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(Under Grants-in-Aid) (All Fields Are Mandatory) (For DRDO Use Only)

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(Under Grants-in-Aid)(All fields are mandatory)
Date Received: /……/ ………
Keywords (4-5):
ER&IPR , RB File Number:
Type of Institution:
(a) Govt / Non-Govt / Private(*)
(b) University/College/PSU/Industry/NGO/ Society(Regn No. . . . . . . . . . . . .) ERIPR/NRB/ARMREB/LSRB/ARDB
(*)For Private institute, attach recognition certificate from UGC/AICTE/Govt. bodies valid
for at least 3 Years.
2. Principal Investigator (PI): 3. Date of Birth
Sex: M / F

4. PI’s address: 5. Co-Investigators (CIs):

a) Name:
Pin code
Phone: Mobile: Fax: b) Name:
Email: Address:
6. (a) Main objectives (not exceeding 50 words)
Detail can be enclosed separately:
(b) Deliverables focused to DRDO program

7. Name of collaborating DRDO/other institutions, if any,

in the current proposal
8. Two best publications in the field by the PI in last five years and brief references to any patents filed or technologies developed

9. Proposed expenditure on  (Rs. In lakhs) during  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Line total
a) Staff :

b) Equipment (including spares thereof)

c) Operation and maintenance of equipment
d) Expendables
e) Travel
f) Contingencies
g) Consultancy
h). workshops
i) Procured services (other than (g)) and metered utilities
i) Total for (a to i)
j) Add Institutional overheads as per 5.2 (i) Use year wise proportional
Column totals
10. Activity bar chart including milestones for biannual review of project progress (attach separate sheet)
11. References to other ongoing projects with, or proposals made to, DRDO/other (including foreign) agencies:
Funding agency Amount (Rs.) Period Title

12Cheque to be issued in favor of:

13. Administrative authority of host institution forwarding proposal 14. Signature of Principal Investigator (PI):
(Signature with Seal and Full Name & Designation)

(One hard copy in case of online submission, Otherwise four hard copies duly signed by
PI & concerned administrative authority at appropriate places, to be submitted to one of
following :

1. Director, Directorate of Extramural Research & Intellectual Property Rights

(ER&IPR), Room no. 348, DRDO Bhawan, RajajiMarg, New Delhi-110011. Mail:

2. Member secretary, Naval Research Board (NRB), Room no. 322, DRDO Bhawan,
Rajaji Marg, New Delhi-110011.Mail : sverma@hqr.drdo.in

3. Member secretary, Armament Research Board (ARMREB ), Room no. 307, DRDO
Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi-110011. mkhanda@hqr.drdo.in

4. Member secretary, Life Sciences Research Board (LSRB ), Room no. 341, DRDO
Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi-110011. Mail :

5. Member secretary, Aeroronautics Research and Development Board (AR&DB),

Room no. 323, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi-110011. Mail :


Page No
Title of Research proposal…………………..
Type of Project: Basic/Applied ……………
Aims of the Research Proposal ……………
Deliverables ………….
Details of Investigator(s) ……………
Proposed duration of the research proposal ……………..
Brief review of the state-of-art in the field (National & International)
Scientific Importance of the project …………….
Methods and Procedure ………………….
Facilities available for carrying out the proposed research work
Additional equipments required for the proposed work with price, budgetary quotations
& justification …………….
Previous work done in this or related fields
Biographical sketch of investigator(s) ……………..
Research support for other projects of the applicant from various sources …….
Deliverables specific to Software / firmware intensive Projects
Specific points linked to centre of excellence …………………
Section 'A'

1. Title of Research proposal (Make the title concise & specific)

2. Type of Project: Basic/Applied

3. Aims of the Research Proposal

4. Deliverables (For software/Firmware intensive projects please refer 16.)

5. Details of Investigator(s)

(a) Principal Investigator

Name & Designation

Name and Address of Institution (complete with Phone(Off & Res), Mobile, Fax & E-

(b) Co-Investigator

Name & Designation

Name and Address of Institution (complete with Phone(Off & Res), Mobile, Fax & E-

6. Proposed duration of the research proposal with justification

Amount of grant proposed (with justification)

Proposed expenditure on  (Rs. In lakhs) during  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
a) Staff :

b) Equipment (including spares thereof)

c) Operation and maintenance of equipment
d) Expendables
e) Travel
f) Contingencies
g) Visiting Faculty or Research Consultant(s)
h) Workshops
i). Procured services (other than (g))and metered utilities
Total for (a to i)
a) Add Institutional overheads as per 5.2 (i) Use year wise
proportional figures.
Column totals


a. Staff (Designation, number and pay for each post to be given)

b. List of equipments proposed with budgetary quotations ( Refer col 12 also)
c. Maintenance
d. Expendables (Chemicals, Substrates, Glassware, photographic materials etc.)
e. Travel (only Domestic)
f. Contingencies ( Postage, Stationary, typing, Miscetc)
g. Visiting Faculty, if any
h. Procured services
i. Proposed duration

7. (i) Department of the Institution where research will be carried out

(ii) Other departments, if any, which will cooperate in this study (Mention name of
also if any)

8. Brief review of the state-of-art in the field (National & International)

(Appendix A)

9. Scientific Importance of the project

(Appendix B)

10. Methods and Procedure

(Appendix C)
(Give details of the actual experimental approach to the execution of your research
plan indicating how each specific aim is expected to be fulfilled. Give activity
chart/Bar chart).

11. Facilities available for carrying out the proposed research work in Applicant's (a)
Group, (b) Department, (c) Institution and (d) co-located DRDO lab

(Appendix D)

12. Additional equipments required for the proposed work with price, budgetary
quotations & justification (Refer Col 6 b. also)

(Appendix E)

13. Previous work done in this or related fields (To be attached as Appendix "F".
Describe briefly any work done that is particularly pertinent to the proposal and list
(i) your personal publications in this related area and (ii) personal publications in
other areas).

14. Biographical sketch of investigator(s)

(i) Name
(ii) Designation
(iii) Date of Birth
(iv) Education and Experience
(a) Academic Qualifications
(Begin with bachelor degree)

Degree University Subjects(s) Year

(b) Other research training and experience especially establishing research

qualification in area covered by this application including previous and present

Institution Topic of work done Year

(v) Field of major scientific interest:

(vi) Additional information (if any):

15. Research support for other projects of the applicant from various sources.
(List all other research support to PI & Co-PI).

Name of Title of project Total Amount Period of support Completed/on-going


16. Deliverables specific to Software / firmware intensive Projects

(i) Documents consisting of Review of state of art, Details of work carried out
earlier, mathematical formulation, conclusion in soft copy, patents,
copyrights, tactical knowledge generated, Softcopy on DVD.
(ii) Firmware, software, numbers, Installation manual, user manual, Use cases
for demo. Detailed design document, HLA, Flow chart of firmware, PCB
layout details, HDL implementation code, FEM analysis, Datasheet of
components, Simulation results along with test cases, softcopy on DVD
(iii) Software architecture design document, Commented source code, Object
code, libraries used, executables, data set used, test cases, documents for
setup, running of software also on DVD.
17. For projects linked to centre of excellence following additional points will be specific
to them and separate approval will be taken for them.

(i) Foreign travel for the PI and research fellow

(ii) Inviting and paying to NRI placed at Institutes abroad
(iii) Non disclosure agreement with PI
18. For life sciences project a certificate to be attached, “ I certify that (Institutional
ethical clearance and project approval, (b) Clearance from the nuclear medicine
committee of BARC and (c) Clearance from Institutional Bio safety committee have
been obtained and relevant documents are attached”.
Projects involving DNA/ genetic engineering work should be examined and certified
by the Institutional Bio-safety committee (IBSC), Lodhi road, Delhi.

19. A certificate to the effect that the Grantee institution shall maintain an account of its
incomes arising out of commercial use and any royalty income shall be shared
equally between DRDO and grantee institution.
Section 'B'

1. Name of institution submitting application

2. Address

3. Name, designation and full address of the official to whom cheques are to be


The undersigned agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth for the Grants-in-aid
scheme of the Ministry of Defence and certify that basic necessary facilities for the
proposed work are available and the same can be extended to the investigator. The
proposal has not been submitted to or under consideration by any other funding agency,

Signature of the Principal Investigator Signature of Executive

Authority of the

Name and Designation Name and Designation

Date Date

Signature of co-investigator Official stamp


Name and Designation


Item 1: Title of proposal must be short and should encapsulate the main objective. Examples:
“Mapping trajectories of ions in nearly-insulating multi-layers using channeling ERDA”;
“Design and construction of a new instrument to confirm the Patankar conjecture that
bacterial rhodopsin acts as a pseudo-prion in Bose-Chapman electric fields”. The
objective of the proposal could also be pursuit of a generic research programme such as
“A Programme for Advanced Research in Mathematical Engineering of Non-Linear
PI should provide 4-5 keywords which will help in classification
PI should provide information about type of institution
Item 6: State main objectives of the proposal highlighting investigations, methodology and/or
experimental design (such as validating new theory, exploring new parameter regimes,
test of hypotheses, etc.) followed by expected categories or types of results. Example:
“The test-section of the existing hypersonic wind tunnel will be modified to enable two
yawed cones to be placed laterally in the test section. Liquid crystal coatings will be used
to identify location of transition. Results will be reported as Dhawan transition maps in
nested form.”
Item 9:
a) Staff: Indicate here numbers and categories of staff proposed to be engaged. The current
emoluments are as per Govt rules. HRA also payable as per Govt. rules.
b) Equipment (including spares thereof): Details of proposed equipment with justification to
be given against item 12 of section A of detailed form.
c) Operation and maintenance of equipment: Include here proposed outlays on service
contracts for maintenance of equipment beyond guarantee period; upkeep of animal
houses; items essential for safe operation of equipment (other than required utilities under
(h) below) e.g. essential periodic replacement of furnace linings, pump bearings, etc
d) Expendables: Chemicals, Glass Wares, Electronic components and other consumables.
e) Travel: Details in proposal should show the purpose of travel.
f) Contingencies: Includes office supplies, local transport, telephone/fax expenses, postage,
etc. but should not include (h) below.
g) Visiting Faculty or Research Consultants: Enter total annual remuneration in year-boxes.
(Brief bio-data of proposed Visiting Faculty or Research Consultants must be included in
the proposal.)
h) Procured services (other than (g)) and metered utilities: Include here any charges for
separately metered power consumed by heavy equipment (e.g. furnaces, compressors,
etc.); commercial sample-testing; certification charges; charged time on shared or hired
equipment outside the host institution and expenses towards advertising for equipment
and recruitment of staff
Note: Neither DRDO nor institutions receiving this grant shall charge for use of their
technical facilities.
Item 11: Identify payee in cheque, e.g. Registrar, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Item 12: Should get the signature and the seal of the Administrative Authority.
Item 13: Signature of the Applicant
Please send hard copy by Speed Post (Not Courier) to one of following

Director, Directorate of Extramural Research & Intellectual Property Rights,

Defence Research & Development Organisation,
Room No. 348, DRDO Bhawan,RajajiMarg,
New Delhi-110011
Ph. (11) 23017661 Fax: (11) 23017582
Email :erip_er@hqr.drdo.in

Member secretary, Naval Research Board

Defence Research & Development Organisation,
Room No. 322, DRDO Bhawan,RajajiMarg,
New Delhi-110011
Ph. (11) 23007322 Fax: (11) 23016640
Email :sverma@hqr.drdo.in

Member secretary, Armament Research Board

Defence Research & Development Organisation,
Room No. 307, DRDO Bhawan,
RajajiMarg, New Delhi-110011
Ph. (11) 23007307
Email :

Member secretary, Life Sciences Research Board

Defence Research & Development Organisation,
Room No. 341, DRDO Bhawan,RajajiMarg,
New Delhi-110011
Ph. (11) 23007341 Fax: (11) 23012652
Email :

Member secretary, Aeroronautics Research and Development Board

Defence Research & Development Organisation,
Room No. 323, DRDO Bhawan,
RajajiMarg, New Delhi-110011
Ph. (11) 23017752 Fax: (11) 23007853
Email :kuldeep@hqr.drdo.in

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