B1 UNITS 1 and 2 CLIL
B1 UNITS 1 and 2 CLIL
B1 UNITS 1 and 2 CLIL
1 Work with a partner. Look at the photos of 2 Quickly read the text. Which statement best describes
the animals and discuss this question: what it is about?
Why do you think there are fewer and fewer of a Introducing technology to increase the number of
these animals remaining in our world today? endangered animals in the wild
b Preventing the illegal sale of animal body parts
c Using new methods to track criminals who exploit wildlife
IS HELPING THE FIGHT In the last three years,
We don’t only come across crime in the human world, 3 In some parts of the world, robotic animals
a growing number of people are exploiting the are used to trick poachers. This method has
endangered wildlife of our planet too. They are known already worked for criminals hunting deer, and
as poachers or animal traffickers and their criminal perhaps it could prove successful to use robotic
activity is threatening the survival of more and more of elephants and tigers too.
our animal population.
4 The DNA analysis of illegal animal goods,
Poachers focus on capturing or killing animals with like elephant ivory or shark fins, helps
body parts that are worth a lot of money – tiger skins investigators locate where they come from, and
and bones, rhino horns, shark fins or ivory from this can bring them closer to finding out who
elephants – and they sell these items illegally. the criminals are, therefore protecting these
Fortunately, we now live in a world that is making animals in the future.
use of technology more than ever, and there are some
5 Mobile apps like WILDSCAN now exist
excellent high-tech methods used to look for these
to help investigators keep track of animal
criminals and help combat animal crime.
trafficking by providing photos and information
1 Some endangered animals wear smart collars on wildlife in danger.
to track their movements. These collars have a GPS
These methods of technology are all making
system inside that tells investigators where the animal
improvements in the hunt for poachers and
is at any time, and therefore helps keep it safe from
with plenty of other techniques also in use, one
day animal crime can hopefully be stopped
2 High-tech flying devices called drones are altogether.
increasingly used to cover large and remote regions and
can help locate criminals illegally hunting wildlife in
these areas.
Thanks to some technology tests using drones in
an important wildlife area in Kenya, poaching has
reduced by 96%.