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Sistema Monolitico DOKA One Go

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999810802 - 05/2014


The Formwork Experts.

Doka OneGo
User Information
Instructions for assembly and use (Method statement)

Introduction User Information Doka OneGo


© by Doka Industrie GmbH, A-3300 Amstetten

2 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Introduction

4 Introduction
4 Elementary safety warnings
7 Eurocodes at Doka
8 Doka services

10 System description

12 Method statement

16 Wall formwork
16 Standard system components for walls
18 Permissible fresh-concrete pressure
19 Panel sizes
20 Inter-panel connections on walls
21 Tying system
23 90 degree corners
25 Stop-ends
27 Edge shuttering
28 Longitudinal alignment of panels

30 Floor formwork
30 Standard system components for slabs
32 Panel sizes
33 Inter-panel connections on slabs
35 Floor prop with stripping head
37 Fall-arrest systems on the formwork

38 General remarks
38 Stripping-aids
40 Multi-storey buildings
42 Cleaning and care of your equipment

44 Component overview

999810802 - 05/2014 3
Introduction User Information Doka OneGo

Elementary safety warnings


User target groups Remarks on this document

▪ This manual is aimed at all persons who will be work- ▪ This manual can also be used as a generic method
ing with the Doka product or system that it describes. statement or incorporated with a site-specific
It contains information on the standard design for method statement.
setting up this system, and on correct, compliant uti- ▪ Many of the illustrations in this booklet show the
lisation of the system. situation during formwork assembly and are
▪ All persons working with the product described therefore not always complete from the safety
herein must be familiar with the contents of this man- point of view.
ual and with all the safety instructions it contains. Any safety accessories not shown in these illustra-
▪ Persons who are incapable of reading and under- tions must still be used by the customer, in accord-
standing this booklet, or who can do so only with dif- ance with the applicable rules and regulations.
ficulty, must be instructed and trained by the cus- ▪ Further safety instructions, especially warnings,
tomer. will be found in the individual sections of this
▪ The customer is to ensure that the information mate- document!
rials provided by Doka (e.g. User Information book-
lets, Instructions for Assembly and Use, Operating
Instruction manuals, plans etc.) are available to all Planning
users, and that they have been made aware of them
and have easy access to them at the usage location. ▪ Provide safe workplaces for those using the form-
▪ In the relevant technical documentation and form- work (e.g. for when it is being erected/dismantled,
work utilisation plans, Doka shows the workplace modified or repositioned etc). It must be possible to
safety precautions that are necessary in order to use get to and from these workplaces via safe access
the Doka products safely in the usage situations routes!
shown. ▪ If you are considering any deviation from the
In all cases, users are obliged to ensure compliance details and instructions given in this booklet, or
with national laws, Standards and rules throughout any application which goes beyond those
the entire project and to take appropriate additional described in the booklet, then revised static cal-
or alternative workplace safety precautions where culations must be produced for checking, as well
necessary. as supplementary assembly instructions.

Hazard assessment Regulations; industrial safety

▪ The customer is responsible for drawing up, docu- ▪ All laws, Standards, industrial safety regulations and
menting, implementing and continually updating a other safety rules applying to the utilisation of our
hazard assessment at every job-site. products in the country and/or region in which you
This document serves as the basis for the site-spe- are operating must be observed at all times.
cific hazard assessment, and for the instructions
given to users on how to prepare and utilise the sys- ▪ If a person or object falls against, or into, the side-
tem. It does not substitute for these, however. guard component and/or any of its accessories, the
component affected may only continue in use after it
has been inspected and passed by an expert.

4 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Introduction

Rules applying during all phases of Assembly

the assignment
▪ The equipment/system must be inspected by the
customer before use, to ensure that it is in suitable
▪ The customer must ensure that this product is condition. Steps must be taken to rule out the use of
erected and dismantled, reset and generally used for any components that are damaged, deformed, or
its intended purpose in accordance with the applica- weakened due to wear, corrosion or rot.
ble laws, Standards and rules, under the direction
and supervision of suitably skilled persons. These
▪ Combining our formwork systems with those of other
manufacturers could be dangerous, risking damage
persons' mental and physical capacity must not in
to both health and property. If you intend to combine
any way be impaired by alcohol, medicines or drugs.
different systems, please contact Doka for advice
▪ Doka products are technical working appliances first.
which are intended for industrial/commercial use
only, always in accordance with the respective Doka ▪ The equipment/system must be assembled and
User Information booklets or other technical docu- erected in accordance with the applicable laws,
mentation authored by Doka. Standards and rules by suitably skilled personnel of
the customer's, having regard to any and all required
▪ The stability of all components and units must be safety inspections.
ensured during all phases of the construction work!
▪ It is not permitted to modify Doka products; any such
▪ The functional/technical instructions, safety warn- modifications constitute a safety risk.
ings and loading data must all be strictly observed
and complied with. Failure to do so can cause acci-
dents and severe (even life-threatening) damage to Setting up the formwork
health, as well as very great material damage.
▪ Fire-sources are not permitted anywhere near the
formwork. Heating appliances are only allowed if ▪ Doka products and systems must be set up so that
properly and expertly used, and set up a safe dis- all loads acting upon them are safely transferred!
tance away from the formwork.
▪ The work must take account of the weather condi- Pouring
tions (e.g. risk of slippage). In extreme weather,
steps must be taken in good time to safeguard the
equipment, and the immediate vicinity of the equip- ▪ Do not exceed the permitted fresh-concrete pres-
ment, and to protect employees. sures. Over-high pouring rates overload the form-
▪ All connections must be checked regularly to ensure work, cause greater deflection and risk breakage.
that they still fit properly and are functioning cor-
It is very important to check all screw-type connec-
Stripping out the formwork
tions and wedge-clamped joins whenever the con-
struction operations require (particularly after excep- ▪ Do not strip out the formwork until the concrete has
tional events such as storms), and to tighten them if reached sufficient strength and the person in charge
necessary. has given the order for the formwork to be stripped
▪ It is strictly forbidden to weld Doka products – in par- out!
ticular anchoring/tying components, suspension ▪ When stripping out the formwork, never use the
components, connector components and castings crane to break concrete cohesion. Use suitable tools
etc. – or otherwise subject them to heating. such as timber wedges, special pry-bars or system
Welding causes serious change in the microstruc- features such as Framax stripping corners.
ture of the materials from which these components ▪ When stripping out the formwork, do not endanger
are made. This leads to a dramatic drop in the failure the stability of any part of the structure, or of any
load, representing a very great risk to safety. scaffolding, platforms or formwork that is still in
The only articles which are allowed to be welded are place!
those for which the Doka literature expressly points
out that welding is permitted.

999810802 - 05/2014 5
Introduction User Information Doka OneGo

Transporting, stacking and storing Symbols used

▪ Observe all regulations applying to the handling of The following symbols are used in this booklet:
formwork and scaffolding. In addition, the Doka

slinging means must be used - this is a mandatory
Remove any loose parts or fix them in place so that
☞ Important note
Failure to observe this may lead to malfunc-
tion or damage.
they cannot be dislodged or fall free!
▪ All components must be stored safely, following all
the special Doka instructions given in the relevant CAUTION / WARNING / DANGER
sections of this manual! Failure to observe this may lead to material
damage, and to injury to health which may
Maintenance range up to the severe or even life-threaten-

▪ Only original Doka components may be used as

spare parts. Repairs may only be carried out by the Instruction
manufacturer or authorised facilities.
This symbol indicates that actions need to be
taken by the user.
We reserve the right to make alterations in the interests Sight-check
of technical progress. Indicates that you need to do a sight-check
to make sure that necessary actions have
been carried out.

Points out useful practical tips.

Refers to other documents and materials.

6 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Introduction

Eurocodes at Doka
In Europe, a uniform series of Standards known as The widely used "Permissible stress design" (compar-
Eurocodes (EC) was developed for the construction ing the actual stresses with the permissible stresses)
field by the end of 2007. These are intended to provide has been superseded by a new safety concept in the
a uniform basis, valid throughout Europe, for product EC.
specifications, tenders and mathematical verification. The EC contrast the actions (loads) with the resistance
The EC are the world's most highly developed Stand- (capacity). The previous safety factor in the permissible
ards in the construction field. stresses is now divided into several partial factors. The
In the Doka Group, the EC are to be used as standard safety level remains the same!
from the end of 2008. They will thus supersede the DIN
norms as the "Doka standard" for product design.

Ed Rd

Ed Design value of effect of actions Rd Design value of the resistance

(E ... effect; d ... design) (R ... resistance; d ... design)
Internal forces from action Fd Design capacity of cross-section
(VEd, NEd, MEd) (VRd, NRd, MRd)
Fd Design value of an action Rk Rk
Steel: Rd = Timber: Rd = kmod ·
Fd = F · Fk M M
(F ... force)
Fk Characteristic value of an action Rk Characteristic value of the resistance
"actual load", service load e.g. moment resistance to yield stress
(k ... characteristic)
e.g. dead weight, live load, concrete pressure,
F Partial factor for actions M Partial factor for a material property
(in terms of load; F ... force) (in terms of material; M...material)
e.g. for dead weight, live load, concrete pres- e.g. for steel or timber
sure, wind Values from EN 12812
Values from EN 12812
kmod Modification factor (only for timber – to take
account of the moisture and the duration of load
e.g. for Doka beam H20
Values as given in EN 1995-1-1 and EN 13377

Comparison of the safety concepts (example)

Permissible stress design EC/DIN concept The "permissible values" communicated in
Doka documents (e.g.: Qpermissible = 70 kN)
115.5 [kN] do not correspond to the design values
Rd gM = 1.1 (e.g.: VRd = 105 kN)!
90<105 [kN]
➤ Avoid any confusion between the two!
90 [kN] ➤ Our documents will continue to state the per-
missible values.
gF = 1.5 Allowance has been made for the following par-
tial factors:
F = 1.5
M, timber = 1.3
M, steel = 1.1
kmod = 0.9
In this way, all the design values needed in an
EC design calculation can be ascertained from

the permissible values.

Factual Fpermissible Ed Rd

A Utilisation factor

999810802 - 05/2014 7
Introduction User Information Doka OneGo

Doka services
Support in every stage of the project
Doka offers a broad spectrum of services, all with a sin-
gle aim: to help you succeed on the site.
Every project is unique. Nevertheless, there is one
thing that all construction projects have in common –
and that is a basic structure with five stages. We at
Doka know our clients' varying requirements. With our
consulting, planning and other services, we help you
achieve effective implementation of your formwork
assignment using our formwork products – in every one
of these stages.

1 2 3
Project Management Planning
Project Development Stage Bidding Stage

Taking well-founded decisions Optimising the preliminary work Controlled, regular forming oper-
thanks to professional advice and with Doka as an experienced part- ations, for greater efficiency
consulting ner resulting from realistically calculated
formwork concepts

Find precisely the right formwork Draw up potentially winning bids, by Plan cost-effectively right from the
solutions, with the aid of ▪ basing them on realistically calcu- outset, thanks to
▪ help with the bid invitation lated guideline prices ▪ detailed offers
▪ in-depth analysis of the initial sit- ▪ making the right formwork ▪ determination of the commission-
uation choices ing quantities
▪ objective evaluation of the plan- ▪ having an optimum time-calcula- ▪ co-ordination of lead-times and
ning, execution, and time-risks tion basis handover deadlines

8 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Introduction

The advantages for you

thanks to professional advice and
4 5 ▪ Cost savings and time gains
When we advise and support you
right from the word "go", we can
Concrete Construction Stage Project Close-out Stage make sure that the right formwork
systems are chosen and then
used as planned. This lets you
achieve optimum utilisation of the
formwork equipment, and effec-
tive forming operations because
your workflows will be correct.

▪ Maximised workplace safety

The advice and support we can
give you in how to use the equip-
ment correctly, and as planned,
leads to greater safety on the job.

▪ Transparency
Optimum resource utilisation Seeing things through to a posi- Because our services and costs
with assistance from the Doka tive conclusion are completely transparent, there
Formwork Experts with professional support is no need for improvisation dur-
ing the project – and no unpleas-
ant surprises at the end of it.

Workflow optimisation, thanks to Doka Services are a byword for

▪ Reduced close-out costs
Our professional advice on the
▪ thorough utilisation planning transparency and efficiency here,
selection, quality and correct use
▪ internationally experienced pro- offering
of the equipment helps you avoid
ject technicians ▪ jointly handled return of rented damage, and minimise wear-and-
▪ appropriate transport logistics formwork tear.
▪ on-site support ▪ professional dismantling
▪ efficient cleaning and recondition-
ing using special equipment

999810802 - 05/2014 9
System description User Information Doka OneGo

Doka OneGo
System description

Doka OneGo is a high-performing formwork sys-

tem designed to cast walls and slabs quickly in a
single pour. Its lightweight aluminium panels and
optimised forming sequence deliver greater effi-
ciency on site.
Doka OneGo is ideal for a wide range of use including
single-family houses, apartment complexes, high-rise
residential and other high-rise buildings.
All building elements such as walls and columns,
shafts, slabs and beams, stairs, window and door
openings are formed within the Doka OneGo system.

Go Fast. Build Smart!

Smooth starting of formwork operations Simple adaptation to project specific requirements
▪ thanks to test assembly that ensures the correct ▪ thanks to up to 20% less special panels
setup of the system. ▪ due to the 5 cm grid allowing for easy adjustment to
▪ through professional on-site support from experi- different floor plans.
enced formwork instructors. ▪ the system is also easy to combine with crane-
Fast construction progress climbed and automatic climbing formwork.
▪ by lightweight aluminium panels with a panel-weight One-stop solutions
down to 16 kg per m2. ▪ delivered through adaptive formwork systems that
- This, together with the integrated handholds, provide solutions for non-typical floors such as podi-
gives better ergonomics and effortless reposi- ums or sky gardens.
tioning on site.
A high number of reuses
▪ thanks to short cycle times. ▪ ensured through an integrated damage-minimising
- fast stripping with less damage. stripping function for wall and slab panels.
- a special stripping head which releases the slab
panels from the concrete. ▪ especially reinforced connection holes.
- slanted panel joints, which enable easy and fast ▪ by avoiding damage due to accurate panel dimen-
stripping of wall panels. sions for hassle-free assembly and stripping.
▪ thanks to up to 20% less form-tie points and less Safe working conditions
floor props (0.6 floor props per m2, or even less). ▪ are ensured as the slab formwork is set up from the
▪ furthermore the efficiently synchronised forming and ground.
stripping procedure enabled by special designed ▪ thanks to the comprehensive safety equipment,
wall-slab-transition panels. including Protection screen Xclimb 60.
▪ thanks to unmistakable marking of the formwork
panels, ensuring the correct positioning and easy
and fast handling of the lightweight panels.

10 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo System description





A Wall formwork (Page 16)

B Inter-panel connections on walls (Page 20)
C Tying system (Page 21)
D 90 degree corners (Page 23)
E Stop-ends (Page 25)
F Edge shuttering (Page 27)
G Floor-slab formwork (Page 30)
H Inter-panel connections on slabs (Page 33)
I Floor prop with stripping head (Page 35)
J Fall-arrest systems (Page 37)

999810802 - 05/2014 11
Method statement User Information Doka OneGo

Instructions for assembly and use

Method statement

Overview of Doka OneGo panels: Setting up the formwork

WTK panel
As a rule, formwork set-up should start in an outside
Beam corner.
WT panel
WST panel Never use a sledge hammer to plumb the pan-
This would damage the profiles of the panels.
➤ Use only proper plumbing tools (e.g. a spe-
cial pry-bar) that cannot cause any damage!

Wall formwork
➤ Put up two WB panels and join them to the outside
Doka floor corner (see the section headed 'Inter-panel connec-
WB panel
prop Eco 15
with stripping
tions on walls').
head ➤ Secure the panels against tip-over.


See the sections headed 'Standard system components for walls'

and 'Standard system components for slabs' for details of the Doka
OneGo panels.

The sequence shown here is based on a multi-storey

building. On a single-storey building, no WTK panels
are needed (see the section headed 'Edge shuttering'). 98108-203-07

☞▪ Stability during formwork set-up

Corner gang-form combinations are suffi-
ciently stable; no extra precautions need be
➤ Put up a WB inside corner and join it to the outside
formwork with a flat tie (see the section headed
'Tying system').
➤ Line up more WB panels of the outside formwork,
▪ In the start-up phase, secure the panels to install flat ties and join the WB panels together (see
the reinforcement steel! the section headed 'Inter-panel connections on
walls' and 'Tying system').
There must be a flat, firm floor (e.g. foundation slab)
capable of supporting the load.
➤ Mark the outside and inside of the wall on the floor.
➤ Put up the wall reinforcement and place all the instal-
lation tubes and pipes.
➤ Before erecting the panels, spray the concrete-
facing side with concrete release-agent (see the sec-
tion headed 'Cleaning and care of your equipment').


12 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Method statement

➤ Put up the WB panels of the inside formwork and join Floor formwork
them together.
➤ Place an SB panel on the WST panel in the inside
corner, and join them together (see the section
headed 'Inter-panel connections on slabs').


➤ Mount the anchorages on the WTK panels (see the

section headed 'Multi-storey buildings'). 98108-203-03
➤ Mount the WT + WTK panels (outside formwork) and
WST panels (inside formwork). ➤ Line up more SB panels and join them together.
➤ Mount an edge beam and connect it to the SB pan-
➤ Fit a floor prop plus stripping head (see the section
headed 'Floor prop with stripping head').


➤ Close the window and door reveals (see the section

headed 'Stop-ends').


999810802 - 05/2014 13
Method statement User Information Doka OneGo

➤ Mount further beams, floor props and SB panels. Stripping out

➤ Mount a fall-arrest barrier (see the section headed

'Fall-arrest systems').
Important note:
➤ Place the slab reinforcement.
Observe all stipulated stripping times!

Wall formwork
➤ Remove the stop-ends.
Outside formwork:
➤ Detach the connectors and remove the WB panels
and WT panels (see the section headed 'Stripping-
aids'). The WTK panels stay in place.


Before pouring, check whether all the panels

and connector components have been prop-
erly mounted.


Permitted pressure of the fresh concrete:

See the section headed "Permissible fresh-concrete
Inside formwork:
➤ Detach the connectors and remove the WB panels
(see the section headed 'Stripping-aids').
Observe the following guidelines:
▪ The section headed 'Pressure of fresh concrete on
vertical formwork – DIN 18218' in the Calculation
Guide 'Doka formwork engineering'
▪ DIN 4235 Part 2 - "Compacting of concrete by vibrat-

☞ ➤ Do not exceed the maximum permissible

rate of placing.
➤ Pour the concrete.
➤ Make only moderate use of vibrators, carefully co-
ordinating the times and locations of vibrator use.


➤ Detach the connectors and remove the WST panels

(see the section headed 'Stripping-aids').

14 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Method statement

➤ Pull out the flat ties (see the section headed 'Tying Formwork set-up on further storeys
The flat ties needed for anchoring the OneGo brack-
ets stay in place. ➤ Mount the OneGo brackets.
➤ Dismount the fall-arrest barrier from the edge of the
Floor formwork
➤ Place the wall panels of the outside formwork onto
the anchored WTK panels of the bottom casting sec-
➤ Lower the floor-slab formwork (see the section tion, and join them together (see the section headed
headed 'Floor prop with stripping head').
'Multi-storey buildings').
Begin next to the walls:
➤ Detach the connectors, and remove the SB panels
and beams in the order shown here:

2 4

1 3


All other worksteps are as described in the previous

98108-203-10 sections of this Method Statement.

The floor props plus stripping head stay in place as

temporary reshores.

Cleaning the formwork

➤ See the section headed "Cleaning and care of your

999810802 - 05/2014 15
Wall formwork User Information Doka OneGo

Wall formwork

Wall formwork
Standard system components for walls
Outside formwork Inside formwork Wall panels in detail

WTK panel ▪ Dimensionally stable panels made of aluminium

(alloy 6061-T6).
▪ Ergonomically optimised handling achieved by the
special shape of the cross-profiles.
▪ Reinforced cross boreholes for the inter-panel con-
WT panel nections.
WST panel


a ... diam. 17mm

▪ Milled recess for OneGo flat ties (tying point).

WB panel

➤ It is forbidden to climb on the cross-profiles.
The cross-profiles are NOT a substitute for a

WB panel

Name of article: OneGo WB panel

Explanation of name: Wall Basic Panel

WU panel
The basic panel of the wall formwork
▪ Slanted top face makes the formwork easier to strip

Outside formwork: B
Formwork on outside wall of building
(incl. edge shuttering).

Inside formwork:
Formwork on inside wall of building
(incl. wall-slab transition).
A OneGo WB panel
B OneGo WT panel or OneGo WST panel

16 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Wall formwork

WU panel ▪ Slanted underside makes the WB panels easier to

strip out.
▪ Special profile:
Name of article: OneGo WU panel - Can be connected to the SB panels at any point
on the profile.
Explanation of name: Wall Under Panel
- WST panels can be stripped out before the SB
panels are stripped out.
For placing under the WB panels in order to adjust the

WT panel D

Name of article: OneGo WT panel E

Explanation of name: Wall Top Panel

C OneGo WST panel
For stacking on top of the WB panels (outside form- D OneGo SB panel
work). E OneGo clip
▪ Slanted underside makes the WB panels easier to
strip out. WSTB panel
▪ Holes for handrail-post uprights.
Name of article: OneGo WSTB panel

B Explanation of name: Wall Slab Transition Beam


Same as the WST panel, but without the slanted under-
A OneGo WB panel side. Used on e.g. window and door openings, or for
B OneGo WT panel
downstand beams.

WTB panel WTK panel

Name of article: OneGo WTB panel Name of article: OneGo WTK panel
Explanation of name: Wall Top Beam Panel Explanation of name: Wall Top Kicker Panel

Same as the WT panel, but without the slanted under- For stacking on top of the WT panels (outside form-
side. Used on e.g. window and door openings, or for work) on multi-storey buildings.
downstand beams.
▪ Is anchored in the concrete.
▪ Support base on which the outside formwork of the
WST panel next storey is stood.
▪ Holes for handrail-post uprights.

Name of article: OneGo WST panel F

Explanation of name: Wall Slab Transition Panel
For stacking on top of the WB panels (inside formwork) F

and for mounting the SB panels.

F Anchoring point
G Holes for handrail-post uprights

999810802 - 05/2014 17
Wall formwork User Information Doka OneGo

Permissible fresh-concrete pressure

Permitted fresh-concrete pressure to DIN 18218

σhk, max = 60 kN/m2

Permitted fresh-concrete pressure σhk: 60 kN/m2

15 - 30

15 - 30


15 - 30
180 / 210 / 240


30 - 60

98108-205-03 σ 98108-205-06 σ 98108-205-07


σhk, max, hydr = 60 kN/m2

Doka OneGo panels are hydrostatically loadable up to

a pour-height of 2.40 m (σ hk = 60 kN/m2).
15 - 30


18 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Wall formwork

Panel sizes
Doka OneGo panels are available in standard sizes WST panel
(in a 5 cm grid) or in variable sizes within a defined

Panel heights (h)

In addition, panels are produced on a project-specific

basis with the required dimensions and hole spacings.

WB panel
0.10m 0.15m 0.25m 0.30m 0.40m 0.60m

0.10m - 0.60m

Panel widths (b)

Panel heights (h)

WSTB panel
0.95m - 2.40m

Panel heights (h)

0.15m - 1.15m



0.10m - 0.60m
Panel widths (b)
0.10m 0.15m 0.25m 0.30m 0.40m 0.60m
WT panel
0.10m - 0.60m
Panel heights (h)

Element widths (b)

0.25m - 0.65m

WU panel



0.10m 0.15m 0.25m 0.30m 0.40m 0.60m

b 0.10m - 0.60m

Panel widths (b)

Panel heights (h)

0.10m - 1.85m

WTB panel

Panel heights (h)

0.15m - 1.15m



0.10m - 0.60m

Panel widths (b)


0.10m - 0.60m Project-specific, e.g.:

Panel widths (b) WTK panel Slanted panel

98108-214-01 98108-213-03

Panel heights, widths and hole spacings are project-specific

999810802 - 05/2014 19
Wall formwork User Information Doka OneGo

Inter-panel connections on walls

➤ Push a OneGo wedge pin through the cross bore-
hole and fix it in place with a OneGo wedge.



A OneGo wedge pin
B OneGo wedge
C OneGo hammer

Do not hammer in the wedges until all of the formwork
has been put up.
Basic rule:
A panel connector must be fitted in every cross bore- If the wedge is in a position which makes it
hole. impossible to hammer it in or out, place the spe-
cially shaped recess (D) of the OneGo ham-
▪ First fit a panel connector in every cross borehole mer onto the wedge pin and twist it.
without a milled recess.
▪ Then fit panel connectors to the tying points (see
the section headed 'Tying system'). D

OneGo wedge pin and OneGo wedge


OneGo wedge pin plus

The 'OneGo wedge pin plus' is captively integrated
onto the wall panel. This makes it possible to join the
98108-218-01 panels together more quickly. Wall panels with 'OneGo
wedge pins plus' are available on enquiry.
A OneGo wedge pin
B OneGo wedge
Bolted joints
▪ tension-proof inter-panel connection
▪ is fixed with the OneGo hammer If a particular project requires lasting inter-panel con-

☞ Important note:
▪ Do not oil or grease wedge-clamped joints.
nections (for lifting panel gangs as a single unit), these
connections are made with bolted joints, e.g. for con-
nections between a:
▪ OneGo WB panel and OneGo WU panel
▪ OneGo WB panel and OneGo WT panel
▪ OneGo WB panel and OneGo outside corner
Bolting-items needed for each inter-panel connection
▪ 1 hexagon bolt M16x35
▪ 2 washers to ISO 7089
▪ 1 hexagon nut M16
(not included with product)

20 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Wall formwork

Tying system
Form-tie protector sleeve
The form-tie protector sleeve makes it easy to pull the
flat tie out of the wall.
➤ Slip the form-tie protector sleeve on over the flat tie.


a ... wall thickness

c ... 46 mm
F Form-tie protector sleeve, e.g. PE tube
(from local suppliers)

Tying the panels


➤ Place a OneGo flat tie onto the milled recess in the

frame profile (tying point).
Basic rule:
➤ Insert OneGo wedge pins through the cross bore-
A flat tie and a panel connector must be fitted in each holes in the wall panels and the holes in the flat ties.
milled recess (tying point).

OneGo flat tie



98108-206-03 A OneGo flat tie

a ... wall thickness G OneGo wedge pin
b ... wall thickness + 60 mm H OneGo wedge
A OneGo flat tie I Milled recess in frame profile (tying point)
B Hole for connecting the panels
C Tie-pull hole
D Inside formwork
➤ Fix each pin with a OneGo wedge.
E Outside formwork Make sure that all the tie-pull holes on the flat
ties are on one side of the formwork (ideally, on
the inside). This makes the formwork-stripping
OneGo flat tie: operation much easier.
Permitted capacity: 18 kN

The flat tie sustains the fresh-concrete pressure and

also acts as a distance piece.

Standard flat tie Wall thickness (a)

OneGo flat tie 10cm 10 cm
OneGo flat tie 15cm 15 cm
OneGo flat tie 20cm 20 cm
OneGo flat tie 25cm 25 cm
OneGo flat tie 30cm 30 cm
Project-specific flat ties are available for wall thicknesses of up to
max. 45 cm.

999810802 - 05/2014 21
Wall formwork User Information Doka OneGo

Removing the flat ties

After the formwork has been stripped out, the flat ties
are pulled out of the wall with the aid of the flat-tie
removal tool.
➤ Hook the flat-tie removal tool into the tie-pull hole on
the flat tie-rod.
➤ Jerk the weight back against the stop-ring.



C Tie-pull hole
J Weight
K Handle
L Stop-ring

The flat tie is then pulled out of the wall.

22 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Wall formwork

90 degree corners
Inside corners



98108-208-03 C

0.95m - 2.40m
Panel heights (h)

98108-200-03 A



A 0.10m - 1.98m





0.15 x 0.15m
a ... wall thickness
b ... panel width The hole in the inside corner makes it possible to make a vertical
stacking joint with a OneGo wedge pin and wedge.
A OneGo inside corner
B OneGo outside corner A OneGo WB inside corner
C OneGo wall panel in outside corner B OneGo WU inside corner
D OneGo wall panel C OneGo WST inside corner*
E OneGo wedge pin and OneGo wedge
*) WSTB inside corners are available on enquiry in
F OneGo flat tie
panel heights from 0.15 m to 1.15 m.

Wall panel in outside corner: These components are fixed on with a wedge pin and
Panel width b = wall thickness a [cm] + 15 cm wedge.

▪ Wall thickness = 15 cm
=> panel width (b) = 30 cm (0.30m)

999810802 - 05/2014 23
Wall formwork User Information Doka OneGo

Outside corners WST outside corner

The OneGo outside corner greatly simplifies the job of

forming corners. The outside corner is custom-made
for each project to have the same overall height as the
wall formwork, and with the required hole spacings.



h ... 30 cm
The OneGo WST outside corner is used for forming
outside corners in wall-slab transition zones. The
OneGo outside corner is vertically extended with the
OneGo WST outside corner.



A OneGo outside corner

E OneGo WST outside corner
A OneGo outside corner
F OneGo WST panel
Joining to wall panels:



A OneGo outside corner

B OneGo wall panel
C OneGo wedge pin and OneGo wedge
D Bolted joint

When stripping out the formwork, separate the

gang-form at the outside corner (the bolted joint
is left in place).

24 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Wall formwork

Stop-ends are formed with the OneGo stop-end. The Example: window opening
stop-end is custom-made for each project, for the nec-
essary wall thickness and length, and with the required F
hole spacings.




a ... wall thickness (10 - 45 cm)
b ... a + 12 cm C
l ... length as required
These components are fixed on with a wedge pin and


Window and door openings




d f d

Window opening:
a ... clear height
b ... clear width
OneGo box-out corner:
c ... 10 cm
d ... 15 cm
OneGo stop-end:
98108-200-02 e... a - 20 cm = a - 2c
f... b - 30 cm = b - 2d
The corner zones are stop-ended with OneGo box-out g ... hole spacings
corners. A OneGo stop-end
▪ These components are fixed on with a wedge pin B OneGo box-out corner
and wedge. C OneGo wedge pin and OneGo wedge
▪ The slanted sides on the box-out corner and on the D OneGo WB panel
stop-end make the formwork easier to strip out. E OneGo WU panel
F OneGo WSTB panel (inside formwork)
b OneGo WTB panel (outside formwork)


a ... wall thickness

b ... a + 12 cm

Standard box-out corners Wall thickness (a)

OneGo box-out corner 10cm 10 cm
OneGo box-out corner 15cm 15 cm
OneGo box-out corner 20cm 20 cm
OneGo box-out corner 25cm 25 cm
OneGo box-out corner 30cm 30 cm
Project-customised box-out corners are available for wall thicknesses
of between 10 cm and 45 cm.

999810802 - 05/2014 25
Wall formwork User Information Doka OneGo

End closures, end shuttering WST stop-end


h ... 30 cm
The OneGo WST stop-end is used for forming stop-
ends in wall-slab transition zones. The OneGo stop-
end is vertically extended with the OneGo WST stop-




A OneGo stop-end
E OneGo WST stop-end
F OneGo WST panel


A OneGo stop-end
C OneGo wedge pin and OneGo wedge
G OneGo wall formwork

26 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Wall formwork

Edge shuttering
The edge shuttering is provided by the outside form- with WTK panels
work being higher.
▪ Height of outside formwork = On a multi-storey building, the WB panels and WT
height of inside formwork + slab thickness
panels of the outside formwork are vertically extended
Depending on the type of building, the WB panels are with WTK panels. The WTK panels also serve as the
vertically extended with the following panels: support base on which the outside formwork of the next
storey is stood (see the section headed 'Multi-storey
Single-storey building WT panel buildings').
Multi-storey building WT panel + WTK panel

with higher WT panels

On a single-storey building, the WB panels of the out-

side formwork are vertically extended with WT panels. C



a ... slab thickness


b... height of WST panel = height of WT panel

A OneGo WTB panel (outside formwork)
A B OneGo WT panel

C OneGo WST panel

D OneGo WTK panel

a ... slab thickness

b ... height of WST panel
c ... height of WT panel = a + b
A OneGo WTB panel (outside formwork)
B OneGo WT panel
C OneGo WST panel

999810802 - 05/2014 27
Wall formwork User Information Doka OneGo

Longitudinal alignment of panels

Wall panels are aligned lengthwise with a shaped tube ➤ Insert the shaped tube and hammer in the wedges of
and OneGo wedge clamps 8cm. the wedge clamps.





A OneGo wedge clamp 8cm

B Shaped tube 80x40mm

The gang-form will now be aligned in a straight line
along the shaped tube.


a ... 8 cm
A OneGo wedge clamp 8cm
B Shaped tube 80x40mm

The wedge clamps are mounted to the wall-panel

➤ Detach the wedge from the wedge pin.


A OneGo wedge clamp 8cm

C OneGo wedge pin
D OneGo wedge

➤ Push the wedge clamp onto the wedge pin and fix it
with the wedge.

28 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Wall formwork

999810802 - 05/2014 29
Floor formwork User Information Doka OneGo

Floor formwork

Floor formwork
Standard system components for slabs
SB panel

▪ Supports the SB panels.

▪ Special profile:
Beam - Can be connected to the SB panels at any point
on the profile.
- The beams are stripped out before the 'floor
props with stripping head' are removed.
▪ Identification groove: indicates which direction the
Stripping head OneGo clips have to be turned to fix them in place.

connecting pin




A OneGo beam
Doka floor prop B OneGo SB panel
Eco 15
C OneGo stripping head 10cm
D OneGo clip
E Identification groove

OneGo beam OneGo edge beam


Max. permitted slab thickness: 30 cm


SB panel
Stripping head 10cm
Name of article: OneGo SB panel ▪ Supports the beams.
Explanation of name: Slab Basic Panel ▪ Wedge with lowering and pull-off function.
▪ Is connected to the floor prop by a Spring-locked
The basic panel of the floor-slab formwork connecting pin 16mm.
▪ Cross boreholes for OneGo clips.


▪ Ergonomically optimised handling achieved by the

special shape of the cross-profiles. 98108-204-03

30 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Floor formwork

Doka floor props Eco 15

Doka floor props Eco are extendable floor props made
of steel. They are designed for use as vertical props for
temporary structures.
The main features:
▪ high load-bearing capacity
- permitted load capacity in trials to US Standards
(ANSI): 15 kN
- permitted capacity as temporary reshores to
British standards (BS): 22.5 kN
- permitted capacity as free (non-system-
dependent) construction prop (e.g. in slab-form-
work systems): 15 kN
▪ Quick connection:
Head adapters of various types can be attached in a
crane-handling-safe manner with the spring-locked
connecting pin
▪ Drop-out latch:
For safety reasons, Doka props have latches to pre-
vent the inner tube sliding out of the outer tube.
▪ special thread geometry, which makes the prop eas-
ier to release even when it is under high load
▪ When the prop is pushed in all the way, it still leaves
a clear 10 cm gap so that the operator's hands are
not trapped.
▪ Galvanised, long-life constructional design

➤ It is not permitted to use the Floor prop
extension 0.50m.

Follow the directions in the 'Floor props Eco 15'

User Information booklet!

999810802 - 05/2014 31
Floor formwork User Information Doka OneGo

Panel sizes
Doka OneGo panels are available in standard sizes
(in a 5 cm grid) or in variable sizes within a defined
In addition, panels are produced on a project-specific
basis with the required dimensions and hole spacings.

SB panel

Panel widths (b)


0.10m - 0.60m



0.90m 1.20m

0.10m - 1.20m

Panel lengths (l)

OneGo beam OneGo edge beam
Height of beam (h)

l l

98108-216-02 98108-216-01 98108-216-01

0.10m 1.125m (1.20m)*

Width of beam (b) 0.56m - 1.125m 0.56m - 1.125m

Lengths of beam (l)

*) spacing of props

32 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Floor formwork

Inter-panel connections on slabs

OneGo clip


▪ tension-proof inter-panel connection

▪ fixed by hand or by using the OneGo hammer
The special aluminium profiles on the WST panel and
Standard installation configuration in typical zone: the OneGo beam allow the OneGo clip to be fixed any-
where on the panel.
How to mount:
➤ Push the OneGo clip through the cross borehole and
turn it to fix it.



l ... panel length
b ... panel width
A OneGo clip
B OneGo wedge pin and OneGo wedge
C OneGo WST panel or OneGo beam
D OneGo SB panel

Number of inter-panel connectors needed on each

side of the panel: 98108-219-03
Panel length (l) Number
0.90 m 2
1.20 m 2

Panel width (b) Number

0.10 m 0
0.15 m 0
0.25 m 1
0.30 m 1
0.40 m 1
0.60 m 2

999810802 - 05/2014 33
Floor formwork User Information Doka OneGo

Connecting SB panel to WST panel OneGo wedge pin and OneGo wedge
▪ tension-proof inter-panel connection
▪ is fixed with the OneGo hammer

☞▪ Important note:
Do not oil or grease wedge-clamped joints.

Connecting SB panels

A OneGo clip B
B OneGo SB panel
C OneGo WST panel B

Connecting SB panel to beam

B OneGo SB panel
B F OneGo wedge pin and OneGo wedge


A OneGo clip
B OneGo SB panel
D OneGo beam

Connecting stripping head to beam



A OneGo clip
D OneGo beam
E OneGo stripping head 10cm

34 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Floor formwork

Floor prop with stripping head

Preparing the floor prop Preparing the stripping head

☞ Important note:
Floor props fitted with a stripping head
➤ Raise the baseplate and the wedge of the stripping
head, and knock the wedge with a hammer to fix it.
must not be used extended to their full
Permitted floor-prop extension length: max. 2
extension length less 22 cm overall height of
stripping head
Example: Floor prop 15 300 is allowed to be 1
extended to max. 278 cm.

Assembly instructions
➤ Insert the stripping head into the floor prop and
secure it with a Spring-locked connecting pin
16mm (D) .



a ... overall height of stripping head: 22 cm (exactly 22.5 cm)

b ... max. extension-length of floor prop (on Eco 15 300: 300 cm)
c ... permitted extension-length of floor prop (on Eco 15 300: 278 cm) ➤ Put up a 'floor prop with stripping head' and connect
A Doka floor prop Eco 15 it to the beam with a OneGo clip.
B OneGo stripping head 10cm

Selecting the right length of floor prop:

Room height Doka floor prop
196 - 302 cm Eco 15 300 A
221 - 352 cm Eco 15 350
Stripping relief: 2 cm (allowed for in table) B

➤ Roughly adjust the height of the floor prop, using the

fastening clamp.


A OneGo stripping head 10cm

B OneGo beam
C OneGo clip

➤ With the prop upright, use the adjusting nut for preci-
sion adjustment.


999810802 - 05/2014 35
Floor formwork User Information Doka OneGo

Functions of the stripping head Dismantling

➤ Take out the OneGo clips from between the stripping
Lowering function head and the beam.
➤ Loosen the wedge of the stripping head with a blow
of the hammer. Do not knock it all of the way through!

98108-220-01 98108-220-07

a ... 1.5 cm
The beams and SB panels are lowered.

A 98108-220-03

The wedge and the baseplate of the stripping head

are lowered.

➤ Dismount the beams and SB panels.

A Stand-by position

The beam then rests on the stripping head in the stand-

by position.

Pull-off function
If the floor-slab formwork does not come off the con- 98108-220-09

crete, it can be pulled down using the integral pull-off

function. The floor props plus stripping head stay in place as
temporary reshores.

☞ Important note:
➤ Do not pull the floor formwork down from the
slab until all the wedges on the stripping
heads have been loosened!
➤ Hammer the wedge of the stripping head all the way

98108-220-06 98108-220-02

a ... 1.5 cm
The floor-slab formwork is now pulled down off the

36 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Floor formwork

Fall-arrest systems on the formwork

➤ Insert a wedge pin through the hole in the longitudi-
nal profile and fix it with the wedge.
➤ Fix guard-rail boards to the handrail post plates with
nails (diam. 5 mm).


D OneGo wedge pin

E OneGo wedge
98108-200-05 F Guard-rail board

Using scaffolding tubes

The plank and board thicknesses given here comply
with the C24 category of EN 338. D
Observe all national regulations applying to deck- B
boards and guard-rail boards. A

Tools: Fork spanner 22 for mounting the couplers and scaffolding

OneGo handrail post 1.00m tubes.
A Scaffold tube connector
The OneGo handrail post can be mounted to WT and B Scaffolding tube 48.3mm
WTK panels. C Screw-on couplers 48mm 50
How to mount: D Hexagon screw M14x40 + hexagon nut M14 (not included with
➤ Rest the OneGo handrail post against the side of the product)
longitudinal profile.
a a
➤ Insert the locating pin into the hole on the top of the
frame profile. b


a ... 1.80 m (permitted influence width)

Permitted cantilever (b) of edge-protection compo-
98108-200-12 98108-200-13
A OneGo handrail post 1.00m Edge-protection component Permitted cantilever
B Locating pin Guard-rail board 2.5 x 12.5 cm 0.3m
Guard-rail board 2.4 x 15 cm 0.5 m
C OneGo WT panel or OneGo WTK panel
Guard-rail board 3 x 15 cm 0.8 m
Guard-rail board 4 x 15 cm 1.4 m
Guard-rail board 3 x 20 cm 1.0 m
Guard-rail board 4 x 20 cm 1.6 m
Guard-rail board 5 x 20 cm 1.9 m
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.3 m

999810802 - 05/2014 37
General remarks User Information Doka OneGo

General remarks

General remarks
OneGo hammer ➤ Engage the OneGo stripping tool in a cross borehole
of the top longitudinal profile of the WB panel.

Undoing the inter-panel connectors

➤ Knock the wedge out of the wedge pin with the
OneGo hammer.


C OneGo hammer
Shown here without floor-slab formwork
A OneGo stripping tool
If the wedge is in a position which makes it B OneGo WB panel
impossible to hammer it in or out, place the spe-
cially shaped recess (D) of the OneGo ham- ➤ Lever the WB panel away from the concrete.
mer onto the wedge pin and twist it.



OneGo stripping tool

Formwork units adhere to the cured concrete.

Shown here without floor-slab formwork
The OneGo stripping tool is used for detaching the
wall formwork from the concrete. A OneGo stripping tool
B OneGo WB panel

WB panel
➤ Undo the connections to the adjacent panels.
Before stripping out the first WB panel, pull out
the flat ties on the adjoining panel. This makes
the formwork-stripping operation much easier.

38 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo General remarks

WST panel
➤ Engage the OneGo stripping tool in a cross borehole
of the bottom frame profile of the WST panel.
➤ Lever the WST panel away from the concrete (press
the stripping tool towards the wall).

A 98108-223-03

A OneGo stripping tool

C OneGo WST panel

The WST panel comes off the concrete and can be

pulled down.
The formwork under the floor-slab remains in place.


C OneGo WST panel

999810802 - 05/2014 39
General remarks User Information Doka OneGo

Multi-storey buildings
Close-up of anchorage:




a ... 60 mm
b ... min. 65 mm (effective anchoring length)
A OneGo WTK panel
C Hexagon bolt DIN 931 M16x90
D Washer d17x40x3
E Universal cone 22mm
F Plastic tube 22mm
G Hexagon nut DIN 934 M16

After the rest of the formwork has been stripped out, the
WTK panels stay anchored to the walls.

Fixing the flat ties for mounting the OneGo


After the formwork has been stripped out, the top two
rows of ties are not pulled out of the concrete.
Preparations for erecting formwork These flat ties are held in place by flat-tie clamps, and
are used for mounting OneGo brackets onto.
on further storeys
Inside of wall:
If it is intended to form a further storey, preparations for ➤ Push the flat-tie clamp over the flat tie and fix it on
setting up the forms must be made in the casting sec- with a wedge pin and wedge.
tion below.

Anchoring the WTK panels

WTK panels are used as the slab stop-ends.
➤ Mount the anchorages. C

98108-217-03 98108-217-04
A 98108-214-04 A OneGo flat-tie clamp
B OneGo flat tie
C OneGo wedge pin
B D OneGo wedge

c 98108-214-06

c ... 0.90 m (max. influence width)

A OneGo WTK panel
B Anchorage

40 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo General remarks

OneGo bracket 0.90m Assembly

The OneGo bracket 0.90m facilitates safe working Outside of wall:

when the outside formwork is being erected at heights ➤ Pin the OneGo bracket into the (securely clamped)
above the 1st storey flat ties, and fix the pins with wedges.



98108-217-05 B

b ... 80 cm
h ... 120 cm

Permitted service load: 1.5 (150kN/m2 kg/m2)

Load Class 2 to EN 12811-1:2003
Max. influence width: 2.20 m 98108-217-06

B OneGo flat tie

D OneGo wedge
E OneGo bracket 0.90m

➤ Mount the decking and guard rails.

Guard rails:

Using scaffolding tubes


Tools: Fork spanner 22 for mounting the couplers and scaffolding

A Scaffold tube connector
B Scaffolding tube 48.3mm
C Screw-on couplers 48mm 50
D Hexagon screw M14x40 + hexagon nut M14 (not included with

Setting up the formwork

➤ Place the wall panels of the outside formwork onto
the anchored WTK panels of the bottom casting sec-
tion, and join them together.

999810802 - 05/2014 41
General remarks User Information Doka OneGo

Cleaning and care of your equipment

Cleaning Functional description:

Immediately after pouring

➤ Remove any blobs of concrete from the back-face of
the formwork, using water (without any added sand).
Immediately after stripping out the formwork Tr741-200-02
➤ Clean the formwork with a high-pressure spray
cleaner and a scraper.

Cleaning equipment

High-pressure spray cleaner


A Blade for dealing with heavy soiling

B Blade for dealing with slight soiling

Do not use any pointed or sharp objects, wire brushes,
rotating grinding disks or pan scourers.

Observe the following points:

▪ Appliance pressure rating: 200 to max. 300 bar
▪ Keep the water-jet the correct distance from the
formwork, and move it at the right speed:
- The higher the pressure, the further away from
the formwork you must keep the jet and the
faster you must move it across the surface.
Release agents

Concrete scraper Before every pour

➤ Apply release agent to the formwork sheet and the
For removing any concrete remnants, we recommend end faces extremely thinly, evenly and in a contin-
using a Double scraper Xlife and a spatula. uous layer (make sure there are no traces of
release-agent running down the formwork sheet)!
Applying too much release agent will spoil the con-
crete finish.
To determine the right dosage and to make
sure that you are using the agent correctly, test
it on less important parts of the structure first.


42 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo General remarks

▪ No hammer-blows to the frame profiles


▪ Never push over panels or allow them to fall


999810802 - 05/2014 43
Component overview User Information Doka OneGo

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

[kg] n° overview

OneGo WB panel 0.60x2.40m 27.9 589720000 OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x0.95-1.07 .....x.....m 5.3 589810000
OneGo WB panel 0.40x2.40m 19.8 589721000 OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x0.95-1.07 .....x.....m 7.2 589811000
OneGo WB panel 0.30x2.40m 16.0 589722000 OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x0.95-1.07 .....x.....m 11.9 589812000
OneGo WB panel 0.25x2.40m 13.7 589723000 OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x0.95-1.07 .....x.....m 13.2 589813000
OneGo WB panel 0.15x2.40m 8.9 589724000 OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x1.08-1.14 .....x.....m 5.5 589814000
OneGo WB panel 0.10x2.40m 7.4 589725000 OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x1.08-1.14 .....x.....m 7.5 589815000
OneGo WB panel 0.60x2.10m 24.5 589710000 OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x1.08-1.14 .....x.....m 12.5 589816000
OneGo WB panel 0.40x2.10m 17.5 589711000 OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x1.08-1.14 .....x.....m 13.8 589817000
OneGo WB panel 0.30x2.10m 14.1 589712000 OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x1.15-1.24 .....x.....m 6.0 589818000
OneGo WB panel 0.25x2.10m 12.0 589713000 OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x1.15-1.24 .....x.....m 8.1 589819000
OneGo WB panel 0.15x2.10m 8.0 589714000 OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x1.15-1.24 .....x.....m 13.4 589820000
OneGo WB panel 0.10x2.10m 6.6 589715000 OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x1.15-1.24 .....x.....m 14.9 589821000
OneGo WB panel 0.60x1.80m 21.1 589700000 OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x1.25-1.37 .....x.....m 6.7 589822000
OneGo WB panel 0.40x1.80m 15.0 589701000 OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x1.25-1.37 .....x.....m 9.2 589823000
OneGo WB panel 0.30x1.80m 12.1 589702000 OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x1.25-1.37 .....x.....m 15.1 589824000
OneGo WB panel 0.25x1.80m 10.3 589703000 OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x1.25-1.37 .....x.....m 16.6 589825000
OneGo WB panel 0.15x1.80m 6.8 589704000 OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x1.38-1.44 .....x.....m 7.0 589826000
OneGo WB panel 0.10x1.80m 5.6 589705000 OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x1.38-1.44 .....x.....m 9.5 589827000
OneGo-WB-Element OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x1.38-1.44 .....x.....m 15.6 589828000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x1.38-1.44 .....x.....m 17.3 589829000
OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x1.45-1.54 .....x.....m 7.4 589830000
OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x1.45-1.54 .....x.....m 10.1 589831000
OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x1.45-1.54 .....x.....m 16.6 589832000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x1.45-1.54 .....x.....m 18.3 589833000
OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x1.55-1.67 .....x.....m 8.2 589834000
OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x1.55-1.67 .....x.....m 11.2 589835000
OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x1.55-1.67 .....x.....m 18.3 589836000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x1.55-1.67 .....x.....m 20.1 589837000
OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x1.68-1.74 .....x.....m 8.4 589838000
OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x1.68-1.74 .....x.....m 11.5 589839000
OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x1.68-1.74 .....x.....m 18.8 589840000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x1.68-1.74 .....x.....m 20.7 589841000
OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x1.75-1.84 .....x.....m 8.9 589842000
OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x1.75-1.84 .....x.....m 12.1 589843000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x1.75-1.84 .....x.....m 19.8 589844000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x1.75-1.84 .....x.....m 21.7 589845000
OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x1.85-1.97 .....x.....m 9.7 589846000
OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x1.85-1.97 .....x.....m 13.1 589847000
OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x1.85-1.97 .....x.....m 21.5 589848000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x1.85-1.97 .....x.....m 23.5 589849000
OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x1.98-2.04 .....x.....m 9.9 589850000
OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x1.98-2.04 .....x.....m 13.4 589851000
OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x1.98-2.04 .....x.....m 22.0 589852000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x1.98-2.04 .....x.....m 24.1 589853000
OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x2.05-2.14 .....x.....m 10.4 589854000
OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x2.05-2.14 .....x.....m 14.1 589855000
OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x2.05-2.14 .....x.....m 23.0 589856000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x2.05-2.14 .....x.....m 25.2 589857000
OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x2.15-2.27 .....x.....m 11.1 589858000
OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x2.15-2.27 .....x.....m 15.1 589859000
OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x2.15-2.27 .....x.....m 24.6 589860000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x2.15-2.27 .....x.....m 26.9 589861000
OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x2.28-2.34 .....x.....m 11.4 589862000
OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x2.28-2.34 .....x.....m 15.4 589863000
OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x2.28-2.34 .....x.....m 25.2 589864000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x2.28-2.34 .....x.....m 27.4 589865000
OneGo WB-P 0.10-0.19x2.35-2.40 .....x.....m 11.6 589866000
OneGo WB-P 0.20-0.29x2.35-2.40 .....x.....m 15.8 589867000
OneGo WB-P 0.30-0.54x2.35-2.40 .....x.....m 25.8 589868000
OneGo WB-P 0.55-0.60x2.35-2.40 .....x.....m 28.1 589869000

OneGo WU panel 0.60x0.60m 7.6 589740000

OneGo WU panel 0.60x0.55m 7.1 589741000
OneGo WU panel 0.60x0.50m 6.5 589742000
OneGo WU panel 0.60x0.45m 6.0 589743000
OneGo WU panel 0.60x0.40m 5.6 589744000
OneGo WU panel 0.60x0.35m 4.3 589745000
OneGo WU panel 0.60x0.30m 3.8 589746000

44 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x0.10-0.29 .....x.....m 1.4 589880000 OneGo WT-P 0.10-0.19x0.25-0.37 .....x.....m 1.7 589950000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x0.10-0.29 .....x.....m 2.0 589881000 OneGo WT-P 0.20-0.29x0.25-0.37 .....x.....m 2.3 589951000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x0.10-0.29 .....x.....m 3.3 589882000 OneGo WT-P 0.30-0.39x0.25-0.37 .....x.....m 2.8 589952000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x0.10-0.29 .....x.....m 3.8 589883000 OneGo WT-P 0.40-0.60x0.25-0.37 .....x.....m 4.2 589953000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x0.30-0.39 .....x.....m 1.8 589884000 OneGo WT-P 0.10-0.19x0.38-0.44 .....x.....m 2.2 589954000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x0.30-0.39 .....x.....m 2.4 589885000 OneGo WT-P 0.20-0.29x0.38-0.44 .....x.....m 3.1 589955000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x0.30-0.39 .....x.....m 4.1 589886000 OneGo WT-P 0.30-0.39x0.38-0.44 .....x.....m 3.9 589956000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x0.30-0.39 .....x.....m 4.7 589887000 OneGo WT-P 0.40-0.60x0.38-0.44 .....x.....m 5.7 589957000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x0.40-0.47 .....x.....m 2.3 589888000 OneGo WT-P 0.10-0.19x0.45-0.54 .....x.....m 2.6 589958000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x0.40-0.47 .....x.....m 3.2 589889000 OneGo WT-P 0.20-0.29x0.45-0.54 .....x.....m 3.6 589959000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x0.40-0.47 .....x.....m 5.5 589890000 OneGo WT-P 0.30-0.39x0.45-0.54 .....x.....m 4.4 589960000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x0.40-0.47 .....x.....m 6.3 589891000 OneGo WT-P 0.40-0.60x0.45-0.54 .....x.....m 6.5 589961000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x0.48-0.54 .....x.....m 2.6 589892000 OneGo WT-P 0.10-0.19x0.55-0.65 .....x.....m 3.0 589962000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x0.48-0.54 .....x.....m 3.5 589893000 OneGo WT-P 0.20-0.29x0.55-0.65 .....x.....m 4.2 589963000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x0.48-0.54 .....x.....m 6.0 589894000 OneGo WT-P 0.30-0.39x0.55-0.65 .....x.....m 5.1 589964000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x0.48-0.54 .....x.....m 6.9 589895000 OneGo WT-P 0.40-0.60x0.55-0.65 .....x.....m 7.6 589965000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x0.55-0.64 .....x.....m 3.0 589896000 OneGo-WT-P
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x0.55-0.64 .....x.....m 4.1 589897000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x0.55-0.64 .....x.....m 7.1 589898000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x0.55-0.64 .....x.....m 8.0 589899000 OneGo WTB-P 0.10-0.19x0.85-0.99 .....x.....m 4.7 589644000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x0.65-0.77 .....x.....m 3.8 589900000 OneGo WTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.85-0.99 .....x.....m 6.4 589645000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x0.65-0.77 .....x.....m 5.2 589901000 OneGo WTB-P 0.30-0.39x0.85-0.99 .....x.....m 7.8 589646000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x0.65-0.77 .....x.....m 8.7 589902000 OneGo WTB-P 0.40-0.60x0.85-0.99 .....x.....m 11.4 589648000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x0.65-0.77 .....x.....m 9.8 589903000 OneGo WTB-P 0.10-0.19x0.70-0.84 .....x.....m 4.0 589661000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x0.78-0.84 .....x.....m 4.0 589904000 OneGo WTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.70-0.84 .....x.....m 5.5 589662000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x0.78-0.84 .....x.....m 5.5 589905000 OneGo WTB-P 0.30-0.39x0.70-0.84 .....x.....m 6.8 589663000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x0.78-0.84 .....x.....m 9.3 589906000 OneGo WTB-P 0.10-0.19x1.00-1.14 .....x.....m 5.5 589677000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x0.78-0.84 .....x.....m 10.4 589907000 OneGo WTB-P 0.20-0.29x1.00-1.14 .....x.....m 7.5 589678000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x0.85-0.94 .....x.....m 4.5 589908000 OneGo WTB-P 0.30-0.39x1.00-1.14 .....x.....m 9.3 589679000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x0.85-0.94 .....x.....m 6.1 589909000 OneGo WTB-P 0.40-0.60x1.00-1.14 .....x.....m 13.3 589684000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x0.85-0.94 .....x.....m 10.2 589910000 OneGo WTB-P 0.10-0.19x0.55-0.69 .....x.....m 3.2 589775000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x0.85-0.94 .....x.....m 11.5 589911000 OneGo WTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.55-0.69 .....x.....m 4.4 589776000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x0.95-1.07 .....x.....m 5.3 589912000 OneGo WTB-P 0.10-0.19x0.15-0.24 .....x.....m 1.2 589801000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x0.95-1.07 .....x.....m 7.2 589913000 OneGo WTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.15-0.24 .....x.....m 2.1 589802000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x0.95-1.07 .....x.....m 11.9 589914000 OneGo WTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.25-0.39 .....x.....m 2.4 589807000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x0.95-1.07 .....x.....m 13.2 589915000 OneGo WTB-P 0.30-0.39x0.25-0.39 .....x.....m 3.0 589808000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x1.08-1.14 .....x.....m 5.5 589916000 OneGo WTB-P 0.10-0.19x0.40-0.54 .....x.....m 2.6 589966000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x1.08-1.14 .....x.....m 7.5 589917000 OneGo WTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.40-0.54 .....x.....m 3.5 589967000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x1.08-1.14 .....x.....m 13.8 589918000 OneGo-WTB-P
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x1.08-1.14 .....x.....m 13.8 589919000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x1.15-1.24 .....x.....m 5.9 589920000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x1.15-1.24 .....x.....m 8.1 589921000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x1.15-1.24 .....x.....m 13.4 589922000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x1.15-1.24 .....x.....m 6.7 589923000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x1.25-1.37 .....x.....m 6.7 589924000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x1.25-1.37 .....x.....m 9.2 589925000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x1.25-1.37 .....x.....m 15.1 589926000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x1.25-1.37 .....x.....m 16.6 589927000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x1.38-1.44 .....x.....m 7.0 589928000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x1.38-1.44 .....x.....m 9.5 589929000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x1.38-1.44 .....x.....m 15.6 589930000 OneGo WST panel 0.60x0.30m 3.9 589730000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x1.38-1.44 .....x.....m 17.2 589931000 OneGo WST panel 0.40x0.30m 2.8 589731000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x1.45-1.54 .....x.....m 7.4 589932000 OneGo WST panel 0.30x0.30m 2.0 589732000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x1.45-1.54 .....x.....m 10.1 589933000 OneGo WST panel 0.25x0.30m 1.8 589733000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x1.45-1.54 .....x.....m 16.6 589934000 OneGo WST panel 0.15x0.30m 1.2 589734000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x1.45-1.54 .....x.....m 18.3 589935000 OneGo WST panel 0.10x0.30m 1.0 589735000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x1.55-1.67 .....x.....m 8.2 589936000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x1.55-1.67 .....x.....m 11.1 589937000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x1.55-1.67 .....x.....m 18.3 589938000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x1.55-1.67 .....x.....m 20.0 589939000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x1.68-1.74 .....x.....m 8.4 589940000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x1.68-1.74 .....x.....m 11.4 589941000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x1.68-1.74 .....x.....m 18.8 589942000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x1.68-1.74 .....x.....m 20.7 589943000
OneGo WU-P 0.10-0.19x1.75-1.84 .....x.....m 8.9 589944000
OneGo WU-P 0.20-0.29x1.75-1.84 .....x.....m 12.0 589945000
OneGo WU-P 0.30-0.54x1.75-1.84 .....x.....m 19.8 589946000
OneGo WU-P 0.55-0.60x1.75-1.84 .....x.....m 21.7 589947000

OneGo WT panel 0.60x0.30m 3.5 589750000

OneGo WT panel 0.40x0.30m 2.6 589751000
OneGo WT panel 0.30x0.30m 1.9 589752000
OneGo WT panel 0.25x0.30m 1.7 589753000
OneGo WT panel 0.15x0.30m 1.2 589754000
OneGo WT panel 0.10x0.30m 0.90 589755000

999810802 - 05/2014 45
Component overview User Information Doka OneGo

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

OneGo WSTB-P 0.10-0.19x0.15-0.24 .....x.....m 1.3 589970000 OneGo WSTB inside corner 0.15-0.24 .....m 2.1 589680000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.15-0.24 .....x.....m 1.8 589971000 OneGo WSTB inside corner 0.25-0.54 .....m 4.3 589681000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.30-0.39x0.15-0.24 .....x.....m 2.3 589972000 OneGo WSTB inside corner 0.55-0.84 .....m 6.7 589682000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.40-0.60x0.15-0.24 .....x.....m 3.5 589973000 OneGo WSTB inside corner 0.85-1.15 .....m 8.8 589683000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.10-0.19x0.25-0.39 .....x.....m 1.8 589974000 OneGo-WSTB-Innenecke
OneGo WSTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.25-0.39 .....x.....m 2.5 589975000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.30-0.39x0.25-0.39 .....x.....m 3.2 589976000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.40-0.60x0.25-0.39 .....x.....m 4.7 589977000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.10-0.19x0.40-0.54 .....x.....m 2.6 589978000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.40-0.54 .....x.....m 3.6 589979000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.30-0.39x0.40-0.54 .....x.....m 4.6 589980000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.40-0.60x0.40-0.54 .....x.....m 6.8 589981000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.10-0.19x0.55-0.69 .....x.....m 4.5 589982000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.55-0.69 .....x.....m 4.5 589983000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.30-0.39x0.55-0.69 .....x.....m 5.6 589984000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.40-0.60x0.55-0.69 .....x.....m 8.3 589985000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.10-0.19x0.70-0.84 .....x.....m 4.1 589986000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.70-0.84 .....x.....m 5.6 589987000 OneGo WU inside corner 0.10-0.29 .....m 2.6 589665000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.30-0.39x0.70-0.84 .....x.....m 7.0 589988000 OneGo WU inside corner 0.30-0.47 .....m 3.9 589666000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.40-0.60x0.70-0.84 .....x.....m 10.2 589989000 OneGo WU inside corner 0.48-0.64 .....m 5.1 589667000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.10-0.19x0.85-0.99 .....x.....m 4.7 589990000 OneGo WU inside corner 0.65-0.77 .....m 6.1 589668000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.20-0.29x0.85-0.99 .....x.....m 6.5 589991000 OneGo WU inside corner 0.78-0.84 .....m 6.6 589669000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.30-0.39x0.85-0.99 .....x.....m 8.0 589992000 OneGo WU inside corner 0.85-1.07 .....m 8.5 589670000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.40-0.60x0.85-0.99 .....x.....m 11.7 589993000 OneGo WU inside corner 1.08-1.14 .....m 9.0 589671000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.10-0.19x1.00-1.14 .....x.....m 5.6 589994000 OneGo WU inside corner 1.15-1.37 .....m 10.7 589672000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.20-0.29x1.00-1.14 .....x.....m 7.6 589995000 OneGo WU inside corner 1.38-1.44 .....m 11.2 589673000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.30-0.39x1.00-1.14 .....x.....m 9.5 589996000 OneGo WU inside corner 1.45-1.67 .....m 13.1 589674000
OneGo WSTB-P 0.40-0.60x1.00-1.14 .....x.....m 13.6 589997000 OneGo WU inside corner 1.68-1.74 .....m 13.6 589675000
OneGo-WSTB-P OneGo WU inside corner 1.75-1.98 .....m 15.2 589676000

OneGo WST outside corner 0.30m 0.55 589765000

OneGo-WST-Außenecke 0,30m

OneGo WB inside corner 2.40m 18.6 589762000

OneGo WB inside corner 1.80m 14.0 589760000 OneGo box-out corner 30cm 1.9 589774000
OneGo WB inside corner 2.10m 16.2 589761000 OneGo box-out corner 25cm 1.7 589773000
OneGo box-out corner 20cm 1.7 589772000
OneGo box-out corner 15cm 1.3 589771000
OneGo box-out corner 10cm 1.1 589770000

OneGo SB panel 0.60x1.20m 12.1 589780000

OneGo SB panel 0.40x1.20m 9.4 589781000
OneGo SB panel 0.30x1.20m 6.5 589782000
OneGo SB panel 0.25x1.20m 5.8 589783000
OneGo SB panel 0.15x1.20m 4.2 589784000
OneGo SB panel 0.10x1.20m 3.5 589785000
OneGo SB panel 0.60x0.90m 9.5 589790000
OneGo SB panel 0.40x0.90m 7.4 589791000
OneGo WB inside corner 0.95-1.07 .....m 8.6 589650000 OneGo SB panel 0.30x0.90m 5.2 589792000
OneGo WB inside corner 1.08-1.14 .....m 9.1 589651000 OneGo SB panel 0.25x0.90m 4.6 589793000
OneGo WB inside corner 1.15-1.37 .....m 10.8 589652000 OneGo SB panel 0.15x0.90m 3.3 589794000
OneGo WB inside corner 1.38-1.44 .....m 11.5 589653000 OneGo SB panel 0.10x0.90m 2.7 589795000
OneGo WB inside corner 1.45-1.67 .....m 13.2 589654000
OneGo WB inside corner 1.68-1.74 .....m 13.7 589655000
OneGo WB inside corner 1.75-1.97 .....m 15.3 589656000
OneGo WB inside corner 1.98-2.04 .....m 15.8 589657000
OneGo WB inside corner 2.05-2.27 .....m 17.8 589658000
OneGo WB inside corner 2.28-2.34 .....m 18.2 589659000
OneGo WB inside corner 2.35-2.40 .....m 18.6 589660000

OneGo WST inside corner 0.30m 2.4 589763000

OneGo-WST-Innenecke 0,30m OneGo beam 0.10x1.20m 7.7 589805000
OneGo-Träger 0,10x1,20m

46 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

OneGo stripping head 10cm 4.5 589695000 OneGo hammer 1.0 589649000
OneGo-Ausschalkopf 10cm OneGo-Hammer

Doka floor prop Eco 15 300 13.0 586290000

Length: 172 - 300 cm
Doka floor prop Eco 15 350 14.5 586291000
Length: 197 - 350 cm
Doka-Deckenstützen Eco 15 OneGo stripping tool 4.0 589694000
Galvanised OneGo-Ausschalwerkzeug

OneGo flat-tie removal tool 5.0 589693000


Spring locked connecting pin 16mm 0.25 582528000

Federbolzen 16mm OneGo wedge clamp 8cm 1.0 589699000
Galvanised OneGo-Spannklemme 8cm
Length: 15 cm

OneGo wedge-pin 0.11 589690000


OneGo handrail post 1.00m 4.0 589698000

OneGo-Geländersteher 1,00m

OneGo wedge 0.06 589691000


OneGo flat-tie 30cm 0.42 589689000 OneGo bracket 0.90m 11.6 589697000
OneGo flat-tie 25cm 0.38 589688000 OneGo-Konsole 0,90m
OneGo flat-tie 20cm 0.34 589687000
OneGo flat-tie 15cm 0.29 589686000
OneGo flat-tie 10cm 0.25 589685000

OneGo clip 0.35 589696000


OneGo flat-tie clamp 0.30 589706000


999810802 - 05/2014 47
Component overview User Information Doka OneGo

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

OneGo WST-P 0.10-0.19 .....x0.30m 1.5 589640000

OneGo WST-P 0.20-0.29 .....x0.30m 2.1 589641000
OneGo WST-P 0.30-0.39 .....x0.30m 2.6 589642000
OneGo WST-P 0.40-0.60 .....x0.30m 3.9 589643000

48 999810802 - 05/2014
User Information Doka OneGo Component overview

999810802 - 05/2014 49
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Doka GmbH | Josef Umdasch Platz 1 | 3300 Amstetten | Austria | T +43 7472 605-0 | F +43 7472 66430 | oesterreich@doka.com | www.doka.com 999810802 - 05/2014

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