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Teaching As A Profession

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1. Discuss the meaning of a teacher as a professional.

For this question/activity I’m going to refer to the definition of the Code of Ethics of Professional
Teachers which states that “ teachers are licensed professional who possesses dignity and reputation
with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence … he or she adheres to,
observes and practices a set of ethical and moral principles, standards and values.”

First up, teacher as a licensed professional - basically a teacher is someone who teaches as
his/her profession. They are educated specifically in methods of teaching, and must therefore hold a
certification. Usually this certification can be obtained through studying and finishing a degree in
education and eventually passing the LET or Licensure Examination for Teachers. In short teaching as a
professional -------------- requires certification or a license.

Then, teachers must possess dignity, reputation, and high moral values. According to an
anonymous writer, “ a teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” This quote
exemplifies the idea that teachers as professionals must possess characters that worthy of emulation. I
for one have my idol teachers whom I believed had helped shaped my principles and values. I look at
them as role models. That is why it is only fitting for a teacher, as professionals, to be having these kinds
of traits.

Also, a teacher must have technical and professional competence. Competence is the key word
here, in anything a teacher does he or she must do it with competence. And this can only be achieved
through arduous, sincere and never ending search for learning. To have a mastery of a subject matter is
the first step, while continuous learning development and conducting research are vital skills that
teachers must adhere to if he or she to survive in his or her endeavour.

Lastly, a teacher must adhere to practices, principles, standards and values. The teachers main
responsibility is to teach, especially the children, for this regard if one is to take teaching as a
profession, he or she must in all religiosity conform or adhere to standards being set forth, in this case
the code of ethics for teachers. Teaching is a responsibility, our parents for instance taught us some
household chores, and we are what we are right now as a son or children because of or parents. Now ,
if we take teaching a higher degree, like doing it professionally moreso that we should bbe able to
observe and adhere to these practices, principles, and standards.

2. Explain what the society demands from the teacher as a professional.

I will summarize my answer to two goals or responsibilities that a teacher has for his or her
society, which I think is what it demands from her or him.

Number one, a teacher is a catalyst in student’s learning. Practically, anybody can, will and has
the ability to learn regardless if he or she is being taught or not. Perhaps no one will argue with me if I
told you that in the ancient times no one taught the first man to cook, he does it either by curiosity or by
accident. That being said, we can also apply the same formula for today’s situation. However, while men
have the capacity to explore or learn by trial and error he can’t do it like how he did it before. Today’s
era demands so much and so great that a simple mishap could mean defeat or misfortune. Because of
these our society, consciously or unconsciously demanded and is demanding a need for TEACHERS,
professional teachers. Our society was able to survive and thrive because of knowledge and expertise.
Nowadays we rely not so much on trial and error. We can’t afford to rely our fate to destiny. For this
regard, I proudly say that teachers are the backbone and founders of our nation. They perhaps are the
unsung heroes of our society.

Then, teachers are expected to be good role models. We are what we are because of the
company we keep. Same goes with teachers, if society wants to have a bright future, whose members
possess traits and aspirations that can be beneficial to its development it is only a must that it must
have teachers that possess the same.

3. Explain the professional competencies that a teacher should possess.

For this activity I’ll use the PPST or the Professional Standards for Teachers:

1. Recognize the mastery of content knowledge……..and so on.

As teachers in today’s generation it’s a serious mistake to step into a class barely
armed with the basic understanding of the learning contents and skills he or she is expected to teach.
That is true especially today students are just one click away from the internet. Since knowledge evolves
and grows all the time, some even subjects to change, a teacher should always strive to stay up-to-date
and in most cases be a master to such.

2. Provide a learning environment that is conducive to learning ( summarized edition)

Teachers are and not only said the second parents. Putting this into context the
classroom is said to be the children’s second home. Because of this a teacher if to adhere to this
standard must make himself/herself or the very least portray to be a good parent. As the saying goes,
the fruit is only as good as its roots.

3. Establish environment that are responsive to learners.

This where the word mentoring to teacher is being a ttached. Mentoring is the
way of a teacher to encourage students to be the best they can, which includes listening to students.

4. The other standards are part of either of these three standards.

1. Which is/are true of a professional? – analysis

A. College/University Degree - true
True. Professional teachers must have a licensed or a certification. The ony way
to be certified or have a license is by passing the LET exam. This being said we can only be
allowed to take the LET if we were able to finish a college education degree, or the like.

B . Required of VC IV from TESDA – true/depends

My answer for this depends on where and what are we going to teach.
If we are talking about professional teaching , et us say teaching grade 7 students in high
school, I’ll say not true. However if we are going to teach professionally aspiring mechanic,
welders or chef, an NC II is enough, more so for NC IV.

C. Demonstrate solely ethical competence. Not true

The code of ethics itself define teachers as having all the elements and traits of a
good role model or professional, and to have sole ethical competence is an insult.

D. Abides by his personal code of ethics. Not true (definitely)

The key word here is personal, definitely we cannot set our own standards.
Standards are perennial in nature. It can never be owned or made simply by a single person,
rather it’s a conglomeration of different minds. Aristotle or Rizal for this regard can and will not
be able to set their personal standards and be called professional teachers, as great as they are.

2. Which statements are true of society’s demands for professional teachers.

A. Concerned only with classroom teaching. Definitely not true.

Teacher’s capacity to impart his or her knowledge goes even beyond the four
corners of the classroom. What he or she will teach to the student will have far more impact
than what he or she has intentionally thought. Teachers mold the minds of students, and these
students will have greater impact as they go out of their classroom.\
B. Effective teaching is the primary duty. Yes, very true.
This is actually the main responsibility of the teacher. The word teacher itself
was coined from the word teach, which is to impart knowledge, skills ,and values to the

C. The teacher is not allowed to lead community affairs. True/depends

This is true and can only depends if the teacher is to have either a bad or
negative influence. Now if it’s a good influence and the teacher was able to adhere to the
standards being set by the code of ethics for professional teachers or PPST I see no reason why
a teacher must not. remember teachers are like second parents, they help in molding the minds
and values of students, to see them in the community , leading, is a delight to the heart.

D. campaign for the good candidate. Not true, however if artista, and others can, why
not for teachers.
Initially and legally teachers are not allowed to intervene in election related
affairs except as serving in the election. If this happen this will be called electioneering, which is
against the law. But personally, I just think that above anyone, teachers know these politicians
more than anybody in this world they were once students, and they must have, or have
teachers that knew them very well. Just saying.

3. Expected of a Professional Teacher.

My answer is letter C I, II, and IV.
The one that prompted me to choose C is because of the “superior” IQ term that was
used. It could have been just IQ. But to think that to be a teacher requires one to have a
superior IQ is a blasphemy to the profession. We need not have to have superior iQ to be a
teacher. Infact to be a master and a constant learner is more than enough. While the other
three choices are acceptable.

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