FSA 437 Assessment in Lesson Plan Assignment
FSA 437 Assessment in Lesson Plan Assignment
FSA 437 Assessment in Lesson Plan Assignment
1. Backward Design: Fill the table by listing your ideas for each category.
Essential Question
Lesson Objective Students will be able to multiply two, two digit numbers
(Use the provided correctly using multiple different strategies. Students will
pre-assessment be able to multiply multi-digit numbers correctly and
results, develop fluently using the standard algorithm.
your own lesson
Instruction Plan ● I will begin the lesson by stating what our daily goals
(Describe what are for this lesson.
“you” will do, ● I will ask students what they have found to be their
instead of what best strategies for multiplication.
“students” will ● I will give students 2 minutes to come up with their
do). best strategy.
● I will then have students partner with the student
sitting next to them, and share their thoughts on
their multiplication.
● After a 2 minute discussion, I will then have all the
partners share what they discussed. After the class
finishes sharing their thoughts, I will then ask
students to do my formative assessment with a
‘thumbs up’, ‘thumbs middle’ or ‘thumbs down’ to
pre-assess their knowledge on multiplication.
● I will check off students who put a thumbs up, in the
middle, or down to make sure I am able to pair them
correctly and assist them.
● I will demonstrate multi digit problems up in front of
the classroom.
● I will answer questions for students who have
● I will then pair students together based on their
previous responses in the ‘thumbs up', ‘thumbs
middle’, and ‘thumbs down’.
● I will hand out stickyNotes, and allow for each
student to pick a number out of a hat (so each group
will have two, double digit numbers).
● I will explain instructions for the ‘know it show it’, as
I am handing out materials to students.
● Once directions are given, I will allow time for
students to ask questions about their assignment,
and when there are no further questions, I will tell
students they can begin on their question.
● I will walk around the classroom while students are
working, allowing additional questions and being
available to help.
● While walking around the classroom, I will be
looking for students who are done and for students
who are raising their hand to answer questions.
● Once all the students are done, I will ask for
volunteers to come up to the front first to present
their problem.
● Once no more volunteers, I will alphabetically ask
groups to come up to present their problems and
● While students are presenting their problems, I will
be observing and taking notes on each group's
strategies, skills, weaknesses, etc.
● I will create future lessons based on results from the