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Technical Manual: Ni-Cd Block Battery

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Ni-Cd block battery

Technical manual

April 2007

1. Introduction 3 7. Battery sizing principles

in stationary standby applications 17
2. Benefits of the block battery 4
7.1 The voltage window 17
2.1 Complete reliability 4
7.2 Discharge profile 17
2.2 Long cycle life 4
7.3 Temperature 17
2.3 Exceptionally long lifetime 4
7.4 State of charge or recharge time 18
2.4 Low maintenance 4
7.5 Ageing 18
2.5 Wide operating temperature range 4
7.6 Floating effect 18
2.6 Fast recharge 4
2.7 Resistance to mechanical abuse 4 8. Battery charging 19
2.8 High resistance to electrical abuse 4 8.1 Charging generalities 19
2.9 Simple installation 4 8.2 Constant voltage charging methods 19
2.10 Extended storage 4 8.3 Charge acceptance 20
2.11 Well-proven pocket plate construction 4 8.4 Charge efficiency 22
2.12 Environmentally safe 4 8.5 Temperature effects 22
2.13 Low life-cycle cost 4 8.6 Commissioning 22

3. Electrochemistry of nickel-cadmium batteries 5 9. Special operating factors 23

9.1 Electrical abuse 23
4. Construction features of the block battery 6
9.2 Mechanical abuse 23
4.1 Plate assembly 7
4.2 Separation 8 10. Installation and operating instructions 24
4.3 Electrolyte 8 10.1 Receiving the shipment 24
4.4 Terminal pillars 9 10.2 Storage 24
4.5 Venting system 9 10.3 Installation 24
4.6 Cell container 9 10.4 Commissioning 25
10.5 Charging in service 26
5. Battery types and applications 10
10.6 Periodic maintenance 26
5.1 Type L 11
10.7 Changing electrolyte 26
5.2 Type M 11
5.3 Type H 11 11. Maintenance of block batteries in service 27
5.4 Choice of type 11 11.1 Cleanliness/mechanical 27
11.2 Topping-up 27
6. Operating features 12
11.3 Capacity check 28
6.1 Capacity 12
11.4 Recommended maintenance procedure 28
6.2 Cell voltage 12
6.3 Internal resistance 12 12. Disposal and recycling 29
6.4 Effect of temperature on performance 13
6.5 Short-circuit values 14
6.6 Open circuit loss 14
6.7 Cycling 14
6.8 Effect of temperature on lifetime 15
6.9 Water consumption and gas evolution 16
1. Introduction

The nickel-cadmium battery is This manual details the design

the most reliable battery system and operating characteristics of
available in the market today. Its the Saft Nife pocket plate block
unique features enable it to be battery to enable a successful
used in applications and battery system to be achieved.
environments untenable for A battery which, while retaining
other widely available battery all the advantages arising from
systems. nearly 100 years of
development of the pocket plate
It is not surprising, therefore, technology, can be so worry
that the nickel-cadmium battery free that its only major
has become an obvious first maintenance requirement is
choice for users looking for a topping-up with water.
reliable, long life, low
maintenance system.
2. Benefits of the
block battery

2.1 Complete reliability +122°F), and accept extreme 2.10 Extended storage
The block battery does not suffer temperatures, ranging from as When stored in the empty and
from the sudden death failure low as –50°C (–58°F) to up to discharged state under the
associated with the lead acid +70°C (+158°F) (see section recommended conditions, the
battery (see section 4.1 Plate 4.3 Electrolyte). block battery can be stored for
assembly). many years (see section 10.2
2.6 Fast recharge Installation and operating
2.2 Long cycle life The block battery can be instructions).
The block battery has a long recharged at currents which
cycle life even when the allow very fast recharge times to 2.11 Well-proven pocket
charge/discharge cycle involves be achieved (see section 8.3 plate construction
100% depth of discharge (see Charge acceptance). Saft has nearly 100 years of
section 6.7 Cycling). manufacturing and application
2.7 Resistance to experience with respect to the
2.3 Exceptionally long mechanical abuse nickel-cadmium pocket plate
lifetime The block battery is designed to product, and this expertise has
A lifetime in excess of twenty have the mechanical strength been built into the twenty-plus
years is achieved by the Saft Nife required to withstand all the years’ design life of the block
block battery in many harsh treatment associated with battery product (see section 4
applications, and at elevated transportation over difficult Construction features of the
temperatures it has a lifetime terrain (see section 9.2 block battery).
unthinkable for other widely Mechanical abuse).
available battery technologies 2.12 Environmentally safe
(see section 6.8 Effect of 2.8 High resistance to Saft operates a dedicated
temperature on lifetime). electrical abuse recycling center to recover the
The block battery will survive nickel, cadmium, steel and
2.4 Low maintenance abuse which would destroy a plastic used in the battery
With its generous electrolyte lead acid battery, for example (see section 12 Disposal and
reserve, the block battery overcharging, deep discharging, recycling).
reduces the need for topping-up and high ripple currents (see
with water, and can be left in section 9.1 Electrical abuse). 2.13 Low life-cycle cost
remote sites for long periods When all the factors of lifetime,
without any maintenance (see 2.9 Simple installation low maintenance requirements,
section 6.9 Water consumption The block battery can be used simple installation and storage
and gas evolution). with a wide range of stationary and resistance to abuse are
and mobile applications as it taken into account, the Saft Nife
2.5 Wide operating produces no corrosive vapors, block battery becomes the most
temperature range uses corrosion-free polypropylene cost effective solution for many
The block battery has an containers and has a simple professional applications.
electrolyte which allows it to have bolted connector assembly system
a normal operating temperature (see section 10 Installation and
of from –20°C to +50°C (–4°F to operating instructions).
3. Electrochemistry of
nickel-cadmium batteries

The nickel-cadmium battery uses The charge/discharge reaction

nickel hydroxide as the active of a nickel-cadmium battery is as
material for the positive plate, follows:
and cadmium hydroxide for the
negative plate. discharge
2 NiOOH + 2H2O + Cd 2 Ni(OH)2 + Cd(OH)2
The electrolyte is an aqueous charge
solution of potassium hydroxide
containing small quantities of
lithium hydroxide to improve During discharge the trivalent Thus, through its
cycle life and high temperature nickel hydroxide is reduced to electrochemistry, the nickel-
operation. divalent nickel hydroxide, and the cadmium battery has a more
cadmium at the negative plate stable behavior than the lead
The electrolyte is only used for forms cadmium hydroxide. acid battery, giving it a longer
ion transfer; it is not chemically life, superior characteristics and
changed or degraded during the On charge, the reverse reaction a greater resistance against
charge/discharge cycle. In the takes place until the cell potential abusive conditions.
case of the lead acid battery, the rises to a level where hydrogen
positive and negative active is evolved at the negative plate Nickel-cadmium cells have a
materials chemically react with and oxygen at the positive plate nominal voltage of 1.2 V.
the sulphuric acid electrolyte which results in water loss.
resulting in an ageing process.
Unlike the lead acid battery,
The support structure of both there is little change in the
plates is steel. This is unaffected electrolyte density during charge
by the electrolyte, and retains its and discharge. This allows large
strength throughout the life of reserves of electrolyte to be
the cell. In the case of the lead used without inconvenience to
acid battery, the basic structure the electrochemistry of the
of both plates is lead and lead couple.
oxide which play a part in the
electrochemistry of the process
and are naturally corroded
during the life of the battery.
4. Construction features
of the block battery

Protective cover
• to prevent external
short-circuits Flame-arresting vents
• in line with Material: polypropylene.
EN 50272-2 (safety)
with IP2 level

Cell container
Material: translucent
Plate group bus
Connects the plate
tabs with the terminal
Plate tab post. Plate tabs and
Spot-welded both to the plate terminal post are
side-frames and to the upper projection-welded to
edge of the pocket plate. the plate group bus.

Separating grids Plate frame

Separate the plates and Seals the plate pockets
insulate the plate frames from and serves as a current
each other. The grids allow collector.
free circulation of electrolyte
between the plates.

Horizontal pockets
of double-perforated
steel strips.

The cells are welded

together to form rugged
blocks of 1-6 cells Saft cells fulfill all
depending on the cell size requirements specified
and type. by IEC 60623.
4.1 Plate assembly These pockets are mechanically Nickel-cadmium batteries have
The nickel-cadmium cell consists linked together, cut to the size an exceptionally good lifetime
of two groups of plates, the corresponding to the plate width and cycle life because their
positive containing nickel and compressed to the final plates are not gradually
hydroxide and the negative plate dimension. This process weakened by corrosion, as the
containing cadmium hydroxide. leads to a plate which is not only structural component of the
mechanically very strong but also plate is steel. The active material
The active materials of the Saft retains its active material within of the plate is not structural,
Nife pocket plate block battery a steel containment which only electrical. The alkaline
are retained in pockets formed promotes conductivity and electrolyte does not react with
from steel strips double- minimizes electrode swelling. steel, which means that the
perforated by a patented These plates are then welded to supporting structure of the block
process. a current carrying bus bar battery stays intact and
assembly which further ensures unchanged for the life of the
the mechanical and electrical battery. There is no corrosion
stability of the product. and no risk of “sudden death.”

In contrast, the lead plate of a

lead acid battery is both the
structure and the active material
and this leads to shedding of the
positive plate material and
eventual structural collapse.
4.2 Separation The concentration of the the nickel-cadmium battery, the
Separation between plates is standard electrolyte is such as potassium hydroxide is not
provided by injection molded to allow the cell to be operated mentioned in the reaction
plastic separator grids, to temperature extremes as low formula. A small amount of
integrating both plate edge as –20°C (–4°F) and as high as water is produced during the
insulation and plate separation. +50°C (+122°F). This allows the charging procedure (and
very high temperature fluctuation consumed during the discharge).
By providing a large spacing found in certain regions to be The amount is not enough to
between the positive and accommodated. make it possible to detect if the
negative plates and a generous battery is charged or discharged
quantity of electrolyte between For very low temperatures a by measuring the density of the
plates, good electrolyte special high density electrolyte electrolyte.
circulation and gas dissipation can be used.
are provided, and there is no Once the battery has been filled
stratification of the electrolyte as The electrode material is less with the correct electrolyte either
found with lead acid batteries. reactive with the alkaline at the battery factory or during
electrolyte (nickel-cadmium the battery commissioning there
secondary batteries) than with is no need to check the
4.3 Electrolyte acid electrolytes (lead acid electrolyte density periodically.
The electrolyte used in the block secondary batteries). The density of the electrolyte in
battery, which is a solution of Furthermore, during charging the battery either increases or
potassium hydroxide and lithium and discharging in alkaline decreases as the electrolyte
hydroxide, is optimized to give batteries the electrolyte works level drops because of water
the best combination of mainly as a carrier of oxygen or electrolysis or evaporation or
performance, life, energy hydroxyl ions from one electrode rises at topping-up.
efficiency and a wide to the other; hence the Interpretation of density
temperature range. composition or the concentration measurements is difficult and
of the electrolyte does not could be misleading.
change noticeably. In the
charge/discharge reaction of
In most applications the 4.4 Terminal pillars 4.5 Venting system
electrolyte will retain its Short terminal pillars are welded The block battery is fitted with a
effectiveness for the life of the to the plate bus bars using a special flame-arresting flip-top
battery and will never need well-established and proven vent to give an effective and safe
replacing. However, under method. These posts are venting system.
certain conditions, such as manufactured from steel bar,
extended use in high internally threaded for bolting on
temperature situations, the connectors, and nickel-plated. 4.6 Cell container
electrolyte can become The battery is built up using well-
carbonated. If this occurs the The sealing between the cover proven block battery
battery performance can be and the terminal is provided by a construction. The tough
improved by replacing the compressed visco-elastic sealing polypropylene containers are
electrolyte. surface held in place by welded together by heat sealing.
compression lock washers. This
The standard electrolyte used assembly is designed to provide The block battery uses 4 plate
for the first fill in cells is E22 satisfactory sealing throughout sizes or plate modules. These
and for replacement in service the life of the product. are designated module type 1,
is E13. 2, 3 and 4. They can be
recognized from the block
dimensions as follows:

Block width (mm) Block height (mm) Plate module

123 194 1
123 264 2
195 349 3
195 405 4
Table 1 - Correlation between block dimensions
and plate module number
5. Battery types and applications

In order to provide an optimum solution for the wide range of battery applications which exist, the
block battery is constructed in three performance ranges.

Saft Nife
battery types
mini 3h 30 min 1s
maxi 100 h 3h 30 min
Power Power Starting,
Use of battery backup backup Power
Bulk energy backup
Applications Engine starting - Switchgear - UPS - Process control -
Data and information systems - Emergency lighting -
Security and fire alarm systems -
Switching and transmission systems - Signaling
intercity & ● ● ●
urban transport
electricity, gas,
● ● ●
water production
& distribution
Oil and gas
offshore & onshore,
● ● ●
chemical, mining, ● ● ●
steel metal works
● ● ●
public, private
hospitals, ● ● ●
X-ray equipment
satellite, cable, ● ●
repeater stations,
cellular base stations
substations ● ● ●
& signaling
Airports ● ● ●
● ● ●
all applications
5.1 Type L 5.3 Type H 5.4 Choice of type
The L type is designed for The H type is designed for In performance terms the
applications where the battery is applications where there is a ranges cover the full time
required to provide a reliable demand for a relatively high spectrum from rapid high
source of energy over relatively current over short periods, current discharges of a second
long discharge periods. Normally, usually less than 30 minutes in to very long low current
the current is relatively low in duration. The applications can discharges of many hours.
comparison with the total stored have frequent or infrequent Table 2 shows in general terms
energy, and the discharges are discharges. The range is typically the split between the ranges for
generally infrequent. Typical uses used in starting and power the different discharge types.
are power backup and bulk backup applications. The choice is related to the
energy storage. discharge time and the end of
discharge voltage. There are, of
course, many applications
5.2 Type M where there are multiple
The M type is designed for discharges, and so the optimum
applications where the batteries range type should be calculated.
are usually required to sustain This is explained in the section 7
electrical loads for between “Battery sizing”.
30 minutes to 3 hours or for
“mixed” loads which involve a
mixture of high and low discharge
rates. The applications can have
frequent or infrequent discharges.
The range is typically used in
power backup applications.

Table 2 - General selection of cell range

6. Operating features

6.1 Capacity 6.2 Cell voltage To obtain the internal resistance

The block battery capacity is The cell voltage of nickel- of a cell it is necessary to divide
rated in ampere-hours (Ah) and cadmium cells results from the the value from the table by the
is the quantity of electricity at electrochemical potentials of the rated capacity.
+20°C (+68°F) which it can nickel and the cadmium active
supply for a 5 hour discharge to materials in the presence of the For example, the internal
1.0 V after being fully charged potassium hydroxide electrolyte. resistance of a SBH 118
for 7.5 hours at 0.2 C5 A. This The nominal voltage for this (module type 3) is given by:
figure conforms to the electrochemical couple is 1.2 V. 39
= 0.33 mΩ
IEC 60623 standard. 118
The figures of Table 3 are for
According to the IEC 60623 6.3 Internal resistance fully charged cells.
(Edition 4), 0.2 C5 A is also The internal resistance of a cell
expressed as 0.2 I t A. varies with the temperature and For lower states of charge the
The reference test current (I t ) the state of charge and is, values increase. For cells 50%
is expressed as: therefore, difficult to define and discharged the internal
Cn Ah measure accurately. resistance is about 20% higher,
ItA =
1h and when 90% discharged, it is
where: The most practical value for about 80% higher. The internal
Cn is the rated capacity normal applications is the resistance of a fully discharged
declared by the discharge voltage response to a cell has very little meaning.
manufacturer in ampere- change in discharge current.
hours (Ah), Reducing the temperature also
and The internal resistance of a block increases the internal
n is the time base in hours (h) battery cell depends on the resistance, and at 0°C (+32°F),
for which the rated capacity performance type and at normal the internal resistance is about
is declared. temperature has the values given 40% higher.
in Table 3 in mΩ per 1/C5.

Cell type Module plate size (see table 1)

1 2 3 4
SBL* 84 105 123 142
SBM 55 62 78 86
SBH N/A 30 39 43
Table 3 - Internal resistance in mΩ per 1/C5
*The internal resistances for the SBLE range
are included in the commercial data brochure.
6.4 Effect of temperature
on performance
Variations in ambient
temperature affect the
performance of the cell and this
needs to be taken into account
when sizing the battery.

Low temperature operation has

the effect of reducing the
performance, but the higher
temperature characteristics are
similar to those at normal
Figure 1(a) - Temperature de-rating factors for L type cell
temperatures. The effect of low
temperature is more marked at
higher rates of discharge.

The factors which are required in

sizing a battery to compensate
for temperature variations are
given in a graphical form in
Figure 1(a), L type, Figure 1(b),
M type and Figure 1(c), H type
for operating temperatures from
–20°C to +50°C (–4°F to +122°F).

Figure 1(b) - Temperature de-rating factors for M type cell

Figure 1(c) - Temperature de-rating factors for H type cell

6.5 Short-circuit values 6.7 Cycling unable to achieve the minimum
The typical short-circuit value in The block battery is designed to design limit. A shallow cycle will give
amperes for a block battery cell is withstand the wide range of cycling many thousands of operations,
approximately 9 times the ampere- behavior encountered in stationary whereas a deep cycle will give only
applications. This can vary from low hundreds of operations.
hour capacity for an L type block,
depth of discharges to discharges of
16 times the ampere-hour capacity
up to 100% and the number of Figure 3 gives typical values for the
for an M type block and 28 times the
cycles that the product will be able to effect of depth of discharge on the
ampere-hour capacity for an
provide will depend on the depth of available cycle life, and it is clear that
H type block. when sizing the battery for a cycling
application, the number and depth of
The block battery with conventional The less deeply a battery is cycled, cycles have an important
bolted assembly connections will the greater the number of cycles it consequence on the predicted life of
withstand a short-circuit current of is capable of performing before it is the system.
this magnitude for many minutes
without damage.

6.6 Open circuit loss

The state of charge of the block cell
on open circuit slowly decreases with
time due to self-discharge. In
practice this decrease is relatively
rapid during the first two weeks, but
then stabilizes to about 2% per
month at +20°C (+68°F).

The self-discharge characteristics of a

Figure 2 - Capacity loss on open circuit stand
nickel-cadmium cell are affected by the
temperature. At low temperatures, the
charge retention is better than at
normal temperature, and so the open
circuit loss is reduced. However, the self-
discharge is significantly increased at
higher temperatures.

The typical open circuit loss for the

block battery for a range of
temperatures which may be
experienced in a stationary application
is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 3 - Typical cycle life versus depth of discharge

6.8 Effect of temperature
on lifetime
The block battery is designed as
a twenty year life product, but as
with every battery system,
increasing temperature reduces
the expected life. However, the
reduction in lifetime with
increasing temperature is very
much lower for the nickel-
cadmium battery than the lead
acid battery.

The reduction in lifetime for the Figure 4 - Effect of temperature on lifetime

nickel-cadmium battery, and for
comparison, a high quality lead In high temperature situations,
acid battery is shown graphically therefore, special consideration
in Figure 4. The values for the must be given to dimensioning
lead acid battery are as supplied the nickel-cadmium battery.
by the industry and found in Under the same conditions, the
Eurobat and IEEE documentation. lead acid battery is not a
practical proposition, due to its
In general terms, for every 9ºC very short lifetime. The VRLA
(16.2ºF) increase in temperature battery, for example, which has
over the normal operating a lifetime of about 7 years under
temperature of +25°C (+77°F), good conditions, has this
the reduction in service life for a reduced to less than 1 year,
nickel-cadmium battery will be if used at +50°C (+122°F).
20%, and for a lead acid battery
will be 50%.
6.9 Water consumption
and gas evolution
During charging, more ampere-
hours are supplied to the battery
than the capacity available for
discharge. These additional
ampere-hours must be provided
to return the battery to the fully
charged state and, since they
are not all retained by the cell
and do not all contribute directly
to the chemical changes to the
active materials in the plates,
Figure 5 - Water consumption values for different voltages and cell types
they must be dissipated in some
way. This surplus charge, or
overcharge, breaks down the The overcharge current is a The gas evolution is a function of
water content of the electrolyte function of both voltage and the amount of water electrolyzed
into oxygen and hydrogen, and temperature, so both have an into hydrogen and oxygen and
pure distilled or deionized water influence on the consumption of are predominantly given off at
has to be added to replace water. Figure 5 gives typical the end of the charging period.
this loss. water consumption values over a The battery gives off no gas
range of voltages for different during a normal discharge.
Water loss is associated with the cell types.
current used for overcharging. The electrolysis of 1 cm3 of
A battery which is constantly Example: An SBM 161 is floating water produces 1865 cm3 of
cycled, i.e. is charged and at 1.43 V/cell. The electrolyte gas mixture and this gas mixture
discharged on a regular basis, reserve for this cell is 500 cm3. is in the proportion of 2⁄3 hydrogen
will consume more water than a From Figure 5, an M type cell at and 1⁄3 oxygen. Thus the
battery on standby operation. 1.43 V/cell will use 0.27 cm3 / electrolysis of 1 cm3 of water
month for one Ah of capacity. produces 1243 cm3 of hydrogen.
In theory, the quantity of water Thus an SBM 161 will use 0.27
used can be found by the Faradic x 161 = 43.5 cm3 per month
equation that each ampere-hour and the electrolyte reserve will
of overcharge breaks down be used in
0.366 cm3 of water. However, in
practice, the water usage will be 500 = 11.5 months.
less than this, as the overcharge 43.5
current is also needed to
counteract self-discharge of the
7. Battery sizing principles
in stationary standby applications

There are a number of methods 7.1 The voltage window 7.3 Temperature
which are used to size nickel- This is the maximum voltage and The maximum and minimum
cadmium batteries for standby the minimum voltage at the temperatures and the normal
floating applications. The method battery terminals acceptable for ambient temperature will have
employed by Saft is the the system. In battery terms, the an influence on the sizing of the
IEEE 1115 recommendation maximum voltage gives the battery. The performance of a
which is accepted internationally. voltage which is available to charge battery decreases with
This method takes into account the battery, and the minimum decreasing temperature and
multiple discharges, temperature voltage gives the lowest voltage sizing at a low temperature
de-rating, performance after acceptable to the system to increases the battery size.
floating and the voltage window which the battery can be Temperature de-rating curves
available for the battery. discharged. In discharging the are produced for all cell types to
nickel-cadmium battery, the cell allow the performance to be
A significant advantage of the voltage should be taken as low recalculated.
nickel-cadmium battery as possible in order to find the
compared to a lead acid battery, most economic and efficient
is that it can be fully discharged battery.
without any inconvenience in
terms of life or recharge. Thus,
to obtain the smallest and least 7.2 Discharge profile
costly battery, it is an advantage This is the electrical
to discharge the battery to the performance required from the
lowest practical value in order to battery for the application. It may
obtain the maximum energy from be expressed in terms of
the battery. amperes for a certain duration,
or it may be expressed in terms
The principle sizing parameters of power, in watts or kW, for a
which are of interest are: certain duration. The requirement
may be simply one discharge or
many discharges of a complex
7.4 State of charge 7.6 Floating effect
or recharge time When a nickel-cadmium cell is
Some applications may require maintained at a fixed floating
that the battery shall give a full voltage over a period of time,
duty cycle after a certain time there is a decrease in the
after the previous discharge. The voltage level of the discharge
factors used for this will depend curve. This effect begins after
on the depth of discharge, the one week and reaches its
rate of discharge, and the maximum in about 3 months. It
charge voltage and current. can only be eliminated by a full
A requirement for a high state of discharge/charge cycle, and it
charge does not justify a high cannot be eliminated by a boost
charge voltage if the result is a charge. It is therefore necessary
high end of discharge voltage. to take this into account in any
calculations concerning batteries
in float applications.
7.5 Ageing
Some customers require a value As the effect of reducing the
to be added to allow for the voltage level is to reduce the
ageing of the battery over its autonomy of the battery, the
lifetime. This may be a value effect can be considered as
required by the customer, for reducing the performance of the
example 10%, or it may be a battery and so performance
requirement from the customer down-rating factors are used.
that a value is used which will
ensure the service of the battery
during its lifetime. The value to
be used will depend on the
discharge rate of the battery and
the conditions under which the
discharge is carried out.
8. Battery charging

8.1 Charging generalities system and accepts a To minimize the water usage, it is
The block battery can be smaller voltage window than the important to use a low charge
charged by all normal methods. two-rate charger. voltage per cell, and so the
Generally, batteries in parallel minimum voltage for the single
operation with charger and load The two-rate charger has an level and the two level charge
are charged with constant initial high voltage stage to voltage is the normally
voltage. In operations where charge the battery followed by a recommended value. This also
the battery is charged lower voltage maintenance helps within a voltage window to
separately from the load, charge. This allows the battery obtain the lowest, and most
charging with constant current to be charged quickly, and yet, effective, end of discharge
or declining current is possible. have a low water consumption voltage per cell (see section 7
High-rate charging or due to the low maintenance Battery sizing).
overcharging will not damage charge or float voltage level.
the battery, but excessive The values given as maximum
charging will increase water The values used for the block are those which are acceptable
consumption to some degree. battery ranges for single and to the battery, but would not
two-rate charge systems are as normally be used in practice,
shown in Table 4 below. particularly for the single level,
8.2 Constant voltage because of high water usage.
charging methods
Batteries in stationary
applications are normally
charged by a constant voltage Cell Single level (V/cell) Two level (V/cell)
float system and this can be of type
min max min max floating
two types: the two-rate type,
L 1.43 1.50 1.47 1.70 1.42 ± 0.01
where there is an initial constant
voltage charge followed by a M 1.43 1.50 1.45 1.70 1.40 ± 0.01
lower voltage floating voltage; or H 1.43 1.50 1.45 1.70 1.40 ± 0.01
a single-rate floating voltage.
Table 4 - Charge and float voltages for the block battery ranges

The single voltage charger is

necessarily a compromise
between a voltage high enough
to give an acceptable charge
time and low enough to give a
low water usage. However it
does give a simpler charging
8.3 Charge acceptance
A discharged cell will take a
certain time to achieve a full
state of charge. Figures 6(a), (b)
and (c) give the capacity available
for typical charging voltages
recommended for the block
battery range during the first
30 hours of charge from a fully
discharged state.

Figure 6(a) - Typical recharge times from

a fully discharged state for the L block

Figure 6(b) - Typical recharge times from

a fully discharged state for the M block
These graphs give the recharge
time for a current limit of
0.2 C5 A. Clearly, if a lower
value for the current is used,
e.g. 0.1 C5 A, then the battery
will take longer to charge. If a
higher current is used then it
will charge more rapidly. This is
not in general a pro rata
relationship due to the limited
charging voltage.

The charge time for an M type

Figure 6(c) - Typical recharge times from
plate at different charge regimes a fully discharged state for the H block
for a fixed voltage is given in
Figure 6(d).

If the application has a particular

recharge time requirement then
this must be taken into account
when calculating the battery.

Figure 6(d) - Typical recharge times for

different charge rates for the M block
8.4 Charge efficiency 8.5 Temperature effects 8.6 Commissioning*
The charge efficiency of the As the temperature increases, It is recommended that a good
battery is dependent on the the electrochemical behavior first charge should be given to
state of charge of the battery becomes more active, and so, the battery. This is a once only
and the temperature. For much for the same floating voltage, the operation, and is essential to
of its charge profile, it is current increases. As the prepare the battery for its long
recharged at a high level of temperature is reduced then the service life. It is also important
efficiency. reverse occurs. Increasing the for discharged and empty cells
current increases the water which have been filled, as they
In general, at states of charge loss, and reducing the current will be in a totally discharged
less than 80% the charge creates the risk that the cell will state.
efficiency remains high, but as not be sufficiently charged.
the battery approaches a fully A constant current first charge
charged condition, the charging For standby application, it is is preferable and this should be
efficiency falls off. normally not required to such as to supply 200% of the
compensate the charging voltage rated capacity of the cell. Thus,
with the temperature. However if a 250 Ah cell will require
water consumption is of main 500 ampere-hours’ input,
concern, temperature e.g. 50 A for 10 hours.
compensation should be used if
the battery is operating at high * Please refer to the installation
temperature such as +35°C and operating instructions (see
(+95°F). At low temperature section 10).
(< 0°C/+32°F), there is a risk of
poor charging and it is
recommended either to adjust
the charging voltage or to
compensate the charging voltage
with the temperature.

Value of the temperature

compensation: –3 mV/°C
(–1.7 mV/°F), starting from an
ambient temperature of +20°C
to +25°C (+68°F to +77°F).
9. Special operating factors

9.1 Electrical abuse Over-discharge 9.2 Mechanical abuse

Ripple effects If more than the designed Shock loads
The nickel-cadmium battery is capacity is taken out of a battery The block battery concept has
tolerant to high ripple and will then it becomes deep-discharged been tested to IEC 68-2-29
accept ripple currents of up to and reversed. This is considered (bump tests at 5 g, 10 g and
0.2 C5 A I eff. In fact, the only to be an abuse situation for 25 g) and IEC 77 (shock test
effect of a high ripple current is a battery and should be avoided. 3 g), where g = acceleration.
that of increased water usage.
Thus, in general, any In the case of lead acid batteries Vibration resistance
commercially available charger this will lead to failure of the The block battery concept
or generator can be used for battery and is unacceptable. has been tested to IEC 77 for
commissioning or maintenance 2 hours at 1 g, where
charging of the block battery. The block battery will not be g = acceleration.
This contrasts with the valve- damaged by over-discharge but
regulated lead acid battery must be recharged to External corrosion
(VRLA) where relatively small compensate for the over- The block battery is
ripple currents can cause discharge. manufactured in durable
battery overheating, and will polypropylene. All external metal
reduce life and performance. Overcharge components are nickel-plated or
In the case of the block battery, stainless steel, protected by an
with its generous electrolyte anti-corrosion oil, and then
reserve, a small degree of protected by a rigid plastic cover.
overcharge over a short period
will not significantly alter the
maintenance period. In the case
of excessive overcharge, water
replenishment is required, but
there will be no significant effect
on the life of the battery.
10. Installation and
operating instructions

Important The battery must never be charged 10.3 Installation

recommendations with the transport seals in place as 10.3.1 Location
■ Never allow an exposed flame or this can cause permanent damage. Install the battery in a dry and clean
spark near the batteries, room. Avoid direct sunlight and heat.
particularly while charging.
■ Never smoke while performing any 10.2 Storage The battery will give the best
operation on the battery. Store the battery indoors in a dry, performance and maximum service life
■ For protection, wear rubber gloves, clean, cool location (0°C to +30°C/ when the ambient temperature is
long sleeves, and appropriate +32°F to +86°F) and well-ventilated between +10°C to +30°C (+50°F to
splash goggles or face shield. space on open shelves. +86°F).
■ The electrolyte is harmful to skin
and eyes. In the event of contact Do not store in direct sunlight or Block batteries can be fitted on to
with skin or eyes, wash expose to excessive heat. stands, floor-mounted or fitted into
immediately with plenty of water. cabinets.
If eyes are affected, flush with a) Cells empty and discharged
water, and obtain immediate Local standards or codes normally
medical attention. • Saft recommends to store cells define the mounting arrangements of
■ Remove all rings, watches and empty and discharged. This ensures batteries, and these must be followed if
other items with metal parts compliance with IEC 60623 section applicable. However, if this is not the
before working on the battery. 4.9 (storage). case, the following comments should be
■ Use insulated tools. • Cells can be stored like this for many used as a guide.
■ Avoid static electricity and take years.
measures for protection against When mounting the battery, it is
electric shocks. b) Cells filled and charged desirable to maintain an easy access to
■ Discharge any possible static all blocks; they should be situated in a
electricity from clothing and/or • If cells are stored filled, they must be readily available position. Distances
tools by touching an earth- fully charged prior to storage. between stands, and between stands
connected part “ground” before • Cells may be stored filled and and walls, should be sufficient to give
working on the battery. charged for a period not exceeding good access to the battery.
12 months from date of dispatch.
The overall weight of the battery must
10.1 Receiving the Storage of a filled battery at be considered and the load bearing on
shipment temperatures above +30°C (+86°F) the floor taken into account in the
Unpack the battery immediately upon can result in loss of capacity. This can selection of the battery
arrival. Do not overturn the package. be as much as 5% per 10°C (18°F) accommodation.
Transport seals are located under the above +30°C (+86°F) per year.
cover of the vent plug. If the battery is enclosed in a cabinet or
• When deliveries are made in other such enclosed space, it is
■ The battery is normally shipped cardboard boxes, store without important to provide sufficient space to
discharged and empty. Do not opening the boxes. disperse the gases given off during
remove the plastic transport seals • When deliveries are made in charging, and also to minimize
until ready to fill the battery. plywood boxes, open the boxes condensation.
before the storage. The lid and the
■ If the battery is shipped filled and packing material on top of the cells It is recommended that at least
charged, the battery is ready for must be removed. 200 mm be allowed above cell tops, to
installation. Remove the plastic ensure easy access during inspection
transport seals only before use. and topping-up, and that enough space
is allowed between cabinet walls and
the battery to avoid any risk of short- battery room, and from this, the Recommended torques for terminal
circuits. Flip-top vents may be turned number of air changes required to bolts are:
through 180° to achieve the most keep the concentration of hydrogen • M 6 = 11 ± 1.1 N.m
convenient position for topping-up. below a certain level can be calculated. • M 8 = 20 ± 2 N.m
• M 10 = 30 ± 3 N.m
10.3.2 Ventilation
Special regulations for ventilation may The connectors and terminal should be
A battery of 98 cells, type SBH 79
be valid in your area depending on the corrosion-protected by coating with a thin
on a three step, two tier stand, is
applications. layer of anti-corrosion oil.
placed in a room of dimensions
When the battery is housed in a 2 m x 2 m x 3 m. Remove the transport seals and
cubicle or enclosed compartment, it is The charging system is capable of close the vent plugs.
necessary to provide adequate charging at 0.1 C5 and so the
ventilation. charging current is 7.9 A. 10.3.4 Electrolyte/cell oil
The volume of hydrogen evolved per a) Cells delivered filled and charged
During the last part of high-rate hour in this, the worst, case is: Check the level of electrolyte. It should
charging, the battery is emitting gases 98 x 7.9 x 0.00042 m3 = 0.33 m3. not be more than 20 mm below the
(oxygen and hydrogen mixture). upper level mark. If this is not the
The total volume of the room is
case, adjust the level with distilled or
2 x 2 x 3 = 12 m3.
If it is required to establish that the deionized water. Cells delivered filled
Approximate volume of battery and
ventilation of the battery room is have already the cell oil in place.
stand does not exceed 1 m3, and
adequate, then it is necessary to
calculate the rate of evolution of so, the volume of free air in the b) Cells delivered empty and
hydrogen to ensure that the room is 11 m3. discharged
concentration of hydrogen gas in the Therefore, the concentration of If the electrolyte is supplied dry,
room is kept within safe limits. hydrogen gas after charging for prepare it according to its separate
1 hour at full gassing potential at instructions sheet. The electrolyte to
The theoretical limit for hydrogen 0.1 C5 will be: 0.33 = 3 % be used is E22. Remove the transport
concentration is 4%. However, some 11 seals just before filling.
standards call for more severe levels Thus, to maintain a maximum
than this, and levels as low as 1% are Fill the cells about 20 mm above the
concentration of 2% (for example),
sometimes required. lower level mark with electrolyte.
the air in the room will need
Wait 4 to 24 hours and adjust if
changing 3/2 = 1.5 times per hour.
To calculate the ventilation necessary before commissioning.
requirements of a battery room,
the following method can be used: It is recommended to add the cell oil
In practice, a typical figure for natural after the commissioning charge, with
1 Ah of overcharge breaks down room ventilation is about 2.5 air the syringe, according to the quantity
0.366 cm3 of water, and 1 cm3 of changes per hour, and so, in this case, indicated in the Installation and
water produces 1.865 liters of gas in it would not be necessary to introduce Operating Instructions sheet.
the proportion 2⁄3 hydrogen and 1⁄3 any forced ventilation.
oxygen. Thus, 1 Ah of overcharge
produces 0.42 liter of hydrogen. In a floating situation, the current 10.4. Commissioning
flowing is very much lower than when Verify that the ventilation is adequate
Therefore, the volume of hydrogen the cell is being charged, and the gas during this operation.
evolved from a battery per hour evolution is minimal; it may be
= number of cells x charge current calculated in the same way using A good commissioning is important.
x 0.42 liter typical floating currents. Charge at constant current is
or preferable.
= number of cells x charge current 10.3.3 Mounting
x 0.00042 m3 Verify that cells are correctly When the charger maximum voltage
The volume of hydrogen found by this interconnected with the appropriate setting is too low to supply constant
calculation can be expressed as a polarity. The battery connection to load current charging, divide the battery
percentage of the total volume of the should be with nickel-plated cable lugs. into two parts to be charged
individually. If the current limit is lower 10.5. Charging in service ■ Check the charging voltage. It is
than indicated in the table of the ■ Continuous parallel operation, with important that the recommended
Installation and Operating Instructions occasional battery discharge. charging voltage remains unchanged.
sheet, charge proportionally for a The charging voltage should be
longer time. Recommended charging voltage checked at least once yearly. High
(+20°C to +25°C/+68°F to +77°F): water consumption of the battery is
■ For cells filled on location or for ■ for two level charge: usually caused by improper voltage
filled cells which have been stored • float level setting of the charger.
more than 6 months: = 1.42 ± 0.01 V/cell for L cells
• charge 10 h at 0.2 C5 A = 1.40 ± 0.01 V/cell for M & H cells
(recommended) • high level 10.7. Changing electrolyte
= 1.47 - 1.70 V/cell for L cells In most stationary battery applications,
• or charge for 30 h at 1.65 V/cell,
= 1.45 - 1.70 V/cell for M & H cells. the electrolyte will retain its
current limited to 0.2 C5 A
A high voltage will increase the effectiveness for the life of the battery.
• discharge at 0.2 C5 A to 1.0 V/cell speed and efficiency of the recharging. However, under special battery
operating conditions, if the electrolyte
• charge according to the section
■ for single level charge: is found to be carbonated, the battery
1.43 -1.50 V/cell. performance can be restored by
replacing the electrolyte.
■ For cells filled and charged by the
factory and stored less than ■ Buffer operation, where the load
exceeds the charger rating. The electrolyte type to be used for
6 months:
Recommended charging voltage replacement in these cells is: E13.
• charge 10 h at 0.2 C5 A
(recommended) (+20°C to +25°C/+68°F to +77°F):
1.50 - 1.60 V/cell. Refer to "Electrolyte Instructions".
• or charge 24 h at 1.65 V/cell,
current limited to 0.2 C5 A

• or charge 48 h at 1.55 V/cell, 10.6 Periodic maintenance

current limited to 0.2 C5 A. ■ Keep the battery clean using only
water. Do not use a wire brush or
■ Cell oil and electrolyte after solvents of any kind. Vent plugs can
commissioning: be rinsed in clean water if
Wait for 4 hours after necessary.
commissioning. Cells delivered filled ■ Check the electrolyte level. Never let
by the factory have already the cell the level fall below the lower mark.
oil in place. For cells filled on Use only distilled or deionized water
location, add the cell oil with the to top-up. Experience will tell the
syringe. time interval between topping-up.
Check the electrolyte level and adjust it Once the battery has been filled
to the upper level mark by adding: with the correct electrolyte at
the battery factory or during the
• distilled or deionized water for cells battery commissioning, there is no
filled by the factory need to check the electrolyte
• electrolyte for cells filled on location. density periodically.
Interpretation of density
The battery is ready for service. measurements is difficult and
could be misleading.
■ Check every two years that all
connectors are tight. The
connectors and terminal bolts
should be corrosion-protected by
coating with a thin layer of
anti-corrosion oil.
11. Maintenance of
block batteries in service

In a correctly designed standby 11.1 Cleanliness/mechanical 11.2 Topping-up

application, the block battery Cells must be kept clean and dry Check the electrolyte level. Never
requires the minimum of at all times, as dust and damp let the level fall below the lower
attention. However, it is good cause current leakage. Terminals MIN mark. Use only approved
practice with any system to carry and connectors should be kept distilled or deionized water to
out an inspection of the system clean, and any spillage during top-up. Do not overfill the cells.
at least once per year, or at the maintenance should be wiped off
recommended topping-up interval with a clean cloth. The battery can Excessive consumption of water
period to ensure that the be cleaned, using water. Do not indicates operation at too high a
charger, the battery and the use a wire brush or a solvent of voltage or too high a
auxiliary electronics are all any kind. Vent caps can be rinsed temperature. Negligible
functioning correctly. in clean water, if necessary. consumption of water, with
batteries on continuous low
When this inspection is carried Check that the flame-arresting current or float charge, could
out, it is recommended that vents are tightly fitted and that indicate under-charging.
certain procedures should be there are no deposits on the A reasonable consumption of
carried out to ensure that the vent caps. water is the best indication that
battery is maintained in a good a battery is being operated
state. Terminals should be checked for under the correct conditions.
tightness, and the terminals and Any marked change in the rate
connectors should be corrosion- of water consumption should be
protected by coating with a thin investigated immediately.
layer of neutral grease or anti-
corrosion oil. The topping-up interval can be
calculated as described in
section 6.9. However, it is
recommended that, initially,
electrolyte levels should be
monitored monthly to
determine the frequency of
topping-up required for a
particular installation.

Saft has a full range of topping-

up equipment available to aid this
11.3 Capacity check 11.4 Recommended
Electrical battery testing is not maintenance
part of normal routine procedure
maintenance, as the battery is In order to obtain the best from
required to give the back up your battery, the following
function and cannot be easily maintenance procedure is
taken out of service. recommended.

However, if a capacity test of the Yearly

battery is needed, the following check charge voltage settings
procedure should be followed: check cell voltages
(30 mV deviation from average
a) Discharge the battery at the is acceptable)
rate of 0.1 C5 to 0.2 C5 A (10 check float current of the battery
to 20 A for a 100 Ah battery) check electrolyte level
to a final average voltage of high voltage charge if agreed
1.0 V/cell (i.e. 92 volts for a for application
92 cell battery) Every 2 years
clean cell lids and battery area
b) Charge 200% (i.e. 200 Ah for check torque values, grease
a 100 Ah battery at the same terminals and connectors
rate used in a) Every 5 years or as required
capacity check
c) Discharge at the same rate As required
used in a), measuring and top-up with water according to
recording current, voltage and defined period (depend on float
time every hour, and more voltage, cycles and temperature)
frequently towards the end of
the discharge. This should be It is also recommended that a
continued until a final average maintenance record be kept
voltage of 1.0 V/cell is which should include a record of
reached. The overall state of the temperature of the battery
the battery can then be seen, room.
and if individual cell
measurements are taken, the
state of each cell can be
12. Disposal and recycling

In a world where autonomous Ni-Cd batteries must not be

sources of electric power are ever discarded as harmless waste and
more in demand, Saft batteries should be treated carefully in
provide an environmentally accordance with local and national
responsible answer to these needs. regulations. Your Saft representative
Environmental management lies at can assist with further information
the core of Saft’s business and we on these regulations and with the
take care to control every stage of a overall recycling procedure.
battery’s life-cycle in terms of
potential impact. Environmental
protection is our top priority, from
design and production through end-
of-life collection, disposal and

Our respect for the environment is

complemented by an equal respect
for our customers. We aim to
generate confidence in our products,
not only from a functional
standpoint, but also in terms of the
environmental safeguards that are
built into their life-cycle. The simple
and unique nature of the battery
components make them readily
recyclable and this process
safeguards valuable natural
resources for future generations.

In partnership with collection

agencies worldwide, Saft organizes
retrieval from pre-collection points
and the recycling of spent Saft
batteries. Information about Saft’s
collection network can be found on
our web site :

Saft is committed to the highest standards of environmental stewardship.
Implementing this commitment to minimise the impact of its products and operations on the environment means that
Saft gives priority to recycled over unrecycled raw materials, reduces its plant releases into the environment year after
year, minimizes water usage, and ensures that its customers have recycling solutions for their batteries at the end of their lives.
Regarding industrial Ni-Cd batteries, Saft has had partnerships for many years with collection companies in most EU countries as
well as in North America. This collection network receives and dispatches our customers’ batteries at the end of their lives to fully
approved recycling facilities, in compliance with the Laws governing transboundary waste shipments. Saft offers these services free
of charge to its customers.
Please find a list of our collection points on our web site.
In other countries, Saft assists its customers in finding environmentally sound recycling solutions. Please contact your sales
representative for further information.

Doc N˚ 21081-2-0407
Saft Edition: April 2007
Industrial Battery Group Data in this document is subject to change without
12, rue Sadi Carnot notice and becomes contractual only after written
93170 Bagnolet – France
Tel: +33 1 49 93 19 18 Photo credit: © Royalty-Free/Corbis, PhotoDisc, Saft.
Fax: +33 1 49 93 19 64 Société anonyme au capital de 31 944 000
RCS Bobigny B 383 703 873

www.saftbatteries.com Prepared by Arthur Associates Limited.

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