Important Note: Timing Belt Replacement Intervals
Important Note: Timing Belt Replacement Intervals
Important Note: Timing Belt Replacement Intervals
VAT Registration No.:
Important Note
All service items are vital to the smooth running and reliability of a vehicle, none more so than the timing belt and its associated
components. For this reason we have highlighted important information from the manufacturers' service schedules covering the
intervals for checks and replacements. Be sure that you make the vehicle owner aware of this information. Industry best practice is
to ensure that the vehicle owner is made aware of the importance of replacing the timing belt and its associated components
according to the manufacturers' specification. The service history and the use of the vehicle must be considered when deciding the
correct course of action. If there is any doubt to the serviceability of the belt and its components, they should be replaced.
Timing belt replacement intervals
Where possible the recommended intervals have been compiled from vehicle manufacturers' information. In a few instances no
recommendation has been made by the manufacturer and the decision to replace the belt must be made from the evidence of a
thorough examination of the condition of the existing belt.
Apart from the visible condition of the belt, which is explained fully in the General Instructions/Toothed Timing Belts section, there are
several other factors which must be considered when checking a timing belt:
Check For Engine Damage
CAUTION: This engine has been identified as an INTERFERENCE engine in which the possibility of valve-to-piston damage
in the event of a timing belt failure is MOST LIKELY to occur.
A compression check of all cylinders should be performed before removing the cylinder head.
Repair Times - hrs
Special Tools
None required.
Special Precautions
1. Remove:
Auxiliary drive belt(s).
PAS pump.
Cooling fan (RWD).
Timing belt upper cover [1] .
2. Turn crankshaft clockwise until timing marks aligned [2] & [3] .
3. Remove:
Crankshaft pulley bolt [9] .
Crankshaft pulley [5] .
Timing belt lower cover [6] .
1. Check free length of tensioner spring is 51,93 mm. Replace spring if necessary.
2. Ensure timing marks aligned [2] & [3] .
9. Lite-Ace: Reset timing belt replacement warning lamp as follows: Remove grommet in speedometer housing. Depress switch using a
thin screwdriver [10] .