Main Process Complaint Management
Main Process Complaint Management
Main Process Complaint Management
Legal Scope:
Business Scope:
Cross Business
Process Scope:
6.6 Complaint Management
1. Process Overview
2. Process Objectives
Increase customer satisfaction and customer retention by quickly and securely handling of customer
Optimized setup of an holistic complaint management
Ensure the systematic detecting, categorizing and resolving of complaints to reduce administrative
costs and to receive payments faster (reduction of open items)
Ensure traceability of any complaint on local, regional and global level by the same systematic
approach, using the same tools/instruments
Ensure compliance/conformity to requirements, e.g. accreditation standards by release of a global
process to manage complaints
Terms/Abbreviations Description
CAPA Corrective and Preventive Actions
CFT Cross Functional Team
CMR Complaint Manager
CMC Complaint Management Centre
FLE First Level Employee
PSS Problem Solving Sheet
PSR Problem Solving Responsible
SD Service Delivery
CQC Competence Quality Center
TCC Technical Competence Centre
TR AG TÜV Rheinland AG
LL Lessons Learned
This SOP covers the management of external customer complaints and internal complaints related to
the service delivery along the performance processes.
Other complaint classes such as Mark Surveillance (e.g. Appeals), Legal Disputes, are or will be linked
in a later stage to this SOP.
In order to cover the needs and preferences of all kind of external customer or other stakeholders, a
wide range of input channels should be available. All input channels are converged in a central tool
to simplify the work for “first-level employees” as much as possible.
Besides applied techniques for the coordination and the methodical support for the appropriate
initiation of corrective action in due time, our holistic complaint management is based on an open-
minded failure culture. The depersonalization is a main key factor for success and improvement.
Due to the different types of complaints, they are processual steered differently after categorizing,
but can be interacting with relevant sub processes. Complaints e.g. caused by behavior and service
are not commercial complaints, but can later trigger commercial activities (credit memos,
cancellation, etc.) when complaints are handled. Along the complaint management system, it must
be ensured that no Personal Identifiable Information, such as Names or Employee numbers from
employees are recorded, circulated or evaluated. Data security requirements (laws, rules &
regulations) have to be considered (document and records security classifications).
A generic complaint handling process must be made accessible for interested parties or
complainant, for example by a website . The way how to initiate a complaint and whom to
contact is communicated to the relevant interested parties.
The complaint progress / end is communicated to complainant (on request)
The complaint traceability within TR AG is mandatory.
Each complaint is linked to parameters due to its context. Within a Business Stream, the following
key parameters / data are generally linked to complaints:
The accountability for the complaints is with the Business Streams according to the depicted
escalation and information concept. Based on the criticality rating, the approval level may vary to
ensure regional and business specific involvement. With regard to the defined key factors:
Customer type
The identified and assigned complaints are passing through a criticality rating (green yellow red)
as defined in the Criticality Rating Matrix (see therefore the related documents in Chapter 12).
This criticality rating facilitates to identify directly the responsible functions and is able to process
individual cases as well as clustered (and weighted) cases (e.g. by Customer, Business Field, Problem
Solving progress status, Failure code, Quality costs [€], etc….).
A notification of receipt of a complaint shall be given to the complainant
A (preliminary) answer shall be given to the complainant, as soon as sufficient information
are available.
A (final) answer shall be given to the complainant after the complaint is resolved.
The organization, to which the complaint is allocated to, is responsible to ensure evidencing and
traceability for the above described communication requirements. For further Details please see as
well MS-00034714 “Roles and Responsibilities – Complaint Management”.
Those communication principles are complementing and supporting the requirements coming from
accreditation. It might be possible, that for some accreditation standards, such communication
principles are a “must” (not a “shall”). In such case, the stronger requirement from accreditation, has
to be taken into consideration.
Complaints rated with Level 2 or Level 3 must be documented by the Problems Solving Sheet (see
related documents). If the PSR decides to use other standards, which exceed the prescribed scope from
PSS, as for example the 11S method or 8D, this is accepted, as long as the steps from PSS can be
4. Scope of Application
The current scope of application is for the following complaint types:
Customer Complaint
Internal Complaints
Complaint from a Business Function on a Support Function - running project data lost in
Complaint from sales on an operating function - details not given on time to sales to prepare
and send a quote for training to customer
Complaint from one TÜV Rheinland entity on another TÜV Rheinland entity within the same
region, or different regions - Delayed response)
5. Process Flow
Description of Process
Process Flow Chart Responsible*
External Phone, 5.1 A complaint is internally or 5.1 Notifier of the
Letter, Fax, E-Mail, externally notified complaint
5.1 Notification of complaint
Description of Process
Process Flow Chart Responsible*
qualified answer within a
5.9 CMR
Criticality Rating 5.9 Categorize and prioritize
Matrix Fault Landscape
failure 5.9 A classification and rating
of the complaint/failure
according to the criticality
Complaint rating matrix is done by the
Database (*) CMR in alignment with the
5.10 Emergency response CMC as well as the BO QM for
action to consider? identified level 3 complaints. 5.10/5.11 CMR
5.10/5.11 If necessary, e.g.
Crisis crisis situations (**),
YES Manage- emergency response actions
5.11 Determine and have to be taken before the
implement immediate action After problem solving process
Sales starts. 5.12 PSR
... 5.12 The Problem Solving
Process has to be initiated for
5.12 Initiate and track identifying the root cause for
Problem Solving Process the failure/complaint and
further definition of CAPA. The
Problem Solving processing of problem solving
Process will be tracked by the PSR in
5.13 Evaluate and approve alignment with the CMR/CMC
where needed. If necessary,
execution of root cause
specific experts will be
analysis and CAPA involved by the PSR 5.13
Level 1: CMR
5.13 The results of the Level 2: CMR
5.14 Involve/Inform Problem Solving Process have
Complaint Level 3: BO QM
Database (*) customer about Problem to be checked /reviewed and
Solving improved by independent
roles 5.14 /5.15
See therefore
NO 5.14/5.15 The involvement of MS-0034714
the customer regarding
5.15 Agreement with customer
communication of the results
about complaint handling?
including the negotiations on
agreement have to be
coordinated by the complaint
5.16 Initiate Customer 5.16 PSR
Complaint Satisfaction & Improvement
Database (*) Process 5.16 To ensure essential input
to the customer satisfaction
database and to start lessons
learned the PSR initiates the
After Sales after Sales process.
The definition and discussion
on LL are initiated by After
Sales by involving the CMC
5.17 End of specific Complaint Case Level 1: CMR
5.17 The complaint case is Level 2: CMR
finished with approval of the Level 3: BO QM
independent reviewer
Other criteria not described above may exist and can be taken into consideration to initiate a potential
All customer related KPI data resulting from different complaint classes as mentioned in chapter 3 are
input for the Main Process “After Sales” Customer Satisfaction.
7.2 Opportunities
Less effort and expenses
Reduction of commercial risks
Improved customer loyalty
Complaint Notifier Employee from TR AG, which has been notified about a
Complaint Manager CMR The person handling the complaint is the "main guard", who
makes note of what has been done to handle the complaint and
notifies all parties involved when the complaint is dealt with. The
CMR allocates the complaints to the right business fields, is
responsible for classification and criticality rating of the
complaint on levels 1-3. He/she is automatically informed if there
is a delay in processing the complaint and is responsible for
supporting the review and approval of the methodical complaint
resolution including random check of appropriate cause analysis,
defined measures, and correctives implementation.
GO QM Is process owner and accountable for standard setting and
implementation of appropriate organization.
Problem Solving Responsible (PSR) He or she facilitates and coordinates the complaint resolution.
Involves additional persons, if necessary. Consults with
commercial managers if needed; is responsible for processing the
complaint resolution according the problem solving process in
due time. Is responsible for initiating the approval of the
complaint resolution. Acts as delegate for the legal entity to
which the complaint is addressed to, respectively which is
accountable for the contracted service.
Experts Other employees participating in problem solving process. These
can be experts from cross the business as needed.
B-EVP They are “owner” of the complaints in their area of responsibility
and accountable for initiating promptly problem solving as well
as coordinating the communication to the complainant
(customer) for level 3 (red) complaints.
GFM/GFC They are “owner” of the complaints in their area of responsibility
RFM/RFC and accountable for initiating promptly problem solving as well
LFM/LSC as coordinating the communication to the complainant.
CMC (CQC) Is responsible for standard process setting in alignment with the
global office QM. Coordinates the comprehensive steering of
complaint management in Service Delivery including monitoring
and reporting in alignment with the BO QM, supports the
organization with training, and if necessary by taking over
responsibility in problem solving.
BO QM Responsible for creation, maintenance and governance of the
complaint management system in his/her Business Stream on
global level. Responsible for the review and approval of the
complaint resolution for level 3 complaints.
9. Interested Parties
Customer or Complainant
The customer or complainant making a complaint (complaint issuer) expects that his complaint will
be accepted in a service-oriented manner, and that the required care will be taken in processing his
complaint in a careful and appropriate amount of time (preferably quickly).
Process Owner requires the compliant implementation of the defined framework he is accountable
11. Specifications
12. Attachments
KPI Sheet Complaint Management.docx