This document contains an evaluation form for a fluid mechanics lab experiment. It assesses students on psychomotor, cognitive, and affective criteria. For psychomotor skills, students are evaluated on their performance of practical skills, use of equipment, accuracy of observations, and safety procedures. For cognitive assessment, students are evaluated on data recording and analysis, and interpretation of results. Affectively, students are assessed on their procedural awareness and participation within a group. The maximum total marks are 10, with subtotals for psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains. Instructors record the marks obtained in each category.
This document contains an evaluation form for a fluid mechanics lab experiment. It assesses students on psychomotor, cognitive, and affective criteria. For psychomotor skills, students are evaluated on their performance of practical skills, use of equipment, accuracy of observations, and safety procedures. For cognitive assessment, students are evaluated on data recording and analysis, and interpretation of results. Affectively, students are assessed on their procedural awareness and participation within a group. The maximum total marks are 10, with subtotals for psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains. Instructors record the marks obtained in each category.
This document contains an evaluation form for a fluid mechanics lab experiment. It assesses students on psychomotor, cognitive, and affective criteria. For psychomotor skills, students are evaluated on their performance of practical skills, use of equipment, accuracy of observations, and safety procedures. For cognitive assessment, students are evaluated on data recording and analysis, and interpretation of results. Affectively, students are assessed on their procedural awareness and participation within a group. The maximum total marks are 10, with subtotals for psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains. Instructors record the marks obtained in each category.
This document contains an evaluation form for a fluid mechanics lab experiment. It assesses students on psychomotor, cognitive, and affective criteria. For psychomotor skills, students are evaluated on their performance of practical skills, use of equipment, accuracy of observations, and safety procedures. For cognitive assessment, students are evaluated on data recording and analysis, and interpretation of results. Affectively, students are assessed on their procedural awareness and participation within a group. The maximum total marks are 10, with subtotals for psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains. Instructors record the marks obtained in each category.
(a) PSYCHOMOTOR (To be judged in the field/lab during experiment)
Criteria (Max. Allocated Level 1 Marks S. No. Level 2 (25%) Level 3 (50%) Level 4 (75%) Level 5 (100%) %age) Marks (0%) Obtained Degree of errors in applying procedural knowledge: Performance of With several with few critical with some non- 1 Without errors Practical critical errors errors critical errors 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Use of tools, equipments and materials with Use of Limited Some Considerable 2 Competence Equipment competence competence competence 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Accuracy of Observation i: Accuracy of 3 With several with few critical with some non- Observations Without errors critical errors errors critical errors 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Degree of reminders to follow safety procedure with: 4 Safety Constant Some Minimum No reminders reminders reminders reminders 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 SUB-TOTAL MARKS (PT) 6 SUB-TOTAL MARKS OBTAINED (PO) (b) COGNITIVE (To be judged on the copy of experiment submitted) Criteria (Max. Allocated Level 1 Marks S. No. Level 2 (25%) Level 3 (50%) Level 4 (75%) Level 5 (100%) %age) Marks (0%) Obtained Data Analysis / Calculations are: Data Record and complete with Complete with 1 Inaccurate Accurate Analysis some errors few errors 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Interpretation of results, limitations, weaknesses, suggestions etc. 3 is Data with some parts with a few parts Interpretaion Not enough Complete missing missing 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 SUB-TOTAL MARKS (CT) 2 SUB-TOTAL MARKS OBTAINED (CO) (c) AFFECTIVE (To be judged in the field/lab during experiment)
Criteria (Max. Allocated Level 1 Marks
S. No. Level 2 (25%) Level 3 (50%) Level 4 (75%) Level 5 (100%) %age) Marks (0%) Obtained Procedural awareness required by the task is: Appropriate Procedural Appropriate with 1 Inappropriate with some Appropriate Awareness few errors errors 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Degree of positive/sensible interaction within a group with: Participation to Rare sensible Some sensible Good sensible Encouraging 2 Achieve Group interaction interaction interaction sensible interaction Goals 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 SUB-TOTAL MARKS (AT) 2 SUB-TOTAL MARKS OBTAINED (AO)
Instructor’s Name: Total Marks (PT + CT + AT) : 10
Instructor’s Signature: Marks Obtained (PO + CO + AO) :