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Cyclone Wang Thesis in Paper

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The air flow pattern in a cyclone rotational field is rather complex.

Analysis of Cyclone Pressure Drop It can be characterized by three velocity components such as
by tangential velocity, axial velocity and radial velocity. Ter Linden
Lingjuan Wang, Graduate Research Assistant (1949) first measured the details of the flow field in a cyclone and
Calvin B. Parnell, Jr Ph.D., P. E., Regent Professor described the air flow tangential velocity distribution and the
Bryan W. Shaw, Ph.D., Assistant Professor pressure distribution in a cyclone as given by the Figure 2.
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Texas A&M University After the air stream enters the cyclone, it will spiral downward
College Station, Texas because of centrifugal and frictional forces. In the outer vortex, the
total air flow velocity consists of tangential velocity, radial
Abstract velocity and axial velocity. The tangential velocity is the dominant
velocity component. It also determines the centrifugal force
A new method to analysis cyclone pressure drop is reported. The applied to the air stream. The tangential velocity can be described
frictional pressure loss is the primary pressure loss in a cyclone. as follows:
The air stream travel distance is a function of cyclone diameter.
The frictional pressure loss is independent of a cyclone diameter,
therefore cyclone total pressure loss is independent of cyclone V *r =C (1)

Introduction where:
Vt = tangential velocity,
Cyclone separators use centrifugal force to separate suspended r = rotational radius,
particulate matter from the air stream. A cyclone consists of a n = flow pattern factor,
cylindrical upper body with a conical lower section and a smaller n = 0.5~0.8 (in outer vortex)
center cylinder that extends from the top to just below the entrance n = 0 at the boundary of inner vortex and outer
through which the relatively clean air is discharged (Figure 1.). vortex
The dust-laden air stream enters tangentially at the top of the barrel n = -1 in inner vortex
portion of the cyclone and travels downward into the cone portion C = constant. (guangda Ma,1983)
of the cyclone forming an outer vortex. The increasing air velocity The tangential velocity increases with the decreasing of the
in the outer vortex results in an increased centrifugal force on the rotational radius in the outer vortex. It increases to the maximum at
particles separating them from the air stream. When the air reaches the boundary of the outer vortex and inner vortex. In the inner
the bottom of the cone, an inner vortex is created reversing the air vortex the tangential velocity decreases as the rotational radius
stream direction in the center of the cone. The air stream leaves the decrease. In the inner vortex, the relationship of the tangential
cyclone through the center cylinder at the top of the cyclone while velocity and the rotational radius can be modeled by the following
the particulate falls into the dust collection hopper attached to the equation:
bottom of the cyclone.
The operation of a cyclone is relatively simple but not completely t
=ω =C
understood. Extensive work has been completed to determine how (2)
the cyclone dimensions and its operating conditions affect its
performance. However, the engineering data associated with air
and particle flow patterns in the cyclone are difficult to accurately
measure. The current cyclone design theory is based partly on
Vt = tangential velocity,
theoretical analysis and partly on empirical models. The goal of
ω = angular velocity,
this work is to develop a sound science description of the operation
C = constant.
of a cyclone that can be used to facilitate engineering design with a
minimum of empirical data.
The pressure distribution in a cyclone varies with different cyclone
designs. The rotation of the air-flow establishes a pressure field.
The three parameters used to evaluate the cyclone performance are
The highest pressure is located at the wall of the cyclone. The
emission concentrations, collection efficiency as a function of
pressure decreases with the reduction of the rotational radius
particle size and energy consumption (pressure drop) as a function
because of the increasing tangential velocity. In the radial
of inlet velocity. Cyclone pressure drop associated with the
direction, there is a significant pressure drop caused by the change
operation of the cyclone is a major factor to be considered in the
of the tangential velocity, since the increasing of the tangential
design of a cyclone collection system. Many models have been
velocity causes a large radial acceleration. This pressure change in
developed to determine drop such as Shepherd and Lapple
the radial direction can be expressed by the following equation:
equation (1939), Stairmand equation (1949, 1951), First equation
(1950) and Stern equation (1977). However, the equations are
either empirical models or involve variables and dimensionless 2
dP Vt
parameters not easily accounted for in practical applications. It is =ρ* (3)
known that cyclone pressure drop is dependent on the cyclone dr r
design and its operating parameters such as inlet velocity. The where:
empirical models cannot be used for all the cyclone designs as new dP = change of the pressure,
cyclone technology and new cyclone designs are developed. dr = change of the rotation radius,
Further theoretical research is needed to scientifically evaluate the Vt = tangential velocity,
cyclone performance including predicting cyclone pressure drop. R = rotational radius, and
ρ = air density.
Cyclone Theory
The solution of the equation 3 is:

P = ρ * Vt * ln (r) + C (4) VPsi= air stream inlet velocity pressure in the
imaginary spiral tube.
This solution gives the pressure distribution in the cyclone flow
field. The imaginary spiral tube diameter can be approximated by the
following equation:
Analysis of the Cyclone Pressure Drop  Dc − De 
Ds =   (7)
The cyclone pressure drop is a function of the cyclone dimensions  2 
and its operating conditions. Shepherd and Lapple (1939, 1940) where:
determined the optimum dimensions of cyclones based on the body Ds = the imaginary spiral tube diameter,
diameter. Such general relationships have allowed for a simplified Dc = cyclone barrel diameter, and
analysis. The definition of the cyclone dimensions is shown in the De = cyclone outlet tube diameter.
Figure 3.
The pressure drop over a cyclone is caused by the area changes, The travel distance (L) consists of the travel distance in the zone Z1
the wall friction, change of the flow direction and the dissipation in (L1) plus the travel distance in the zone Z2 (L2).
the vortex finder (outlet tube). Because of these effects, the
cyclone pressure drop is mainly composed of the following parts: Travel distance in the barrel portion (zone Z1) --- L1

The air-flow in the zone Z1 only has two velocity components:

(1) ∆P1 --- the entry pressure loss in the tangential inlet duct. tangential velocity (Vt) and the axial velocity (Vz) (see Figure 3.).
(2) ∆P2 --- the frictional loss along the total spiral travel distance in The tangential velocity and axial velocity in this zone are constant.
the outer vortex, caused by the wall friction. As a result, the travel distance in this zone can be determined by
the following equation:
(3) ∆P3 --- the pressure loss caused the change of the air flow
direction from the outer vortex to the inner vortex v v
(approximately “U” turn). L1 = ∫0t1 Vt1 + Vz1 dt

(4) ∆P4 --- the entry pressure loss from the point that air enters the
2 2 dz
inner vortex to the point that air leaves the outlet tube. = ∫0z1 Vt1 + Vz1 (8)
To determine this part of pressure loss, an assumption
is made that the inner vortex forms an imaginary solid
cylinder whose outer surface is the boundary between where:
the inner vortex and the outer vortex. This cylinder L1 = travel distance in the zone Z1,
starts at the point that air enters the inner vortex and t1 = travel time in the zone Z1,
ends at the bottom of the outlet tube. The diameter of Z1 = the total height of the zone Z1,
this inner vortex cylinder is 0.6 times the outlet tube Vt1 = tangential velocity in the zone Z1 (Vt1 = Vi),
diameter (Ter Linden, 1949, Guangda Ma, 1983). and
Vz1 = axial velocity in the zone Z1.
Entry Pressure Loss in the Tangential Inlet Duct (∆P1)
Because the air flow rate (Q) in a cyclone is constant, the axial
In this part, the pressure loss is caused by the inlet duct area velocity can be calculated by the following equation:
changes. It can be determined as follows:
Vz1 = (for De=Dc/2 design)
∆P1 = C * VPi (5)

where: 32Vi
∆P1 = dynamic pressure loss in the inlet duct, = (for De=Dc/1.6 design) (9)
C = dynamic loss constant, and 39π
VPi= cyclone inlet velocity pressure
The equations (8) and (9) can be used to calculate L1 as follows:
Frictional Pressure Loss (∆P2)

This part of pressure loss is the pressure loss in the cyclone outer 2
vortex caused by the friction of the gas/surface wall. In the outer 3 * π * Z1 2
L1 = * 1+  (for De=Dc/2 design)
vortex, air stream flows in a downward spiral through the cyclone.
It may be considered as the air stream travels in a imaginary spiral 2  3π 
tube with diameter Ds and length L (the air stream travel distance
in the outer vortex). It can be determined as follows: 2
39 * π * Z1  32 
L = * 1+   (for De=Dc/1.6 design) (10)
∆P2 = f * * VPsi (6) 32  39π 
Travel distance in the cone portion (zone Z2) --- L2
∆P2 = the frictional pressure loss, In the zone Z2, the total velocity consists of three components (Vt ,
f = friction factor, dimensionless , Vz , Vr) (see Figure 3). The travel distance in this zone is
L = total travel distance, calculated based on those three velocity components.
Ds = the imaginary spiral tube diameter, and

v v v where:
L2 = ∫0t 2 Vt 2 + Vz 2 + Vr 2 dt L2 = travel distance in the zone Z2,
a = mathematical calculation factor for integration,
2 2
2 2 2 dz Vt Vi
= ∫0z 2 Vt + Vz + Vr a= =
Vz 2 2
1 + tg θ 1 + tg θ
(11) s = integrating transformation,
L2 = travel distance in the zone Z2,
t2 = travel time in the zone Z2, 2
Z2 = the total height of the zone Z2, 2 2 1  22 * Z + 2 * Z 2 
Vt = tangential velocity in the zone Z2, s= a + Vz = Vi
2  3 * π * Z 
Vz = axial velocity in the zone Z2, and 1 + tg θ  2 
Vr = radial velocity.

In the zone Z2, there is an axial acceleration caused by the change The total travel distance L is as:
of the rotational radius (see Figures 3&4). The axial velocity at I-I
cross section (Vz1) is determined by the equation 9 and Vz2 can be
determined by the equation 12: 2
3 2
L= * π * Z1 * 1 +   +
Vz 2 =
8 * Vi
(for DII = Dc/4 design),
2  3π 
2 * Vi
3 * π * Z2 s 1 a + s  2
= (for DII= Dc/2 design) (12)  a − 2 ln a − s . (17)
22   z =0
The following equation can be used to determine the axial velocity The Pressure Loss Caused by the Change of the Flow Direction
as the Z cross section:
Vz 2 − Vz1 When the air stream travels to the bottom of the cyclone, the inner
Vz = * Z + Vz1 (13)
vortex reverses the flow direction. The directional change is
approximately 180o. The pressure loss caused by this change may
where: be considered as two 90o-elbow losses. However, the air travels to
Vz = the axial velocity at Z cross section, the bottom of the cyclone as a spiral and then reverses the direction
Vz1 = the axial velocity at I-I cross section, in the inner vortex. The directional change is not as sharp as the
Vz2 = the axial velocity at II-II cross section, flow in the 90- degree elbow, therefore, the fitting loss factor
Z2 = the total height of the cone portion, and should be smaller than that used to calculate the 90-degree elbow
Z = the high distance from I-I cross section to Z cross section. pipe.
∆P3 = 2 * ∆P90 = 2 * K90 * VPII (18)
The radial velocity Vr is determined by the Vz (see Figure 5)
v r ∆P3 = pressure loss caused by directional change,
Vr = tgθ * Vz (14) K90 = fitting loss factor, dimensionless, and
where: VPII = axial velocity pressure at the bottom of the cyclone.
Vr = the radial velocity at Z cross section,
Vz = the axial velocity at Z cross section, and
θ = cyclone cone angle. Entry Pressure Loss at the Inner Vortex Entrance (∆P4)

The assumption has been made that the rotation of the inner vortex
 Dc − D II  forms a imaginary solid cylinder which starts at the bottom of the
tgθ =   / Z2 cyclone and ends at the bottom of the outlet tube. The pressure loss
 2  from the entrance of the imaginary cylinder through the outlet tube
can be considered as entry loss (see Figure 6).
∆P4 = C * VPII (19)
3 Dc
= (for DII = Dc/4 design) (15) where:
8Z 2 ∆P4 = entry pressure loss at the entrance of the inner vortex,
C = dynamic loss constant, and
The travel distance L2 in the zone Z2 can be calculated by VPII = axial velocity pressure at the bottom of the cyclone.
combining equations (11) through (15).

Sample Pressure Drop Calculation and Discussions

3 * π * Z2 s 1 a + s  2 1D3D @ Vi = 3200 fpm:
L2 =
 a − 2 ln a − s . (16)
22   z =0

Assume: standard air ρ = 0.075 lb/ft3, VPi = (Vi/4005)2 = 0.638 in • In the 2D2D barrel portion, the travel distance (L1) is 9.63Dc.
H2O The number of turns in this portion is three. Six turns were
(1) ∆P1 = C* VPi =1* 0.638 = 0.638 in H2O observed in the 2D2D. Therefore, there are three turns in the
(2) ∆P2 : For 1D3D: tg θ =1/8, a=0.99Vi , Sz=0 =Vi , Sz=Z2 cone portion of a 2D2D cyclone.
=2.73Vi L 13.08 Dc
L = L1 + L2 = 4.82Dc + 5.14 Dc = 9.96Dc • For 2D2D design, = = 52.32 (22)
Ds = Dc/4 Ds Dc
Vsi * (π*Ds2/4) = Vi * (Dc2/8)
Vsi = (8/π) ∗ Vi = 8153 fpm 4
VPsi = (8153/4005)2 = 4.14 in H2O The frictional pressure drop is independent of the cyclone
∆P2 = f * (L/Ds) * VPsi = 3.3 in H2O diameter. As was the case with the 1D3D cyclone, the entry
pressure drop is also independent of the cyclone diameter. Again,
∆P1 + ∆P2 = 0.638+3.3 = 3.938 inch H2O the total 2D2D cyclone pressure-drop should be constant
regardless of the cyclone size.
The previous research (Askew, 1993) suggested that 1D3D
cyclone pressure drop at design velocity was approximately 4.5 Problem
inch H2O. The above sample calculation indicates that cyclone
entry pressure loss (∆P1) and frictional loss in the outer vortex There is a problem in the process used to calculate the cyclone
(∆P2) are the major pressure losses for 1D3D cyclone. frictional pressure drop addressed in this paper. (L/Ds) is used to
obtain the major pressure loss in a cyclone. Here, L is the flow
The following observations are made: travel distance in the outer vortex, and it is also the length of the
• In the 1D3D barrel portion, the travel distance (L1) is 4.82Dc. imaginary spiral tube. Ds is the imaginary spiral tube diameter. It is
The number of turns in this portion can be approximated by treated as a constant. As a matter of fact, Ds is not constant. It
the following equation: varies with the rotational radius. The smaller the diameter, the
higher the pressure drop. Thus, errors were introduced by using a
constant stream flow diameter. For this reason the calculated
L1 4.82 Dc pressure drop for the 1D2D design is larger than that for the 1D3D
N = = = 1.53 (20) in the given example. To reduce this error, the stream diameter will
π * Dc π * Dc varied in future research.

According to the previous research (Parnell, 1996), there are Summary

approximately six turns in the 1D3D. If there are 1.5 turns in the
barrel portion, therefore there are approximately 4.5 turns in the Cyclone frictional pressure loss is the major pressure loss in a
cone portion. cyclone. A new assumption has been made to calculate this
pressure loss. Air flow in the outer vortex is considered as
L 9.96 Dc traveling in a downward spiral tube. The travel distance was
• = = 39.84 (21) calculated based on the three velocity components. The travel
Ds Dc distance is the length of the imaginary spiral tube. The diameter of
the imaginary spiral tube is a function of the cyclone diameter and
4 the diameter of the cyclone outlet tube. The length of the stream
tube divided by its diameter is a constant for a certain cyclone
Equations (6) and (21) demonstrate that the frictional pressure drop design. The cyclone pressure drop is independent of the cyclone
is independent of the cyclone diameter. The cyclone entry pressure size (diameter).
drop is also independent of the cyclone diameter. Therefore, the
total 1D3D cyclone pressure-drop should be constant regardless of
the cyclone size. References

2D2D @ Vi = 3000 fpm: Askew, J. Wilson. 1993. Predicting cyclone emissions with a new
computer model. M.S. Thesis. Department of Agricultural
Assume: standard air ρ = 0.075 lb/ft3, VPi = (Vi/4005)2 = 0.561 in Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
(3) ∆P1 = C* VPi =1* 0.561 = 0.561 in H2O Cooper, C.C. and G.C. Alley. 1994. Air pollution control: A design
approach. Illinois: Waveland Press Inc.

(4) ∆P2 : For 1D3D: tg θ =3/16, a=0.983Vi , Sz=0 =Vi , Sz=Z2 First, M. W. 1950. Fundamental factors in the design of cyclone
=2.73Vi dust collectors. Doctoral Thesis. Harvard University. Cambridge,
L = L1 + L2 = 9.63Dc + 3.45 Dc = 13.08Dc MA.
Ds = Dc/4
Ma, Guangda. 1983. Air pollution control engineering. China
Vsi * (π*Ds2/4) = Vi * (Dc2/8)
Environmental Science Press.
Vsi = (8/π) ∗ Vi =7639 fpm
VPsi = (7639/4005)2 = 3.64 in H2O Parnell, C.B. Jr. 1996. Cyclone design for air pollution abatement
∆P2 = f * (L/Ds) * VPsi = 3.8 in H2O associated with agricultural operations. In Proceeding of the 1993
Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 1561-1568. Nation Cotton Council,
∆P1 + ∆P2 = 0.561+ 3.8 = 4.371 inch H2O Memphis, Tenn.

The cyclone entry pressure loss (∆P1) and air flow frictional loss in Shepherd, C.B. and C. E. Lapple . 1939. Flow pattern and pressure
the outer vortex (∆P2) are the major pressure losses for 2D2D drop in cyclone dust collectors. Industrial and Engineering
cyclone. Chemistry 31(8): 972-984.

Similar observations are made for the 2D2D cyclone.

Stairmand, C. J. 1949. Pressure drops in cyclone separators.
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 16(B): 409-411.
Stairmand, C. J. 1951. The design and performance of cyclone
separators. Transactions of Chemical Engineers 29(1): 356-373.
Stern, A.C. 1977. Air pollution: engineering control of air
pollution. Third Edition. Academic Press, New York. Figure 3. Cyclone dimensions and the velocity distributions
Ter Linden, A.J. Tonind-Zeitung Keram. Rundschau 77 (1953),
Nr. 3/4, pp.49-55.

Cleaned Gas Out

Outlet Tube

Tangential Inlet Duct

Barrel Portion

Dusty Gas In
Outer Vortex
V z1

Inner Vortex
Cone Portion Vz


V z2

Dust Out D II

Figure 1. Schematic flow diagram of a cyclone

Figure 4. Axial velocity change zone
A xial Directio n


Vt Vz

Radial Direction
T otal Pressur e
Figure 5. The radial velocity in the Z2 zone

Press ure 0

O uter V or tex an d inner

0.6D e V ortex B oun dary Face

Figure 2. The tangential velocity and pressure distribution in a


De tube
W Z (axial)
R (radial)
Dc T (tangential)
(1) Velocities in the outer vortex
Of Z1 Portion
Radial Direction

D0 Vt
Imaginary cylinder

(2) Velocities in the outer vortex

Of Z2 Portion
Axial Direction Vt Vr

Figure 6. The imaginary inner vortex cylinder

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