My Learning Plan: Ucsp Teacher: Subject: - Teacher
My Learning Plan: Ucsp Teacher: Subject: - Teacher
My Learning Plan: Ucsp Teacher: Subject: - Teacher
Grade 12 Subject:
Week 1 UCSP Teacher:
________ Teacher:
Week Monday
_________ Tuesday Wednesday
Topic: Starting Points for Topic: Starting Points for Topic: Starting Points for
the Understanding of the Understanding of the Understanding of
Culture, Culture, Culture,
Society, and Politics! Society, and Politics! Society, and Politics!
Learning Objective: Learning Objective: Learning Objective:
Discuss the nature, goals Discuss the nature, goals Discuss the nature, goals
and perspectives in/of and perspectives in/of and perspectives in/of
anthropology, sociology anthropology, sociology anthropology, sociology
and and and
political science* political science* political science*
Learning Task: Learning Task: Learning Task: Read and
Pre-Test: Choose the Read and Understand Understand Anthropology,
letter of the best answer. Natural Science and Branches of Anthropology
Write the chosen letter on Social Science, Sociology, Political Science and Areas
a separate sheet of Areas of Sociology. of Political Science.
Learning Task: Read and Learning Task: Triple Learning Task: Call to Mind
Understand: Perspectives Venn Diagram To check and strengthen
on Culture, Aspects of Now that you learned your learned knowledge
Culture, Types of essential concepts and and concepts about the
Culture,Elements of theories about culture, topic, you can begin by
Culture, Theoretical society, answering this activity.
Perspectives on Society. and politics, you are ready Directions: Identify the
to organize these elements of culture of the
Topic: Ethnocentrism and Topic: Ethnocentrism and listed
learnings into a Venn Topic:below. Write letter
Ethnocentrism andof
Cultural Relativism Diagram.
Cultural Relativism your
Cultural Relativism
You may do the following answer on a separate
and answer on a separate sheet of paper.
sheet of paper. News Analysis
1. Complete the Venn You are equipped with
diagram below to see the necessary skills and
similarities and knowledge to see the
differences interplay
of Anthropology, between culture, society,
3 Sociology, and Political and politics. These skills
Science. can be used to see how
2. Write the similarities in Anthropology, Sociology,
Learning Objective: Learning Objective: Learning Objective:
explain the importance of explain the importance of explain the importance of
cultural relativism in cultural relativism in cultural relativism in
attaining cultural attaining cultural attaining cultural
3 understanding. understanding. understanding.
Learning Task: Read and Learning Task: Case Learning Task: What I
Understand: Study Have Learned
Ethnocentrism, Cultural The notion of cultural Directions: Read and
Relativism. relativism allows us to see analyze each question.
Article Analysis the variations among Write your answers on a
We are exposed to several cultures and learn how to separate sheet
societies and cultures give utmost respect to it. of paper.
Topic: Cultural Relativism In
us aware that their the Philippines
Topic: where
Cultural Relativism Topic: Cultural Relativism
thinking and valuing may the
be different from our own; foundational identity of a
therefore, cultural Filipino is a mixture of
relativism different cultures, cultural
Learning Objective: Learning Objective: Learning Objective: Explain
makes it possible for us to relativism is a helpful
Explain the importance of Explain the importance of the importance of cultural
understand these perspective to understand
cultural relativism in cultural relativism in relativism in attaining
concerns deeply. our society.
attaining cultural attaining cultural cultural
Directions: In this task, you will see
4 understanding* understanding* understanding*
1. Read and analyze the different situations where
article. discrimination arises
2. Answer the following because of our attitude in
Learning Task: Read
guide questions on a and Learning
promotingTask: Activity 1:
our own Learning Task: Activity 2:
Understand: What is “Think-Share-Pair”
separate sheet of paper. culture. “ON MEMORY LANE”
cultural relativism?, Instruction: Think of Instruction: Cite some
Relativism: A Brief History certain actions (e.g. common traditions/cultural
of an Old Idea, Examples programs/activities/traditio practices in your locality.
of Cultural Relativism. ns, and social Explain how these cultural
Topic: Sociocultural gathering) that are being
Topic: Sociocultural practices have something
Topic: Sociocultural
Evolution practiced in your
Evolution in common and
community. Use the difference despite being
Learning Objective: Learning
recommendedObjective: Learning
practiced Objective:
by different
Analyze the significance of Analyze
template.the significance Analyze the significance
people from different walksof
cultural, social, political of cultural, social, political
of social, political and
and economic and economic economic
life. Write your reflection in
symbols and practices* symbols and practices* symbols
the blankand practices*
space provided in
Learning Task: Read and your work-from
Learning Task: Activity 2: Learning home and
Task: Read
5 module. Be sure
Understand: Cultural “PRACTICES THAT I Understand: Whattoiswrite
Symbols, Social Symbols, REMEMBER” your reflection in not less
sociocultural evolution?,
Political Symbols , Instruction: Cite the than 250Societies,
Earliest words. Pastoral,
Economic Symbols, cultural, social, economic Horticultural, Agricultural,
Activity 1: “I KNOW and political practices in Feudal, Post-Industrial
THAT SYMBOL” the different Society, Industrial Society.
Instruction: Identify the societies. Activity 3: “MY
pictures below, state if it is COMMUNITY in the NEW
cultural, social, political or ERA”
economic symbol,aand
Topic: Becoming Topic: Becoming a Instruction: Identify
Topic: Becoming at least
a Member
answer the
Member guide
of Society Member of Society three
of (3) on the social,
questions given. economic, political and
Learning Objective: Learning Objective: cultural
Learning Objective: Explain
Explain the context, Explain the context, practices andcontent,
the context, symbols that
content, processes, and you observed
content, processes, and processes, andin your
consequences of consequences of municipality andofcite its
socialization* socialization* importance
6 to the society as a whole.
Learning Task: Read and Learning Task: Activity 1: Learning Task: Activity 2. I
Understand: What is the “Identify Me” Understand
context of socialization? Identify the context of In your notebook answer
1. The Biological Context socialization. Write B if it the following questions.
2. The Psychological is Biological context, P if it Read and Understand:
Context is How do children socialize?
Emotional States and the Psychological context and Agents of Socialization
Topic: Forms and S if it isForms
Topic: Socialand
Position. Schools
Topic: Forms and
Cognitive Development
Functions of Social Functions of Read and
Social Peer Groups
Functions of Social
Organization Undersatand: What is
Organization Mass Media
Social and Historical Socialization? Values,
Events 3. norms, status, and roles
Social Position as Part of Concept of
the Context
Learning Objective: Socialization
Learning Gender role Learning Objective:
Analyze the forms and socialization
Analyze the forms and Analyze the forms and
functions of social functions of social functions of social
organizations* organizations* organizations*
Learning Task: Read and Learning Task: Read and Learning Task: Read and
Understand: Concepts of Understand: Understand: TYPES OF
Social Group and Social Characteristics of Social SOCIAL GROUPS
Organization, Social Group. Activity 3. LIST ME ONE
group. Activity 2- GRAPHIC MORE TIME!
Activity 1: My Family ORGANIZER Study the community
Fill in the table below. List Instruction: Fill the graphic where you come from. List
down the name of the organizer below and in your journal notebook
members of your answer the process the different social
household and identify question organizations (e.g. political,
their social status and religious, social, civic,
social role in your family. hobby
and interest group, etc.),
their nature, membership,
characteristics, and
Thursday Friday
Topic: Starting Points for the Topic: Starting Points for the
Understanding of Culture, Understanding of Culture,
Society, and Politics! Society, and Politics!