Zerg Fleet List
Zerg Fleet List
Zerg Fleet List
The Zerg Swarm is a horde of terrifying monstrosities that mercilessly assault and
absorb advanced races in their ruthless quest for genetic perfection. Because of
this, they are hated and feared across the universe. The Zerg were initially ruled by
a being known as the Overmind, but after it was slain, they fell under the rule of
Sarah Kerigan.
Note: Zerg can morph into other Zerg units. For example Corruptors can
transform into Brood Lords, and Mutalisks can change into Guardians or
Devourers. If the Zerg player chooses to do this, the chosen flight must be immobile
for two Turns while they turn into a new unit. They can take no actions while
Zerg Initiative: +1
Small Craft:
Mutalisk Patrol (Wing of Eight Flights)
Devourer Patrol (Wing of Four Flights)
*The Devourer’s Acid Spit cancels a target’s Stealth (if any) with a successful hit,
and will also reduce its Speed by two.
Viper Patrol (Wing of Eight Flights)
Corruptor Patrol (Wing of Four Flights)
Overlord Patrol (Wing of Four Flights)
Speed 12 Damage - Craft -
Note 1: Overlords can nullify all enemy Stealth within one inch of a Flight.
Overseer Patrol (Wing of Two Flights)
Speed 14 Damage - Craft -
Note 1: Overseers can nullify all enemy Stealth within two inches of a Flight.
Scourge Patrol (Wing of Ten Flights)
Guardian Patrol (Wing of Four Flights)
Capital Ships:
Leviathan Armageddon
Speed 7 Damage 73/5 Craft 40 Mutalisk Flights, 30 Corruptor Flights, 12
Overlord Flights, 30 Devourer Flights, 8 Overseer Flights
Note 1: Leviathans can nullify all enemy Stealth within six inches of itself.
Note 2: The Leviathan can use a Bio-Stasis Field to entrap an enemy ship or four
enemy flights for four Turns. The affected vessel(s) can take no actions while
affected. If it uses this, it cannot use it again for five Turns.