Shopee Code League 2021 Administrative Guide V1
Shopee Code League 2021 Administrative Guide V1
Shopee Code League 2021 Administrative Guide V1
Shopee Code League is a 3-week coding challenge consisting of 3 coding competitions open to
all students and professionals across the region. The competitions, specially designed by the
Shopee tech teams, cover data analytics, data science and algorithmic problems. Participants
must analyse the datasets, draw insightful conclusions and solve the problems in a specified
amount of time.
● Competitions are held every weekend of the league (6 March - Data Analytics
Challenge, 13 March - Data Science Challenge, 20 March - Programming Challenge)
● Participation in all competitions is not compulsory. Your team is free to choose which
competitions to participate in.
○ However, participating in more competitions will allow your team to gather more
points and rise up the leaderboard.
You can look forward to attending online sharings and training workshops organized by Shopee
tech teams and our training partners, on the following topics:
We have curated the following non-exhaustive resources that you and your team can look into,
in preparation for Shopee Code League 2021.
I. Online Learning Platforms
II. Understanding Data Science Models
III. Engineering Algorithm Questions
Platforms Overview
and my productivity to the next level?
● I’ve got experience with other programming languages—How
do I get up to speed with Python as quickly as possible?
Udemy Udemy offers highly-rated data science courses that will help you
learn how to visualize and respond to new data, as well as develop
innovative new technologies. The free courses offer online video
content, whereas the paid courses include certificate of completion,
instructor Q&A and instructor direct message.
edX edX is the trusted platform for education and learning. Founded by
Harvard and MIT, edX is home to more than 20 million learners, the
majority of top-ranked universities in the world and industry-leading
With their powerful and flexible digital education platform, even the
busiest learners can prepare themselves to take on the most
in-demand tech roles.
● Business Analytics
● Predictive Analytics for Business
● Programming for Data Science with Python
● Data Structures and Algorithms
2) MobileNet
● Transfer Learning using Mobilenet and Keras
● Review: MobileNetV1 — Depthwise Separable Convolution (Light Weight Model)
● Creating insanely fast image classifiers with MobileNet in TensorFlow
3) SqueezeNEt
● Review: SqueezeNet (Image Classification)
4) VGGNet
● What is the VGG neural network?
● Review: VGGNet — 1st Runner-Up (Image Classification), Winner (Localization)
in ILSVRC 2014
● Difference between AlexNet, VGGNet, ResNet, and Inception
5) ResNet
○ Introduction to ResNets
○ An Overview of ResNet and its Variants
Intuition For: ResNet — Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
6) ResNeXt
● Understanding and Implementing Architectures of ResNet and ResNeXt for
state-of-the-art Image Classification: From Microsoft to Facebook [Part 1]
● Understanding and Implementing Architectures of ResNet and ResNeXt for
state-of-the-art Image Classification: From Microsoft to Facebook [Part 2]
● Review: ResNeXt — 1st Runner Up in ILSVRC 2016 (Image Classification)
● Enhancing ResNet to ResNeXt for image classification
Image Segmentation Model
1) SegNet
● Summary of — SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for
Image Segmentation
● Review: SegNet (Semantic Segmentation)
● Understanding of Semantic Segmentation & How Segnet Model work to perform
Semantic Segmentation
2) Deeplab
● The Evolution of Deeplab for Semantic Segmentation
● Semantic Image Segmentation with DeepLab in TensorFlow
● How to use DeepLab in TensorFlow for object segmentation using Deep
3) MaskRCNN
● Simple Understanding of Mask RCNN
● Computer Vision: Instance Segmentation with Mask R-CNN
● Mask R-CNN for Ship Detection & Segmentation
Text Model
1) RNN
● Understanding RNN and LSTM
● Recurrent Neural Networks and LSTM explained
● Recurrent Neural Networks
● Report on Text Classification using CNN, RNN & HAN
● Generating text using a Recurrent Neural Network
● Multi-Class Text Classification with LSTM
● Illustrated Guide to LSTM’s and GRU’s: A step by step explanation
● The magic of LSTM neural networks
● Video/Course: Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
Image Processing
Convolution Neutral Network
● Understanding of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) — Deep Learning
● A Beginner Intro to Convolutional Neural Networks
● A Brief Guide to Convolutional Neural Network(CNN)
● Convolutional Neural Networks — CNN
● The best explanation of Convolutional Neural Networks on the Internet!
Object Detection
● Understanding Object Detection
● Object Detection with 10 lines of code
● Beginner’s Guide to Object Detection Algorithms
● TF-IDF from scratch in python on real world dataset.
● What is TF-IDF in Feature Engineering?
● TF IDF | TFIDF Python Example
● How to process textual data using TF-IDF in Python
● TF-IDF/Term Frequency Technique: Easiest explanation for Text classification in NLP
using Python (Chatbot training on words)
Word Embeddings
● Introduction to Word Embedding and Word2Vec
● Word embeddings in NLP
● Video: Using Word Embeddings
Classification Models
● Machine Learning Classifiers
● A Lesson on Modern Classification Models
● Classification Algorithms Used in Data Science
● Intro to types of classification algorithms in Machine Learning (2017)
● What is a Transformer?
● How Transformers Work
● Transformer: A Novel Neural Network Architecture for Language Understanding (2017)
Attention Model
● Brief Introduction to Attention Models
● An introduction to Attention
● Intuitive Understanding of Attention Mechanism in Deep Learning
● Attention and its Different Forms
● Attention Mechanisms in Deep Learning — Not So Special
● Coursera Video: Attention Model
● Logistics
● Marketing Analytics
● Title Translation
● Sentiment Analysis
Participants will need to come up with the correct solutions to each of the test cases provided by
The Shopee Team will keep you updated via email throughout the entire Shopee Code League.
Do keep a look out for emailers and ensure your email account will accept emails from
You will be receiving an Administrative Guide V2 that encloses more details for your information
and action (e.g. competition platform registrations) and Calendar of Events a week prior to the
first competition.
Should you have any further questions, please look into our Annex B - Shopee Code League
FAQ. If you are unable to find your questions and answers in our FAQ, please send your
enquiries to and we will get back to you in 5 working days.
The following Annexes are enclosed for your information.
● Annex A - Compulsory Parental Consent Form
● Annex B - Shopee Code League FAQs
● Annex C - Terms and Conditions
● Annex D - Privacy Policy
If you are under the age 18, please access the parental consent form here.
This parental consent form is compulsory in order to guarantee your participation in Shopee
Code League. E-signature and contact details from parents/guardians are required.
You would be able to find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding Eligibility,
the Competition and Registration here.
Shopee reserves the right to disqualify any Participants and/or teams at its sole discretion if
such Participants and/or teams, where applicable is/are in breach of these Competition Terms
and Conditions of Shopee Code League 2021.
By consenting and submitting the registration form, you have acknowledged and agreed that
you accept the practices, requirements, and/or policies outlined in our Competition Privacy
Policy of Shopee Code League 2021 here.