09 Texturing Methods
09 Texturing Methods
09 Texturing Methods
Textures are always connected to materials, never to the polygon mesh itself. To have a texture
on your mesh you first have to create a new material and connect it to your mesh. Next you create
a texture and connect it to your material. The tool you need for that in Maya is called the
To assign a Shader to a 3D object use drag and drop with middle mouse button
To assign a Texture to a Shader either use drag and drop with middle mouse button onto the desired
attribute in the right part of the window or use the input- and output- icons on the nodes in the node-editor in
the middle part of the window.
Texturing by Using Procedural Textures
Procedural textures are using software-internal algorithms and are not exchanable with other programs as
games engines. If you want to export a procedural texture, you first have to convert it to a file-texture:
1. Select the mesh and the texture you want to convert for this mesh.
2. In the hypershade click edit -> convert to file texture options
3. Set the options to your needs and click "convert"
Texturing by Painting on the 3D mesh
(rendering menu -> texturing -> 3D paint Tool option box)
You can also use a 3d tool to paint on your 3d surface directly instead of using pictures or procedural.
Most common tool today for this is substance painter. Maya offers the same workflow but is not as
powerfull as external tools. Never the less, the workflow to external tools in Maya is pretty similar. Here
is how it works with Maya:
First you have to create a uv-layout with no overlapping shells. Just use the automatic mapping, when
you want to use the 3D paint tool. with this, you dont have to care for seems and uv-placement and the
automatic mapping is fine (Polygon Menu -> Create UVs -> automatic mapping
Best is to assign a new shader before you go on. (e.g. Right click on your object -> assign favourite
material -> lambert)
Next you open the 3D Paint Tool (rendering menu -> texturing -> 3D paint Tool option box) and assign a
texture to your shader. use the file textures section of the tool's options for that
For being able to paint your texture in any 2D-program or editing image-files to fit to your object, you
have to export your uv-layout as a reference to use it in the appropriate 2D-program: