SSRN Id3719139
SSRN Id3719139
SSRN Id3719139
We review the literature studying interactions between climate change and
financial markets. We first discuss various approaches to incorporating cli-
mate risk in macro-finance models. We then review the empirical literature
that explores the pricing of climate risks across a large number of asset classes
including real estate, equities, and fixed income securities. In this context,
we also discuss how investors can use these assets to construct portfolios that
hedge against climate risk. We conclude by proposing several promising direc-
tions for future research in climate finance.
Keywords: Climate Change, Climate Risk, Physical Risk, Transition Risk, ESG
Climate change is one of the defining challenges of our time, with the potential to
impact the health and well-being of nearly every person on the planet. In addition,
climate change poses a large aggregate risk to the economy and the financial system
Prepared for Annual Reviews ( AQR Capital Management is a global
investment management firm, which may or may not apply similar investment techniques or meth-
ods of analysis as described herein. The views expressed here are those of the authors and not
necessarily those of AQR.
Uncertainty about the path of the economy. As the early literature in cli-
mate economics points out, economic activity is itself a driver of climate change,
so uncertainty about economic growth generates uncertainty about climate change.
In this vein, the typical model embeds chains of events of the following form: the
economy experiences a positive growth shock, pollution increases alongside output,
Preferences. Preferences for time and risk naturally play an important role in
determining discount rates and their term structure.
First, it is important to establish the rate of pure time preference. Stern (2007)
took the view that ethical considerations should dictate this rate, and suggested
using a pure time preference coefficient of effectively zero, giving the same weight
to all generations. Most of the literature, such as Nordhaus (2007) and Weitzman
(2007), has instead argued for using rates of pure time preference that are greater
than zero, consistent with observed savings and investment behavior (see also the
discussion in Arrow, 1995).
In addition, the climate finance literature has explored a number of alternative
risk preferences. The most prominent alternative to power utility is Epstein–Zin
utility (see, for example, the work of Gollier, 2002, Crost & Traeger, 2014). An
Epstein–Zin investor’s marginal utility depends not only on the one-period innovation
in consumption growth (as in the power utility case that we described above) but
also on news about consumption growth at future horizons. This specification of
preferences has two main consequences for thinking about climate risks (for suitable
parameterizations that induce a preference for early resolution of uncertainty): first,
it affects the level of climate risk premia, because it amplifies the utility consequences
of climate shocks if they have long-term implications for the agent’s consumption
growth (as they do, for example, in Bansal et al., 2019). Second, they affect the term
Model Uncertainty. The vast majority of asset pricing theory is formulated under
the assumption of rational expectations, so that investors inside the model know
the exact probability laws that govern their decision making environment. The
illustrative model introduced above is an example of this modeling approach. But
in the context of climate change (and likely more generally), rational expectations
endow investors with an unrealistic understanding of their environment. As Hansen
(2014) emphasizes, “it is often not clear what information should be presumed on
the part of economic agents, how they should use it, and how much confidence they
have in that use.” Put differently, in rational expectations models, investors face the
uncertainty about stochastic realizations from a known probability law. In reality,
investors also wrestle with ambiguity, or uncertainty about the true probability law.
Nowhere could this be truer than in economic models of climate risk. Is it implausible
that economic agents know with any degree of certainty the precise nature or severity
of climate risks that are facing them, a topic of substantial disagreement even within
the scientific community. As Lemoine (2020) aptly notes,
3rd National Climate
Assessment &
EPA Climage Change
G8 Climate Agreement Initiative
Adoption of Paris
1985 1989 1993 1997 2001 2005 2009 2013 2017
mimic the WSJ climate news index. Intuitively, the approach is to systematically
own or overweight stocks that rise in value when (negative) news about climate
change materializes and likewise short or underweight stocks that fall in value on the
arriveal of this news. In doing so, the hedge portfolio profits when adverse climate
news hits. The authors show how to continually update the hedge portfolio using
evolving information about which stocks are most susceptible and which are most
resilient to climate risk.
To implement this dynamic hedging strategy, it is necessary to determine which
firms increase or decrease in value when there is news around climate change. Engle
et al. (2020) solve this problem by proxying for firms’ climate risk exposures using
“E-Scores” that capture various aspects of how environmentally friendly a firm is.
The hedge portfolio would then overweight high-E-Score firms, and underweight low-
E-Score firms, with the relative weights updated dynamically as more data on the
relationship between E-Scores, climate news, and asset prices is obtained. While it is
straightforward to construct such a hedge with the benefit of hindsight, the true test
of a hedge portfolio is its ability to profit in adverse conditions on an out-of-sample
basis. Indeed, Engle et al. (2020) find an out-of-sample correlation of 20% to 30%
between the return of the hedge portfolio and innovations in the WSJ climate change
Stroebel acknowledges financial support from NBIM through their grant to the
Volatility and Risk Institute at NYU Stern.
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