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Module 1.

8: The Opportunities, Challenges, and Power of Media and Information

Economics, Education, Social, Politics
Enumerate the different opportunities, challenges, and power in economics, education,
social change, and politics brought by media and Information through discussion

Guess the word being conveyed by the pictures below:

There are both endless opportunities and countless challenges in the information
age. As an all-encompassing element in social relations, politics, economy, and
education, media and information present opportunities and challenges in all
sectors of society. Its power, however, lies not in the impossible eradication of the
negative aspects but the balance that can be found in what’s good and behind. In
this lesson, the opportunities and challenges of the media information in all sectors
of the society will be discussed.


 Economics is the social science that studies how individuals, organizations, and
societies manage the scarce resources under their control for the satisfaction of
their needs and desires.
 In correlation to media, it can be explained through the equation ratings=
revenues. As a commercial industry, the media earns profit through
advertisement. Advertisers pay for air-time or ad-space in media platforms to
reach or promote their goods or services to media’s audience. Advertisers are
more likely to invest if there is a high volume of consumers patronizing the media
programs or content or if their target market is among those consumers.


Ratings – Colloquial term for audience measurement that influences

timing, placements, and media markets for media content and
Revenues –It is defined as the income generated from sale of goods or
services, or any other use of capital or assets associated with the main
operations of an organization before any costs or expenses are

The Opportunities of Media to Economics

 One of the great assets of the country’s economy come from the media sectors
which includes the creative or copyright-based industries (industries engaged in
creation, production and manufacturing, performance, broadcast, communication
and exhibition, or distribution of sales of works and other protected subject
matter) that contributed almost 661.23 billion to the Philippine economy.

The Challenges brought by media to the Economy

 Despite thriving as an industry, the media remains vulnerable to threats in the
economy and the most notorious among them is piracy.
 Piracy is defined as the unauthorized use of another’s production, invention, or
conception especially in infringement of a copyright which hampers the
profitability aspect of media wherein the right of owner to sell –either directly or
indirectly through advertising is violated.
 This challenge actually cost the media industry considerable monetary losses
having a greater impact to the sector of economy.

 Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines education as the knowledge, skill and

understanding that you get from attending a school, college, or university.
 Media and information have made a radical impact in education. Learning has
never been easier, and at the same time, more complicated than it is today in the
age of media and information.

The Opportunity
 The existence or development of media made the learner’s education not just
limited to sitting and listening in class but it has taken education into a new whole
meaning through distance learning, convenience, abundance and
Distance learning or online education is a new practice being offered by some
schools and universities wherein those who wish to further their education but
does not have the time or energy to attend regular school may be able to earn a
degree from the comfort of their homes.

 Media also made content contribution possible. By allowing people to share their
knowledge online for others to see, the network of experts can check and
balance each other’s understanding of subjects; therefore, refining learning
through interaction. The convenience, abundance and interconnection, aspects
of media and information for education are opportunities worth taking advantage

The Challenges
 Some of the issues with the usage of media to education include verifying its
credibility and authenticity.
 Through the free access to the internet, those who may have no right to
contribute knowledge to a particular subject can freely claim that his inaccurate
data is fact and eventually mislead media consumers.
 Moreover, the ease of access to media and information may promote laziness
and a constant access may put a lot of pressure on servers, requiring continuous
upgrades and regular maintenance around cyberspace.

 Society is heavily influenced by media in fact its influence has become the
reflection of society and vice versa and even the results have been linked to
social changes.
 Oxford bibliographies referred to social change refers as a significant alteration of
social structure and cultural patterns.

The Opportunities

 Media has been used as a tool to aid in the development of the society.
 Moreover, one of the powers of media and information serve as a way to sway
society’s beliefs and perceptions.
 One significant result of its application as an information disseminator leads to
the promotion of development advocacies, and provides a medium for social
interaction among communities which pave the way for a positive social change.

The Challenges

 Through the use of media and information, people have the tendency to receive
data from the media and accept it as fact right away without conducting due
diligence which may hinders true positive social change.


 There are two perspectives to be considered in understanding the relationship of

media and politics; impact of the media on an element in politics and the effect
of politics on the media.

The impact of the media on an element in Politics

 It is best illustrated during the election period in democratic political setups like
our country.
 Some media industry may impose some election coverage activities wherein
prior to the actual election day, the media features candidate profiles, hosts
political debates, gives updates on the fluctuation of polls and may even be a
platform for political aspirants to inform the voters regarding their track records
and aims which may affect the result of the election itself.

Effects of Politics on the Media

 Politics regulates the media industry by enforcing some rules and regulation to
govern the media industry as prescribed in a country’s current political system.

 It is for this reason that the nature of media varies from country to country.

The Opportunities

 The interrelationship between media and politics provides a fair foundation in the
function of media as a source of information.

The Challenges

 In the Philippines, the government concentrate on solving problems like poverty,

unemployment, lack of proper healthcare and access to education which in
preoccupation to address this issue, the government has given little support to
help strengthen the media industry which may help in providing a way to stop it.
 The weak enforcement of certain laws to protect the media exposes them to
threats that could lead to some damaging repercussions on the industry.


1. Stereotyping is defined as the process of labeling the entire group of people

according to some. The media have been found guilty of stereotyping multiple times. As
a form of communication that deals with the general public, it is not hard to see why the
media is prone to generalization. Although there is an obvious improvement in the
number of stereotypes in the media.

2. Gender Role the alpha-male or the depiction of the heterosexual male as superior to
the other genders is still ever present in most media content. It seems that countless
protests from feminist movement and the LGBT community have done little to eradicate
sexist elements in the media.

3. Racial Discrimination the Caucasian is at the top of the social class ladder. Black
people slavery may have been long gone but media’s tendency to favor whites in lead
roles and giving them sidekick roles to other people of color raises racial discrimination

4. Conflict of Interest Journalism professor Adam Peneberg (2007) defined conflict of

interest as situations in which there are competing professional personal and/or
financial obligations or interests that compare with the journalist obligation to his outlet
and audience.

5. Accountability is defined as taking responsibility for one’s action. It is the core of

media ethics. Bertrand (2000) emphasizes that media professional is not just
“accountable” he or she is accountable to someone.

6. Censorship Philip Steele (1999) defines censorship as any attempt to limit or

prevent the free exchange of information. It suppresses information, ideas or artistic
expressions. The State University of Oklahoma enumerated the following as a form of

 Preventive – exercised before the expression is made public. Examples of which

includes government restraints, licensing and self- censorship.
 Punitive – exercised after the expression is made public. This type of censorship
is penalizing the nature.
 Taboo – is censorship of that which society deems inappropriate or offensive.

Instruction: Choose TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if wrong.

1. Advertisers do not consider ratings in investing in programs.

2. Writing about friends and family members is a potential conflict of interests.
3. Racial discrimination is a common element of stereotyping in the media.
4. Accountability in media is enforces by the government.
5. Ratings are a determining factor of revenue in media.
6. The society is heavily influences by media and information.
7. Both the media and politics are interchangeably affect each other.
8. Taboo is not a form of censorship.
9. Communist political systems practices censorship,
10. Media and information have made a radical impact on education.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. False
10. True

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