JPAM Vol 12 No2 P 513-519
JPAM Vol 12 No2 P 513-519
JPAM Vol 12 No2 P 513-519
most enzymes, including lipases11. In order to kanamycin (Bio Basic) and IPTG (Thermo
overcome this limitation, immobilized enzyme Scientific) as marker and inducer. Chitosan
is employed to increase the enzyme stability powder (Acros Organics), sodium hydroxide
in organic solvent. Immobilized lipases from (Merck), and monochloroacetic acid were used
Chromobacterium viscosum was reported as for carboxymethyl chitosan synthesis. Ni-NTA
catalyst for transesterification reaction of Jatropha Agarose (Qiagen, Germany) and carboxymethyl
oil and ethanol12. The immobilized enzyme on chitosan were used as immobilization matrix.
Celite-545 enhanced the product yield to 71%, 2,4-nitrophenol (Sigma) was used as the standard
compared to the free enzyme (62%). Immobilized for the enzyme assay. 2,4-nitrophenol decanoate
lipase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa LX1 showed (Sigma), n-propanol (Merck), and acetonitrile were
80% conversion of soybean oil into methyl ester, used as the substrate for transesterification assay.
while the free enzyme showed 71.5% yield13. Heterologous Expression
Immobilized lipase from Mucor meihei on aminated Expression of lipase was carried out
polyethersulfone (PES-NH2) membrane cross- in Luria Bertani (LB) medium, containing
linked by glutaraldehyde, was reported as catalyst 0.1% kanamycin sulfate. Isopropyl â-D-1-
for methylation of sunflower oil. The product was thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) was added when
identified as methyl palmitate (100%) and methyl optical density (OD600) of the medium reached
stearate (58%) with high quality for biodiesel, 0.60. Overexpression was conducted at 37 oC for
according to ASTM standard. Meanwhile, the 4 hours, with shaking at 200 rpm. Pellet cell was
reaction catalyzed by free lipase produced methyl collected by centrifugation and the overexpressed
palmitate (100%) and methyl stearate (45%)14. protein was obtained by two steps, pellet sonication
Several immobilization methods was used on followed by boiling lysis of the debris cell. The
lipase from Talaromyces thermophilus; such as supernatant from the second step was filtered by
adsorption (CaCO3), ionic binding (Amerlite, Amicon Ultra-4 Centrifugal Filters (10 kDa), then
Duolite, and DEAE-Sephadex), and covalent analyzed by SDS-PAGE on 10% running gel.
binding (chitin, chitosan, and gelatin). Optimum Freeze dried Lip-A was stored at 4 oC.
result for transesterification was observed from Immobilization on Ni-NTA agarose
immobilized lipase on chitosan (activated by Ni-NTA agarose matrix was pipetted
glutaraldehyde), with 76% yield conversion from into column, equilibrated by aqua miliQ and 50
oleic acid into butyl oleate15. mM K-phosphate buffer pH 8. Soluble protein
Lipase from local isolate, Geobacillus was then bound into matrix for 30 minutes. The
thermoleovorans PPD2, is potential as biocatalyst matrix was rinsed with K-phosphate buffer, and the
in transesterification reaction since it showed unbound protein was subjected to Bradford assay17.
tolerance towards short chain alcohols. The enzyme Immobilized Lip-A/Ni-NTA was submersed in
showed optimum temperature at 50 oC and high K-phosphate buffer and stored at 4 oC.
specificity towards pNP decanoate16. In this paper Carboxymethyl Chitosan Preparation
we described the effect of matrixs bound on the Carboxymethyl chitosan (CM-chitosan)
transesterification activity of immobilized lipase. was prepared using the method described by Chen
Two matrixs were used to bound the enzyme. One and Park18. A mixture of 2.0 g of chitosan, 2.7 g of
was based on covalent coordination bound at the sodium hydroxide, and 20 mL isopropanol:water
N-terminal, other based on covalent bound on the (4:1) were added into a ûask (100 mL). The
random surface of the enzyme. mixture was stirred at 50 oC until the polymer
swells. Monochloroacetic acid solution (3 g
MATERIALS AND METHODS solid dissolved in 4 mL isopropanol) was added
dropwise. The final mixture was allowed for 4
Chemical and Strains hours at 50 oC, then stopped by addition of 40 mL
E. coli BL21(DE3) carries pITBlip2.2 ethanol (70%) into the mixture. The solid product
plasmid inserted with PPD2 lipase gene was (Na salt of CM-chitosan) was ûltered and rinsed in
obtained from our collection. Luria Bertani medium ethanol, followed by air dried at room temperature.
was used for lipase expression, with antibiotic Na-salt CM-chitosan was then suspended in 100
mL ethanol (70%). Hydrochloric acid (37%) was solution (1 mg enzyme per mL buffer) was stirred
added until the pH reached 3, and the suspension at 20 oC for 12 hours. The mixture was centrifuged
was stirred for 30 min. The solid product (CM- (3800 g, 30 min), and the pellet was rinsed with
chitosan) was ûltered and rinsed in ethanol, then K-phosphate buffer. The unbound protein was
dried at room temperature. subjected to Bradford assay, while the freeze dried
Immobilization on Carboxymethyl chitosan pellet (immobilized Lip-A/CM-chitosan) was
A mixture of CM-chitosan (10 mg solid stored at 4 oC.
suspended in 2 mL isopropanol) and 1 mL enzyme Transesterification Assay
Transesterification assay was conducted
by spectrophotometry analysis 19 with some
modification. Substrates, p-nitrophenyl decanoate
(10 mM) and isopropanol (1 M), were mixed in
a total volume of 500 µL acetonitrile. Free and
immobilized Lip-A (equal to 1 mg protein) were
added into each tube to start the reaction. The
mixture was incubated at 50 oC with shaking
speed at 100 rpm for 2 min. After reaction, 30 µL
supernatant was pipetted into another tube and
immediately mixed with ethanol (total volume
1.5 mL). The control was carried out using the
same condition and protocols but without enzyme
addition. The mixture was measured at 315 nm,
and the conversion was calculated based on a
calibration curve of p-nitrophenol.
Fig. 2. Immobilization of Lip-A with various amount of protein loaded onto Ni-NTA agarose matrix. The steady
state of bound protein was showed at 4mg protein 10/ 4mL of resine
from host cell were separated in the first step matrix (data not shown). When fresh Lip-A was
(ultra-sonication lysis), since the heterologous reloaded into the previously used matrix, almost
expressed Lip-A formed insoluble and did not the same amount of protein was bound (data not
appear in the supernatant. The overexpressed lipase shown). Other paper also reported that immobilized
was obtained in the second step (boiling lysis) His-tagged Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) on
with additional of detergent. Protein solubility Ni-NTA chitosan was specifically removed by
was increased by addition of detergent20. Isolation imidazole or EDTA23. Re-immobilization of His-
of insoluble thermostable protein by boiling lysis tagged GFP on the previously used matrix gave
was also reported21, resulting in high purity of the almost the same amount of immobilized GFP. This
recombinant protein. Detergent contamination on specific interaction may lead to the possibility of
the protein solution was later removed by filtration matrix to be reused for immobilization of fresh
using Amicon Ultra-4 Centrifugal Filters, and the enzyme.
post-treatment protein was used for immobilization. Immobilization on Carboxymethyl Chitosan
Immobilization on Ni-NTA Agarose Carboxymethyl chitosan (CM-chitosan)
Lip-A was successfully immobilized was prepared in two steps, synthesis of Na salt CM-
on Ni-NTA agarose after 30 min interaction. chitosan and acidification of the salt. FTIR analysis
Electrophoregram of the unbound protein showed
that the matrix showed high affinity towards
the enzyme (Fig 1). The interaction between the
Ni-NTA and histidine-tag at the N terminus was
occurred by covalent coordination bound between
the metal ion (Ni2+) and imidazole ring of histidine22.
The maximum capacity of matrix was observed at 4
mg protein per 0.4 mL matrix (Fig 2). Immobilized
Lip-A do not leach out by washing the matrix with
Triton-X (1%) or NaCl (100 mM), while imidazole
(100 mM) was effectively removed Lip-A from the
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