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FPGA Implementation of Viterbi Decoder

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Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf.

on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical Communications, Corfu Island, Greece, February 16-19, 2007 162

FPGA Implementation of Viterbi Decoder


Dept of ECE, College of Engineering Trivandrum

Kerala University
Trivandrum, Kerala.

Abstract: - Convolutional encoding with Viterbi decoding is a powerful method for forward error correction. It has
been widely deployed in many wireless communication systems to improve the limited capacity of the
communication channels. The Viterbi algorithm, which is the most extensively employed decoding algorithm for
convolutional codes. In this paper, we present a field-programmable gate array implementation of Viterbi Decoder
with a constraint length of 11 and a code rate of 1/3. It shows that the larger the constraint length used in a
convolutional encoding process, the more powerful the code produced.

Key-Words: - Convolutional codes, Viterbi Algorithm, Adaptive Viterbi decoder, Path memory, Register Exchange,
Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation.

1 Introduction implementation.Viterbi decoding of convolutional codes

found to be efficient and robust. Although the viterbi
With the growing use of digital communication, there algorithm is, simple it requires O(2n-k) words of
has been an increased interest in high-speed Viterbi memory, where n is the length of the code words and k
decoder design within a single chip. Advanced field is the message length, so that n − k is the number of
programmable gate array (FPGA) technologies and well- appended parity bits. In practical situations, it is
developed electronic design automatic (EDA) tools have desirable to select codes with the highest minimum
made it possible to realize a Viterbi decoder with the Hamming distance that decodes within a specified time
throughput at the order of Giga-bit per second, without and an increased minimum Hamming distance d min
using off-chip processor(s) or memory. The motivation implies an increased number of parity bits. Our viterbi
of this thesis is to use VHDL, Synopsys synthesis and decoder necessarily distributes the memory required
simulation tools to realize a Viterbi decoder having evenly among processing elements [1].
constraint length 11 targeting Xilinx FPGA
technology.[5] 2. Convolutional Code
The Viterbi algorithm develops as an asymptotically 2.1 Convolutional Encoding
optimal decoding algorithm for convolutional codes. It Convolutional code is a type of error-correcting code
is nowadays commonly using for decoding block codes. in which each (n≥m) m-bit information symbol (each m-
Viterbi Decoding has the advantage that it has a fixed bit string) to be encoded is transformed into an n-bit
decoding time. It is well suited to hardware decoder symbol, where m/n is the code rate (n≥m) and the

Hema S. is M.Tech scholar with the Department of ECE,

College of Engineering Trivandrum.E-mail: hemarajen@gmail.com
Suresh Babu V. is with the Department of ECE, College of Engineering
Ramesh P is with the Dept of ECE,,Munnar Engineering.
Email : ramp1718009@rediffmail.com
Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical Communications, Corfu Island, Greece, February 16-19, 2007 163

transformation is a function of the last k information Existing high-speed architectures use one processor per
symbols, where K is the constraint length of the code. recursion equation. The main drawback of these Viterbi
To convolutionally encode data, start with k memory Decoders is that they are very expensive in terms of chip
registers, each holding 1 input bit. Unless otherwise area. In current implementations, at least a single chip is
specified, all memory registers start with a value of dedicated to the hardware realization of the Viterbi
0.The encoder has n modulo-2 adders, and n generator decoding algorithm The novel scheduling scheme allows
polynomials—one for each adder (see figure1).An input cutting back chip area dramatically with almost no loss
bit m1 is fed into the leftmost register. Using the in computation speed.[15]
generator polynomials and the existing values in the
remaining registers, the encoder outputs n bits [1]. 3. Viterbi Decoder
A viterbi decoder uses the Viterbi algorithm for
decoding a bitstream that has been encoded using
Forward error correction based on a code. There are
other algorithms for decoding a convolutionally encoded
stream (for example, the Fano algorithm). The Viterbi
algorithm is the most resource consuming, but it does
the maximum likelihood decoding. Figure 2 shows the
block diagram of viterbi decoder
It consists of the following modules: [7]
Branch Metrics, ACS, register exchange,
maximum path metric selection, and output register
Figure 1: The rate ½ Convolutional encoder selection.
2.2 Viterbi Algorithm
A. J. Viterbi proposed an algorithm as an
‘asymptotically optimum’ approach to the decoding of
convolutional codes in memory-less noise. The Viterbi
algorithm (VA) is knows as a maximum likelihood
(ML)-decoding algorithm for convolutional codes.
Maximum likelihood decoding means finding the
code branch in the code trellis that was most likely to be
transmitted. Therefore, maximum likelihood decoding is
based on calculating the hamming distances for each Figure:2 Block Diagram of Viterbi Decoder
branch forming encode word. The most likely path
through the trellis will maximize this metric.[7] 3.1. Branch Metrics
Viterbi algorithm performs ML decoding by reducing The branch metric computation block compares the
its complexity. It eliminates least likely trellis path at received code symbol with the expected code symbol
each transmission stage and reduce decoding complexity and counts the number of differing bits .Figure 3 shows
with early rejection of unlike pathes.Viterbi algorithm the block diagram of branch metrics[7]
gets its efficiency via concentrating on survival paths of
the trellis. The Viterbi algorithm is an optimum
algorithm for estimating the state sequence of a finite
state process, given a set of noisy observations.[2]
The implementation of the VA consists of three parts:
branch metric computation, path metric updating, and
survivor sequence generation. The path metric
computation unit computes a number of recursive
equations. In a Viterbi decoder (VD) for an N-state Figure: 3 Branch Metrics of viterbi decoder
convolutional code, N recursive equations are computed
3.2. Add-Compare-Select (ACS)
at each time step (N = 2k-1, k= constraint length). [12]
Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical Communications, Corfu Island, Greece, February 16-19, 2007 164

The two adders compute the partial path metric of store the survivor branch and the flip-flop records ‘1’
each branch, the comparator compares the two partial (‘0’) if the survivor branch is the upper (lower) path. [6]
metrics, and the selector selects an appropriate branch. 3.4.1) Traceback read (tb)
The new partial path metric updates the state metric of
state, and the survivor path-recording block records the There are three types of operations performed inside a
survivor path.[7] TB decoder:
Figure 4 shows the block diagram of ACS block This is one of the two read operations and consists of
reading a bit and interpreting this bit in conjunction with
the present state number as a pointer that indicates the
previous state number (i.e. state number of the
predecessor) .[4]

3.4.2) Decode read (dc)

Figure:4 ACS block

This operation proceeds in exactly the same fashion as
the traceback operation, but operates on older data, with
3.3. Path Metric Calculation and Storage the state number of the first decode read in a memory
bank being determined by the previously completed
The ACS circuit consisting of adders, a comparator, a
traceback. Pointer values from this operation are the
selector, and several registers calculates the path metric
decoded values and are sent to the bit-order reversing
of each convolutional code state. The number of “states”
N, of a convolutional encoder which generates n
encoded bits is a function of the constraint length K and 3.4.3) Writing new data (wr)
input bits b .The path metric calculations just assigned The decisions made by the ACS write into locations
the measurement functions to each state, but the actual corresponding to the states. The write pointer advances
Viterbi decisions on encoder states is based on a forward as ACS operations move from one stage to the
traceback operation to find the path of states. The next in the trellis, and data are written to locations just
important characteristic is that if every state from a freed by the decode read operation .
current time is follow backwards through its maximum
likelihood path, all of the paths converge at a point 3.4.5) Selective Update and Shift Update
somewhere previous in time. This is how traceback It is possible to form registers by collecting the flip-
decisively determines the state of the encoder at a given flops in the vertical direction or in the horizontal
time, by showing that there is no better choice for an direction. When a register is formed in vertical
encoder state given the global maximum likelihood direction, it is referred to as “selective update”. When a
path.[6] register is formed in horizontal direction, it is referred to
as “shift update”. In selective update, the survivor path
3.4 .Register-exchange and Traceback
information is filling from the left register to the right
The register-exchange approach assigns a register to register as the time progresses. In contrast, survivor path
each state. The register records the decoded output information is applied to the least significant bits of all
sequence along the path starting from the initial state to the registers in “shift update”. Then all the registers
the final state, which is same as the initial state. This perform a shift left operation. Hence, each register in the
approach eliminates the need to traceback, since the shift update method fills in survivor path information
register of the final state contains the decoded output from the least significant bit toward the most significant
sequence. Hence, the approach may offer a high-speed bit.[9]
operation, but it is not power efficient due to the need to
3.4.6) Survivor Path Memory
copy all the registers in a stage to the next stage.[10]
The other approach called traceback records the To implement the survivor path memory architecture,
survivor branch of each state. It is possible to traceback three types of path memory management schemes are
the survivor path provided the survivor branch of each commonly used: register-exchange (RE), trace-back
state is known. While following the survivor path, the (TB), and RE-TB-combined. The RE approach is
decoded output bit is ‘0’ (‘1’) whenever it encounters an suitable for fast decoders, but occupies large silicon real
even (odd) state. A flip-flop is assign to each state to estate and consumes lots of power. On the other hand,
Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical Communications, Corfu Island, Greece, February 16-19, 2007 165

the TB path memory usually consumes less power, but is An application circuit must be map into an FPGA
slower than its RE counterpart, or requires a clock with adequate resources. The typical basic architecture
rate higher than the decoding throughput. The RE- consists of an array of configurable logic blocks (CLBs)
TB-combined approach, is a good alternative to the and routing channels. Multiple I/O pads may fit into the
RE approach for high-speed applications. [7] height of one row or the width of one column.
Generally, all the routing channels have the same width
(number of wires). [13]
4. The Field Programmable Gate Array FPGAs are an extremely valuable tool in learning
(FPGA) VLSI design. While the traditional techniques of full-
A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a and semi-custom design certainly have their places for
semiconductor device containing programmable logic analog, high performance or complex applications, the
components and programmable interconnects. The prospect of putting “their” chip to the decisive test of a
programmable logic components can be programmed to real hardware environment motivates students
duplicate the functionality of basic logic gates such as tremendously. [10]
AND, OR, XOR, NOT or more complex combinational To define the behavior of the FPGA the user provides
functions such as decoders or simple math functions. In a hardware description language (HDL) or a schematic
most FPGAs, these programmable logic components (or design. Common HDLs are VHDL and Verilog. Then,
logic blocks, in FPGA parlance) also include memory using an electronic design automation tool, a
elements, which may be simple flip-flops or more technology-mapped netlist generates. The netlist can
complete blocks of memories. Each process is assigned then be fitted to the actual FPGA architecture using a
to a different block of the FPGA and operates process called place-and-route, usually performed by the
independently. A shared register between the processors FPGA Company’s proprietary place-and-route software.
implements the arcs, which represent the transmission of The user will validate the map, place and route results
the weights and paths for each state to another via timing analysis, simulation, and other verification
processor. All systems were implementing in behavioral methodologies. Once the design and validation process
VHDL.A synthesis tool is used to construct the RTL is complete, the binary file generated (also using the
level VHDL for the decoders. This synthesized unit is FPGA company's proprietary software) is used to
then simulated using a commercial simulation tool for (re)configure the FPGA device. Figure: 5 show the
VHDL.In VHDL the initial conditions such as the design flow of FPGA. [2]
location of the weights and paths needed to update a
state are readily coded and so don’t need to be
calculated for each cycle of the decoding process. The
received message is fan out into all the processors a bit
at a time and this is the logical clock for the machine.
On receiving each input bit, each processor reads the
shared registers, updates the weights and paths and
writes the results to the shared registers. [11]
FPGAs originally began as competitors to CPLDs and
competed in a similar space, that of glue logic for PCBs.
As their size, capabilities and speed increase, they began
to take over larger and larger functions to the state
where they are now market as competitors for full
systems on chips. They now find applications in any
area or algorithm that can make use of the massive
parallelism offered by their architecture.[2]
The typical basic architecture consists of an array of
configurable logic blocks (CLBs) and routing channels.
Multiple I/O pads may fit into the height of one row or
the width of one column. Generally, all the routing
channels have the same width (number of wires).
Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical Communications, Corfu Island, Greece, February 16-19, 2007 166

Figure:6 Logic Block of FPGA

5. Conclusion
In this paper, a Viterbi algorithm based on the
strongly connected trellis decoding of binary
convolutional codes has been presented. The use of
error-correcting codes has proven to be an effective way
to overcome data corruption in digital communication
channels. The adaptive Viterbi decoders are modeled
using VHDL, and post synthesized by Xilinx Design
Manager FPGA logic. The design simulations have been
done based on both the VHDL codes at RTL and the
VHDL codes generated by Xilinx design manager after
post synthesis.
We can implement a higher performance Viterbi
decoder with such as pipelining or interleaving. So in
Figure: 5 Design flow of FPGA
To simplify the design of complex systems in FPGAs, the future, with Pipeline or interleave the ACS and the
there exist libraries of predefined complex functions and trace-back and output decode block, we can make it
circuits that have been tested and optimized to speed up better.
the design process. These predefined circuits are called
IP cores, and are available from FPGA vendors and References
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