Manual Pdu 2017
Manual Pdu 2017
Manual Pdu 2017
Learner Needs and Eclecticism
Materials Syllabus
Language proficiency
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education
Blended Learning Concepts
Blended Learning Enviroment
Information Literacy and Multimedia Literacy
Using Technology vs. Technology Integration
Teach Bytes, 2013
Blended Learning Implications
Evaluation System
Language Proficiewncy
Intensive course
Saturday course
Ideas to Practice in Class
Recommendations When Taking the GESSE Exam
Don’ts During the Exam
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
19 two-hour sessions for Levels 4 to 9
19 two-hour sessions for Levels 10 to 12
8 five-hour sessions for Levels 4 to 9
8 five-hour sessions for Levels 10 to 12
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
Theoretical review
“As we realize that learning is an extremely complex process and that learners are individuals
with different personalities, styles, and preferences, we have begun to look for a multiplicity
of ways to respond to the challenge of teaching. Eclecticism, however, needs to be principled if
instruction is to be effective, and techniques and activities need to be chosen intelligently to
relate to specific program objectives (Richards and Rodgers 1986).”
When the materials in use constitute curriculum and syllabus, Dubin, & Olshtain (1986, pp.32-33)
point out it is essential to consider the following five elements:
1. Awareness of the educational and linguistic orientations the commercial textbooks contain.
2. Adaptation of the educational and linguistic orientations to the timeframe. The scope and
sequence charts indicate the linguistic elements.
4. Goals are being reached in terms of examinations, higher levels of education or higher
levels in the language program.
In addition, Hutchinson & Waters (1987, p.81) agree that adaptation of teaching materials to the
context is essential for motivation and thus triggers language learning. They state, “In writing
materials, the author adds yet more assumptions about the nature of language, language learning
and language use. The author decides the contexts in which the language will appear, the relative
weightings and integration of skills, the number and types of exercises to be spent on any aspect
of language, the degree of recycling or revision. These can all have their effect on whether and
how well something is learnt. For example, if certain vocabulary items are presented in texts which
appeal to the learners, they are more likely to be remembered, because the learners’ attention will
be more involved.”
Kumaravadivelu (2006) talks about the teacher as a researcher and writes, “Any actual postmethod
pedagogy has to be constructed by the classroom teacher. The pedagogic frameworks offer certain
options and certain operating principles. Based on them, and on their own attempt to theorize
what they practice and to practice what they theorize, practicing teachers may be able to develop
their own location-specific postmethod pedagogies.” (p. 213)
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
5. foster language awareness (deliberate attempt to draw attention to formal properties of L2)
Finally, he cites Johnston (2003) who puts the teacher-student relationship at the core of language
teaching and adds, “They (the aforementioned works) all go beyond the methods fetish to
explore the professional life of language teachers, and in the process, help us understand teachers
as individuals who are self-directing, self-determining, and self-motivating. They also provide
compelling arguments for putting teachers, rather than anybody else, at the center of educational
change.” (p. 223)
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
The popular use of social networking, multimedia technology is already in learners’ hands and
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
institutions not necessarily need to invest to integrate it into the curriculum (Shyamlee &
Phil, 2012, p. 150). Mohamed Ally in Harper (2008, p. 59) also agrees, “Because the rapid
development of information technology, there is a shift from print based learning to e-learning.”
Certainly, digital immigrants and digital natives are in search of flexible timetables and distance
convenient language courses, in other words, online or BL courses that suit their learning needs
to develop and at the same time that instead of interfering it should become part of their personal
or professional life.
Richards & Schmidt (2002) argue that evaluation of learners includes entrance and placement to
be part of the program, progress and achievement all along the program, and exit level according
to the program and international standards (p.188). These evaluations or tests of the proficiency
of the language user must consider validity (the degree to which a test measures the language
that needs to be measured), reliability (the degree to which a test gives consistent results), and
feasibility (practicality, this is, clear and time wise tests to sample language knowledge) (CEFR,
p. 177-178). Formative assessment refers to ongoing collection of learner’s strengths and
weaknesses for improvement through feedback. Summative assessment is collected by one or
more achievement assessments to generate a final score (p. 186).
The Common European Framework of Reference is without a doubt the broadest descriptor that
measures language proficiency. The global scale of the common reference levels is synthesized in
the chard below.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
Independent User
B2 makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without
strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of
subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages
and disadvantages of various options.
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar
matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal
with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the
B1 language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics,
which are familiar, or of personal interest. Can describe experiences
and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and
explanations for opinions and plans.
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related
to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and
family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can
A2 communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct
Basic User
Bonk, C. J., & Graham, C. R. (2005). The Handbook of Blended Learning Global Perspectives,
Local Designs. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from
Common European framework of reference for languages (2002). Strasbourg Cedex: Council of
Europe Pub./Éditions du Conseil de l’Europe.
Dubin, F., & Olshtain, E. (1986). Course design: developing programs and materials for
language learning. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University Press.
Hadley, A. O. (1986). Teaching language in context: proficiency-oriented instruction. Boston,
Mass.: Heinle & Heinle.
Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes: a learning-centred approach.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University Press.
Harper, D. G., & Hirtz, S. (2008). Education for a digital world: advice, guidelines, and effective
practice from around the globe. Vancouver: Commonwealth of Learning.
Larsen-Freeman, D., & Long, M.H. (1991) An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
Research. Longman.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
LeLoup, J. W., Ponterio, R., & Cortland, S. (2000, May 2). Enhancing Authentic Language
Learning Experiences Through Internet Technology. ERIC Digest. Retrieved from http://www.
Richards, J. C., & Schmidt, R. (2002), Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics,
(Third Edition), London: Longman.
Saslow, J., & Ascher, A. (2005). Making English Unforgettable—Enhancing Acquisition in the
EFL Setting. in Top Notch Professional Development Series, Issue 1. Pearson. Retrieved from,
Shyamlee, D. S., & Phil, M. (2012). “Use of Technology in English Language Teaching and
Learning”: An Analysis. International Conference on Language, Medias and Culture IPEDR
vol.33 (2012) ©(2012) IACSIT Press, Singapore.
Thorne, K. (2008). Blended learning how to integrate online & traditional learning. London:
Kogan Page.
Tomlinson, B., & Whittaker, C. (2013). Blended Learning in English Language Teaching:
Course Design and Implementation. London: The British Council. Retrieved from http://
• Learning a foreign language is a process where all students are to be considered different
and, as a consequence, they must be helped differently according to their needs,
personalities, learning styles and multiple intelligences (the ability to understand the
• Communicating in the target language within the classroom provides more opportunities
for the students to be in touch with the target language in a non-English speaking country.
• The use of the mother tongue is not a means of teaching a foreign language at PROULEX.
It must be seen as a tool instead of as an easy shortcut to solve specific language conflicts
in the classroom.
• Preparing students for taking tests is not the main goal of this institution. Instead, students
are to be trained linguistically to cope with situations where language is the most important
tool for successful communication. Therefore, quizzes and final exams have 3 sections: social
language, vocabulary, grammar, and each language skill is also assessed.
To instruct adults and young adults to communicate effectively in English with native and non-
native speakers at a B1 level within real life situations.
1. To use English as the means to communicate with native and non-native speakers of
8. To connect learners to the real world by integrating the linguistic skills and socio-cultural
Student profile
Many students decide to enroll in Level 1 even though they have been exposed to some English
in the past. Others, decide to take a placement test but end up being placed in Level 1 because
they are weak in the speaking and listening skills. It is crucial to take into consideration that even
though Levels 1 and 2 were designed for true beginners, false beginners should not be left out. In
general, teaching level 1 is perceived as the easiest level of all; nevertheless, it is a challenging level
considering the fact that it is the students’ first impression of the teacher and of Proulex. This first
experience in learning a language will be vital for students to decide if they want to continue at
Proulex, or even studying a language. Teachers must motivate and encourage students to use the
target language since day one so as to engage in the Proulex ambiance.
Proulex teachers are not expected to pass students just for the sake of it, or because they have a
scholarship. This means that teachers must plan their classes considering students’ needs, learning
styles and intelligences to help weak students succeed, but if in the end students have to repeat a
level, explain that they will benefit from repeating the level.
The minimum age requirement for students to enroll in the PDU course is 15 years and/or have
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
graduated from junior high school. Students that attend classes at both ends of the day and on
Saturdays are usually employees. University and high school students study throughout the day
as their school schedule permits. It’s more common to find full time mothers attending class mid-
morning while their children are at school or on Saturdays while their children are taking Proulex
children/juniors classes. At sites within a campus, most are university or high school students.
Sites off campus tend to have more English students from the community where they are located.
On Saturdays a lot of students come from nearby towns, too.
A great number of students have weak writing skills in L1 and this is transferred to L2 which turns
into a challenge for teachers and students.
Among students there are digital immigrants that need support to succeed with the digital
components of the course. Indeed, millenials or digital natives have the digital skills needed and
can help not only other students but also teachers that are not tech savvy.
Teacher roles
2. Informer gives the learners detailed information about the language or about an activity.
organizes the learning space, makes sure everything in the classroom is running
3. Manager smoothly and sets rules and routines (i.e. things which are done regularly) for
goes around the class during individual, pair and group work activities, checking
4. Monitor
5. Involver makes sure all the learners are taking part in the activities.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
2. Professional draws a line between personal and work issues, and is ethical.
By unifying the teaching standards there is a greater probability that the students’ exit level at the
end of each monthly course will be basically the same.
• In order to have standardized teaching, the teacher must cover the information in the
time distribution chart and the assessment system.
• Teachers must be aware that by including “additional” activities of their own, especially
if they’re time-consuming or non-communicative grammar-oriented tasks, they won’t be
taking full advantage of the coursebook and peripheral components. Instead, teachers
must be advised to exploit the options and challenges provided in the series, play with
the sequencing of the activities or adapt them to the students’ needs, preferences or
intelligences. All teachers must be aware that the main focus is on communication
(production of language) than on grammar instruction.
Coursebook approach
• Communicative English course for adults and young adults designed thinking in the
needs of true beginners.
• Essential model conversations that make key professional, social and travel language
memorable and easy to personalize.
• Wide array of learning strategies and activities that promote critical thinking.
• Authentic and refreshing content that connects students to the real world.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
The coursebook series is divided into 2 parts: Top Notch and Summit. Top Notch covers PDU
levels 1-9 and Summit levels 10-12.
Teacher Resources
• ActiveTeach
The Student’s Book content for classroom presentation, including audio, video, and
interactive whiteboard tools
• Includes easy-to-score and editable unit and review achievement tests to assess
vocabulary, grammar, reading, and listening, plus optional speaking and writing tests.
• Five CDs per level contain a variety of authentic regional and non-nativeaccents to
build comprehension of diverse English speakers.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
The teacher book begins with a unit walk-through followed by the series components. All of these
sections plus the methodology section are of extreme relevance to be read before starting to teach
any of the twelve levels.
The interleaved teacher book contains plenty of useful tips and information like language notes,
culture notes, and expansion activities, among others, regarding each activity, lesson or unit.
It is important that the lesson plans be examined instead of altering the sequence or content
without trying them out first. Overlooking such important information will cause less than
standard teaching which in turn can lead to inconsistent classroom instruction and, as a result, to
heterogeneous student exit profiles.
19 days
2 hours each day from Monday to Friday
with a 10 minute break before the top of each hour
8 days,
5 hours each Saturday
with several breaks).
The grammar booster in levels 1-3 (Top Notch Fundamentals) is extra practice of what has been
covered in the student book and therefore could be used in class, assigned for homework, assigned
to learners that want or need more practice, etc.
The grammar booster in levels 4-12 is optional. It is not required for the tests because it extends the
grammar point, this is, it includes different features from those in the student book.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
Levels 4, 6, 8, Levels 5, 7, 9,
TEST Score Time Limit
Units Covered
Quiz 1 1 6 10% online: 40 min
Quiz 2 2 7 10% online: 40 min
Quiz 3 3 8 10% online: 40 min
Writing Assessment 1-4 6-9 10% 30 minutes
Final Exam 1-5 6-10 30% 50 minutes
Formal Oral Assessment 1-5 6-10 10% 50 minutes
Ongoing Oral Assessment 1-5 6-10 10% Continuous
Online Work 10% Continuous
Passing score 80% Total 100% 2.5 hours
1.- Quizzes and Final Exams include assessment of listening and reading skills.
3.- Quizzes are the General Tests within MEL / Achievement Test in each unit.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
In the Score column, there are items that are worth anywhere between .5 to 2 points depending on
the difficulty of the task. The writing assessments evaluate complete correct use of the language,
according to the level, and following the analytical scales for writing (see Writing Assessment
Answer Key). The quizzes and final exam evaluate social language, vocabulary and grammar
from the text in a variety of test item response types. The final exam includes information from
the 3 quizzes plus the information that was not covered in those quizzes. The reading and
listening assessments are integrated into the quizzes and the final exam. The oral assessments
are administered in pairs in levels 4-9 at 4 minutes per pair and individually in levels 10-12 at 5
minutes per individual. Teachers need to organize their time accordingly. Time limits are to be
strictly adhered to.
Levels 1, 2 & 3 are receptive levels, and 3 out of 4 lessons per unit are controlled practice.
Therefore, there are no formal speaking or writing assessments. However, the quizzers and
the final exams include writing tasks at a sentence level, a listening section and a reading
section. Students do need to do writing task online. There are points assigned for the ongoing
oral assessments. Please remember that all four skills must be practiced in class.
By unifying the procedures at all venues, students that move to a different site execute a course
under the same conditions as any other site. The following sections illustrate the procedures.
It is essential to create rapport by introducing yourself, asking questions (e.g. What do you expect
from this class or why do you study English? Why did you choose Proulex, etc.) to start identifying
learning needs, styles and intelligences.
Teachers must always explain the grading criteria within the first 3 days of class in the intensive
course and the first 2 days of class in the Saturday course. There is a course planner at the
beginning of the student’s book for students to fill out every level because there will always be
new students entering our programs through a placement test. Help students fill it out with
important dates like exam dates, international examination dates, exam scores, homework, etc.
The objective of the course planner is to make students aware of their progress and become
responsible for their commitment.
Administration of exams
• Request and check test binders from the office before the class begins or at the time
designated by your coordinator. Be in the classroom when it is time to start. Collect
CD player, materials or exams before it is time to start the class. It is inappropriate for
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
teachers to leave the classroom in the middle of the class because s/he arrived late or forgot
something in the office or wants to consult the content of the exam.
• Administer, assessments and final exams before a break or before the end of the class. Each
answer key for assessments and final exams has the grading criteria that must be followed
in order to standardize the marking.
• Fix the chairs in a traditional classroom seating arrangement. This seating arrangement is
set up with the desks in rows, the teacher’s desk or table somewhere in front of the room,
and student desks moved far enough apart to prevent easy wandering of eyes during tests.
This arrangement is probably the best for preventing cheating on traditional testing days.
Students must put everything away and stored in a designated place (books, notebooks, cell
phones, etc.) except for pencils and erasers. Cell phones must be turned off and put away.
• Instruct students to hand in the exam and the answer sheet before leaving the room. If
the class is over, tell them to look at the board for homework before they leave. If the class
is going to continue, tell them to keep silence and return after the break.
• Assessments (writing) must not last more than half an hour. Administer the assessment 30
minutes before a break or before the class ends. On Saturdays when more than one exam
has to be administered, give an exam before a break and the other before another break or
before the class ends (Saturday classes end at 2 pm and 8 pm).
• The instructions are self explanatory. Do not spend time reading instructions aloud.
Instead, clarify doubts about them.
• Play the proctor role. Take this role rather than marking exams, reading a book,
newspaper or magazine, planning a class, text messaging, etc.
• If students finish the exam before the time is up, they must leave the room. However, you
are expected to stay in your classroom or the school grounds until the class time is over.
Do not mark exams in front of students during exam time or class time. Do not hand out
results the same day (except for the last day of a course).
• Mark the exams of the first 3 students that finish. Those marked answer sheets serve as
answer keys to mark the rest at home, teachers’ room or at any other safe place.
• Return the complete test binder (exams in numerical order and answer KEY) to the office
RIGHT AFTER EACH CLASS. Exams or answer keys are NOT allowed to be taken OUTSIDE
of the site premises, except for the answered answer sheets for grading at home, though it
is recommended that they be graded at the site.
• Handout results the following class day. Make sure students put away everything and do
not take notes. You can borrow the exam binder to clarify their doubts. Giving a few
minutes of general feedback is very important.
• Consult with your coordinator about procedures at your site for returning the graded
answer sheets.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
The Academic coordinator must authorize make-up exams. And Make-up Exam Procedures are for
writing assessment, oral assessment and Final Exam:
1. Make up exams are those administered at a different time or date than scheduled.
2. Make up exams must be administered the same day at a different time or the following
day or class.
7. Make up exams are authorized first by the teacher and then by the coordinator with the
make up exam form.
8. Teacher collects exam from administration with the make up exam form authorized by
the coordinator.
10. Students taking a make up exam are ALWAYS supervised ALL the time under exam
11. Make up exams get docked 10% from the exams’ total score (including online quizzes).
For example:
12. These procedures will be followed at every site to standardize the criteria.
13. Teachers must inform make up exams procedures to their students within the first days
of a course.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
1. Online work will include 2 pieces of writing tasks and 2 pieces of speaking tasks that will
come from MEL as the course develops, as determined by the teacher.
2. Each piece of writing will enclose at least 2 drafts: the first draft with teacher’s feedback
and the edited draft(s).
3. The Online work also includes any other assigned task from MEL.
The Ongoing Oral Assessment is worth 10 points and the Formal Oral Assessment (Spidergram) is
worth 10 points. The total of both oral assessments is 20 points.
• Activities carried out in pairs, groups, whole class and individual presentations.
• Fill it out whenever class is over or during breaks but not in front of students.
• Monitor all students and focus attention on the group of students being assessed.
• Students are encouraged to see the checklist at any stage of the course.
• During the beginning of a course, have students fill out the Ongoing Oral Assessment
Checklist and the Spidergram with their information.
• Give students a mini-lecture regarding the content of both forms and how/when they
will be used.
• At the end of the class or during breaks, check only the items that each assessed
student accomplished. Leave the unaccomplished items blank. Avoid using numbers
and Xs. Use pencil.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
• Items must be checked only once. However, if throughout the course a student does
not continue trying with any specific behavior described in the items, the check might
be deleted.
• Items not checked may be accomplished at a later time during the course.
• Students not performing any specific behavior systematically should become aware of
this, so that they have the opportunity to change and improve.
• At the end of the course add up the totals and cross out the unaccomplished items.
Record the grades on the attendance list.
The Ongoing Oral Assessment must not affect students who are serious, quiet or shy.
Teachers must be aware that quality in participation must be valued more than quantity and
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
Calificación: / 10 Calificación: / 10
1. muestra interés en las actividades orales. 1. muestra interés en las actividades orales.
9. hace el esfuerzo de completar las actividades 9. hace el esfuerzo de completar las actividades
orales. orales.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
INSTRUCTIONS: Circle the number that reflects student’s INSTRUCTIONS: Circle the number that reflects student’s
performance in each of the areas assessed. Write down the total performance in each of the areas assessed. Write down the total
score. score.
Clear, with minimal pronunciation problems 1.5 Clear, with minimal pronunciation problems 1.5
Some pronunciation problems 1.0 Some pronunciation problems 1.0
Frequent pronunciation problems 0.5 Frequent pronunciation problems 0.5
Severe pronunciation problems 0.0 Severe pronunciation problems 0.0
No difficulties understanding the language 2.0 No difficulties understanding the language 2.0
1.5 1.5
Needs occasional repetition Needs occasional repetition
Needs frequent repetition 1.0 Needs frequent repetition 1.0
Many difficulties understanding language 0.5 Many difficulties understanding language 0.5
the Mesage
the Mesage
Mostly adequate. A little unclear 1.5 Mostly adequate. A little unclear 1.5
Sometimes inadequate or confusing 1.0 Sometimes inadequate or confusing 1.0
Mostly inadequate and unsuccessful 0.5 Mostly inadequate and unsuccessful 0.5
Almost no grammatical errors 2.0 Almost no grammatical errors 2.0
Asked at least one relevant question 0.5 Asked at least one relevant question 0.5
Did not ask any relevant questions 0.0 Did not ask any relevant questions 0.0
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
Score: / 10 Score: / 10
2. … offers opinions and asks questions or 2. … offers opinions and asks questions or
responds to opinions. responds to opinions.
3. … makes an effort to use English. 3. … makes an effort to use English.
4. … agrees to work in pairs or groups. 4. … agrees to work in pairs or groups.
5. … takes part in whole class activities when 5. … takes part in whole class activities when
necessary. necessary.
6. … shares information with others when 6. … shares information with others when
necessary. necessary.
9. … makes an effort to complete the task(s). 9. … makes an effort to complete the task(s).
10. … gets ideas across / communicates. 10. … gets ideas across / communicates.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
Level 10-12 oral assessments are mocks of the GESE grade 6 from Trinity College London Exams.
The intention is to prepare our students with the strategies and practice for taking this exam. In
order to be eligible to teach levels 10-12, teachers must receive a 3-hour training on how to help
students prepare for the GESE exam.
Level 10 teachers must explain to students the Trinity oral exam procedures and present the
informational packet and video. Teachers of levels 11 and 12 must review the procedures as well
but not in depth.
1. On day number 4 of the intensive course and day 2 of the Saturday course, students
must start filling out the Topic Form which includes the topic title and 6 points.
3. Make a list of the topics they chose. Persuade students with the same topic to change it
for another one.
4. Verify that topics are not too general and will allow the use of the required language.
5. Check that the 6 points in the topic form are not longer than a phrase, sentence or
question each. The words “introduction” and “conclusion” are not acceptable as topic
6. See the Oral Assessment Teacher Answer Key for more details related to the format and
7. Teachers will give their students each only one topic form and the name of the website
where they can go to down load another form in the case of loss.
Teachers’ responsibility
1. In level 10, take up to 50 min. to explain to students the Trinity oral exam procedures
and present the informational packet and video. Do this on day 4 from the intensive
course and day 2 of the Saturday course. The informational packet consists of pages
28, 29 and 61 from the GESE manual and the topic form. The video is available
at Academic Coordination.
2. Coordinate this initial presentation with your academic coordination and the school
principal or coordinator, because this presentation also involves administrative
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
3. In level 10, students select their topic, and you need to make sure that topic is
appropriate for the GESE grade students are going to present.
5. Teachers in levels 10 to 12 (especially level 12) must make sure students have filled out
the GESE Topic Form correctly. Students should write their full name and be sure their
form does not have spelling or grammar mistakes.
2. Students have to think and plan how the topic they choose will allow them to use the
language from the level they are presenting (structures, functions, lexis). The best option
then is to prepare the topic form having the syllabus handy.
3. In the topic form, students need to avoid one-word subtopics; this is not helpful for
them. A phrase or a complete, but short sentence can help them remember better what
they intend to say about that subtopic. The topic and subtopics should contain (be
expressed with) the grammar and lexis students are expected to use. Examples:
4. The words “introduction” and “conclusion” are not acceptable as subtopic points;
neither are questions or numbered subtopics.
5. It is also a good idea to find a personal connection with the main topic. This facilitates
the generation of the language students are expected to produce. Have students
analyze sample topic form from page 61. All the subtopics must relate to the main topic
and be interconnected. Example:
7. Students need to know the format of the exam. Remind students that this exam is not a
presentation. Thinking of this as a conversation with different topics, the first initiated
by the student and the second and third initiated by the examiner, is very helpful.
8. Stress that students are expected to ask a question. However, the question has to be
relevant to the topic of the conversation. Help students prepare questions about their
topic in ways that they must use the language. Example:
Question “Do you exercise?” change to “What do you need to do to stay healthy?”
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
2. Then, have students choose their own top 3 possible topics. Which is the best one to
generate the language of the grade they are going to take? Mention advice 3 above. You
may ask your academic coordinator for an exercise to work on topic selection.
3. Next, in pairs, students choose a topic to prepare. They will brainstorm as many ideas
connected with the topic as possible. From those, students will select 6 to complete a
topic form.
4. After that, have pairs exchange and evaluate each other’s topic forms. They need to think
what language each of the subtopics will generate.
5. Have students imagine and write down the type of questions the examiner may ask about
each subtopic. This can help students be more prepared to answer the examiner’s
questions. You may ask your academic coordinator for an exercise to practice role playing
the interview.
6. Whenever possible, you might have an extra simulation of the oral exam in class, adapting
for instance a pair work activity in which students have to give their opinion, practice a
conversation, and interview each other to practice making and answering questions.
7. During the Proulex oral exam, if students are not using the language of the grade, try to
ask them about their subtopics using the language yourself with the hope that they get
the hint. Example:
Topic: The Santa Ana fair. Ask “What do you recommend I do if I go to the Santa Ana fair?”
or “What will I see if I go to the fair?”
Question “Do you have plans to travel in the future?” Change to “Where are you traveling
to during the next long weekend?”
In order to do this, you need to be familiar with the syllabus of the grade yourself!
2. Students should be ready to start their oral exam as soon as they enter the room. If they
don’t have their ID, topic form, objects (if any) or computer ready, they waste very
valuable time they should be using to talk and demonstrate their abilities. No time is
allowed for setting up!
3. If students want to use a computer in their exam, they need a paper backup with their
presentation or pictures. We never know what could happen. Nevertheless, due to the
little time students have, using a computer might not be the best option. A paper backup
doesn’t mean having a written script of their topic.
4. Students should expect interruptions. The examiner can ask about any subtopic at any
time and students must be able to respond at that moment. The subtopics do not have
any specific order.
5. Students have to pay attention to the structures examiners use in their questions, because
these usually contain the structures students are expected to use in their answers.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
If you notice the first day of a course a student is slow, give him/her 2 more days to adjust to
your voice and style, while you try to identify his/her learning needs, style and abilities (multiple
intelligences). If that student does not improve, ask him/her gently if s/he took the previous level
or a placement exam. If you believe that the student was misplaced, speak to the coordinator.
Teachers are required to plan and implement a fifty-minute video session per level and encourage
the use of MEL at home. At the end of the PDU students will have been exposed to 12 hours
of video practice in class. The video component includes (TV style sitcom for TopNotch and
news documentaries for Summit, on-the-street interviews and karaoke of TopNotch songs), video
worksheets (found in the teacher’s ActiveTeach CD and at the back of the students’ books) and
lesson plans (at the back of the teacher’s book).
Photocopying policy
Teachers are allowed to photocopy ONLY activities from the ActiveTeach and ONE additional
song per level. The song is optional due to the fact that there is a song provided in each unit.
The limit of photocopies per student per level is 8. For levels 10-12 additional handouts must be
authorized by your coordinator.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
It is important and necessary to assign homework regularly. Homework is assigned from MEL,
grammar booster, pronunciation booster, vocabulary booster, the student’s book, or even
ActiveBook. It is considered unacceptable to assign complete units or lessons for the sake of
covering everything in the course book or component of the series. When you assign speaking and
writing, mark it and provide feedback so that students can corroborate their achievements or learn
from their mistakes.
You should assign each student a minimum of two speaking tasks and two writing tasks per
To maximize time within a course, samples of course time distributions are being provided. On this
grid you will find a provision for all the components within a 40-hour course: units, video, weekly
quizzes, final exams, skill assessments, and first/last-day procedures.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Check learner needs Unit 1/5/10 Unit 1/5/10 Unit 1/5/10 Quiz 1 (Unit 1/5/10)
Explain grading criteria (Unit 1/5/10 video) Unit 2/6/11
MEL registration Review Unit 1/5/10
Complete course planner
Welcome Unit/5/10
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Unit 2/6/11 Unit 2/6/11 Unit 2/6/11 Unit 3/7/12 Unit 3/7/12
(Unit 2/6/11 video) Quiz 2 (Unit 2/6/11)
Review Unit 2/6/11
Unit 3/7/12
This is the suggested distribution in order to cover content of the exams in time. In the two charts
below, the number before the slash (/) refers to a unit for levels 4, 6, and 8; the number after the
slash refers to a unit for levels 5,7, and 9.The video sessions are in parenthesis indicating sample
days to use it. Also, in parentheses you will find the units that are covered in each exam.
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
This is the suggested distribution in order to cover content of the exams in time. In the two charts
below, regarding the numbers with slashes (/), the first number refers to a unit for level 10, the
second number to a unit for level 11 and the third number to a unit for level 12, for example: Unit
1/5/8—1 refers to unit 1 of level 10, 5 refers to unit 5 of level 11 and 8 refers to unit 8 of level
12.The video sessions are in parenthesis indicating sample days to use it. Also, in parentheses you
will find the units that are covered in each exam.
Saturday Course Time Distribution
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
To maximize time within a course, samples of course time distributions are being
provided. On this grid you will find a provision for all the components within a 40-
hour course: units, video, weekly quizzes, final exams, skill assessments, and first/
last-day procedures.
Week 1 Week 2
Check learner needs Review grading criteria. Ss record exam dates
Explain grading criteria in their course planner.
Welcome Unit/5/10 Unit 1/5/10
(Unit 1/5/10 video)
Review Unit 1/5/10
Quiz 1 (Unit 1/5/10)
Week 3 Week 4
Unit 2/6/11 Unit 3/7/12
(Unit 2/6/11 video) Review Unit 2/6/11
Quiz 2 (Unit 2/6/11)
Week 5 Week 6
Unit 4/8/13 Unit 4/8/13
(Unit 4/8/13 video) Review Unit 3/7/12
Quiz 3 (Unit 3/7/12)
Week 7 Week 8
Unit 4/9/14 Unit 4/9/14
(Unit 4/9/14 video) Review all units
Final exam
(Unit 4/8-9/13-14 and bits of previous units)
Submit Portfolio
Ongoing Oral feedback
Grade handout
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
Week 1 Week 2
Unit 1/6 Review grading criteria. Ss record exam dates in
Check learner needs their course planner.
Explain grading criteria (Unit 1/6 video)
Review Unit 1/6
Quiz 1 (Unit 1/6)
Unit 2/7
Week 3 Week 4
Unit 2/7 Review Unit 2 and first half of Unit 3 /Unit 7 and first
(Unit 2/7 video) half of Unit 8
Unit 3/8 Quiz 2 (Unit 2 and first half of Unit 3/Unit 7 and first
half of Unit 8)
Unit 4
Unit 3/8
Week 5 Week 6
(Unit 3/8 video) Unit 4/9
Unit 4/9 Review second half of Unit 3 and Unit 4 / Second
half of Unit 8 and Unit 9
Quiz 3 (Second half of Unit 3 and Unit 4 / Second
half of Unit 8 and Unit 9)
(Unit 4/9 video)
Unit 5/10
Week 7 Week 8
Writing assessment (Units 1-4/6-9) Unit 5/10
Submit Portfolio Review all units
Unit 5/10 Final exam (Units 5/10 and bits of previous units)
(Unit 5/10 video) Oral assessment (Units 1-5/6-10)
Ongoing Oral and Formal Oral feedback
Hand out grades
Manual PDU. Proulex Diploma Universitario / Inglés
This is the suggested distribution in order to cover content of the exams in time. In the two charts
below, regarding the numbers with slashes (/), the first number refers to a unit for level 10, the
second number to a unit for level 11 and the third number to a unit for level 12, for example: Unit
1/5/8—1 refers to unit 1 of level 10, 5 refers to unit 5 of level 11 and 8 refers to unit 8 of level
12.The video sessions are in parenthesis indicating sample days to use it. Also, in parentheses you
will find the units that are covered in each exam.
Week 1 Week 2
Check learner needs Review grading criteria. Ss record exam dates in
Explain grading criteria their course planner.
Unit 1/5/8 Unit 1/5/8
Review Unit 1/5/8
Quiz 1 (Unit 1/5/8)
(Unit 1/5/8 video)
Unit 2/6/9
Hand out Topic forms
Week 3 Week 4
Unit 2/6/9 Unit 2/6/9
(Unit 2/6/9 video) Review Unit2/6/9
Quiz 2 (2/6/9)
Unit 3/7/10
Week 5 Week 6
Unit 3/7/10 Review Unit 3/7/10
(Unit 3/7/10) Quiz 3 (3/7/10)
Unit 4/5-7/8-10
Week 7 Week 8
Writing assessment (Units 1-4/6-9) Unit 4/5-7/8-10
Submit Portfolio Review all units
Review Unit 3/7/10 Final exam
Quiz 3 (3/7/10) (Units 1-4/5-7/8-10)
Unit 4/5-7/8-10 Oral assessment (Units 1-4/5-7/8-10)
(Unit 4/5-7/8-10 video) Handout grades
Oral assessment (Units 1-4/5-7/8-10)