Cylinder LO Pump ''SKF UC-UD''
Cylinder LO Pump ''SKF UC-UD''
Cylinder LO Pump ''SKF UC-UD''
Version 1.0
EN Seite 2 Notes
Hockenheim Plant
2. Industriestrasse 4
68766 Hockenheim
Tel. +49 (0)62 05 27-0
Fax +49 (0)62 05 27-101
Table of contents Seite 3 EN
Table of contents
Assembly instructions Operating manual
1. Safety instructions
The operator of the described product In addition to the assembly instructions, 1.2 Authorized personnel
must ensure that the assembly instruc- statutory regulations and other general
tions are read and understood by all regulations for accident prevention and Only qualified technical personnel may install,
persons responsible for assembly, op- environmental protection must be ob- operate, maintain, and repair the products de-
eration, maintenance, and repair of the served and applied. scribed in the assembly instructions. Qualified
product. The assembly instructions technical personnel are persons who have
must be kept readily available. 1.1 Intended use been trained, assigned and instructed by the
operator of the final product into which the
Note that the assembly instructions The UC and UD gear pump units are vertically described product is incorporated. Such per-
form part of the product and must ac- or horizontally arranged units that are used in sons are familiar with the relevant standards,
company the product if sold to a new hydraulic or circulating-oil lubrication systems. rules, accident prevention regulations, and as-
owner. All off-the-shelf lubricants and hydraulic oils sembly conditions as a result of their training,
in the viscosity range of between 20 and experience, and instruction. They are autho-
The described product is manufactured in ac- 1000 mm2/s are conveyed. rized to identify and perform necessary ac-
cordance with the generally accepted rules and The use of synthetic oils requires prior ap- tions while avoiding any risks which may arise.
standards of industry practice and with occu- proval from SKF Lubrication Systems Germany The definition of qualified personnel and the
pational safety and accident prevention regu- AG. prohibition against employing non-qualified
lations. Risks may, however, arise from its us- personnel are laid down in DIN VDE 0105 and
age and may result in physical harm to Any other usage is deemed non-compliant IEC 364.
persons or damage to other material assets. with the intended use.
Therefore the product may only be used in
proper technical condition and in observance
of the assembly instructions. In particular, any
malfunctions which may affect safety must be
remedied immediately.
EN Page 8 Assembly instructions
2. Lubricants
2.1 General information 2.2 Selection of lubricants
All products from SKF Lubrication No products manufactured by SKF Lubrication Observe the instructions from the ma-
Systems may be used only for their in- Systems are approved for use in conjunction chine manufacturer regarding the lu-
tended purpose and in accordance with with gases, liquefied gases, pressurized gases bricants that are to be used.
the information in the product's assem- in solution, vapors, or such fluids whose vapor
bly instructions. pressure exceeds normal atmospheric pres- Warning!
sure (1013 mbar) by more than 0.5 bar at The amount of lubricant required at a
Intended use is the use of the products for the their maximum permissible temperature. lubrication point is specified by the
purpose of providing centralized lubrication/ Other media which are neither lubricants nor bearing or machine manufacturer. It
lubrication of bearings and friction points us- hazardous substances may only be fed after must be ensured that the required
ing lubricants within the physical usage limits consultation with and written approval from quantity of lubricant is provided to the
which can be found in the documentation for SKF Lubrication Systems. lubrication point. The lubrication point
the devices, e.g., assembly instructions/operat- SKF Lubrication Systems considers lubricants may otherwise not receive adequate lu-
ing instructions and the product descriptions, to be a component of the system design which brication, which can lead to damage
e.g., technical drawings and catalogs. must be factored into the selection of compo- and failure of the bearing.
Particular attention is called to the fact that nents and the design of centralized lubrication The selection of a lubricant suitable for the
hazardous materials of any kind, especially systems. The lubricating properties of the lu- lubrication task is made by the machine/
those materials classified as hazardous by EC bricants are critically important in these system manufacturer and/or the operator of
Directive 67/548/EEC, Article 2, Para. 2, may considerations. the machine/system in cooperation with the
only be filled into SKF centralized lubrication lubricant supplier.
systems and components and delivered and/or The bearings/friction points that require
distributed after consultation with and written lubrication, their expected load during opera-
approval from SKF Lubrication Systems . tion, and the expected ambient conditions
are taken into account during selection, with
consideration of economic and environmental
Assembly instructions Page 11 EN
2.3 Approved lubricants Note that in rare cases, there may be lubri-
cants whose properties are within permissible
Where necessary, SKF Lubrication Only lubricants approved for the prod- limit values but whose other characteristics
Systems supports customers in the se- uct may be used. Unsuitable lubricants render them unsuitable for use in centralized
lection of suitable components for feed- can lead to failure of the product and lubrication systems. For example, synthetic lu-
ing the selected lubricant and in the damage to property. bricants may be incompatible with elastomers.
planning and design of a centralized lu-
brication system. Different lubricants must not be mixed, 2.4 Lubricants and the environment
as mixing may result in damage and
Please contact SKF Lubrication Systems if you necessitate costly and complicated Lubricants can contaminate soil and
have further questions regarding lubricants. cleaning of the product/lubrication sys- bodies of water. Lubricants must be
Lubricants can be tested in the company's lab- tem. It is recommended that an indica- properly used and disposed of. Observe
oratory for their suitability for pumping in cen- tion of the lubricant in use be attached the local regulations and laws regarding
tralized lubrication systems (e.g., "bleeding"). to the lubricant reservoir in order to the disposal of lubricants.
You can request an overview of the lubricant prevent accidental mixing of lubricants.
tests offered by SKF Lubrication Systems from It is important to note that lubricants are envi-
the company's service department. The product described here can be operated ronmentally hazardous, flammable substances
using lubricants that meet the specifications in that require special precautionary measures
the technical data. Depending on the product during transport, storage, and processing.
design, these lubricants may be oils, fluid Consult the safety data sheet from the lubri-
greases, or greases. cant manufacturer.
Oils and base oils may be mineral, synthetic,
and/or rapidly biodegradable. Consistency
agents and additives may be added depending
on the operating conditions.
EN Page 12 Assembly instructions
3. Overview
For information regarding transport, storage, Follow the safety instructions on the lu- Fig. 1 Components of the UD unit
processing, and environmental hazards of the bricant's safety data sheet.
lubricant that will be used.
The safety data sheet for a lubricant can be Lubricants are hazardous substances. The 2
requested from the lubricant manufacturer. safety instructions on the lubricant's safety
data sheet must be strictly followed. The safe- 3
2.5 Lubricant hazards ty data sheet for a lubricant can be requested
from the lubricant manufacturer.
Centralized lubrication systems must
always be free of leaks. Leaking lubri-
cant is hazardous due to the risk of
slipping and injury. Beware of any lu-
bricant leaking out during assembly,
operation, maintenance, and repair of
centralized lubrication systems. Leaks
must be sealed without delay. Components of the unit
Lubricant leaking from centralized lubrication Item description
systems is a serious hazard. Leaking lubricant
can create risks that may result in physical 1 Electric motor with terminal box
harm to persons or damage to other material 2 Pump skirt with coupling
3 Gear pump
Assembly instructions Page 13 EN
4. Assembly
4.1 Setup and attachment
Fig. 2 Components of the UC unit
The product should be protected from humid- During assembly and especially when drilling,
ity and vibration, and should be mounted so always pay attention to the following:
that it is easily accessible, allowing all further Existing supply lines must not be dam-
installation work to be done without difficulty. aged by assembly work.
Make sure there is adequate air circulation to Other units must not be damaged by as-
2 prevent the product from overheating. For the sembly work.
maximum permissible ambient temperature, The product must not be installed within
see "Technical data." range of moving parts.
There are no restrictions with regard to the The product must be installed at an ad-
mounting position of all the units. equate distance from sources of heat.
Maintain safety clearances and comply
with local regulations for assembly and
accident prevention.
Item description
The gear pump unit must be installed on a Warning! There are no restrictions with regard to the
level surface. The base plate must not be un- When drilling the assembly holes, you mounting position of all the units.
der stress. Sufficient space must be provided must be careful of any supply lines or
during installation for later servicing and other units, as well as of other hazards When UC units are to be mounted low-
maintenance work. such as moving components. er
Maintain safety clearances and comply than the maximum liquid level, addi-
with local regulations for assembly and tional sealing of the flange face is re-
accident prevention. quired (refer to version key).
The torque of the fastening screws de-
pends on the customer’s installation.
Make sure that torque is adequate
when installing the base plate!
Assembly instructions Page 15 EN
EN Page 16 Assembly instructions
4.2.4 Use
The gear pump units are manufactured in Due to the overlapping volumetric flow rang- pump can achieve this volumetric flow in the
3 assemblies: es, it is possible, for instance, to convey 9 l/ high-pressure range for the same efficiency.
Series 1 is approved for very high viscosities min using a series 2 pump in the low-pres- The respective ranges of the series are shown
up to 1.000 mm2/s. They are characterized by sure range, whereas a corresponding series 3 in a simple form in Fig. 1.
their simple and small design, and are accord-
ingly inexpensive. They are particularly suited Series 1-3 (not to scale) Fig. 1
for small hydraulic and lubrication systems that
require volumetric flows between Series 2 Series 3
0.06 l/min and 3 l/min for operating pressures
between 25 bar and 60 bar. Series 1
Series 2 and series 3 meet high requirements
in terms of volumetric flow, operating pressure 50
and efficiency. While series 2 has been de- 40
signed for volumetric flows of between 1 l/min
and 10.8 l/min, series 3 covers the range be- 20
0,01 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50
Q [l/min]
Assembly instructions Page 17 EN
4.2.5 Design
11.5 Ø6.4
Dimension A
- see Page 20 60±0.2 184
Pressure port G 3/8"
View Y M10x1 connection for 15 13 View Y
Ø19 pressure regulating valve
Technical data
Mounting position: . . . . . . . . . D
iscretionary (where UC units are installed Motor
lower than the maximum oil level, the Rated power: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.18 kW/ customized 0.25 kW
customer must seal flange/machine) Rated voltage at 400 V . . . . . . 0.65 A with 0.18 kW/ 0.91 A with 0.25 kW
Ambient temperature: . . . . . . . -15 to +40 °C Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Hz 1)
(At higher ambient temperatures, note Type: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IM V18/B14 (motor can be shifted by 90°)
that there is a reduction in performance Frame size: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 C 90
of approx. 1% per Kelvin) Type of voltage: . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-phase AC voltage
Pump Rated speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.500 min-1
Nominal volumetric flow: . . . . See page 20 Voltage tolerance: . . . . . . . . . . ± 10%
Type: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gear pump Rated power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See nameplate (motor)
Protection class: . . . . . . . . . . . IP 55
Temperature class: . . . . . . . . . F
B 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard gasket FPM
B 3018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pump with standard sealing for outlet
under lubricant level (only for UC) 1) The motors are suited for a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz.
Operating pressure: For connection with a frequency of 60 Hz, the speed and the volumetric flow
are increased by 20% (compared to the table specifications, basis
Admission pressure . . . . . . . . . Max. 2 bar (special design 5 bar) 50 Hz).
Outlet pmax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See page 20
Lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mineral oils, synthetic and environmentally
friendly oils with an operating viscosity
between 20 and 1.000 mm2/s
Suction height . . . . . . . . . . . . . Max. 700 mm (for max. tube Ø)
EN Page 20 Assembly instructions
Technical data
0.50 40 8 6.6
45 8.2 6.8
Technical data
Example: UC 0.06 / 60 AF 07 B1
Design key
Standard gasket FPM B1
Gear pump unit
Techn. data, see page 19 B 3018
Vertical UC
with 0.25 kW B 4039
Horizontal UD
Protection class Order codes
IP55 07
Dimension A
- see Page 25
Ø162 (130*) A 80 234 (190*)
Ø162 (130*)
234 (190*)
279 (235*)
5 15
Dimension A
for M8x30 nut
B 100
suction port can be
Pressure port G 3/8" M30x1.5 connection for turned by 90°. Suction port G 1/2"
G 1/2" 38 pressure regulating valve 125
130 150
112 (100*) 88 (+49*)
Technical data
Mounting position: . . . . . . Discretionary (where UC units are installed Rated motor power 0.18 0.37 0.55 0.75
lower than the maximum oil level, the cus- 1
) [KW] [KW] [KW] [KW]
tomer must seal flange/machine)
Rated voltage 0.65 1.22 1.73 2.1
Ambient temperature: . . . . -15 to +40 °C
at 400 V [A] [A] [A] [A]
(At higher ambient temperatures, note
that there is a reduction in performance of Size 63C90 80C120
approx. 1% per Kelvin) Type IM V18 or IMB14
Motor can be shifted by 90°
Type of voltage 3-phase AC voltage
Nominal volumetric flow: . See page 24
Type: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gear pump Frequency ) 2
50 Hz
Design: Voltage and rated power See table page 26
B 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard gasket FPM
B 3018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pump with standard sealing for outlet under
Protection class IP 55
lubricant level (only for UC)
Operating pressure: Temperature class F
Admission pressure . . . . . . max. 2 bar
Outlet pmax . . . . . . . . . . . . . See page 24
1) The motors are suited for a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz.
Lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mineral oils, synthetic and environmen- 2) For connection with a frequency of 60 Hz, the speed and the volumetric flow
are increased by 20% (compared to the table specifications, basis 50 Hz).
tally friendly oils with an operating viscosity
between 20 and 1.000 mm2/s
Suction height . . . . . . . . . . Max. 1200 mm (for max. tube Ø)
EN Page 24 Assembly instructions
Technical data
Design key
Example: UC 1 / 140 A AG 07 B1
Standard gasket FPM B1
Techn. data, see page B 3018
Gear pump unit Protection class Order codes
Vertical UC IP55 07
Nominal volumetric flow 2) Operating pressure Rated speed Rated power Rated current at 400 V
p=0 [l/min] [bar] [rpm] [kW] [A]
1.0 140 1000 0.37 1.22
200 0.55 1.73
1.6 45 1500 0.18 0.65
180 0.75 2.10
2.3 30 0.18 0.65
100 0.55 1.6
130 0.75 2.10 Continued on page 27 ->
Assembly instructions Page 27 EN
Nominal volumetric flow 2) Operating pressure Rated speed Rated power Rated current at 400 V
p=0 [l/min] [bar] [rpm] [kW] [A]
3.5 20 0.18 0.65
65 1500 0.55 1.6
90 0.75 2.10
4.8 15 0.18 0.65
45 0.55 1.6
65 0.75 2.10
7 10 0.18 0.65
30 0.55 1.6
45 0.75 2.10
9 8 0.18 0.65
25 0.55 1.6
35 0.75 2.10
10.8 7 0.18 0.65
20 0.55 1.6
30 0.75 2.10
1) This data refers to three-phase motors from VEM. There may be differences with motors from other manufacturers.
2) A by 30% decreased volumetric flow must be expected for a service viscosity < 100 mm2/s and max. operating pressure.
EN Page 28 Assembly instructions
34-G 3/4˝
27-G 1/2˝
312 (335*)
Ø203 (228*)
363 (386*)
20 15
For M12x35 nut
B 150
85,1-G 3/4˝
92,1-G 1/2˝
Dimension A
Pressure port suction port can be G 1/2" up to 11.5 l/min
G 3/8" > 20.5 l/min turned by 90°. G 3/4" > 11.5 l/min
54 M30x1.5 connection for
Pressure port 220
170 pressure regulating valve
G 1/2" up to 20.5 l/min
160 154
Units Motor
Mounting position: . . . . . . . . . D
iscretionary (where UC units are installed Rated power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 32
lower than the maximum oil level, the Type: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V18/B14 (motor can be shifted by 90°)
customer must seal flange/machine) Type of voltage: . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-phase AC voltage
Ambient temperature: . . . . . . . -15 to +40 °C Rated speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.500 min-1
(At higher ambient temperatures, note Voltage tolerance: . . . . . . . . . . ± 10%
that there is a reduction in performance Rated current . . . . . . . . . . . . . See rating plate (motor)
of approx. 1% per Kelvin) Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Hz 1)
Protection class: . . . . . . . . . . . IP 55
Pump Temperature class: . . . . . . . . . F
Nominal volumetric flow: . . . . Page 30 1) The motors are suited for a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz.
Type: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gear pump For connection with a frequency of 60 Hz, the speed and the volumetric flow
are increased by 20% (compared to the table specifications, basis
Design: 50 Hz).
B 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard gasket FPM
B 3018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pump with standard sealing for outlet
under lubricant level (only for UC)
Operating pressure:
Admission pressure . . . . . . . . . Max. 2 bar (overpressure)
Outlet pmax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See page 30
Lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mineral oils, synthetic and environmentally
friendly oils with an operating viscosity
between 20 and 1.000 mm2/s
Suction height . . . . . . . . . . . . . Max. 1.200 mm (for max. tube Ø)
EN Page 30 Assembly instructions
80 15.5 14.5
120 16.5 15.5
3.8 153 123.8 88 20.3
160 100C200 18.5 17.5
200 112C200 20 19
75 16.5 15.5
100 18.5 17.5
150 20 19
200 26 25
50 16.5 15.5
70 18.5 17.5
8.5 100 20 19
140 26 25
180 112C200 31 30
40 17 16
50 19 18
11.5 80 110C200 20.5 19.5
100 100C200 26.5 25.5
140 112C200 31.5 30.5
Nominal volumetric flow 2) Operating pressure Rated speed 1) Rated power1) Rated current at 400 V
p=0 [l/min] [bar] [rpm] [kW] [A]
Nominal volumetric flow 2) Operating pressure Rated speed 1) Rated power1) Rated current at 400 V
p=0 [l/min] [bar] [rpm] [kW] [A]
75 1.1 2.62
100 1.5 3.40
150 1500 2.2 5.15
200 3 6.70
50 1.1 2.62
70 1.5 3.40
8.5 100 2.2 5.15
140 3 6.70
180 4 8.80
40 1.1 2.62
50 1.5 3.40
11.5 80 2.2 5.15
100 3 6.70
140 4 8.80
20 0.75 2.43
35 1.1 3.15
40 1.5 3.40
70 2.2 5.35
30 1.1 2.62
40 1.5 3.40
15.0 60 2.2 5.15
80 3 6.70
110 4 8.80
Note 1 - See page 34 Continued on page 34 ->
EN Page 34 Assembly instructions
Nominal volumetric flow 2) Operating pressure Rated speed 1) Rated power1) Rated current at 400 V
p=0 [l/min] [bar] [rpm] [kW] [A]
20 1.1 2.62
30 1.5 3.40
40 2.2 5.15
20.5 60 3 6.70
80 4 8.80
17 1.1 2.62
22 1.5 3.40
35 2.2 5.15
26.0 45 3 6.70
60 4 8.80
15 1.1 2.62
20 1.5 3.40
30 2.2 5.15
30 40 3 6.70
50 4 8.80
12 1.1 2.62
17 1.5 3.40
25 2.2 5.15
36 35 3 6.70
45 4 8.80
1) This data refers to three-phase motors from VEM. There may be differences with motors from other manufacturers.
2) Other specifications available on request.
Assembly instructions Page 35 EN
Electric shock hazard pecially with regard to heating and deviations pecially terminal and connector pin assign-
Electrical connections for the product in operating parameters from the ratings on ment, can be taken from the customer's
may only be established by qualified the motor's nameplate. The limits must never drawing for the reservoir unit.
and trained personnel authorized to do be exceeded.
so by the operator. Warning!
The local conditions for connections and local Warning! When establishing electrical connection
regulations (e.g., DIN, VDE) must be observed. The available mains voltage (supply of the pump motor, be mindful of the
Significant bodily injury and property damage voltage) must be in accordance with the correct direction of rotation of the
may result from improperly connected specifications on the rating plate of the motor.
products. motor or of the electrical components. If the direction of rotation of a motor is
Check the fuse protection of the electrical cir- marked on the product by a rotation arrow,
Warning! cuit. Use only fuses with the prescribed am- the motor's direction of rotation must match
Connect lines in accordance with the perage, else bodily injury and property dam- the arrow.
technical specifications and the local age may result.
conditions for connections and local Be sure to connect the motor so as to guaran- Connect the pump unit motor according to
regulations (e.g., DIN, VDE). tee a continuously safe electrical connection the specifications on the motor rating plate
Consult the motor's rating plate for the elec- (no protruding wire ends); use the assigned and the motor characteristics.
trical characteristics of the motor, such as rat- cable end fittings (e.g. cable lugs, wire end
ed power, rated voltage, and rated current. ferrules). Select connecting cables conforming
Observe the guidelines in EN 60034-1 (VDE to DIN VDE 0100 taking into account the rated
0530-1) for operation at the limits of the current and the conditions of the specific sys-
ranges A (combination of ±5% voltage devia- tem (e.g. ambient temperature, type of routing
tion and ±2% frequency deviation) and B etc. in accordance with DIN VDE 0298 or IEC /
(combination of ±10% voltage deviation and EN 60204-1). Details regarding electrical con-
+3/-5% frequency deviation). This applies es- nection of the motor to the power supply, es-
EN Page 36 Assembly instructions
The lubrication line must be connected to the If using fittings from other manufacturers, pay tors be arranged below the main lubricant
lubrication unit in such a way that no forces careful attention to the assembly instructions line, they should not be placed at the end of
can be transferred to the assembled lubrica- and technical specifications provided by the the main lubricant line.
tion unit (stress-free connection). manufacturer. The pipes, tubes, shutoff valves and directional
control valves, fittings, etc. that will be used
Danger! 4.4.1 Lubricant filling must be designed for the maximum operating
The fittings used to connect the lubri- pressure of the lubrication unit, the permis-
cation line should be rated for the max- When arranging the main and secondary lu- sible temperatures and the lubricants that will
imum operating pressure of the lubri- bricant lines, observe the following instruc- be delivered. In addition, the lubrication line
cation unit. If they are not, the tions in order to ensure that the entire lubri- system needs to be protected from excessive
lubrication line system needs to be pro- cation system functions smoothly. pressure by means of a pressure-limiting
tected from excessive pressure by The main lubricant line must be dimensioned valve.
means of a pressure-limiting valve. in accordance with the maximum operating All components of the lubrication line system
For operating pressures up to 45 bar as can pressure occurring in the lubrication unit used such as pipes, tubes, shutoff valves, directional
occur especially in single-line piston distributor and the displacement volume of that lubrica- control valves, fittings, etc. must be carefully
systems, SKF fittings for solderless pipe unions tion unit. If possible, the main lubricant line cleaned before assembly. No seals should
can be used (double tapered sleeves or ta- should rise upward from the lubrication unit point inward in the lubrication line system, as
pered sleeves). For higher operating pressures and be ventable at the highest point on the this could hinder lubricant flow and introduce
up to 250 bar as can occur especially in pro- lubrication line system. Lubricant distributors contaminants into the lubrication line system.
gressive centralized lubrication systems, SKF at the end of the main lubricant line must be
cutting-sleeve screw unions conforming to installed such that the outlets of the lubricant
DIN 2353 can be used. distributors point upwards. If the system con-
figuration requires that the lubricant distribu-
Assembly instructions Page 37 EN
4. Assembly
4.1 Information on assembly 4.3 Housing versions 4.4 Dismantling and disposal
The assembly procedure for gear pump units The UC and UD gear pump units are vertically Warning!
is described in detail in the assembly instruc- or horizontally arranged units that are used in The applicable national environmental
tions associated with these operating instruc- hydraulic or circulating-oil lubrication systems. regulations and statutes are to be
tions. Information/instructions about assem- All off-the-shelf lubricants and hydraulic oils adhered to when dismantling and dis-
bling the gear pump unit beyond the scope of in the viscosity range of between 20 and 1000 posing of the multiline pump unit.
the assembly instructions are contained later mm2/s are conveyed. The product can also be returned to
in this chapter. SKF Lubrication Systems for disposal,
in which case the customer is respon-
4.2 Assembly of pump unit sible for reimbursing the costs incurred.
6. Commissioning
6.1 Condition on delivery
7. Shutdown
7.1 Temporary shutdown 7.2 Permanent shutdown
The described product can be temporarily shut If the product will be permanently shut down,
down by disconnecting the electrical, pneu- the local regulations and laws regarding the
matic, and/or hydraulic supply connections. disposal of contaminated equipment must be
The safety instructions in these assembly in- observed.
structions must be observed when doing so. Lubricants can contaminate soil and bodies of
If the product is to be shut down for an ex- water.
tended period of time, follow the instructions
in Chapter 3, "Transport, delivery, and stor- Warning!
age," in these operating instructions. Lubricants must be properly used and
To recommission the product, follow the in- disposed of. Observe the local regula-
structions in the Chapters "Assembly" and tions and laws regarding the disposal of
"Commissioning" in the assembly instructions lubricants.
and operating instructions. The product can also be returned to SKF
Lubrication Systems for disposal, in which
case the customer is responsible for reimburs-
ing the costs incurred.
EN Seite 46 8. Maintenance
8. Maintenance
Warning! It must be ensured that no cleaning agent en- Only original spare parts from SKF
Work on products that have not been ters the interior of the product during clean- Lubrication Systems may be used.
de-energized may result in bodily in- ing. Arbitrary alterations to products and
jury. Assembly, maintenance and repair It is not necessary to clean the interior of the the use of non-original spare parts and
work may only be performed on prod- product if the product is operated normally accessories are not permitted and nul-
ucts that have been de-energized by and intercompatible lubricants are used. lify the statutory warranty.
qualified technical personnel. The sup- The interior of the product must be cleaned if
ply voltage must be switched off before incorrect or contaminated lubricant is acciden- SKF Lubrication Systems shall not be held li-
opening any of the product's tally filled into the product. If this occurs, able for damages resulting from improperly
components. please contact the Service department of SKF performed assembly, maintenance and repair
Lubrication Systems for assistance. work on the product.
Products from SKF Lubrication Systems are
low-maintenance. However, all connections Dismantling of the product or individual
and fittings must be regularly inspected for parts thereof within the statutory war-
proper seating to ensure proper function and ranty period is not permitted and voids
to prevent hazards from arising. any claims.
If necessary, the product can be cleaned using
mild cleaning agents that are compatible with
the product's materials (non-alkaline, non-
soap). For safety reasons, the product should
be disconnected from the power supply and
the hydraulic and/or compressed air supply.
8. Maintenance Seite 47 EN
9. Malfunction
In cases of functional failure, always make sure that all technical specifications have been
complied with in the existing operating conditions.
Pump does not deliver medium Motor stopped – Check electrical connections and reverse if necessary
Motor rotating in wrong direction – Check electrical connections and reverse if necessary
Coupling defective – Replace coupling
Air drawn in (cavitation) – Check fill level or oil feed
– Check proper sealing of suction line
Oil too viscous – Fill with oil of permissible operating viscosity
Check valve installed incorrectly – Rectify installation
Pump delivers too little medium Motor speed too low – Check electrical connections and reverse if necessary
Air drawn in – See above
Leakage – Remedy leaks
– Check setting of pressure regulating valve
– Check screw connection and suction line
Pump noises too loud Intake pipe Ø too small – Increase intake pipe Ø or shorten suction line
– Fill with oil of permissible operating viscosity
EN Seite 50 10. Accessories
10. Accessories
Series 1, UC and UD, non-adjustable Pressure regulating valve, Series 1, fixed setting
25 bar 24-2103-2384
35 bar 24-2103-2385
50 bar 24-2103-2386
60 bar 24-2103-2401
Series 1, UC and UD, adjustable
Sealing ring 95-1021-7603
Cap plug
11 10
Pressure regulating valve, Series 1, adjustable
S W14
20 - 60 bar 24-2103-2122
Return flow connection for tube Ø 6
10. Accessories Seite 51 EN
Series 2 and 3, UC, adjustable Pressure regulating valve, Series 2 and 3, adjustable
UC 3 - 10 bar 24-2103-3076
10 - 15 bar 24-2103-3077
Series 2 and 3, Pressure regulating valve, Series 2 and 3, for line installation
UC and UD, for line installation, adjustable
Application Operating pressure Order No.
Ø31 Cap plug
M18x1,5 UC/UD 3 - 10 bar 24-2103-3088
10 - 15 bar 24-2103-3089
M 18 x 1.5 95-1518-0908
10. Accessories Seite 53 EN
UC/UD gear pump unit, Series 1 UC/UD gear pump unit, Series 2
(ordered separately) (ordered separately)
Description Order no.
Description Order no.
Suction port:
GE screw connection G 3/8" - Ø 12 412-403W Suction port:
The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publisher and may not be re-
produced in whole or in part without permission of SKF Lubrication Systems Germany
AG. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in
this publication. However, no liability can be accepted for any loss or damage, whether
direct, indirect or consequential, arising out of use of the information contained herein.
All SKF products may be used only for their intended purpose as described in these
assembly instructions with associated operating instructions. If assembly/operating in-
structions are supplied together with the products, they must be read and followed.
Not all lubricants can be fed using centralized lubrication systems. SKF can, on re-
quest, inspect the feedability of the lubricant selected by the user in centralized lubri-
cation systems. Lubrication systems and their components manufactured by SKF are
not approved for use in conjunction with gases, liquefied gases, pressurized gases in
solution, vapors or such fluids whose vapor pressure exceeds normal atmospheric
pressure (1013 mbar) by more than 0.5 bar at their maximum permissible tempera-
Particular attention is called to the fact that hazardous materials of any kind, especially
the materials classified as hazardous by EC Directive 67/548/EEC, Article 2, Para. 2,
may only be filled into SKF centralized lubrication systems and components and deliv-
ered and/or distributed with the same after consultation with and written approval
from SKF.
Item Description 8
4 Supply line
(connection to main oil line on
5 Return lines
(return of excess oil into the cylinder
8 Lubrication holes (shown in gray)
9 Cylinder crankcase