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Amy W

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Amy Wallo


_____ Formative _____ Summative
(Optional) (Optional)
This column This column
with teacher EVIDENCE OF DOMAINS 1 AND 4 with teacher
through (To be completed by the teacher in advance of announced observation and sent to evaluator 2 days in advance) through
rubric (Evidence not required for each Domain 4 component for any single lesson) rubric
comparison. comparison.
1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy: What is the 4a. Reflecting on Teaching
content to be taught? What prerequisite learning is required? (following the lesson): Collect
o F The content that is being taught is mathematics. The students are going to samples of the students’ work, from o F
o NI be introduced to number sentences and counting to determine the total. the observed lesson that represent a o NI
X P They will be rote counting separate groups of manipulatives and then range of student performance. X P
counting them all to determine the total. Students will record the number Discuss the degree to which students
o D of each group on their graphic organizer to create a number sentence. The met your objectives and how the o D
plus sign and equal sign are already written for them. work shows this.
Students practice their counting skills during circle time. We write how
many boys and girls we have in the class, create our number sentence, and (Submitted separately. See
then add all the students to determine the total. We often use attached.)
manipulatives to count different groups and determine how many more
we would need to reach the total. Students will need to recognize and
write numbers 1-5 on their own or done independently with their number
line. In addition, rote counting will also be a skill that the students wil
need in order to be successful in the lesson. The students will be
introduced to determining the total on their own during this lesson, in
addition to counting two groups to make a whole. Students will be taught
during this lesson how to fill out a number sentence and how to use
manipulatives and their number line to determine the total of two groups
or materials. Students will also learn math vocabulary that will help them
describe their number sentences. The two words they need to gain from
the lesson are plus sign (or plus) and equals. Those are the skills being
taught that the students should be able to obtain from the direct

2.1PK.A.2- Count to tell the number of objects.

 Students will be counting two different groups of manipulatives
and determining how many are in each group. From there, the
students will count both groups to determine the total number of
objects. I will be modeling a strategy to organize the
manipulatives in order to track their counting.
2.2.PK.A.1- Understand addition as putting together and adding to.
 Students will be taught math vocabulary such as plus
sign/addition sign, equal and total. They will use the
manipulatives to demonstrate the joining of sets. Students will
also explain adding sets of objects up to six using basic math
vocabulary such as adding to and putting together.
1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students: Characterize the class. How 4b. Maintaining Accurate
will you modify this lesson for groups or individual students? Records: How do you track student
o F learning as it relates to this lesson? o F
o NI 9/10 of the students are kindergarten bound and therefore this is an o NI
X P activity that they should be able to complete independently after given During this lesson I will be actively X P
times to practice. Tyler is not kindergarten bound and he will complete observing the students to see who
o D the activity with my support. This support will be in the form of needs more assistance in order to o D
scaffolding. I want him to complete the activity on his own to the best of meet the goal. The students will be
his ability, but I will be there to correct mistakes, prompt his actions and completing an exit ticket at the end
answer questions. of the lesson that they are to do on
The students will have a whole group lesson where they are directly their own. The exit ticket is a
taught how to construct a number sentence, use the manipulatives, and worksheet where the students are to
determine the total of the groups and the whole set. This will not be fill out and illustrate a number
modified for the kids. Only modifications that will be made are based on sentence on their own after being
any confusion or questions that the students might have. taught how to and given time to
Students will have the direct instruction on how to use the items and practice the skill. They will be
strategies to solve the problems. They will then practice as a whole group spread out throughout the room in
with my support, and then end with them attempting them on their own to order to ensure they are not looking
determine if they have met the goal. off of other peers. The students will
complete one addition problem
My new co-teacher is named Gena and she will be working with the ten where they illustrate their work and
students who are not kindergarten bound and have another year here in complete a number sentence. They
Pre-K counts. This lesson would be too challenging for the students, so it will draw a picture to show their
will be modified for their learning level. The students will be practicing work and also fill in the blanks to
their counting at circle with counting cubes. They will count the different complete the number sentence. This
groups and decide how many of each color they have and show that will be collected and added to their
number with their fingers. They will then count to the total (no higher portfolios. The students will
than 6) and show that number with their fingers. complete this without assistance in
order for me to measure how well
they absorbed the lesson and where
students will need more instruction.

Gena then will bring out a counting mat for the students to use. It will
have spaces for the correct number in each box. So the box that has a 5
will have 5 boxes. The students will use their manipulatives to fill the
boxes and then count them as a whole group. Once they have practiced
using the mats with the circles, they will go off and spread out (so no one
can look off of the other for the answer. They will receive a blank sheet of
paper and Gena will announce how many items she wants on their papers.
They will grab that many and double check their work. Gena will walk
around the room and see how they are doing. She will have a checklist for
each kid with a box for numbers 1-6. They will receive a check if they are
able to put the correct number of manipulatives on their paper or an x if
they are not able to. This will be her formative assessment for the lesson
and will show her whether or not the students have met the goal.
1c. Selecting Instructional Outcomes: What do you want students to 4c. Communicating with Families:
learn during this lesson? What specifically have you learned
o F by communicating with families that o F
o NI There are two goals that I would like the students to accomplish during impacted your planning of this o NI
X P this lesson. First, the students should learn how to use manipulatives lesson? X P
(counting bears) to illustrate a math problem. This is a strategy that the Being that my students are all
o D students will be using and expanding on during their first year in beginning to take their kindergarten o D
kindergarten. This goal will be measured by watching the students count exams, I have been actively talking
the bears to match the given numbers in the number sentence and with parents about areas where the
counting them to determine their total. With the direct instruction and students may need more support and
guided practice, this is an attainable goal for the children. practice. In addition, we have been
Using their resources such as their bears, number line and illustrations, I talking about skills that will be
want the students to be able to count the bears, fill in a blank and then introduced in the beginning of
write their total after the equal sign. This will be modeled for the students kindergarten that they want the
and is a main goal of the lesson. This shows me that they can not only students to begin to work on in order
count the bears, but that they also know more than rote counting and can for them to have some beginning
show their work and knowledge on paper. knowledge before entering that
school year. Therefore, beginning
kindergarten math was an area that
parents wanted the students to begin
working on.

1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources: What resources were 4d. Participating in a Professional
considered for this lesson and rejected? Why? What resources will be Community: In what ways is
o F used? Why? today’s lesson related to o F
o NI collaboration with colleagues? o NI
X P I originally was going to have the students work in pairs and use dice to When I was coming up with my X P
practice. I felt that the students would struggle with the new topic and lesson, I was asking for feedback
o D therefore be confused in the pairs and potentially just copy their peer from Jade and my directors to make o D
o without actually learning the material. I felt keeping the whole lesson as a sure that what I was choosing would o
whole group and then splitting into an individual assessment would be the work well for my students and they
best format. By having them complete their exit ticket spread out, I knew also gave me advice on what
that the students had to work on their own and were unable to look off of materials and resources I should use
other peers to get their answer. This would ensure me that they have to enhance the lesson. That feedback
completed the activity to the best of their ability without the fear that they was very helpful for me and their
are looking off of peers. I also considered using food as a motivator for years of teaching and experience
the lesson and fun manipulative. Being that this is the first introduction to give me the reassurance that they
the content area, I felt that the food would be an unnecessary distraction have tips and resources that can aid
from the goal. me that I may not have thought of.
1e.Designing Coherent Instruction: List very briefly the steps of the 4e. Growing and Developing
lesson Professionally: What aspects of this
o F lesson are the result of some recent o F
o NI  Students will come to the carpet for circle time. We will begin professional learning? o NI
X P by having a morning greeting. The students will vote on which X P
handshake they would like to do and we will go around the Recently I was at a training for
o D circle and greet each other.
o D
my first year of teaching
 I will then pass out laminated sheets of white paper. The requirements called “Meeting
. students will write their name on the paper and hand back their the needs of students with
expo markers. The students will then come up and put their IEP’s”. It was pertaining to
paper on the board when they hear the letter of their first name
students with IEP’s, but all the
called. We will then count how many boys and girls there are in
the class and determine who we have the most and least of. We teachers were Gen Ed. We had
will then count to find the total amount of friends in our group. great lengthy discussions about
Once we have found out how many are in our class, we will early childhood learning and
draw a circle for each person and write the appropriate number areas that they find the students
inside of it. We will then draw different colored circles for Ms. need more support in in order to
Gena’s group. We will then count to find the total number of be successful in their
students in the whole classroom. I will draw the picture on the classrooms. One of the areas we
board and also used colored counting cubes to illustrate how to all agreed is a area students need
solve the problem in two ways. I will leave the final circle blank
ample practice in is math. It is an
and ask for help to write the number of friends we have in total.
We will also fill out a number sentence to illustrate how many area where teachers in later
friends we have. grades find themselves
 We will then practice our letters and letter sounds. We will do constantly reteaching the basics.
them as a whole group and then I will challenge a few students By giving my kids the
to try a stack on their own. Students will clap when those knowledge now as a preview,
students attempt to do it on their own. they will be more prepared for
 Students will then work on shapes with the shape beanbags and their math instruction down the
end with a story if time permits. line. It’s a skill that can be easily
 I will give the students a minute to stand up and participate in a mastered during early grades and
brain break after circle in preparation for lesson time. I will then can be practiced at least once a
have them sit and remind them of how we used materials to
determine how many friends were in our classroom today. I will
day. The more the students are
explain to them that we are going to be learning how to solve exposed to this skill, the more
addition problems and how to illustrate our work when doing confident they will be when they
so. move on in school and they will
 I will bring out my anchor chart for the students and fill out and feel more able to complete their
review the language we are going to use and how we are going work independently.
to solve the problems. We will talk about what the addition sign
looks like and what it is called in addition to the equal sign. We
will also go over what a number sentence looks like and the
picture to go with the work.
 I will then have a printed-out picture of two hands (right above
the blank spaces of the number sentence). Students will watch
as I roll the number dice and fill out the sheet to determine the
number I have in each group and then counting the two groups
to determine the total. The first round of instruction and practice
will only be on using the bears and writing the numbers. Once
they have watched me do it and then practiced with me as a
whole group, we will then use the bears and then draw circles to
illustrate the problem. I will model this first and then have the
students practice on their own. They will also have copies of the
laminated paper to practice on. The worksheets for practice and
instruction will be laminated so the students can draw their
pictures and easily erase without needing a new paper. The exit
ticket is the exact same sheet just not laminated.
 Once we have done two rounds of direct instruction and then
guided practice, I will spread the students out around the room
and give them the same paper and bears to complete one
problem on their own. I will share the first number and allow
time for them to set up their bears and draw their picture, then
give the second number and allow for their drawing and adding
to get their total. I will remind the students to draw their picture
and use the number line and picture to help them solve the
problem. The number line is an optional assist for the students
and will be given in order to help them but is not required for
use. Tyler and I will be using it to identify numbers together.
 This paper will then be collected and put into their portfolios.
1f: Designing Student Assessments: How will you measure the goals 4f: Showing Professionalism: In
articulated in 1c? What does success look like? what ways have you been an
o F advocate for students that relate o F
o NI Being in a small group setting is very beneficial when considering how to directly to this lesson? o NI
o P make sure the goals are being met. It allows me to see each student X P
working and decide if they have met the goal. What success looks like for During my student reaching in
X D me in this lesson is that the students are able to complete one number college, I spent a large portion of o D
sentence on their own with 100% accuracy. Their success is not measured that time in kindergarten and first
Your ticket out during the whole group lesson or the guided practice but in their exit grade classrooms. I am very familiar
the door is ticket time. Were they able to use their materials to help them or were with the curriculum and the wealth
wonderful they getting lost on their own. The work they turn in will be very telling of expectations that those teachers
assessment tool
of whether they have met the goal. During the guided practice and have for their students coming in.
and the
differentiation instruction, I will be constantly checking in with the students to address When I transferred to this state I
of assessment confusion and help them so that we can have all of the students complete spent a better part of the summer
for your less the paper without any mistakes. updating myself on the curriculum
advanced For Tyler, success for him cannot be completing this on his own. His here in Pennsylvania and with early
learners is success is measured in his ability to listen to my directions and guidance childhood standards. By comparing
especially and complete those tasks on his own. For Tyler I just want to scaffold his those and finding areas where the
good. learning. To me, this means restating the numbers, reminding him to use students would need direct
materials but not touching them. He will move them and count them, and instruction, I felt confident that this
I will be there to guide is learning, not control it. His ability to work off of math lesson was an appropriate
my instruction and guidance are indicative of his success during the thing to teach at this point in the
lesson. year. The students are more than
ready for their transition to
kindergarten and I feel that now that
they have mastered their early
childhood standards, its time to
challenge them with kindergarten
level instruction, work and
(Optional) (Optional)
This column OBSERVATION: This column
completed with EVIDENCE FOR DOMAINS 2 AND 3 completed with
teacher through _____ Announced ____ Unannounced teacher through
rubric _____ Formative ____ Summative rubric
comparison. comparison.
2a. Creating a Climate of Respect & Rapport: 3a. Communicating with Students:
Teacher Interaction with Students Expectations for Learning
o F Student Interactions with One Another Directions and Procedures o F
o NI Explanations of Content o NI
X P Interactions between the teacher and her children Use of Oral and Written Language X P
encourage cooperation and consideration of
o D others. Children are led to greet each other Communication was appropriate to the o D
socially and respectfully in the morning circle developmental level of the children. Directions
routine and modeling and verbal direction of pro- and procedures were clearly identified with
social skills is evident during instruction. sequential steps at a pace that allowed children to
respond with accuracy.

2b. Creating a Culture for Learning: 3b. Using Questioning & Discussion:
Importance of the Content Techniques
o F Expectations for Learning and Achievement Quality of Questions o F
o NI Student Pride in Work Discussion Techniques o NI
o P Student Participation X P
The importance of the content is well in evidence
X D with several activities observed during the group All children were provided with opportunities to o D
instruction and circle routine that contributed to respond to instruction and were offered individual
understanding the main lesson points. Children supports to ensure that they were making
were well engaged as the teacher included progress. Teacher questions embedded focus
individual and choral responses. Multiple vocabulary in a natural way.
examples of the main objective were
demonstrated with differentiated scaffolding
provided to ensure student understanding of
2c. Managing Classroom Procedures: 3c. Engaging Students in Learning:
Management of Instructional Groups Activities and Assignments
o F Management of Transitions Grouping of Students o F
o NI Management of Materials And Supplies Instructional Materials and Resources o NI
X P Performance of Non-Instructional Duties Structure and Pacing X P
Supervision of Volunteers And Paraprofessionals
o D Children were provided with familiar materials o D
Materials and supplies were available and ready allowing focus on the lesson objectives. The
when they needed. Transitions between activities structure and pacing of the lesson delivery were
were planned and well directed to avoid appropriate to the developmental level of the
confusion among the children. Routines children and permitted engagement of peers as
appeared well established and familiar. supports.

2d. Managing Student Behavior: 3d. Assessing Student Learning:

Expectations Assessment Criteria
o F Monitoring of Student Behavior Monitoring of Student Learning o F
o NI Response to Student Misbehavior Feedback to Students o NI
X P Student Self-Assessment and Monitoring of X P
Expectations for student behaviors were clearly Progress
o D communicated with verbal direction and o D
monitored to ensure compliance. A classroom set Assessment criteria was clear with children made
of rules were posted with visual cues to support aware of the outcome – that the product would be
the developmental level of the children. included in their portfolios. Verbal feedback and
praise were liberally applied to encourage children
to continue to respond.

2e. Organizing the Physical Space: 3e. Demonstrating Flexibility &

Safety and Accessibility Responsiveness:
o F Arrangement of Furniture and Use of Physical Lesson adjustment o F
o NI Resources Response to Students o NI
X P Persistence X P
Materials were available and easily accessible to
o D children and the room was arranged to allow Children’s responses were acknowledged when o D
children to engage safely. solicited with corrective feedback provided when
appropriate. Scaffolding was provided to support
student understanding of the lesson objectives.

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