History Essay Prep
History Essay Prep
History Essay Prep
Economic - Treaty of Versailles resulted in repatriations of £6.6 billion, crippling Germany’s economy - Great Depression => resulted in Chinese GDP shrinking by 35%
Conditions - Industry operated at 47% of pre-war performance - Heavy taxes on people (70%), widespread poverty
- Weimar Republic printing money = hyperinflation, banks were closed in 1932 - 4% of population controlled 50% of the land
- 6 million people were unemployed - KMT received economic aid from American and British => “not patriotic”
- China was then largely an agricultural nation, lagging behind the West
Social - Treaty of Versailles humiliate Germany - Peasants (80% of population) faced high taxes (up to 70%) under GMT
Conditions - Army was reduced from 4.5 million to 100,000. - Warlord Period => even higher taxes, poor working conditions, tough military rule, economic output was
- Germany had to accept war-guilt shrinking during Warlord Period
- German territory was ceded - Quality of life much higher in cities, coasts => 20% went to primary school, 1% to secondary school
- Conservative elite still held power in Weimar Republic => supportive of Hitler’s fight for German strength - Land Redistribution in 1924 (allowed peasants to feel like they’d gotten revenge)
- Mao’s CCP treated peasants well (under Mao’s orders)
Political - Feeling that the Weimar were “November Criminals” (for accepting ToV terms) - Treaty of Versailles and 21 Demands were regarded as unfair and humiliating for China
Conditions - Political instability and deadlock - 6 coalition governments between 1924 and 1929 - Defeat to Japan in Sino-Japanese War was extremely embarrassing
(and factors - Nazi Party by 1930 had almost 200 seats (majority) of parliament - Qing Dynasty had collapsed, “dynastic” system of rule had proven to be outdated (abdication of PuYi
for Hitler’s - Hitler manipulated Weimar Constitution superbly 1911)
Case) - In 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor after a series of backroom negotiations and - Republic of China failed (YSK bribery, domination of government led to 1915 rebellion against him)
parliamentary elections (Ebert thought this would keep Hitler under control) - Defeat of China in Sino-Japanese War led to radical new ideologies (New Culture Movement, May 4th
- Reichstag Fire occurred - Hitler enacted Article 48 to unilaterally take control of the government, Movement) destroyed Confucian ideals
purging many communists and political foes
- Hitler controlled the Government through Article 48, abolished powers of state, dissolved
Personal - Hitler was recalled for many Germans as a golden age of strong rule - Shrewd and opportunistic conference: used the 1935 Zunyi Conference to deliver blistering attack on
Factors - Brilliant speaker, good organiser and politician. Different to leaders of Weimar. Bolsheviks, ousting them from China
- Driven, charismatic, proud and determined. Got German people to support him. - Humble, working-class background. Father was abusive. Would regularly visit farms (propaganda points)
- Adaptive/perceptive visionary: Adopted Marxist-Leninism to suit China, focus on rural population
- Communist ideology appealing to peasants - promised them a better life after years of neglect
Use of Force - Used Article 48 to purge an estimated 4000 political opponents - Futian Incident and 1942 Yenan Campaign, Mao killed 10,000 individuals
- Allowed SA to parade the streets, attack political opponents, force people to vote for Nazi Party in 1930 - Purged 2,000 party members in late 1940s claiming an anti-Bolshevik league had infiltrated Communists
and 1932 elections
- Night of Long Knives: assassinated 85 political leaders in one evening (Rohm, Strasser, von Papen, von
Schleicher). Cleared the path for Hitler’s RTP, also, was good as public resented these leaders for their
‘thuggish brownshirt tactics’
Propaganda - Hitler flew across the country visiting villages and towns and meeting people (most of campaign $ was - Turned 6,000 mile long march into a major propaganda victory (even though 90% of CCP was eliminated)
spent on this) - Used Long March and split following the First United Front to discredit the KMT, assume role of true
- Cult of personality was developed - portrayed as a strong, saviour of Germany. Newspapers, TV nationalists of China
advertisements, entertainment business (films, poetry, theatre) all containing messages of Hitler’s - Used events like Luding Bridge Incident to emphasise CCP bravery
strength, and denounced Weimar Republic for “backstabbing Germany” - Portrayed as a Father figure, “Uncle/Father Mao” - famous posters of him behind a rural Chinese setting
- Students in schools pledged allegiance to Hitler, Nazi teachers in school to indoctrinate children (boys as as a god-like figure watching over the peasants
soldiers, women as bearers of children)
How did Hitler and Mao consolidate their power/rule?
Prescribed Hitler Mao Zedong
Political Moves ● Nazis replaced old Weimar Legal system (which preached people’s rights and freedoms) with a new
system, which emphasised race and the community above the individual ● Political Structure: claimed to have “elections” for each official, when really they were all hand-picked.
○ Under this new system of law, highest duty of to Fuhrer citizen was obedience and to show Politburo was filled with people loyal to Mao, they would just rubber stamp his policies
risrespect was a crime
○ Military Commander and Political Commissar for each of the 6 sections China was divided into
○ Judges had to swear oath of allegiance to Hitler
○ No one could practice law unless they belonged to League of National Socialist German were always from PLA - giving Mao control, regardless of who the Chairman was, of each region
Lawyers and bureau
● Decree for the Protection of People and State February 1933 allowed for indefinite detention without trial ● 100 Flowers Campaign (1956)
● 1934 the people's Court was set up to deal with treasonable offences – the court proceedings presided ○ Initially, was designed to promote discussion/feedback for Mao. Criticism became too intense,
over by Roland Freisler was secret and there was no right of appeal except to Hitler Mao used 100 Flowers Campaign to identify and purge opponents via Anti-Right Campaign
■ 500,000 intellectuals were branded rightists, 1,000 were executed.
■ By 1958, 1 million party members had been expelled/sent to re-education camps
Economic ● Hitler abolished trade unions in May 1933 and made it compulsory for all workers to join the German ● Businesses were nationalized in 1953 (including banks)
Policies Labour front (DAF) – a nazi organisation headed by Dr. Robery Ley ● Collectivization: allowed Mao to have control over richer/poorer groups, and since they were in groups it
○ Special committees called the Trustees of Labour established to settle disputes between was easier to track/control them (Ex: Great Leap Forward)
workers and employers about wages and working conditions
● Anti-movements
■ Trustees tended to side with employers
○ Most workers enjoy the highest standard of living under the Nazis between 1933-9 ○ Series of movement launched against the ‘remnants of the bourgeois class’ whom the CCP
■ Unemployment fell from nearly 6 million in 1932 to only a few hundred thousand by 1939 regarded as politically or socially suspect
■ Wages higher than they had been in the last years of the Weimar Republic although not ○ Chinese people were encouraged to inform on anyone they knew who was unwilling to accept
as much as in 1928 new regime
○ German Labour Front took over responsibility for the workers Leisure and Recreation ○ Special govt. Department drew up a dangan, a dossier, on every suspected person
■ Non-Nazi recreational clubs closed down, even chess clubs ■ If an individual's dossier was dubious he stood very little chance of obtaining housing or
○ Ley set up two new organisations called ‘Beauty of Labour’ and ‘Strength through Joy’
■ Beauty of Labour campaigned to persuade employer to provide better working
conditions factory canteens and purple lighting and ventilation ● Anti-landlord campaign
■ Strength through joy held a number of activities with high turn out: ○ The property of landlords was confiscated and redistributed among their former tenants
○ Some landlords allowed to keep a portion of their land provided that they become peasants but
KDF Activity Number of participants great majority were put on public trial and denounced enemies of the people
○ As many as 1 million landlords killed during PRC’s land campaign of early 50s
Concerts 2.5 million
Forceful ● Concentration camps ● Resist America and Aid Korea Campaign (1950), Three Antis (1951), Five Antis (1952)
Repression/ ○ Dachau The first concentration camp opened in March 1933 ○ Estimated 250,000 “western sources of influence” purged
Handling Dissent ○ Never fewer than 10000 prisoners in the camps and in total about 225 000 Germans were ○ Extension of previous methods such as Yenan Campaign, to eliminate any new threats
imprisoned for Political crimes in the years of 1933 to 1939
○ Discipline in the camps was brutal, the diet poor and living conditions inadequate
○ Prisoners made to do hard labour and was subjected to sadistic beatings and torture ● Labour Camps, Public “trials”, Social scrutiny (neighbours policing each-other in the name of
● Policing and Security Forces Nationalism), Mass Campaigns. Neighbors spied on eachother.
○ Alongside the ordinary police forces use jobs were to detect crime and keep under a new system ● Cultural Revolution (1966-76): abolish “traditional China” to get rid of Confucianism. Eliminate
of policing developed – both systems under Himmler
intellectuals, further Mao’s Cult of Personality.
○ Goering set up Gestapo in Prussia 1933
■ Gestapo heavily dependent on denunciations by ordinary Germans e.g. in Wurzburg ○ 200 artists killed, all music was to be revolution-related, religious sites were destroyed, 1.5
54% of all race related charges were initiated by private citizens million were killed
○ Gestapo and security service (SD) rooted out and dealt with political offenders and opponent of ● Imposition of military control
the regime ○ 1950 in a series of ‘reunification‘ campaigns three pLA armies were despatched west and south
■ SD was set up in 1931 by Himmler increasingly they were given the task of gathering ○ Officially they were sent in order to help improve local conditions and troops did contribute to
intelligence and monitoring public opinion such schemes as road building
● The SS
○ Main purpose was to impose martial law and repress any sign of an independence movement
○ SS created 1925 and became powerful after the Night of Long Knives
○ 220 000 members by 1935 ■ One army sent to Tibet
○ Death's Head units of the SS ran concentration camps from 1934 ■ A second went to Xinjiang
○ Himmler also built up Waffen SS – members who were more highly trained and better equipped ■ A third went to southern province of Guangdong
with motorised vehicles and tanks
○ During WWII the SS to control and many factories the SS became a kind of state within a state
and played a major part in the ruling of territories conquered by Nazis and in carrying out what
Himmler called ‘the final solution of the Jewish question’
○ Einsatzgruppen units of SS rounding up and killed thousands of Jews gypsies and slavs in
Poland and Russia from autumn 1939 onwards
Propaganda ● Fuhrer Cult ● Portrayed as the saviour of women in China (banned arranged marriages, child marriages, polygamy,
○ Cult of Fuhrer established gave right to vote, and right to property).
○ The book’ The Hitler no-one knows’ sold 420000 copies between 1932 and 1940 ○ Enormously popular amongst women, propaganda frequently highlighted his pro-women policies
○ Hitler's birthday celebrated with mass rallies and parades
● 1.5 million propagandists working under Mao to promote his Cult of Personality
○ Kershaw argues that Hitler was an increasingly victim of the Fuhrer myth and began to confuse
fantasy with reality especially in foreign policy ● Roadside loud-speakers, posters, all newspapers were controlled, all films were controlled
● Media and Arts controlled ● LITTLE RED BOOK (everyone had to have one) to expose everyone to his Communist ideals, hugely
○ March 1933 ministry for popular enlightenment and propaganda set up by Goebbels successful
● Goebbels regarded radio as the most important medium: the Reich Radio Company brought all
broadcasting under Nazi control
○ Cheap radios was mass produced in 1932 fewer than 25% of households had a radio by 1939
70% did
● 1933 there were 4700 daily papers in Germany by 1944 1000
○ Eher Verlag (Nazi publishing house) controlled 66% of 1939
○ The sole newsagency permitted was run by the Nazis
● All films had to pass censors and about half of Germany's best known film stars emigrated
● New rituals created to celebrate the Nazi state: the Nuremberg rallies, celebrations of the Munich
Putsch and Hitler's birthday
● Nazis stood for traditional art, music, literature and Drama and they, in common with many ordinary
Germans who were puzzled by and hostile to the highly experimental culture of which Berlin was a
centre in the 1920s
○ Ziegler, the president of the Reich Chamber of Art, and other nazis objected to the abstract
expressionist paintings, they wanted to return to realism
○ Ziegler organised An exhibition of the kind of paintings with the Nazis disapproved calling at the
Exhibition of degenerate of art
■ Nazis blamed Jews and communists for the spread of this kind of art and regarded it as
a conspiracy to undermine German culture
● Nazis also wanted literature and Drama which would reflect their ideas
○ May 1933 ‘Burning of the books’ in Berlin
■ Libraries ransacked for books which Nazis disapproved of and student hurled books into
a public bonfire
● Artists, writers and composers forced to join Nazi organisations in order to pursue their art and refusal to
join these organisations meant that it was impossible to get their work displayed
○ All publications were censored by the government and censors looked at political
views,character and race of it’s author not the content of the book
○ This censorship produced art was boring and unadventurous
INDEPENDENT POLICIES (for specifics, not related to consolidation/RTP)
Comparison between domestic policies of Hitler and Mao (women, economy, society, politics etc.)
Prescribed Hitler Mao Zedong
- Quickly produced farm machinery produced in factories feel to pieces when used.
- Steel produced by the backyard furnaces were frequently too weak to be of any use and could not be used
in construction - its original purpose.
- The harvest of 1959 was 170 million tons of grain - well below what China needed.
- 1960 was 144 million tons, even lower.
- Between 1959-1962 estimated 20 million people died of starvation or diseases.
- 1959-1962: Great Chinese Famine (Mao: 'I see no famine')
- 80 million lives
- Peng sent private letter to Mao about concerns of GLF's shortcomings → Mao turned on Peng and publicly
circulated the letter, dismissed Peng of his Minister post and threatened to go to countryside to start another
peasant rebellion and overthrow CCP
- Great Famine 1958-61
- as many as 80 million people died of starvation
- parents sold their children and cannibalism was rife, but China's leadership did not act
- officials continued to claim that production targets were being met
- speaking the truth was too dangerous
- Mao’s response
- Mao eventually came to accept what was happening but didn't accept blame
- he blamed:
- the peasants for hoarding food
- local officials for being incompetent
- bad weather, which had affected harvests
- his reputation was tarnished and he withdrew from the political frontline
- Outcome
- Liu and Deng, who confronted Mao, revoked Mao's reforms
- allowed private farming to operate again
- eventually food supplies improved
- Famine came to an end
- Mao would later punish both Liu and Deng for going against Marxist ideals
Assigned Power:
- CCP gives extensive power to mayors and party secretaries in 700-odd municipalities
- System of promotion incentives to keep them responsive to the central government
- Led to whatever Beijing needs, Beijing Gets, no matter the costs to environment or human rights
● To control the German state
● Reichstag Fire Decree, suspended the provisions of the German constitution that protected basic
individual rights, including freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly. Also
permitted increased state and police intervention into private life, allowing officials to censor mail, listen in
on phone conversations, and search private homes without a warrant or need to show reasonable cause
- Extensive control of German life
- Book burnings meant many essential texts were destroyed and humanity lost information contained within
Extent of Propaganda:
authoritarian - 13th March 1933 Joseph Goebbels was appointed minister for the Reich Ministry of Popular
control Enlightenment and Entertainment
- The media (radio, cinema, poster, speeches, and rallies were used expansively
- “Its most important role was in strengthening the regime.” (Herzstein)
Cult of Personality:
- that he was the “messiah” or savior come to help Germany in her time of need.
- Portrayed as a great hero, with many attributes.
- This increased public awareness of the Nazi party, and made Hitler highly popular and favorable.
- The propaganda method gave Hitler a way to instill his regime into the minds of the nation.
- All textbooks and homes had a picture of Hitler