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FSA 437 Assessment in Lesson Plan Assignment

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FSA 437 Assessment in Lesson Plan Assignment

Name: __Julie Phillips__________

1. Backward Design: Fill the table by listing your ideas for each category.

Desired result(s) of the

1. Standards; 5.NBT.5 - Fluently multiply
multi-digit whole numbers using the standard

K= Students know Multiplication is repeated


U= Students understand that there is a zero in

the units’ column below the first product, and
then multiply with the numbers in the ten’s

Do=Students will be able to do multiplication of

multi-digit whole numbers fluently using the
standard algorithm.

Essential Question

How is multiplying double-digit numbers

different from multiplying single-digit numbers?


Students will be able to multiply a double digit

number, by another double digit number.

Evidence(S) of students’ Students will be able to thoughtfully explain

learning their thinking and express their knowledge of
how to step by step multiply 2, double digit
numbers by each other.
Your plan for learning To start off this lesson students will be asked a
experience and instruction question to pair and share their thoughts and
responses to. This will start up the class
discussion and get the students' brains thinking
about the lesson in a personal way to better
their learning. Students will be asked “what is
your best strategy for multiplication?” Students
will be allowed a few minutes to turn and talk
with partners about their best strategies for
doing multiplication. I will then announce
today's learning objective, which is multiplying
multi digit numbers by another multi digit
number (2 digits to be exact). I will then ask
students for my formative assessment, thumbs
up, thumbs down, or in the middle of their
confidence with multiplying multi digit
numbers. Using a checklist, I will mark down
students who are doing good, okay, and not too
good so far to pair students correctly. I will
demonstrate a few example problems to the
class showing how to complete multi digit
multiplication problems, allowing for questions.
Once students are comfortable, I will pair them
with classmates. Students who are good will be
paired with students not doing so good, and
students in the middle will be paired together to
benefit each other's learning through this
assignment. Once students are paired in their
groups, I will be walking around the class
handing out materials while explaining
directions to the class. Pairs will be each given 1
sticky note, and two papers out of a hat
containing numbers, one number on each.
Students are to work together on multiplying
these numbers by each other on the sticky note.
The teacher will be walking around the class
and observing students working on the math
problem answering questions when needed.
Once a group thinks they're done, they will be
asked to raise their hands and show the teacher
their answers. If the pair has the correct answer
they will ask to be seated quietly until
everyone's done. Once all students are done
with their multiplication problems they will
present it to the class explaining their thought
process, methods, and explanation on how they
got to their answer. In other words, the
summative assessment of Know it! Show it!

2. Assessment plan in your lesson

Lesson Objective Students will be able to multiply two, two digit numbers
(Use the provided correctly using multiple different strategies. Students will
pre-assessment be able to multiply multi-digit numbers correctly and
results, develop fluently using the standard algorithm.
your own lesson

Formative Assessment Procedure (Describe your method of data

Assessment collection) As a formative assessment, I will do a thumbs up,
thumbs in the middle, or thumbs down. I will ask the class if
they understand the concept and they will answer with a
thumbs up if they do, a thumbs in the middle if they kind of
understand it, and a thumbs down if they have no idea.

Data (what will be collected as data? E.g., Number of correct

responses, number of check marks on your checklist, memo
from your anecdotal records, etc.) The data that will be
collected will be on the checklist with the student’s names
next to them. Students who get checkmarks Next to their
names have stated that they are in the middle or they are
not really understanding. The students who have
checkmarks next to their names will have to have an eye on
them throughout the lesson.
Decision Making (Describe your action plans based on the
assessment results. Make sure to use specific criteria for the
whole class to make decisions.) Students will be paired up
in groups, students who are doing well will be paired
together with students who are not doing as well with a
topic to benefit the students who need a little more help,
along with the teachers walking around the classrooms
making sure everyone is focused and on task with what they
need to be doing. Students in the middle will be paired

Summative Assessment Procedure (Describe your method of data

Assessment collection) Students will be performing a Know it! Show it!
using sticky notes. Students will be paired up with Partners
based on how they responded in the formative assessment.
With their Partners, they will each pick a double digit
number out of a hat at random. Using those two numbers,
they will use their multiplication strategies to complete the
multiplication problem on their sticky note. During this time
provided, the teacher will be walking around the classroom
checking in on groups, and being able to answer questions
when needed for students. Once a pair thinks they're done,
they will be asked to raise their hand quietly to have their
problem checked to make sure that it is correct. Once the
students have checked to make sure that their answer is
correct, they will wait until the rest of their classmates are
done with their problems. As soon as everyone is done,
groups will be asked to come to the front of the classroom
and place they're sticking out underneath the Elmo, to show
the rest of their class their work. They then will present to
their classmates their strategies and thinking of getting
through their multiplication problem and how they got their
answer. This will demonstrate multiple means of thinking
and strategies to answer multiplication problems for
classmates. It will be valuable for students to learn from
their other peers.
Data (what will be collected as data? E.g., Number of correct
responses, number of check marks on your checklist, memo
from your anecdotal records, etc.)The data that will be
collected Is going to be from observation and notes from the
teacher while students are presenting their problem, and
their solution. Data will be collected on accuracy, the ability
to explain their thinking, and to be able to do this again, but
with a different set of numbers.
Decision Making (Describe your action plans based on the
assessment results. Make sure to use specific criteria for the
whole class to make decisions.) Students should be able to
complete this summative assessment with at least 80%
accuracy. If more than 3/4 of the class is at 80% or above,
we will move on to the next lesson. If less than 3/4 of the
class is at the 80% mark, then we will have to do another
approach to this lesson next class. If the 3/4 mark is made,
students who need extra help will be given extra time for
help during given hours throughout the day.

Instruction Plan ● I will begin the lesson by stating what our daily goals
(Describe what are for this lesson.
“you” will do, ● I will ask students what they have found to be their
instead of what best strategies for multiplication.
“students” will ● I will give students 2 minutes to come up with their
do). best strategy.
● I will then have students partner with the student
sitting next to them, and share their thoughts on
their multiplication.
● After a 2 minute discussion, I will then have all the
partners share what they discussed. After the class
finishes sharing their thoughts, I will then ask
students to do my formative assessment with a
‘thumbs up’, ‘thumbs middle’ or ‘thumbs down’ to
pre-assess their knowledge on multiplication.
● I will check off students who put a thumbs up, in the
middle, or down to make sure I am able to pair them
correctly and assist them.
● I will demonstrate multi digit problems up in front of
the classroom.
● I will answer questions for students who have
● I will then pair students together based on their
previous responses in the ‘thumbs up', ‘thumbs
middle’, and ‘thumbs down’.
● I will hand out stickyNotes, and allow for each
student to pick a number out of a hat (so each group
will have two, double digit numbers).
● I will explain instructions for the ‘know it show it’, as
I am handing out materials to students.
● Once directions are given, I will allow time for
students to ask questions about their assignment,
and when there are no further questions, I will tell
students they can begin on their question.
● I will walk around the classroom while students are
working, allowing additional questions and being
available to help.
● While walking around the classroom, I will be
looking for students who are done and for students
who are raising their hand to answer questions.
● Once all the students are done, I will ask for
volunteers to come up to the front first to present
their problem.
● Once no more volunteers, I will alphabetically ask
groups to come up to present their problems and
● While students are presenting their problems, I will
be observing and taking notes on each group's
strategies, skills, weaknesses, etc.
● I will create future lessons based on results from the

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