Maddalora Personalized Learning Model Using
Maddalora Personalized Learning Model Using
Maddalora Personalized Learning Model Using
Abstract— Many Higher Education Institutions in the will be engaged in e-learning by 2015 and that e-learning
Philippines now accept that a blended approach offers countless does not only save money, it also saves time. Therefore, due
advantages in most areas of learning. However, learner’s ability to the growth of the Internet, an increasing number of
has been neglected as a significant factor in student’s success.
individuals are moving to online learning.
Thus various techniques have been developed such as
personalization to improve the learning process and Not all learners have the same personal preferences and
accommodate diversity of learners. This study introduces a learning styles [2]. Thus, many researchers have explored
personalized learning model that recommends Shortest Learning different techniques, such as shortest learning path to
Sequence (SLS) to remediate students with learning difficulty. improve learning process, as well as to accommodate a
The learning model was created using Item Response Theory diversity of learners. An article written by [3] mentioned
(IRT) implemented in an e-learning environment. Assessments
that the individualized interactivity has contributed
were given during the learning process with levels of difficulty.
IRT probabilistically estimates the student’s proficiency of the significantly to the effectiveness of the e-learning
topics taking into considerations the difficulty of the test items. environment. Generally, most personalized systems have
SLS consists of lessons recommended to students, which were been developed to consider learner preferences, interests,
ranked accordingly. The one parameter (1PL) model was used to and browsing behaviors in providing personalized services.
evaluate the test score and the item information was used to rank However, learner ability [4] and necessary corrective
the lessons. Lessons are reduced until the proficiency level of the
measures to remediate learning difficulties [5] are usually
student is reached. Results show that the personalized learning
model is capable of recommending shortest learning sequences. neglected as important factors in implementing personalized
Hence, reduces the time spent of study. The student’s proficiency mechanisms. As a result, this paper explores a learning
level was increased through the implementation of the technique to remediate learning difficulties of students in an
personalized learning model. Thus, the learning outcome was e-learning environment.
also improved. Course contents have been designed to accommodate
Index Terms—shortest learning sequence; item response teaching approaches that support the learning needs of
theory; e-learning; personalized learning model.
students. This includes students experiencing difficulties in
learning. Students having difficulty learning are classfied
into the heterogenous group, as they have a wide variety of
E-learning has long been in existence since 1999. E- characteristics, ranging from academic difficulties to
learning is often considered as a means of permitting access cognitive and socio-emotional problems [6]. The term
to learning by using electronic media such as computers, “learning difficulties” is a general one used widely and
tablets, or mobile phones. Long before the internet was without much precision. Usually, the term applies to
launched, distance courses were being offered to provide approximately 10 to 16% of the school population and refers
students with education on particular subjects or skills. With to students who have general problems in learning [7]. Most
the introduction of the computer and internet in the late 20th students experiencing these difficulties could participate
century, e-learning tools and delivery methods expanded. fully in learning experiences and assessment activities
Since then, several schools had been set up to deliver provided by the proposed learning environment.
courses online and bring education to people who wouldn’t Assessment plays an important role in learning. It
be able to attend college due to geographical or time determines whether the abilities and skills of the students in
constraints. In general, e-learning facilitates the delivery of a particular course have been developed. More specifically,
lectures, the administering of quizzes and examinations, and assessment is the way the instructors gather data about their
the designation of paper works. teaching and their student’s learning. A summative
A growing number of business organizations began using assessment is administered using the e-learning prototype to
e-learning to train their employees. New and experienced determine the learning path of the student. Summative
workers alike now had the opportunity to improve their examination takes place after the learning has been
industry knowledge base and expand their skill sets. Many completed that sums up the teaching and learning process.
e-learning authorities in industry and in schools now accept Questions in the exam are constructed using Anderson and
that a blended approach offers countless advantages in most Krathwohl – Bloom’s Revised Cognitive Taxonomy.
areas of learning, and good practice has been developed in a Anderson [8] mentioned in her paper that the taxonomy
hybrid online model [1]. According to the blog posted by the table emphasizes alignment in terms of student learning and
admin of the website, entitled the Important provides in-depth examination of alignment. Questions are
eLearning Statistics for 2013, 50% of all college students
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A11500681S419/19©BEIESP 811 & Sciences Publication
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A11500681S419/19©BEIESP 812 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1S4, June 2019
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY the test bank with combinations of easy, moderate and
difficult questions. For the purpose of presentation of this
A. Research Design
study, the 50-item examination was used to evaluate the
The research design refers to all the overall strategy that student’s understanding of the course. Since there are ten
the researcher chooses to integrate the different components (10) lessons in the course and each course generates 5-points
of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring test items, the researcher purposively used the 50-item
to effectively address the research problem. It constitutes the examination to have equal distribution of points from each
blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of lesson. Furthermore, questions can be dynamically added to
data [13]. the item bank.
Descriptive research design attempts to describe and
explain conditions of the present by using many subjects and C. Item Response Theory Model
a questionnaire to fully describe a phenomenon [13]. The Student’s ability cannot be judged based on the number of
researcher used the descriptive research design in this study. correct items obtained. Rather, the item difficulty should
The study describes the use of IRT in recommending the also be taken into account [14]. Consequently, students can
shortest learning sequence. It also describes how the have different levels of ability, and items can differ in many
personalized learning model helped improve the learning aspects – most importantly, some are easier and some are
outcome of the student based on the results of the more difficult [15].
examination. Item Response Theory (IRT) Model is a theory of how
people respond to items. It predicts a certain person will
B. Methods and Techniques Used
give a certain response to a certain item. IRT provides a
The course materials for Introduction to Programming model-based linkage between item responses and the latent
using C++ were used as the learning content. The lessons characteristics assessed by a test or scale [16]. IRT models
are sequenced accordingly with the course syllabus, and their corresponding parameter estimation techniques
reviewed and evaluated by academic coordinators, where have a long history of development in the psychometrics
the researcher taught. The learning content has been the literature.
product of the researcher in her 13 years of teaching the The purpose of these models is to probabilistically
course. explain an examinee’s responses to test items via a
Questions are categorized according to Anderson and mathematical function based on his/her ability. The goal of
Krathwohl Taxonomy, which was published in 2001. Fig. 3 IRT is to estimate the learner’s ability with regards to
illustrates the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive his/her dichotomous answers to test items. These test items
Domain defining the levels of thinking. The levels build in are scored dichotomously: the correct answer receives a
increasing order of difficulty from basic, rote memorization score of one, and each of the distractors yields to a score of
to higher levels of critical thinking skills. As shown in the zero. Items scored dichotomously are often referred to as
diagram, three changes have been made in the category binary items [17].
level. Comprehension was renamed Understand, Synthesis Each lesson has difficulty level based on the incorrect
changed places with Evaluation and was renamed Create responses on the examination by the learner. Initially, the
[8]. Test questions are created and validated based on the 13 difficulty level is computed by taking the natural log of the
years teaching experience of the researcher. The test items odds of failure (the number of incorrect answers) given by
were already used in the traditional classroom learning.
Multiple choice question is a widely used and highly 𝟏−𝒑
regarded question type. However, other cognitive domains 𝒃𝒊 = 𝒍𝒏 (1)
may not be measured. Therefore, different types of
questions are constructed to encourage different approaches Equation (1) is the difficulty logit [18] where b is the
to learning, which includes true or false questions. difficulty of ith lesson and p is the number of correct
responses to test items. Negative logit means the lesson is
easy, 0 means the lesson is moderately difficult, and positive
logit means the lesson is hard.
Student’s ability is estimated based on the correct
responses on the examination. Ability is computed by
taking the natural log of the odds of success (the number of
correct answers) given by
𝜽𝒋 = 𝒍𝒏 (2)
Fig. 3 Anderson and Krathwol cognitive taxonomy 𝟏−𝒑
The Ability Logit [18] in (2) is the ability of j student
It is a repository where all the questions are drawn for the and p is the number of correct responses to test items.
summative examination. Each question in the item bank Negative logit means the ability level is poor, 0 indicates an
contains the following properties: question name, average ability level, and positive logit means ability level is
description, type, category, and points. Questions from the high.
item bank are selected proportionally for each lesson based
on the revised Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy. For each
lesson, a total of 5 (five) points are randomly picked from
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A11500681S419/19©BEIESP 813 & Sciences Publication
In the One-Parameter Logistic (1PL) Model or Rasch beginning a learning activity. The results of this exam are
Model, the probability of a correct response is determined used by the model to generate the initial learning sequence
by lesson’s difficulty and the student’s ability by of the student.
The results of the summative examination designed for
(𝛉 −𝒃 )
𝒆 𝐣 𝒊 the course are extracted and fed to the model to evaluate the
𝑷(𝜽) = (𝛉 −𝒃 ) (3)
𝟏+𝒆 𝐣 𝒊 understanding degree of a learner. Having finished reading
all the lessons, the student must answer the corresponding
P() determines the probability of a correct answer where test items. The student is considered to have understood the
is the individual ability level of jth student, b as the lesson if he/she answers them correctly. IRT generates the
difficulty parameter of ith lesson and 𝑒 is an exponential shortest learning sequence by estimating student’s ability,
function equal to 2.718281 [15]. 1PL is the simplest IRT ranks the lessons accordingly and recommends the learning
model for a dichotomous item that has only item parameter sequence to him/her.
– the difficulty parameter. Fig. 4 shows the graph of the one-
parameter logistic function using the Item Characteristic IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Curve (ICC). The proposed personalized learning model was
implemented in an e-learning environment. A section of 40
college students participated in the conduct of this research.
The course contains 10 lessons in the course, Introduction to
Programming Using C++. For the purpose of presentation, a
50-item diagnostic examination was given to students to
assess their knowledge of the course. Each lesson has a test
composed of a total of 5 points which are randomly selected
from the test bank with a combination of easy, moderate and
hard questions.
Fig. 4 Item characteristic curve EXAMINATION RESULTS
Level of Number of
The IRT model illustrates the relationship between the Scores
Proficiency Students
learner’s answer and a test item through the Item High 40 and above 15
Characteristic Curve. The standard mathematical model for Average 30 - 39 14
the ICC is the cumulative form of the logistic function. It Low Below 30 11
defines a family of curves having the general shape of the
ICC shown in Fig. 4. The horizontal axis represents the Table 1 summarizes the results of the diagnostic
ability of student in a limited range and the vertical axis examination after the test was administered to 40 students.
represents the probability that the student with certain ability Given the passing rate of 80% (40 out 50 correct items),
can answer the test correctly [17]. It shows how the
only few passed the examination. Based on the table, 15
interaction of student ability and item difficulty influences
students passed the examination, that is 37.5% of the total
the predicted probability of a correct response to the item
takers. They are considered with high proficiency level of
the knowledge domain since the threshold value is higher
The Item Information Function (IFF) is related to the than the normal passing rate, that is 75%. On the other hand,
accuracy with which ability is estimated. IIF provides 62.5% (25 students) of the total population have failed the
information about the ability of the student depending on examination. Thus, these students took remedial of the
how closely the difficulty of the item matches the ability of
course to increase their proficiency and remediate learning
the student. The item information function of the 1PL model
is given by
A. Algorithm
𝑰𝒊 𝜽, 𝒃𝒊 = 𝑷𝒊 𝜽, 𝒃𝒊 𝑸𝒊 𝜽, 𝒃𝒊 (4)
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A11500681S419/19©BEIESP 814 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1S4, June 2019
The pseudocode above shows how the equation were used has the highest learning ability and Student 29 has the
to develop the algorithm for generating the shortest leaning lowest learning ability.
sequence. It begins with comparing the test score to the The values in the rows L1 to L10 represents the difficulty
passing score, which is 80. Then, ability logit and lesson level of each lesson based on the student’s ability. Lesson
difficulty logit are computed assigned to variables a and b difficulty is between -4 and +4. That is, lessons with
respectively. A loop continues to iterate until the value of n difficulty level -4 are viewed as the easiest, lessons with
is less than the values of variable i, the total number of items level 0 are viewed as having moderately difficult, and those
in each lesson. Probability of getting the correct and that are with difficulty level 4 are the hardest. The results of
incorrect responses to test items are estimated, which are Table 2 shows that Lesson 5 is the easiest and Lesson 8 is
stored in the arrays. The item information values are stored the hardest.
in the array info and are arranged in increasing order. These Therefore, the proposed personalized learning model
values are the generated shortest learning sequence considers both lesson difficulty and the learner ability
recommended to students. because these parameters affect the student learning
B. Lesson Difficulty and Student Ability
The results of the examination were used to assess the C. Estimation of Student Learning Abilities
learning ability of the student in each lesson. The one- The probability that the learners can completely
parameter logistic (1PL) IRT model, also known as Rasch understand (P()) and cannot understand (Q()) the lesson
model, was used to recommend the shortest learning at a level with respect to their ability level are estimated at
sequence based on their individual ability taking into this point. The acceptable threshold value is 0.80
account the difficulty of the lessons. proportionate to the examination passing rate.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A11500681S419/19©BEIESP 815 & Sciences Publication
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A11500681S419/19©BEIESP 816 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1S4, June 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A11500681S419/19©BEIESP 817 & Sciences Publication
The proposed study can be integrated to the e-learning 15. Partchev, I. (2004). A visual guide to item response theory.
systems of educational institutions who wanted to leverage 16. Drasgow, F., & Hulin, C. L. (1990). Item Response Theory.
the use of their system as well as to improve the learning 17. Baker, F. B. (2001). The Basics of Item Response Theory
(Second ed.). USA: ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessmet and
process. This leaning model will be useful to students in Evaluation.
remediating learning difficulty. 18. Moulton, M. H. (2003). Rasch Estimation Demonstration
Further studies are required to improve the personalized Spreadsheet.
learning model. Moreover, future researchers are welcome 19. Admin. (2013, March 5). Important eLearning Statistics for
to explore other IRT models such as the 2PL and 3PL 2013. Retrieved from
model. Question of different types can be added to
encourage different approaches of learning. 2013/#sthash.M0w9GTVM.dpuf
The proposed e-learning prototype should be tested and a-blog/elearning-statistics-2013/
implemented to a wide-array of users since it was only
tested on 40 college students. Exploring the possibility of
implementing the personalized learning model as a plug-in
to an existing e-learning environment should also be
considered by future researchers.
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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A11500681S419/19©BEIESP 818 & Sciences Publication