A Systematic Literature Review On Smart Cities: Indicators, Methods, and Case Studies
A Systematic Literature Review On Smart Cities: Indicators, Methods, and Case Studies
A Systematic Literature Review On Smart Cities: Indicators, Methods, and Case Studies
c ISSN 1881-803X
Volume 14, Number 11, November 2020 pp. 1113–1120
Abstract. Nowadays, the term of Smart City has been a hot topic in the table. How-
ever, there are still limited survey papers that provide the indicators, methods, and the
examples of the Smart City cases. This research aims to provide a systematic and com-
prehensive survey using a systematic literature review method, on indicators, methods,
and the examples of the Smart City cases. This literature review contributes to the foun-
dation of the research in the area of Smart City. The method used in this paper is a sys-
tematic and comprehensive literature review proposed by Ridley and Okoli & Schabram.
The results show that Smart Environment is the most paramount indicator used in the
literature. Moreover, some characteristics generally appear in the studies such as: small
scale implementation, the readiness of the laws & regulations as well as the technology.
Keywords: Smart City, Systematic literature review, Indicators, Case, Implementation
City model are: Smart Economy, Smart People, Smart Government, Smart Mobility,
Smart Environment, and Smart Living [2,3]. The contribution of this paper is to provide
a systematic and comprehensive survey using a systematic literature review method, on
indicators, methods, and the examples of the Smart City cases. This literature review
contributes to the foundation of the research in the area of Smart City. The methods and
examples of Smart City cases in this paper are limited to computer science, information
technology, and information system only. The results show the paramount indicators of
success to implement Smart City framework.
2. Theoretical Foundations.
2.1. Smart City. The word Smart City has become a popular term in all across the
world. A city as the centre of the civilization cannot be separated from the social and
economic problems such as crowdedness, and security. A lot of villagers are considering
moving to the city for a better life and job. Hence, city needs to change their governance,
policy, as well as their infrastructure to support their citizens. A Smart City potentially
provides a good framework to support the governance of a city. Certainly, there are several
indicators needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of a Smart City
framework. There are several definitions of Smart City across the literature found. There
is still not a clear, universal, consistent, and consensus agreement on the understanding
of a Smart City [4]. To compile all the definitions, a Smart City is a city that invests in
the development of the city to provide a high quality of life, “with a wise management
of natural resources.” [1] in monitoring and integrating conditions of all of its critical
infrastructures [5]. There are several characteristics that describe the distinctive features
of a Smart City, which are: Smart Economy, Smart People, Smart Government, Smart
Mobility, Smart Environment, and Smart Living [2,3].
2.2. Smart City framework. The scope of the implementation of a Smart City can
be extremely wide. The implementation would affect the whole city (e.g., policy, and
infrastructure). A framework would help to frame and provide boundaries for the Smart
City development or implementation in a city. A model can be the themes of the imple-
mentation of the Smart City. There are several well-known Smart City frameworks and
models. However, the main themes of the frameworks and models are relatively similar
one to another. The ITB Garuda framework consists of three layers: the resources, the
enablers, and the services layer. The resources as the core layer can be processed and
enhanced to become the enablers. The enablers layer will enable the outer layer of ser-
vices [7]. Another Smart City framework that is well-known is proposed by IBM [6]. The
IBM framework also consists of three layers: planning & management layer, human layer,
and infrastructure layer. All the layers are simultaneously connected one to the others
creating the Smart City ecosystem [6].
indicators of success in the implementation of a Smart City? And [RQ-2] What are the
methods used to successfully implement a Smart City framework, particularly in the area
of ICT? Finally, [RQ-3] What are the real case studies (i.e., the progress and limitation
of current research) of a Smart City?
Next step is to search the existing papers in this area. The database used in this research
mostly contains papers in ICT area. They are Science Direct (www.sciencedirect.com),
ACM Digital Library (dl.acm.org), and IEEE Xplore (ieeexplore.ieee.org). In addition,
Google Scholar (scholar.google.com) was also used to cover more wide papers which might
not be indexed by those three databases. The keywords used to search the paper are
“Smart City”, “model”, “indicator”, “method”, “case” with the synonyms. The combi-
nations of searching queries are: [Query-1] (“index” OR “indicator”) AND (“plan” OR
“design” OR “model” OR “framework”) AND (“Smart City” OR “Smarter City” OR
“ubiquitous city”); [Query-2] (“index” OR “indicator”) AND (“Smart City” OR
“Smarter City” OR “ubiquitous city”); And [Query-3] (“case” OR “implementation”
OR “case study”) AND (“Smart City” OR “Smarter City” OR “ubiquitous city”). Next
step is to define the inclusion and exclusion criteria with practical screen and quality
appraisal. The inclusion criteria for this study are: [C-1] The title and abstract of the
paper contain contents that might help to answer the research questions raised in this
research; [C-2] The keywords of the paper contain the keywords used to search the lit-
erature. Moreover, there are also some exclusion criteria to limit the literature that is
not too relevant to the scope of this research, and they are not a paper that is: [C-3]
published before 2004; [C-4] duplicated; [C-5] too technical, that only address one tech-
nology aspect; [C-6] focusing on the issues of government regulation; [C-7] focusing on
the issues of energy. All the papers matched with the criteria (i.e., the candidate stud-
ies) were downloaded to be extracted and analyzed. The candidate studies that strongly
provide information to help to answer the research questions raised in this research (i.e.,
the selected studies) were further analyzed and synthesized.
4. Results and Discussion. The process data extraction was started in 2015 and gath-
ered around 367 papers with the keywords [Query-1], [Query-2], and [Query-3] and
also matched with all the criteria [C1] to [C7]. All those papers are potentially provid-
ing information that help to answer the research questions [RQ-1], [RQ-2], and [RQ-3]
(i.e., the candidate studies, 198 papers). After the papers were thoroughly extracted and
analyzed, there were only 34 papers that strongly provide information to help to answer
the research questions raised in this research (i.e., the selected studies).
4.1. Demographic analysis. The number of researches those have been done in this
area has been significantly increasing for past this decade. The number of papers pub-
lished in the area of Smart City is significantly increasing from 2004. This research
demonstrates 65% selected studies from journal, and the rest were from conference pa-
per/proceeding. Total of 102 authors were contributed to 34 selected studies with Dr.
Alberto De Marco (Italy) and Dr. Mei-Chih Hu (Taiwan) as the top contributors (with
two papers each contributor). There are 25 countries which contributed to the research
with Italy as the top contributor (23 contributions in the selected studies), followed by
China (8 contributions). The implementation of Smart City framework is mostly done in
European/UK region (16 implementation papers, 47% of selected studies) with Italy as
the top city that implemented Smart City framework (5 implementation papers, 14.7%
of selected studies). The second top region that implemented Smart City framework is
Asia (total of 12 implementation papers, 35.3% of selected studies) with China as the
top city (total of 4 implementation papers, 11.8% of selected studies). Moreover, USA
also has the same number of implementation papers with China. All the selected studies
implemented the Smart City framework in a large scale in a city level.
4.2. Smart City indicators and implementation. This research categorizes the S-
mart City indicators into six categories based on [2,3]. The indicators proposed in the
selected studies were analyzed and mapped to the six categories. Figure 1 illustrates the
indicators implemented in the 34 selected studies mapped to the six categories. The 34
papers were selected because those papers are potentially providing insights to answer
research questions posed in this study (i.e., [RQ-1], [RQ-2], and [RQ-3]). For each pa-
per, we analyzed the content and spotted some keywords related to the six indicators of a
Smart City proposed by [2,3]. In the original paper, each indicator has more specific sub-
indicators (see [2,3]). For example, [40] proposed an evidence of the implementation of a
Smart City framework from China. The authors discussed several aspects such as Smart
Transportation, Smart Energy, and Smart Government. Hence, the mapping goes Smart
Transportation is part of Smart Mobility, Smart Energy is part of Smart Environment,
and Smart Government. All the keywords in the paper are mapped into six categories and
then aggregated. The total number of indicators counted (not distinct) is presented in
Figure 1. The data distribution of each indicator is fairly normal across all the databases
or search engines (i.e., paper sources). The most mentioned and used indicator is the
Smart Environment with total of 89 mentions (19.5%), and Smart Mobility with total
of 89 mentions (19.5%), followed by Smart Living with total of 75 mentions (16.5%). In
contrast, Smart Economy is the least mentioned and used indicator in the selected studies
with total of 57 mentions (12.9%).
According to [2,3] the six indicators can be broken down into several sub-indicators.
Albeit the Smart Environment indicator was the most mentioned and implemented in the
selected papers, there were some limitations to implement the indicator in a city level.
Law, regulation, and social aspects influence the implementation of the indicator in a
city level. Moreover, some of technologies are still not ready to be implemented in a
real world. The highest number of implementations in the selected studies mostly shares
similar characteristics, such as: implemented in a small scale, the regulators are ready
to design the laws and regulations related to the smart technology, and the technologies
are ready to be implemented in the real world (not only works in the lab environment).
The most sub-indicator implemented in the selected studies is Public Transportation
System (35) under Smart Mobility indicator, followed by Environmental Sustainability
(29) under Smart Environment indicator. The indicators can also indicate the area of
implementation of a Smart City framework, for example: implementation in the healthcare
services [15,18], implementation in the public transportation system [42], implementation
ICIC EXPRESS LETTERS, VOL.14, NO.11, 2020 1117
in the education system [21,22]. Hence, the most area implemented with a Smart City
framework is in the public transportation system [42]. To summarize, the sub-indicators
which are regularly mentioned and implemented in the selected studies can be listed and
sorted as: Public Transportation System (35), Environmental Sustainability (29), ICT
Infrastructure (21), Healthcare Services (21), Social Security and safety (18), Social and
Cultural Plurality (17), Entrepreneurship and Innovation (16), Housing Quality (15), ICT
and E-Government (15), Economic Vitality and Planning (15), Transparent Governance
& Open Data (14), Education System and Facilities (13), Monitoring Pollution Degree
(10), Energy Management (10), Participation in Decision Making (8), Creativity (8),
Productivity (8), (Inter)-National Accessibility (7).
Table 1 demonstrates the mapping of the six indicators proposed by [2,3] with the
selected studies. The papers are listed in the row in accordance with the bibliography
Papers Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart
Environment Mobility Living Government People Economy
[10] X X
[11] X
[12] X X X X X
[13] X X
[14] X X
[15] X X X X X X
[16] X X
[17] X X
[18] X X X X
[19] X X X X X X
[20] X X X
[21] X X X X X X
[22] X X X X X
[23] X X X
[24] X X
[25] X X
[26] X X X X X X
[27] X X
[28] X X
[29] X X X
[30] X X X X X X
[31] X
[32] X X
[33] X X X X X
[34] X X X X X X
[35] X X X
[36] X X X
[37] X X X X X X
[38] X X X X X X
[39] X X X X X X
[40] X X X X
[41] X X X X X X
[42] X
numbering and mapped with the six indicators shown in the column of the table. The
mark “X” indicates that the paper implemented or mentioned the indicators. To map
the paper into the six indicators, the paper was analyzed based on the contribution and
area of research. Some of keywords also mapped to the six indicators based on either the
synonym or the sub-category or sub-indicators. For example, [13] discusses a topic that
is related to Organization, Policy, and Environment in a Smart City. Hence, the paper is
mapped with Smart Environment and Smart Government.
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