Levee Safety Update: A Warm Welcome To Phoebe Percell, P.E., Chief Dam and Levee Safety Engineering Branch
Levee Safety Update: A Warm Welcome To Phoebe Percell, P.E., Chief Dam and Levee Safety Engineering Branch
Levee Safety Update: A Warm Welcome To Phoebe Percell, P.E., Chief Dam and Levee Safety Engineering Branch
us.Army c :orps
of Engin,eers
and months,
agement, leading research initiatives, facilitating
welcoming her
the efforts of multi-disciplinary teams on a varie-
to our organi-
ty of technical assignments and supervising tech-
nical staff.
Valentino (l) & Wednesday
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The primary source of these guidelines is the infor- GUIDELINES FOR LANDSCAPE
mation contained in Engineer Technical Letter (ETL) 1110-2-583 PLANTING AND VEGETATION
Guidelines for Landscape Planting and Vegetation Manage- MANAGEMENT AT LEVEES,
ment at Levees, Floodwalls, Embankment Dams and Appurte-
nant Structures, 30 April 2014. ETL 1110-2-583 is scheduled to
expire on April 30, 2019.
Tailor each meeting based on levee system(s) and stake- Think through how to clearly explain technical terms and
holders. (i.e. primary flood-related local concerns, local figures. Prepare information and anticipate potential
high-water mark references) questions (make sure all partners use the same termi-
Include an “Open House” where staff from various local,
state and federal levee risk management agencies (i.e. Publicize the public meeting using active engagements
FEMA/ county emergency management agency) can meet at least two—three weeks in advance of the meeting.
face to face with the public and answer individualized Consider how residents typically receive information and
questions. notices (i.e. emails, mailed flyers, social media, press
release, placing flyers in community areas).
Ensure presentations use simple visuals and many photos
and total no more than an hour.
Include: Overall, the public meetings were a success, not only
engaging local residents, business owners, community organiz-
History of flooding ers and others to increase their awareness of flood risk, but
Who is responsible: what agency built the system and also building and strengthening the relationships that NAB has
why, and what agency now maintains it with its sponsors.
How residents/stakeholders can help avoid impacts
to levee For questions regarding these public meetings or to
obtain copies of publicly available materials, please feel free to
contact Stacey Underwood at:
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Since the launch of the public facing National Levee accurate metrics. Online editing is another great tool that
Database (NLD) last summer, the NLD team has shifted focus should assist Districts/Divisions in quality control of NLD data as
to create internal tools for the Levee Safety Program. The well as documents for sponsors to use such as the Levee Risk
goal of this effort is to consolidate levee information into not Management Summary. The NLD team looks forward to rolling
just another database, but promoting a better understanding out these internal tools and as always, appreciates feedback on
of the District/Division programmatic statistics and instilling a how to make the NLD a better experience for the public and
streamlined approach to data-driven decisions from individual our stakeholders as well as USACE.
project risk to overarching budget considerations. In the com-
ing months, internal resources in the NLD will include a man- This new technology in the NLD is part of a program
datory data fields tab, performance data tab, and metrics wide movement towards tracking and maintaining up to date
tracking dashboards. Additionally, online report generation information about the USACE levee portfolio from USACE to
will be available for inspections, levee system summary and Division to District viewpoints. The metrics dashboard is tenta-
other upcoming documents. tively set to be available by fall 2019 in a phased approach. The
first launch is intended to allow the USACE community to use
These new NLD internal tools use existing data fields and get familiar with the new dashboard or scorecard. The met-
to the extent possible to reduce entry of the same data in rics dashboard or scorecard uses the power of the NLD data set
multiple places or multiple forms. The power of the dash- to generate and compile information regarding progress on risk
boards also provides succinct views of data and information management efforts including risk communication efforts as
for Districts/Divisions to help manage their levee portfolio. well as standard levee safety practices within the organization.
As we move forward capitalizing on the power of the NLD to Inspections, assessments, communication with stakeholders,
use information, it becomes critical to ensure quality data and key monitoring/performance activities are included to help
exists in the NLD. The metrics dashboard is key in keeping the USACE, Division, and District manage their levee portfolio.
NLD up to date by incentivizing recurring updates to maintain
~ National Levee Database HOME ADVANCED SEARCH DASHBOARD MAP MORE • username@example com •
Location Walla Walla, Walla Wa lla County, Washington USACE Districts Wa lla Wal la FEMA Reg ons 10
Data Stewards USAC E Walla Wa ll a District , USACE - Walla Walla District, Mi ll Creek Flood Control Dist rict
Segment Mill Creek - Federal O&M - Right Bank .... Appl cable Years N/ A
Summary Scorecard
1. Inspections and Assessments (1 .A.)
Summary 1/24/2019
2. Monitoring and Instrumentation (4 6.)
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 1
~ National Levee Database HOME ADVANCED SEARCH DASHBOARD MAP MORE • username@example com •
Location Wa lla Walla, Wa ll a Walla Co unty, Washington USACE O,stncts Wa lla Walla FEMA Reg ons 10
Data Stewa,ds USAGE - Wa lla Wa lla Dist rict, USAGE - Walla Wa lla Distr ict, Mill Creek Flood Co ntro l District
3. Project Response Preparedness Is a 10 fiscal year Inspection and Assessment schedule for the levee
establlshed 7
<D Yes 2 of 2 point s
4. Public Response Preparedness
~ National Levee Database HOME ADVANCED SEARCH DASHBOARD MAP MORE • username@example com •
Location Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co unt y, Washington USAC E o stricts Wa lla Wal la FEMA Regions 10
Data Stewa,ds USAGE - Wa lla Wa ll a District, USAGE - Walla Walla District, Mill Creek Flood Contro l Dist rict
Segment M ill Creek - Federal O&M - Right Bank T
Applicable Years N/ A
3. Project Response Preparedness Are levee surveillance, monitoring, and flood fighting procedures/ actions
established and documented in Project O&M Manual 7
1 of 1 point
4. Public Response Preparedness
Was performance and instrumentation data col lected during the last flood
5. Risk Management Measures 2.1.2 2 of 2 points
event greater than a 25% loading?
Inspection and Assessment Schedule
Have project features (e.g _pipes, closures, pump stations, relief wells, etc.}
2.2.1 2 of 2 points
been inspected and/ or tested per Project O&M manual?
Are all project features including instrumentation functional, and none needs
2.2.2 3 of 3 points
2.3. Instrumentation
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 1
The National Levee Database (NLD) has steadily be- NLD data will be meas-
come a more important tool for understanding and managing ured for each district for
levee infrastructure in the country, and that trend will contin- use as a key Levee Safe-
ue. Following the update of the National Levee Database web- ty Program Metric. Universe of NLD Data
site in the summer of 2018, levee information that USACE
Next Steps: Changes
shares with the public became more visible and therefore
are coming to the NLD
made the quality of the data even more important.
website that will allow a
USACE districts worked hard to ensure that the Pro- summary view of the
ject Description, Risk Characterization and Levee Safety Action key fields (“Mandatory
Classification fields were fully populated and accurate in the Fields”)
NLD prior to the new website going live. This exercise was a for each levee system, Media
great first-step in ensuring that the NLD data for USACE- allowing efficient identi-
portfolio levees is complete, accurate and fresh. fication of missing data.
The process for editing
As discussed in draft Levee Safety EC 1110-2-218,
the key fields through
USACE District LSPMs own all of the NLD data for levee sys-
the website will also be
tems within their district portfolios and are responsible for the
maintenance of the data. The EC also states that the HQ LSPM
is responsible for maintaining a list of NLD “Mandatory Fields” When development is complete, USACE will lay
to ensure a minimum standard for NLD completeness. In the out the specifics of mandatory field requirements, and
near future, the completeness, quality and freshness of the conduct a webinar to disseminate the how-to and me-
chanics of data maintenance.
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First Round Screening Level Risk Assessments for Levees in the USACE
By Trent Ferguson, South Atlantic Division
Ben Caldwell, Levee Safety Center
In January 2019 the LSC put out a data call to all Lev-
ee Safety Program Managers (LSPM) to determine the status
of ongoing SLRAs for non-project segments and to verify if any
District would need assistance in completing their work. Ap-
proximately eight Districts responded to the data call re-
questing assistance in meeting the schedule for the non-
project segments. The LSC contacted the Inventory and Re-
view (I&R) Technical Teams to determine their availability to
help out other Districts.
Three I&R Technical Teams from Chicago, New Orle- will support the Philadelphia District. The remaining work for
ans, and Vicksburg Districts have stepped forward to assist. any District requesting assistance will be contracted by use of
These three technical teams were matched with three Dis- an Architect Engineer (A-E) task order.
tricts that requested assistance. Will McRae, technical team
lead for Vicksburg District, will travel to Portland District to Other Districts willing to help another District with
teach them the Levee Screening Tool and guide them through SLRAs on non-project segments, should contact Ben Caldwell,
the SLRA process. Also, Huntington and Nashville Districts LSC, at ben.s.caldwell@usace.army.mil.
have stated their availability to help and each have been
paired with a District needing assistance. Huntington District
The Levee Safety Update is an unofficial publication of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Levee Safety Program and contains infor-
mation about initiatives that are under development and may change in subsequent updates. It provides levee safety program
information to levee safety officers, levee safety program managers, other communities of practice and others interested in levee
safety. Questions or suggestions for future issues can be emailed to: HQ-LEVEESAFETY@USACE.ARMY.MIL . Please visit our web-
site at: http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Levee-Safety-Program/