Instructional Synopsis 1
Instructional Synopsis 1
Instructional Synopsis 1
Learning Objective(s) - Students will multiply decimals by a whole number using the
hundredths grid model and use standard algorithm multiplication to check their answer.
Key Vocabulary - Students will be able to express their thinking as they show their
work on the grid by using transition words such as first, next, then and last.
I do - Teacher will present a PPT where the teacher will model multiplying
decimals by a whole number using the hundreds grid step by step and use
standard algorithms to check answers. Teacher will engage students and
encourage them to analyze the process as she is presenting the lesson.
Differentiated Instruction -
During whole group instruction I use as many visuals as possible and translate for
newcomers, I will also incorporate TPR when possible. My classroom is full of print and
my students already know that they can use charts as reference. Students also have a
reference folder where they have material in case they feel assistance while I am working
with a different group. Differentiated groups for instruction during learning stations are
already created. I will be able to meet specific needs or provide enrichment to students
while I work with them in small groups.
I always carry with me a checklist and anecdotal notes to assess and record their learning
as they participate. I will constantly observe if they struggle when completing a task,
review their work for each station and reflect on the way they are able to transfer what
they have learned when they complete their exit ticket.
Promoting an Environment Where Diversity is Celebrated - Teacher uses
manipulatives and visuals where students have the opportunity to have a personal
connection to their backround/culure. For example, materials used are labeled in native
language to allow newcomers have a feeling of belonging.
Reflection / Comments -