Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Related Urban Planning and Development Concepts How Are They Perceived and Utilized in Australia
Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Related Urban Planning and Development Concepts How Are They Perceived and Utilized in Australia
Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Related Urban Planning and Development Concepts How Are They Perceived and Utilized in Australia
Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Related
Urban Planning and Development Concepts:
How Are They Perceived and Utilized in Australia?
Tan Yigitcanlar 1, * , Nayomi Kankanamge 1 , Massimo Regona 1 , Andres Ruiz Maldonado 1 ,
Bridget Rowan 1 , Alex Ryu 1 , Kevin C. Desouza 2 , Juan M. Corchado 3,4,5 , Rashid Mehmood 6
and Rita Yi Man Li 7
1 School of Built Environment, Queensland University of Technology, 2 George Street,
Brisbane 4000, QLD, Australia; (N.K.); (M.R.); (A.R.M.); (B.R.); (A.R.)
2 School of Management, Queensland University of Technology, 2 George Street,
Brisbane 4000, QLD, Australia;
3 Bisite Research Group, University of Salamanca, 37007 Salamanca, Spain;
4 Air Institute, IoT Digital Innovation Hub, 37188 Salamanca, Spain
5 Department of Electronics, Information and Communication, Faculty of Engineering,
Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka 535-8585, Japan
6 High Performance Computing Center, King Abdulaziz University, Al Ehtifalat St,
Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia;
7 Sustainable Real Estate Research Center, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 10 Wai Tsui Cres, North Point,
Hong Kong, China;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +61-7-3138-2418
Received: 23 November 2020; Accepted: 10 December 2020; Published: 11 December 2020
Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful technology with an increasing popularity and
applications in areas ranging from marketing to banking and finance, from agriculture to healthcare
and security, from space exploration to robotics and transport, and from chatbots to artificial creativity
and manufacturing. Although many of these areas closely relate to the urban context, there is limited
understanding of the trending AI technologies and their application areas—or concepts—in the urban
planning and development fields. Similarly, there is a knowledge gap in how the public perceives AI
technologies, their application areas, and the AI-related policies and practices of our cities. This study
aims to advance our understanding of the relationship between the key AI technologies (n = 15)
and their key application areas (n = 16) in urban planning and development. To this end, this study
examines public perceptions of how AI technologies and their application areas in urban planning and
development are perceived and utilized in the testbed case study of Australian states and territories.
The methodological approach of this study employs the social media analytics method, and conducts
sentiment and content analyses of location-based Twitter messages (n = 11,236) from Australia.
The results disclose that: (a) digital transformation, innovation, and sustainability are the most
popular AI application areas in urban planning and development; (b) drones, automation, robotics,
and big data are the most popular AI technologies utilized in urban planning and development,
and; (c) achieving the digital transformation and sustainability of cities through the use of AI
technologies—such as big data, automation and robotics—is the central community discussion topic.
Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI); urban planning and development; public perception; big data;
automation; robotics; digital transformation; innovation; sustainability; Australia
1. Introduction
Cities provide tangible and intangible infrastructures and platforms from which individuals are
able to self-actualize, and consequently create goods and services that further enhance the standards
of living of the broader population [1]. The city, therefore, has an overarching responsibility for the
impact that its hard and soft attributes have on its inhabitants, rendering it an institution that must
guarantee the efficiency and reliability of its urban matrix [2]. As part of the constant necessity to boost
development and economic growth, cities are leveraging the benefits of technological advancements
and implementing the latest artificial intelligence (AI) technologies; the aim is to exponentially increase
sustainability through the efficient use of energy and resources [3–5].
Technologies that leverage AI are currently being utilized in many cities across the globe,
for example in Amsterdam, London, San Francisco, Stockholm, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vienna,
and Toronto, to optimize their urban functionality and service efficiency [6,7]. For instance, the smart
grid initiative acts as one of the foundations for the utilization of AI in cities; it facilitates spatial
navigation in the form of interactive and automated systems that use data processing technology to
reveal the dynamics of the urban grid. In this way, digitalization has enabled cities to identify specific
needs, leading to increased productivity and economic performance [2]. Subsequently, AI offers an
opportunity for enhanced city governance [8]; AI concepts and technologies can influence and improve
the manner in which the city serves its citizens and provide everyone with the desired and responsible
urban futures [9,10].
One of the most outstanding factors that have led cities to becoming smart is an inherent necessity
to adapt to environmentally friendly initiatives [11]. The unprecedented reality of global warming
has made it necessary to restructure the use of resources, where smart technologies are required to
assist in the homogenous distribution of resources, resulting in the reduction in the carbon footprint of
cities [12,13]. Accordingly, smart environment technologies are applied in cities—they are generally
AI-driven systems, which come in the form of smart traffic lights, noise prediction, air quality prediction,
and foot traffic as well as car traffic prediction faculties. All this is made possible thanks to the big data
technology, which facilitates data capture [2]. This results in hyper-accurate urban data, which permits
for highly productive interventions, enabling cities to use their resources sustainably [14].
It is evident that cities, so far, have been reaping significant benefits from utilizing AI to design
and implement city management strategies [15]. Nevertheless, it is estimated that a knowledge
gap remains, specifically in the manner in which the public perceives the implementation of those
technologies, and how they feel about the extensive application of AI in their cities [16]. A solid
understanding of the public’s perceptions about AI concepts and technologies in their cities would
inform policymakers of the general public sentiment regarding the different aspects of AI [17,18].
Consequently, governing bodies would be better prepared to respond to the public’s demands and to
adopt urban AI technology and applications [19]. It is, hence, necessary to explore the ways in which
AI directly interacts with individuals and to dissect the manner in which the different AI instruments
can potentially benefit or impair an individual or community.
The discourse on AI has become prevalent in Australia in recent times [20–23]. In particular,
the arrival of autonomous vehicles (AV), robotics, machine learning (ML), internet-of-things (IoT),
block chain, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies has resulted in a widespread
debate on the future of AI in Australian cities; citizens have begun to contemplate how big data, 5G,
surveillance and cybersecurity will impact their daily life. This paper thus focuses on the public’s
perception of AI concepts and technologies in urban planning and development, in the context of
Australian cities. The methodological approach of this study employs the social media analytics method,
and conducts sentiment and content analyses of location-based Twitter messages from Australia.
Following this introduction, Section 2 of the paper provides a literature background on the topic
of investigation. Then, Section 3 introduces the methodological approach of the study. Next, Section 4
presents the results of the analysis. Afterwards, Section 5 discusses the study findings and generated
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generated insights. Lastly, Section 6 concludes the paper with the study highlights, final remarks
and future research directions.
insights. Lastly, Section 6 concludes the paper with the study highlights, final remarks and future
research directions.
2. Literature Background
2. Literature
2.1. Background
Artificial Intelligence
AI is oneIntelligence
2.1. Artificial of the most disruptive technologies of our time [24]. AI can be defined as machines or
computers that mimic cognitive functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as
AI is one of the most disruptive technologies of our time [24]. AI can be defined as machines or
learning and problem solving [25]. AI is a branch of computer science that perceives its environment
computers that mimic cognitive functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as learning
and acts to maximize its chances of success. Furthermore, AI is capable of learning from past
and problem solving [25]. AI is a branch of computer science that perceives its environment and acts
experiences, of making reasoned decisions, and of responding rapidly [26]. The scientific goal of AI
to maximize its chances of success. Furthermore, AI is capable of learning from past experiences,
researchers, hence, is to understand intelligence by building computer programs that exhibit
of making reasoned decisions, and of responding rapidly [26]. The scientific goal of AI researchers,
symbolic inference or reasoning. For instance, according to [27], the four main components of AI are:
hence, is to understand intelligence by building computer programs that exhibit symbolic inference or
• ExpertFor
reasoning. system: Handles
instance, the situation
according to [27], under
the fourexamination as an expert
main components of AI and
are: yields the desired or
expected performance.
• Expert system: Handles the situation under examination as an expert and yields the desired or
• Heuristic problem solving: Consists of evaluating a small range of solutions and may involve some
expected performance.
guesswork to find near-optimal solutions.
•• Heuristic problem solving:
Natural language Consists
processing: of evaluating
Enables a smallbetween
communication range of human
solutions andmachine
and may involve some
in natural
language. to find near-optimal solutions.
•• Natural
GeneratesEnables communication
the ability to recognize between
shapeshuman and machine
and features in natural language.
• Computer vision: Generates the ability to recognize shapes and features automatically.
AI is already being used in today’s society in numerous areas, including but not limited to
AI is already
marketing, finance,being used inhealthcare,
agriculture, today’s society in robotics,
security, numerous areas, including
transport, but not
and artificial limited
creativity to
manufacturingfinance, agriculture,
[28,29]. In recenthealthcare,
years, AI hassecurity,
become robotics, transport,
an integral part ofand artificial
urban creativity
services, and
as it offers
manufacturing [28,29].platforms
efficient and effective In recentand
years, AI has
smart become opportunities
governance an integral part of urban
[30,31]. services,
There as it types
are several offers
efficient and effective
of AI hardware platforms
(e.g., and smart governance
machines/robots) and software opportunities [30,31]. that
(e.g., algorithms) There are several
each types of
have different
AI hardware at
capabilities (e.g., machines/robots)
different and software (e.g.,
levels of development [32]. algorithms)
These levels that
areeach have different
illustrated capabilities
in Figure 1 and
at differentbelow.
described levels of development [32]. These levels are illustrated in Figure 1 and described below.
Levels of
Figure 1. Levels of artificial
artificial intelligence, derived from [33].
Level 11 refers
refers to
to ‘Reactive
‘Reactive machines’,
machines’, which are programmed
which are programmed to to undertake
undertake aa single
single task
task and
carry it out perfectly. However, this type of machine cannot learn further as it reacts to human
carry it out perfectly. However, this type of machine cannot learn further as it reacts to human input, input,
rather than planning and
than planning and pursuing
pursuingits itsown
2 is2 the
is the ‘Independent
‘Independent AI’,AI’,
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2020, 6, 187 4 of 21
as human actions do not dictate all of the software actions; after some human lead, AI learns and
improves its own ability to perform a given task. AI levels 1 and 2 are referred to as ‘artificially
narrow intelligence’, and they are currently being used in practice and are commonly applied in urban
planning and development. Level 3 AI is called ‘Mindful AI’ and is capable of thinking thanks to a
consciousness of its own and multiple domains of knowledge. This level of AI is currently at the stage
of conceptual progress. Lastly, Level 4 is called ‘Super AI’, as it does anything and everything better
than humans do [35]. This level of AI is currently at the hypothetical stage.
AI can significantly contribute to planning by binding frameworks that encompass key dimensions,
such as culture, metabolism, and governance, ensuring their achievement. Data can now be sourced from
numerous neighborhoods to gain a more holistic understanding of the urban fabric. This allows planners
and policymakers to shift from closed systems (interlinked urban elements) to an open, fragmented,
peri-urban fabric that has tangible impacts on density fragmentation, cohesion, and compactness [43].
AI-based data processing can help offer better prevision of livability, through the creation of a
clean, healthy, and conducive environment for people to live and work in, overcoming the urban
challenges of pollution and congestion [45]. Additionally, urban areas that leverage AI are enabling
infrastructures that attract higher economic returns by offering connectivity, energy and computing
capabilities that support globally competitive jobs, as well as talented and knowledgeable workers [46].
3. Research Design
3.2. Methodology
Instead of using a traditional data collection method, the methodological approach applied in this
study employs a contemporary method—i.e., social media analysis. As social media are ever-evolving
platforms, where people can share thoughts and opinions, they have become a new source of qualitative
data [51]. This data collection method has started to be used as the main data source in a large number
of studies. Social media have offered an opportunity to engage with larger groups of people, in an
unbiased setting [52]. In addition, researchers are able to engage with people from broader geographic
areas with the help of the location of social media users, which is tagged in their posts [53].
A geo-Twitter analysis has proven to be a very successful data collection method [54]; hence,
this method was used in this study. A geo-Twitter analysis increases efficiency in analyzing a large
amount of shared thoughts and opinions [55], and real-time information on ongoing social issues [56].
For instance, social media analytics has contributed to safeguarding Australian cities and their residents
from the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) in 2020 [57].
Initially, sentiment and content analyses were completed for the total number of location-based
Twitter messages—a.k.a. tweets. To do this, the original dataset obtained (from the
QUT Digital Observatory—
observatory/digital-observatory-databank) with 98,534 tweets was filtered down to 11,236 tweets.
This was done using five data filtering processes, which included frequency analysis, location, date,
bot, and relevance filters.
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2020, 6, 187 6 of 21
Firstly, we selected the most recent one-year period for the analysis—hence, all tweets outside of
Australia and not within the 10 June 2019 to 10 June 2020-time period were removed from this dataset.
The reason for only selecting one-year period was two-fold. The first one is to capture the latest trends,
as in the technology domain, the development is fast and public perceptions change rather rapidly.
The second is easing the analysis tasks, as there have been around 50,000 to 100,000 tweets on AI shared
annually in Australia during the last five years. The bot filter removed tweet repetitions with the
program ‘NVivo’—a content analysis automatic software system. In regard to identifying the tweets
on themes associated with AI applications in urban planning and development, NVivo was also used.
Secondly, word frequency analysis was conducted using NVivo, with the aim of identifying
popular themes, concepts, and technologies.
Next, a word co-occurrence analysis identified the tweets that discussed both AI technologies
and urban planning and development-related concepts (or AI application areas) in a single Twitter
message. For this analysis, Nvivo software was employed.
Fourthly, a spatial analysis was conducted to complement the content analysis, which included the
tweets being separated by location and collected to help categorize themes, concepts, and technologies
based on these locations. This created an overview of the most popular themes, concepts,
and technologies for each state/territory in Australia. ArcGIS Pro software was used for visualizing the
spatial information.
Then, the relevance filter was completed manually and was used to identify tweets that were
related to or discussed AI technologies and urban planning and development related concepts,
noting key sentiment words. These words were then classified on a scale of one to three, to measure
the sensitivity. This scale was read as: 1 = positive sentiment, 2 = negative sentiment, and 3 = neutral
sentiment. These words were then pre-processed in the program ‘Weka’, which created a dataset
that further analyzed the word content. The sensitivity of these specific words was showcased in a
‘Random tree’ classification type.
Finally, a network analysis has been created to present the relationships between AI themes,
concepts, and technologies, presenting the most popular relationships more centrally. In this analysis,
nodes (themes, concepts, and technologies) and edges (relationships between these themes, concepts,
and technologies) were used as the key elements of the network. These assist in understanding
the network typology, which represents the arrangement of nodes and edges on the basis of the
co-occurrence of the themes, concepts, and technologies found in the tweets. For this analysis Gephi
software was employed.
4. Results
4.2. Community
Community Sentiments
tweets, 66% 66% (n (n == 7475)
7475) of
of them
them carried
carried positive sentiments related
positive sentiments related toto AI
technologies and applications within the context of urban planning and development.
technologies and applications within the context of urban planning and development. About 17% (n About 17%
(n = 1935)
= 1935) hadhad negative
negative sentimentstowards
sentiments towardsAI AItechnologies.
Around16% 16%(n (n ==1852)
1852)of of the
the tweets
tweets had
neutral sentiments,
sentiments, where
where such
such tweets
tweets used
used only
only aa set
set of
of hashtags
hashtags to to express
express their
their ideas
ideas rather than
rather than
elaborative comments (Table
elaborative comments (Table 1). 1).
From the
the tweets
tweets originating
originating from
from NSW NSW and SA, nn =
and SA, = 5850 and 1349,
5850 and 1349, respectively,
respectively, 69% 69% ofof them
contained positive sentiments—4022 and 932 tweets from NSW and SA
contained positive sentiments—4022 and 932 tweets from NSW and SA were positive in nature, were positive in nature,
respectively. While 14%
respectively. While 14%ofoftweets
tweetswere werenegative
negativeinin NSW,
NSW, this
this figure
figure was
was onlyonly4%4%in SA.
OutOut of
of 133
133 tweets
tweets originating
originating from
from ACT,
ACT, 66% 66% (n(n= = 88)were
88) werepositive
17%(n (n==22)
were negative.
negative. VIC VIC had
the second highest number of tweets (n = 1704), and among them 50% (n = 854)
the second highest number of tweets (n = 1704), and among them 50% (n = 854) were positive and were positive and 42%
(n = 715)
42% (n = were negative.
715) were FromFrom
negative. the 1124 tweets
the 1124 originating
tweets fromfrom
originating WA, WA,53% (n53% = 599) werewere
(n = 599) positive and
and (n = 251)
22% (n = were negative
251) were in nature.
negative NT had
in nature. NTthe hadlower number
the lower of tweets
number related
of tweets to AI; to
related among them,
AI; among
36% (n = 20) were positive and only 11% (n = 6) were negative. Significantly,
them, 36% (n = 20) were positive and only 11% (n = 6) were negative. Significantly, 53% (n = 29) of53% (n = 29) of tweets
from NTfrom
tweets wereNTneutral. Example
were neutral. tweets for
Example eachfor
tweets sentiment categorycategory
each sentiment are given areingiven
Tablein 2. Table 2.
Queensland Tasmania New South South Australia Australian Capital Victoria Western Northern
(QLD) (TAS) Wales (NSW) (SA) Territory (ACT) (VIC) Australia (WA) Territory (NT)
Positive Sentiments 92% 92% 69% 69% 66% 50% 53% 36% 66%
Negative Sentiments 5% 3% 14% 4% 17% 42% 23% 11% 15%
Neutral Sentiments 3% 5% 17% 27% 17% 8% 24% 53% 19%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Robotics Drones Automation Digital Twins Block Chain Machine Learning Big Data 5G Digital Networks 3D Printing Digital Currency AR VR Telephony Chatbot
NSW 2328 694 180 164 104 40 0 54 63 63 116 18 14 8 9
VIC 340 499 317 72 31 105 107 104 65 21 36 40 34 3 2
WA 157 433 74 40 28 55 25 20 24 6 5 16 19 2 0
SA 128 146 62 26 54 19 11 0 38 4 2 43 11 0 0
QLD 77 96 62 24 26 3 8 0 8 5 21 3 5 0 0
TAS 13 48 19 5 10 3 2 0 8 2 6 1 1 0 0
ACT 9 22 1 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0
NT 3 5 2 2 4 11 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 0
Total 3055 1943 717 337 263 236 154 178 207 101 192 124 86 13 11
NSW 76.2 35.72 25.1 48.66 39.54 16.95 0 30.34 30.43 62.38 60.42 14.52 16.28 61.54 81.82
VIC 11.13 25.68 44.21 21.36 11.79 44.49 69.48 58.43 31.42 20.79 18.75 32.26 39.53 23.08 18.18
WA 5.14 22.29 10.32 11.87 10.65 23.31 16.23 11.23 11.59 5.94 2.6 12.89 22.09 15.38 0
SA 4.19 7.51 8.65 7.72 20.53 8.05 7.15 0 18.36 3.96 1.04 34.68 12.79 0 0
QLD 2.52 4.94 8.65 7.13 9.89 1.27 5.19 0 3.86 4.95 10.94 2.42 5.82 0 0
TAS 0.43 2.47 2.65 1.48 3.8 1.27 1.3 0 3.86 1.98 3.13 0.81 1.16 0 0
ACT 0.29 1.13 0.14 1.19 2.28 0 0 0 0 0 2.08 1.61 0 0 0
NT 0.1 0.26 0.28 0.59 1.52 4.66 0.65 0 0.48 0 1.04 0.81 2.33 0 0
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Using a word frequency analysis technique, 15 key AI-related technologies were derived from
the collected tweets (Figure 3 and Table 3). These technologies are ‘robotics’ (n = 3055), ‘drones’ (n =
1943), ‘automation’ (n = 717), ‘digital twins’ (n = 337), ‘block chain’ (n = 263), ‘machine learning’ (n =
236), ‘digital networks’ (n = 207), ‘digital currency’ (n = 192), ‘5G technology’ (n = 178), ‘big data’ (n =
Open ‘augmented
Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex.
reality’ 124),6,‘3D
(n = 2020, 187 printing’ (n = 101), ‘virtual reality’ (n = 86), ‘telephony’9 (n
of 21
13), and ‘chatbots’ (n = 11).
Figure 4. Distribution of tweets by urban planning and development concepts per state/territory.
Figure 4. Distribution of tweets by urban planning and development concepts per state/territory.
4.5. Relationships between Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Urban Planning and Development Concepts
The objective has was the to
been most commonly
understand discussed
AI-related urban planning
technologies and theand development
public perceptionconcept,
of their
but its usability
application in thediffered from oneTo
urban context. state/territory
this end, thistostudy
another. While ‘sustainability’
conducted (n = 418)analysis,
a word co-occurrence was the
most commonly
which tweeted
identified the number urban planning
of tweets thatand development
mentioned concept in NSW,
both technology and the ‘innovation’ was most
urban planning and
popular in VIC (n = 182),
development concepts (Table 7). WA (n = 122) and SA (n = 110). The use of AI-related technologies in
Figure 5 was the most
represents thepopular
network concept
topology,in QLD (n = 29) on
developed andthe
ACT (n =of10).
basis theTweets
word from TAS had
more discussions related to use of AI in ‘construction’ (n = 20). Although there
analysis. This network typology was initially generated by using the Gephi software. Nonetheless, was a lower number
of tweets in NT, most of them were related to use of AI for ‘sustainability’ (n = 9).
due to the crowdedness of the original figure—shown in the lower left side of Figure 5—a less complex
shown in Table
recreated by only5, showing
the use the of AI technologies
stronger in relation
relationships occurred tobetween
transportation, health,
AI technologies
and urban planning and development concepts. For that, we identified connections less than(or
communication and digital transformation were also some of the frequently used concepts 50 AI
weak areas). Furthermore,
or mid-strength, and removed them concepts
fromsuch as ‘mobility’,
the figure. Connection‘energy’, ‘waste’,50‘economy’,
counts between and 99 are
determined and ‘tourism’
as semi-strong, did not between
connections receive much100 andattention, and thus they
199 are categorized can be
as strong, andidentified
emerging topics within the research contexts of novel AI applications. Table 6
over 200 are labeled as very strong. Figure 5 illustrates these connections, where only the prominent provides exemplar
tweets related
connections aretoshown
each urban
in the planning
main partand development
of the figure, andconcept.
the full connections are given at the lower
left side of the figure.
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2020, 6, 187 12 of 21
Table 5. Distribution of tweets by urban planning and development concepts per state/territory.
Sustainability Cybersecurity Innovation Construction Governance Transportation Health Communication Mobility Energy Infrastructure Waste Economy Environment Tourism
NSW 418 358 285 324 264 78 115 116 63 54 79 48 72 61 37 13
VIC 119 173 182 123 101 78 76 35 61 82 67 42 30 24 38 2
WA 115 86 122 72 66 55 30 36 29 24 13 20 12 20 15 5
SA 101 89 110 97 93 47 33 46 26 19 13 35 11 6 21 0
QLD 3 13 11 1 29 6 2 0 16 10 6 4 12 8 1 0
TAS 9 18 16 20 18 7 3 8 2 0 2 4 4 3 4 0
ACT 0 1 1 2 10 0 1 0 4 0 1 2 1 1 1 0
NT 9 3 7 5 4 4 3 0 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 0
Total 774 741 734 644 585 275 263 241 203 190 184 156 144 124 118 20
NSW 54.01 48.31 38.83 50.31 45.13 28.36 43.73 48.13 31.03 28.42 42.93 30.77 50.01 49.19 31.36 65
VIC 15.37 23.35 24.79 19.09 17.26 28.36 28.89 14.52 30.05 43.16 36.41 26.92 20.83 19.35 32.19 10
WA 14.86 11.61 16.62 11.18 11.28 20.01 11.41 14.94 14.29 12.63 7.07 12.82 8.33 16.13 12.71 25
SA 13.05 12.01 14.99 15.06 15.9 17.09 12.55 19.09 12.81 10 7.07 22.44 7.64 4.84 17.8 0
QLD 0.39 1.75 1.5 0.16 4.96 2.18 0.76 0 7.88 5.26 3.26 2.56 8.33 6.45 0.85 0
TAS 1.16 2.43 2.18 3.11 3.08 2.55 1.14 3.32 0.99 0 1.09 2.56 2.78 2.42 3.39 0
ACT 0 0.13 0.14 0.31 1.71 0 0.38 0 1.97 0 0.54 1.28 0.69 0.81 0.85 0
NT 1.16 0.41 0.95 0.78 0.68 1.45 1.14 0 0.98 0.53 1.63 0.65 1.39 0.81 0.85 0
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Table 6. Cont.
Figure 5. Relationships between AI technologies and urban planning and development concepts.
Figure 5. Relationships between AI technologies and urban planning and development concepts.
As shown in Figure 5, robotics has a close relationship with urban planning and development
concepts such as ‘innovation’ (n = 337), ‘sustainability’ (n = 450), ‘cybersecurity’ (n = 376), ‘construction’
(n = 242), ‘governance’ (n = 139) and ‘waste management’ (n = 121). Secondly, the relationships
between ‘drone’ technology and ‘sustainability’ (n = 178), ‘cybersecurity’ (n = 161) and ‘construction’
(n = 138) were very pronounced. The third popular relationship was the use of ‘autonomation’ in
‘cybersecurity’ (n = 72), ‘construction’ (n = 63), ‘innovation’ (n = 61), and ‘transportation’ (n = 48).
Fourthly, the relationship between ‘big data’ and ‘governance’ (n = 51), and ‘cybersecurity’ (n = 42)
was visible.
Although the relationships among the AI-related technologies such as ‘digital twin’, ‘digital
networking’, ‘machine learning’, ‘3D printing’ and ‘5G’ were not as frequently used in relation to the
derived urban planning and development concepts, they can be identified as emerging discussions
within the Twitter hemisphere. The existence of tweets related to the ‘digital twin’ and ‘governance’
(n = 28), ‘digital transformation’ (n = 28) and ‘innovation’ (n = 26) highlighted the increasing importance
of ‘digital twin’ technology in our society—both the public and private sectors. Nevertheless,
tweets related to technologies such as ‘block chain’, ‘AR’, ‘VR’, ‘digital currency’, ‘chatbot’ and
‘telephony’ were comparatively low. Table 8 shows the example tweets which discuss AI technologies
in the derived urban planning and development concepts (or, in other words, AI application areas).
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2020, 6, 187 15 of 21
Table 8. Example tweets showing the relationship between AI technologies and urban planning and development concepts.
Data and Time State Tweet AI Technology Urban Planning and Development Concept Sentiment
Great to see @cserAdelaide Lending Library #sphero kit in action with
14/11/2019 5:57 p.m. VIC classes designing and building a Sustainable City and then coding robots Robotics Sustainability Positive
through the streets of the city.
Building #Sustainable #transport platforms will provide a more efficient
3/01/2019 7:26 a.m. NSW Automation Transportation Positive
#smartcity and cheaper than autonomous and electric vehicles
City Loses $500,000 to Phishing Attack #CyberSecurity #Databreach
#Ransomware #Hackers #infosec @reach2ratan #AI #bots #malware
17/06/2019 10:36 a.m. QLD Chatbot, Big data Cybersecurity, Digital transformation Negative
#DDoS #Digitaltransformation #Fintech #Blockchain #Chatbots #Bigdata
#datascience #Digital
@UTAS_@DeformedEarth @CityByrne @homehillwines Drone video of
@homehillwines landslide and @UTAS_ #UTAS_GSS student at work
8/08/2019 11:35 a.m. TAS Drone Environment Positive
collecting 3D spatial data. Thanks @homehillwines for your
fantastic hospitality!
Humanity must now accept that a digital economy implemented by
5/08/2019 4:24 p.m. NSW global governance w/AI world systems for ppl and planet is the way Digital currency Economy, Governance Positive
forward from 2020 #bitcoins
How exciting to see what is possible when AI meets virtual reality in the
29/03/2019 8:34 a.m. SA VR Health Positive
treatment of mental health conditions
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2020, 6, 187 16 of 21
5. Discussion
AI is a widely used technology in Australia across many urban planning and development
areas, including, but not limited to, health, safety, environment, energy, infrastructure, transport,
education and urban services [58]. Nonetheless, public perceptions regarding the use of AI are
an understudied line of research [59]. The study at hand focused on addressing this limitation.
Accordingly, the community’s positive perceptions regarding the use of AI are evident in the presented
findings. This is to say, overall, the Australian public has a positive perception of AI and its use to
make cities more sustainable, innovative, accessible, healthy, and livable [60,61].
Nonetheless, in the analyzed tweets, the public has also raised concerns about the use of AI,
particularly in terms of cybersecurity breaches. Especially during the pandemic, a large part of
Australian society was intending to move towards digital transformation. Due to the cyber-attack
boom in 2020 in Australia, the discussions on cybersecurity and the ethical concerns associated with
using AI technologies become highly prominent [62,63]. Australian researchers have also highlighted
the importance of understanding the loopholes in the present AI systems [64]. Furthermore, the digital
transformation has had a negative impact on the elderly population, as they need more assistance to
use the technology [65,66].
The Australian government has already drafted an ‘AI Action Plan’ for all Australians, and is
currently seeking feedback from the wider community [67]. Through this plan, the Australian
government has attempted to address the issue of cybersecurity by preparing and publishing an
‘AI Ethics Framework’. This framework addresses the following issues: (a) human, social and
environmental wellbeing; (b) human-centered values; (c) fairness; (d) privacy protection and security;
(e) reliability and safety; (f) transparency and explainability; (g) contestability; and (h) accountability [68].
Moreover, the Australian government has identified the importance of using AI in the aging and
disability sector to reduce costs while making quality care accessible to adult Australians [48].
Nevertheless, it is important to pay attention to the user-friendliness and affordability of AI technologies,
particularly concerning the disadvantaged populations [69].
In 2019, the Australian government released an AI roadmap that recognizes the current global
shift towards smart cities and smart urban infrastructure [48]. The roadmap suggests that government
institutions should work with private organizations to develop, advance, and deploy AI solutions that
will improve the urban environment and will help shape sustainable urban futures.
The roadmap has pointed to the potential benefits of AI, such as economic growth (Australia
could become a key player on the global AI market in 2030, reaching a value of AUD 22.17 trillion),
improved quality of life, environmental sustainability, and solution of the problems experienced by
the aging society [48]. The roadmap involves the use of AI to decrease the costs and improve the
effectiveness of built infrastructure planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance. This is
significant in the built environment as there is a shortcoming of built infrastructure, as it is already
impacting the operations of towns and cities around Australia [48]. The following are urban planning
and development concepts that were mentioned in the roadmap:
• Improve the digital infrastructure (for data transmission storage, analysis and acquisition) so that AI
can safely and effectively be used across Australian cities.
• Develop AI for better towns, cities, and infrastructure, to improve the safety, efficiency, cost-effectiveness,
and quality of the built environment.
• Improve design, planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of infrastructure and building
with AI.
• Utilize AI to improve the efficiency and safety of transportation, electricity, and water services
throughout the urban environment.
• Improve AI technology that reduces high construction costs and unplanned cost overruns as it is
limiting the ability to improve cities and infrastructure.
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2020, 6, 187 17 of 21
Since 2010, The Australian Research Council (ARC) has awarded over AUD 243 million to
research regarding AI and data processing. Significant investment went towards block chain,
AR/VR, robotic process automation (RPA), natural language processing (NLP), and computer vision.
These technologies represent the functionality of a digital co-worker, as it encompasses both rule-based
activities and judgement-based activities [70]. The following are the key concepts that were developed in
the funded research and have influenced the perception of AI-related urban planning and development:
• Data analytics: Real-time or historical data that can provide insights into an urban environment.
A key example are intelligent traffic lights that use data analytics to coordinate and make
time-based changes in the traffic lights.
• Machine learning: Computer vision techniques to collect and annotate datasets. The model can be
applied to predict the roads that will undergo more ‘Wear and Tear’, allowing maintenance crews
to focus their energy on repairing potholes, instead of looking for them.
• Deep learning: Complex algorithm that analyses large datasets to give planners a predictive insight
into data. This provides urban planners with an insight into the nature of traffic, management of
traffic flows, and the design of new public transportation.
Perhaps the most important digital infrastructure in the future would be to provide distributed AI
services to support the development and operations of ubiquitous urban, rural, industrial, and other
applications [71]. The 5G networks that promise us unprecedented mobile internet speed have started
to appear around the world. However, AI infrastructure requires more than mere fast networks.
The work on the sixth generation (6G) networks has begun. The 6G networks are expected to
support extreme-scale ubiquitous AI services through next-generation softwarization, platformization,
heterogeneity, and configurability of networks [71]. This is a technology that will likely have
unimaginable impacts on urban planning and development [72].
6. Conclusions
AI is undoubtfully a powerful technology and has already started to reshape and disrupt our
economy, society, cities, and urban management systems [73,74]. Today, there is limited understanding
of the trending AI technologies and their application areas—or concepts—in the urban planning
and development fields [75]. Moreover, there is a knowledge gap in how the public perceives AI
technologies, their application areas, and the AI-related policies and practices of our cities [76,77].
Hence, the study at hand aimed at advancing our understanding of the relationship between the key
AI technologies and their key application areas in urban planning and development.
The social media analytics undertaken in this study has important findings. Overall, the location-based
twitter analysis throughout this study has identified that: (a) ‘Sustainability’ (n = 774 tweets);
(b) ‘Cybersecurity’ (n = 741); (c) ‘Innovation’ (n = 734), and; (d) ‘Construction’ (n = 644) are
generally the mostly discussed urban planning and development concepts across the entirety of
Australia, although the popularity differs by states and territories. To accomplish the listed concepts,
the following AI-related technologies are the most popularly discussed ones: (a) ‘Robotics’ (n = 3055
out of 11,262, 27%); (b) ‘Drones’ (n = 1943, 17%), and; (c) ‘Automation’ (n = 717, 23%). The sentiment
analysis has also defined that the degree of satisfaction across Australian communities is relatively high.
It has been demonstrated that ‘robotics’, ‘drones’ and ‘automation’ are the AI fields that have a close
relationship with the urban planning and development concepts of ‘sustainability’, ‘cybersecurity’,
‘innovation’ and ‘construction’.
This study has also disclosed that QLD and TAS have the highest degree of satisfaction (92%
of positive sentiments) among the other states and territories. In contrast, given that most states
and territories gained dominant positive sentiments, NT has had the lowest degree of satisfaction,
as demonstrated by a higher level of neutral sentiments (53%), as well as low interests in sharing
their views on social media channels (i.e., Twitter), comprising slightly over 0% of the tweets studied.
Meanwhile, NSW and VIC, to which the highest percentage of the total tweets belonged, had a lower
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degree of satisfaction than QLD and TAS. However, their degrees of satisfaction are also relatively
high. The close relationship between popular technologies and concepts was also justified in a number
of analysis procedures—i.e., sentiment and content analyses, frequency analysis, content analysis,
co-occurrence analysis, and spatial analysis.
In addition, concepts and technologies that have received less attention on Twitter are
considered to be emerging topics and thus are deemed important to keep track of. This study
also addressed the significance of improving all of the identified AI-related technologies for their safety,
effectiveness, efficiency, and affordances throughout the Australian AI Roadmap. Further empirical
studies and analyses are needed to make concerted consolidations of AI across Australia to better
understand the public perceptions with improved ethics, regulation, design, planning, construction,
operation, and maintenance toward better Australian towns, cities, infrastructure, and buildings.
In this prospective research, a particular attention should also be paid to further consolidate the
understanding and relation between AI and responsible urban innovation [78–80].
Author Contributions: T.Y. study design, supervision, conceptualization, writing—review and editing; N.K.
methodology, data collection, processing, investigation, analysis, writing—original draft preparation; M.R.,
A.R.M., B.R., and A.R. data analysis, writing—original draft preparation; K.C.D., J.M.C., R.M., and R.Y.M.L.
writing—review and editing, and improving the rigor and relevance of the manuscript. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial or
not-for-profit sectors.
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the assistance provided by QUT Digital Observatory’s data scientist
Sam Hames in obtaining the social media dataset used in the study. An ethical approval was obtained from QUT’s
Human Research Ethics Committee (#2000000257) for this study. The authors thank the editor-in-chief and three
anonymous referees for their constructive comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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