8 Rock Cycle
8 Rock Cycle
8 Rock Cycle
Magma - are volatiles and solid materials that is found beneath the surface of the Earth.
Crystallization –is a chemical solid –liquid separation technique in which mass transfer occurs
from the liquid solution to a pure solid crystalline phase
Weathering – is the breaking down of rocks at the earth’s surface due to biological activity
Sediments – it refers to the particles and dissolved substances
Lithification –refers to the compaction of converting sediments to solid rocks
Source: wps.prenhall.com
Igneous rock forms from magma that cools and solidifies in a process called crystallization
Sedimentary rocks forms from the lithification of sediment.
The sedimentary rock is subjected to great pressures and/or intense heat the metamorphic
rock is formed.
Metamorphic Rock when subjected to a high pressure and/or temperatures, it will melt, creating
magma, which will eventually crystallize into igneous rock.
◦ Fine grained texture (Rhyolite)– formed at the surface, small masses within the
upper crust, small crystals
◦ Glassy texture (Obsidian, Pumice) – result from rapid cooling (being quenched).
Granitic rocks – feldspar and silica; rich in silica (70%)
Basaltic rocks – contains iron (dark appearance), denser than granitic,
extrusive igneous
Source: geology.about.com.
Ø Mineral Composition
Ø Bowen’s Reaction Series e x p l a i n s t h a t if a mineral remains in the molten solution
after crystallization, it will react with remaining liquid to produce the next mineral.
Source: jersey.uoregon.edu
Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=magma+composition&client=firefox-b&source
Naming of Igneous Rocks
Lithification refers to the processes by which sediments are transformed into solid s
Strata/beds are layer upon layer of sediments accumulation.
Fossils are traces or remains of prehistoric life.
Examples of sedimentary rock are Limestones and Coal
Types of Sediments
Detrital or Classic sediments - it is formed by the fragmentation of the parent rock by
weathering, followed by erosion or transportation of these fragments over variable
distances to their place of deposition.
Chemical sediments – it is formed by precipitation from solution.
Biological/organic sediments - these are sediments in which organisms are involved in
their formation or deposition in one way or another.
Source: castlelearning.com
Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphism means to change.
Most metamorphic changes occur at high temperatures and pressure.
These occur deep below the Earth’s surface and extend into the mantle.
Source: danasrge.top
Source: messacc.edu