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TOPIC 6 Built Up Rate Excavation

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 In the end of this topic, the students should be able to:

• Understand the built up rate method

- Discover excavation work rate calculation; using
hands and excavators


Using hand tools such as hoes EXCATIONS
and sholves. Using machinery such as
Suitable for small works and in tractors, bulldozers, excavators
narrow place and etc. Suitable for dredging a
large and spacious.
Increase volume of soil
 When the soil was excavated and the soil to be removed to
another place, the volume of soil was increased from its
original volume.
 Thus the factor increase volume should be taken into account
when building excavation work rate.
 Percent increase varies with the type of soil excavated.

Type of soil Percentage increment of volume

Sand 10%
Clay 20%
Soil 25%
Rocks 50%
Calculation of cost for excavation work
should include the followings:

Transportating & dumping of the excavated soil

Backfilling & compacting

Constructing temporary trench support on the

sides of excavated trench if necessary
Excavation by hand
This method is too slow & only suitable for certain situation like:
a) Excavation in small quantity which are not economical when using machine.
b) When machine/plant can’t be used in certain areas like in services cable area,
duct etc.

Built up rates in excavation include the following:

i. Excavation price
ii. Remove & disposal
iii. Compact/backfill
iv. Campacting surface /bottom of trenches
v. Planking & strutting
vi. Profit & overhead
Labour constants for excavation work:
No. Description Unit Labour
1 Excavation natural soil M3 1.20 hour
2 Excavation trenches n.e 1.5 meter depth M3 1.74 hour
3 Excavation trenches excdg 1.5 meter depth but n.e 3.00 meter depth M3 2.61 hour
4 Remove excavated soil from site n.e100 meter. M3 1.0 hour
5 Load excavated soil onto lorry & disposal M3 1.00 hour
6 Excavate basement n.e 1.50 meter depth M3 1.63 hour
7 Excavate basement excdg 1.5 meter depth but n.e 3.00 meter depth M3 3.27 hour
8 Backfilling excavation M3 1.31 hour
9 Clay excavation M3 5.23 hour
10 Moving sand excavation M3 7.84 hour
11 Rock excavation M3 10.45 hour
12 Spread & ram base layer (hardcore)100 mm depth M2 1.31 hour
 Excavate trench not exceeding 1.5m depth, carry out excavated
soil from site n.e 100m.

 Information:
i) Excavate trench n.e 1.5 m depth 1.74 hour/m3
ii) Carry out excavated soil n.e 100m from site 1.2 hour/m3
iii) Increased volume of soil after excavation 25%
iv) Labour cost for excavating trench per day RM 25
v) Profit & overhead 10%
Excavate trench not exceeding 1.5m depth, carry out excavated soil from site n.e 100m.

Item Description Amount

A Labour Cost
Excavate trench n.e 1.5m depth = 1.74 hr

Carry out excavated soil from site n.e 100m distance = 1.2 hr

Add 25% soil volume = 25/100 x 1.2 hr = 0.3 hr

Total = 3.24 hrs
Total cost/day RM 25.00
Total cost/hour RM 3.13
Total labour cost = 3.24 hrs x RM 3.13 RM 10.14

10% Profit & overhead RM 1.01

Total cost for 1m3 excavation works
RM 11.15
Excavation Work Rate By Machineries
 There are type machineries will be used to do excavation work
based on the operation work on site.
Operation Type of machineries Capacity/size ( m3 ) Output/hour

Reduce level Tractor Crawler 1.00 30 – 40 m3

Basement excavation Face shovel/ 0.60 40 – 50 m3

Dragline/ 0.50 25 – 35 m3
Backactor 0.50 20 – 30 m3

Trench excavation Backactor/ Backhoe 0.40 15 – 20 m3

Pit excavation Backactor 0.40 10 –15 m3

Average day output & Fuel use
Feul use
Size of Bucket Average day output( m3 )
( m3)
Disel Pelincir
0.2 8.41 3.41 0.11

0.3 13.76 4.55 0.20

0.4 19.11 4.55 0.24

0.6 32.76 6.82 0.33

 Built up rate for a cubic meter of basement excavation from ground level
exceeding 1.5m n.e 3.00m depth. Excavation work using excavator.
 Information:
 Rental cost of backactor RM50.00/hour
 Driver RM 4.00
 Banksmen RM 2.50
 Diesel usage 4.55 litre/hour@RM0.70/litre
 Lubricant oil 0.24 litre/hour@RM3.60/litre
 Average plant production 19.11m3 soil/hour
 Profit & overhead 10%
Excavate basement from ground level exceeding 1.5m n.e 3.00m depth. Excavation work using
Item Description Amount
A Plant & equipment cost
Backactor (price/hr) RM50.00

B Labour cost
Driver (1 person) RM 4.00
Banksmen (1 person) RM 2.50 RM 6.50

C Operation cost
Diesel = 4.55 liter x RM 0.70 RM 3.19
Lubricant = 0.24bbbbbbbbbbnnhbx RM 3.60 RM 0.86
RM 4.05
Plant & equipment cost per hour RM 60.55
Excavate basement from ground level exceeding 1.5m n.e 3.00m depth. Excavation work using
Item Description Amount
D Production
Plant production = 19.11 m3/ hrs
Plant cost for 19.11m3 soil = RM60.55
Cost for 1m3 excavation works = RM60.55/19.11 RM 3.17

E 10% Profit & overhead RM 0.32

Total cost for 1m3 excavation work using machine Rm3.49


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