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Fall 2019

Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village – Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia

Hatan A. Alshammaa

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Alshammaa, Hatan A., "Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village – Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia" (2019). Thesis.
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Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village – Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia


Hatan A. Alshammaa

Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of

Master of Architecture

Department of Architecture

Golisano Institute for Sustainability

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester, New York

Fall 2019

“Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village – Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia”

By Hatan A. Alshammaa


Nana Yaw Andoh, Assoc. AIA, CNU Date


Department of Architecture, RIT

Thesis Chair


Dennis Andrejko, FAIA Date

Head Department of Architecture, RIT

Thesis Advisor

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I would first express how grateful I am for having the opportunity to complete my graduate

studies abroad. I’m happy to have the chance of being a student at Rochester Institute of

Technology, in specific, who gained the valuable knowledge through the Master of Architecture

program. From this point, I would like to thank the whole the faculty members who were a major

part of my learning. A special thanks for my thesis advisor Nana Andoh who spend the time with

me to help and guide me throughout my thesis. Also, thanks to the Department Head Dennis

Andrejko and Alissa Paul who stopped by several times and direct me to stay on the right track.

Thanks for both Julius Chiavaroli and Giovanna Potesta for being generous professors seeking for

helping their students every time. Thanks to Donna Podeszek for all the support she gave.

It is never enough to thank my parents for all of their support and being proud. Many thanks

for my wife Heba Bin Seddeq for being always there for me and for sharing the same experience

with me of being a parent and an architectural student. Thanks for my little man Hashim for being

in my life and handle my absence some time while I focus in my schooling.

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The city of Al-Ula in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a historic city that considered as a
supplier of natural and cultural heritage that allows the city to be a unique tourist destination that
distinguished with a specific type of nature that attracts tourists to enjoy the natural desert
mountainous landscape. However, Al-Ula city lacks accommodation and entertainment to
encourage tourists to come according to MAS (Tourism Information and Research Center for the
tourist investment in al-Ula city).

This design thesis will support the development of tourism by designing a sustainable
tourism heritage village that matches the existing environment since the proposed design
accommodate the 2030 vision of Saudi Arabia which is the plan to reduce Saudi Arabia's
dependence on oil, diversify its economy, and develop public service sectors such as health,
education, infrastructure, entertainment and tourism that includes the promotion of economic and
investment activities. The importance of the project lies in the link between the urban heritage of
the city culturally, economically, and emotionally with citizens and linking generations with their
history to draw inspiration from the values represented by this heritage and share with tourists and
interested in heritage.

The proposed sustainable tourism heritage village enhances sustainability within several
aspects for major environmental benefits; also, it breaks down the climate barrier that prevents
tourists to come. The first sustainable aspect is passive ventilation which is activated by cooling
towers as the main source for cooling. In addition, the Vernacular Architecture with the use of
adobe clay material will help to handle the hot weather. Vernacular Architecture includes also
Mashrbiya1 that will be another factor that aids with passive ventilation. These aspects help to
make the heat tolerable to visitors. Another function of Mashrabiya is allowing the daylighting to
enter during the day which adds more sustainable benefits. Furthermore, water management
systems are added to the project which rely on both ground and gray water.

Keywords: kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Heritage Tourist village, Passive Ventilation, Cooling

1 Mashrabiyais a spiritual, decorative, and functional architectural element that merges the form and function of the Islamic
window screen.

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COMMITTEE APPROVAL…………………………………………………………………….2



ABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………………………............5

1. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………….……………………………....8

2. LITERATURE REIVEW....………………………….…….……………………….….12

3. BACKGROUND | AL-ULA…………………………………………………….……...15

A. Geographical Location……………………………………………………………….....15

B. Geology of Al-Ula………………………………………………………………………16

C. Climate……………………………..……………………...…………..………………..17

i. Temperature………………………………………………………….………......17

ii. Clouds…………………………………………………………………….……...18

iii. Rainfall…………………………………………………………………..…….....19

iv. Sun…………………………………………………………………………….....19

v. Humidity…………………………………………………………………….…...20

vi. Wind………………………………………………………………………….......20

D. Transportation……………...……………………………………………………..….....22

E. Accommodation Services…………………………………………...………………......23

F. Catering Services……………………………………..……………………....................24

G. Commercial Markets…………………………………………………...….................…24

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4. PRECEDENT STUDIES…………….……………………………………………........25

A. Graduation Project (Heritage Tourist Village Concerned with Traditional Crafts) …......25

B. Heritage Culture Urban Village………………………………………….………….......28

C. Caesarea Market…………………………………………...…………..………..............31

5. SAUDI BUILDING CODE………….……………………………………………..…...35

6. MUNICIPAL RGULATIONS………………………………………………….……...41

7. PROGRAMMING……………………………….………………………………..…....44

A. Selecting Project Elements Processes……………………………………….…………..45

B. Final Survey and Functional Schedule…………………………………………......…....48

8. PROPOSED PROJECT……………………………….…………………………..…...49

A. Location…………………………………………………………...………………….....49

B. Site Analysis………………………….………………………………………...…….....50

i. Sun Path and Wind Direction…………………………………………..…..….....50

ii. Accessibility to Site…………………………………………………………........50

iii. The features of the Region (Surroundings)……………………………...……….51

C. Architectural Drawings…………………………………….………………………........55

i. Sketches for Design Process…………………………………………..…….........55

ii. Master Plan………………………………………………………………..……...57

iii. Site Plan………………………………………………………………….……....60

iv. Floor Plans………………………………………………………………….…....61

v. Sections…………………………………………………………………….…....66

vi. Elevations…………………………………………………………………...........67

vii. Rendered Perspectives………………………………………………….……......67

Page | 6
9. SUSTAINABLE FACTORS……………………………………………..…………….73

A. First Sustainable Factor……………………………………...…………...……...…...….73

i. Passive ventilation (Cooling Towers)………………………………….…………73

B. Second Sustainable Factor ………..………………...………………………………….79

i. Vernacular Architecture………………………………….………………............79

1) Mashrabiya…………………………………...……….………………............79

2) Adobe Clay Brick………………………………………….………….……....85

C. Third Sustainable Factor ……………………………………….………………………86

i. Water Management…………………………………………………….……...…86

1) Gray Water Systems………………………………...…………...…………....86

2) Ground Water……………………………………………...…………….……90

10. CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………....91

11. LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………...………….…………….92

12. LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………....……...…95

13. BIBLIOGRAPHY…...……………………………………………………….…………96

Page | 7

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is located at the crossroads connecting the continents of Asia,

Africa, and Europe. Its area is expanding around 2.24 million km2, which is approximately four-

fifths of the Arabian Peninsula’s area2. Saudi Arabia is known for the subtropical climate.

Temperatures are subject to considerable diurnal and seasonal fluctuations. In winter, the weather

is usually considered cool to warm with uncommon frost at night. It is rarely snowing in the

northern areas and at high altitudes. Summers tend to be very hot with temperatures above 40oCand

sometimes exceeding 50oC. Humidity is generally low during summers, ranging between 15%

and 65% with almost dry air in the interior; and exceeding 70% along the coasts during winter

nights2. It is important to identify the climate since it is helpful for the architect in the pre-design

phase. Saudi Arabia’s climate could be a constraint especially in designing a touristic project.

% Oil revenues %non - Oil revenues

















2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 2030

Figure 1. Vision 2030 of Saudi Arabia (Image By Ikrami Abdullah- Edited By Author)

This thesis aims to support the development of tourism by designing a sustainable tourism

heritage village that accommodates the 2030 vision of Saudi Arabia. The 2030 vision's purpose is

2 Child, Graham, and Grainger. “A system plan for protected areas for wildlife,”.

Page | 8
to diversify Saudi Arabia's economy and declines the relying on oil by improving public service

sectors such as health, education, infrastructure, entertainment and tourism that includes the

promotion of economic and investment activities3.

There is a need for increasing the tourism sector as it has been indicated that tourism

accounts for about 9% of Saudi Arabia's GDP 4. According to the paper “Tourism in Saudi Arabia”,

Saudi Arabia is a land that has many historical, cultural, and amusing sites to offer, enhancing its

tourism industry and taking full advantage of the lands spectacular sites would be a great

opportunity to increase the number of tourists. Based on that, one of Saudi Arabia’s 2030 Vision

Goals Is to Increase the number of the Non-Religious Tourism projects as Saudi Arabia aims to

compete with other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries that have much more established

tourism sectors such as Bahrain, Oman and the UAE 5. Increasing touristic projects in Saudi Arabia

will have many benefits for the country and its citizens. “The Saudi tourism sector also stands to

be a major contributor to job creation, given the government’s aim of increasing the number of

jobs in the tourism sector by almost 50 percent to 1.2 million by 2020” 5.

However, the current situation in Saudi Arabia toward sustainability confirms that the Saudi

Arabian government has given significant consideration to sustainability, thus new projects in

Saudi Arabia need to be sustainable6. There are several reasons why constructions need to be

sustainable. One major reason is energy consumption, especially, in cooling systems because most

of Saudi Arabia’s electricity is consumed on air conditioning 6. Air Conditioning is threatening

our ability to tackle climate change which is a serious problem that impacts our planet negatively7,

but likely we can help on decreasing the consumption of Air Conditioning (AC); hence, help to

3 Ikrami Abdullah, “Saudi Arabia aims to reduce dependence on oil”.

4 Mufeed and Gulzar, “Tourism in Saudi Arabia."p.169
5 N.D, “Arabian business”.
6 Al-Yami, MH, Andrew and Price,” An overview of sustainability in Saudi Arabia.”
7 Nanavatty and Rushad,” World Economic Forum.”

Page | 9
maintain the planet from co2 emission's damages. To help to decrease AC consumption, there are

many architectural methods. Firstly, in the earlier stages of the design, including the evaluation of

the building's energy consumption is important in order to avoid any major flaws in the design.

Higher operating costs will accrue over the life of the building if energy efficiency is not

adequately considered. Secondly, designing an innovative building such as designing a building

with passive cooling techniques also helps8. The passive ventilation systems are requiring no

energy for operation. One form of passive ventilation is cooling towers. What cooling towers can

do is that it can save the electrical energy used to provide thermal comfort during the warm months

of the year, especially during the peak hours; also, cooling towers are very efficient since it is

passive systems requiring no energy for operation. Moreover, cooling towers reduce electrical

energy consumption and environmental pollution9.

Another way of reducing the cooling systems consumption is the careful choice of

construction materials. “Impacts from materials are less understood and reflected in building

legislation than impacts related to energy consumption, but responsible material use can yield great

benefits” 10. The touristic desert village project addressed in this paper is designed accurately when

it comes to construction materials. The project appears as the Vernacular Architecture. This

building style is known to have superior qualities compared to the modern ones, and what

characterizes it is that the energy could be minimized in buildings 11. The specific material in this

project is Adobe Clay Brick as it exists plenty in Saudi Arabia's lands. The Adobe Clay Brick is

the best for this type of projects according to its local availability and its ability to protect from the

outside weather12. On the other hand, the vernacular architecture in Saudi Arabia known for the

8 Kharchi and Imessad, “Passive Cooling of Housing by Natural Ventilation."

9 Sanij, Soltani and Raahemifar,” A new design of wind tower for passive ventilation,” P.183
10 Nordby, Sigrid and Shea, "Building materials in the operational phase,”
11 Mohammadzadeh, Farshchi and Ford, "Vernacular architecture and Energy Use,”
12 Alrashed, Farajallah, Asif and Burek,"The role of vernacular construction techniques and materials,” P.3

Page | 10
use of Mashrabiya12. The Mashrabiya is also called Rowshan which is a screened bay window

that allows for natural ventilation and daylighting without affecting the resident’s privacy 13. The

existence of the Mashrabiya in the project allows the cool air from the street to flow through. The

designs of the latticework in the wooden screen have smaller openings at the bottom part and larger

openings in the higher parts, thus, it causes the draft to be fast above the head and slow in lower

parts. This provides a significant amount of air moving in the room without causing it to be
uncomfortable . Therefore, Mashrabiya is a major part of lowering the AC usage. The other

function of Mashrabiya is preventing direct sun radiation while allowing the daylighting to enter12.

By this, the complete depended on artificial lighting will be declined at least in the day hours; thus,

electric bills can be reduced. Besides that, the occupants can get the full benefits of the indirect


In the same line of sustainability, the project includes a grey water system. "greywater is

defined as light grey water from lavatory sinks, showers, bathtubs, laundry and other process-

related water that does not come into contact with human waste. Water from toilets and urinals is

excluded. Greywater systems involve on-site capture and reuse of water that would otherwise be

comingled with wastewater and conveyed offsite for treatment”14. At the same time, the project

takes the advantage of the availability of the abundant of the groundwater in Al-Ula city 15. The

use of the ground water will be mainly for the swimming pools located in the hotel at the village.

The usage of the groundwater helps enormously in reducing the number of gallons needed to fill

the pools.

13 Almusaed and Amjad, “Biophilic and bioclimatic architecture: analytical therapy,’’P.241-242

14 Council, Cascadia Green Building. "Toward net zero water: best management practices,".
15 Alzahrani, Qasemah,” Tourism Investment in Al Ula”.

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The research titled "Eco-Efficient Resort Planning and Design” is useful for this thesis as,

in their paper, El-Barmelgy and Abdelkhalek provoked the importance of adopting an eco-efficient

design for applying a sustainable design in resorts. In their paper, the authors addressed Egypt as

a case study where they tested a resort building called Marina-Alamein. In their beginning,

researchers provided the audience with some background information that explained why they

chose Egypt exactly. The main reason was that the country's resources have been inefficiently

consumed to a degree that the country has lost a number of its sensitive sites and resources. The

dimensions of an ecosystem design that aimed to be designed on Egypt’s resort were listed on the

paper. The main dimensions are land, water, energy, and materials. Each one is described with the

details so that a reader will fully understand what the paper delivers. To test the building, the paper

suggested a broad-scale to test the environmental sustainability of existing resorts by using eco-

efficiency indicators. The authors stated the results after analyzing the case study with the tool

they create 16.

The paper provided valuable information that can be applied in this study since it addresses

a case in Saudi Arabia which is similar to Egypt in the use of the resources in buildings. Although

El-Barmelgy and Abdelkhalek includedd a resort existing next to a beach while the current project

will be located in the desert, they have explained a tool that can examine the sustainability level of

a resort that can be used to test the building in this thesis.

Another study conducted by Ryan, Chris, and Morag Stewart called "Eco-tourism and

luxury–the case of Al Maha, Dubai” is greatly helpful as the writers Chris and Stewart presented

a case study of a desert resort located in Dubai. The paper claimed eco-tourism status through its

16 El-Barmelgy, Ibrahim and M, “"Eco-Efficient Resort Planning and Design."

Page | 12
desert regeneration program. The author considered questions like does ecologically motivated

reclamation based on revenue from luxury-based tourism condone ecologically unaware tourist

behavior? The paper argued that eco-tourism is not inconsistent with luxury. By including Al Maha

resort, the authors are proving that luxury designs can be embedded into deserts. By applying the

Ecosystems on the design, the yellow warm deserts will be turned into a wide green land. The

paper explained how greening the deserts will help the global problem of encroaching

desertification. Based on the Islamic culture, the Qur’an conceives of Paradise as a green garden

with running waters and fountains. This is the vision of designing this project was about, proving

that turning the warm deserts into green land is not contradicting the Islamic culture17.

This document included beneficial information that; especially that the location of the

proposed project and their case study location are sitting in Islamic countries that have the same

culture. However, the authors seemed very knowledgeable about what they argue. What

distinguishes this paper is how both writers have the power of the authority. Basically, authority

signifies believability which going to make the writing valuable.

Similarly, a study published by Al-Sulbi is more related to the scope of the current thesis as

it addressed qualitative information related to my country. This study named "Potentialities

Planning of sustainable ecotourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”. Throughout his paper, Mr.

Alsulbi’s identified the purpose of his paper which enriches the sustainable ecotourism in Saudi

Arabia by exploring some natural potentialities and their opportunities for different types of

ecotourism. The author organized the order of the paper very well. Before addressing the details,

he provided the audience (which seems that they are not only Saudies) with great material

introducing Saudi Arabia with its geography. He also started his point by mentioning when and

17 Ryan, Chris, and Stewart, “Eco-tourism and luxury–the case of Al Maha, Dubai."

Page | 13
how tourism started in Saudi Arabia. Alsulbi concluded his research by asserting that planning for

sustainable ecotourism in Saudi Arabia must appreciate the natural and socio-cultural heritage and

that all regions are treated according to their potentialities for ecotourism 18.

Since the current project is about designing a sustainable tourism heritage village in Saudi

Arabia, the project gained valuable information about the history of tourism and the division of

Saudi Arabia's geographically from the previous paper. The researcher drew several planning and

management guidelines in order to ensure acceptable environmental qualities and the sustainable

use of the resources within their natural ecosystems which going to benefit my steps of designing

the project. After analyzing the information from this study, it was important to see the Saudi

Arabian position toward sustainability so that the full image of the proposed design can be


Regarding sustainability, Al-Yami, Ali MH, and Andrew DF Price published an article titled

"An overview of sustainability in Saudi Arabia" that investigates sustainability in Saudi Arabia in

terms of strategies, policies, barriers, and enablers associated with its implementation and as

perceived by key decision-makers. The writers asserted the need to maximize the efficient use of

Saudi Arabian natural resources and that the Saudi entity is paying attention to this. The paper

revealed the current situation in Saudi Arabia toward sustainability where it confirms that the Saudi

Arabian government has given significant consideration to sustainability 6.

It is very significant for the touristic heritage village project to know what the Saudi Arabian

government's situation toward sustainability is. The information provided in the previous paper

helped to recognize the government's attention to the environment.

18 Al-Sulbi, "Potentialities Planning of sustainable ecotourism in the Kingdom,”

Page | 14

A. Geographical Location 15

Figure 2. Map of Saudi Arabia Including Al-Ula Figure 3. Boundary of Al-Ula City (Image
City and The Surrounding Cities (Image by from Google Maps)
Transport Ministry)
The city of Al-Ula and its surrounding cultural and natural heritage sites is located in the

northwestern part of Saudi Arabia in the region of Medina. The city is surrounded by mountains

from the east and west. The erosion factors have affected these mountains until they have taken

stunning natural forms, which are suitable to be among the natural tourism resources in Saudi

Arabia 15.

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B. Geology of Al-Ula 15

The geological construction unit of Al-Ula city consists of three main different geological

formations which are origins, rock characteristics, and age. The western part of the land belongs

to the Arabian Shield (an ancient crystalline mass consisting mainly of igneous and metamorphic

rocks). It covers large parts of the volcanic spills, while the eastern section is within the scope of

the Arabian shelf region made up of modern porous sand rocks 15.

The general geological features in Al-Ula Governorate are as follows:

▪ A wide variety of igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks which are

multiple sources of wealth of minerals and building materials.

▪ The presence of highly fertile volcanic soil is supported by a large reservoir of


▪ The diverse mountain ranges of natural scenery are magnificent and attractive.

Figure 4. A Picture Representing The nature of Al- Figure 5. A Picture Representing the Terrain
Ula City (Image By Mohmmed Alateeq) of Al-Ula City (Image from Google Maps)

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C. Climate19

The Summers in Al-Ula are long, dried, sweltering, and clear. In Contrast, Winters are

short, cool, and mostly clear. Generally, over the course of the year, the temperature typically

varies from 38°F to 101°F and is rarely below 31°F or above 105°F.

i. Temperature

The Hot Season:

It lasts for 4.1 months, from May 24 to September 27, with an average daily high temperature

above 94°F. The hottest day of the year is August 9, with an average high of 101°F and low of


The Cool Season:

It lasts for 2.9 months, from December 2 to February 27, with an average daily high temperature

below 75°F. The coldest day of the year is January 21, with an average low of 38°F and a high of


Figure 6. The Daily Average High (Red Line) And Low (Blue Line) Temperature,
With 25th To 75th And 10th To 90th Percentile Bands. The Thin Dotted Lines Are
the Corresponding Average Perceived Temperatures (Image By Weather Spark)

19 N.D, “Weatherspark.Com.”

Page | 17
ii. Clouds

In Al-Ula, the average percentage of the sky covered by clouds experiences significant

seasonal variation over the course of the year.

The clearer part of the year in Al-`Ula begins around May 23 and lasts for 4.9 months, ending

around October 19. On June 18, the clearest day of the year, the sky is clear, mostly clear, or partly

cloudy 97% of the time, and overcast or mostly cloudy 3% of the time.

The cloudier part of the year begins around October 19 and lasts for 7.1 months, ending

around May 23. On December 12, the cloudiest day of the year, the sky is overcast or mostly

cloudy 28% of the time, and clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy 72% of the time.

Figure 7. The percentage of time spent in each cloud cover band, categorized by
the percentage of the sky covered by clouds (Image By Weather Spark)

Page | 18
iii. Rainfall

The sliding 31-day quantity of rainfall in Al-`Ula does not vary significantly over the

course of the year, staying within 0.1 inches of 0.1 inches throughout.

Figure 8. The average rainfall (solid line) accumulated over the course of a sliding 31-day
period centered on the day in question, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. The
thin dotted line is the corresponding average liquid-equivalent snowfall. (Image by Weather

iv. Sun

The length of the day in Al-`Ula varies over the course of the year. In 2019, the shortest

day is December 22, with 10 hours, 28 minutes of daylight; the longest day is June 21, with 13

hours, 49 minutes of daylight.

Figure 9. The number of hours during which the Sun is visible (black line). From bottom (most
yellow) to top (most gray), the color bands indicate: full daylight, twilight (civil, nautical, and
astronomical), and full night. (Image By Weather Spark)

Page | 19
v. Humidity

The perceived humidity level in Al-`Ula, as measured by the percentage of time in which

the humidity comfort level is muggy, oppressive, or miserable, does not vary significantly over

the course of the year, remaining a virtually constant 0% throughout.

Figure 10. The percentage of time spent at various humidity comfort levels, categorized
by dew point. (Image By Weather Spark)

vi. Wind

The average hourly wind speed in Al-`Ula experiences mild seasonal variation over the

course of the year. The windier part of the year lasts for 5.6 months, from January 20 to July 9,

with average wind speeds of more than 9.0 miles per hour. The windiest day of the year is June 9,

with an average hourly wind speed of 9.8 miles per hour. The calmer time of year lasts for 6.4

months, from July 9 to January 20. The calmest day of the year is October 23, with an average

hourly wind speed of 8.2 miles per hour.

Page | 20
Figure 11. The average of mean hourly wind speeds (dark gray line), with
25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. (Image By Weather Spark)

Figure 12. The percentage of hours in which the mean wind direction is from each of the
four cardinal wind directions, excluding hours in which the mean wind speed is less than
1.0 mph. The lightly tinted areas at the boundaries are the percentage of hours spent in
the implied intermediate directions. (Image By Weather Spark)

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D. Transportation 15

Transportation in the various means of road transport, air transport, and maritime transport

is one of the most important services related to the tourism industry, with regard to travel and the

movement of people from and to tourist attractions. Al-Ula city has two transport factors which

are road and air transport.

o Land Transportation:

In Al Ula has recently enjoyed wide development, especially in the field of internal paved

roads, and the paved roads linking some Saudi regions, especially neighboring areas such as the

city of Khyber, Jahra, Al Wajah, Medina and Tabuk. At the city level, buses are available to travel

from Al Ula to neighboring cities. As for cars, many citizens in Saudi Arabia prefer to travel by

car. The advantage of this type of transport is the non-observance of flight schedules such as

airplanes and trains. It has become an important pillar of the tourism industry, and there are

transportation services from the residence to visit the tourist landmarks.

o Air Transport:

Is a means used by a large segment of tourists, to be characterized by speed and convenience.

To reach the city of Al Ula by air transport there is more than one option. There is an airport about

20 miles from Al Ula, which receives aircraft coming from Jeddah and Riyadh only. The indirect

flight is located in the city of Al-Wajah, which is 160 miles from Al Ula and then go to Al Ula by

car. There is another indirect flight. It is located in Medina, which is about 260 miles and then goes

to Al-Ola by car.

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E. Accommodation Services 14

Housing services are the most important factor in the tourism industry and represent the

main part of the tourism sector. Accommodation services are divided into several sections

including hotels, furnished apartments, and resorts. In addition, desert camps are a new addition

to short-term housing services.

o Hotels:

The hotels are the most important accommodation services, especially for foreign tourists.

It is the most popular and widespread form of residence. Across the city, there are only two hotels

serving guests. One of these hotels is the Mada'in Saleh Hotel. Mada'in Saleh Hotel is a 4-star

hotel. It has 50 rooms with 132 beds and 16 separate tents on site. There are also swimming pools

and gardens as a recreational factor for guests. The second hotel is ARAC. ARAC Hotel is a 4-star

hotel with 42 rooms, 4 suites with a capacity of 92 beds and a camping center. There are also

swimming pools and amusement parks for guests.

o Furnished Apartments:

Furnished apartments are apartments equipped for longer stays. This category is the

preferred category for family citizens. There are 12 furnished apartments spread throughout the


o Desert Camps:

Desert camps are a new addition to short-term housing services and are tents placed

between the mountains to give a sense of reflection and integration with nature. The desert camps

are a new addition to short-term housing services. Four investment sites totaling 900,000 square

meters have been awarded by Al-Ula Municipality to establish desert camps, three of which have

been implemented and operated from the private sector and the other under construction.

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“Al Ula is a city that lacks tourist villages, which are major tourist gatherings. Provide all

required tourist services from shopping centers, restaurants, exhibitions, and daycare. These

tourist villages in the region represent the long-term tourism development plan” 14.

F. Catering Services 14

Catering services in the city are an essential part of tourists coming to Al Ula, which is a

key factor to support tourism. The first section is the hotel restaurants which are included in ARAC

Hotel and Madain Saleh Hotel. The second section is a variety of fast-food restaurants which are

seventeen restaurants in Al Ula. The third section, which is a restaurant that offers popular cuisine

that has seven restaurants in Al Ula, areas commonly frequented by tourists to learn the prevailing

food culture in the region.

G. Commercial Markets 14

Commercial markets are a major factor to support tourism, which meets the requirements

of tourists, and through the inventory of commercial markets, there are many shops centered in

the center of the city, estimated at about three thousand shops, which sells different types of

goods, food, and various luxuries.

“Al-Ula lacks antique shops and traditional crafts in the tourism industry, although the

area is rich in folklore, cultural and natural heritage” 14.

Page | 24

Precedent studies can aid the design process in terms of functionality and area that are not

copied but used as an inspiration to the design. These Studies are a guide or idea to the method

that employs in scheme design. Precedent studies may help to solve problems in the design process

that have previously been solved in other designs whether it is a material choice, a construction

method, or a design concept which are vital in the design process.

A. Graduation Project (Heritage Tourist Village Interested in Traditional Crafts)20

The project is a heritage village concerned with traditional crafts. The site is located

southwest of the city of Assiut in Egypt (the western mountain) and north of the village of

Darnah.The goal of the project is to revive the heritage and keep it from extinction. Also, to build

a cultural and artistic nucleus leading to the development of the region. Finally, to link past and

present to heritage and contemporary life through an old show with an attempt to develop it.

Components of The Project:

▪ Administrative part (administrative building and reception halls).

▪ Service part (cultural services represented in the information center, library, and folklore

theater) - (entertainment services represented in an Arabic cafe, restaurant and motel -

Khan -) - (public services are a mosque, green spaces, and parking spaces).

20 Abdulbaset, “Heritage tourist village interested in heritage crafts."

Page | 25
▪ Heritage part (Exhibitions consisting of handicraft exhibitions, exposed and covered

exhibitions, audiovisual exhibitions, and the Bazart Group) - (Group Workshops School of

Crafts Education).

Figure 13. Drawing Showing the Components Of The Precedent (Image By Author
Of The Thesis, Abdulbaset Saleem)

Figure 14. Drawing Showing the Elements Of The Precedent (Image By Author Of The
Thesis, Abdulbaset Saleem)

Page | 26
Site Analysis:

The site is located southwest of the city of Assiut in Egypt (the western mountain) and

north of the village of Darnah. the graphs illustrate the surroundings area that shows vehicle

movement and the public transportation near to the site.

Figure 15. Site Analysis of Heritage Tourist Village Concerned With Traditional Crafts In Egypt
(Image by Author Of The Thesis, Abdulbaset Saleem)

Pedestrian Movement:

Site traffic is of two types: main and Secondary paths that led to components of the project.

Starting from the main entrance by using main path led to secondary path to destinations.

Figure 16. Drawing Showing the Paths and Entrances (Image By

Author Of The Thesis, Abdulbaset Saleem)

Page | 27
Figure 17. Perspective Illustrating the Design (Image by Author Of The Thesis,
Abdulbaset Saleem)

Figure 18. An Elevation of The Design the Design (Image By Author Of The Thesis, Abdulbaset Saleem)

B. Heritage Culture Urban Village 21

The project targets groups (individual groups of children, youth and elders). The site is

located in an island in the southeastern part of Assiut, Egypt.

The Project Has the Following Objectives:

▪ Objectives of the organization: the objectives of the owner, which is the preservation of

heritage and interest in cultures.

▪ Aesthetic and cosmetic objectives: This center is a distinctive sign for the region in which

there is a leading that this center is distinctly formally.

21 Wazery, “"Heritage Culture Urban Village."

Page | 28
▪ Functional Objectives: Dissemination of general culture, dissemination, and development of

artistic culture, development of crafts and preservation of antiquities.

▪ Economic objectives: employment of workers and secure a material return to add to the

national income and the revitalization of domestic and foreign tourism.

Project Elements Related to The Goals:

▪ Dissemination of Public Culture led to Public Library and Science Club.

▪ Dissemination and development of artistic culture led to a studio for the dissemination and

development of artistic culture.

▪ Handicraft Development led to A part of the handicrafts industries.

▪ Employment of workers led to workshops and housing for workers.

▪ Financial return insurance led to Showrooms for rent.

▪ Revitalizing domestic and foreign tourism led to a museum and exhibition to display


Site Analysis:

The site is located in island in the southeastern part of Assiut, Egypt. Ease of regional and

local access through the Nile River and a marina to reach the city of Assiut

Features of The Site:

▪ Reduce congestion in Assiut city and their party on the other side
▪ Wonderful view of the Nile from all sides.
▪ Most elements of the project enjoyed the magnificent view.
▪ Ease of awareness beneficiaries of the project site as the site is easily seen from the city of

Page | 29
▪ There was a flaw in the way of access, but it could be remedied by a marina.

Figure 19. Site analysis of Heritage Cultural Urban Village in Egypt

(Image by Author Of The Thesis, Ahmed Wazery)
Components of The Project:

The project consists of several sections starting from Handicraft, Marina, Museum,

Mosque, Restaurant, Café’, Stage, Library, Day car, and Sports that It is the result of the functional

elements of the project.

Figure 20. Drawing Showing the Components Of The Project

(Image By Author Of The Thesis, Ahmed Wazery)

Page | 30
Criteria for Choosing The Optimal Alternative:

▪ Economically, there are no wasted spaces.

▪ Appropriate planning with the nature of the project.
▪ Easy access to any building.
▪ Put the educational kit in a quiet area to prevent noise.
▪ Prevent cars entering the site to avoid accidents3.3

C. Caesarea Market 22

A heritage landmark and a popular market in the region follow this market to the Tourism

and Antiquities Authority. It has been famous since ancient times. It is one of the most important

landmarks in Al-Ahsa where visitors come from all Gulf countries. The site is located in the center

of the city of Al-Ahsa in the old area of Hofuf, Saudi Arabia. The idea of this project is to rebuild

this market in the same way it was in the past than add some changes and improvements to the

main facades in order to be an attractive market for visitors.

The Project Is Divided into Three Main Sections:

▪ The Druze are the gateway to the market and the main entrance.

▪ Popular shops consist of 422 shops.

▪ Mosque.

▪ Covered corridors account for 24.4% of the total project area.

Site Analysis:

The site is located in the center of the city of Al-Ahsa in the old area of Hofuf, Saudi

Arabia. Ease local access through the king Abdul-Aziz Rd cross Alfath Street.

22 AlSubehy, “Caesarea Market.”

Page | 31
Adjacent Sites:
▪ From North: Old Kut District. - From South: Northern Rifaa District.

▪ From East: Northern Rifaa District. – From West: Northern Rifaa District.

Figure 21. Site Analysis of Caesarea Market in Al - Ahsa City, Saudi Arabia
(Image By Author Of The Thesis, Turky, AlSubehy)
Components of The Project:

The project consists of several sections starting from Spices shops, Clothes shop, Leather
Footwear shops, Mosque, Furniture, sewing shops, and Bashout shops that It is the result of the
functional elements of the project.

Figure 22. Plan Showing the Project Components (Image by Author of The Thesis, Turky, AlSubehy)

Page | 32
Pedestrian Movement:

On-site traffic is of two types:

▪ Motor traffic (main and secondary).

▪ Pedestrian movement (main and secondary).

As in the figure (21), the movement within the project is a maze to visitors for the first time because

there are many sub entrances in it.

The movement is divided into three types:

▪ The main path axis for Pedestrian.

▪ The secondary axis of pedestrian traffic that is in the middle of the market.

▪ Pedestrian pathway.

Figure 23. Pedestrian Movement on The Site (Image by Author of The Thesis, Turky, AlSubehy)

Page | 33
Figure 24. Vehicles Movement on The Site (Image by Author of The Thesis, Turky, AlSubehy)

Figure 25. Project Perspective (Image by Author of The Thesis, Turky, AlSubehy)

Page | 34

The Saudi Building Code is a group of terms and requirements as of laws, regulations, and

annexes related to buildings and constructions to ensure safety and public health since all facilities,

in general, require availability of building code that determines safety and security terms as well

as comfort in all building stages and the issue increases in its significance in the Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia due to its geographical nature and difference in climates of its regions. The Saudi Building

Code contributes to putting an end to differences resulting from numerous opinions of entities

working in the building and construction sector through use and application to rules of code as a

system recognized on a national level and resorting to it to decide on differences (if any) among

all activities of its users.


o Orientation:

Guest rooms go east, west or south. Kitchen, servicing rooms, and user rooms head north.

o Car Entry:

It is preferable to secure the entry of cars to the main entrance covered and give this road sufficient

width of the movement of entry and exit.

o Entrance Hall:

The entrance foyer forms the heart of the hotel and must have access to all elements of the hotel.

The counter is 2.3 meters long per bed and the lobby often forms a covered garden around which

various guest lounges are gathered, such as a breakfast lounge that can accommodate 25% of guests

and a dining hall that can accommodate 50% of guests. The café and restaurant must have a private


23 Saudi Building Code, (SBC201).

Page | 35
o Public Lounges:

Public lounges are often grouped in one floor and separated by light cutouts that allow these lounges

to open to form a large hall for celebrations when necessary. In this case, it is necessary to provide

a private entrance with dressing areas and toilets.

o Cafeteria Lounge:

They often reside on the ground floor. In some large cities, hotels have only a few simple lounges

for breakfast and rest. As for other lounges such as restaurants, these hotels deal with restaurants to

work for, in which case the ground floor is invested as stores and showrooms.

Often, hotels include a breakfast lounge and a dining hall (food or dinner), and sometimes contain

other lounges. Up to 3 times depending on the type of hotel.

o Bedroom:

The bedroom starts from the first floor and the large rooms overlook the courtyards or gardens and

head east or south.

The height of the rooms is not less than 2.8 meters in the common lounges. 20 square meters.

The total area required for the bed ranges from 35 to 40 square meters.

o Kitchen:
It is preferable to have a kitchen on the ground floor next to the restaurant, breakfast lounge and

foyer. Accordingly, basic areas for the kitchen in general are taken for each guest as follows:

▪ Public kitchen area of about 0.6 square meters per guest.

▪ The hotel's kitchen and breakfast lounge are 0.4 square meters per guest.

▪ Total 1 square meter’s kitchens per guest.

▪ There is one office per floor or per 25 to 30 rooms and an elevator dedicated to transport

meals to the rooms with full equipment.

Page | 36
o Ventilation:

Renewal of air in hotel rooms should be calculated from 1 to 5 times per hour. In crowded lounges,

the volume of renewed air should be from 20 to 30 square meters per person. Taking into account

the presence of suction fans over the stoves to drain the resulting heat.

o Building Materials:

Hotels are built of non-combustible materials and equipped with fire extinguishers.

o Stairs and Doors:

Stairs shall be broad enough to be equipped with a handrail and shall be placed on the outside to be

larger or equal to the width of the stairs. Doors should be at least 1 meter wide and open outside.

o Bathrooms:

Two urinals and one toilet for 80 to 100 men, 3 toilets for every 100 women, and in the rooms one

toilet for every 10 beds.

o Elevators:

One elevator is allocated for every 150 beds.

o Refrigerators:

Prepared for meat, fish and poultry must be close to kitchens.

o Other Services:

▪ Service rooms and cleanliness: placed a clean room in each role and a cupboard to save

cleaning tools.

▪ Linens Rooms: They are usually on the last floor below the roof next to the moxibustion

room and must open directly on the corridor.

Page | 37
o Restaurants and Cafes:

The general area of the restaurant is from 290 to 440 square meters including roads, seating, cashier,

kitchen, children's playroom, laundries, toilets, food services and second floor.

o General Division:

▪ The entrance should not contain tables and the cashier should be facing the door, but with

enough dimension to allow the passage of the individual on the tables and then access to the


▪ There is a distribution method of about 10 meters followed by the cashier and behind the

cashier there is a kitchen and in the right and left corner seating areas can be allocated 1.25

square meters for each chair lounge dining.

▪ Toilet is required for every 1 to 10 people, as well as a laundry for every 1 to 10 people. The

minimum bathroom area is not less than 1.20 square meters. To provide toilets for women

in the case of families going to these restaurants the same proportion as before.

o Types of Tables:

There are three types of tables:

▪ First: Installed in the ground: It is usually installed with 4 chairs and between each chair

and the other a distance of not less than 30 cm and a distance between the chair and

table not less than 50 cm. The distance between each table and the other about 1.20 meters.

▪ Second: Moving Tables: There are movable tables with a height of about 1.20 and chairs

with a height of 60 cm.

▪ Third: dining table installed in the wall and wheelchairs: Rise from the ground about 1.5

meters and the chair with a height of 1.10 cm.

Page | 38
o Warehouse:

Area not less than 20 square meters.

o Kitchens:

The kitchen area is about 50 square meters and contains cooking utensils and refrigerators.

o Kitchen Site Requirements:

The kitchen should not be located on a commercial street. At least one car park should be provided

in silent-built areas. The kitchen area should not be less than 80 square meters. The site should be

at least 30 meters away from gas stations measured from the outer borders of the land. The site

should be at least 25 meters away from the gas shops measured from the outer borders of the land.

o Kitchen Sections:

The kitchen is divided into three sections: The first area includes warehouses, the second area

includes food processing and cooking area, and the third area includes fuel depot and cleaning


o The Stage:

The design of theaters depends on the capacity required for the audience, the quality of the

performances, and therefore the size of the stage, and the relationship required between the actor

and the spectator.

o Theater Chairs:

The distance between the back of the chair and the back of the chair should be from 86 cm to 144

cm, where the last distance is suitable for the spectator so that he does not stand to pass another

spectator in the same row of theater seats.

Page | 39
o Theater Hall Corridors:

The maximum number of chairs in a row is 14, for the purpose of seeing the stage in a way that

puts radio corridors where this method is preferred. The vision of the spectator sitting on his seat

in the theater hall. The width of the corridors must be at the level of the theater less than 2 m and

in other levels the width is 1.5 m, but if the area of the theater more than 350 square meters, the

width of the corridors must be increased by 15 cm per 50 square meters.

o Vision Lines:

The largest horizontal angle in the lines of view is 60 °, otherwise the image will be distorted, and

the 33 ° angle is the largest vertical angle helping to distinguish the actor on stage.

o Theatrical Service Behind the Stage:

▪ Less space for theater service behind the theater:

▪ Distribution hall: 4.5 square meters

▪ Sentinel booth: 2.7 square meters

▪ Fashion theater room: 1.5 square meters per person

▪ Makeup compartment: 9 square meters

▪ Bathrooms: One toilet for every 6 persons and one shower for each actor with a private


▪ Corridor: minimum width of 1.5 m as a ramp is used instead of stairs in case of level


▪ Waiting place on stage: 4.5 square meters,

▪ Changing room: 9 square meters,

▪ Variety shop: 13.5 square meters,

▪ Management: 9 square meters.

Page | 40
o Spaces to Enter the Theater:

Theater entrance hall requires an area of 0.929 square meters per seat, as well as one exit to have

the minimum allowed.


Similar to Zoning Codes, the municipality's regulations are set by the government. It

applies to engineering design and construction works in the neighborhoods of Medinah Region.

Also, it applies to all works related to engineering design and construction, such as changes,

replacements, repairs, works, equipment, housing, maintenance, partial or total demolition,

removal of demolition disputes, and any rights and privileges related to the constructed buildings.

Saudi code building is part of these regulations.

Heritage Villages:
o Location:
▪ The project should be located on at least two streets, one of which is a commercial main.
▪ The site should be intended for recreational use according to approved plans. The approval
of the municipality on the site in organizational terms.
▪ The area of the site is not less than 2000 square meters.
▪ Provide privacy to neighbors and do not influence them.
▪ Fencing and lighting the site and afforestation.
▪ Providing car parking for every 100 square meters of land area.
▪ Provision of at least nine fully equipped toilets and seven handwashers (calculated on the
basis of 2.78 square meters, 400 persons, and an additional cycle for each 150 persons).
▪ Provide a first aid room placed in a clear place.
▪ Providing management rooms and a chapel.
▪ Providing kiosks for services (selling tickets and drinks).
▪ Provide at least an ambulance.

24 Municipal Regulations for Medinah Reign, 2013.

Page | 41
o Technical Requirements:
▪ At least 25% of the land area has been left to walk or sit, and no facilities are set up.
▪ Entrance from the main street provided that an exit is provided on each side of the fence
so that the number of exits is not less than 2 and the width of the exit is not less than 4
meters open to the outside.
▪ All buildings and constructions shall be made of fire-resistant materials and comply with
the Saudi standard specifications.
▪ Rolling doors shall not be installed as entrances or exits.
▪ Coverage for the whole area is about 60% of the land area.
▪ Provide sign boards inside the site according to the technical requirements of the
advertisement boards.
▪ Disability Requirements: The requirements for municipal services relating to persons with
disabilities must be complied with in terms of pathways.
o Four Star Hotels:
▪ Location: Very good location in an upscale and quiet area.
▪ The building - a very good building inside and out, excellent decorations and superb views.
▪ Entrance - a grand main entrance for guests and another sub-luggage working.
▪ Front Offices - independent offices for reception, information, guest accounts and treasury
▪ Salons - reception lobby, sitting salons and reading room
▪ Banquet and Meeting Hall - one or more banquet hall and meeting room
▪ Elevators - sufficient elevators for guests if the building more than two floors and another
▪ Suites - provide standard suites.
▪ Water - cold and hot running water for bathrooms and healthy water to drink sweet in the
▪ Air conditioning - central in all rooms with personal control or units and in public areas all
year round or by atmosphere in seasonal areas.
▪ Floor coverings - carpets in rooms, halls and corridors.
▪ Telephone - Telephone booths on the ground floor and a telephone in each room.
▪ Restaurants - an excellent restaurant to provide cuisine and menu.
▪ Room meals - the possibility of serving meals in rooms.

Page | 42
▪ Café (cafeteria) Very good cafe to provide light food and drinks.
▪ Fittings - Excellent installations and equipment, refrigerators and food cooling rooms.
▪ Number of employees - a number and level commensurate with the size of the hotel and
performs excellent service with the provision of special uniforms and proficiency of
workers in foreign languages besides Arabic.
▪ Laundry and ironing - Provide laundry and ironing service for guests quickly enough.
▪ Barber shops provide a salon for men and another for women.
▪ Postal and Telegraph Services Telephone and Telex - Providing boxes for mail and
telegraph service and telephone and telex
▪ Currency Exchange - Currency Exchange Service.
▪ Gift shop, essential goods, newspapers and magazines: a place to sell gifts and necessary
tools newspapers and magazines and some tickets.
▪ Flowers - flower shop.
▪ Innocent entertainment - swimming pool - gardens - sports courts - barbecue garden -
showroom and music.
▪ Parking place - parking space for each room.
▪ Rooms - Private bathroom
▪ Area: not less than 28 square meters including the bathroom and entrance - 10% of the
rooms for individual works area of 24 square meters including the bathroom width of
corridors not less than 1.80 square meters.

o Hotel Spaces:
▪ Hotels within the City:
▪ The area allocated for the hotel must not be less than 750 square meters for investment
residential areas and 500 square meters for commercial areas.
▪ Hotels in the Coastal Strip:
▪ The space allocated for the hotel must not be less than 2500 square meters.
▪ The design of hotel units may be as follows:
i. Separate or connected rooms with a minimum of 60% of the space allocated for
rooms and health facilities.

Page | 43
ii. Distinct suites or units of large sizes or chalets of one or two floors (ground + first)
at a rate not exceeding 40% of the space allocated to rooms and health facilities.
iii. Complying with the requirements of the disabled.
o Height Building:

The maximum allowed height of the building (20 m) with 4 floors including the ground floor.


The programming phase is an essential step that leads to the final Architectural Design. In

this phase, establishing the functions of the spaces and their relationships, developing the shape of

the building, and identifying the room sizes are done. For the current study, the schematic was

mainly based on two factors.

The first one is the precedent studies. The precedent studies aid in choosing the functions

since these selected studies are similar to the current one. Analyzing those studies gives a general

idea about what does a heritage village can include for attracting tourists, so it becomes easier to

choose what to provide in the new project based on that analysis, and also based on the site

surrounded functions. The precedent studies are helpful too in designing the sizes of the spaces.

The second main factor for programming is both Building Codes and Municipal

Regulations. Similar to how does the precedent studies help to establish the sizes, the Municipal

Regulation, and Building Codes provides a guide that assists in creating the accurate areas needed

for each function.

Page | 44
A. Selecting Project Elements Processes

Pr. Pr. Pr. Functional Program for

Sustainable Tourism
Study 1 Study 2 Study 3
Heritage Village
Components Heritage Heritage Caesarea
Tourist Cultural Market
Village Urban
Administrative ✓ ✓ - ✓
Exhibitions ✓ ✓ - Existed within 500 M of the project

Exhibition Halls ✓ ✓ - Existed within 500 M of the project

Workshops ✓ ✓ - Existed within 500 M of the project

Restaurant ✓ ✓ - ✓
Cafe ✓ ✓ - ✓
Public Services ✓ ✓ - ✓
Empty ✓ ✓ - ✓
Training Classes ✓ - - Existed within 500 M of the project

Market - - ✓ ✓
Day Care - ✓ ✓
Mosque ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Square for Festivals - - - ✓
Hotel ✓ - - ✓
Library - ✓ - Existed within 500 M of the project

Table 1. The Table Illustrates the Elements (Functions) Of Each Precedent Studies, And What Functions
Are Applied in the Current Project (By Author)

Page | 45
pr. study 1 pr. study 2 pr. study functional
program for
Components 3
Heritage Tourist Heritage Cultural Caesarea Tourism
Village (m2) Urban Village Market Heritage Village
(m2) (m2) (m2)
Administrative 400 400 - 400
Exhibitions 1500 1080 - -
Exhibition Halls 1500 1200 - -
Workshops 500 700 - -
Restaurant 350 850 - 900
Cafe 350 400 - 600
Public Services 1000 900 - 750
Empty Theater 400 2310 - 600
Training Classes 600 - - -
Market - - 4500 4000
Day Care - 450 -
Mosque 280 300 250 300
Square for - - - 2000
Hotel 1100 - - 4000
Library - 2500 - -

Table 2. The Table Illustrates the Areas in (M2) For Each Elements (Functions) Of Each Precedent Studies,
And What Sized Are Applied in the Current Project (By Author)

Page | 46
Project Number Total Area Number Total Area
Elements First Floor of Floors
Administrative 500 2 1000

Restaurant 2 450 1 900

Cafe 2 360 1 720

Public Services 4 150 1 600

Empty Theater 1 600 1 1000

Market 1 4000 1 4000

Square for 1 5000 1 5000

Hotel 1 4000 4 16000

Parking 250 25 1 6250

31000 square meters=Total built up area

Table 3. The Table Illustrates the Selected Functions Applied in The Current Project with The Number of
Each Function, The Area In (M2), Number of Floors, and the Total Area in Square Meter (By Author)

Page | 47
B. Final Survey and Functional Schedule

This is the final result for establishing the project schematic design after referring to

precedent studies, Saudi Building Code, and Municipal Regulations.

Project Precedent Saudi Building Municipal Proposed Project

Elements Studies Code Regulations (1st Floor Area)
N Area M2 N Area M2 N Area M2 N Area M2
Administrative 1 400 At Least 600 M2 At Least 600 M2 1 1000
Restaurant 1 375 1 290- 440 1 290- 440 2 450
Cafe 1 375 1 290- 440 1 290- 440 2 360
Public Services 3 950 1 300 Every 150 People 4 150
Have One Toilet
Empty 1 600 1 800 700- 1500 1 700
Heritage 1 4500 Depending on The 1 At Least 1500 1 4000
Market Type of This
Market Its Goal
Square for - - 1 2500 - - 1 5000
Hotel 1 1100 1 At Least 1 At Least 2500 1 4000
Parking 1 3000 Depending on The Car Per 100 Square 250 6250
Shape of The Meters
31000 Square Meters=Total Built Up Area

Table 4. The Table Illustrates the Average Numbers of Areas According to The Precedent Studies, The
Minimum Required Areas Based on the Saudi Building Code and The Municipal Regulations, and the
Proposed Total Area. (By Author)

Page | 48

A. Location

The site is located in 2294 Hail Road, Al Ula 43534, KSA. What distinguishes the site is

that it is located in the middle of the historical monuments and heritage, where the farthest distance

to the historical sites is approximately 18 minutes by car.

Figure 26. A Picture Showing the Site and The Geographical Surrounding (Image from Google Maps)

Figure 27. A Picture Showing the Site Boundary from a Closer View and The Geographical
Surrounding (Image from Google Maps)

Page | 49
B. Site Analysis

i. Sun Path and Wind Direction

Figure 28. A Picture Showing the Sun Path in Winter and Summer, And Shows
the Wind Direction (Image from Google Maps Modified by The Author)

ii. Accessibility to Site

Hail Road
Mosa Bin Al-Nuser Road

Figure 29. A Picture Showing Main roads lead to the site (Image from
Google Maps Modified by The Author)

Page | 50
Figure 30. A Picture Showing the direct flights to Al-Ula (Image from
Google Maps Modified by The Author)

iii. The Features of the Region (Surroundings)

The heritage features of the region are divided into two parts:

1- Cultural Heritage Landmarks.

2- Natural Heritage Landmarks.

1- Cultural Heritage Landmarks:

o Historical Sites:

▪ Funerary architecture (tombs carved on rock), inscriptions and rock inscriptions.

▪ Human and animal drawings.

▪ Wells and water canals.

▪ Civil Architecture (Housing).

▪ Museums.

Page | 51
o Historic Buildings:

▪ Islamic castles.

▪ Buildings of railway stations.

o Traditional Architectural Heritage:

▪ Heritage village.

o Folklore:

▪ Physical Heritage (Crafts and Handicrafts).

▪ Folklore (Folk Dance).

2- Natural heritage landmarks:

o Topographic Sites:

▪ Mountains and rock masses (Elephant Mountain).

▪ Volcanic plateaus (Hurat Alewayrd).

▪ Canyons (Canyon Sharaan).

▪ Desert, sand dunes and sand hills.

▪ Wildlife (deer, eagles, birds).

o Human Environment Sites:

▪ Palm plantations.

▪ Gardens

Page | 52
Figure 31. A Picture Showing Cultural and Natural heritage landmarks. (Image from Google Maps
Modified by The Author)

Page | 53
Figure 30. A Picture Showing Cultural and Natural heritage landmarks. (Image from
Google Maps Modified by The Author)

Figure 32. A Picture Showing Cultural and Natural Heritage Landmarks Distance/ Travel Time to
the Proposed Site (Image from Google Maps Modified By The Author)

The site is a link between cultural heritage and natural heritage landmarks adjacent and

close. The most important factor is the proximity of the distance between the regions and tourist

sites plays an effective role in increasing tourist flows.

Page | 54
C. Architectural Drawings

i. Sketches for Design Process

Figure 33. Bubble Diagram Sketch for Distributing Functions of the Project (By Author)

Figure 34. Site Development Sketch (By Author)

Page | 55
Figure 35. Site Development Sketch (By Author)

Figure 36. Sketch of The Final Layout of The Design and how to orientate the buildings
to take advantage of the wind (By Author)

Page | 56
ii. Master Plan:

Figure 37. A Picture Showing the Master Plan Design of the Proposed Project (By Author)

Page | 57
o Hotel:

The hotel is a residential place; hence, the better placement for it is to be located nearby

the main road for allowing smooth transitioning. It is close to the parking lot, so the occupants can

easily carry their luggage without walking for long distances. Besides that, the ground floor of the

hotel includes a spacious public space which is an area for welcoming visitors in the village. For

these reasons the hotel is place in the front of the heritage village.

o Heritage Market:

The Heritage Market is divided into two buildings, and each building is facing a specific

direction. The first one is placed in the south front where it will attract people passing from the

main road while the other building is placed on the north side to grab people’s attention from the

other direction. The placement of the two buildings encourages people to come and explore the

new project.

o Cafes and Restaurants:

The attractive path created between the two buildings of the market will lead to a new space

that has the Cafes and Restaurants building. The building is designed as a U-shaped so it creates

an area in the middle for outdoor seating space, and also for directing the people not to go beyond

the Cafes and Restaurants building but to go to the other side where the tents and the empty theater


o Empty Theater:

The empty theater is placed in an open space where it can benefit from the wind blowing

from both the northeast and southeast to regulate the warm temperatures. It is also including a steel

frame structure that has water sprays to help reduce the warm breeze. The capacity for the empty

theater is 1500 seats.

Page | 58
o Tents:

The traditional fabric tents are located on both sides of the empty theater for allowing a

better view of what is performing in the theater. These tents can be rented by hours. It is a main

part of the project as it delivers a good sense of Saudi traditions.

o Services:

This small building is for visitors coming for attending a show in the empty theater or

people who rent the tents. It has the place for the reservations and tent rentals. It is also including

bathrooms for visitors.

Page | 59
iii. Site Plan

Figure 38. A Picture Showing the Site Design of the Proposed Project (By Author)

Page | 60
iv. Floor Plans

▪ First floor plan: The hotel in the Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village contain three

buildings. All the three buildings include a public space in the first floor. These public

spaces are open to all the visitors not only the hotel residents. Each building has an outdoor

swimming pool and outdoor seating’s. The buildings in the sides are 602 M2 while the one

in the center is 1100 M2. The first floor of each building includes: lobby with reception

desks, café, internal courtyard, and different seating spaces.

▪ Second floor plan: The three hotel buildings are connected in this floor by a bridge. The

second floor for each building is for hotel residents only. The floor contains 12 suite rooms

overlooking the heritage market. On the other side, it contains 18 rooms overlooking the

main street. The hallways of this floor are let by the skylight during the day hours.

▪ Third and Fourth floor plans: Both third and fourth floors contains suites, rooms, and

services rooms. These floors contain 24 suite rooms total overlooking the heritage market.

The third and fourth floors are also including 36 rooms total overlooking the main street.

The hallways of this floor are let by the skylight during the day hours.

Page | 61
o Hotel’s First Floor Plan:

Figure 39. First Floor Plans for the Proposed Hotel (By Author)

Page | 62
o Hotel’s Second Floor Plan:

Figure 40. Second Floor Plans for the Proposed Hotel (By Author)

Page | 63
o Hotel’s Third and Fourth Floor Plan:

Figure 41. Third and Fourth Floor Plans for the Proposed Hotel (By Author)

Page | 64
o Hertaige Market Floor Plans:

The Heritage Market contains 29 stores in each building, so 58 stores total. The areas vary

between 81 M2 minimum – 150 M2 maximum. The proposed market stores are series of handicraft

products stores, antique stores, and traditional industries stores. The market design provides shaded

areas in both ends surrounded by Mashrabiya to allow daylighting and blowing air to sparkle in

which create comfortable seating spaces. The building of the market has a skylight in the roof to lit

the area naturally. This natural lighting enables some plants in the internal courtyard to grow.

Figure 42. Floor Plans for the Proposed Heritage Market (By Author)

Page | 65
v. Sections:

Figure 43. A-A Section (By Author)

Figure 44. B-B Section (By Author)

Page | 66
vi. Elevation:

Figure 45. Main Street Elevation (By Author)

vii. Rendered Perspectives

Figure 46. Perspective of The Main Entrance of the Hotel. (By Author) Figure 47. Perspective of the Hotel Showing the Path Leads to the Heritage Village (By Author)

Page | 67
Figure 48. Perspective of the Hotel from the Back Side (By Author)

Figure 49. Perspective of the Hotel’s Square (By Author)

Page | 68
Figure 50. Perspective of Path Between the Two Market Buildings (By Author)

Figure 51. Perspective of the Square Between the Two Market Buildings (By Author)

Page | 69
Figure 52. Perspective Showing the Empty Theater and the Tents (By Author)

Figure 53. Perspective Showing the Empty Theater (By Author)

Page | 70
Figure 54. Perspective Showing the Hotel’s Courtyard (By Author)

Figure 55. Perspective Showing the Restaurants’ and Cafes’ Courtyard (By Author)

Page | 71
Figure 56. Bird Eye Perspective Showing The Whole Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village
from Main Street (By Author)

Figure 57. Perspective Showing the Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village from Main Street (By Author)

Page | 72

The Three Sustainable Focus Areas Will Be Shown as Graphics Only in the Hotel of the

Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village.

A. First Sustainable Factor:

i. Passive ventilation (Cooling Towers)

The cooling towers systems account for a substantial amount of energy use in buildings

and represent a significant opportunity for energy savings, thus, sustainable ventilation

technologies have been proposed to the Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village to reduce the

building's energy consumption and carbon footprint. To approach energy-efficient and

environmental-friendly ventilation, the Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village includes cooling

towers for providing passive ventilation. The cooling towers are not only reducing energy

consumption and cost but also it is essential for providing a good indoor air environment while

enhancing a healthy, comfortable, and productive internal climate. The main role of natural

ventilation is that providing optimum indoor air quality and maintaining acceptable thermal

comfort without the aid of mechanical systems, thus enables fresh air delivery to occupants using

sustainable and energy-efficient methods 25.

25 Hughes, Richard, Calautit and Abdul Ghani. "The development of commercial wind towers for,” P.607

Page | 73
The Design of the Cooling Towers and How it Works:

Figure 58. How the Cooling Tower works (By Author)

The cooling tower is considered a multi-directional tower meaning air is captured from all

sides. The air is captured from the top part of the towers where all the four openings are located.

The interior structure of the cooling towers includes clay channels divided into small sections.

These clay channels aid in reducing the temperature as they got wet from water sprays. Water

sprays are also located inside the towers right above the clay channels. At the bottom of the clay

part, there is a water tank and pumper that pumps the water to reach the clay channels, so they

increase the hydration process as well. The integrated cooling towers with wet interior surfaces

can reduce the internal air temperature up to 20oC. Cooling towers can provide a new source of air

and improve thermal comfort for residents regardless of extreme outdoor conditions.

Page | 74
Figure 59. Hotel’s Second Floor Plan Illustrating the Cooling Towers and Wind Flow in the
Interior of the Building (By Author)

Page | 75
Hot External Air Hot External Air

Hot External Air Hot External Air

Water Spray

Cooling Pads
Water Tank and
Cooled Air Sinks
Down the Tower

Water Line

Vent Opening

Figure 60. Section C-C Illustrates the Design of the Cooling Tower and How It Work (By Author)

Figure 61. Section D-D Illustrates the Design of the Cooling Tower and How Wind Flow works
(By Author)

Page | 76
The cooling towers placed carefully in spots where it can cover as much area as possible.

The one tower allows the air to blow in two suit rooms or three to four rooms per floor. The rooms

located far away from the cooling tower are able to be featured by the passive cooling because the

cooling towers are provided with a fan inside the ducts as shown in the section above to pump the

air for longer distance. This way, the hallways also can be benefited with the passive cooling

systems. On the other hand, the warm air by its nature always goes up. The hotel is provided with

fans above each skylight so it can suck it to the outside25.

In Saudi Arabia, most of the energy is consumed in the air consisting by 72% 26. The hotel

of the proposed project contains 14 Cooling Towers. These cooling towers work mainly as a

passive cooling system requiring 0.2% energy for the fans. In This specific hotel, the AC consumes

2297.07 megawatts/year. This amount of energy causes 1233.96 tonnes of Co2 emissions yearly

which is a serious damage to the environment. This amount of consumption costs $158,497.88 per

year. In comparison, the cooling tower’s 36 fans consume 5050.8 kWh/year assuming that these

fans work 10 hours per day for 305 days per year because they will not need to work during the

two cold months of winter. The amount of the Co2 levels caused by these fans is 2246.5 Kg/year.

The cost of utilizing those fans in the hotel building is $348.5 per year. That’s means the Co2

levels are reduced by 99.8%, and that $158,149.37 is saved, considering that the price of kWh=

0.069 cents (based on the Saudi Electric price for commercial buildings transformed to USD) 27.

26 Lasker and Jamil,” The Impact of Construction and Building Materials on, “PhD thesis.
27 N.D, “GlobalPetrpPrices”

Page | 77
Comparison Air Conditioner 14 Cooling Towers in Hotel
kWatt/Year to 2297.07 megawatts/year 36 fans | 5050.8 kWh/year
cool Building
Tonnes of Co2 1233.96 Tonnes 2.24 Tonnes
emissions yearly
This amount of $158,497.88 per year $348.5 per year
consumption costs
Table 5. Comparison Between Air conditioner and Cooling Towers (By Author)

* The calculation of the Co2 emissions from electricity generation with the EPA’s eGRID

emission factors based on 2016 data published in 2018, using the US average electricity source

emissions of 0.9884 lbs CO2 per kWh (0.4483 kgs CO2 per kWh) 28.

28 Chiara,” Ecobnb”

Page | 78
B. Second Sustainable Factor:

i. Vernacular Architecture:

Architecture has the ability to reflect social values and the natural environment of its

people. Vernacular Architecture in specific can be the mirror of the societies. " Elements of

sustainable design are integral to vernacular architecture that has evolved over time using local

materials and technology emerging from ambient natural and cultural environments creating

optimum relationships between people and their place, sustainability has often been a fundamental

part of the composition of both tangible and intangible cultural resources; sustainability and

preservation of cultural identity are complementary” 29.

1) Mashrabiya 30

Mashrabiya is a common Arabian architectural element. It is a form of a window covered

by a wooden latticework made as a screen distinguished by unique geometrical patterns, plant

ornaments, and Arabic writings inspired by Islamic art. Mashrabiya has many benefits besides the

impact on the aesthetics of building facades.

The need for the Mashrabiya started as a social and cultural function according to the

Middle East people where privacy is an important need in their culture. To illustrate, in the middle

eastern cities, the urban patterns were planned with narrow roads to provide a balance with the

human scale. This means that the buildings had a short distance between each other which allowed

to penetrate people's privacy. The Mashrabiya was the perfect solution that can preserve privacy

as it does not isolate the occupants from the outer world, but it enabled them to observe the outside

29 Salman, "Sustainability and Vernacular Architecture: Rethinking What Identity Is,”

30 Abdelkader, Reem And Park, “Sustainable Building Façades: Modern,”

Page | 79
without being seen from the outer side. The wooden patterns prevented passersby to observe who

is behind the Mashrabiya, but it allows the occupants to see outside.

The Mashrabiya does not only has social and cultural features besides the aesthetics features,

but it also is known for its significant sustainable benefits. The primary sustainable function of

Mashrabiya is that it serves as an important device for efficient heating, cooling, and ventilation

as it supports passive cooling systems. Basically, it controls airflow and filters the light through

different sizes of openings in its lower and upper parts. The various openings in the Mashrabiya

provide shade from the summer sun while permitting the flow of cool air from the road This allows

for greater air circulation within the room without causing discomfort. The wood itself removes

moisture from the air 31. The other sustainable function is breaking down the direct sunlight while

allowing natural light to enter the interior. This allows adjustments to the access of sunlight and

protection from glare. In general, Mashrabiya shields the occupants from the hard-surrounding

environment and provide them filtered daylighting and airflow.

o Functions of Mashrabiya:

▪ Controlling the Passage of Light:

Figure 62 illustrates how Mashrabiya able to control

light ratio since it is structured as a group of small openings

that allows the building to get the full advantage of indirect

Figure 62. Mashrabiya composed
of rounded wood (By Author)

31 Ashour, "Islamic Architectural Heritage: Mashrabiya."

Page | 80
Figure 63. First Floor Plan Illustrating daylighting analysis as result of Mashrabiya. (By Author)

Page | 81
Figure 64. Second Floor Plan Illustrating daylighting analysis as result of Mashrabiya. (By Author)

Page | 82
Figure 65. Third and Fourth Floor Plan Illustrating daylighting analysis as result of Mashrabiya.
(By Author)

Page | 83
▪ Controlling the Air Flow and Humidity:

The Mashrabiya is an architectural element that contributed to solving many concerns in

architecture; mainly, it deals with three main aspects which are: ventilation, lighting, and humidity.

The Mashrabiya works to soften the light intensity and the air sliding on its surface at the same

time which makes it give wonderful ventilation to the place it contains. The Mashrabiya works to

reduces the light passage and regulates the air flow due to the different sizes of voids of the

Mashrabiya in the lower and upper parts. The voids are narrowed in the lower parts and widening

in the upper parts. To ensure air circulation inside the building, the air is pulled into the room

through the small interstices of the Mashrabiya in the lower part and hot air is ejected out through

the large interstices of the upper part. "This technique not only enhances the air circulation but also

speeds it into other indoor rooms. When the temperature of the air diminishes, its size decreases,

per contra the weight and density of it increase. The output rise in the air pressure drives the air to

blow into the internal spaces through the small interstices. As the air temperature increases, the

size of air increases also, while its weight and a density decrease, therefore low pressure makes

the air move upwards and out of through the large interstices in the upper part of the Mashrabiya.

It is worth mentioning that the rounded surfaces of the latticework of Mashrabiya provide smooth

airflow"32 .In addition, the emergence of the mashrabiya from the wall level allows it to be exposed

to the air currents Parallel to the façade of the building. Also, the degree of humidity entering the

house has also been controlled by the Mashrabiya since it made out of wood. The nature of the

wood material known for its natural porous material which made of organic fibers that absorb and

retain water. This operation is efficient as it make the dry air more moist in the heat of the day.

31 Hiba Alothman,” The cooling effect of Mashrabiya through the evapo -transpiration process”

Page | 84
Figure 66. The cooling effect of Mashrabiya through the evapo-transpiration process (Image from
Hiba Alothman’s Thesis)

2) Adobe Clay Brick

The primer building material utilized in the project is the Adobe Clay Brick. Adobe Clay

Brick is the most prevalent material in the Saudi Vernacular Architecture 12. Its main advantages

are fireproof, durable yet biodegradable, non-toxic building material which provides sufficient

thermal mass to buildings to ensure excellent thermal performance. Other benefits include low

sound transmission levels through walls and a general feeling of solidity and security. One of the

biggest advantages of the Adobe system is that the risk of extensive shrinkage and cracking, which

would otherwise occur in soils of high clay content in a large monolithic wall, is prevented 33.

33 N.D, “Solid Earth Adobe Buildings”

Page | 85
An adobe wall is characterized by its sustainable advantages. It is self-sustaining, and

naturally energy efficient. Adobe walls are often thick, forming natural insulation from the

environmental heat that creates and sustains the material 34. Adobe brick absorbs and releases heat

slowly and thus keeps the house cool during daytime and warm during night-time 35. These features

ensure regulating the warm temperatures in the interior of the proposed project aligned with the

use of the cooling towers and the Mashrabiya.

o Maintenance Guide for Adobe Clay Brick:

Cyclical maintenance is the key to a successful adobe building survival. This means that

once the building is constructed, some program of continuing maintenance should be initiated. For

instance, all the changes in the building or any editions should particularly be noted. In addition,

all water damage should be noted and remedied at its earliest possible stages. Also, the early stages

of cracking, sagging, or bulging in adobe walls should be monitored regularly. Another major point

is that cyclical maintenance help halting the plant, animal, and insect damage before it becomes

substantial. Moreover, surface coatings must be inspected frequently and repaired or replaced as

the need indicates. The roof is also a big part of cyclical maintenance where it should be inspected

periodically. Lastly, the mechanical systems should be monitored for a breakdown. To illustrate

that, problems like leaking water pipes and condensation are more potentially occurs to the adobe

building than to a brick, stone, or frame structure. Hence, observing adobe buildings for

performing maintenance and making the appropriate changes on a regular basis is a major

important policy. It is essential to know that adobe construction's nature is more willing to

34 Jackie, “Thought Co”

35 N.D, “Clay Brick”

Page | 86
deteriorate, but this issue can be solved by cyclical maintenance. The cyclical maintenance can

substantially deter this process, thus producing a relatively stable adobe structure36.

C. Third Sustainable Factor:

i. Water Management

1) Gray Water Systems

One of the ways that can achieve sustainability is reducing water consumption. Water

usage reduction can be beneficial to the environment as it reduces the energy demand required to

pump the water into the building. This way, the load that the water treatment centers have to handle

in ensuring that water is purified is reduced from the total energy required by water distribution

and water purifying companies. Reducing energy usage means less electricity and in turn, fossil
fuel use is also cut down eventually helping to reduce Co2 emissions . This massive positive

reduction could be accomplished by the use of Gray Water Systems. This system is defined as

“gently used” water that comes from restroom sinks, kitchen sinks, showers, etc38. Although

35 N.D, “Preservation Brief 5: Preservation of Historic Adobe Buildings”

37 Rinkesh,” Conserve Energy Future”.
38 Lodging Staff, “Lodging”

Page | 87
greywater may seem discolored or even “dirty,” they are usually beneficial and safe for some

practices like, irrigation or toilet flushing, but not safe for human consumption.

Gray water system






Total Gray Water from Toilet Flushing from Irrigation from gray
Hotel L/year gray water L/year water L/year
54 Rooms 36 Suite Rooms
All Rooms Irrigation from Hotel's gray water
Irrigation from the project's gray water
Figure 67. A Chart Illustrating the Total Amount of Gray Water from The Hotel, and How Much of
that Water is Utilized in Toilet flushing and Irrigation (By Author)

The proposed sustainable tourism heritage village contains spacious spaces of landscaping

that requires big amounts of water; hence, the reuse of water can prove to be significant water and

cost savings. In the regions that lack plants, like Saudi Arabia, the use of the gray water provides

an alternative source for irrigation. However, for this specific project, the hotel contains 90

bathrooms in total, and the average water consumption is between 382 to 787 liters per room per

day according to the American Water Works Association 39, assuming that Saudi hotels consume

the same amount because of the lack of data. This means that the 90 bathrooms consume 34380

liters daily in case of using the average water consumption which is 585 liters. Hence, the 90

bathrooms’ water consumption is raised to be 19,788,078 liters/year.

39 N.D, “Green Hotelier”

Page | 88
On the other hand, the green spaces in the proposed project are approximately 12,230

square meters which means that it requires 205,590 liters every time the sprinklers are turned on
. If watering the vegetation happened 3 times a week, it will need 616,770 liters per week,

29,604,960 liters per year.

Besides the Graywater provided by the hotel's bathrooms, other bathrooms in the project,

such as the ones in the market, services building, and cafe and restaurant will also be used for


As the Graywater provided from the gray water systems is 12,548,700 liters/year, 83% will

be used for irrigation and the other 17% will be consumed in toilet flushing.

Now, the rest of Graywater provided from the gray water systems in hotel bathrooms are

going to be used for the hotel's toilet flushing too. The average person flushes the toilet 5 times a

day41, 1825 flush/year. The one toilet flush requires 4.22 liters. Assuming that the 54 rooms are

rent for 2 to 4 guests maximum this means that these bathrooms are flushed 394,200 times a year,

consuming 1,663,524 liters per year.

On the other side, the hotel includes 36 suite rooms that can be rent for 4 to 6 guests

maximum. The number of flushing the toilet is 30 times a day for the one suite room which is

10,950 flush a year; hence, all the 36 suite rooms require 394,200 flushes a year, 1,663,524


So, 1,663,524 liters per year from the 54 rooms + 1,663,524 liters/year from the 36 suite

rooms= 3,327,048 liters/year.

40 Lipford,” Today's Homeowner with Danny Lipforsd”

41 Sprague,” Home Guides | SF Gate”

Page | 89
Figure 68. Section Illustrates the Design Gray Water System in the Hotel and How It
Work (By Author)

Page | 90
2) Ground Water

Al-Ula is rich of ground water 15. The existence of the ground water is a good opportunity

that aids on achieving sustainability. In this specific project, the ground water is provided with a

system that enable pumping the water to use it in both water sprays existed in the cooling towers

and in draining the swimming pools located in the hotels.

To fill a Pool with 12meter Length x 5meter Width x 2meter Deep, it needs 78,408 liters.

So, the three swimming pools requires 235,224 liters for each drain. By utilizing the ground water,

we are eliminating most of the energy consumed in case of filling the pools with fresh water.

Figure 69. Section Illustrates the Design Ground Water in the Hotel and How It Work
(By Author)

Page | 91

% Oil revenues %non - Oil revenues Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village





2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Figure 70. A Bar Chart Showing How the Saudi 2030 Vision is Achieved By the Current Project (By Author)

This Thesis addressed a design of a sustainable tourism heritage village in Al-Ula city in

Saudi Arabia. The sustainability is achieved in the project through:

1) The passive ventilation that was activated by the cooling towers.

2) Vernacular Architecture; more specifically, utilizing the local material adobe clay

that deals well with extreme weather as well as the existence of Mashrabiya which

allow both airflow and sunlight to enter.

3) The use of Gray Water.

4) The use of the Ground Water.

Assuming that if this project is constructed, the percentage for the non-oil revenues will

increase by 2%. Hence, to reach the 2030 vision goal the Saudi Arabia, it will require at least 8

projects of this scope and scale to get 70% of non-oil revenues.

Page | 92

Figure 1. Vision 2030 of Saudi Arabia…………………………………………………………….……....…..8

Figure 2. Map of Saudi Arabia Including Al-Ula City and The Surrounding Cities ……………….….………......15

Figure 3. Boundary of Al-Ula City………………………..……………………………….………….………15

Figure 4. A Picture Representing The Nature Of Al-Ula City…………………………...…...………….....……16

Figure 5. A Picture Repressing the Terrain of Al-Ula City……………………………….…………………….16

Figure 6. The Daily Average High (Red Line) And Low (Blue Line) Temperature, With 25th To 75th And 10th To

90th Percentile Bands. The Thin Dotted Lines Are the Corresponding Average Perceived Temperatures …………17

Figure 7. The Percentage Of Time Spent In Each Cloud Cover Band, Categorized By The Percentage Of The Sky

Covered By Clouds………………………………...……………………………………………………..…18

Figure 8. The average rainfall (solid line) accumulated over the course of a sliding 31-day period centered on the day

in question, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. The thin dotted line is the corresponding average

liquid-equivalent snowfall……………………………………………….........………………………...……19

Figure 9. The Number Of Hours During Which The Sun Is Visible (Black Line). From Bottom (Most Yellow) To

Top (Most Gray), The Color Bands Indicate: Full Daylight, Twilight (Civil, Nautical, And Astronomical), And Full


Figure 10. The Percentage Of Time Spent At Various Humidity Comfort Levels, Categorized By Dew Point ……...20

Figure 11. The Average Of Mean Hourly Wind Speeds (Dark Gray Line), With 25th To 75th And 10th To 90th

Percentile Bands…………………………………………………………………………...…………….….21

Figure 12. The percentage of hours in which the mean wind direction is from each of the four cardinal wind directions,

excluding hours in which the mean wind speed is less than 1.0 mph. The lightly tinted areas at the boundaries are the

percentage of hours spent in the implied intermediate directions………………………………………………...21

Figure 13. Drawing Showing The Components Of The Precedent…………………………….………..……….26

Figure 14. Drawing Showing The Elements Of The Precedent…………………….....…………………………26

Figure 15. Site Analysis Of Heritage Tourist Village Concerned……………….……………………………….27

Figure 16. Drawing Showing The Paths and Entrances……………………………………………….……..…27

Page | 93

Figure 17. Perspective Illustrating The Design………………………………………………………………...28

Figure 18. An Elevation of The Design The Design………………………………………………..……..28

Figure 19. Site analysis of Heritage Cultural Urban Village in Egypt ………………………………………...…30

Figure 20. Drawing Showing The Components Of The Project…………………………………………...…….30

Figure 21. Site Analysis of Caesarea Market In Al - Ahsa City, Saudi Arabia……………………………….....…….32

Figure 22. Plan Showing the Project Components……………………………………………………………..32

Figure 23. Pedestrian Movement On The Site……………………………………………………….……..….33

Figure 24. Vehicles Movement On the Site……………………………………………...………………….....34

Figure 25. Project Perspective………………………………………………………………………….....….34

Figure 26. A Picture Showing the Site and The Geographical Surrounding……………………………………..49

Figure 27. A Picture Showing the Site Boundary from a Closer View and The Geographical Surrounding ………....49

Figure 28. A Picture Showing The Sun Path In Winter And Summer, And Shows The Wind Direction …………..50

Figure 29. A Picture Showing Main Roads Lead to the Site…………..……………………………….…...…...50

Figure 30. A Picture Showing the direct flights to Al-Ula………………………………………………………51

Figure 31. A Picture Showing Cultural and Natural Heritage Landmarks…………………………………….....53

Figure 32. A Picture Showing Cultural And Natural Heritage Landmarks Distance/ Travel Time To The Proposed

Figure 33. Bubble Diagram Sketch for Distributing Functions of the Project………………………………..…...55

Figure 34. Site Development Sketch……………………………………………………...………………......55

Figure 35. Site Development Sketch……………………………………………………...………………......56

Figure 36. Sketch of The Final Layout of The Design and how to orientate the buildings to take advantage of the


Figure 37. A Picture Showing the Master Plan Design of the Proposed Project………………………………….57

Figure 38. A Picture Showing the Site Design of the Proposed Project………………………………………....60

Page | 94

Figure 39. First Floor Plans for the Proposed Hotel……………………………………………...……………..62

Figure 40. Second Floor Plans for the Proposed Hotel……………………………………………………….....63

Figure 41. Third and Fourth Floor Plans for the Proposed Hotel…………………………………………….......64

Figure 42. Floor Plans for the Proposed Heritage Market………………………………..………………..…....65

Figure 43. A-A Section…………………………………………….……………………………………......66

Figure 44. B-B Section……………………………………………………………………...…………….....66

Figure 45. Main Street Elevation……………………………………………………….………………….....67

Figure 46. Perspective Of The Main Entrance Of The Hotel……………………………………………….......67

Figure 47. Perspective Of the Hotel Showing the Path Leads to the Heritage Village…………………..………...67

Figure 48. Perspective Of the Hotel from The Back Side……………………………………………..…….…..68

Figure 49. Perspective of the Hotel’s Square……………………………...……………………..….………..…..68

Figure 50. Perspective of Path Between the Two Market Buildings………………………………………..……69

Figure 51. Perspective of the Square Between the Two Market Buildings…………………………………….…69

Figure 52. Perspective Showing the Empty Theater and the Tents………………………………………………70

Figure 53. Perspective Showing the Empty Theater……………………………………..………………….….70

Figure 54. Perspective Showing the Hotel’s Courtyard…………………………………………………….…..71

Figure 55. Perspective Showing the Restaurants’ and Cafes’ Courtyard………………………………………...71

Figure 56. Bird Eye Perspective Showing The Whole Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village from Main Street


Figure 57. Perspective Showing the Sustainable Tourism Heritage Village from Main Street……………………..72

Figure 58. How the Cooling Tower works…………………………………………………………………….74

Figure 59. Hotel’s Second Floor Plan Illustrating the Cooling Towers and Wind Flow in the Interior of the


Figure 60. Section C-C Illustrates the Design of the Cooling Tower and How It Work…………………………....76

Figure 61. Section D-D Illustrates the Design of the Cooling Tower and How Wind Flow works………………….76

Page | 95

Figure 62. Mashrabiya composed of rounded wood……………………………………………………………80

Figure 63. First Floor Plan Illustrating daylighting analysis as result of Mashrabiya ……………………………...81

Figure 64. Second Floor Plan Illustrating daylighting analysis as result of Mashrabiya ……………………...……82

Figure 65. Third and Fourth Floor Plan Illustrating daylighting analysis as result of Mashrabiya………………….83

Figure 66. The cooling effect of Mashrabiya through the evapo-transpiration process……………………………84

Figure 67. A Chart Illustrating the Total Amount of Gray Water from The Hotel, and How Much of that Water is

Utilized in Toilet flushing and Irrigation………………………………………………………………………87

Figure 68. Section Illustrates the Design Gray Water System in the Hotel and How It Work……………………....89

Figure 69. Section Illustrates the Design Ground Water in the Hotel and How It Work…………………………...90

Figure 70. A Bar Chart Showing How The Saudi 2030 Vision is Achieved By the Current Project ………….....….91


Table 1. The Table Illustrates the Elements (Functions) Of Each Precedent Studies, And What Functions Are Applied

in The Current Project…………………………………………………………………………….………...45

Table 2. The Table Illustrates the Areas in (M2) For Each Elements (Functions) Of Each Precedent Studies, And

What Sized Are Applied in The Current Project………………………………………………………………46

Table 3. The Table Illustrates the Selected Functions Applied in The Current Project with The Number Of Each

Function, The Area In (M2), Number of Floors, And The Total Area In Square Meter …………………….......…47

Table 4. The Table Illustrates the Average Numbers of Areas According to The Precedent Studies, The Minimum

Required Areas Based On the Saudi Building Code and The Municipal Regulations, And The Proposed Total


Table 5. Comparison Between Air conditioner and Cooling Towers…………………………………….……..78

Page | 96

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