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Emma Math 1 1

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JMU Elementary Education Program

Emma Wesley
Ms.Sutton viewed on 10/14/20
This whole week in math we have been focusing on rounding. On Monday, we learned the
strategy of circling and underling numbers places in order to round to the nearest place value.
On the Thursday, the day before our lesson, I will start a rounding nearpod that talks about the
different situations in which you would round based on the context of the problem, you may
round or up. My lesson continues that nearpod, by talking about situation where you would
have multiple numbers, where rounding can help them some up with a total . We will be
playing a rounding game in the beginning and practice rounding on a number line at the end.
Understand – what are the broad Know – what are the facts, rules, Do – what are the specific thinking
generalizations the students should specific data the students will gain behaviors students will be able to do
begin to develop? (These are through this lesson? (These “knows” through this lesson? (These will also
typically difficult to assess in one must be assessed in your lesson.) be assessed in your lesson.)
Students will understand numbers Students will know how to round Students will practice rounding
can be rounded so that they can to a specific place value by using numbers to the tens, hundreds,
become easier to work with. the rounding strategy thousands, ten thousand and
hundred thousand
Students will understand a strategy
used for rounding Students will use different
rounding strategies including the
underline strategy and practicing
the number line strategy

Writing stick notes down on how students did on the class rounding on the nearpod, asking
them to give a thumbs up or down if they got the problem correct. I will be using a class list
to check off if they put a thumbs up or down.
Writing down names of people who participated in the game and how they rounded, asking
students to give a thumb up or down if they got the problem correct or for them to show their
answers during the game
Having students give a thumbs up or down if they were fallowing along with the number line
on happy numbers and having them, show their paper.
Quiz- At the end of the assessment

4.1 The student will c) round whole numbers expressed through millions to the nearest thousand, ten
thousand, and hundred thousand.

Chrome Book
Happy Numbers
Gameboard on Google Slide
Dice Generator


Introduction: “Today, in math we are going to jump right into rounding, we have practiced a
lot of estimations and I thought for today it would be fun to start out with a game as our

The teacher will pull up the google slide the game board.
The teacher will explain that we will be plying a rounding bingo game, and that the purpose is
to get six spaces covered in a row. The teacher will tell the students that they will be playing
against me (The teacher).

The teacher will move the screen to the dice generator. The teacher will say “We are going to
be using this generator and rolling dice, to see a number that we will roll.”

The teacher will show an example by rolling the dice generator. The teacher will tell students
to write down the number that they see on a piece of paper. The teacher will then call on a
student to read the number aloud.

I will ask students to repeat the directions back to me.

The teacher will say “We are going to round this number to the nearest thousand place. ”

The teacher then repeat this process but move a space for herself.

The teacher will call on various students to do the rounding a move the space.

The teacher will have the students write down their answers on a piece of paper and show their
answers or give a thumbs up or down if they got the right answer.


The teacher will explain to students that we are going to be doing the second half of our

The teacher will go over how to round multiple numbers in a problem.

The students and the teacher will two of those problems as a class and then the students will
be instructed to work on their own on quiz.

Happy Numbers

As a class, we will complete some happy numbers games.

The teacher will share her screen to show the happy number games.

The teacher will call on various students to share their ideas about how a number lined can be
used to help us round numbers.
The students will identify which numbers go in between certain numbers.

The teacher will have students record their answers for the happy numbers activity on a piece
of paper. The teacher will ask for students to show their answers or give a thumbs up or down
if they got the answer correct.

I will asks students to share something that learned about rounding on a number line.

After teachers have finished rounding happy numbers with the teacher they will take a stretch
break for Science.

The quiz has a range of problems from rounding to hundreds, to rounding to hundred thousands
Guided practice- I will have a worksheet with the instructions of rounding for students that are
struggling to grasp the concept of rounding. I will invite students to come to a “Super Fun Rounding
Group” at 2:00 O’clock for office hours where they can come to get extra help . We will play the game
more in this group!


They’re could be a technology issue with the nearpod- Students can follow my shared screen. I can
read problems for them to round that they can complete on a piece of paper.
Lesson Implementation Reflection
As soon as possible after teaching your lesson, think about the experience. Use the questions/prompts below to
guide your thinking. Be thorough in your reflection and use specific examples to support your insights.

I. How did your actual teaching of the lesson differ from your plans? Describe the changes and explain why
you made them.

My actual lesson was a lot longer than I anticipated to be . I skipped through a few problems on the nearpod
so that we could do the “Happy Numbers” which would be extra practice. he happy number would also
show a different way of rounding and a visual.

II. Based on the assessment you created, what can you conclude about your impact on student learning? Did
they learn? Who learned? What did they learn? What evidence can you offer that your conclusions are

Based on my assessments, I was able to pinpoint the number of kids that had trouble identifying how to
round to the nearest thousands place during the warmup game that we played. I took sticky notes and used
a “thumb up or thumb down” system to help me determine that it was four students struggling with the
rounding process that we learned and applying it to rounding numbers to the nearest thousands place. I
also used a quiz to determine who was able to understand the rounding concepts. I was also able to take
notes and through an informal assessment that students are struggling to understand math problems in a
word context. My assessment data showed that four students struggled with rounding numbers to the
thousands place and seven students struggled with word problems. After looking at data from the nearpod
quiz I saw that nine students did not get the rounding problem that had a nine in it. I do think however,
most students were able to apply and use the rounding strategy correctly for hundreds and tens and
thousands when we practiced together as a class. Based on the students that I called and through having
them show and thumbs up or down and I was able to determine that all the students knew how to use the
rounding strategy that we had learned in class. They seemed to do better with the strategy however, when
they were guided and prompted with questions rather than starting the rounding process all by themselves.
Every student was able to round at least one number correctly on the nearpod quiz. The average score of
the near pod quiz was 4 out of 6 questions correct. The students struggled with rounding to the nearest
hundred -housand place and rounding with a nine. The students did well with rounding to the tens,
hundreds and some thousands place questions.

III. Describe at least one way you could incorporate developmentally appropriate practice in a better or more
thorough way if you were to teach this lesson again.

If I had to teach this lesson again, I would have students use visual when going over the word
problems. I feel like having some sort of representation would have been beneficial in helping them
see how the math related to the context of the problem. Visuals are very helpful for students to
understand word problems and they give them an image in their heads to go along with certain words

IV. Based on the assessment data you collected, what would you do/teach next if you were the classroom

I would teach word problems again and I would use pictures and visuals in my word problems to help
the students understand. I would also practice rounding six-digit numbers. I was able to determine that
students needed help with word problems because students seemed confused and like they did not
want to participate when I was going over these word problems and I took note of this behavior on a
sticky note. I also had students show me with their thumbs whether to round up or down when talking
about a word problem and about seven of the students did not answer this correctly. I also think that
they need extra help with bigger digit numbers because the students have had less practice with these
numbers and struggled on the near pod with rounding to the nearest hundred thousand place.
V. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about young
children as learners?

I learned that students need to be regrouped after transitions. Sometimes with all the different activities
students can become distracted and lose focus. It is important to use an attention grabber to help them get
refocused. I also learned that students enjoy doing many activities because it gets them involved and
excited! That is why it is important to do some attention grabbers in-between switching the activities.

VI. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about teaching?

I learned that mapping out your assessments beforehand and thinking about how to assess the students
during the lesson is very important. Assessments can be used to look a learning right when a lesson is
being taught. I used a lot of informal assessments with the “thumbs up or thumbs down” which really
helped me see which my students were understanding the content in real time. The nearpod quiz that I
used was great in showing specific data of which questions students struggled with and needed extra help

VII. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about yourself?

I learned that I do the best when I take notes on what I am teaching and then practice teaching. This gives
me time to think ahead before I gave my actual lesson as to how I want to deliver it to my students. I
learned that it helps to be organized such as keeping a planner or calendar to keep track of all that one is
teaching. I used a planner to help keep track of the different subjects I was teaching and taking over and it
was a great tool to use!

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