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RPP B. Inggris

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Lesson Plan

School : MTs YASUA Pilang Wetan

Subject : Matematics
Grade/Semester : VII (odd)
Time allocation : 4 X 40 minutes (2 meetings)

A. Sandard of competence :

B. Basic competence : 5.1 Using propotion to solve the problem.

C. Indicators : 1. Tell examples of direct propotion and an inverse propotion in

daily life.
2. Solve the problem of direct propotion and an inverse propotion
in daily life.
D. The goal of learning
1. Cognitive Goal
a. Studies can find example of direct propotion and invers propotion in daily life.
b. Student can solve the problems of direct propotion and inverse propotion in daily life.
2. Affective Goal
a. In group or discussion, student can give their argument or aks question at least once.
b. In group or class discusion, student can appreciate to other opinions.
c. In group or class discussion, student can cooperate each other in finishing their tasks.
E. Learning Materials
F. Model, Learning Apporoach and methods
Model : Cooperative
Learning Approach : PMRI
Methods : Dialogue, Discussion and assignment.
G. Learning activity steps
1. first Meeting
a) Introduction
Teacher’s Activities Student’ Activities Time Alloction
1. Teacher prepares the 1. Student prepare their
psychologi and physics workbook and 2 minutes
of the students to study themselves to be ready
by asking about the and give their
prior knowledge argument about the
related to the material prior knowladge
that will be learned
2. Teacher guides the 2. Students find the goal 2 minutes
student to know the learning through
goal of learning guidance of teacher
3. Teacher motivates the 3. Students try to give 2 minutes
students byasking their argument about
about the importance the importance of
of study about this leraning
4. Teacher guides 4. Student ask some 4 minutes
students about steps of question about of
learning learning if necessary
10 minutes

b) Main Activities

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activity Time Allocation

Exploration Exploration
1. Teacher forms 1. Students form 5 minutes
discussion group discussion group
consist of 4-5 students
each group
2. Teacher gives the 2. Student formdiscussion 5 minutes
problem about direct group
and inverse propotion
3. Teacher facilitates 3. Student discuss the 5 minutes
student with worksheet problem with their
marker, and group
planopaper and asked
to solve that problem
Elaboration Elaboration
4. Teacher gives chance to 4. Student try to 15 minutes
the student to reinvent rereinvent concept of
the concept of direct direct and inverse
and invers proportion propotion by discuss
by discussing and and solve problems in
solving the problem in worksheet with their
their group group then write down
5. Teacher gives their answer on plano
opportunity to the paper
students (one group) to 5. Student (one of group) 10 minutes
present their result present their work in
discussion in front of front of the class using
class chart made on the
6. Teacher guides student plano paper
to discuss about the 6. Student discuss their 10 minutes
lesson trought the understanding about
solution of group the concept of direct
presented in front of and inverse propotion,
class and also compare it
Confirmation Confirmation
7. Teacher gives follow 7. Students ask some 5 minutes
upabout student question to the teacher
sactivities in doing about something that
presentasion and they are still confused
discussion 8. Student ask another 5 minutes
8. Teacher gives chance problem related to the
to the studentto ask material if necessary

60 minutes
C) closing

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activity Time Allocation

1. Teacher guides student 1. Student make 3 minutes
to Make conclusion conclusion about the
about the leason lesson
2. Teacher giveindividual 2. Students do individual 5 minutes
test to know abaout test (ask students to
students’ find the exampele of
understanding to the direct and inverse
material propotion)
3. Teacher motivates 3. Student ask question if 2 minutes
student to learn the necessary
next material and do
homework in book
10 minutes
2. Second Meeting
a) Introduction
Teacher’s Activities Students Activity Time Allocation
1. Teacher prepares the 1. Students prepare their 2 minutes
psychology and physics workbook and
of the student to study themselves to be ready
by asking about the to learn and give their
prior knowledge argument about the
related to Material that prior knowledge
will be learned
2. Teacher guides the 2. Student find the goal of 2 minutes
students to know the learning through
goal of learning guidance of teacher
3. Teacher motivates the 3. Students try to give 2 minutes
students byasking their argument about
about the imprtance of the importance of
study about this learning
4. Teacher guides 4. Students ask some 4 minutes
students about steps of question about steps of
learning learning if necessary
10 minutes
b) Main Activities
Teacher’s Activities Students’ activity Time allcation
Eploration Exploration
1. Teacher makes 1. Studets form discussion 5 minutes
discussion group group
consist of 4-5 students
each group
2. Teacher ask one group 2. Student present 15 minutes
to answer the problem solution of problem
of another group’s and discuss it classically
homework then guides
3. Teacher gives the 3. Students discuss and 15 minutes
problem about direct solve the problem with
and inverse propotion their group
by facilitating students
with problem sheet and
ask them to solve tht
Elaboration Elaboration
4. Teacher gives chance to 4. Students discuss and 10 minutes
the students to discuss solve problem sheet
problem direct and with their group then
inverse propotion and write down their
solve the problem in answer on plano
their group papper
5. Teacher gives 5. Students (one of group) 10 minutes
opportunity to the present their work in
students ( one group) front of the class
to present their result
discussion in front of
6. Teacher guides student 6. Student discuss their 5 minutes
to discuss about the result discussion about
lesson throught the the problem classically
solution of group
presented in front of
Confirmation Confirmation
7. Teacher gives follow up 7. Students ask some 5 minutes
about students question to the teacher
activities in doing about something that
presentasion and they are still confused
8. Teacher gives chance 8. Students ask another 5 minutes
to the students to ask problemrelated to the
material if necessary

60 minutes
c) Clossing
Teacher’s Activities Students Activity Time Allocation
1. Teacher guides 1. Students make 3 minutes
students to make conclusion about the
conclusion about the lesson
2. Teacher gives individual 2. Students do individual 5 minutes
test to know about test
understanding the
3. Teacher motivtaes 3. Students ask question if 2 minutes
students to learn the necessary
next material and do
10 minutes

F. Instrument and Sources

1. Instrument : Plano paper,marker
2. Sources :
a. Contekstual Teaching and Learning Matematika Kelas VII(BSE)
b. Peganagn Belajar Matematika Untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VII (BSE)
c. Matematika Konsep dan Aplikasi Untuk Kelas VII SMP dan MTs (BSE)
d. Marsigit. 2009. Mathemathics for Junior High School Year VIII. Bandung: Yudhistira

G. Assessment
Technique and instrument:
1. Worksheet (written)
2. Individual test (essay)
3. Project (persententsion)
Semarang, 12 Mei 2019
Aknowledge by,
The h`Headmaster of Mathematic teacher
MTs YASUA Pilang Wetan

........................................ Bagas Putro Wicaksono

NIP NIM 18310045

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