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25 Key Slave Rules

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25 Key Slave Rules

by Unbennes

1. You submit to My will. You are bound to Me, and have accepted My authority over you. Your
purpose is to serve, obey and please Me. I will manage, discipline and control you in a manner intended
to train you to please Me.

2. Your body and mind are My property. Accept that part of training is the actual physical control of
your behavior. You have no privacy from Me. The space you occupy, your time, physical actions,
privacy and relationships with others are controlled and managed by Me.

3. You will learn whatever positions I want you to use, and will be prepared to take such positions
when required by Me to do so.

4. When possible, you will place yourself at My side. You will not walk in front of Me, unless directed
to do so. When walking, you will endeavor to keep up with Me.

5. When you feel unsafe or are in too much pain, you are required to speak up - even when I have told
you to be silent. If you are not able to verbalize it, you may express it in whatever way suits the
circumstances. You must be careful not to take more than you can handle, and I need feedback to know
when to stop.

6. Build up your tolerances to the level I wish you to have, being careful not to push yourself further or
faster than your body is ready to endure. It expands your capacity and increases your value to Me.

7. Eat properly. Do what you can to be healthy, of sound mind and body, and as free as possible of any
personal limitations in order to please Me. You cannot refuse My decision that you receive medical
attention, if so ordered.

8. Communication is the most important factor in the development of our relationship. Listen with a
strong interest to whatever I say. Answer each and every communication sent to you by Me when not I
am not present. Contact Me each day we are apart.

9. Be both specific and explicit in your speech. Give as complete and accurate answers to questions that
I ask of you as you are able. You are allowed no secrets from Me. Express your emotions through
honest communication. You may cry if you feel so moved. Work hard to welcome this openness of
body, mind and soul.

10. You are always in submission to Me whether I am present or not. Be ready to please Me at anytime,
in any place, under any circumstances, regardless of who may be present.

11. You must discuss any issues you have with Me, especially any which affect trust between us. Your
goal is to trust Me and to retain My trust. My concern for your total safety includes emotional,
psychological, social, sexual, and physical health.

12. During training, I will establish goals for you and you are responsible for their completion on a
timely basis. Inform Me if you are not feeling motivated to accomplish the goals. You are responsible
for understanding the goals and may ask questions if you need clarification.

13. I have control of every aspect of your life. Work to align your will with Mine. This is your duty as
My slave, and you have stated your desire to serve and please Me by doing so. You are expected not to
misbehave to get attention. (See #9.)
14. Do not hesitate in obedience to Me unless you perceive a threat to safety, the family, or
employment. Communicate the problem, in detail, as quickly as possible. If you do not understand an
instruction, ask for clarification. If the fulfilling becomes exhausting, ask for a benchmark. Do not
work yourself to death.

15. The money you earn in your career is Mine. You are permitted to manage investments, to draw
cash for your day-to-day expenses, and, after making Me aware that you are doing so, to order
appliances, books and supplies. I will make whatever expenditures are necessary to keep the household
running. I will discuss large expenditures with you, as I value your opinions and your expertise in
product research.

16. Be attentive to My needs. Be ready to respond to them to the best of your abilities and in whatever
way I specify. I appreciate anticipatory service, but do not be crushed if I ask you to modify something
you have done for Me. I understand that the opportunity to please Me is very important to you.

17. Confess to Me when you have disobeyed so that we may discuss why the violation took place and
how to prevent a repetition. I may require you to do restitution. Punishment should be an exceedingly
rare occurrence. You must accept My decisions.

18. You must never show disrespect towards your Mistress in any way - no matter where you are - in
Her presence or not. Unless you make Me laugh with it. Aren’t you grateful I have a sense of humor?

19. When in My presence, but not in use, find something useful or relaxing to do until I need your
active service.

20. When relevant, your choices shall be primarily based upon whether or not they will please Me.

21. When I am not present and you have choices to make, make them to the best of your abilities,
within the boundaries I have allowed you and with any guidance I have given.

22. Wear the collar I have given you with pride, for it signifies My ownership of you and your devotion
to Me.

23. Realize that I may take other lovers if I choose, and that you may only have another lover with My
knowledge and permission. If you have sex with others, you must have it safely, and will always tell
Me in detail what you have done. I will take whatever precautions are necessary to keep us both
sexually healthy.

24. We will periodically examine your whole life and look at how it has changed as a result of My
ownership of you. Speak to Me about areas where there have been improvements and any areas where
you feel uncomfortable, insecure, or unsure of what direction you should take or how you should

25. You are responsible for maintaining a current list of these rules and all other material provided for
your training. In between formal training periods, you are to study and internalize these rules and
understand their underlying logic. You are not expected to memorize these rules verbatim, but are to
know them and abide by them. Some rules may have more than one meaning, if in doubt, ask Me. The
final authority is Mine.

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