Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Generation System For Irrigation and Electricity Purpose
Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Generation System For Irrigation and Electricity Purpose
Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Generation System For Irrigation and Electricity Purpose
1.1 Introduction to the project
The design of a standalone PV-wind hybrid power generating system has preceded based on the
promising findings of these two renewable energy resource potentials, wind and solar. Electric
load for the basic needs of the community such lighting, water pumping, a radio receiver, flour
mill and medical equipment for a health clinic has been suggested. The Simulations and design
has been carried out using the HOMER software. By running the software, the simulation results
which are lists of power supply systems have been generated and arranged in ascending order
according to their net present cost. Sensitivity variables, such as range of wind speed, solar
radiation, PV panel price and diesel price have been defined as inputs into the software and the
optimization process has been carried out repeatedly for the sensitivity variables and the results
have been refined accordingly. This paper also includes the working principles of the systems,
the explanation of the components with their designs and the assemble drawing of the system.
1.2 Statement of Problem
In Ethiopia, many farmers have been facing a lot of problems regarding irrigation and there is
also lack of electricity in remote area. In most part of Ethiopia farmers cultivate their land in
spring, summer and autumn seasons and low land area of the country face lack of rain fall in
these seasons. Due to this problem drought happens in the months like June, August and
September as a result, a lot of cultivated land were dry and crops do not get required water, and it
dies. Farmers got hardly crops for food and they have been facing a huge loss for it.
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.3.1 General objective
The main objective of this thesis is to design, model and simulate hybrid wind and solar power
generation system for irrigation and electricity purpose.
1.3.2 Specific objective
Selecting site with access wind and solar energy resources
Collecting required data from different sources for the selected site
Selection of water pump, dc motor, photo voltaic solar panel, control and brake system,
battery, inverter and charge controller.
Design of wind turbine blade
Design of gearbox
Simulation of the system using soft wares such as Solid work and ANSYS work bench
Optimization, sensibility and feasibility analysis of hybrid system by HOMER software
1.4 Methodology
Material Selection and Methods
Collection of Data
Working Principle of Hybrid Wind and Solar Power Generation System for Irrigation and
Lighting Purpose
Components of Hybrid Wind and Solar Power Generation System for Irrigation and
Lighting Purpose
A hybrid power generation system which comprises of PV arrays, wind turbines and diesel
generator with battery banks and power conditioning units has been discussed in this thesis to
achieve a cost-effective system configuration which is supposed to supply electricity to model
community of 50 households which equipped with appliances like lights, radio, CD/DVD player
and water pump to improve the life of people in the rural areas where electricity from the main
grid has not reached yet. Before the design of the hybrid system was started, the wind energy and
solar energy potentials of the area under study had been studied. Then, based on these potentials,
a design of a standalone electric power supply system for a model community would been