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Instructional Synopsis 1

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Instructional Synopsis

Name: Antonia Torres-Gearity

Age/Grade Level: 5th Bilingual
Curriculum Area: Math
Topic: Operations and Algebraic Thinking.

Lesson Topic (Title): Multiplication of decimals by a whole number using the

hundredths grid model.

Learning Objective(s) - Students will multiply decimals by a whole number using the
hundredths grid model and use standard algorithm multiplication to check their answer.

● Define Content Objectives for Students:

○ Students will be able to understand the concept of decimals.
○ Students will be able to utilize a hundredth grid to visually demonstrate
their understanding of multiplication.

Key Vocabulary - Students will be able to express their thinking as they show their
work on the grid by using transition words such as first, next, then and last.

● Standard Algorithm Multiplication

● Product, Factor, Decimal, Tenths, Hundredths

Resources (Materials and Supplies) -

● For the student - hundredth grids, hundredth cut outs, chart paper, worksheets,
visuals, ipad, pencil, colors, scissors, glue.
● For the teacher: Chart paper, construction paper, scissors, hundredth grids,
computer, visuals, checklists, assessments.

Strategies Used to Engage Students - I do [We do, You do Method]

I do - Teacher will present a PPT where the teacher will model multiplying
decimals by a whole number using the hundreds grid step by step and use
standard algorithms to check answers. Teacher will engage students and
encourage them to analyze the process as she is presenting the lesson.

Lesson Plan Procedure -

A. Basis for the lesson - Introduction: (5 minutes)
First the objective will be introduced. After the introduction, I will start the
lesson by scaffolding and reviewing academic vocabulary using visuals and

B. Approach and/or motivation - Explicit Instruction (10 minutes)

I do - Teacher will present a PPT where the teacher will model multiplying
decimals by a whole number using the hundreds grid step by step and use
standard algorithms to check answers. Teacher will engage students and
encourage them to analyze the process as she is presenting the lesson.

C. Development - Guided Practice (5 minutes)

We do - Teacher will present a slide with a grid model that shows a finished
multiplication without the multiplication sentence. Teacher will model with the
first example, then students will be given 2 minutes to look at the 2nd grid
model and work with a partner to decide and agree on the multiplication
sentence that belongs to the grid modelas they self assess their learning.

a. List of Strategies, activities, in sequential order : Explore , Learning Stations

(each station rotates every 15 minutes clock wise)

● Station 1. Students will have the choice to work collaboratively using

manipulatives to successfully multiply decimals by a whole number using
the hundreds grid and use standard algorithm multiplication to check their
● Station 2. Students will have the opportunity to choose a multiplication
problem and use cut outs of ones and tenths to represent their
multiplication using a grid model.
● Station 3. Students will have the opportunity to choose a problem where
they will multiply decimals by a whole number using the hundredth grid
model, colors, and markers. They will use the colored pencils or markers
to shade in the grid model with their answer. Then they will use the
standard algorithm multiplication to check their answers.
● Station 4. Teacher Support / Enrichment (Differentiated Instruction)

Differentiated Instruction Groups:

Touro: Jose La, Kimberly, Andy, Marvin, Charleny.
Hofstra: Jerickson, Jefferson, Anderline,
Old Westbury: Paola, Liz, Robert, Samantha, Ezequiel
Farmingdale: Jose A, Bryan, Valery, Juan,Marcela

b. List questions to be asked and anticipated answers:

1. Why do we have to learn another way to multiply another way if we
already learned how to do it using a standard algorithm? It is
important to know more than one strategy so that we can choose
the one we like the
best, it is also good to help us double check our answers just like we will
do after you learn our new strategy.
2. Why do we have to use a hundredth grid? Because when we use a
grid you will be able to visualize what numbers look like when
3. Can I have more than one grid to represent decimals? Yes, there
will be times where you will use more than one grid to represent
multiplications with decimals.

c. Medial Summary - means by which to check for student

comprehension of concepts, information, and being taught.
I use a checklist where I will note who is struggling during the whole
group and address it during small group instruction. If I observe that a
student needs additional support, he or she will meet me one to one in the
morning for extra help until they master the objective. I will also use my
anecdotal notes to be more specific if a student is showing difficulty
completing tasks successfully.

d. Practice and reinforcement activities and follow-up:

Students use an application called iReady where I assign specific tasks
based on the objective for the day. This activity will create different
activities to reinforce the objective. These activities are based on each
student instructional level and students have the option to listen to
instructions in English or Spanish.

Differentiated Instruction -

During whole group instruction I use as many visuals as possible and translate for
newcomers, I will also incorporate TPR when possible. My classroom is full of print and
my students already know that they can use charts as reference. Students also have a
reference folder where they have material in case they feel assistance while I am working
with a different group. Differentiated groups for instruction during learning stations are
already created. I will be able to meet specific needs or provide enrichment to students
while I work with them in small groups.

Classroom Management - Teacher has created a classroom management where structure

and routines have been consistent through the year. Students always have the
opportunity to demonstrate their understanding by working cooperatively and
independently during learning stations. At the same time, the teacher creates a time to
conference during small group instruction to make sure differentiated instruction is taking
place and that students are meeting specific needs.

Opportunities for Practice -

● Station 1. Students will have the choice to work collaboratively using

manipulatives to successfully multiply decimals by a whole number using
the hundreds grid and use standard algorithm multiplication to check their
● Station 2. Students will have the opportunity to choose a multiplication
problem and use cut outs of ones and tenths to represent their
multiplication using a grid model.
● Station 3. Students will have the opportunity to choose a problem where
they will multiply decimals by a whole number using the hundredth grid
model, colors, and markers. They will use the colored pencils or markers
to shade in the grid model with their answer. Then they will use the
standard algorithm multiplication to check their answers.
● Station 4. Teacher Support / Enrichment (Differentiated Instruction)

Differentiated Instruction Groups:

Touro: Jose La, Kimberly, Andy, Marvin, Charleny. -Entering
Hofstra: Jerickson, Jefferson, Anderline -Transitioning
Old Westbury: Paola, Liz, Robert, Samantha,Ezequiel-Transitioning
Farmingdale: Jose A, Bryan, Valery, Juan,Marcela - Expanding

Assessment Plan (Assessment Tools and Techniques)

I always carry with me a checklist and anecdotal notes to assess and record their learning
as they participate. I will constantly observe if they struggle when completing a task,
review their work for each station and reflect on the way they are able to transfer what
they have learned when they complete their exit ticket.
Promoting an Environment Where Diversity is Celebrated - Teacher uses
manipulatives and visuals where students have the opportunity to have a personal
connection to their backround/culure. For example, materials used are labeled in native
language to allow newcomers have a feeling of belonging.

Reflection / Comments -

My instructional goals were met when my students demonstrated understanding of how

to multiply decimals by a whole number using a hundredths grid and use standard
algorithm multiplication to check the answer. The PowerPoint presentation helped them
to visualize our objective and encouraged them to not be afraid of participating and
expressing what they knew either in English for my expanding students, their native
language for newcomers and translanguaging with my transitional students. When it
was time for them to work independently, they already had built enough confidence in
themselves to complete their tasks successfully . During stations they had the
opportunity to transfer what they had learned from my lesson and interact with each
other sharing their work and helping each other if they noticed a mistake. Students that
were doubtful of the steps to multiply decimals using the hundredth grid, had the ability
to explain exactly where their confusion or misinterpretation was and with my guidance
they were able to self-correct and meet the objective successfully. During my station
they were able to demonstrate what they had learned and ask as many questions as they
liked. They were given different multiplication sentences to choose from and
demonstrated their ability to use the hundredth grid model to represent their
multiplication and successfully checked their answer using standard algorithm
multiplication. Throughout the whole group and learning stations, I was able to observe
that their goals were met as they transitioned from one station to the next with minimal
guidance to my lower group and no guidance to my advanced groups. A rich linguistic
environment was visible during this lesson.

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