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The Analysis and Simulation of Voltage Distribution Over String Insulators With Guard Ring Using Matlab/Simulink

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The Analysis and Simulation of Voltage

Distribution over String Insulators with

Guard Ring Using Matlab/Simulink
Bilal Ahmad
Department of Electrical Engineering, PIEAS
Abstract— This paper describes how to Calculate environment.
voltage profile across insulator discs for different
arrangements, calculate string efficiency for
different arrangements of insulator strings, and
Observe the advantages and dis-advantages of each
arrangement. Index terms—MATLAB, Simulink,
Impedance Angle, Power Factor


S tring insulators are generally used to

insulate and carry the line conductor in the
overhead power transmission lines. The
number of insulator units depends on the operation
voltage and other factors such as contamination,
mechanical strength, lightning, and altitude. When Figure 1. insulator string
AC voltage is applied to the string, the voltage
The number of units (disc) along the line can be
distribution is non-uniform across a string
insulator. To evaluate these voltages, string chosen in (n), (n+1), (n+2), in some segments
because of these factors. The string insulator
efficiency term is used. In conventional
chosen for overhead power lines must be adequate
calculations of the voltage distribution over a
for electrical and mechanical conditions. The most
string insulator and string efficiency, it is assumed
that the insulator surface is clean, dry, and also used materials for the construction of insulators are
porcelain and toughened glass. The porcelain must
there is no wind.
be vitrified and then glazed in order to provide a
Insulators are one of the most important surface that can be kept relatively free from dirt
hardware in the overhead power transmission and moisture, and to increase the mechanical
lines. There are various types of insulators such as strength.
pin, post, and string (disc, cap-pin, suspension). String insulator consists of two or more
String insulators have been widely used due to high suspension insulators connected in series. As the
mechanical strength, easy installation and operation voltage increases, the number of string
operation, and low cost. It is easy to determine the insulator units increases. The electrical parameters
number of insulator units to provide the desired for each unit of the string insulator are measured in
electrical conditions; that is, why string insulators laboratory and given in catalogues.
have been commonly used in the power
transmission lines. The number of units of a string The unit nearest to the line has the highest of
insulator depends on several factors such as voltage value, and this excessive voltage may
operation voltage (kV), mechanical strength cause flashover due to non-uniform voltage
(especially ice load) and contamination level of the distribution. Thus, it is necessary to calculate the
voltage distribution over a string insulator and to
take required precaution. In this experiment, the
analysis of the voltage distribution over a string of
suspension insulators will be carried.
The voltage of each insulator over the string is Remembering V1 + V2 + … + Vn = V,
not equal. That is, this voltage is not equally shared insulator terminal voltages V1, V2…, Vn can
among the units in a string insulator. The be solved from the following equation:
uniformity degree of voltage distribution depends
on the number of insulator units.

Where x is >=2 and V is the conductor voltage. If

there are n discs then

By putting this expression in the first equation we


Figure 2. Capacitance representation

If Vx and Vx-1 are equal then
During calculation of voltage distribution over a
string insulator, the following assumptions are

• The capacitance C of each unit of string insulator has Moreover, we know that
the same value and linear characteristic.
• The capacitances between metal joint point (pin) and
tower Ce are linear (Ce ≪
• Capacitance between phase conductor and pin joint
is Ch.
• When the surfaces of insulator units are clean and
A power transmission line located in the area having
dry, insulation resistance of (glass or porcelain industrial and atmospheric factors can be exposed to
insulator) R_ins is considered as infinity. contamination. The layer of contamination covers the
surface of string insulator units. When the conductivity
• The number of units (n) ≥ 2.
of contamination layer is high, its resistance (Rd) is low.
• For capacitances (Ce, Ch), lumped parameter R d is much lower than insulation resistance of an
approach is used. insulator R_ins, R
• String insulator used is of suspension-type.
• Operation frequency is considered as f = 50 Hz.
The voltage on each insulator over the
string can be calculated by means of 1. We developed the circuit shown in figure
equivalent circuit shown below. For this #3.
calculation, lumped parameter approach 2. Set C as 100uF, R as 0.00001 ohms and k = k1
(Kirchhoff's first law and node voltage = k2 = 0.1.
method) can be used. 3. Set the AC voltage source to 132kV
If Vx and Vx-1 are equal then



There are some tasks to be done they are given
Task 1:

Figure 3. Circuit Diagram


Some equations are used during this experiment
they are the following;
𝐾 = 𝐶1/𝐶 (a)
𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 = 𝑛 ×𝑉𝑛 × 100(%) (b)
Remembering V1 + V2 + … + Vn = V,
insulator terminal voltages V1, V2…, Vn can
be solved from the following equation:

Figure 4. Scope outputs RMS Voltages (V1, V2, V3)

(c) Comment:
The voltage is not distributed equally across the
Where x is >=2 and V is the conductor voltage. insulator discs. The voltage (V3) across the lowest disc
If there are n discs then is largest and decreases as we move upwards.

Task 2:

𝑉3 =11(𝑉1)- 11(𝑉2 )
(d) 1
𝑉3 = 𝑉1 +𝑉2
By putting this expression in the first equation BY solving these equations, we have:
we have, 𝑉2 =11 𝑉1
𝑉3 =𝑉1
V=11 𝑉1
11 1
Efficiency=3×𝑉 =96.9 %
𝑉3 +(𝑉3 + 𝑉4 + 𝑉5 )0.1=𝑉2 + 0.2(𝑉1 + 𝑉2 )
Task 3: When we connect five discs in a string and keep k 𝑉4 + (𝑉4 + 𝑉5)0.1=𝑉3 + 0.3(𝑉1 + 𝑉2 + 𝑉3 )
= 0.1 and k1to k4 from 0.1 to 0.4 with a 𝑉5 + (𝑉5)0.1=𝑉4 + 0.4(𝑉1 + 𝑉2 + 𝑉3 + 𝑉4 )
step of 0.1 (in ascending order), we have: Solving these equations, we have:
𝑉2 =21316
𝑉3 =16706
𝑉4 =14130
𝑉5 =15642

Task 5: When we connect five discs in a string and

keep k = 0.1 and k1to k4 from 0.4 to 0.1 with a
step of -0.1 (in descending order), we have:
V1= Voltage measurement 7
V2= Voltage measurement 6
V3= Voltage measurement 3
V4= Voltage measurement 4
V5= Voltage measurement 5

Figure 7. Showing Results

As the results remain same so using the formula of
string efficiency, we have string efficiency = 73.09%

Task 6: In task 3 we connect five discs in a string and

keep k = 0.1 and k1to k4 from 0.1 to 0.4 with a step of
Figure 5. Circuit Diagram 0.1 (in ascending order) and in task 5 we connect five
discs in a string and keep k = 0.1 and k1to k4 from 0.4
to 0.1 with a step of -0.1 (in descending order),in both
cases as the string efficiency remains same so the
voltage distribution will also remain the same.
Task 7:
Using equation (d), (e), (f), we have:
𝐾1 =0.1( )=0.025
𝑉2 +𝑉3 +𝑉4 +𝑉5
Figure 6. Showing Results
Here, ⇒ 𝐶ℎ1 =2.5 µF
𝑉1 +𝑉2
V1= Voltage measurement 7 𝐾2 =0.1(𝑉 +𝑉 +𝑉
3 4 5
V2= Voltage measurement 6 ⇒ 𝐶ℎ2 =6.66 µF
V3= Voltage measurement 3 𝑉 +𝑉 +𝑉
𝐾3 =0.1( 1 2 3)=0.15
V4= Voltage measurement 4 𝑉4 +𝑉5
V5= Voltage measurement 5 ⇒ 𝐶ℎ3 =15 µF

𝑉1 +𝑉2 +𝑉3 +𝑉4

Using the formula of string efficiency with Vn=36121 and 𝐾4 =0.1( 𝑉5
n=5, we have string efficiency = 73.09%.
⇒ 𝐶ℎ4 =40 µF
Task 4:
V=𝑉1+𝑉2 +𝑉3 + 𝑉4 + 𝑉5
𝑉2 +(𝑉2 +𝑉3 + 𝑉4 + 𝑉5 )0.1= 𝑉1 + 0.1𝑉1
Task 8: When we Select K as 0.1 and k1 to k4 as find
out in last step in a five-disc insulator string and put Rd
from 10k to 50k Ohms with step of 10k Ohms, we have:
, “TheAnalysis and Simulation of Voltage
Distribution over String Insulators with
Guard Ring
Using Matlab/Simulink”, 1964, pp. 1–4

Figure 8. Circuit Diagram

Figure 9. Showing Results

In this case we have maximum string efficiency
(i.e. nearly equal to 100%) as in this case the voltage
distribution is nearly uniform across the disc.
From this we concluded that the voltage is distributed
equally across the insulator disc in case of ideal
conditions. When the shunt capacitances effect is also
introduced the voltage across the capacitance c does not
remain same. And thus, we design and change the value
of k, k1, k2, k3, k4 to maximize our string efficiency
String efficiency describes the overall life of insulator,
We observe that the disc nearest to the line observe the
highest voltage tension and so on. When the value of k
increases the string, efficiency decreases and thus the
voltage distribution becomes more non-uniform. And
when the value of k, k1, k2, k3, k4 are calculated using
equation (c), (d), (e), (f) we have the string efficiency
maximum i.e. the voltage distribution becomes more

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