shaft.these are the drive
end shaft and tail end shaft for both conveyer.
Then I select the material then chech it strength with its material property then
Check the material by calculating its sefty factor.

5.2.2 Gear design

There are three gear box in my design two for the drive end shaft and the other one is for driving
the inner conveyer. For the analysis of the inner conveyer I use four spur gears and one idler
gear. And for the other two I used worm gear box with the same analysi. From the above data I
calculate the following analysis.

1. Geometric analysis

Number of teeth, speed, deameter, module, addendum, dedendum, clerance, working depth,
face width, diametral piche, circular pich, angular velocity and so on.

2. Force analysis

Tangential force (Ft) and radial force

3. Stress analysis

By using AGMA equation:- Bending sress and contact sress.

5.2.3.Design of Coupling

Depending on:-
 Speed of input shaft.
 Diameter of the input shaft.
 Torque in the input shaft.
We are Design:- Flunge, hub, key and bolts

5.2.4 Design of sproket

Depend on the roller diameter I will find the

The chain pitch,seating curve diameter, out side diameter of the sproket , etc other drawing

5.2.5 Design of conveyer bed

I calculate some analysis of the conveyer bed.

5.2.6 Design of chain drive

Depend on the sproket analysis I select the standard chein drive.

5.2.7 Bearing sellection

Depanding on:- Shaft diameter

Radial force
We are find:-out side diametre and width of bearing.

5.2.8 Key sellection

Depanding on:- --Torque in the shaft

--Shaft diameter
We are find:- width and thickness of the key.

5.2.9 Design of frame

There are some frames in my design project. These frames are horizontal frame vertical frame
and inclined frame.
Depanding on:- --Applide force and wight.

Over view picture

1. Ideal conveyer
2Sand reservoir
3. Upper conveyer belt
4. Conveyer bed
5. Shaft, 4 pieces
6. Lower conveyer belt
7. Gear box, 4 pieces
8. Lower conveyer body mover roller
9. Supporter
10. Upper and lower conveyer
horizontal frame
11. Frame of the reservoir

Figure 19 Assembly drawing of pang born conveyer

5.3 Challenges in my project

When I have done this pang born machine sand conveyer analysis, I have get chalenges.
 Shortage of books ;There are engineering books in the company library but the bookes
are taken by the industry student employers.
 Lack of Internate accesse.
 The manager has busy, for our project presentation; by ceremony case.

5.4 Solution of these problems

To pass the above problems specialy to get internet access and write my project into the
computer I use some methods.
 I use my mobile as a flash by using its conector.
 I use other extra time that is to nite shift and to saterday


 Machine design text book-shigly,

 Machine Design - R.S. Khurmi, J.K. Gupta
 Engineering material text book
 Gear design text book.
 Some engineering exercise books
 Reference to foundry engineering text book.
 Foundry technology text book.
 Material science text book.

Title, Author, Publisher, year

Electronic reference
Web address, date of axcess


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