Unit 10 Writing Style
Unit 10 Writing Style
Unit 10 Writing Style
Sentence introducing the point
Communicate succinctly without losing vital information or
meaning. It is often easier to write fluently and then to edit
out unnecessary words and phrases.
important thing is to consider the purpose of your writing -
that will help you to decide how to write it.
Write to a structure
Part of your assessment will usually relate to the standard of
your written English. It's important to pay attention to things
like tenses, gender, plurals and the structure of your
sentences, especially if you have rewritten or moved
sections of your work. It's easy to lose marks - but it's also
easy to make sure you don't.
This brief guide offers ten brief tips to help you to proof read
your work as effectively as possible.
2. Leave it a day - if you can, leave sometime between
finishing your full draft and proof reading. It's easier
to read critically when it's not so fresh in your mind.
3. Read aloud - small errors of expression and
punctuation are more likely to become obvious if you
read aloud.
4. Punctuate your reading - put pauses in for
punctuation when you read, timed differently for
different punctuation marks - so take a breath for
commas, come to a halt for full stops. This is a good
way to see if your sentences are too long or too
5. Take it slowly - if you have time to do a really
thorough proofing, first read each sentence in a
paragraph one at a time to make sure each makes
sense. Then read the whole paragraph. Finally, when
you've read all the paragraphs, read the whole essay
6. Take care with cut and paste - if you decide to
move things about, don't forget to check the whole
sentence again afterwards to make sure all the
tenses, genders and plurals agree. Using the
grammar check tool in Microsoft Word can help
to prevent any errors.
7. Learn punctuation rules - make sure you know how
to use commas, apostrophes, colons and semi-
colons. For more on this, see our guide to
8. Check your referencing - always check your course
handbook for preferred conventions - if you have to
reference something that's not covered there, be
consistent. See our pages on Reading, note-taking
and referencing for more.
9. Get another view - ask a friend to read through your
work and tell you if it makes sense (NOT correct it for
you). Offer to do the same for them. Especially good
if you can't leave time between writing and proofing -
another pair of eyes will be fresher.
10. Use your feedback - always read and learn from
your academic feedback. Use it to make a list of the
things you often get wrong. Look out for these
especially. They should start to disappear as you get
used to doing them right.
give yourself time to think carefully about the question and
understand what it is asking.
Top tip:
Set the question in context – how does it fit with the key
issues, debates and controversies in your module and your
subject as a whole? An essay question often asks about a
specific angle or aspect of one of these key debates. If you
understand the context it makes your understanding of the
question clearer.
Re-read the question – Read the question through a few
times. Explain it to yourself, so you are sure you know what
it is asking you to do.
Generating ideas
The kinds of things to note briefly are:
- What you already know about the topic – from lectures,
seminars, general knowledge.
- Things you don't know about the topic, but need to find
out in order to answer the question.
- Initial responses or answers to the question – what you
think your conclusion might possibly be.
This helps you start formulating your argument and direction
for answering the question. It also helps you focus your
reading, as you can pinpoint what you need to find out and
go straight to the parts of books, chapters, articles that will
be most relevant.
After reading - After your reading, it is often good to
summarise all your findings on a page – again, a spider
diagram can help with this.
Bringing together the key points from your reading helps
clarify what you have found out, and helps you find a
pathway through all the ideas and issues you have
encountered. If you include brief details of authors and page
nos. for key information, it can act as a quick at-a-glance
guide for finding the evidence you need to support your
points later.
It also helps you see how your initial response to the
question might have changed or become more
sophisticated in light of the reading you've done. It leads
into planning your essay structure.
Why plan?
You need to work out what to include, and what can be left
out. It is impossible to cover everything in an essay, and
your markers will be looking for evidence of your ability to
choose material and put it in order. Brainstorm all your
ideas, then arrange them in three or four groups. Not
everything will fit so be prepared to discard some points
(you can mention them briefly in your introduction).
flexible and creative, so is good to use first even if you like
to order your points in linear form afterwards.
Top tip:
If you know you tend to write too much, cut down the
number of individual points in your plan. If you find it difficult
to write enough, expand on some of your points with sub-
points in the planning stage.
Introductions and conclusions are not just the bits tagged on
to the ends of your essay. They form a conceptual
framework which the reader will need to understand your
arguments. Always keep your reader in mind when writing
the beginning and ending to your essay:
What do they need to know at the start so they become
interested in reading your essay and can follow the rest of
your argument?
What do you want to leave them with as the main message
of your essay at the end?
The best introductions and conclusions tell the reader
exactly what they need to know to understand the main
body of the essay.
Writing your introduction
An introduction gives your reader a way in to your essay. It
is like consulting the map before starting on a journey; it
situates the journey in the surrounding landscape, and it
identifies the main route.
You can think of an introduction as covering what / why /
What the question is about – explain your interpretation
of the question and what it is asking you to do.
Why the question is important – put the question into
context and identify the main issues that are raised by
the question.
How you are going to answer it – let the reader know
what you are going to cover in your essay in order to
answer the question.
If you want to narrow down a very open-ended question,
tell your reader that you are doing this in your
introduction. Explain briefly that you are aware of the
many issues raised by the question, but that you are
only going to focus on one or two in detail…and why you
have chosen these particular aspects.
For example:
"To what extent do you agree that regional inequalities in
the UK are persistent and widening?"
What the question is about: The links between
geographical location and distribution of resources &
wealth in the UK.
Why this is important: Because some regions in the
UK are more prosperous and better resourced than
others – Why is this? What causes the inequalities
between regions?
How I am going to answer it: Have to narrow down
"regional" and also "inequalities" – so compare the
unemployment rates, average salaries, and job
opportunities in Oxfordshire and Lancashire as a case
You will need to summarize the main points of your
argument, relate these points back to the question, and
show the answer you have reached. Think about what your
reader knows now that they didn't know at the beginning.
If your essay question asks you to come to a judgment, for
example "To what extent…" or "How far do you agree…",
this is the place to clearly outline your reasoned judgment. It
doesn't have to be a straight agreement or disagreement,
but it is better to have a well reasoned side to your
argument, instead of trying to combine every viewpoint into
a muddled whole.
It is good practice not to introduce any new information in a
conclusion, as the main task here is to close the framework
of your discussion by referring back to the questions opened
up in your introduction. However it is sometimes appropriate
to look forwards and speculate about future developments
or trends. In many disciplines the speculative paragraph
comes just before the conclusion.
Your conclusion should leave the reader with a clear picture
of your main argument, and also leave them feeling positive
about your ideas.
paragraph, and then end on a strong, positive sentence,
such as "It has clearly been shown that…"
- a rhetorical question. You may believe that it leaves the
reader thinking deeply about your argument. However, it
just leaves the reader unsatisfied, as they expect you to
come up with an answer to the question that you have
Develop your essay writing
This guide looks at ways you can develop your essay
writing practices, including:
Good academic writing style
Integrating evidence and your own ideas
Critical analysis
Editing and proof reading
Academic writing style
Academic essays should be written in a formal style. Avoid:
clichés ("the flaws in this argument stand out like a sore
contractions ("don't", "aren't", "it's")
phrases that sound like speech ("well, this bit is really
subjective descriptions ("this beautiful sculpture")
Use the first person "I" only where appropriate (e.g. when
writing up your own experience or professional case study).
Where possible use the third person, for example "It can be
argued"instead of "I think"
Your argument is your reasoned answer to the essay
question, supported by evidence. The books, articles, and
research material that you read for your essay provide this
evidence to back up your points. The way in which you
select and interpret the evidence, and explain why it
answers the question, is where you demonstrate your own
For each point that you make in your essay, you need to
support it with evidence. There are many different kinds of
evidence, and the type you use will depend on what is
suitable for your subject and what the essay question is
asking you to do.
As you get more experienced with essay writing, you will
want to adapt this model to suit the structure and shape of
your ideas.
Critical analysis
Critical analysis is a key skill for writing essays at university;
it allows you to assess the various ideas and information
that you read, and decide whether you want to use them to
support your points.
It is not a mysterious skill that is only available to advanced
students; it is something we do every day when assessing
the information around us and making reasoned decisions,
for example whether to believe the claims made in TV
adverts. Nor does it always mean disagreeing with
something you also need to be able to explain why you
agree with arguments.
What evidence has been used to support this main
Is the evidence convincing; are there any counter-
Do I agree with the text and why do I agree or disagree?
Editing involves checking whether all your points are in the
right order and that they are all relevant to the question.
Be ruthless at this stage – if the information isn't directly
answering the question, cut it out! You will get many more
marks for showing you can answer the question than you
will for an unordered list of everything you know about a
Identifying your own mistakes and correcting them is an
important part of academic writing: this is what you do when
you proofread. Ideally leave a day between finishing your
essay and proofreading it. You won't be so close to your
work, so you will see your errors more easily. Try reading
your essay aloud, as this will slow you down, make you
focus on each word, and show you when your sentences
are too long
It can help to have a friend read through your work but
developing your own proofreading skills is better. Your
friend won't always be available!
Use counter-arguments to your advantage – if you find
viewpoints that go against your own argument, don't ignore
them. It strengthens an argument to include an opposing
viewpoint and explain why it is not as convincing as your
own line of reasoning.