HE 2012 05 Risk Inspectors
HE 2012 05 Risk Inspectors
HE 2012 05 Risk Inspectors
Software implementation
Based on the outcome of the initial wo rk session, an
implementation wo rkfl ow was defined, w hi ch co nsidered
Figure 1. Project workflow. corporate IT guidel ines, soft ware setup, hardware and network
connect ions, as we ll as any connections to third party
instances (for examp le, rights management). Specialists then
implemented the system on a serve r with t he appropriate
hard wa re and acco rding soft wa re specifi cat ion (provided by
OCP Ecuador).
OCP Ecuado r was handed over a comp rehensive software
suite, incl uding all functiona lities, server installati on, data and
th e required capabi lities to operate and update its RBI plan for
the overall storage tank enviro nment.
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Figure 3. Risk based inspection into master reference plan within ROAIM S.
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of co rrective actions based on repair ad vice. This repair advice
included suggestions as to how much effort should be
expended on repairs, while reviewing the changes in risk
associated with the next inspection interval of the tank. Into
the future, the RB is should be recalculated frequently using
the latest information on corrosion rates.
OCP has already implemented an RBI methodology for
tanks, which can be expanded into use with other assets, as
the foundations for such methodology are already built up. An
integrity approach for other assets (such as piping) has many
steps in order to achieve its full purpose and objective. An
initi al element of implementing such a protocol is to identify
the more significant threats / ri sks to the identified asset
integrity as part of the initial screening level risk assessment.
This wil l identify the most likely failure mechanisms that could
Figure 5. OCP marine terminal, Ecuador.
lead to a loss of integrity. Further, the severity of a given failure
is outlined so resources can be focused on the important
establish subsequent inspection dates for each individual tank, areas. A suitable inspection plan wil l be the result of this risk
thus forming a (MRP). analysis.