Nina Apriani
Nina Apriani
Nina Apriani
Nina Apriani
ِن الّرَحِيْم
ِ َهلل الّرَحْم
ِ بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ ا
Alhamdulillah all praise be to Allah SWT , the single power, the Lord of the
universe, master of the day of judgment, God all mighty, for all blessings and
mercies so that the researcher able to finish this proposal thesis entitled;
“Evaluating The Higher Order Thinking Skills in Reading Exercises of EFL
Textbook “Pathway to English” for Tenth Grade of Senior High School
Students”. Peace is upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good
inspiration of world revolution. The researcher is sure that this proposal thesis
would not be completed without the helps, supports, and suggestions from several
sides. Thus, the researcher would like to express her deepest thank to all of those
who had helped, supported, and suggestion her during the process of writing this
proposal thesis. This goes to;
1. Prof. Dr. H. Sirajuddin M, M.Ag, MH, as the Rector of the State Islamic
Institute of Bengkulu.
2. Dr. Zubaedi, M.Ag, M.Pd, as the Dean of Tarbiyah and Tadris.
3. Eva Dewi, M.Ag, as the Head of Tadris Department.
4. Feny Martina, M.Pd, as the Head of Program Study of English Education.
5. Risnawati, M.Pd, as the first advisor for his guidance, precious advices, and
motivation for the researcher.
6. Feny Martina, M.Pd, as the second advisor for her patient in advices the
7. All of lecturers who teach the researcher from 1st semester to 8th semester;
Finally, the researcher realized that this research proposal was still far from
being perfectness. Therefore, any suggestions and constructive criticsm are always
welcome for the better.
Nina Apriani
Nina Apriani (2019). Evaluating The Higher Order Thinking Skills In Reading
Exercises Of EFL Textbook “Pathway To English” For Tenth Grade Of Senior
High School Students. Advisor : 1. Risnawati, M.Pd 2. Feny Martina, M.Pd
This study aims to obtain empirical evidence from the distribution of higher
order thinking skills based on the revised edition of Bloom's taxonomy on essay
question questions in reading exercises in the Pathway to English textbook used for
the 10th grade of senior high school students. The author uses the content analysis
method because the writer identifies the specific characters of the material in the
textbook. This study uses qualitative data because the data is in the form of words.
The object of this study was the reading essay exercise in the Pathway to English
textbook for the 10th grade of senior high school students. Data was collected through
several instruments, namely Pathway to English textbooks, analysis cards, and
checklist tables. The results showed that the higher order thinking skills in the
Pathway to English textbook obtained 3 out of 72 questions on reading essay practice
questions (4.16%) while the lower order thinking skills obtained 69 of 72 reading
essay question questions (95.84%). The results of the distribution of higher order
thinking skills are: analyze skills get the highest distribution, 2 of 72 essay question
questions in reading practice (2.78%), create skills do not get a higher order thinking
skill distribution (0%), and evaluating skills get 1 out of 72 essay question questions
in reading practice (1.38%). It can be concluded that the distribution of higher order
thinking skills is lower than lower order thinking skills.
Kata kunci: Buku Teks, Analisis Konten, Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi.
COVER ……………………………………………………………………. ...... i
APPROVAL………………………………………………................................. ii
MOTTO…………………………………………………... ................................ iii
DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... v
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. vi
TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICES..................................................................................... xi
4. The Textbook Evaluation ……………………………………... ....... 13
B. Curriculum …………………………………………………………. ...... 15
1. The Definition of Curriculum ………………………………….. ..... 15
2. Curriculum 2013 ………………………………… ............................ 16
C. Reading……………………………………………………………... ...... 17
1. The Definition of Reading……………………………………… ...... 17
2. The Reading Comprehension…………………………………… ...... 18
3. The Purpose of Reading …………………………………….. .......... 19
4. Types Reading Skill ………………………………………… ........... 20
5. Types of Reading Exercises …………………………………. .......... 21
D. Higher Order Thinking Skill ..................................................................... 23
1. Understanding of Higher Order Thinking Skill………............ .......... 23
2. Advantages of Higher Order Thinking Skill ………………… ......... 25
3. Higher Order Thinking in Bloom‟s Taxonomy ……………… ......... 26
4. Higher Order Thinking in Reading Exercise …………………. ........ 30
E. Previous Related Studies …………………………………………. ........ 31
CHAPTER V : ..................................................................................................... 54
A. The Conclusion ................................................................................... 54
B. The Suggestion .................................................................................... 54
Table 2.1 The Difference between original taxonomy and revised taxonomy ............
Table 4.3 The Distribution of The Higher Order Thinking Skill in Essay Reading
Exercises ......................................................................................................................
activity, so the teacher and students know what will happen and understand
what is done next, so that there is a change." 1 Penny Ur also explained that,
textbook is a source of learning and very helpful for teachers and students in
textbooks. Among them is the textbook is too little material and less
Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory,
(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2009), p.184
Jack C. Richards, Curriculum Development in Language Teaching,
(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2001), p.256
Cunningsworth explained that, "There are no student manuals that are
It can be concluded that the teacher must inform and evaluate whether
teaching, the quality of students and the needs of students before the
The sections in the textbook that must be evaluated are the way the
materials, practice, assignments and others. The quality of these parts can
four basic language skills. So the teacher must evaluate whether the
textbook is good or not. There are four basic language skills in the teaching
and learning process namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. This
English communication.
Alan Cunningsworth, Choosing Your Coursebook, (Oxford: Macmillan Publisher,
1998), p.5
Penny Ur, op.cit., 2009, p.186
Harmer explained that reading skills are difficult for people who use
However, the more students understand what is read, the more they get from
higher-order thinking skills. By reading we will find the meaning of the text,
order thinking skills are divided into three parts in the cognitive skills of
is a useful teaching tool. In this study, the authors use the theory of higher
will be better." Higher order thinking skills not only address academic
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York:
Longman,1996), p.191
Caroline T. Linse, Practical English language Teaching: Young Learners, (New
York:McGraw-Hill, 2006), p.71
David R. Krathwohl, A Revision of Bloom‟s Taxonomy: An Overview, Taylor
andFrancis Group and JSTOR, Vol. 41, 2002, p.212
issues but also in everyday life which provide logical knowledge and
associate what has been learned with what will be learned. Experimenting
can help students solve problems faced and deal with various changes and
The author believes that the analysis of higher order thinking skills in
school students in the city of Bengkulu to ensure that the textbook is helpful
Richard W. Paul and Linda Elder, Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your
Professional and Personal Life, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002), p.26
Susan M. Brookhart, How to Asses High-Order Thinking Skills in Your Classroom,
(Alexandria: ASDC Member Book, 2010), p.3
B. Identification of the Problem
The problem in this study can be identified that the teacher must
evaluate and analyze the textbook first before giving it to students. Does the
from reading exercises because these essay questions can provide broader
(What, Who, When, Where, Why and How) in the practice of reading the
Bengkulu city.
The author analyzes the essay questions on each reading text. The
D. Research Questions
1. How is the distribution of higher order thinking skills in practice essay
teachers to choose which English textbooks are suitable for their class.
Curriculum developers. This research can be used by curriculum
H. Definition of Keyterms
1. Textbooks
2. Curriculum
Indonesia was released. That defines That defines "The curriculum is a set
educational goals ”.
According to Airasian and Russel that, "Many people believe that the
only way to test higher order thinking skills is with essay items." Therefore,
the authors only analyzed essay items from reading questions to see the
questions here are questions that begin with WH (What, Who, When,
A. Textbook
Textbooks are very helpful for the teacher in delivering the material
during the teaching and learning process in class. Mudzakir explained that
classroom teachers.13
Mudzakir AS, PenulisanBukuTeks yang Berkualitas, January 1, 2014
Jerry Greer Gebhard, Teaching as a Foreign or Second Language: A Teacher
SelfDevelopment and Methodology guide 2th Edition, (Michigan: The University of
Michigan Press,2009), p.101.
IwanJazadi, “Mandated English Teaching Materials and their Implications to
teaching andLearning :The Case of Indonesia”, in Willy A. Renandya (Ed.),
Methodology and Materials Design inLanguageTeaching:Current Perception and
Practices and their Implications,(Singapore : SEAMEORegional language centre,
2003), p.143.
And Jazadi argues that textbooks can best be seen if they are designed
for students who are centered to help students focus on learning and provide
From the explanation above, we can conclude that the textbook is one
Textbooks are very important in teaching and learning and can help
are guidelines and provide guidance to teachers about what students must
learn and what students want to learn.14The statement from Chandran also
a. As presentation material.
c. As reference material.
. d. As a syllabus.
. e. As material for independent learning.
the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Textbooks can help
students, textbooks can help to find out how much and how far students
a. Clear layout
d. Clear instructions.
e. systematic syllabus.
f. The contents are arranged clearly and are graded or arranged based on
Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge:
CambridgeUniversity Press, 2009), p.186
There are some characteristics of a good textbook according to
Richard as follows:16
b. As instructions.
c. Maintaining quality.
d. More efficient.
and what has been learned."17In addition, Harmer also explained that a good
interesting in layout, and include all four basic English skills in various
also have criticism that the quality of textbooks is not as good as it should
some information and are still too general and narrow, thus hampering
Jack C. Richards, Curriculum Development in Language Teaching, (Cambridge:
CambridgeUniversity Press, 2001), p.254-255
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman
publishing, 1996), New Ed., p.257
Ibid., Reed, Bergemann, and Olson, op.cit., 1998, p.257
conceptual thinking, critical analysis, and evaluation."19Therefore, the
there is no best textbook as a guide in the teaching and learning process but
the teacher can choose the contents of the textbook according to the learning
follow the same format from one unit to another."21 Textbooks can limit the
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the teacher must
According to Harmer, there are some things that must be reviewed when
a. Changing textbook material with our own lessons that are easier to
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the textbook
needs to be evaluated first because it is still common and the contents in the
textbook have not varied in the lesson. For this reason, teachers do not focus
material with students so they do not feel bored in the teaching and learning
textbooks as follows:22
b. Must have benefits for the future, choosing textbooks that will help
c. Must consider the needs of students and must facilitate the learning
process of students.
results in the teaching and learning process in class. Teachers need to know
there is no best textbook for students. Thus, the teacher should not be hung
Cunningsworth, op.cit., 1998, p. 15-17
B. Curriculum
learning methods that can be used by teachers. The curriculum has several
a. Curriculum as goals are set for consecutive grade levels and are grouped
b. Syllabus, a plan for all ways that usually consists of thoughts, topics, and
UndangUndangDasar RI no 20 Tahun 2003.
students need to learn. The curriculum also facilitates a series of teaching
2. Curriculum 2013
Over the past ten years, teachers in Indonesia have adapted three types of
Level Curriculum) and the latest 2013 curriculum which was finally
The latest 2013 curriculum which has been updated and continued
from SBC because many aspects of the 2013 curriculum are adapted from
SBC. KD (basic competency) is still used in the 2013 curriculum, and still
uses the KTSP curriculum framework as the basis, but the 2013 curriculum
C. Reading
1. Definition of Reading
made by the writer by giving a message from the writer to the reader.
the eyes and brain. The eye and brain must strive for the importance of these
messages. " So, reading is an active skill because the reader's eyes and brain
the meaning of the contents of the text and explain information precisely."25
important skill that requires an active process of the eyes and brain to gain
thinking. Thus, students get good results in reading activities because they
Deborah Daiek and Nancy Anter, Critical Reading for College and
Beyond,(Boston:The McGraw-Hill Companies,2004), p.5
know the author's purpose in writing the reading text and the meaning of the
text itself.
2. Reading Comprehension
by the author in writing ".26 Understanding occurs when the reader explains
the meaning of the text and associates it with the background knowledge of
the reader.
thinking and presentation of the meaning of the text. Where it involves the
William Grabe, Reading in a Second Language, (New York: Cambridge University
Press,2009), p.14
Linse,op.cit., 2006, p.71
JoAnne Schudt Caldwell, Comprehension Assessment, (New York: Guilford Press,
2008), p.4
Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skill, (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2010), p.3
interaction between the written form of the text with the reader's eyes and
3. Purpose of Reading
b. To scan quickly.
c. To write.
the meaning of the text. In reading, the reader must know the purpose of the
writer in writing the text. If the reader understands the text, they will know
Jeremy Harmer, here are five skills in reading that we must have in order to
a. Predictive skills, these skills are processes in which we will understand the
c. At a glance, this skill is a skill that we use when we want to get the main
d. Extracting information, this skill is a skill where we will find the author's
understand how to infer the meanings of different words from the text.
1. Extensive reading is a broad reading activity and where the reader is given
a text according to his ability. If the text is too difficult then the reader
wrestles with the meaning of the contents of the text so that information
what we have to master. where the reader is given the text in accordance
with the wishes and the things that are appropriate from the text given will
"the activity of observing to get certain information in the text and to skim
Harmer,op.cit., 1996,pp.183-184
Harmer,op.cit., 2007,p. 99 12 Ibid., 13 McDonough and Shaw, op.cit., 1993, p.105
over quickly to gather general information from it." These skills are
The conclusion is that there are two types of reading skills, namely
to Crawley and Merri that this type of exercise determines facts, determines
of the selection.
2. Recognizing the main idea, this can be expressed from the main
Crawley and Merritt, op.cit., 2000, p.41
5. Critical reading. Critical reading is the process of making an
understand the relationship in the sentence, link sentences and ideas, and
The conclusion from the explanation above is that this type of reading
practice is easily found in various types of reading tests. students must know
the reading exercises so they can find the best way to answer them well.
problem solving.
Crawley and Merritt, op.cit., 2000, p.41
Ibid., pp.45-60
Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skill: A Practical Guide to Reading
Comprehension Exercises, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 14-17
The first is higher order thinking in terms of transfers. Brookhart
elements that have been previously learned. The teacher hopes that students
explained that, 'being able to think' means students can apply good judgment
And finally, the third part is higher order thinking as problem solving.
Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skill: A Practical Guide to Reading
Comprehension Exercises, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp.14-17
Ibid., pp.45-60
communication. Being able to think means students can solve problems with
explaining that, "higher order thinking skills become the most important in
your thinking. In addition, they explain that higher order thinking is, "the
complex processes that are useful for transferring knowledge in real life,
critical thinking, and problem solving. students who have higher order
thinking skills must be able to examine values, evaluate evidence, and come
skills provide a broader vision of learning that not only acquires knowledge
meaningful learning, and actively engages students in the process of
developing meaning. 40
Brookhart explained that higher order thinking skills not only add
reasoning while learning and the teacher tells students to think more actively
higher order thinking skills for students are to help and provide knowledge
Bloom's taxonomy has three objectives that are useful for assessing
taught and assessed in the cognitive field." Therefore, the cognitive field is
Richard E. Meyer, Theory Into Practice: Rote Versus Meaningful Learning,
The H.W. Wilson Company, Vol. 41 No. 4, 2002,
Brookhart, op.cit., 2010, p.8
cognitive taxonomy process. The types of cognitive processes identified in
be seen as:
Table 2.1
The Difference between Original Taxonomy and Revised Taxonomy
Original Taxonomy Revised Taxonomy
Knowledge Remember – retrieve relevant
knowledge from long-term
memory(recognize, recall)
Comprehension Understand – determine the
meaningof instructional messages
(interpret,classify, summarize,
infer, compare)
Application Apply – use a procedure in a
givensituation (execute,
Analysis Analyze – break material into
partsand see how they related
(differentiate, organize, attribute)
Synthesis Create – put elements together to
form coherent whole or make an
original product (generate,
taxonomy and the revised taxonomy. The difference is only shown in the
use of words and the rearrangement of the last two sections43synthesis and
evaluation turn into evaluation and creation. Both of these skills are
Peter W. Airasian and Michael K. Russell, Classroom Assessment: Concepts and
Applications, (Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2008), 6th Ed., p. 67
Diann Musial, Foundations of Meaningful Educational Assessment, (New
York: McGraw Hill, 2009), p. 87
rearranged because it is assumed that students must be able to criticize and
According to Musial, "The six parts are rewritten with verbs
to represent what a thinker does in that category. Word forms in the original
Bloom taxonomy are changed from noun forms to verb forms in the revised
Bloom taxonomy.
when the level of thinking becomes more complex and more complicated in
are as follows:
a. The level of analysis means breaking information down into smaller ideas
b. The evaluation level includes checking and critiquing the value of the
c. The level of creating includes producing, planning, and producing new
According to Airasian and Russel that, "Many people believe one way
to test higher order thinking skills is with essay items." therefore, the writer
only analyzes the essay items from reading questions to see the order of the
assess higher order thinking." Essay material can build responses that
especially in reading practice. This means that higher order thinking skills in
reading practice require students to use their thinking skills in more
complicated processes.
Lower order thinking questions are easier to find in practice, easy for
students to answer, and easier for teachers to make, while higher order
thinking questions may be rarely found because teachers need more time to
thinking in reading exercises includes essay questions that contain the skills
In this study about reading skills that have been conducted by several
Ahmad Seif in August 2012. The title of the research is to discuss the high
level of English reading exercises for Palestinian class 8. This research tries
interviews. The findings show that analytical reading skills get 51.92%,
Igbaria on June 24, 2013. The title of his research was about content
Airasian and Russel, loc.cit., 2008, p.111
textbook emphasize higher order thinking according to Bloom's taxonomy.
represented lower order thinking skills, and 137 questions that emphasized
And the latest research, research from Ping Shen on February 1, 2012.
The title of the research is the Case Study of Teacher Question and Answer
thinking. Class observations and interviews are used in this study. The
results of his study showed that teachers asked more from low cognitive
A. Research Design
In this study, the authors used the content analysis method because it
And this study uses qualitative data because the data is in the form of
words that are essay questions reading exercises from the English textbook
C. Research Instrument
textbook for 10th grade SMAN 5 Bengkulu city and an analysis card to
Donald Ary, Introduction to Research in Education, (Belinont: Wadsworth
Cengage Learning, 2010), 8th ed., p.457 33
retrieve and analyze data to obtain research results. The research
The first data used the pathway to English textbook for grade 10 of
SMAN 5 Bengkulu city. To take the reading practice essay questions, the
authors used the Pathway to English textbooks, and the authors wanted to
textbook based on the six cognitive sections of the revised Bloom taxonomy
2. Card Analysis
The data of the two authors use the analysis card as a reference to
collect each essay reading question. The analysis card was created by
of the book.
In this study, the authors used a checklist table to collect data. Where
the author lists all essay questions from reading exercises after reading the
reading text. The author sorts all reading exercises according to chapters in
the textbook.
Then, the author puts all essay questions from reading exercises into a
checklist table and then arranges and checks the distribution of each reading
E. Techniques of Analysis Data
After completing the data collection, the authors used the checklist
questions in each chapter and column for all cognitive skills of the revised
English". And the authors analyzed this data through the rubric assessment
from BSNP. This analysis is to evaluate the appropriate material in the 2013
the Curriculum.
3. Explain the data found from the evaluation process of the textbook
"Pathway to English".
P= F:N x 100 %
Notes : P: Presentage
A. Result
2014. This textbook was made for high school students in grade 10. Here
students not only learn English four basic things including listening,
and vocabulary.
the textbook there are 10 chapters with different themes and topics to learn
reading, writing, and there are also components of language, grammar and
for 10th grade high school students including letters, report texts, analytic
The figure and table below explain the distribution of essay reading
Table 4.1
The Distribution of the Essay Reading Exercises
8 Past Echoes Of 29 Exercises 1 Exercises 0 Exercises
The Nations
9 A Long Time 38 Exercises 3 Exercises 3 Exercises
10 Sing Your Heart 15 Exercises 0 Exercises 0 Exercises
Total 281 21 12
The table above is a distribution table of essay reading exercises
exercises such as essays, true or false, matching, short answer, fill in the
Table 4.2
The Test Types of Reading Exercises
No Reading Chapter Tot
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Essay Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex 12
33 15 11 18 7, 14 15 - 13, - Ex
36, 15,
39 23
2 True or - - - Ex - Ex - - - - 2
False 18 16 Ex
3 Matching Ex - - Ex - - - Ex - - 3
9 19 8 Ex
4 Short Ex - Ex - Ex - - - - - 3
Answer 25 10 24 Ex
5 Fill in the - - - - - - - - - - 0
Blank Ex
6 Complete - Ex - - - - - - - - 1
the 10 Ex
Total 3 2 2 3 4 2 1 1 3 - 21
Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex
The table above explains that there are 6 types of reading exercises in
question exercises get 2 exercises, match gets 3 exercises, short answers get
table above shows that each type of reading essay exercise in the Pathway to
analyze, create, and evaluate skill only gets 3 question from 72 question
C5 there is no question, and evaluate domain gets 1 item. It also shows that
Moreover, the following two tables add together the essay reading
question based on their each skill so the kinds of the question which
belong to the three skills in the higher order thinking could be seen clearly.
Before textbooks are used, the teacher must evaluate first to find out
how well the textbooks are used in providing higher order thinking skills to
varied and challenging lessons during the teaching and learning process.
The six parts are divided into lower order thinking (remember, understand,
apply) and higher order thinking (analysis, creating, and evaluating). And
the authors want to know the distribution of higher order thinking skills in
reading essay exercises that get 72 essay questions with higher order
thinking only get 3 questions while lower order thinking gets 69 questions.
thinking skills are divided analyze, create, and evaluate. Here the essay
skills, it shows that the analyze skill gets the highest distribution while the
create skill does not obtain a distribution or zero, and the evaluating skill
gets the second highest distribution. It can be seen that the distribution of
The table below explains how the authors collected data using the
(C2) getting 3 items while Higher order thinking skills in chapter 1 do not
getting 4 items while Higher order thinking skills in chapter 2 do not get a
Total 3 2 0 0 0 0
Score 5 0
items while the higher order thinking skills in chapter 3 do not get a reading
order thinking skills, including remembering skills (C1) get 1 items and
understand (C2) get 3 items while higher order thinking skills analyze skills
Total 7 8 0 0 0 0
Score 15 0
The table above explains the distribution of cognitive domains in
understand (C2) get 8 items while higher order thinking skills get 0 items.
Total 2 2 0 0 0 0
Score 4
The table above explains the distribution of cognitive domains in
skills, including remembering skills (C1) get 2 items and understand (C2)
Total 4 2 0 0 0 0
Score 6
The table above explains the distribution of cognitive domains in
order thinking skills, including remembering skills (C1) get 4 items and
understand (C2) get 2 items while higher order thinking skills get 0 items.
which gets 24 questions about essay reading exercises. Where lower order
remember skills (C1) get 13 items, understand (C2) get 7 items, and apply
(C3) get 2 items while higher order thinking skills get 2 questions about
practice essay reading is analyze skills (C4) get 1 item, create (C5) get 0
In the Pathway to English textbook for 10th grade high school students
It can be concluded that the table above shows that there are 72
skills get 2 questions from 72 questions or 2.78%, create skills get 0 items
from 72 questions or 0%, and evaluate skills get 1 item from 72 questions or
1.38%. So, the total number of higher order thinking skills obtained 3 items
Table 4.3
The Distribution of the Higher Order Thinking Skill in EssayReading
Diagram Pie
The distribution of the higher order thinking skill
in essay reading exercises
2.78% Create
0% Total
The table and diagram above shows that there are 2 out of 72 essay
skills did not get the distribution of essay reading practice questions or 0%,
For more details of the three skills above, we can see in the table and
figure below.
Table 4.4
The Questions List of Analyze Skill
Ch. No. Questions List of Analyze Skill
4 5 Why do you think AndiManuhutu has
MrWirakusuma reserve a room for him?
9 10 What do you think of the end of the story?
From the table and figure 4.4 above it shows that there are two
And the create skills in this Pathway to English textbook do not get a
Table 4.5
The Questions List of Evaluate Skill
Ch. No. Questions List of Evaluate Skill
9 6 Do you think Serunting‟s new power was a blessing
or a catastrophe? Why?
From the table and figure 4.5 above it shows that there are 1 question
exercises 13. Where the evaluate skills are the most critical thinking skills
This study has the same results as the Igbaria study which concluded
that the distribution of lower order thinking skills is higher than higher level
thinking skills. Because lower order thinking questions are common and
common in lesson plans that are easily answered by students and more
thinking questions make the teacher wait a long time for students to answer
these questions. Therefore the authors think that the textbook author is
2.78% while the lowest distribution is obtained by creating skills with the
of 1.38%. The total number of higher order thinking skills obtained 4.16%.
A. The Conclusion
delivering and developing material in the classroom. And textbooks are very
important for students in the learning and teaching process because without
textbooks students do not have a purpose for learning. Thus, textbooks make
of textbooks. One of them is that the textbook contains too little material
and is not challenging enough for teachers and students. For this reason,
reading and writing. Higher order thinking skills can make students think
Here the author only focuses on reading skills and analyzes reading
and checklist tables as instruments to collect data, the authors conclude that
lower than the distribution of lower level thinking. With the results of the
data showing that the distribution of higher order thinking skills in the
We can see that the results of the analysis of the distribution of higher
questions or 2.78%.
textbooks have less questions about reading essay practice questions, and
B. Suggestion
The writer would like to give some suggestions that might be useful
1. The English teacher must evaluate or check the contents of the textbook
whether the material and exercises in the textbook are appropriate for the
2. English teachers do not rely too much and take for granted the contents of
thinking skills training that can train students' ability to have higher order
thinking skills.
5. Readers of this study are expected to get some references in the selection
Appendix 2
The Checklist Table
Appendices 2
pages 24-25 about the letter. It turns out there is no question about reading
practice in a higher order thinking skill. The lower order thinking skills obtained 7
questions including remember skill to get 4 items, while understand get 3 items.
order thinking skill. In this chapter there are only 6 lower order thinking skill
57-58 about letters that have no practice questions reading essays in higher order
thinking skills in this chapter there are only 5 lower order thinking skills
page 72 of letters that get 4 items for lower order thinking skill including
remember skills to obtain 1 item and understand skill to get 3 items while higher
The picture above is a type of reading exrcises essay found in chapter 5 on page
84, 105, and 106-107 about Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum, Semarang City, and
The Borobudur Temple turns out there are no questions about reading essay
practice in higher order thinking skills. In chapter 5 there are 15 questions about
lower order thinking skills including remember skills get 7 questions while
understand skills get 8 questions from 15 questions lower order thinking skills.
page 117 of the written announcement, it turns out that there is no question about
higher order thinking skills. In chapter 6 there are 4 questions about lower order
thinking skills including remember skills get 2 questions while understand skills
on pages 133-134 about letter. It turns out there are no questions about reading
essay practice in higher order thinking skills. In chapter7 there are 6 questions
about lower order thinking skills including remember skills getting 4 questions
pages 172-173, 174, and 179-180 about the legend of si pahit lidah, the green
knight, and read this passage and pay attention to the underlined sentences there
are 22 lower order thinking skills questions. The lower order thinking skills
and apply skills to get 2 questions while the higher order thinking skills obtain 2
questions including analyze skills get 1 question while create get 0 questions and
Appendices 3
True of False
The picture below is a type of reading exercises true or false found in
chapter 4 on pages 72-73 about letter and chapter 6 on pages 118-119 about
Appendices 4
Reading Exercises Matching
These three images are type of reading exercises matching found in
chapter 1 on page 11, chapter 4 on page 72, and chapter 8 on page 147.
Appendices 5
Reading Exercises Short Answer
These three image are the type of reading short answer exercises
found in chapter 1 on page 20, chapter 3 on page 57, and chapter 5 on page
Appendices 6
Reading Exercises complete the column
The picture above is the type of reading exercises complete the