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Actividad #1: Simple Past

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: 0416-9115004/0212-6833241

: maimarychaparro@hotmail.com

Actividad N° 1
Objetivo: Past continuous- Simple Past
a) Investiga ambos tiempos su concepto, gramática y ejemplos
El Pasado Continuo, es un tiempo verbal que describe acciones que estaban siendo
realizadas en un momento del pasado al que se hace referencia y que luego continuaron, por

Yesterday he was studying English. Ayer él estaba estudiando inglés.

(Comenzó a estudiar antes de ese momento y continuó estudiando posteriormente)
John was playing tennis at 10 a.m. John estuvo jugando tenis a las 10 a.m.
(Comenzó a jugar tenis antes de las 10 a.m. y continuó haciendolo después)

El Pasado Continuo se construye con el verbo auxiliar “to be” en su forma pasada y el
verbo principal en infinitivo con la terminación ING:

Simple Past
El Pasado Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que han
sucedido en un tiempo anterior y que ya han finalizado, por ejemplo:

She cleaned her house. Ella limpió su casa.

: 0416-9115004/0212-6833241
: maimarychaparro@hotmail.com

I broke the window. Yo rompí la ventana.

Aquí vemos su conjugación que en el español equivale al Pretérito Indefinido. Observa que
la estructura de la oración es similar a la del Presente Simple:

b) Una vez investigado los tiempos, aplica los Questions Words: What- When- Where-
Who- Why para realizar preguntas-
Question: What were you doing yesterday?
Answer: I was cleaning my bedroom
Question: Where was Ana last Saturday?
Answer: She was dancing in a party
1) What were you watching on tv yesterday?
I was Watching Friends

2) When were the boys washing the dishes?

The boys were washing the dishes at noon

3) Where was Diana going yesterday at 5:00 pm

She was going to her grandmother’s house

: 0416-9115004/0212-6833241
: maimarychaparro@hotmail.com

4) Who was she?

She was My English Teacher

5) Why were they grounded?

They were grounded because they didn’t the homework

c) Actividad:
Realiza 10 preguntas con sus respuestas en el tiempo, past continuous, (utiliza los
questions words)

1) Where was he drawing this morning?

He was drawing at the swimming pool

2) Who were you talking to?

I was talking to my mom

3) What was she eating?

She was eating a cake

4) Where were you flying to?

We were flying to New York the whole night

5) Why that man was standing crossing the street?

Because He was waiting for his little daughter

6) Where were you going?

I was going to the supermarket to buy tomatoes

7) Why was your father driving?

Because He was going to pick my sister up

8) Who was helping you with your homework?

My Mom was helping me with the homework

9) Why was your baby crying?

She was crying because she was hungry

10) When were you planning to go to the beach?

I was planning to go on February

: 0416-9115004/0212-6833241
: maimarychaparro@hotmail.com

d) Cambia la siguiente lista de verbos irregulares de presente a pasado simple

Eat ate
Leave Left

List of the verbs

1) Begin Began
2) Buy Bought
3) Do Did
4) Find Found
5) Get Got
6) Go Went
7) Hear Heard
8) See Saw
9) Sit Sat
10) Swim Swam

e) Realiza 10 oraciones con los verbos en pasado simple, utilizando diferentes

pronombres personales.
Ejemplo: I ate a lot of hallacas last year

1. She began to study English last week

2. They bought the PlayStation 5 and it is amazing
3. I did all the homework yesterday
4. We found love in the heart of the helpers
5. I got the feeling, that tonight is going to be a good night
6. He went to the supermarket to buy some fruit
7. We heard the news last night on the radio
8. They saw the eclipse and they got amazed
9. I sat in front of the blackboard
10. The swimmer swam 100 meters in 2 minutes

: 0416-9115004/0212-6833241
: maimarychaparro@hotmail.com

Actividad N° 2
1) Investiga el significado de (Junk Food)
"Junk food" generally refers to foods that contribute lots of calories but little nutritional
2) Realiza un relato de (Junk Food)

What's considered "junk food" depends on whom you ask. Some might say pizza is
junk food, for example. But I personally don't think so, since it contributes real food
with nutrients, like cheese and tomato sauce. Add whole-wheat or part whole-wheat
crust, plus veggies as a topping, and I'd say pizza completely exits the junk food

One problem with junk foods is that they're low in satiation value -- that is, people
don't tend to feel as full when they eat them -- which can lead to overeating.
Another problem is that junk food tends to replace other, more nutritious foods.
When people drink lots of soda, for example, they are usually not getting plenty of
low-fat dairy or other healthful beverages like green tea or orange juice. When
they're snacking on chips and cookies, they're usually not loading up on fruits and

3) Responde las siguientes preguntas en (Inglés) acerca de lo investigado

a) What does junk food contain?

It contains lots of calories
b) Which substances can not you find in junk food?
Junk food doesn’t have any nutrients
c) Do you like Junk Food?
Of Course, I like pizza, hamburgers, fried chicken, soda.
d) Junk Food is high in calories and low in nutrients?
Yes, it is.

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