AI-121220-4-HC-Update Master & Display-GB
AI-121220-4-HC-Update Master & Display-GB
AI-121220-4-HC-Update Master & Display-GB
AI Instruction
AI-N°: AI-121220-4-HC Date: Dec. 20th 2012
!!! For updating please take care about the instructions inside the WAS Paver 11.3!!!
If the available bandwidth of the used internet connection is not high enough, to
download the WAS Paver 11.3, the single instructions can be downloaded by the
following links.
Link single document „Bodas Generation 2011“ for master A1:
With the new display software, the menu point of the screed type configuration has
changed (see graphic). If the modification of the screed and the update of the paver
system is done, the type “3” has to be adjusted inside this menu.
Type 1: Vario screed with previous design of tamper motors
Type 2: Ridget (fixed) screed
Type 3: Vario screed with new design of tamper motors
During next service Soon as possible Before next machine usage If required
Attachments / Drawings