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Prayer Book

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Prayer Book On rising 9


To you all angels, all the powers of heaven, Come then, Lord, and help your people,
Cherubim and Seraphim, sing in endless praise: bought with the price of your own blood,
Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God of power and might, and bring us with your saints
heaven and earth are full of your glory. to glory everlasting.

The glorious company of apostles praises you, Save your people, Lord,
the noble fellowship of prophets praises you, and b1ess your inheritance.
the white-robed army of martyrs praises you. Govern and uphold them now and always.

Throughout the world the holy Chureh acclaims Day by day we bless you.
yoo: We praise yóur name for ever.
Father, of majesty unbounded,
your true and only Son, worthy of all worship, Keep us today, Lord, from all sin.
and the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide. Have merey on us, Lord, have merey.

You, Christ, are the King of glory, Lord, show us your love and merey,
the eternal Son ofthe Father. for we put our trust in you.

When you became man to set us free In you, Lord, is our hope:
you did not spum the Vrrgin's womb. and we shall never hope in vain.

You overcame the sting of death, - Lord, hear rny prayer

and opened the Kingdom of heaven to all - and let my cry reaeh you.
You are seated at God's right hand in glory. Almighty God, you have given us this day:
We believe that you will come, and be our strengthen us with your power and keep us from
10 PrayerBook Morning offering 11

into sin, so that whatever we say or think or do may be ll. Morning ofTering
in your service and for the sake of your Kingdom. We
ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. As you say these prayers, lovingly grasp their meaning
and unite yourself with all Legionaries who offer the doy to
- Christ our King!
God with the same prayers. It is helpful to meditate on them
- Your Kingdom come! occasionally in order to delve deeper into their content
and derive greater benefit from praying them. Above all,
- Vlfgin most prudent, Mary Mother of the Church avoid turning them into routine, stale repetitions. (P&N
(Mother of sorrows), no 124)

- pray for uso

• Only the navices pray them out loud.

VI In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of

the Holy Spirit. Amen.
VI How holy this feast
R/ in which Christ is our food: his passion is re-
called, grace fills our hearts, and we receive a pledge of
the glory to come.
¡ ,;.'\.l. ,i HY~ lit
VI You gave them bread from heaven to be their
tI ~',{ff;
R/ and this bread contained all goodness.
VI Let us pray:
Lord Jesus Christ, you gave us the Eucharist as the
memorial of your suffering and death. May our wor-
ship of this sacrament of your body and blood help us to
experience the salvation you ~on for us and the peace

12 Prayer Book Morning offering 13

of the Kingdom where you live for ever and ever. life that consists in knowing and loving you, the on1y
true God, and the one you sent, Jesus Christ.
RI Amen.
Grant me, holy Father, the fortitude 1 need to shun
all sin and imperfection, and do not let me fall into the
1 believe in you, my God, because you are truth traps or give in to the temptations that the evil spirit sets
itself. 1 hope in you because you are infinite merey and for me today.
are faithful to your promises. 1 love you aboye all else
because you are infinitely lovable and beeause 1 must
love you alone with all my heart, all my soul, and all my Lord Jesus, I renew my consecration to you, offer-
strength. 1 thank you, my God, for watehing over my
ing myself on this new day, so you can do as you please
s1eep like the fondest of mothers, and then granting me with my soul, my body, my strength, my mind, and my
a new day to serve you and grow in holiness within the wi11.
1 am yours without any reserve. Keep me faithful
PRAYER 1'0 1HE FXI1IER to your friendship.

Holy Father, it pleased you to create and adopt me Enable me to spend this day with the eager desire
so 1would love and invoke you with total trust as your to glorify the Father, fulfilling bis will faith:fully and con-
ehild, 1 b1ess you for the love you have shown me by stantIy.
ehoosing me in Christ, before the world was made, to Give me a steadfast heart that will not forsake you
be holy and blame1ess in your sight. by squandering my love, a generous, ehaste heart un-
You know my misery and how mueh 1 need your taÍnted by any unworthy desire, an unselfish heart con-
grace to fulfill your holy will; so, Father, in your great sumed with sheer love for you and for the interests of
love, grant me your grace in accordance with my needs. your Kingdom, a conquering heart like your own.

Increase in my heart the burning zeal that will drive Lord Jesus, help all of us who are consecrated to
me tirelessly to bring everyone to share in the eternal you in the LegiOij and Regnum Christi to love you more

Morning offering .15
14 Prayer Book

each day and be more faithful and courageous apostles He1p me to form a meek and humb1e heart like that
of your Son, Jesus Christ, and obtain for me the grace
of your Kingdom.
of receiving him in the sacrament ofhis 10ve as fervently as
PRAYER 1'0 THE HOLY SPIRIT you throughout the years of your solitude.

Ho1y Spirit, gentle guest and conso1er of my sou1, Mother, tell Jesus how much 1 want to 10ve him,
enlighten my mind to know God's will for me. Inflame how ardently 1desire to become ho1y and be bis apostle.
my heart to 10ve it passionate1y. Strengthen my will to Tell him how fervently and constantly 1 want to serve
accomplish it as perfectly as you ask of me. Lastly, him within the Legion and Regnum Christi, wbich are
Spirit of10ve, grant me the graces 1will need to respond ca11ed to be a faithful instrument in extending bis King-
faithfu11y to your ho1y inspirations. dom throughout the world.


Mother, 1come before you on this new day to b1ess . This examen consists in a few momenfs of rejlection in
you for the great things almighty God has done for you, the morning to present to your mind, will, and heart an
overview of the principal spiritual, formative, and apos-
to thank you for the graces you have obtained for me,
tolic obligations you have fo meet during the day.
to consecrate to you a11 my thoughts, words, and ac-
tions, and to ask your b1essing for me and each of my Call fo mind briejly the basic points ofyour reform of
brothers and sisters. lije program and your particular examen.

Intercede with God for the Legionaries and Regnum Recall the shortcomings and successes you noted in
Christi members spread throughout the world, as we last night's examen and renew the resolution you made.
strive to live the faith, hope, and charity of wbich you Take stock of your attitudes and mood, to use what is
set us such admirable and noble examp1e. positive and correct whaf is negative.

Enab1e me to imitate the 1ife of prayer, obedience, Also check your principal cornmitments and activities
purity, sacrifice, and simplicity that you shared with your for the day. (P&N nos 125-129)
Son, our Brother and Lord.
Prayer Book Morning offering 17

GREETING ro TIIE BLESSED VIRGIN MAR,y VI "1 am the lowly servant oí the Lord:
Rllet it be done to me according to your word."
It is a tradition in the Church to pray the greeting to
the Blessed Virgin Mary three times a day. We pray it during VI Hail, Mary...
the morning offering, before lunch, and after the rosary (if
prayed in (he afternoon orevening) or around six o' clock VI And th~ Word became flesh
in the evening.
RI and lived among uso
VI Hail, Mary...
VI The angel spoke God's message to Mary,
VI Pray for USf holy Mother of God,
RI and she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
RI that we may become worthy of the promises
VI Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you! ofChrist.
Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the
fmit of your womb, Jesus. VI Let us pray:

RlHoly Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, Lord, fill our hearts with your grace: once, through
now and at.the hour of our death. Amen. the message of an angel you revealed to us the incarna-
tion of your Son; now, through bis suffering and death
lead us to the glory of his resurrection. We ask this
VI Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee! through Christ our Lord.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the RI Amen.
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
VI Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the
RI Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us Holy Spirit:
sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
RI as it was in the beginning, is now, and will
be forever. Amen. (Three times)
18 Prayer Book Morning offering 19


REGINA c.+:u (During Easter)
VI Angel sent by God to guide me,
VI Queen oí heaven, rejoice, alleluia!
R/ be my light and walk beside me;
R/ íor Christ, your Son and Son oí God, be my guardian and protect me;
on the paths of life direct me. Amen.
VI has risen as he said, alleluia!
R/ Pray to God íor us, alleluia!
VI Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia!
R/ íor the Lord has truly risen, alleluia!

VI Let us pray:
God oí life, you have given joy to the world by the
resurrection oí your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Through
the prayers oí bis Mother, the Vrrgin Mary, bring us to
the happiness oí etemallife. We ask this through Christ

R/ Amen.

VI Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the

Holy Spirit:

R/ as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be

forever. Amen. (Three times)
22 PrayerBook Meditation 23

V/ Emítte Spíritum tuum, et creabúntur. Alert our senses, touch our hearts,
and fire us with your gift of love,
R/ Et renovábis fáciem terrre. that proud and fallen, weak and blind,
your light may lead us from aboye.
Deus, qui corda fidélium Sancti Spíritus illustratióne Drive far from us the foe we dread
docuísti: t da nobis in eódem Spíritu recta sápere, * et and grant us your true peace instead;
de eius semper consolatióne gaudére. Per Christum so shaH we not, with you for guide,
Dóminum nostrum. turn from the path of life aside.

R/ Amen. Oh, may your grace on us bestow

:. the Father and the Son to know,
VENI CREÁTOR SPÍRITUS and you, through endless times confessed,
of both the eternal Spirit blest. Amen.
Creating Spirit, mighty Lord,
V/ Send forth your Spirit and they shall be
find home within our heart and mind.
With warmth and power and gentleness
in grace refashion aH mankind. R/ and you will renew the face of the earth.

o Comforter of aH who toil, V/Let us pray:

gift from the fountain-head oflight,
Lord, by the light of the Holy Spirit you have taught the
O Spirit of aHlove and fire,
hearts of your faithful. In the same Spirit help us to relish
anointing chrism of aH might.
wbat is right and a1ways rejoice in bis consolation. We ask
O molder of our freedom strong this through Christ our Lord.
and gentle finger of God's hand, R/Amen.
come lead our words within the paths
that Wisdom in your love has planned.
24 PrayerBook After the meditation 25

Iv. After the meditation
In union with Jesus Christ, offer your meditation with
all your heart to the F ather for the expansion of his King- Do a thorough examen of the meditation, checking
domo how you prepared and deve/oped it, the graces you have
received, what has he/ped or hindered you, and your re-
At the beginning ofthe meditation, make sure to renew sponse to what God is asking of you.
your awareness of God's presence. It will he/p to stand a
mament before the knee/er, to consider what you are about Jot down the insights God granted you during the medi-
to do, whom you are going to ta/k with, and so on. tation and thank him for them.

Recollected and with your spirit a/ert, make the pre- Ask pardon if you have been distracted or care/ess
paratory acts offaith, hope, and charity, thanksgiving and and pray for any &gionary who might not have been faith~
substantia/ humility, recognizing what you are before God: fui to the meditation, that God will grant him by some other
a creature in need of being redeemed. means the graces he squandered.

Entrust your meditation to the mother/y care of the Don't get discouraged at your shortcomings and diffi-
Blessed Virgin Mary. cu/ties. On the contrary: lookfor their causes, ask God's
pardonfor them, and reso/ve lo overcome them. Stay calm,
Ask God trustful/y for the grace you wish to obtain as optimistic, and determined to keep your reso/utions. (P&N
a resu/t ofthe meditation. (P&N nos /33-/37) nos 150-153)


- Check to see if there is anything in yon that is

not in accordance with God's will.
- Detest whatever keeps yon from it.
- Renew your desire to follow it always, only out of
love for Christ and for the salvation of souls.
- Did 1 carefully prepare the meditation points last
night (topie, fruit, development, resolntion ...)?
26 Prayer Book After the meditation 27

- Did 1 reca1l the meditation points as 1 went to With the Kingdom of your Heart
bed? reign in my heart,
- When 1 woke up, did 1 tum away a1l irrelevant with the humility of your Heart
thoughts in order to preparefor the meditation? shape my heart,
- Did 1 give life to the preparatory prayer? with the joy of your Heart
- Did 1 spend time on the point that moved me, enlarge my heart, ,',,1
leaving aside any desire to go on to the next one, as with the love of your Heart
long as 1found enough to retlect on, converse about inflame my heart,
(with God, Mary, ...), and respond to?
with the light of your Heart
- Did 1 use the whole meditation time well?
dispel the darkness of my heart,
- Did 1 give myself unreserved1y to the meditation,
and resist laziness, distractions, drowsiness, dryness, with the knowledge of your Heart
and so on? make my heart wise,
- Were my conversations (with God, Mary, ... ) with the silence of your Heart
fervent? speak to my heart,
- Did the meditation go bad1y? If so, what were the with the will of your Heart
causes? govern my heart,
- Have 1 remained humble, trusting, and docile with the patience of your Heart
before God? bear with my heart,
- What have 1 resolved to do today as a result of with the zeal of your Heart , .,

my meditation? set my heart on fire,

PETmONS ro JESUS CHRIST with the obedience of your Heart
make my heart submit,
The novices also pray these petitions at the beginning with the constancy of your Heart
of the evening prayer examen. keep my heart faithful,
Lord Jesus Christ, hear my prayer: with the fortitude of your Heart
sustain my vocation.

46 Prayer Book Thanksgiving after Communion 47

PSALM OF LOVE FOR 1HE EUCHARIST as we followed your counsels,

contrary to the ways of the world,
1 love you, Lord, for your Eucharist- so you carne down into our lives
this great gift of yourself- to make our solitude fragrant and fruitful.
for, when you had nothing else to give,
you left us your own body, to love us to the end And from that moment, Lord,
in an overwhelming show of love your flesh has begotten virgins
that makes our hearts tremble and your blood, martyrs.
with love, gratitude, and respect.
Thank you for deciding to prolong your Gospel
You left us your last remembrance, from the depths of the tabemac1e-
throbbing and warm, the intimate Gospel
down through the centuries, that you teach to those
so we would remember that night who open to you their innermost soul.
when you promised to remain on our altars
How poor our lives would be without your company!
until the end of time,
Our Father, our Brother,
heedless of the pain of your lonely vigil
the quiet comer where we take our rest
in so many tabemac1es.
when the feverishness of the day is done.
Your only joy:
to be the etemal adorer PRAYER FOR 1HE POPE

offered in sacrifice upon the white linen;

Ouist Jesus, King and Lord of the Church, in your
your on1y consolation:
presence 1 renew my unconditiona1loyalty to your Vicar
to know you would share the joumey
on earth, the Pope. In him you have chosen to show us the
with your chosen ones,
safe and sure path that we must follow in the midst of
and by keeping your vigil of love,
confusion, uneasiness, and unrest. lfinnIy believe thatthrough
lessen their suffering.
him you govern, teach, and sanctify us; with him as ~ur
You knew the loneliness we would feel shepherd, we form the true Church: one, holy, catholic,

Prayer Book Thanksgiving after Communion 49


and apost.olic. Since the l..egi.on and the M.overrient wi11 be vigor-
.oUS and wi11 fl.ourish as l.ong as the spirit .of .our f.ounder is
Grant me the grace t.o l.ove, live, and spread faith- present and active in .our lives and behavi.or, we ask. y.ou
fu11y .our H.oly Father's teachings. Watch .over bis life, to open .our eyes to the urgency .of leaming, assimilating,
enllghten bis mind, strengthen bis spirit, defend him from and passing .on the doctrine, spirit, apost.olic methods,
. calumny and evil. Calm the erosive winds .of infidelity genuine traditi.ons, discipline, andlifestyle .ofthe l..egionand .of
and dis.obedience. Hear .our prayer and keep y.our Regnum Christi, just as .our founder has made them kn.own
Church united around him, firm in its belief and acti.on, to us, since this is .ourresponsibility.
that it may truIy be the instrument .of y.our redempti.on.
Amen. Help us to adhere t.otally t.o the charism y.ou inspired in
.our f.ounder, jusr as it has been approved, recognized, and
PRAYER F.oR THE GENERAL DIRECI'OR guaranteed by the Church.
Lord Jesus, King .of the Legion and Regnum Onisti, Y.ou have chosen to give us a role in Y.our plan .of salva-
insti11 in the heart .of .our General Director al1 the distinctive ti.on, and we have the possibility .of:fu1fi11ingit, step bystep,for
virtues .of y.our divine Heart, especially prudence, f.orti- the good .ofthe Church and .ofhumanity, .or .of making it fail
tude, and charity. Fill him with y.our light, so he can direct depl.orably. So, we ask. from y.ou what y.ou ask. .of us: faith,
and govem us in the most beneficia1 way f.or the salvati.on great faith in y.ourwork, l.ove forit, trust in its missi.on, doci1ity,
.of souls and the triurnph .of Y.our Kingdom. Amen. l.oyal collaborati.on, humility, asense .ofrespollSlbility, andfidel-
ity. Amen.

Lord Jesus, y.ou have entrusted to us the missi.on .of Lord Jesus, in Y.our kindness, m.ove the hearts .of
furthering the Legi.on and Regnum Christi, and mak- th.ose wh.o can help .our Legi.on, S.o that, by d.oing us
ing them grow hea1thy and vigorous f.or the good .of a1l good, they will help Y.our Church. Lord, hear the prayers
people and .of y.our Kingd.om. This missi.on comes t.o we .offer y.ou for .our benefact.ors: help them in their
us as an utterly free, unf.oreseen, mysteri.ous reality, .out spiritual and temporal needs, and grant them at the end
.of a11 proporti.on t.o .our abilities. .of their life everlasting happiness. Amen.

96 Prayer Book Rosary 97

tion and petition in the Litany, so tlult the whole rosary is Name the mysteries you will say and express the inten-
saturated with trust and love for Mary. , tion you will offer them for.

To increase your attention and fervor, present to Mary

the intentions you feel most deeply in your heart. (P &N
~ ..
THE JOYFUL MYSTERIES (Monday and Thursday)
nos 188-191)
1. The incamation of the Son of God.
2. Our Lady visits her cousin Elizabeth.
THE ROSARY IN PRIVAlE 3. The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
4. The presentation of the Lord in the Temple.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
5. The finding o! Jesus in the Temple.
the Holy Spirit. Amen.
1. The agony of Christ in the garden.
Lord Jesus Christ, 2. The scourging of Christ at the pillar.
true God and man, 3. The crowning with thoms.
my Creator and Redeemer, 4. Jesus carries his cross.
1 love you aboye a1l else 5. Jesus dies on the cross.
and 1 am sorry with a1l my heart for offending you.
To make up for my sins, THE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES (Wednesday, Saturday, and
which 1 firmly intend to confess in due time, Sunday)
1 offer my life, my work, and a1l 1 do.
1 hope in your kindness and boundless merey, 1. The Lord's resurrection.
and trust that you will forgive me 2. The Lord's ascension.
and give me the grace never to offend you again. 3. The coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.
Amen. 4. The assumption of Mary into heaven.
5. The coronation of Mary, Mother of the Church.
98 PrayerBook

Each mystery consists oione Our Father, tenHail Marys,

and a Glory to the Father. HolyMary Pray lor uSo
Holy Mother oí God
After the fifth mystery, pray the Hail, haly Queen and Most honored oí virgins
the Litany oipraise to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Mother oí Christ
HAn., HOLy QUEEN Mother oí the Chureh
Mother oí divine grace
Hail, holy Queen, mother oí merey, Mother most pure
hail, our liíe, our sweetness, and our hopeo Mother of ehaste love
To you we ery, the ehildren oí Eve; Mother and virgin
to you we send up our sighs,
Sinless Mother ..
mourning and weeping in this land oí exile.
Dearest of mothers
Turn, then, most gracious advoeate,
your eyes oí merey toward us;
lead us home at last Mother oí good counsel
and show us the blessed íroit oí your womb, Jesus: Mother oí our Creator
O cIement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Mother oí our Savior
Mother oí the Legion and Regnum Christi
Vrrgin rightly praised
Lord, have merey Vrrgin rightly renowned
Christ, have merey Vrrgin most powerful
Lord, have merey Vrrgin gentle in merey
Faithful Vrrgin
God our Father in heaven Have merey on USo
Mirror oí justice
God the Son, Redeemer oí the world
Throne oí wisdom
God the Holy Spirit
Cause of our joy
Holy Trinity, one God
Shrine of the Spirit

100 PrayerBook Rosary 101

Glory oflsrael Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world
Vessel of selfless devotion have merey on uso
Mystical Rose
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world
Tower of David have merey on uso
Tower of ivory
House of gold Pray for us, holy Mother of God,
Ark of the covenant
that we may become worthy of the promises of
Gate of heaven
Morning Star
Health of the sick Let us pray:
Refuge of sinners
Etemal God, let your people enjoy constant health
Comfort of the troubled
in ~ and body. Through the intercession ofthe VIf-
Help of Christians gin Ma'ry free us from the sorrows of this life and lead
Queen of angels us to happiness in the life to come. Grant this through
Queen of patriarehs and prophets Christ our Lord. Amen.
Queen of apostles and martyrs
Whenever you pray the rosary in the afternoon or
Queen of confessors and virgins
evening ,jinish with the greeting to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Queen of all saints (cfpp 60ff)
Queen conceived without sin
Queen assumed into heaven THE ROSARY IN COMMUNITY
Queen of the rosary
Queen of the farnily VI In the name of the Father, and of the Son, '
Queen of peace and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
VI Lord Jesus Christ,
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world
R! true God and man,
have merey on uso
my Creator and Redeemer,
114 PrayerBook Prayers to begin or end various acts 115

VI Christ our King! VI We turn to you for protection,

RI Your Kingdom come! RI holy Mother of God. Listen to our prayers and
help us in our needs. Save us from every danger, glori-
VI Vrrgin most prudent, Mary Mother of the Church ous and blessed Vrrgin.
(Mother of sorrows),
VI May God's help remain with us a1ways.
RI pray for uso In the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. RI Amen.
VI Vrrgin Mary,
RI bless us ami a1l Legionaries and Regnum Christi
VI In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of members.
the Holy Spirit. Amen.
VI Angel sent by God to guide me,
VI Hall, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you!
Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit RI be my light and walk beside me;
of your womb, Jesus. be my guardian and protect me;
on the paths of life direct me. Amen.
RI Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen. ¡VI Christ our King!

RI Your Kingdom come!

VI Hall, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee! VI Vrrgm most prudent, Mary Mother of the Church
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit (Mother of sorrows),
of thy womb, Jesus.
R/ pray for uso In the name of the Father, and of
RI Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

118 Prayer Book lnvocations ofthe Lord Jesus 119

strive to live the faith, hope, and charity of which you

set us such admirable and noble example.
xv. Invocations ofthe Lord Jesus
Enable me to imitate the life of pr~yer, obedience, Make sure the invocations do not become routine and
purity, sacrifice, and simplicity that you shared with your avoid distractions saying them. Pray them fervently, in
Son, our Brother and Lord. order to wrestfrom God's omnipotence and merey the graces
of salvation so needed by humanity.
Help me to form a meek and humble heart like that of
Eagerly take full advantage of this means to set your
your Son, Jesus Christ, and obtain for me the grace of re-
Legionary heart onfire with apostolic zeal. (P&N nos 205-
ceiving him in the sacrament ofhis love as fervently as you 206)
throughout the years of your solitude.
Mother, tell Jesus how much 1 want to love him, Lord Jesus, 1 believe in you.
how ardently 1desire to become holy and be his apostle. Lord Jesus, 1 believe in you.
Tell him how fervently and constantly 1 want to serve Lord Jesus, 1 trust in you.
him within the Legion and Regnum Christi, wbich are Lord Jesus, 1 trust in you.
called to be a faithful instrument in extending bis King- Lord Jesus, 1 love you.
dom throughout the world. Lord Jesus, 1 love you.
Lord Jesus, help me.
Lord Jesus, help me.
Lord Jes~ive me strength.
Lord Jesus, give me strength.

Lord J esus, 1believe that you are the eternal Son of the
LordJesus, 1believe that you are the Savior of aH people.
LordJesus, 1believe that you became flesh in the womb
of the Vrrgin Mary by the power of the Holy
120 Prayer Book Invocations ofthe Lord Jesus 121

Lord J esus, 1 believe that you suffered and died on the Lord Jesus, 1 trust in you because you alone have the
cross to redeem us from our sins. words of etemallife.
Lord Jesus, 1 believe that you rose on the third day. Lord Jesus, 1 trust in you because you are the Good
Lord Jesus, 1 believe that you are seated at the right Shepherd calling me by name.
hand of the Father. LordJesus, 1 trust in you because you are rich in merey.
Lord Jesus, 1 believe that you will come to judge Lord Jesus, 1 trust in you because you gave your
the living and the dead. life for uso
Lord Jesus, 1 believe that you are the comerstone of LordJesus, 1 trust in you because you are the vine that
the Church. enables me to bear fruit.
LordJesus, 1believe that you have stayed with us, really Lord Jesus, 1 trust in you because you have called me
present in the sacrament of the Eucharist. to be an ápostle of your Kingdom.
Lord Jesus, 1 believe that you are the Lord of life and Lord Jesus, 1 trust in you because you are the light
history. shining on our pilgrim path to the Father.
Lord Jesus, 1 believe that you are the way, the truth, Lord Jesus, 1 trust in you because you went to pre-
and the life. pare us a place in the Father's house.
Lord Jesus, 1 believe that you have called me to the
Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi Lord Jesus, 1 love you because you loved me first.
Movement to strlve tirelessly to build your Lord Jesus, 1 love you because you redeemed me from
Kingdom throughout the world. sin.
Lord Jesus, 1 believe that with you 1 can do all things. Lord Jesus, 1 love you because you opened for me the
gates of your Kingdom.
Lord Jesus, 1 trust in you because you are the One the Lord J esus, 1 love you because you made me a child of
Father sent. God.
Lord Jesus, 1 trust in you because you are faithful to Lord Jesus, 1 love you because you have enriched me
your promises. with the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus, 1 trust in you because you are the friend Lord Jesus, 1 love you because you entrusted your
who lays down bis life for bis friends. Mother to me at the foot of the cross.

122 Prayer Book ,.' The sacrament ofReconciliation 123

Lord J esus, Ilove you for the gift of the Catholic faith.
XVI. The sacrament of Reconciliation
Lord Jesus, 1 love you for the gift of my Legionary
Frequent confession, which is recommended by the
Lord J esus, 1 love you for the gift of the priesthood.
Church, gives us a more accurate self-knowledge and makes
Lord Jesus, 1 love you because you have stayed in us grow in Christian humility. It helps us uproot bad habits
the tabernac1e to be with me. and makes our conscience more sensitive by helping us to
Lord Jesus, 1 love you because you have entrusted me avoid slipping into tepidity or laziness. It strengthens our
with yOUT word to hand it on to my brothers will' r r

and sisters. . Bap Thy Kingdom Come!

Lord Jesus, 1 love you because you have sent me, as
you sent the apostles, toextend yOUT Kingdom po
Invocations for donations:
throughout the world. tras
Lord Jesus, 1 love you because .you are my Lord Lord Jesus, in your kindness, move the
and my.God.
hearts of those who can help our Legion,
ing so that by doing us good, they can help
VI Jesus, gentle and humble of heart, . your Church. Lord, hear the prayers we
R/ make my heart more like yOllfS. offer you for our benefactors: Help them
pur in their spiritual and temporal needs, and
VI Let us pray: ate grant them at the end of their lives
Fathei- in h~aven, we call úp6n your Son, the cen- the everlasting happiness. Amen.
ter, standard, and ~xample of OUT lives as religious, priests, pur
and apostles. Grant our humble request: enable us to co Stick thi~ ;lote in ycar prayer book Il'ld pray for
res be:wfa~l(jrs before invocations.
keep growing in OUT interior understanding of the mys-
tery of Christ in order to live it to the full. We ask this Thank Godfor the gift ofhis forgiveness andfriendship
through Christ OUT Lord. by resolving, oul oflove and the holy fear ofGod, lo improve
R/ Amen. your conduct, and by living alife of greater fidelity lo the
mission enlrusted to you. (P&N nos 217-218,225,227)

I~ L
136 Prayer Book Night prayers 137

When there is exposition ofthe Blessed Sacrament, night

prayers begin, after the hymn, with the introductory verse
When there is no exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,
from Compline.
the prayers for the beginning of acts in the presence of the
Blessed Sacrament are said before the introductory verse
ofCompline, asfollows.

VI In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of VI God, come to my assistance.
the HoIy Spirit. Amen. R/ Lord, make haste to heIp me. GIory to the Father,
VI How hoIy this feast, and to the Son, and to the HoIy Spirit: as it was in the
beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. AlleIuia.
R/ in whieh Christ is our food: his passion is (Omil the Alleluia during Lent)
reealled, graee filIs our hearts, and we reeeive a
pIedge of the glory to come. CONSCIENCE EXAMEN

VI You gave them bread from heaven to be their PETmON FOR umrr
VI My Lord and my God,
R/ and this bread contained alI goodness.
R/ you are sheer goodness and infinite merey. 1
VI Let us pray: thank you with alI my heart for the countless gifts you
Lord Jesus Christ, you gave us the Eueharist as the have given me, especialIy for creating and redeem-
memorial of your suffering and death. May our wor- ing me, for calling me to the Catholie faith and the
ship of this sacrament of your txxly and blood help us priesthood, for freeing me from so many dangers of
to experience the salvation you won for us and the peace souI and body, and for alI the speciaI favors you have
of the Kingdom where you live for ever and ever. granted me today. Lord, in your goodness enlighten my
mind so 1can know my fauIts, and give me the grace to
R/ Amen. be truIy sorry and sincerely mend my ways.
138 PrayerBook Night prayers 139

You may use the questionnairesfor the examen (cfpp RESPONSORY

Outside Easter
After the examen:
VI loto your hands, Lord, I cornmend my spirit.
Acr OF CONTRITION R/ loto your hands, Lord, I cornmend my spirit.

VI Father, VI You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth.

R/ I commend my spirit.
R/ with all my heart I regret offending you. I am
sorry for insulting your infinite kindness with my UD- VI Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the
grateful behavior. Forgive me, Lord; take pity on me. Holy Spirit. #

By the power of your merey, overcome my sinfulness R/ loto your hands, Lord, I cornmend my spirit.
in what I have thought and said, done and left undone.
Give me the grace to sincerely mend my ways. I firmIy
intend never to offend you again. Father, strengthen During Easter
my weak will. With your grace help me to love and
serve you, and become more fully the image of your VI Into your hands, Lord, I cornmend my spirit,
Son Jesus Christ. Amen. alleluia, alleluia.
R/ Into your hands, Lord, I cornmend my spirit,
VI May almighty God have merey on us, for-
give us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.
VI You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth.
R/ Amen.
R/ Alleluia, alleluia.
Turn to the hymn, psalmody, and reading of the day.
VI Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the
Holy Spirit.
R/ loto your hands, Lord, I commeod my spirit,
alleluia, alleluia.

140 PrayerBook Night prayers 141


ANnmON: Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over VI May the all-powerful Lord grant us a restful
us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, night and a peaceful death.
and asleep, rest in bis peace. (During Easter:Alleluia) R/ Amen.
Prepare the meditation points.
Nunc dimittis Luke 2:29-32
Benediction, if the Blessed Sacrament has been ex-
Christ is the light ofthe nations and the glory oflsrael. posed.
Standing, pray the Creed aloud and sing the antiphon
Lord, now you let your servant go in peace; ofthe Blessed Virgin Mary.
your word has been fulfilled:

my own eyes have seen the salvation

which you have prepared in the sigbt of every people: We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almigbty,
a light to reveal you to the nations maker of heaven and earth,
and the glory of your people Israel. of all that is seen and unseen.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
Spirit the only Son of God,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for- eternaHy begotten of the Father,
ever. Amen. God from God,
Ught from Ught,
ANnmON: Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over true God from true God,
us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, begotten, not made,
and asleep, rest in bis peace. (During Easter:Alleluia) one in Being with the Father.
Through him aH things were made;
Turn to the concluding prayer of the day. "\
For us men and for our salvatíon
142 PrayerBook Night prayers 143

he carne down from heaven: VARIABLE PARTS

All bow during the following three lines: OF COMPLINE
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he was bom of the Vrrgin Mary,
and becarne mano .. Sunday
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; HYMN
he suffered, died, and was buried.
We praise you, Father, for your gifts
On the third day he rose again
of dusk and nightfall over earth,
in fulfillment of the Scriptures;
foreshadowing the mystery
he ascended into heaven
of death that leads to endless day.
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory Within your hands we rest secure;
to judge the living and the dead, r. in quiet sleep our strength renew,
and his Kingdom will have no end. k yet give your people hearts that wake
\ " ~
in love to you, unsleeping wrd.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
the wrd, the giver of life, Your glory may we ever seek
who proceeds from the Father and the Son. in rest, as in activity,
With the Father and the Son until its fullness is revealed,
he is worshiped and glorified. O source of life, O Trinity.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic OlUrch. PsALMODY
We acknowledge one baptism
for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead, ~ OursIDE EAsrnR.: Night holds no terrors for me sleeping
and the life of the world to come. Amen. under God's wing.
DURING EAsrnR.: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
ANnPooN IN HONOR OF 1HE BlmsEo VIRGIN MARy (if pp 83ff)
PrayerBook Night prayers 145

Psalm 91 Upon you no evil shall fall ,

Safe in Gotls sheltering care no plague approach where you dwell.
For you has he commanded his angels
1 have given you the power to tread upon
to keep you in all your ways.
serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19)

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High They shall bear you upon their hands
and abides in the shade of the Almighty lest you strike your foot against a stone.
On the lion and viper you will tread
says to the Lord: "My refuge,
my stronghold, my God in whom 1trust!" and trample the young lion and the dragon.
Since he clings tO)De in love, 1 will free him',
It is he who will free you from the snare
of the fowler who seeks to destroy you; protect him for he knows my name.
he will conceal you with bis pinions When he calls 1 shall answer: "1 am with you."
and under bis wings you will find refuge. 1will save him in distress and give him glory.
With length of life 1 will content him'
You will not fear the terror of the night
1 shalllet him see my saving power. '
nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the plague that prowls in the darkness Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
nor the scourge that lays waste at noon. and to the Holy Spirit:
As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.
A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand fall at your right,
you, it will never approach;
bis faithfulness is buckler and sbield.
Your eyes have only to look OursIDE.EAsrnR: Night holds no terrors for me sleeping
to see how the wicked are rep~ under God's wing.
you who have said: "Lord, my refuge!"
and have made the Most High your dwelling. DuluNG EAsrnR.: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
111"'" cq

146 Prayer Book Night prayers


RFAoING Revelation 22:4-5 To you in adoration,

VI They sball see the Lord face to face and bear bis name in thankfulness and praise,
on theirforeheads. The night sball be no more. They will need in faith and hope and gladness,
no lightfromlaInp; orthe SlUl, forthe Lord God sball give them OUT loving hearts we raise.
light, and they sballreignforever. The gift you gave at daylight
Turn to the Resp0ns,0ry and the Gospel canticle. this night you take away,
to leave within OUT keeping
the blessings of this day.
VI Let us pray: Take all its joy ane! sorrow,
Lord, we have celebrated today the mystery of the take all that love can give,
rising ofChrist to new life. Maywe now restin yOUTpeace, but all that needs forgiveness,
safe from a1l that could harm us, and rise again refreshed dear Father, now forgive.
and joyful, to praise you throughout another day. We ask
this through Christ OUT Lord. With watchful eyes, O Shepherd,
look down upon yOUT sheep,
R! Amen. stretch forth your hands in healing
Turn to the blessing. and close OUT eyes in sleep.
Come down, O Holy Spirit,
Monday to be OUT loving Guest;
be near us, holy angels,
HYMN and guard us as we rest.
Nowat the daylight's ending We praise you, heav'nly Father: 'K,

we turn, O God, to you:

send forth 'your Holy Spirit,
our spirit now renew.
from you all light descends;
you give us heaven's glory
when life's brief daylight ends.

148 Prayer Book Night prayers 149

We praise you, Jesus, Savior, O Lord, you are good and forgiving,
the light of heav'n aboye; full of love to a1l who call.
we praise you, Holy Spirit, Give heed, O Lord, to my prayer
the living flame of love. and attend to the sound of my voice.
PSALMODY In the day of distress 1will call
and surely you will reply.
Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord;
nor work to compare with yours.
OursIDE EAsrnR: O Lord, our God, unwearied is your
love forus. AH the nations shaU come to adore you
and glorify your name, O Lord:
DuRlNG EAsrnR.: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
for you are great and do marvelous deeds,
you who alone are God.
Psalm 86 Show me, Lord, your way
Poor man's prayer in trouble
so that 1 may waIk in your truth.
Blest be God who comforts us in al! our Guide my heart to fear your name.
trials (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
1will praise you, Lord my God, with a1l my heart
Turn your ear, O Lord, and give answer and glorify your name for ever,
for 1 am poor and needy. for your love to me has been great:
Preserve my life, for 1 am faithful: you have saved me from the depths of the grave.
save the servant who trusts in you. The proud have risen against me;
ruthless men seek my life:

You are my God; have merey on me, Lord,
for 1 cry to you a1l the day long. to you they pay no heed.
Give joy to your servant, O Lord, But you, God of merey and compassion,
for to you 1 lift up my soul. slow to anger, O Lord,
Prayer Book Night prayers 151

abounding in love and truth, tbis through Christ our Lord.

tum and take pity on me.
RI Amen.
O give your strength to your servant Turn to the blessing.
and save your handmaid's son.
Show me a sigo of your favor
that my foes may see to their shame Thesday
that you console me and give me your help.
Glory to the Father... HYMN
Creator of the stars oí night,
your people's everlasting light,

Otrn;IDE EAsrnR:O Lord, our God, unwearied is your love Lord Jesus, Savior of us all,
for uso now hear your servants when they callo
DuruNG EAsrnR: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Our Father heard the helpless cry
of all creation doomed to die,
RFAoING 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 and saved our lost and guilty race
by healing gifts of heav'nIy grace.
VI God hasdestined us for acquiringsalvation through otn'
Lord Jesus Ouist He died forus, that all of us, whether awake When earth was near its evening hour,
or asleep, togethermight live with him. you did, in love 's redeeming power,
like bridegroom from bis chamber, come
Turn lo the Responsory and the Gospel cantic/e. forth from a maiden mother's womb.
CQNCLUDING PRAYER At your great name, exalted now,
all knees should bend, all heads should bow,
VI Let us pray:
Lord, give our bodies restful sleep and let the work
all things in heav'n and earth adore
and praise you, King forevermore.
we have done today bear fruit in etemallife. We ask
152 Prayer Book Night prayers 153

To you, O holy One, we pray, The enemy pursues my soul;

our judge in that tremendous day, he has crushed my life to the ground;
ward off, while yet we dwell below, he has made me dwell in darkness
the weapons of our crafty foe. like the dead, long forgotten.
Therefore my spirit fails;
To God the Father, God the Son,
my heart is numb within me.
and God the Spirit, three in one,
praise, honor, might, and glory be I remember the days that are past:
from age to age etemally. I ponder all your works.
I muse on what your hand has wrought
PSALMODY and to you I stretch out my hands.
Like a parched land
my soul thirsts for you.
,;1 OursIDE EAsrER: Do not bide your face from me; in you I
Lord, make haste and answer
put my trust.
for my spirit fails within me.
DuruNG EAsrER: AIÍ.eluia, alleluia, alleluia. Do not hide your face
lest I become like those in the grave.
PsaIm 143:1-11
In the moming let me know your love
Prayer in distress
for I put my trust in you.
Only by faith in Jesus Christ is a man made Make me know the way I should walk:
holy in God's sight. No observance of the
to you I lift up my soul.
law can achieve this (Galatians 2:16)
Rescue me, Lord, from my enemies;
Lord, listen to my prayer: I have fled to you for refuge.
turn your ear to my appeal. Teach me to do your will
You are faithful, you are just; give answer. for you, O Lord, are my God.
Do not call your servant to judgment Let your good spirit guide me
for no one is just in your sight. in ways that are level and smooth.
154 Prayer Book Night prayers 155

For your name's sake, Lord, save my life; Wednesday

in your justice save my soul from distress.
Glory to the Father...

The day you gave us, Lord, is ended,

ÜUTSIDE EAsrnR: Do not hide your face from me; in you 1 the darkness falls at your behest;
put my trust. to you our moming hyrnns ascended,
your praise shall sanctify our rest.
DuRING EAsmR: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
We thank you that. your Church, uns1eeping
while earth rolls onward into light,
READING - 1 Peter 5:8-9

VI Stay sober and alerto Your opponent the devil is

proWling like a roaring lion looking for someone to de-
I through all the world her watch is keeping,
and rests not now by day or night.
Across each continent and island
vour. Resist him, solid in your faith.
as dawn leads on another day,
Turn to the Responsory andthe Gospel cande/e. the voice of prayer is never silent,
nor dies the strain of praise away.
The sun that bids us rest is waking
VI Let us pray:
your friends beneath the westem sky,
Lord, fill this night with your radiance. May we sleep in and hour by hour fresh lips are making
peace and rise with joy to welcome the light of a new day in your wondrous doings heard on high.
your name. We ask this through Christ: our Lord.
So be it, Lord, your throne shall never,
R/ Amen. like earth's proud empires, pass away:
your Kingdom stands, and grows for ever,
Turn to the blessing.
till all your creatures own your sway.
156 PrayerBook Night prayers 157


ANT!PHON 1 ANnPHON 1: Lord God, be my refuge and my strength.

OursIDE EAsrnR: Lord God, be my refuge and my strength.


DuluNG EAs1ER: AIleluia, alleluia, alleluia ANnPHON 11: Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord.

Psalm31:1-6 Psalm 130

Trustful prayer in adversity A cry from the depths
F ather, into your hands He will save IÍis people from their sins
1 commend my spirit (Luke 23:46) (Matthew 1:21)

In you, O Lord, I take refuge. Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord,
Let me never be put to shame. Lord, hear my voice!
In your justice, set me free, O let your ears be attentive
hear me and speedily rescue me. to the voice of my pleading.
Be a rock of refuge for me,
a mighty stronghold to save me, If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt,
for you are my rock, my stronghold. Lord, who would survive?
For your name's sake, lead me and guide me. But with you is found forgiveness:
for this we revere you.
Release me from the snares they have bidden
for you are my refuge, Lord. My soul is waiting for the Lord,
Into your hands I cornmend my spirit. I count on ·bis word.
It is you who will redeem me, Lord. My soul is longing for the Lord
more than watchman for daybreak.
Glory to the Father...
158 Prayer Book Night prayers 159

Let the watehman count on daybreak us to render more faithful service to you who live and
and Israel on the Lord. reign for ever and ever.
Because with the Lord there is merey
R/ Amen.
and fullness of redemption,
Israel indeed he will redeem Turn to the blessing.
from all its iniquity.
Glory to the Father... Thursday

OursIDE EAsTER: Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord. Lord of all hopefulnéss, Lord of all joy,
l>vRING EAsTER: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.. whose trust, ever ehildlike, no cares could destroy,
be there at our waking, and give us, we pray,
REAnING Ephesians 4:26-27 your bliss in our hearts, Lord, at the break of the day.
VI If you are angry, let it be without sin. The sun Lord of all eagemess, Lord of all faith,
must not go down on your wrath; do not give the devil a whose strong hands were skilled at the plane and the lathe,
ehance to work on you. be there at our labors, and give us, we pray,
your strength in our hearts, Lord, at the noon of the day.
Turn to the Responsory and the Gospel canticle.
Lord of all kindliness, Lord of all grace,
CoNCLUDING PRAYER your hands swift to welcome, your arms to embrace,
be there at our homing, and give us, we pray,
VI Let us pray:
your love in OUT hearts, Lord, at the eve of the day.
Lord Jesus Christ, you have given your follow-
Lord of all gentleness, Lord of all ca1m,
ers an example of gentleness and humility, a task that is
whose voice is contentment, whose presence is balm,
easy, a burden that is light. Accept the prayers and
be there at OUT sleeping, and give us, we pray,
work of this day, and give us the rest that will strengthen
yOUT peace in OUT hearts, Lord, at the end of the day.
160 Prayer Book Night prayers 161

PSALMODY 1 keep the Lord ever in my sight:

since he is at my right hand, 1 shall stand firmo

And so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad;

ÜUISIDE EAsIFR: In you, myGod, my bOOywillrestin lqJe.
even my body shall rest in safety.
DuRiNa &siF.R: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia For you will not leave my soul among the dead,
nor let your beloved know decay.
Psalm 16
God is my portion, my inheritance You will show-me the path of life,
the fullness of joy in yOUT presence,
The Father raised upJesusfrom the dead at your right hand happiness for ever.
and broke the bonds 01 death (Acts 2:24)
Glory to the Father...
Preserve me, God, 1 take refuge in you.
1 say to the Lord: "You are my God.
My happiness lies in you alone." ÜUfsIDE EAsIFR: In you, my God, my body will rest in hopeo

He has put into my heart a marvelous love DuRiNa EAsmc Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
for the faithful ones who dwell in bis land.
Those who choose other gods increase their sorroWS.
REAoING 1 Thessalonians 5:23
Never will 1 offer their offerings of blood.
Never will 1 take their name upon my lips. VI May the God of peace make you perfect in ho-
O Lord, it is you who are my portion and cup; liness. May he preserve you whole and entire, spirit,
it is you yourself who are my prize. soul, and body, irreproachable at the coming of OUT Lord
The lot marked out for me is my delight: Jesus Christ.
welcome indeed the heritage that falls to me! Turn to the Responsory and the Gospel cantic/e.
1 will bless the Lord who gives me counsel,
who even at night directs my heart.
162 Prayer Book Night prayers 163

VI Let us pray:
Lord God, send peaceful sleep to refresh our tired lxxlies.
May your help a1ways renew us and keep us strong in your OursIDE EAsrnR: Day and night 1cry to you, my God.
service. We ask this through Orrist our Lord.
DuruNG EAsrnR: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
R/ Amen.

Turn to the blessing. Psalm 88
Prayer 01 a very sick person

This is your hour when darkness reigns

Friday '(Luke 22:53)

HYMN Lord my God, 1 call for help by day;

Abide with me, fast falls the eventide; 1 cry at night before you.
the darlrness deepens, Lord, with me abide; Let my prayer come into your presence.
when other helpers fall, and cornforts flee: O turn your ear to my cry.
help of the helpless, O abide with me! For my soul is filled with evils;
my life is on the brink of the grave.
Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day, 1 am reckoned as one in the tomb:
earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away; 1 have reached the end of my strength,
change and decay in all around 1 see:
O God, the changeless one, abide with me! like one alone among the dead,
like the slain lying in their graves,
Hold then your cross before my c10sing eyes, like those you remember no more,
shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies; cut off, as they are, from your hand.
heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee: You have laid me in the depths of the tomb,
in life, in death, O Lord, abide with me! in places that are dark, in the depths.
164 Prayer Book Night prayers 165

Your anger weighs down upon me: Friend and neighbor you have taken away:
1 am drowned beneath your waves. my one companion is darkness.
You have taken away my friends Glory to the Father...
and made me hateful in their sight.
Imprisoned, 1 cannot escape; ANT!PHON:

my eyes are sunken with grief. OursIDE EAsrnR: Day and night 1 cry to you, my God.
1 ca1l to you, Lord, all the day long, DrnuNG EAsrnR: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
to you 1 stretch out my hands.
Will you work your wonders for the dead? RFADING Jeremiah 14:9
Will the shades stand and praise you?
VI You are in our midst, O Lord, your name we
Will your love be told in the grave
bear: do not forsake us, O Lord, our God!
or your faithfulness among the dead?
Will your wonders be known in the dark Turn to the Responsory and the Gospel canticle.
or your justice in the land of oblivion?
As for me, Lord, 1 ca1l to you for help:
in the morning my prayer comes before yOU. VI Let us pray:
Lord, why do you reject me?
All-powerful God, keep us united with your Son
Why do you bide your face!
in bis death and burial so that we may rise to new
Wretched, close to death from my youth, life with him, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
1 have borne your trials; 1 am numb.
R/ Amen.
Your fury has swept down upon me;
your terrors have utterly destroyed me.
They surround me all the day like a flood,
Turn to the blessing.

they assail me all together.
166 Pruyer Book Night prayers 167

Saturday DuRING EAsIER: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Psalm 4
Sweet Savior, bless us ere we go, Thanksgiving
your word into our minds instill, The resurrection of Christ was God's
and make our lukewarm hearts to glow supreme and wholly marvelous work
with lowly love and fervent will. (Saint Augustine)
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
O gentle Jesus, be our light. When 1 call, answer me, O God of justice;
The day is done, its hours have ron, from anguish yoú released me;
and you have taken count of all, have merey and hear me!
the scanty triumphs grace has won,
the broken vow, the frequent fall. O men, how long will your hearts be closed,
Through life's long day and death's dark night, will you love what is futile
O gentle Jesus, be our light. and seek what is false?
It is the Lord who grants favors
For all we love-the poor, the sad, to those whom he loves;
the sinful--unto you we eall; the Lord hears me whenever 1 call him.
O let your merey make us glad;
you are our Jesus and our All. Fear him; do not sin:
Through life's long day and death's dark night, ponder on your bed and be still.
O gentle Jesus, be our light. Make justice your sacrifice and trust in the Lord.

PSALMODY "What can bring us happiness?" many sayo

Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord.
You have put into my heart a greater joy

OursIDE EAsrnR: Have merey, Lord, and hear my prayer. than they have from abundance
of com and new wine.
Night prayers 169
168 Prayer Book

I willlie down in peace and sleep comes at once
for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. OursIDE EAsrnR: In the silent hours of night, bless the Lord.
Glory to the Father... DuRING EAsrnR: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
REAotNG Deuteronomy 6:4-7
ANnPHON 1: Have merey, Lord, and hear my prayer.
VI Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord
alone! Therefore, you shalllove the Lord, your God,
ANnPHON 11: In the silent hours of night, bless the Lord. with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all
your strength. Také to heart these words which I en-
join on you today. Drill them into your children.
Psalm 134 Speak of them at home and abroad, whether you
Evening prayer in the temple are busy or at rest.
Praise our God, all you his servants, you who
fear him, small and great (Revelation 19:5) Turn to the Responsory and the Gospel canticle.

o come, bless the Lord, CoNCLUDING PRAYER

all you who serve the Lord,
who stand in the house of the Lord, . VI Let us pray:
in the courts of the house of our God.
Lord, be with us throughout this nigbt. When day
Lift up your hands to the holy place romes may we rise from sleep to rejoice in the resmrection •
and bless the Lord through the night. of your Onist, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
May the Lord bless you from Zion,
he who made both heaven and earth. RI Amen. •
Glory to the Father... Turn to the blessing.
170 Prayer Book On going to bed 171

XIX. Night visit 10 the Bl~ VIrgin Mary XX. 00 goiog to bed

A good son who lives with his nwther always says good / n your cubicle or room pray the "Miserere" with sen-
night to her before going to bed. /n the same way, Legion- timents of contrition and utter trust in the power and grace
aries should take leave of Mary at night, with sentiments of of God our F ather.
gratitude, trust, andfilial affection. Entrust to her nwtherly
Recollect your soul in God's presence, try to enter into
care the results of your day, your own needs, the needs of
a filial conver:sation with him, avoid interior dissipation,
the Church, of the Legion, and of those who fight at your
and waste no time getting to bed. (P&N nos 2/5 & 2/6)
sitie, as well as your night's rest. Don't forget to ask her
each day to obtain for you from God the grace to be faithful
to his holy will, and the grace of final perseverance for Psalm51
yourself and for all your brothers in the Legion. (P &N no
Have merey on me, God, in your goodness;
Before going to bed, paya good-night visit to the in your abundant compassion blot out my offense.
Blessed Virgin. During the visit you may say this prayer:
Wash away aH my guilt;
from my sin c1eanse me.
For 1 know my offense;
Mary, my Queen and Mother, 1 offer myself en- my sin is always before me.
Against you alone have 1 sinned;
tirely to you. To show you my affeetion, 1 eonse-
1 have done sueh evil in your sight
crate to you, tonight, my eyes, my ears, my tongue, my
heart-in a word: my entire being. Since 1 am utter1y that you are just in your sentence,
yours, Mother Mary, in your kindness keep and defend blameless when you condemn.
me as your very OWD. True, 1 was bom guilty,
a sinner, even as my mother conceived me.
- Mary, by your immaeulate eoneeption,
Still, you insist on sincerity ofheart;
- purify my heart and make me holy. (Three times) in my inmost being teaeh me wisdom.

~ ............ ------------~
172 Prayer Book On going to bed 173

Cleanse me with hyssop, that 1 may be pure; bumt offerings and holocausts;
wash me, make me whiter than snow. then bullocks will be offered on your altar.
Let me hear sounds of joy and gladness;
let the bones you have crushed rejoice. PRAYER

Thm away your face from my sins;

blot out all my guilt. Visit this house, we beg you, Lord, and banish
A c1ean heart create for me, God; from it the deadly power of the evil one. May your
renew in me a steadfast spirit. holy angels dwell here to keep us in peace, and may
your blessing be a1ways upon uso We ask this through
Do not drive me from your presence, Christ our Lord. .Amen.
nor take from me your holy spirit.
Restore my joy in your salvation;
sustain in me a willing spirit. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
1 give you my heart and my soul.
1 will teach the wicked your ways,
that sinners may return to you. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Rescue me from death, God, my saving God, assist me in the hour of my death.
that my tongue may praise your healing power.
Lord, open my lips; Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
my mouth will proclaim your praise. ,} 11'
when 1 die and rest in peace be there lo meet me.
For you do not desire sacrifice;
a bumt offering you would not accept.
My sacrifice, God, is a broken spirit;
C' !F",
God, do not spum a broken, humbled heart.
Make Zion prosper in your good pleasure;
rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Then you will be pleased with proper sacrifice,
Prayer Book Appendix 181

Hear me! will be loved more than 1,
Jesus, meek and humb1e of heart!
Lord Jesus, make this rny prayer!
FROM THE DESlRE OF BEING: will be esteemed more than 1,
will increase in the opinion of the world
esteemed, Lord Jesus, free me!
while I diminish,
loved, will be chosen while I am set asid e,
acclaimed, will be praised while I am overlooked,
honored, will be preferred to me in everything.
preferred, Let us pray:
approved, Lord Jesus, though you were God, you humbled
valued, yourself to the extreme of dying on a cross, to set an
endurlng example to the shame of my arrogance and
FROM THE FEAR OF BEING: vanity. Help me to leam your example and put it
Lord Jesus, free me! into practice so that, by humbling myself in accor-
dance with my lowliness here on earth, you can lift
me up to rejoice in you forever in heaven. Amen.
forgotten, Lord Jesus Christ, only joy and consolation of my
ridiculed, heart, you are the absolute owner of my entire being. I
wronged, belong to you in a special way due to the consecration
suspected, I have made to you of myself and of all that belongs to me.
Banish from my soul whatever could cause you any sor-
From resenting that my opinion is not followed.
row. Keep me always in your sight, and grant me through
maker of heaven and earth, Night Prayers
of all that is seen and unseen.
(Invariable Parts)
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
When there is no exposition of the Blessed Sacramento the prayers for the
the only Son of God,
beginning ofacts in the presenee of the Blessed Saerament are said before the
etemally begotten of the Father,
introductory verse of Compline. (efp 106)
God from God,
Light from Light,
When there is exposition of the Blessed Sacramento night prayers begin. al-
true God from true God,
ter the hymn. with the introductory verse from Compline.
begotten, not made,
one in Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he carne down from heaven: VI God, come to myassistance.

All bow during the following three lines: RI Lord, make haste to help me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
by the power of the Holy Spirit Alleluia. (Omit the Alleluia during Lent)
he was bom of the Virgin Mary,
and becarne mano CONSCIENCE EXAMEN

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; PETITION FOR LIGHT
he suffered, died, and was buried.
On the third day he rose again VI My Lord and my God,
in fulfillment of the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven RI you are sheer goodness and infinite merey. I thank you with all my heart
and is seated at the right hand of the Father. for the countless gifts you have given me, especially for creating and redeem-
He will come again in glory ing me, for calling me to the Catholic faith and the priesthood, for freeing me
to judge the living and the dead, from so many dangers of soul and body, and for all the special favors you have
and his Kingdom will have no end. granted me today. Lord, in your goodness enlighten my mind so 1 can know my
faults, and give me the grace to be truly sorry and sincerely mend my ways.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life, You may use the questionnaires for the examen. (cfpp 52.fJ)
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son After the examen:
he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets. Acr OF CONTRITION
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism VI Father,
for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead, RI with all my heart 1 regret offending you. 1 arn sorry for insulting your
and the life of the world to come. Amen. infinite kindness with my ungrateful behavior. Forgive me, Lord; take pity on
me. By the power of your merey, overcome my sinfulness in what 1 have thought
ANnPHON IN HONOR OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (cfpp 83.fJ) and said, done and left undone. Give me the grace to sincerely mend my ways.
1 firrnly intend never to offend you again. Father, strengthen my weak will.
With your graee help me to love and serve you, and beeome more fully the ANnPHON: Proteet us, Lord, as we stay awake; wateh over us as we sleep, that
image ofyour Son Jesus Christ. Amen. awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peaee. (During
Easter: Alleluia)
VI May almighty God have merey on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to
everlasting life. ,
',',' Nune Dimittis Luke 2:29-32

RI Amen. Christ is the light 01 the nations and the glory 01 Israel.

1Urn to the hymn, psalmody, and reading 01 the day. Lord, now you let your servant go in peaee;
your word has been fulfilled:
my own eyes have seen the salvation
Outside Easter whieh you have prepared in the sight of every people:

VI Into your hands, Lord, I eornmend my spirit. a light to reveal you to the nations
and the glory of your people Israel.
RI Into your hands, Lord, I eornmend my spirit.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
VlYou have redeemed us, Lord God oftruth. Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
RI I eornmend my spirit.
ANr¡PHON: Proteet us, Lord, as we stay awake; wateh over us as we sleep, that

VI Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peaee. (During
Easter: Alleluia)
RI Into your hands, Lord, I eornmend rny spirit.
Turn to the concluding prayer 01 the day.

During Easter BLESSING

VI Into your hands, Lord, I eornmend my spirit, alleluia, alleluia. VI May the all-powerful Lord grant us a restful night and a peaeeful death.

RI Into your hands, Lord, I eornmend my spirit, alleluia, alleluia. RlAmen.

VI You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth. Prepare the meditation points.

RI Alleluia, alleluia. Benedietion, ifthe Blessed Saerament has been exposed.

VI Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Standing, pray the Creed aloud and sing the antiphon of the Blessed Virgin
RI Into your hands, Lord, I eornmend my spirit, alleluia, alleluia.

GOSPEL CANTICLE ;1 We believe in one God,

the Father, the Almighty,
, <.}

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