NR SmartCitiesDevelopmentusingBlockchainTechnologyinIndiaACriticalAnalysis R3
NR SmartCitiesDevelopmentusingBlockchainTechnologyinIndiaACriticalAnalysis R3
NR SmartCitiesDevelopmentusingBlockchainTechnologyinIndiaACriticalAnalysis R3
0 42
3 authors, including:
Nitesh Rohilla
RICS School of Built Environment
All content following this page was uploaded by Nitesh Rohilla on 18 June 2024.
Indian cities are facing enormous challenges due to population growth and rapid urbanisation. Every citizen's lifestyle
is getting impacted. People move from rural areas to urban cities in search of employment, education, safety and
security, better healthcare options. Blockchain technology mixed with the notion of a "smart city", could prove to be a
boon in addressing these urban city problems, by providing a better living environment, and constructing a long-term
sustainable solution [1]. The goal of this study is to consolidate existing knowledge on the topic, analyse current and
continuing research developments, and show the way for future investigations using a rigorous and auditable
systematic review technique. 146 papers published between 2018 and 2023 in 82 journals examined as part
of bibliometric analysis. The study created and visualized the literature's bibliometric networks using citations and
analysis of co-citation, co-occurrence network of keywords, journals, authors, and nations. The findings showed that
there has been an exponential increase in recent years in the number of research articles explicitly focused on
blockchain and smart cities. This paper also explores how blockchain technology might apply to smart cities.
Environment, Smart City, Blockchain Technology, Urbanization, Infrastructure
1. Introduction
There has been a substantial increase in the urban population during the past few decades. The report titled
"World Urbanization Prospects" predicts that by the year 2050, 65 percent of people will live in cities,
which is an increase from the current percentage of 54 percent; however, only 46 percent of people
currently live in communities. [2]. The number of people living in cities in developing countries in Asia and
Africa grows faster than in other parts of the world. China's urbanization level went from 38% in 2001 to
56% in 2015 [3]. In different areas, including wellness, education, mobility, economic improvement, living
environment and employable conditions, urbanization has significantly improved the standard of living for
people around the world. Moreover, the rapid urbanization of the globe also brings with it novel issues and
challenges. Due to the high population density in urban areas, environmental resource constraints, traffic
problems, poor air quality, releases of greenhouse gases, and improper disposal have affected the life
expectancy of urban residents. [4]. All these difficulties and issues compel city dwellers (such as officials
and residents) to focus on more intelligent strategies for the development of cities sustainably and the
enhancement of the quality of life of their inhabitants. The concept of a "Smart City" is being introduced in
this context. [4] [5].
Proceedings Acronym: Smart Cities Challenges, Technologies and Trends, December 07, 2023, Rohini Delhi, India (N. Rohilla); (S. Singh); (M. Agarwal)
0000-0002-9118-4807 (N. Rohilla); 0000-0002-7026-0196(S. Singh); 0000-0001-5340-1359(M. Agarwal)
© 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (
What does the term "smart City" refer to exactly? A "smart city" commonly defined as an urban area that
leverages advanced communication and information technology to offer inventive solutions aimed at
enhancing the overall quality of life and Figure 1: A conceptual framework of smart city
establishing an environmentally
sustainable environment. This definition
has gained widespread acceptance.[6].
Some of the features that define a "smart
city" include efficient use of resources, an
advanced transportation network [7],
cutting-edge healthcare facilities[8],
effective waste management systems [9],
and top-notch educational facilities [10].
Smart cities represent urbanization's next
stage. [11].
Smart cities largely depend on
advanced technology and complex
networks to operate properly, as stated by
[12] and [13]. Government services such as
health , safety and security, and the city's
larger infrastructure (such as public
transportation, emergency services, and
energy grids) all work together seamlessly Source: Author’s compilation
in a "smart city" [14]. Information
Communication Technology is essential for implementing smart cities. Several strategies for developing
innovative and environmentally conscious cities have been proposed in recent years. [15][16]. These
techniques helped the governments and authorities take action, make judgements, and monitor urban
expansion[17] but India has a long way to go.
Blockchain is very crucial to the success of smart and intelligent cities. Blockchain, as defined by[18], is
"a digital, decentralised, and distributed ledger in which transactions are logged and added in chronological
order with the goal of creating permanent and tamperproof records." Blockchain initially implemented by
S. Nakamoto (2008). It is distributed database and decentralised transaction technology [19]. Despite
cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology presently recommended for use in a variety of application fields
due to its robustness and data security. Subsequently, there has been a surge in interest about the
utilization of blockchain technology in diverse sectors. The security and decentralization of transactions
initiated through blockchain arise from the distribution of transaction records across the network, enabling
access, transmission, and verification by any participant within the system. Researchers and observers
have suggested "blockchain cities" as the key to upgrading metropolitan cities to address urbanization
concerns. Many believe blockchain technology will boost the nation's economy and quality of life.[20].
The present study addresses the existing gap in knowledge by conducting a comprehensive bibliometric
analysis of blockchain research with respect to smart city. The aim of the investigation is to identify areas
of insufficient knowledge in this field and to assess the influence of literature in the scientific database of
Scopus during the period from 2018 to 2023. The analysis encompasses co-citation analysis, as well as the
examination of keyword co-occurrence networks pertaining to publications, authors, journals, and nations.
During the literature study, in addition to conducting a bibliometric analysis of the database, the author
also endeavoured to address the below mentioned Research Questions (RQs).
Q1 In what manner Blockchain contribute to smart city development?
Q2 In what ways these major obstacles prevent Smart Cities from fully embracing Blockchain
Q3 How can we help communities use Blockchain Technology so that they can become more
sustainable and technologically advanced??
The following is the outline for the paper:
The literature reviewed in Section 2, followed by a description of the research techniques used in this
study in Section 3, and finally, a thorough discussion of the results in Section 4. The bibliometric analysis
summarized in Section 5, and the comments and potential future research discussed in Section 6. The
conclusion discussed in Section 7, and future scope of research discussed in Section 8.
2. Literature Study
Since the terms "smart city" and "smart" have various meaning, academics, researchers, and business
experts have shown a great deal of interest in this subject [21]. Examples include Digital City [22],
Intelligent City [23], etc. (Pro et al., 2014) provides a comprehensive examination of the smart city,
discussing its goals, research problems, and potential project area. According to [24] The primary objective
of a smart city is to enhance the quality of life for its residents by the strategic use of innovative technologies
that address many challenges, such as minimizing carbon emissions, alleviating traffic congestion,
improving waste management, and tackling other pertinent concerns [25]. However, the rapid growth of
population and globalisation make it difficult for the Indian government to find solutions that are both
efficient and affordable to address the issues [26]. The functional prerequisites have been reviewed by [27].
The importance of information security in smart cities, as well as the related problems and solutions, are
discussed in [28]. [29] found that although a city cannot be "smart" with few resources or modest sectoral
shifts, it can be "smart" in every respect that matters administration, transportation, housing, lifestyle,
environmental sustainability, and economic vitality. Contribution of every single part is essential, even
though various approaches to creating an efficient smart city have been discussed in prior research, one of
the most important characteristics is sharing [30]. Smart card utilization and a dynamic ID based
verification technique is proposed as a means to authenticate distant users in a multi-server environment,
with a specific focus on applications related to financial security, was proposed by [31]. They concentrated
mostly on eliminating the server spoofing and forgery attacks that were present in the earlier systems.
After logging in, they dynamically changed the user ID to prevent tracking and to give the user anonymity.
Similar to this, [32] suggested a different authentication method for a remote user utilizing smart cards and
biometric verification. Achieve efficiency, they substitute nonces for clock synchronization and employ the
one-way hash function. Real-time applications, like Smart City, do not work with the above authentication
methods. The Smart City needs to process data in real time, which means it needs a good security system
that does not slow down the system.
Technology is key to the smart city framework. because it makes it easier to collect and analyse real-
time data, resulting in smarter decisions and improved city management. Using big data in smart
communities and other settings was investigated [33] to determine its potential, challenges, and actual
advantages. The analysis of traffic-related concerns in smart cities has been extensively examined by [34]
, and there have been discussions on innovative strategies for addressing these challenges. Machine
learning, among other disruptive technologies, is widely employed inside contemporary traffic
management systems, mostly in the stages of data collection and service delivery.
2.2 Blockchain Technology
The built environment industry is undergoing a complete transformation because of new disruptive
technologies. In the future, blockchain technology may use to solve urban problems. and make a significant
contribution towards the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal at the municipal
level. The advent of blockchain technology and its myriad potential applications have facilitated the
development of intelligent urban centres and the resolution of associated challenges. Extensive research
and investigations have been carried out pertaining to the field of blockchain technology. [35] provided a
comprehensive presentation on the overview of blockchain technology, encompassing its architecture,
applications, consensus algorithm, and forthcoming research problems and directions. According to a
survey conducted by [36], blockchain technology has security concerns and challenges. The characteristics
of the well-known cryptocurrency Bitcoin, its fundamental structure, and related applications were
described in [37].
The author [38] conducted research on blockchain and showed how the technology can be useful for
government-related tasks like citizen digital ID maintenance and data security. In their study, [39]
examined the application of smart contracts in ensuring the security of real estate transactions conducted
by buyers and sellers. Author outlined both the advantages and disadvantages of using smart contracts. In
[2], the possible applications of blockchain technology to building information modelling (a subset of the
construction management process) were investigated. The author draws the conclusion that construction
information can manage more safely with a blockchain system. Hence, it is evident based on prior scholarly
investigations that blockchain technology possesses the potential to provide diverse resolutions to the
persistent challenges encountered in smart cities. The purpose of this article is to elucidate the significance
of blockchain technology in the advancement of intelligent and environmentally conscious urban areas.
3 Research Methodology
Using bibliometrics, Author examined smart city blockchain applications. This form of review helps
researchers synthesise prior findings and inspire novel studies. According to [40], bibliometric reviews are
useful since they are unbiased and can reveal previously unknown aspects of the literature. Bibliographic
techniques allow researchers to visualize the mental terrain of a subject of study, which clarifies and
simplifies their findings. In the similar way the strength of bibliometric reviews, according to [41], lies in
their capacity to recognise and categorise a large range of documents within a certain field and to make it
easier to analyse data to highlight trends based on synthesized data.
Finding an appropriate database for the study is the first step in the bibliometric review process. We
searched the Scopus database to determine the papers to include. Scopus is a popular research tool because
of its capacity to organize citations and track references in a wide variety of fields. Web of science has
around 70% less sources as compared to the Scopus Index and is widely considered to be one of the best
academic databases in the world [42]. When searching for relevant articles, the author combined the
Boolean AND operator with the terms "Blockchain Technology" and "smart city" in the title, abstract, and
keywords sections.
Using the framework of numerous studies as a starting point, the author analysed and constructed
bibliometric indicators tailored to scholarly journal articles. This is because they provide a cross-sectional
view of scientific endeavour around the world. Enhance the scope of the study, the author examined articles
that published in the English language. The inclusion criteria encompassed the consideration of articles
published between the time limit of 2018 to 2023 in scholarly journals. By using the established criteria,
the database successfully refined, resulting in a reduced set of 160 items. The author limited the scope of
the study to specific disciplines, including management, accounting, computer science etc. to enhance the
precision of the results. The disciplines received the highest level of focus. The quantity of articles
decreased to 153. The title, abstract, and keywords of each article thoroughly examined to determine their
relevance. A total of 143 journal papers identified for the ultimate evaluation and analysis.
Upon completion of the explanatory analysis, content of selected articles and article relationship
reviewed in detail to obtain more insights. Network analysis also conducted to find the relationship
network between blockchain and smart city by using one of the features of bibliometrics in RStudio.
A keyword co-occurrence analysis conducted using RStudio to ascertain the extent of research
conducted on the topics of blockchain and smart cities within the specified temporal scope. This
methodology aids in separating the realm of knowledge and revealing how many study directions interact
with one another [43].
In contrast to the methodology of co-citation analysis, wherein references grouped together based on
the strength of their connections, analysis of keyword co-occurrence network focuses on author-supplied
keywords and investigates the frequency of their joint occurrence in published works.
[44] firstly developed Analysis of Co-citation. It was used to evaluate out and display some of the
smart city research potential of blockchain technology. Researchers can gain a better understanding of the
connections between co-cited sources by analysing previously analysed articles. Article co-citation analysis
is a frequently employed method in academic research due to its reliance on the assumption that a
relationship exists between two papers if both cited in subsequent research. When attempting to determine
the scope of a body of knowledge, higher co-citation rates between publications are indicative of closer ties,
more consistent referencing, and more shared understanding [45]. This article's co-citation network built
in RStudio.
4 Findings
2021 42 20
2022 34 15
8 9
2023 24
Source: Author’s Compilation 0
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
No of Publications
Source: Author’s Compilation
The bar graph below shows the number of publications by year that derived from the Scopus database.
It was found during the article search process that prior to 2018, not much research had done on blockchain
and smart cities. The increase in the number of papers published each year was one of the reasons for
starting in 2018. The number of papers released in 2020 increased considerably when compared to 2018
and 2019, as seen in Figure 3.
The development of multiple decentralized applications with a smart city focus and an increase in the
number of academics willing to understand how to use blockchain technology to solve urban challenges
are the two key factors driving this increase in interest [46]. It anticipates that there will be a substantial
increase in the quantity of scholarly publications pertaining the use of blockchain technology in the future
of smart city. This surge in publications expected to follow an exponential growth pattern, signifying the
progression of adoption maturation. Furthermore, it anticipated that these topics would continue to attract
significant academic interest and attention.
Number of Publications
ITALY 4 15
SPAIN 4 10
10 7
KINGDOM 4 4 4 4 3
Source: Author’s Compilation
Source: Author’s Compilation
To extract the articles by country, the author affiliations have investigated. According to our literature
review, China, India, and Korea have made considerable contributions to blockchain technology and smart
cities research, with 29, 15, and 10, respectively. The fact that China has more than 300 smart city pilot
programmes makes it evident [24]. Blockchain technology's contribution to many such projects can give
citizens smart solutions, a high standard of living, and the ability to make educated judgements. China is
also the first country to adopt blockchain technology for data authentication [47]. The announcement made
by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India regarding the Smart City Mission initiative, which seeks to
establish one hundred smart cities that are both citizen-friendly and sustainable, has garnered attention
from researchers, governments, and various stakeholders who are keen on highlighting the incorporation
of advanced technologies like blockchain in the developmental endeavours. The Indian government has
commenced the implementation of blockchain technology for vehicle registration, land transactions, and
land record administration in the port city of Vishakhapatnam [48].
Since 2018, South Korea has made substantial contributions to blockchain research and its application
to revolutionize business operations. South Korea has emerged as an early adopter of blockchain
technology, employing it across sectors such as finance, logistic, intellectual property rights, trade, and
healthcare. The South Korean government has made a number of measures, including implementing
blockchain in tax law, educating people about the technology, planning to use it for military acquisitions,
using it for administrative activities, and speeding up the loan application process. [49]
Over the course of the past decade, there has been a rapid surge in interest surrounding blockchain
technology within the United States. Technology's use has expanded to include a vast array of fields, from
finance and banking to government functions like auditing and tax collection [50]. A similar effort was
launched in Chicago by the Cook County Recorder of Deeds to explore the feasibility of creating and
managing digital property summaries via blockchain [46]. Improved public and private sector services,
better citizen-government relations, and fundamentally secure and effective operation and commissioning
of smart urban infrastructure are all goals of US state and local governments.
4.3 Journal Specific Publishing Distribution
Journal publication counts displayed in figure 5. There is a total of 144 papers published across eighty-
two journals (81), with IEEE and sustainable cities and society publishing the most (six each), followed by
journals publishing 5, 4, or 3 papers.
Journals Articles
Source: Author’s Compilation
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
No of Articles
There are less than three publications in the "Others" category that discuss the intersection of blockchain
technology and smart cities in seventy-one (71) journals. A detailed investigation from the journals revealed that
blockchain technology and smart city have widely practiced by engineering and computer science professionals.
These professions have published papers in highly repute journals having high \h index.
Fewer papers published in journals that focus on management, urban science, and the social sciences. We
discovered that low output in such journals is typically the result of either a lack of submissions or a high rejection
rate for papers that do not adhere to the journal's stated aims and objectives.
5 Bibliometric Analysis
Scholars can benefit from an analysis of keyword co-occurrence by learning which topics have attracted
the most interest. Keyword co-occurrence, according to [51], is a scientmetric technique that visualizes
often co-occurring terms or subjects in the literature.
This strategy aids the researcher in comprehending the paper's content, the paper's overall scope, and
other crucial details like the research's techniques and goals. Create the co-occurrence network, the author
pre-adjusted the original keywords as needed. The terms "smart city" and "smart cities," "blockchain" and
"blockchain technology," and "IoT" and "Internet of Things" are few examples of related terms that
combined. As illustrated in fig 6 total forty (40) nodes appearing in the co-occurrence network and 6
keywords were combined which were common. There is a positive correlation between the size of a node
and the frequency of the keyword's recurrence in the literature. Authors frequently utilize blockchain,
smart city, security, and internet of things as keywords. Below table depicts the most frequently used
keyword by the author in major 5 clusters.
Table 4: Top 5 keywords per cluster
The article co-citation network considered the most prominent form of co-citation analysis. The initial
proposition of this methodology was put forth by [44], where the author suggests looking at the network
of sources that are cited together. The suggested approach utilizes articles as fundamental components of
network analysis, while co-citation clusters serve as representations of the underlying conceptual
structures underpinning the field. By applying co-citation methods, researchers can learn both about the
characteristics of the referenced articles within a cluster and the relationships between clusters. The
intention of this research was to undertake a co-citation analysis of blockchain and smart city-related
articles to better understand the framework of the most significant contributions to this field of study.
Article co-citation network results from RStudio bibliometric analysis presented in Figure 7. The pair of
articles that exhibit a high degree of co-citation identified by the presence of thick arcs. The occurrence of
co-citation refers to the situation in which two articles co-cited concurrently within a single article. The
existence of dense arcs indicates a strong association between these articles, suggesting common attributes
related to topics [44]&[51].
However, thin arcs indicate a poor correlation between publications which cited together and the
absence of content similarity. A thick arc, such as the one between Zang and Li, indicates that the two
publications are highly co-cited and discuss related topics. Both wang and Li follow a similar trend. The
narrow line connecting Yang and Xu indicates a low co-citation strength and, by extension, a lack of content
similarity between the two groups. Only 50 of the most frequently referenced (based on a minimum of two
citations per article) are included in Fig. 6 of the co-citation network.
Figure 7: The co-citation network of articles
Source: Author’s Compilation
India's smart cities confront several challenges when implementing blockchain technology, including
the following.
Regulation: The absence of clear and comprehensive guidelines pertaining to the utilization of
blockchain technology poses a significant barrier to its implementation within the smart cities of India.
[61]. The government and relevant organizations participating in blockchain technology should establish
precise guidelines and a comprehensive legal framework to facilitate the seamless integration of
blockchain technology in smart cities.
Technical: Before blockchain technology can be used in smart cities, three technical issues—scalability,
interoperability, and security—must be resolved. [34].
Scalability: To manage the enormous amounts of data that smart cities generate efficiently, blockchain
technology must be able to scale. Scalability is a major problem for blockchain technology because the
current technology cannot handle many operations per second.[62]. Scalability is improved by expanding
network capacity, which requires adding more nodes to the blockchain network. The network is said to be
more scalable if more nodes can fit within it.
Interoperability: Smart cities require technology that can interface with other systems and technologies
for blockchain technology to be effective there. Interoperability is a challenge for blockchain technology
since multiple blockchain platforms use different protocols and technologies [63]. One potential approach
to mitigating interoperability difficulties involves the establishment of shared standards and protocols,
which can facilitate seamless communication between blockchain technology and other networks.
Privacy and security: Because blockchain technology is a decentralised system, it can be challenging to
keep data confidential or secure. Sensitive data is used by smart cities, so it's crucial to make sure that this
data is kept private [20] [64]. The government needs to develop cyber security standards and provide
suitable guidelines on data protection and security. The government should also encourage enterprises to
follow the rules when using blockchain technology.
Integration: Blockchain technology integration with the infrastructure and systems already present in
smart cities can be a challenging and time-consuming procedure[60]. Choosing the appropriate blockchain
platform might aid in mitigating the challenges associated with integration. Thoroughly evaluating the
integrated system can also help mitigate this issue. The implementation of a change management plan can
facilitate the adoption of new technologies among employees through the provision of comprehensive
High implementation costs: For cities with limited resources, the high implementation costs of
blockchain technology can be a major roadblock to adoption[65]. It is imperative to perform a cost-benefit
analysis prior to implementing a technology to assess the prospective advantages in relation to the
expected costs. The utilization of open source blockchain platforms can effectively mitigate development
costs, resulting in a reduction of implementation expenses while maintaining the integrity of privacy and
security measures.
Lack of knowledge and comprehension: It can be challenging to adopt blockchain technology
successfully since there is a lack of knowledge and comprehension about it among citizens and government
officials. It is recommended that both governmental entities and private groups undertake workshops,
awareness programs, and educational talks to emphasize the significance of blockchain technology and its
potential for efficient implementation in the development of smart cities.
Education and awareness: cities can offer training and education initiatives to assist businesses and
residents in realizing the advantages and applications of blockchain technology.
Cities can conduct pilot projects and proof-of-concepts to show how blockchain can used in real-world
contexts for things like energy management, supply chain traceability, and smart contract automation.
Cities can work together to develop and execute solutions by forming partnerships and collaborations
with blockchain start-ups, businesses, and research organisations.
Policy and Framework: Cities can build a policy and legal framework that is favourable to blockchain
innovation by, for example, setting up sandboxes for testing and experimentation[61].
Integration with current systems: To ensure a seamless integration and implementation, cities can
combine blockchain solutions with current systems and infrastructure[60].
Promote citizen participation: Cities can work with residents, communities, and other stakeholders to
jointly develop solutions that address their needs and priorities and promote citizen involvement in the
adoption process.
Cities can experiment with various use cases, such as traceability solutions, decentralized markets, and
smart-contract-based automation, to see how blockchain technology might applied to their requirements.
7 Conclusion
The transparent and readily accessible data management and sharing platform offered by blockchain
technology has the potential to make substantial contributions to the intelligent and sustainable
development of urban centres in India. Supply chain management, secure voting systems, and the
monitoring and administration of public services are examples of applications for blockchain technology.
The integration of blockchain technology in smart cities offers numerous advantages, such as optimized
resource utilization, reduced environmental impact, implementation of smart contracts, integration with
the Internet of Things (IoT), management of decentralized energy grids, digital identity management, and
various other benefits. However, Indian smart cities struggle to utilize blockchain technology due to a lack
of regulation, technical issues, expertise and comprehension, high implementation costs, and system
integration. Cybersecurity and privacy are also important.
It is necessary to find solutions to these problems for the blockchain technology successfully
implemented in the smart communities of India. Governments, IT businesses, and researchers must work
together to solve these problems and use blockchain technology to improve city life and reduce
environmental impact. The government can begin blockchain deployment in smart cities by creating rules
and legislation. They might also participate in research and development activities to find solutions to the
technical challenges that arise when putting blockchain technology into practise. Companies in the
technology sector and researchers in this field can also contribute by developing blockchain-based
solutions that are more scalable, private, and user-friendly.
To achieve sustainability and intelligence in Indian cities, it is imperative to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the possibilities of blockchain technology and to address the barriers hindering its
implementation. By implementing appropriate strategies and fostering collaboration, blockchain
technology have the capacity to serve as a powerful tool for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of
urban areas in India.
In this paper, the authors use bibliometric tools and methods to look at all the research on blockchain
and smart cities that released between 2018 and 2023. We found some interesting trends in the way
blockchain-based smart city research is growing, as well as the top countries and academic journals that
are adding to this new field. The networks built by keyword co-occurrence and article citations helped us
identify the main topics of the retrieved literature and the most important studies that expanded the field's
conceptual understanding. For instance, blockchain technology used with the Internet of Things improves
sensor data security and integrity in smart city systems. Combining blockchain and smart city technologies
is promising for future study. IoT data can analysed using machine learning and saved and shared securely
using blockchain technology. Due to their automation, smart contracts, enabled by blockchain technology,
used in many trade applications to share data, and ensure trust between service providers and network
participants. Finally, blockchain found to enable smart communities and improve smart city sustainability.
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